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By On the Range Podcast on June 11, 2021

Dr. John Jaquish- Author & Inventor - On The Range Podcast #77

Dr. John Jaquish- Author & Inventor - On The Range Podcast #77

In this episode, Dr. John Jaquish discusses his book, products, and inventions while covering why weightlifting is a waste of time.

Full Transcript

Mark Kelley: Welcome everybody to another episode of On The Range podcast with Hogg Tactical and Kelley Defense. Today is June 11, 2021, as always I’m joined by my close friend, partner, and cohost, Rick Hogg. How’s it going, buddy?

Rick Hogg: Man, it’s going great. Mark, just want to thank the viewers/listeners out there for giving us your most precious commodity, your time, for tuning in, appreciate it guys.

Mark Kelley: Yeah man, can’t do it without them. Today, this episode is brought to you by Kill Cliff. Visit, use promo code OTR15, save yourself a boatload of cash, get yourself some good clean energy with ingredients that do not suck. Also, don’t forget to hit, use promo code OTR25, support what they’re doing, because they’re doing a lot of great stuff for veterans and putting kids through school, some places where they wouldn’t have the opportunity to do so, so go ahead and visit those guys.

Mark Kelley: Today, we have a great show, Rick. Our guest, why don’t you go ahead introduce him.

Rick Hogg: Yeah buddy. We’ve got Dr. John Jaquish, he is an author, he is an inventor, he’s a scientist. Super excited to have him on so John, welcome to the show buddy.

Mark Kelley: Yes man, thanks for being here buddy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Glad I could be here.

Mark Kelley: When your team reached out to us, we were excited because I’ve seen you before. I’ve seen some of your books. The one book that most people talk about is Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. I love it. I remember when this all started to come out and the product was launched and it’s been out for about 3-4 years now if I’m correct.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mark Kelley: There are a couple of generations updates and things like that you made. I’ve seen you on a lot of podcasts, a lot of shows, and I thought you’re just an interesting guy so we appreciate you coming on here.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

Mark Kelley: Can you give our audience a little background on how you ended up here?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m the most hated man in fitness. I’m also not part of the fitness industry at all. The industry of fitness is the industry of selling gym memberships and personal training time so is it an industry? Nobody is getting results. How many people do you know that have been going to the gym for years and still look the same?

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Probably almost everyone you know who goes to a gym. They don’t change.

Mark Kelley: Right. If they’re doing the same thing, they look the same.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even if they mix it up. Muscle Confusion Theory has been disproven. The American College of Sports Medicine now has a physician’s stand, don’t change your workouts. Stick to the same workout with multi-joint movements. The real problem in the industry is science doesn’t make its way to the consumer. There’s been a lot of great scientific discoveries over the last 75 years when it comes to health and wellness, but if you get a gym membership, you’ll never hear about it. Never.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Cardio is probably one of the worst things you can do if you want to lose body fat. Yet, there we get 100 women, Suzy Cream Cheese, eating the crap food they eat and getting on the treadmill and not losing a thing.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They do it year after year and it’s just pathetic. It always bothered me. My real backstory is I created a medical device about 13 years ago that reverses osteoporosis. It reverses osteoporosis faster than any drug that’s ever been clinically trialed and there are no side effects. It’s fantastic for those who can use it. It’s not right for everybody, like everything else. That’s called OsteoStrong and there are 150 clinics in eight different countries.

Mark Kelley: Yeah. I’m familiar with OsteoStrong and I’d like for you to talk about that a little bit because there’s actually one in the Cincinnati area and there’s also one in Louisville. It’s a mechanical device. It’s a workout machine, or a series of workout machines, correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’d call it more like therapy.

Mark Kelley: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I try and stay away from the “e” word. If people are being charged $200 a month. You better not call it an exercise. It triggers bone growth. Is it exercise for the bone? You could call it that. I don’t have a problem with someone calling it that, just from a marketing perspective, it seems the best way to describe it.

Dr. John Jaquish: OsteoStrong was going so well and we were in our first real clinical trial and that was being done in London because the British government participated in that study. By the way, it is harder to get something done at a single U.S. hospital than it is with the entire British government when it comes to medical. Their medical is still a nightmare, but it’s just who’s got a bigger bureaucracy? That’s the fall.

Mark Kelley: Yeah. We’ve got to be at the front of the race on that one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fortunately, I met the right people in the National Health Services in the British government. As things go, it’s a giant Department of Motor Vehicles for your healthcare. You can imagine how it runs. Sort of like everything else government-run, not well.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They do it better I would have expected, given the scenario. I was running the trial there and some of the test subjects. I participated from a methods perspective only. When you conduct a study or a study is being conducted and you’re the inventor, you write the instructions and methods, so that the technicians and principal investigator don’t apply the technology incorrectly. If they apply it incorrectly, it’s going to show that it doesn’t work. You want to make sure you describe how it’s supposed to be used in a very specific way. So that’s what I did and then I went there to just be an observer.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was sitting behind the mirrored glass and watching the test subjects and talking to some of the people who were in the study. Some of the people that were in the study were physicians at the hospital. What they said was, “We are so amazed.”. Postmenopausal females using six, seven, eight times their body weight. These weights that we’re using to load our bone mass are staggering. One would think that this is unsafe. It turns out, it’s not unsafe at all, given the very specific position. The positioning of the body when you’re using these OsteoStrong machines is one where you would naturally absorb high-impact forces. When we were doing the study and we were looking at these optimized body mechanics, I had never really compared what people lift.

Dr. John Jaquish: One of the doctors said to me, “I’d like to know, what do the average people lift, or people like me?”. She was a post-menopausal female, a 60-year-old woman, never worked out a day in her life. “What can people lift?” Fortunately, we have the NIH database. NIH database is the National Institute of Health database on a lot of different things that are body composition and exercise-related. There are about 20,000 test optics in there and they add about 2,000 interviewees every year to continue to capture these health methods. I compared this database with what we were doing. The average individual in this study was dealing almost eight times their body weight. Looking at that number and seeing that people who go and exercise, I’m just talking hip joint loading here because that was the only comparable number, and also that’s the important one when it comes to osteoporosis. When you break your hip, you have a 50% chance of death within one year if you’re over the age of 50.

Mark Kelley: Wow. I had no idea.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hip fractures kill as many people as breast cancer does.

Mark Kelley: Wow.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the complications. You break your hip, you go to the hospital, you can’t move, you are stuck there, you get pneumonia and die. Remember, pneumonia kills 6.6 times as many people as Coronavirus. We were never worried about that before, we’re not worried about that now. When I’m looking at this date and I’m showing it to the physicians that asked, she was the Administrator of the hospital. I said I’m looking at 1.3 and 1.53 as the two data points so if we get her beginner weight and exerciser experience with exercise, now I’d say 1.53 is the experience of weightlifting. Someone will say, “Yeah, but Eddie Hall does…”. There’s one Eddie Hall.

Rick Hogg: Yeah.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s one fucking guy that does that. There’s not like a busload of people who do that. That’s the reason why you know his name. For the rest of us, 1.53 is considered advanced. This is also not leg press. This is like leg squatting.

Mark Kelley: What was your inspiration for the device? Was the device one device or you knew you were, going to need multiple devices to accomplish what you were looking for?

Dr. John Jaquish: The loading was so high. When I load my spine with the OsteoStrong device, I go over 1,000 lbs. I started with gym equipment and tried loading it and I bent it up and crumpled that stuff like it’s made out of chocolate. The gym equipment wasn’t good enough. The gauge of steel we use for the OsteoStrong is tractor steel. The average person who goes to OsteoStrong, some athletes who go to OsteoStrong, are post-menopausal women that are dealing with more force, we’re just talking raw force here, than most of the strongest people than you could ever find.

Mark Kelley: Really.

Dr. John Jaquish: But, they’re only dealing with it in that impact-ready range of motion so the range that they’re dealing with may only be an inch. So they’re pushing an inch, but it’s a tremendous amount of force. The inch of range of motion comes from the compression of their bone. You can watch it happen. You can watch somebody’s femur get shorter and then bounce right back.

Mark Kelley: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s the way the skeleton is designed. Our bones are supposed to do that. We just never experience it or had never even really thought about it that way. Of course, I’m giving a lecture to local physicians and people who are interested and they don’t know how all that works, but I go to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, the world leaders on bone health, and they are jumping out of their seats clapping. They say, “Yeah, that’s exactly how that works.”. The idea that there’s a conspiracy theory that big pharma companies don’t want you to exercise, they just want you to take pills. I can tell you that in my experience in dealing with the medical community, the opposite is true.

Rick Hogg: I was always under the impression that the bone density, what you have is what you got. So, basically what you’re saying is by loading the bone, and actually getting that compression and coming back, that’s stimulating bone growth. Am I correct in that?

Dr. John Jaquish: If you load the bone to the appropriate level. The minimum dose for a response. Lifting, the whole joke is someone says I’m doing 40 oz curls tonight that means they’re holding a 40 oz beer. So that’s not going to build muscle. There’s a minimum dose-response. There’s a minimum amount of force that’s required for a given muscle to stimulate and change it. When I look at the dosage that’s required, we know what it is for the hip joint. It’s 4.2 multiples of body weight. When somebody goes on a walk and says oh I need to walk so I can load bone so I don’t have osteoporosis. You’ll see little old ladies saying that, or even post-menopausal, not even old. That’s not going to do anything. It does nothing. It might do some stuff for the circulation and calories going from that, but they’re not building their bone.

Mark Kelley: 4.2 times your body weight is a lot.

Rick Hogg: And it’s only going to be in that short little one-inch movement.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right, you need to load it in a very specific position. The high impact would do it. Like with gymnastics. This is how gymnasts have superhuman bone strength. Retired gymnasts seem to be able to do anything athletic. Have you ever noticed that? Anything a former gymnast gets into, they just dominate and they have incredibly high bone density, incredibly high muscular density, incredibly low body weight. Anything where a power-weight ratio counts, they are just so dominant, weightlifting or whatever.

Rick Hogg: Yeah.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: After making all of these observations, I remember sitting with the principal investigator and a couple of doctors from the hospital, and I said, “My conclusion is weightlifting sucks.”. We know we can handle X amount of force held close to our body, and 7X as we get further away. If I’m doing a chest press, and I’m trying to add 7X right here, then I am missing out on the growth potential when I’m back here, because I’m much weaker back here. I should be handling proportionately a lot different weight here and even in the middle than out here. Weightlifting sucks so what’s better?

Dr. John Jaquish: We need a weight that changes as we move. We’ve always band training, but that never took off. People have been trying to launch band programs for a long time. The problem is, you wrap a band around your hand and then you go to push away from yourself, it twists your wrist. It outwardly twists your wrist. If you step on a band and try to do a deadlift, your ankles are trying to roll inward, because the more you stretch the band, the more it wants to be a circle. Considering all this, I thought band training will never do it. That will always fail. Band training is great for someone who’s in rehab or is just decrepit, so weak they can barely stand up. Maybe you could put some bands with that particular person until they can graduate to something more usable.

Dr. John Jaquish: I thought what I need to do is stabilize the wrists because these are some of the smallest bones in the body and most delicate bones in the body. If the wrist is kept neutral the whole time, we can load it to an incredible degree. Same thing with the ankles. I came up with the second ground you can stand on and a bar. The Olympic bar design is genius because the weight can roll, but the bar stays stable in your hand. I just developed that and patented that in 67 different countries with the bar and the plate to stand on. That’s how X3 was developed. The story is in the book so that I could prove that weightlifting sucks as a stimulus for muscle growth. There’s a better way. The better way is variable resistance. We’re holding less weight where we’re weaker and much more weight when we’re stronger. You end up training with a much higher weight than you would in the gym with this method. When you go to fatigue, you don’t have any joint soreness.

Rick Hogg: John, you brought up the patent thing and I’ve always been interested in that. You got it in 67 different countries. That had to be a feat in itself, cause I know just trying to deal with U.S. PTO, that’s a drama in itself. How was that journey for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: When I got those patents, when they were granted, there were 13 of them on different aspects of X3 Bar. That was right around my 600th patent.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Mark Kelley: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think with that whole set, I hit the 600 mark. I have a lot of experience with patents.

Rick Hogg: I’d say so. Do you get an attorney that must love you, man? Those things are not cheap to put through.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. X3 was funny. So it sounds like you’ve dealt with the patent office.

Rick Hogg: Oh I have.

Dr. John Jaquish: Whenever you go to invent something, it amazes me how when you describe it to your friends, and say, I’m going to take a big financial risk here, to put this product out.", they all say the same thing, well your smarter friends won’t say this, but most people will, “Why do you want to do that, that’s not going to work?”. They’re trying to protect you. They know that most people can’t weather the storm of ridicule for coming up with something new. Any time somebody says we gotta do something different, we gotta do something new, it’s like heresy. Nutrition is completely unconventional also. I get screamed at for that all day long also. I can show you the evidence, I can show you why I’m doing this and if spend your time understanding it instead of bitching and complaining, you’ll do it this way too, or you’ll at least challenge your current beliefs.

Rick Hogg: I think you summed it up correctly. The guys that are in your corner, and I got it that you need those sounding board of wisdom where you’re saying I’m gonna reinvent the water bottle, I’m not sure what you can do about that or maybe you’ve found a new mousetrap, they say I wouldn’t do that. If you’ve done your due diligence, your research, “Hey I’ve got something new, something inventive.”, sure run the process. My experience has been, when it comes to patent attorneys, win, lose or draw, they’re getting their money. It’s not like litigation where they know they want to win, you kinda go, we’ll put it through the system and see what happens. Then, of course, if you’ve got to go back and repute U.S. PTO, that’s gonna cost you more money cause something else has to be re-written in legalese. Your average person can’t do and better explain. It’s always that, trying to get from the inventor to the attorney, this is what I’m trying to convey. We need to say it like this. That doesn’t make sense to me, but you’re the expert, and here’s more money for that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then there’s the litigation. I’ve enjoyed some of that too. I’ve shut down a couple of companies in the U.S. who tried to knock it off. I’ve successfully shut down operations in China, which a lot of people will say you can’t do.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Mark Kelley: Explain that one.

Dr. John Jaquish: All of your listeners are going to know, how you can enforce a patent in China. Are you guys ready? File your patent in China. What people do is they file a patent in the United States and then they don’t realize that other countries don’t give a shit. You have to file in their country. You also have to retain lawyers in that country. When Chinese lawyers go to a Chinese court with a Chinese patent, wanting to enforce it, it doesn’t matter that I’m an American, it’s a Chinese patent, that I paid the filing fees on. This belongs to the guy with the funny last name. It doesn’t matter where I’m from. People file a U.S. patent and they just think that’s okay. 67 different countries are what I’m filing for.

Mark Kelley: You made a really good point. We had a guest on a couple of shows ago where he said that people will give advice based on their own beliefs and their capabilities. They will shut things down early. Love our audience. We always talk about when they’re transferring from uniform services and things like that. Rick likes to talk about the patent stuff because he has experience with that and knows how difficult that can be. A lot of it is the mindset. You have a good mindset when it comes to sticking with it and pushing through. I’ve heard on some of the podcasts that you’ve been, people would challenge you a little about some of these other experts that are saying this is what they say. You’ve had a really good attitude about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m focused on winning.

Mark Kelley: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: What do I need to do to win? Most hate on the internet, 99.9% of it is just jealousy. They see you’re successful and they hate it, or they wish they thought of it. People who complain about the product. Somebody will go, “Oh look at this asshole and his Lamborghini, he’s showing off.”. and I say “I put my Lamborghini in ads so when people are scrolling through the internet, they stop and they make a comment, just like you did.”.

Rick Hogg: Versus somebody sitting there, and I think we’re all the same way John, if someone reaches and out and go, “Hey man, you have 600 patents, man you’ve got some experience. Hey, how do I file in China?”. I’m sure you’d be willing to tell somebody.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh. Totally.

Rick Hogg: You know, and that’s the part that people don’t get is if you reach out versus the negativity, and just go “Hey John, how’d you file in China? Maybe pass me your attorney that you’re using.”. Most people I’ve found are more than willing to help.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah.

Rick Hogg: But if you sit there and go “Man your stuff’s garbage.”, what are you looking to get out of it? Nothing.

Dr. John Jaquish: The new thing with trolling, and this is why Facebook makes it very easy to ban and block these people, is that they realize that most of what trolls do is just lie. They lie about the company that they’re bitching about. I see these people and I think Facebook is relentless in its ability to help an entrepreneur get rid of these clowns. There are all kinds of methods. I spent $3 million last year with Facebook, I’ll spend double that this year.

Rick Hogg: Let me ask you this John. Here’s the thing, a buddy of mine, he’s been booted off specifically IG twice, because people have stolen his profile, turned around, pretended to be him, trying to solicit money out of people. It seems like the flaw, and it’s funny you brought it up, there’s no validation to go, this is me. So if I try to go to Instagram or Facebook and validate my business, they don’t accept my documents. They don’t accept my stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re referring to the little blue checkmark that makes sure you’re the official you.

Rick Hogg: Right. I just wonder, you’ve got the in with Facebook, granted you’ve put millions of dollars to them. I just wonder how much that plays. Is it if you’re low-hanging fruit, starting up a new business, they don’t turn an eye to you because you haven’t put enough money towards it. We’re trying to use that tool to help and grow our businesses, but in my one buddy’s case, two separate occasions. You bring it up because it’s a great tool for you, but it’s used against him to negate his business. I don’t know if you had any insight on that with just all your dealings with Facebook.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would recommend hiring a consultant for verification. You’re dealing with an oligarchy here. That’s what big tech social media is. Know the animal you’re dealing with. You may as well be dealing with the Russian mafia.

Rick Hogg: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re not criminals, but they are in control, so you gotta play their game. Different consultants can help. For me to get verification, I needed, you need a minimum of 65 legitimate articles written about you. It needs to be in eight different languages.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: That many people need to give a s*** about who you are and what you’re saying. So if somebody is marketing a product and it’s just in the U.S., you’re dead.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fortunately, there’s more press about me in other countries than there is in the States because osteoporosis is everywhere. It’s a lot worse in Asian countries it’s worse than in the United States, Russia is worse than the United States, places that have low sunlight, Canada, any Nordic country, like Iceland, Sweden, Norway. We’re working on Finland and Denmark, it’s huge in Denmark.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was just recently in Copenhagen. I kinda lucked out, cause this is what I need and I’ve almost got all this stuff. That has quite a bit to do with it. The people who get the easiest verification are comedians.

Rick Hogg: Really.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Because when they’re funny, it gets shared. If I were to do this all over again, I would be a lot funnier. When you have something, there’s a specific kind of tape, it’s a fiberglass tape, and somebody built a roll cage out of pipes and then all the connecting joints were this tape. They drive a car off a cliff and see if they can survive it. Of course, the guy, the main actor, had a mullet. It was kinda that vibe. His company just blew up right after they did this ad. They got verified on every platform.

Mark Kelley: I’m dialing into that. I don’t know where that’s at, but I’m dialing in.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are, this tape, I don’t need to build a roll cage around my Lamborghini, I’m not planning on driving it off any cliffs, but if I did, I know which tape I would use.

**Rick Hogg:**There you go. I gotta ask John this one. Speaking of the Lambo, have you opened that thing up, has there been a chance?

Dr. John Jaquish: I drive another Lamborghini on a racetrack and I’ve taken that to 220.

Rick Hogg: Oh my God.

Mark Kelley: Nice. Rick and I do it, but we usually rent them. We’re not going to do that to our cars.

Dr. John Jaquish: The Lamborghini isn’t the one I drive. They said, “If you want to do a track day, let us know and our race team is in Vegas.”. They have a GT3 class racing team headquartered in the United States and then they have another one in Europe. These guys were just cool about it, they’re like, “Don’t beat up on your car, beat up on ours.”. Also, guys, if you do a track day, Lamborghini provides this amazing vehicle that you can do all kinds of crazy shit in. Put away absolutely destroy any limits you thought you had in any other car, this car is so spectacular, but they don’t want you beating up on it and then saying well you built it to do this but then it’s falling apart so now you gotta fix it for me. They don’t want that. I could probably drive 150 every day provided law enforcement was okay with this, everywhere I go and it’d be fine. The car would not have any issues. You get over 200 and there are a few rattles, pushing the car to its absolute limits.

Mark Kelley: Yeah.

Rick Hogg: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s racing. I never really understood until I started racing. You’re destroying your car. I like cars, I think they should be cared for.

Rick Hogg: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the machine you like, so don’t trash it, celebrate it.

Rick Hogg: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Racing is just a different way to look at appreciating an automobile. You appreciate it by pushing it as hard as you can push it. Push it to get as much performance out of it as you can.

Mark Kelley: Where are you located, you don’t have to give me the address, but you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I split my time up. I got a couple of places I live. Sorta Lake Tahoe, North California area. I get death threats every day so I never try and be too specific.

Mark Kelley: No, no, we don’t want that. How long has it been since the first rollout of the X3?

Dr. John Jaquish: I kinda derailed myself on the story. Four years ago, I had a prototype and I started using it. I put on 30 lbs. of muscle after turning 40.

Mark Kelley: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m 44 now. That can happen to anybody. People are, “You must have taken performance-enhancing drugs.”. Performance-enhancing drugs don’t do a lot for a guy over 40. Correct exercise does. 30 lbs. of muscle in the first year and as soon as that happened, my fraternity brothers would be, “What happened to you? Did you get hit by lightning or you’ve been working in the gamma-ray lab with Dr. Banner?”. This is crazy what’s happening cause there’s all of a sudden veins coming out all over me and I’m leaner and I have a six-pack. I guess I thought I was fit, I played rugby. I was really fat 190 lbs. I had a stomach, I didn’t have any physical abdominals at all. All of a sudden, one year later, I had visible abdominals. They weren’t sharp, but I was way bigger and people just immediately were like, “What the hell, are you getting any younger?”. My face got younger, but my face got leaner. You get leaner, you look younger.

Dr. John Jaquish: Everybody was really excited about it, I really had to do some soul searching here, because I developed the prototype, and I was so excited, and I had friends that could help me market this. I jumped on a plane and went to see my buddy Dave Asprey. For anybody who doesn’t know who Dave Asprey is, he’s the guy who invented the term bio hacking, he’s written six or seven best selling books, brilliant guy, really has the code cracked on how to get around some of the bigger problems of aging, chronic disease. He’s really one of the first people to push ketogenic nutrition. Although I hate that term because ketogenesis has nothing to do with nutrition, it is the absence of nutrition that triggers that. So you eat nothing and you go into the strongest form of ketosis. He was always a proponent of a better understanding of that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I went to him and I made another prototype. It was really funny, I brought it in this pelican case. It looks like I’m carrying an anti-aircraft gun. I didn’t get stopped in airport security, I got stopped six times after airport security. “Can I look in that, what’s in that?”. They think it looks like an anti-aircraft gun. The humble inventor story. I’ll pull out a band and do some bicep curls and show them how X3 Bar workshow it works and they’re, “Okay, this is awesome, where do I order one?”. You can’t yet. I do have some more great stories about airport security, especially in the Middle East.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: I go and see Dave and he’s excited about it. He says, “I understand this perfectly. This is so much better than regular weight lifting.”. Dave’s brand is Bulletproof. It’s almost like a way around nutrition or a way around exercise to get to fitness and health. That’s kinda what biohacking is. Whereas, this is very obviously difficult to exercise. It allows us to train a lot further and go to a much deeper level of exhaustion. Dave got that and is like, “It’s kinda counter what I normally do, but it’s efficient because in 10 minutes, you’re wiped out and that’s the only workout you need for your whole day.”. He promoted it and I asked him do you want to license this because I’m kinda busy with OsteoStrong. I already had a job, I invented another thing that’s taking over the world. I don’t know if I have time for two things. He said it wasn’t his backdrop. He said, “I’ll help you promote it, but I don’t know if this is a Bulletproof product.”.

Dr. John Jaquish: I took it to a whole bunch of other fitness manufacturers, and they all said the same thing, “You’re going to make a scientific argument to the fitness industry, that’s your plan?”. I said “Yeah.”, and they said it will never happen. People in the fitness industry can’t listen to an even logical argument, let alone a scientific one. I didn’t listen to them. It wasn’t the answer I wanted, maybe they’re just bad marketers so I’ll do it without them. It turns out they were right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I started marketing and it was clear these people are not capable of understanding a new concept. Only highly intelligent people can understand a new concept. Everyone else is just a follower. Right? That’s why you need to wear your masks, right? It takes a smart person to understand if the size of a water particle can pass through the mask, right. You can put a piece of glass up to your face while you’re wearing your mask and you can see the steam. We already know that the Covid virus is smaller than a water particle so it goes right through the mask. You can run your experiment at home and prove to yourself that a mask doesn’t do s***. I knew you guys would like me on this show. It goes right through. You ever seen a Hazmat outfit that looks like a spacesuit?

Rick Hogg: Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe we should all wear one of those. Like to see Fauci in one, looking like a…

Mark Kelley: Stay Puft marshmallow man rolling out there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Glasses all fogged up on the inside. People who work in virology, that’s what they have to wear to keep the virus from getting to them. I’m sure a little piece of cloth over your mouth is going to do the exactly the same thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: So these people, they couldn’t understand the concept so I immediately pivoted towards an audience that was more like Dave’s audience. The busy professionals, a guy who works construction and just doesn’t have time to go to the gym. Because of overtime, the guy might work 14 hours a day. He can go home and do a workout that takes him 10 minutes and then he’s ready for his evening. He could do it before he goes to work maybe. As far as going to a gym, that doesn’t fit in with that guy’s lifestyle. People with kids. If you have kids, immediately the gym is not your priority. You gotta take care of your kids. Even just getting married, you’ve got to pay attention to your partner that’s part of the deal.

Dr. John Jaquish: The whole idea is it’s a better stimulus, but it saves time. People told me afterward, “I didn’t believe it was a better stimulus, I thought it would be about the same. Now that I have it, it’s far better than lifting weights.”. I have 100’s of people, some of whom can be seen on the website, say, “I got better results in six months of X3 than I did in 20 years of weight lifting.”. Because the inefficiencies are taken out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Probably the most important discovery that I made was the genetic differences that keep us from being strong, which almost everybody has. The easiest example, I was talking about the pectoral insertion point. You know how I was saying some people work out for years and years and years and they never make progress. The people who are in the NFL picked up weights for the first time when they were 15 or 16. They might have put on 20-30 lbs. of muscle almost immediately, within maybe even six months, and it’s like clearly this person was born to be an athlete.

Dr. John Jaquish: What’s the defining line? The research shows us that the leanest people, looking at the percentage of body fat because it accounts for the muscular area also, so the more muscular you are, the lower your percentage of body fat is because you have more muscle, the leanest 1% of American males are 10.6% body fat. 1% is pathetic. 10.6% is maybe you can see the outline of your top abdominals. The question I ask is, who’s fit? Maybe one out of 1,000 people. Maybe 1 out of 10,000 people has exceptional physical conditioning. I’m talking more aesthetics because that’s what we’re measuring than I’m talking performance. It’s really difficult to get there with the conventional methods. Also, there’s a great study by Pasiakos in 2011. He had a whole research team also, I just don’t remember all their names. 23% of people who exercise, no matter what they do, can not trigger muscle protein synthesis. They’re lifting and they’re not getting anything out of it.

Mark Kelley: What was the reason for that?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m gonna get to that. It has to do with where your tendons connect. My pectoral tendon connects to the humerus bone and it brings my arm across my body. That’s what my pectoral does, it’s as short as the pectoral gets, it’s thicker when you get to that point, and then it stretches out. That’s the action of the pectoral. The attachment point is usually at the beginning of the humerus bone.

Dr. John Jaquish: Some people have it attached down here. It’s a mutation. When you have the attachment down on the other end, now you have a lever arm that pushes your arm across your body. You know if you’ve ever tried to pick up a rock in the garden and then you come with a crowbar and you can pop that rock out of the ground. You can do things effortlessly that you couldn’t do with your hands because you have a lever arm. Essentially, that’s what’s happening inside somebody’s body who has tendon insertion advantage.

Dr. John Jaquish: This is what keeps pro athletes pro athletes also keeps people from making any progress in the gym. What I realized, after coming to this conclusion. This is after I launched X3. This is why weight lifting doesn’t work for some people, I included. I lifted weights for 20 years, during rugby, after rugby, I played rugby even a little after undergrad. I just couldn’t get anything out of lifting. I wasn’t weak, I got the beginner gains, but I might have put on 20 lbs. of muscle, but that was back when I was 17. Then what? I just kept on the same, I kept thinking I was getting bigger, but really what I was doing was getting fatter.

Dr. John Jaquish: The whole subject was frustrating, but now I understood why so many people aren’t growing, With X3, because we vary their resistance, that lever arm makes no difference whatsoever because once you’re almost at the stage of full contraction, leverage doesn’t matter. It’s a way around the bad genetics.

Mark Kelley: I know the book, it has to have a nutrition piece to that as well, right. Most people should understand how important that is. I want you to talk about that a little bit because I think that’s got to go hand in hand with what you’re saying.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. When launching X3, I knew I had the absolute best muscle-building product out there. This thing has worked so well and it worked for everybody that used it except for one group who I just found so frustrating. These are the people who just refused to get the right amount of protein. Somebody would say, “I’m not gaining muscle.”. I would ask what’s your protein intake? “Oh, I have tons of protein, maybe 50 grams a day.”. I ask how much do you weigh? “200 lbs.”. You should have 200 grams of protein, one gram per pound of body weight. “That’s not possible to eat that much.”. It is because I do it every day. For a 200 lb. guy, eating a two lb steak is hard. I will say, I eat one meal a day now because I want a fasting benefit and I do dry fasting also, which amplifies that benefit.

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Rick Hogg: What’s dry fasting? I’m sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me get to that, remember that. When eating one meal a day, I’ve eaten two lbs. of steak at once. That last 1/2 lb., you’re not loving it. But yeah, okay, I’ll eat it. I’ll eat it, because I need it, but do I want to eat it? No.

Rick Hogg: You don’t want to try the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest.

Mark Kelley: That’s coming up. Don’t tell Joey Chestnut that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I realized people had trouble stomaching that much meat. Of course, veganism is a mental illness more than anything else. It’s going to go down in history with bulimia and anorexia, because it’s just malnutrition based on bad information. I’d say the commitment to it is the mental illness. If somebody’s a vegan they heard this was good, but if you’re going to convince me of something else, I’d like to talk to that guy. I’ll convince that guy that what he’s doing is a bad idea. Coming to this conclusion of how much protein you need.

Dr. John Jaquish: I approached it from a very different perspective. I wanted people to get the most out of X3, so they gotta be the most muscular. It just so happens that the two things that drive the longest life, and this is uncontested research, high levels of strength, low levels of body fat. Most nutrition research has got all kinds of conflicts and one set of research says this and one set of research says the opposite. There’s only one way to get a high level of strength and low level of body fat and that’s eating animal protein. With veganism, you’re doing the opposite, you’re getting fatter and you’re getting weaker. That shortens life. The unbiased research that all causes of mortality, always shows that vegans and vegetarians live a shorter life.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s why I made the decision I made and I’m also a purist. It’s meat only. There’s no value in most of the things that contain carbohydrates. I don’t bother with any of it. The only supplement I take is a protein that I launched, which is a modification of a cancer protocol, which is the best protein that had ever been created repurposed for anabolic growth as opposed to anti-cancer wasting. That’s the only thing in the clinical literature that worked when it came to essential amino acids. Essential amino acids have been out for 50 years and they never did anything. The logic was there, the execution was poor. That’s all I take. I do four doses of Fortigen a day. Now I only do 1/2 lb. meat, just a regular steak. That’s all I eat in one day.

Rick Hogg: What is dry fasting then?

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a four-hour window where I take in hydration. I hydrate, I work out, I do my hypoplasia protocol, which has to do with a vasodilator and the stretching after my workout. Vasodilators are Epimedium, over-the-counter supplements, there’s another called Hydromax, which is supposed to volumize tissue, but if you want to do it right, take a Viagra or another vasodilator like Cialis, that’s prescription and that does the job. You get incredible blood flow to muscle tissue and then after your workout, you stretch and this is to initiate cells splitting within the muscle. That’s all in the hydration window and I eat at the end of that hydration window and then no fluids or food for 20 straight hours.

Dr. John Jaquish: By dehydrating yourself, your body will only get so dehydrated, so you go through some dehydration symptoms, and then you come out of them because your body starts tapping metabolic water. It takes fat cells, starts pulling moisture out of them, which destroys them. You’re losing body fat really quickly, and then as the cells are destroyed, your body uses autophagy to re appropriate all the fat and allows the protein that is in those cells to do other stuff and build newer cells in body but then the water is brought into your system. Even though I’m dry fasting for 20 hours, I’m still urinating, I’m still have saliva in my mouth, I don’t have dry mouth, I don’t have a headache, because I’m used to it. You do have to get used to this. It takes about two weeks to get used to. The results are outstanding.

Mark Kelley: All of that is in your book, correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mark Kelley: Where can our audience find your book? I know it’s on Amazon, I saw that, but where would be your preferred method for them to get a copy of the book? Dr. John Jaquish: On all my social media, I create a landing page. I suggest if someone wants to follow me, follow me on Instagram. I just like that platform better. I put more material there. My landing page is

Mark Kelley: I tell you what, it was a lot of fun having you. Your outlook on a lot of the stuff is very positive. Just your stance alone on meat, I can see on social media how viscous even the vegan community can be. You are always really positive and with the entrepreneurship and stuff, I know the guys are gonna love it. I appreciate you being here today.

Dr. John Jaquish: Have a religious devotion to your diet? That’s helping. As soon as you act fanatical, there’s no point in continuing the conversation.

Mark Kelley: Man, hey, a lot of fun and appreciate you being here, and good luck to you. If you ever need anything, let us know. But, a lot of fun having you on here today doc. I appreciate it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I love this. This was a very refreshing podcast, cause I was asked different questions. A lot of people watch all the other podcasts and then they ask the same questions.

Rick Hogg: Here’s the thing, you’ve got a Lambo, right? So let’s talk about that thing.

Mark Kelley: We can’t let that go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Amazing vehicle, I highly recommend it.

Mark Kelley: We’ll make it out to Vegas and you’ll have to let us take that bad boy for a ride. We promise we’ll bring it back in one piece.

Dr. John Jaquish: I tell you guys if someone wants to get a Lamborghini when Audi bought the company, they made it a reliable car. You don’t want the one with the scissor doors, that’s the last two, don’t get those, those are hand made meaning error. They’re not the one that Lambo races either so those are built for show. Also, they are wider than a Suburban.

Rick Hogg: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: It creates the illusion that you’re lower to the ground. So it looks like a razor blade on wheels, right. The car is so aggressive looking, it’s weird when you look at it. Get the higher production. Mine is a Huracan.

Mark Kelley: Yeah, I’m gonna have to run that by my wife I think. That’s a pretty significant purchase in the Kelley household.

Mark Kelley: Congratulations on all your success and I know you do some speaking and things like that and a lot of motivational stuff so seems like you’re doing a heck of a lot more good than I can see doing bad. Appreciate it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome guys.

Mark Kelley: All right brother, thanks a lot, John.

Rick Hogg: John, have a great weekend pal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Have a good weekend guys. Bye.

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