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By Ken Walls on June 23, 2021

Interview with John Jaquish, Ph. D!

Interview with John Jaquish, Ph. D!

Ken Walls: Hey, good morning and welcome to Breakthrough Walls. I’m Ken Walls and I’m your host. And today, ladies and gentlemen, I have a real-life rock star on the show. Dr. John Jaquish is here and he’s going to blow your mind, so stay with us. (silence)

Ken Walls: And we’re back. Let me bring Dr. John on. Dr. John, welcome to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, Ken. Thanks for having me.

Ken Walls: I was telling you, I started this show a little over three years ago and it was to help people get unstuck in life. And, man, I mean, you can’t tell in that shirt, but, dude, you are ripped. And I know you’re a scientist and you’ve studied how the human body works and responds. And I’m pretty excited to have you on here and talk about all this. So why don’t you start? Tell everybody where you were born and raised.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. I grew up in a little place called Orinda, California, which is right outside San Francisco. And, I didn’t realize it was a very sheltered place. When I describe my childhood, I like riding bicycles everywhere. I mean, when I was a kid, we rode bikes. And I tell people this and just how I would operate and it was just a very safe place. And people were like, “Did you grow up in the 1920s? That doesn’t make any sense. Kids don’t ride their bikes. We’d get kidnapped.” And I’m like, “Well, not me because nobody would have wanted me.”

Dr. John Jaquish: But all my friends did, too. So, we went to the country club, had swim practice in the morning. And then, in the summertime, the rest of the day was ours. So, sometimes I’d go to the BART station, the light rail around the San Francisco Bay Area, and then, we’d go into Chinatown and buy fireworks because they weren’t illegal then.

Ken Walls: Wow! Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s trouble at 10 years old taking the train into the city, but it’s not like I was going to tell my mother.

Ken Walls: Right. Yeah. Times were different back then. Way different.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. If you do any crime, you got arrested, which we don’t do anymore. Yeah.

Ken Walls: That’s funny.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I’ll continue the story. So, and then my parents moved to Napa when I was in high school and went to the Catholic high school there. I enjoyed Catholic high school. It was pretty fun. Yeah. It was pretty easy to fool the nuns.

Ken Walls: Yeah. They had rules. They had rules.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. A regular teacher, know what’s going on. The nuns didn’t know what was going on. So yeah. You’d be like, “We’ll be right back,” at the beginning of class and then you’d leave and just go drink beer inaudible 00:03:46. It’s like, “Yeah.” It’s like, “All right.” But she didn’t remember we left.

Ken Walls: That is so funny. Did Dave tell me that you were an MD or you’re a Ph.D.?

Dr. John Jaquish: Ph.D.

Ken Walls: Yeah. I know you have a Ph.D. So, you went to high school there, and did you end up going to college then right out of high school?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I went to Sacramento State, which is the top university on Highway 50. I checked. It’s the only university on Highway 50. So, yeah. It’s like going to McDonald’s for your undergrad. It’s 35,000 kids that go there. And, I mean, your professors won’t know your name. I had a few that knew my name because I was a pretty social guy. And also my fraternity did a lot with the university faculty. We were the inaudible. We got almost straight A’s.

Ken Walls: What did you study in college? What was your degree in?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to go pre-med and my dad says, “I’m not paying for that crap.” He says, “You’re not going to go into debt so you can see patients and basically be a manual laborer.” And I was like, “Okay.”

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So what will you get paid for? That’s the better question. Well, and it’s interesting because he spent his life working for General Motors in Defense Research Laboratories. He worked for TRW during the most controversial time. So, he was a weapons contractor for a long time. And he put the car on the moon. The lunar roving vehicle, he designed and built that. So, a very smart guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: And what he told me was, “I spent the majority of my life building shareholder value for General Motors,” because of General Motors-owned Defense Research Laboratories. They wanted to get out of the weapons business. Most of what they did was NASA stuff, even though they had the word defense in their name.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah. He said, “Figure out how to make money first.” And he did that way later in life. He was in his late forties before he started his first company. It was a smashing success, but he was like, “Wow! I should have done this forever ago. This is much better.” And my general advice to everybody is to start your own thing. Just start your own thing.

Ken Walls: I agree. Agree.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. crosstalk whether you can do a job for a company, well figure out how to do that same job for five companies and start a subcontracting group, whatever it is. You don’t need to invent something like I did, because I know that’s an insurmountable challenge to a lot of people. I’m lucky enough I had that thought. It’s a medical device. And then a fitness, physical therapy type product.

Ken Walls: When you got out of college, so you got your undergrad. Did you immediately go into a master’s program or did you wait for a while?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, immediately. I don’t think I waited a month.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: I went, “I’m getting my MBA immediately.” Yeah.

Ken Walls: Wow! Good for you. Wow! That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, undergrad all of a sudden got interesting towards the end because the best classes are your senior year because they’re the ones with all the prerequisites and they have to do with what you’ll be doing. I remember my first couple sales classes, I was like, “Oh. Well, this is useful,” whereas like a lot of things, just whatever history, Maori tribe, whatever, while it might be interesting, I don’t know how I’m going to apply that. So, right, and nor have I. Though I met some very cool Maori people. Right, right. And I could tell them that. And they’re like “Hmm.” That got me not even a free beer.

Ken Walls: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. So, undergrad was like that. And then, getting my master’s, getting my MBA, I ended up like that because that was you learning how to run a company and how to make decisions because that’s the problem that most people have when it comes to just even starting their our business. They can’t pull the trigger. And Tony Robbins is a business partner in OsteoStrong, the medical device side of my business.

Ken Walls: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: His customer is the type of person who walks right to the edge and just does not jump in. They just can’t pull the trigger. They have hesitation, fear of failure. They have a reputation already. Typically, they’re already marginally successful. It’s like they’re going from good to great or they could, and they won’t break through the wall. They won’t make that choice.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, when it came to … So, I worked for a couple of years in relationship management software. And so, I did software sales and a little bit of design because everything I sold had to be customized to the customer’s needs. And I liked that. That was fine. And then my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and I come home and she’s crying and she’s like, “Oh, I can’t ever garden again. I can’t ever go hiking again. No more tennis.” And I’m like, “What? Why?” “I have osteoporosis.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And I thought about it. And I said, “Let me read up on it. I might be able to come up with something for you,” because she already knew about the medications and she didn’t want to take them because that’s pretty crosstalk.

Ken Walls: What is osteoporosis?

Dr. John Jaquish: So osteoporosis is you gain porousness in the bone. Yeah. The bone just becomes weak and more likely to fracture. It happens to, I think it’s three out of five women and one out of five men.

Ken Walls: Jeez!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Fragility fractures are very common. Actually, it kills as many people as breast cancer, a hip fracture. So older people, it’s not as dramatic, but they break their hip. They go to the hospital, they can’t move, they can’t set the hip. It’s too much bone to mend at that age. They don’t have enough metabolic turnover in the bone to heal it. And so, they’re bedridden, and then they might get pneumonia or something like that. There’s a 50% chance of death in one year of a hip fracture if you’re over 50 years old.

Ken Walls: My mother-in-law was just telling us that a neighbor or somebody had a hip replacement and then she fell coming into her garage, down a step, and broke her femur. How do you break your femur falling? That’s a serious break. Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and wish her a speedy recovery and you make sure that the … Just hope that her physicians can get her walking soon because that’s the thing, is if they’re stuck in bed, then there’s a very short clock.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So …. We’re not meant to sit still.

Ken Walls: Wow! So you dug into the science. You started researching this for your mother.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Ken Walls: And what’d you discover?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I developed a prototype, but basically, the discovery was the most powerful stimulus the human body gets to trigger bone growth is impact, high impact. So the rate at which, and this is seen in gymnastics, so they could replicate it. Gymnastics is a great sport to look at and to read studies about because there’s landing and then there’s the dynamics of the landing and all the force of the bodyweight that go through the body, like a gymnast dismount from uneven bars where they flip, they can get 10 times their body weight when they land. Does anybody work out with 10 times their body weight?

Ken Walls: No. No.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. The minimum dose-response, the minimum amount of force through the hip joint to trigger any bone growth at all is 4.2 multiples of body weight.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, when people are like, “Oh yeah. I go for a walk every day to help my bone health.” No. You’re not doing anything. I mean, you might have circulation. There are benefits to going for a walk, but not skeletal ones.

Ken Walls: I told Dave Daley. I said, “I bought a Peloton.” Those things are $3,000. He goes, “Set it on fire.” I said, “What?” He goes, “You’re wearing out your joints with it,” or something like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, I mean, the title of my book is … Wait. Where are we? Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. Where are we right now? And So Is Cardio. Yeah.

Ken Walls: Oh my God! Dude, you can’t tell me that. Do you know how many freaking miles I’ve run on a freaking treadmill? Come on, man. I’ve run a lot of miles. It sucks. I hated it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It regulates cortisol and it keeps you fatter longer. Yeah. It’s not the approach.

Ken Walls: Wow! Okay. So, that’s why I’m excited about this, man. I want you to change my life and there are a lot of people watching that need their lives changed. As you already know, I bought and here are just one of the bands, but I bought your X3 system. I’m excited to start using it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Good. Perfect.

Ken Walls: I wonder how many people bought your X3 system and never have used it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not many?

Ken Walls: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. It’s pretty easy to use. Nobody has trouble putting it together. It comes together. Nobody has trouble with any of the movements. Some people have some mobility issues, but they can go and do whatever to rehab that joint. So, yeah. I mean, while they’re doing x-ray and x-ray is very easy on joints, so you put …

Dr. John Jaquish: The summary is it puts massive forces through your body, through the musculature where you are capable of creating those forces. And then it discharges those forces as you move closer towards a range of motion where the joint is compromised. So, at the part of the bench press where the bar’s almost at your chest, that’s worth lighter because that’s where you’re most likely to injure and that’s where you have the least access to contractile fibers within the muscle.

Dr. John Jaquish: As you push away, that number goes up, it’s like a hockey stick. It goes like that or like this, depending on how you’re looking at this. I don’t know if I get mirror-imaged at some point. But you know what I’m saying.

Ken Walls: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. Your output capacity needs to match it. So, I took the medical device, when we’re doing the clinical trial in London. It was the University of East London that did the study, the principal investigator was from there. And what ended up happening was a lot of the test subjects, because I was there for the trial, but I wasn’t allowed to collect any data because there’s a conflict of interest. So, I helped with the method section. So basically the instructions on how to use the product correctly. How are we going to perform the study? What questions need to be asked? What are the contraindications? Who should be disqualified from the study? Somebody who’s alcoholic, habitual drug use. Those are obvious.

Dr. John Jaquish: But yeah, and there was a whole list of criteria. And so, I helped with that. And then I stuck around for a couple of weeks as the study started and I was just observing. And so, some of the test subjects that were randomly selected, were selected from hospital faculty and staff. So some of the doctors that were there would ask me, they’d say, “We’re putting tremendous forces through our limbs, through our core. What do people lift when they go to the gym? You should do a comparison.” And I was like, “All right.” So, we have women, it was an all-female study, they’ve never done any exercise in their life. That was one thing we were looking for, non-exercisers because we didn’t want somebody going, “Oh, well. She’s an athlete so that doesn’t count.”

Ken Walls: Right, right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because there’s always somebody who’s going to have some problem with something like that. So. Okay, fine. Non-exercisers. All of a sudden, they’re pushing five, six, seven, eight, even nine times their body weight with their low extremities in a very specific range of motion. So, the range of motion might be an inch, but it’s just the impact ready range, it’s just that range where they’re most powerful. So, I did the comparison. I went to the … database, which is the largest health information database in the world maintained by the National Institute of Health, it’s part of the US government and a part of our government that functions.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I did this comparison and it was profound and I thought, “Wow! People are seven times stronger in the impact ready range of motion than they are in the weaker range of motion,” which means weightlifting sucks.

Ken Walls: It does.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because you got the same weight in all ranges of motion, but you have wildly different capacities in all ranges of motion. What if you could change the weight so that it matched your capacity for creating force? You’d be able to train heavier. You’d be able to train much safer with much more repetitions. So, I mean more contractile process, a greater level of fatigue, and a greater level of fatigue will always yield more growth.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, that’s what I developed.

Ken Walls: So, and this was the OsteoStrong that you started with.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. No. The bone density device was OsteoStrong. So, the study was on that. It’s different. Right. And so, the next product was X3.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Ken Walls: So, but you said that that impact is what builds bone density, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Ken Walls: How does that work? I mean, I haven’t dug into it yet with the X3, but does this build bone density as well?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. X3 is for muscles.

Ken Walls: Okay. Yeah. ….

Dr. John Jaquish: You need to go a much higher loads, much shorter periods under tension. And we’re talking second. I mean, the second that counts is one second, where you’re just at your peak force, kind of build up your peak force.

Ken Walls: Wow! Wow! So, how does one build bone density?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, one can either go out for gymnastics and receive a bunch of impacts. I mean, that’s great advice for a-

Ken Walls: A 53-year-old.

Dr. John Jaquish:… 15-year-old person, yeah, but that’s not great advice for somebody who’s over 30 and like, “Okay. I’m not doing that.” His protein’s pretty good, but again, there are risks associated. But this is why I developed OsteoStrong. If there was a way to do it with just yoga or something you could just do on your own, I would have written a book about that, but no. We really needed something that did not exist yet.

Ken Walls: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I invented it.

Ken Walls: Wow! So Ricardo says, “The full OsteoStrong session is only four machines.” So it sounds like he’s involved in it. It’s amazing.

Ken Walls: And there’s a lot of people on here like Mark Rodriguez. He just got the X3 system. Said he has a total knee replacement. “Are there modifications you recommend on the X3?”

Dr. John Jaquish: As long as you have a full range of motion, which you should, yeah. Just train. The knee replacement’s the strongest joint in the body now.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Oh, they build joint replacements so they don’t fail.

Ken Walls: Wow! That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish:** They don’t want to go in there and clean that mess up. Also, the liability. They engineer those.

Ken Walls: Yeah. So you partnered with Tony Robbins on that deal. How did that come about? Tony’s a pretty big name.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The only way that would ever come about with a guy like that, he called me.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: profound. You got to hustle it out there. So, my first test facility was in Napa Valley, where I went to high school, and just because I knew the community, I could hustle a lot of people in there and there were some pretty influential doctors in town. The president of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine was there. And yeah, I wanted to get her involved and she ended up being a super supporter, sent all of her patients, and coauthored my first book with me.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. She was an amazing woman. Unfortunately, she’s no longer with us, but just a superhuman being. Yeah, go ahead.

Ken Walls: And that’s for the OsteoStrong we’re talking about?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That was it. That was for the OsteoStrong. And then, the object of the trial I was talking about, I realized, like I said, weightlifting sucks to stimulate muscle growth. It’s just awful. It’s just not how we work. We ought to have variance. And there have been a few approaches, but the approaches weren’t strong enough. Some people have a weighted bar and then they put some bands on it also. The problem is the variance ratio is bad because they’re holding X on the bar on their chest and they’re holding 1.2X at the top, whereas you actually would want to hold X to the bottom and maybe 5X at the top.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s got to be a very strong difference.

Ken Walls: How does this all … Okay. So, I’m going off of Dave Daley talking to me about this and he’s the reason I bought your system. And so I look at this and he says … Well, he talks about diet as well. Do you do the carnivore diet?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Ken Walls: And anything else with that? I think he said you were one of the reasons he started it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. That makes sense. How do I say this least offensively?

Ken Walls: Say it however you have to say it, man. You’re not going to … me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We need animal protein and that’s like … Vegetable protein is so low quality, we only can absorb nine to 16% of the protein that comes from vegetable sources. So, if you’re only getting 16%, let’s say you have some powdered pea protein, you’re mixing it up all day long. However many grams of protein you’re getting, it’s only 16% of that. So, you’re doing anything? No. You’re just wasting your time, wasting your money.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you got to have a higher quality protein. You also need one gram per pound of body weight. That’s been very laboriously covered by many different studies. And there are still people who want to argue with it. Usually, they’re vegans or Seventh-day Adventists who, it’s their mission to make everybody a vegetarian. A religious mission.

Ken Walls: Is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. And they don’t care who they have to lie to. That’s what Jesus wanted, according to them.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Yeah. So, you got to look at when you read a study where it says, “Carbohydrates are great.” Yeah. Who funded that study or who was involved? Were there any Seventh-day Adventists involved? If so, drop it in the trash.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Was an Institution of Nutritional Wellness or some nonprofit involved, which is just a shell for Nabisco or Kellogg’s or Baskin-Robbins. Yeah. That’s a lot of those things. See, the big food … So, snack foods are all carbohydrate-based. I mean, except for maybe the guy who makes beef jerky and I suppose a Slim Jim, but there’s probably some barn paint in there, so he’s conflicted. Never eat a Slim Jim.

Ken Walls: Don’t eat a Slim Jim?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Ken Walls: What about that ripped dude that’s always, “Snap into a Slim Jim!”

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, you mean Randy Savage?

Ken Walls: Yeah. Randy Savage. They just paid him well. He probably didn’t …

Dr. John Jaquish: They paid him! Yeah, yeah. I love that guy. I love just yelling in the camera. Yes. A man of the people.

Ken Walls: That’s funny.

Dr. John Jaquish: Unfortunately, he’s no longer with us.

Ken Walls: Yeah. Right. He ate too many Slim Jims.

Dr. John Jaquish: Probably. Yeah. Don’t eat a Slim Jim. It’s just a chemical shit storm. You don’t want to do that. Processed foods are a big problem, but so basically big food knows that … Big food wants everybody to be vegan not because they’re trying to help you with your health. It’s because they know vegans don’t eat kale. They eat cookies and cake because it’s not meat, so you can shovel sugar into your mouth all day long and they make sugar-based products.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So there are trillions of dollars behind things like Beyond Meat or the Impossible Burger, trying to get people to get this chemical garbage and give up on meat because they can sell them more expensive products. So, from top to bottom, and I got this from one of the biggest meat distributors in the United States, the guy who owns the company is a really good friend of mine and he says, “From top to bottom, the best margin,” and this is divided between all distributors and the farmer and everything like that, 12% with a stake, there is a 12% margin. So, and that’s got to be divided amongst multiple parties.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, meat has a relatively poor margin, but a Triscuit, and I don’t know how accurate this is. I did read it in an article. Don’t remember where I saw the article, has a 600% margin because the base material, wheat grain, is cheaper than dirt.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Topsoil’s more expensive. Yeah. Yeah. It’s like they can turn something cheaper than dirt into a desirable food and then they tell you it’s healthy.

Ken Walls: Oh, god.

Dr. John Jaquish: They lie to you and tell you it’s healthy. I mean, these people. It’s criminal what’s going on.

Ken Walls: So, you’re not a proponent of wheat-based products.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Ken Walls: I truly-

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t eat anything other than steak.

Ken Walls: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a supplement. There’s a supplement I do also called Fortagen , which is … There you go. Fortagen’s right there. Yeah. It’s crosstalk-

Ken Walls: I’ve been holding onto this to ask you what the heck this is because it came with the system.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So we’re supposed to eat, humans are supposed to eat rotting things, but, for sanitation reasons, we don’t. But there’s real value there. It’s where the best amino acids come from. So, with this product, it’s the bacterial fermentation, but the bacteria is gone after it’s left the material and just left the fermentation behind. Then we have amino acids and then all the amino acids are combined in the right proportion, so different cultures. And then putting them together in the right combination that the human body can most optimally use. So almost a hundred percent usable by the body.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So I take four doses of Fortagen per day. So that makes up for 2 milligram-

Ken Walls: These packets?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Four of those. And, except on rest days, because I’m not going through any muscle protein synthesis on a rest day, so no need.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I’ll take four of those and then maybe have a one-pound steak in the evening. That’s 300 grams of protein and I weigh 240. So I’m overfed on protein.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s the goal.

Ken Walls: No carbs.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s the only inaudible I count. I don’t really eat carbohydrates except for hyperplasia protocol where you stretch the muscle to the point where you force cells to split. That’s detailed in the book and you have a little bit of carbohydrate before that to super hydrate the muscle. But that’s it. That’s my whole diet and I can crosstalk-

Ken Walls: No bread.

Dr. John Jaquish: .. or glucose tablets. They’re right here. Glucose supplement.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Just little tablets.

Ken Walls: So you don’t eat in the morning, it doesn’t sound like.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. I don’t even have a glass of water.

Ken Walls: Do you have-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve tried that, too.

Ken Walls: My wife just did a 36-hour dry fast. I think she may have watched one of your videos and she did a 36-hour dry fast. I was impressed.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nice. So, I go 20 hours a day dry fast.

Ken Walls: God!

Dr. John Jaquish: And then I have a four-hour hydration and eating window.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s seven days a week.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: It seems extreme. I actually developed this. After all, I thought it would be easier for people to follow this than some of the other stuff I was doing because I was doing three-day water fasts and people were like, “No way can I do that?” I hate when people say that. It’s like, “All right. So, I’ll just talk yourself out of success. Good for you.”

Ken Walls: Good job.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you want to lose body fat, you go three days with no food. You can see a difference just in a couple of days. You’ll see body fat just disappearing.

Ken Walls: So, water fast means you’re just consuming water?

Dr. John Jaquish: Drink water, yeah.

Ken Walls: Wow! Don’t you get a headache or …

Dr. John Jaquish: In the beginning. Your body gets used to it. Yeah, yeah. Like anything else. Okay. So, hydration is very key to having your cerebrospinal fluid right. So, when you’re dehydrated, you’re low on cerebrospinal fluid. And so, your brain is touching the bottom of your skull. It’s a mechanical problem. And so, now this is what big hydration changes. Let’s say you couldn’t drink anything for … You’re stuck in the desert. You’re just dehydrated and you got a splitting headache. And then, you come back and you drink a ton of water. Now you made too much cerebrospinal fluid. You got a headache again. Different kind of a headache. But the body’s always trying to find homeostasis. It’s always trying to find a way to be in balance.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what happens when you first start to dry fast and especially if you’ve never done this before. See, now, I had the luxury of doing this in high school because I wrestled. Everybody dry fasts in wrestling. We don’t call it dry fasting. We just called it making weight. So, I wrestled at the 130-pound weight class, but I was more like 140 in high school.

Ken Walls: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. So two days, 48 hours, no food, no water. And guess what? I was down 10 pounds and most of it was water and yeah.

Ken Walls: Okay. So, and this is not me making excuses for anyone. I mean, if you can, and I’m getting ready to pop your website up here. If it looks like I’m distracted, that’s what I’m doing. But the average person, obviously you’re going to be more successful when you can reach the average human being that isn’t the athlete. They’re just fat and they’ve tried everything. They’ve tried the Jenny Craig and they’ve tried the 75 HARD, which I’ve done. My wife and I both completed that. And like I said, it’s hard for a reason. It’s called that for a reason.

Ken Walls: But the average person that is like, “Man, I go to the gym, I see all these muscle heads. They’re screaming as they’re lifting weights.” And I’ve been there. I’m over on the treadmill. And I’m watching the big dudes over there, screaming as they’re throwing weights around. I’m like, “Dude, what the heck are you doing?” I don’t even go over by there because it’s like I don’t fit in. I’m not going over there. And who wants to go for an hour, hour and a half to the freaking gym? And so, what is the solution for the average person that wants to be more fit? They want to lose weight. They don’t want to do a 20-hour fast every day, but is there a solution? Is there a happy medium somewhere?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. What I’m doing … Also, you’ve seen pictures of me. You can see a picture of me on the cover of the book. I’m in very good shape. And so I’m beyond what most people would want. And when it comes to being lean, diet counts a lot more than your exercise. You need them both but the more extreme the nutrition, you’ll see those results. In the past, getting leaner than 7% for most white people is very difficult. Your testosterone starts crashing. Your body doesn’t want you to look like a statue. And if you can get there, it usually has to do with dehydration. You can’t be there for very long. So, it’s kind of fleeting. So, I tell people, “First of all, stop looking at bodybuilders if you want to see a great physique.” Those guys look like that for one day.

Ken Walls: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it has a lot to do with, they can manipulate the hydration. So they hydrate the muscle, but they dehydrate the skin. So the skin looks very thin and almost inhuman-like. And so, there’s a science … Well, science. I guess there’s a practice they have.

Ken Walls: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s science in it, but it was developed through trial and error, which is not science, but yeah, they know how to do that, but they look like that for a very short period. Five days after the contest, they don’t look like that. Five days before the contest, they don’t look like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I tell people to stop looking at those guys, and instead, if you want to look at strong lean people, look at the NFL. First of all, they’re drug tested and all that. That’s why I enjoy working with the NFL players I work with. They’re strong, they’re lean, and they’re not taking anything. And the way the World Anti-Doping Association works now if you have any irregularity in your blood work. It used to be, they needed to identify what you had been taking. And so, somebody would modify some steroid and then take it. And it’s like, “They couldn’t identify it.” So they’re like, “Oh, well.” So they just created a new chemical and then we’ll just use that. So that’s a problem.

Dr. John Jaquish: But now, if you have any irregularity like your testosterone just looks too high, or your estradiol is wrong or your whatever, your estrogen has a spike in or it’s too low. You’ve been taking an estrogen suppressant or something like that. Even things like Flonase. If you’re a sprinter and you take Flonase, you’re out. You’re done. You can’t race. That’s cheating.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: This is a bronchial dilator. It opens up all the pathways in your sinuses and your lungs. So you have an advantage. You can process more oxygen. So, it’s less about trying to define what cheating is. It’s just, you got to be natural, and natural is natural. No cold medicines, no whatever.

Ken Walls: Right. So, somebody-

Dr. John Jaquish: So, crosstalk … Hang on. What I was saying was, if you want to know what you can look like with a reasonable, with a good effort with exercise, and you still have to train to fatigue, but it only takes 10 minutes. So people have 10 minutes.

Ken Walls: crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: I find people are not lazy, but it’s time. They can work out hard for 10 minutes, but if you tell them to work out hard for an hour, they’re like, “I don’t have the time.”

Ken Walls: 10 minutes is so manageable, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. You spend as much time doing that brushing your teeth.

Ken Walls: Yeah. Is that a couple of times a day, once a day? How often do you recommend?

Dr. John Jaquish: Once a day, six days a week.

Ken Walls: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Ken Walls: 10 minutes?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So you get to fatigue a lot quicker than you would in a standard workout, but the objective is to completely fatigue the muscle. And so, X3 is a strategy to get to a greater level of fatigue with higher weight in a higher level of safety.

Ken Walls: Dave Daley said, “Your body becomes a furnace. The fat just starts melting off.”

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s right. Yeah. He’s a lean guy. He knows.

Ken Walls: Yeah. Yeah. That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and how crosstalk-

Ken Walls: Yeah. That was a question. That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s true. Yeah. Absolutely.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, there are a couple of reasons. One is you build muscle fast with X3. Muscle is an engine that’s running all the time, burning calories. The calorie argument, by the way, is a poor one because you’re not an ice cube. The melting of an ice cube is the law of thermodynamics. The biochemistry of a human or an animal has a lot of hormones going on, which adjust, skews what we would expect from the laws of thermodynamics.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Your body will at times retain more than you think. It will recycle more old cells than you would think because you’re taking in less fuel. So you got to stimulate the body properly and you’ll make sure you’re not painting yourself into a corner like people will do a lot of cardio and they’re trying to lose weight. That’s the worst thing.

Ken Walls: Wow! That’s incredible.

Ken Walls: So when did you develop the X3 system and what was the reason?

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Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it was going to be the best muscle-building product on Earth. Also, it’s a fraction of the cost of any home gym. When you’re done with it, it fits in a drawer so you don’t have to chew up your garage or ruin your house. I don’t know how many emails I’ve … I’ve received hundreds, maybe even over a thousand emails where people were like, “X3 saved my marriage because now my wife doesn’t have to park outside anymore because of my gym.” And I was like, all I was thinking was, “Why didn’t you park outside?”

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of guys out there, they’re just dicks. If you want a gym in your garage, you put it on your side, not on her side.

Ken Walls: Right. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or the same vice versa. The funny thing is it was always that same story. And I’m like, “God! The nation needs marriage counseling.” Or at least these guys do. My wife, inaudible. I may only have a one-car garage. And maybe that was like, they both had to park outside. I don’t know. But I crosstalk … There’s an odd talk track that just kept on showing up. And I was like, “Okay.”

Ken Walls: That might be the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while. So, but okay. And I’ve seen pictures of you. I mean, you are. You’re freaking ripped. It looks like there’s not a muscle on your body that’s not ripped.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

Ken Walls: And were you like that before X3?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I was fat.

Ken Walls: What? No. Come on.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Ken Walls: You were fat?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Ken Walls: Dude?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Ken Walls: Sorry. I called you dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I call that fat. You could not see any abdominals at all. Yeah. I mean, had a pudgy stomach, fat face. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this was while I was launching the OsteoStrong. I flew 200,000 miles a year. So and the funny thing, I was pretty close to carnivore back down. I was ketogenic back then because I knew that was the optimal nutrition, but still, with the amount of travel, there was a lot of processed stuff in there and eating on planes. You don’t know what the hell they put in that. There are all kinds of vegetable oils, which are just totally toxic. I still eat out a lot, but I eat at places that don’t use vegetable oil.

Ken Walls: Right. Wow! That’s crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So, yeah, I wasn’t in shape. I would expect usually when I’d be at the beach and I had my shirt off, nobody would say I looked strong, or like, “Wow! Do you work out?” Nobody was impressed. But I didn’t look weak. I played rugby as an undergrad. I probably looked like the standard rugby players. You don’t have the six-pack or anything. And I was 190.

Dr. John Jaquish: But then, once starting X3, the first year I gained 30 pounds of muscle. In the second year, I gained 15 pounds of muscle and lost in those two years 16 pounds of body fat. So, yeah. I mean, I became a different person, and yeah, it works. It worked so well. And I’ve been lifting weights for 20 years and I hadn’t gotten anything out of it. I was completely … I never missed a workout probably in 20 years. I was dedicated. I did it. Every time I thought I was getting bigger, I just got fatter, which is where the 22-

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: … body fat came from because, in undergrad, I remember I did a triathlon right after rugby season. And I went to the gym and lifted after my triathlon. That shows you I wasn’t even worn out. I was like, “Whatever.”

Ken Walls: Wow! Charles Coachman says, “Is this recommended for all ages?”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. As long as you’re fully mobile. If you can stand, you can do it. It comes with lightweight banding. And then, it goes to very, very heavy. The heaviest band is 600 pounds. That’s optional, by the way, just because not everybody’s going to be able to use that on day one. They might need to get that one later. Half of the NFL cannot use that band.

Ken Walls: I did not buy the 600-pound band. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You didn’t need it. Right. You probably will. A lot of guys who started in the NFL, couldn’t use it. They couldn’t even do one rep. And now they can because they’ve gotten stronger.

Ken Walls: Wow! My wife’s asking a question on here. “Will women lean out and tone?” She doesn’t want to build bulk or doesn’t want to bulk up. She doesn’t want to look like you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. I don’t blame her.

Ken Walls: I don’t want her to look like you.

Dr. John Jaquish: You crosstalk to look like me, either. So, here are the differences between men and women. Women don’t have the hormones to look like a man from a muscular standpoint. They end up just getting harder and a better shape. So, the softness of the muscle goes away and becomes harder. The body fat around the muscle becomes less and women become more defined. They look more feminine. Here’s what happens to a lot of women as they start lifting weights and then they have a bigger appetite. So, then they start eating more. And then they’re like, “Oh, no. I’m getting big from lifting.” It’s like, “No, no, no, no. Cupcakes are getting you big.” I have this discussion all the time. It’s very frustrating because they’re ignoring the obvious and a lot of people lie to themselves about what they eat. I talk to people every day who are 300, 400 pounds. And they’re like, “I don’t understand. I only eat 1,500 calories a day.” If you’re going to lie to yourself and lie to me. Yeah. No. Nothing I can do here.

Ken Walls: Mary says, “Why does heart disease exist? Plant-based eaters say, ‘It’s animal food that causes heart issues.’” Let’s see if that triggers you.

Dr. John Jaquish: It doesn’t trigger me. No, I’m not a vegan. They’re the ones that get mad at science. So, cardiac incidents in meat-eaters. So, in the past, when a lot of epidemiologic studies were done, these are survey-based studies. So when you’re studying a human’s nutrition, you can’t put them in a cage and feed them what you want to feed them. That’s against human ethics, in this country at least. Other countries will let you sort of doing that. And you can put people in an area where they can’t go out and get other food.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, for a long time, we’ve been told, for a hundred years we’ve been told vegetables are the healthiest thing we can eat. And sugar wasn’t allowed to be vilified in the 1960s and 70s. So, it was discovered that it was just killing us and the people were paid off to just sit on the information. So, and it was the big food producers that didn’t want that out there. They just want to keep selling people breakfast cereal and ice cream and all kinds of stuff, packaged foods.

Ken Walls: But Pepsi and Coke are good for you, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They’re terrible.

Ken Walls: You said, “Yeah.”

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk they already knew that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, what was the question? Oh, you asked … So, yeah. I know somebody asked about heart disease, saturated fat. Yeah. So, what causes most cardiac incidents is a blockage. Where’s blockage come from? So there’s inflammation within the cardiovascular system. And as everything’s flowing by, your blood cells are flowing by. When a low-density lipoprotein, LDL, which is considered bad cholesterol, or previously was considered bad. It’s low density so it sticks on the inflammation points and can cause a blockage. Well, what’s the problem? What’s floating by or the inflammation?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, inflammation is the problem. And, by the way, you’ll have sky-high cholesterol when you fast, when you eat nothing because your body is metabolizing its body fat. So, that’s when your cholesterol goes highest. So, saying LDL cholesterol or cholesterol, in general, is bad for you is like saying weight loss is bad for you. So we should all just be fat. That’s stupid.

Ken Walls: That’s crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you know this. And this is just, I mean, I’m talking basic biology right now. Well, if that low-density lipoprotein is present and will always be present at times, it’ll be intermittently present. Well, then we need to stop the inflammation. Where’s the inflammation come from? It comes from carbohydrates. Sugars. Just the refined fructose, that kind of thing. That should be cut out of our diets completely.

Ken Walls: I’ve heard people say, “If you’re going to have sugar, don’t do processed sugars. Make sure it’s the pure sugar cane.” That’s …

Dr. John Jaquish: There was a homeless guy that lived in a dumpster behind my place in San Francisco. And he used inaudible the same thing about heroin. But I don’t get my life advice from homeless people.

Ken Walls: Right, right. So, let me ask you this. And that’ll probably be more of a psychological thing. What do you think, in your opinion, because there’s going to be a lot of people that watch this? Your X3 system certainly is way less expensive than a home gym, but it’s still 500 bucks or whatever it is. So, there’s going to be a lot of people that watch this that go, “Man. I’d like to look like that dude,” or, “I’d like but, I don’t know that I can give up … I love bread. I don’t think I can give up bread. I don’t … The carbs, man.” I’m a recovered alcoholic with 19 years sober. So I know what it’s like to lie to myself.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: And let me ask you a question. Why don’t alcoholics get a cheat day?

Ken Walls: Right. Because it turns into a cheat life.

Dr. John Jaquish: Carbohydrates are completely addictive. In nature, they go away. If we were in an indigenous tribe somewhere, we would know where the peach trees are. We would gorge ourselves on peaches, make ourselves fat for the winter so we could live off of our body fat. Listen to this. Bears give themselves type 2 diabetes every year. What is type 2 diabetes? It helps you get as fat as possible, but they hibernate. They don’t eat anything for the winter. And we’re designed with that same mechanism. So, I say type 2 diabetes is not a dysfunction of the body at all. It’s a function. It’s your body helping you get as fat as possible so you can survive the winter, but we don’t have these challenges anymore.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what do you need carbohydrates for? Because the rest of the year, people can’t get them. Where I live in Northern California, numerous places that I live but like this whole area, fruits and vegetables don’t bloom here. I mean, not for an extended period. Maybe a couple of weeks towards the end of the summer or in the fall, probably mid-fall before it gets cold. So, that’s the only time you have carbohydrates and then you get fat and then you survive the winter.

Ken Walls: What do you think? And this is in your opinion. What do you think holds people back, though, from … And I’m talking about success financially, success in life, success with getting rid of body fat. What is it that’s stopping people?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, from a fitness perspective … So, I think fitness is a catalyst to your whole life. Because once you get your body fat under control, you’ll feel great when you get out of bed and then look in the mirror and you’re like, “Oh, wow! My six-pack looks great today.” You’re kind of there. I’m going to quote Coco Chanel here. “Nothing tastes as good as being …” She said, “Thin.” I always misquote her and say, “Fit feels,” because and she’s saying when you wake up, you look in the mirror and you look great. Like, “Wow. What a great place to be.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Problem is, everybody’s given such bad advice. The nutrition that people follow, even what they think is healthy is not. And then their exercise is just beyond illogical. But it’s what people are doing. Hey, when you had a fever, you know what George Washington died? Bloodletting. They cut them open and let him bleed out a pint of blood.

Ken Walls: What?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It was to reduce his fever. He had pneumonia or something and they want to get his fever down. So you just make somebody bleed a pint and then their fever goes down. That’s how they used to do it or they’d cover you with leaches.

Ken Walls: I mean, it worked. His fever went down.

Dr. John Jaquish: His fever went down and then he bled to death. So, that’s how the guy died.

Ken Walls: God! I didn’t know that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So crosstalk back then. Yeah.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a big paradigm shift. And, at first, I was ridiculed. And then, now I’m being violently opposed. But then, the third phase with innovation is it’s accepted as normal. People will act like variable resistance always made sense. And anything else was just kind of like, “Oh, yeah. Remember when we used to lift iron that didn’t change weight as we move. Boy! That was stupid.”

Ken Walls: That’s so funny.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s where the world will be because when everybody understands variable resistance and that’s the point of the book and I belabor it in the book. I got to go over every little detail. I describe every single study in the outcomes and the limitations of every study and what the study found. So, each study individually, does this tell the whole story? No, but we look at all 16 of them and you’re like, “Okay. Every time this has been analyzed, this comes out to be way better than regular weightlifting.”

Ken Walls: That’s so awesome. Man, you’ve got me sold. Dave Daley already had me sold. I mean, I went out and bought your X3 and I know nothing about it. Not yet. I’m going to watch the videos, but I think that everybody watching … First off, show the book. I’m going to give you the full screen. Show your book one more time, if you would, John, so everybody can see that. Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time. And what’s the subtitle?

Dr. John Jaquish: And So Is Cardio.

Ken Walls: And So Is Cardio!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s a better way to have the body you want. Where are we? It’s a Wall Street Jourbestsellerller.

Ken Walls: That’s incredible, man. That’s incredible. And here, John Fairchild has been singing your praises. He’s on the X3 system. He’s singing your praises in the comments. I am going to get you to come on and do an Amazon Live so we can sell your book directly to Amazon customers.

Ken Walls: But so, stay with me if you would. I’m going to end the live stream. I would like to know a little bit more about this because everybody that’s doing this is saying they’re using the Fortagen, too. You recommend how many of these per day for crosstalk?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: You want a gram of protein per pound of body weight. One of those is the value equivalent of 50 grams of standard protein source. So yeah. So, if you like … What’s your body weight?

Ken Walls: I’m at about 235.

**Dr. John Jaquish:**So you want 235 grams of protein.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you could get three of them. So, three doses and you’ve taken care of 150 grams of protein. Now you have 85 grams of protein you need to take care of, which is like a one-pound rib-eye. So and that’s why I only eat one meal a day because I take care of my nutrition for the most part, and then I have room for some real food.

Ken Walls: I have noticed… I didn’t even know about this carnivore thing. So Dave told me about it. He’s like, “Dude, I’m on the road so much. I’ll go through a drive-through at Wendy’s and get a triple with bacon and that’s all.” And so I’ve done that multiple times. And I’m going to tell you that

Dr. John Jaquish: Did you throw the bun away?

Ken Walls: What’s that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Did you throw the bun away?

Ken Walls: Yeah. No bun, no condiments. Just the meat. I do have them put a slice of cheese on it. I know. It’s processed, but, I’m going to tell you something and for anybody listening, it’s a significant change in your appetite. I notice when I eat maybe a triple like that, I have no appetite for a long time. I mean, where if I’m eating, I don’t know, bread or this crap or whatever, within a few hours, I’m hungry again. And that’s not the case with this. It’s incredible. So, I think that more people need to be in your environment. They need to follow you on Instagram, first off. And you have a Facebook page as well, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. Yeah. I have a landing page, which is easier because most people have trouble spelling my last name. So, it’s just , D-O-C-T-O-R the letter j dot com.

Ken Walls: Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: And there are links to the landing page. So there are links to my Instagram, my Facebook, YouTube. I do most on Instagram just because it’s easier. I like that platform better.

Ken Walls: And it’s just D-O-C-T-O-R and the letter j dot com?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Ken Walls: How did you get that? Wow! That’s it right there, .

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s it, Yeah. Well, Julius Irving is fishing now.

Ken Walls: That’s funny. Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

Ken Walls: Dude. You’re incredible, man. Look! Mark Rodriguez said he’s selling his Peloton. Mine’s for sale, too. Mine’s for sale, too. So, all right. Dr. John, thank you so much. I appreciate you being on here.

Dr. John Jaquish: No problem.

Ken Walls: Hang on real quick. I want to talk to you about doing an Amazon, but thank you, man. You’re awesome. Everybody goes over to Follow this guy, buy his system, and let’s join his community and create some really healthy human beings here. Thank you so much, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, Ken.

Ken Walls: Thank you. I appreciate it. We’ll see you guys later. (silence)

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