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By Healthy Gut Girl on June 28, 2018



Dr. John Jaquish, the creator of Osteostrong and the X3 Bar variable resistance system, blows our minds with the facts about bone loss and bone density, the hype about weight lifting and the magic of resistance training.

Full Transcript

Mark Labbato: Okay, we’re live.

Kitty Martone: You just rolled your eyes, like…

Mark Labbato: I did. I mean, what’s this turning into?

Kitty Martone: Hey, I’d like to share my musical progress with my listeners.

Mark Labbato: [Abbot Kinney 00:00:43] Idol.

Kitty Martone: Aye, yai, yai. Hey everybody, it’s Healthy Gut Girl and this is Stuff Your Doctor should Know. I’m here with Mark Labbato.

Mark Labbato: Hello. That is I.

Kitty Martone: Excuse me. I’ve been having a little tickle in my throat today. I don’t know why.

Mark Labbato: Come back. Come back. There you go.

Kitty Martone: Sorry. Listen, we are having this really cool guest. Or we already had him and we’re just doing our little intro now. But he was so cool. This was a really, really interesting… interesting.

Mark Labbato: Interesting. Interesting.

Kitty Martone: Answer me this question.

Mark Labbato: Okay.

Kitty Martone: Was I coughing the entire time? No?

Mark Labbato: You were coughing earlier, a few times.

Kitty Martone: The second we pressed record, I started coughing. I’m allergic to recording.

Mark Labbato: You’re allergic to electronics?

Kitty Martone: Yeah.

Mark Labbato: Maybe you’re a Luddite. You’re related to the Luddites.

Kitty Martone: The Luddites?

Mark Labbato: Yeah, Luddites were known for not being technological at all.

Kitty Martone: Well, that’s for sure me. Clearly, with all the technical difficulties we had maybe we’re… I don’t know. So we’re having this guest, named Dr. John Jaquish, right?

Mark Labbato: Jaquish, yeah.

Kitty Martone: Jaquish. Jaquish. He’s the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful/fracture resistant athletes. John is now partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weight lifting, which brought him to his second invention, the X3 Bar variable resistance system. So listen, this guy is a… He’s a research professor at Rushmore University, he speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, he’s been featured on many to the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals, and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science. So this guy’s no joke. I’m not just gonna have anybody on this show who invented a medical… Or not a medical device, but a workout thing, a workout…

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Mark Labbato: Method. Yeah, but you know, as you just read that, droll thing. And I don’t mean it in a bad way. It’s like, “Okay, great, but why are we having him on?” Because you went to a class and you were like, “This is amazing.”

Kitty Martone: Okay. I’ll tell you the story.

Mark Labbato: I mean, yeah, there’s a story behind it. Because that…

Kitty Martone: Well, that’s just his bio. I was just reading his bio.

Mark Labbato: Yeah, his bio. But I didn’t know anything about it, until you told me about it.

Kitty Martone: Right.

Mark Labbato: That’s why you’re having him on.

Kitty Martone: Well, one of my good friends and neighbors, she, we go to the dog park. We take our dogs to the park in the morning. And she started this little salon at her home. It’s called Blah Blah Blah, the salon she has. It’s really funny. You know, she gets-

Mark Labbato: Oh, it’s really called Blah Blah Blah?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, where were-

Mark Labbato: Okay, I thought…

Kitty Martone: You’ve been to one, where you have a speaker come and speak to a group of people about whatever. I’ve spoken there on multiple occasions about health and whatnot. One day, there was a guest, a girl, there. She came and she happened to be from New Mexico, so we had an instant connection. She worked at OsteoStrong. She said, “Hey, I work at this revolutionary new way of working out place and I’d like to give you a couple of free visits.” So I went and it was amazing. It was really different, very cool, very easy. I mean, it’s very attractive because you’re only working out for like 10 minutes. And that, of course, to me was like, yes, okay. I mean, everybody wants-

Mark Labbato: Yeah. Right away, you say 10 minutes, okay, great. I want a Los Angeles workout, 10 minutes and you can look like-

Kitty Martone: Right, Gisele. But you know, the thing is that we know that working out… That being fit takes a lot of work. I’m not lazy, I just don’t like working out. I like doing other things, but I know that in order to get certain health benefits, like the older I get, I have to be concerned with bone density and I have to be concerned… Of course, I’m always concerned with hormone balance, and with weight loss, and things like this. It takes work, it takes effort to achieve those things, to achieve benefits in those areas. So I know that, but along comes this thing and it’s got this incredible science behind it, incredible. I was blown away and sold right away. So I wanted to interview him, because I want to get more information before I actually dropped some money and start going to this gym or buying the X3 Bar variable resistance system, which is this bar that you have at home and you work out with. I don’t want it to be like some like ab buster. I want this to be something that has a lot of science behind it and that’s really good. So that’s why I wanted to have him on.

Mark Labbato: I’m interested. I want to know what he has to say, and what this is all about, and really what the science is behind this, because apparently, what you just read and what you told me, there’s a lot of evidence that shows this is a very effective form of exercising. Okay, 10 minutes? I’m open to it.

Kitty Martone: Yeah. Okay, cool. Well, check it out.

Mark Labbato: Here we go.

Kitty Martone: Okay, cool. Well, here you are. Thank you for being with us and handling us.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Kitty Martone: And you met Mark.

Mark Labbato: Who are you?

Kitty Martone: Who are you? Yeah, just-

Mark Labbato: Who am I talking to here, please?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, just introduce yourself, because I’m super excited and I want my audience members to know why.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Well, my name is John Jaquish, I’m a doctor of biomedical engineering. I developed a couple of things that really help a lot of individuals. You want the full background right now?

Kitty Martone: Well, the intro sort of went into your bio, but I do want to know… You know what I want to know? Well, you know what, let’s talk about what you invented and how that happened.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, yeah. And I’ll do it in chronological order. So about 10 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I was in school and she was very upset. She told me, “Oh, I think I’m going to die.” My mother is very dramatic, so I said, “Well, why’s that?” She says, “I was diagnosed with osteoporosis.” And I thought, “Okay, well, this is an actual thing, unlike some of the other things that she thought was going to end her life.” So I said, “Let me look into this.” As I read about osteoporosis, I had just a very different opinion than some others had and I said, “This is deconditioning of bone and anything that’s deconditioned can become recondition.” Your listeners should write that down, because there’s evidence now that even people who have degrading eyesight can exercise their eyes and they can regain their eyesight, the eyesight that they previously had. With certain deconditioning, the flexibility, the contract out properties of the muscles around the eye, it’s just deconditioning from not looking at things far away and then close up and having to readjust. So what I did was I said, “Okay, mom, I’m going to find research that has isolated individuals that have the highest levels of bone density. I’m going to find out how they did it.” That answer, when I asked the right question, was crystal clear. It was gymnast’s and it has to do with the way that gymnast hit the ground. Then, I also found… And this is mind blowing to a lot of physicians, but of course, I hope they’re listening because this is something they should know. I found 25,000 different studies showing bone density growth based on impact level loading, similar to the gymnast, or some of these were on gymnastics or box jumps. 25,000 studies showing growth of bone in very high levels of load. But of course, these were not necessarily safe protocols or they were highly monitored by physical therapist or people with a gymnastics background. The exclusion criteria when looking at a lot of studies is kind of crazy because… And this is true of almost all medical studies, is they want to find somebody that doesn’t have any other confounding factors. So they isolate some group of people who’s never taken a medication, never had anything wrong with them. That’s not the regular population, most people are on I think it’s 2.7 medications who are over 50 years old. But what I saw in this huge body of literature was an overwhelming understanding of putting high force on bone and eliciting a response. 67% of the cohorts in those studies that I just referenced were over the age of 50 also. So this wasn’t just gymnasts, this was a majority adults, people who are actually compromised when it comes to their bone density. Once I saw this and I saw some of these protocols that you wouldn’t call safe but interesting from a scientific perspective, I said, “Okay, what I’m going to do is instead of creating impact, I’m going to emulate impact.” So give the benefit of high impact without the risks. We use a computerized biofeedback system and this is what I developed for my mother, a computerized biofeedback system, and just isolating the positions where a human would naturally absorb impact force. In doing so, the individuals can very aggressively grow bone density like these other 25,000 studies, but they don’t have the risks because we’ve taken an out of control event, which is impact, and made it a very controlled event by which comfort is the guide for the individual. You have to be comfortable while you’re doing it. So you’re in a very slow and controlled manner. Kitty, you’ve tried it, right?

Kitty Martone: Mm-hmm (affirmative), yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Good. Yeah, yeah. In a very slow and controlled manner, you’re compressing bone on its axis and it’s very comfortable through the whole experience. Then, when you discharge, you see a number that you’ve put through it, an amount of force that you put through your bone mass in four different positions that is staggering compared to what even some of the strongest people would use in a gym. Then, you have a detailed report that is emailed to you at the end of the session and you can share that with your physician. Physicians really like seeing the metric of functional bone performance improved because they know if an individual started by loading their hip joint with 400 pounds and then six months later, they can load it with 800 pounds, they know that this person is more likely to resist fracture. Because, and this is important, the entire musculoskeletal system is involved in avoiding fracture because muscles, tendons, ligaments decelerate individuals or discharged the loading and protect you whereas the medications just target bone, they don’t do anything about the surrounding materials that are supposed to discharge this there, to discharge these high levels of forces. So we have fantastic results. The only side effect is joint pain reduction and strength.

Kitty Martone: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. So there’s just no downside. This doesn’t mean that it’s for everyone. There’s contraindications and people need to be relatively pain free, relatively fully mobile. Somebody that has paralysis, obviously they can’t self load a limb that has paralysis. Going through the contraindications and get cleared for high intensity exercise type experience from your physician, it’s certainly worth a try, because… There’s another thing I say to physicians, you should always try physical medicine first, because there’s no downside to that. And some do and they recommend a better nutrition program for someone with diabetes. That’s the first step, you’ve got to clean up your nutrition, that may help you. Then now, you can recommend OsteoStrong, which is what it’s called, OsteoStrong. is the website and you can read all the research there. There’s a good physician section and they can read all the actual clinical data as opposed to the interpretations. It’s been fantastic and it has helped 10s of thousands of people around the world.

Kitty Martone: Including your mother, who had dramatic results.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, yeah. I actually frequently forget to bring that back up, but yes. Thank you, thank you so much for bringing that up again. So yes, my mother, in 18 months, she went from being, right at the diagnosis level of osteoporosis, negative 2.5 T-score. In 18 months, her T-score was almost zero. So in her 70s, she had the bones of a 30 year old coming back from osteoporosis. She still does today and she’s 81.

Mark Labbato: Was she taking any medication at the time?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, she never would. She never wanted to. She just read the side effects and she said, “I’d rather have osteoporosis than have the side effects.”

Kitty Martone: So then, you’re saying that this is a deconditioning of bone. Now, is that also… When you say deconditioning, it’s also when people get older, they tend to get more sedentary, they tend to… It’s just age, they’re sitting around more, they’re not as active. But is it also a decline in their nutrition? So it’s probably both of those things. Is that right?

Dr. John Jaquish: It is also… Yes. Well, okay, it’s a little more complicated than that in that a lot of different inflammation and recovery that’s required needs calcium. So this can damage bone. So for example, somebody with… This is a great example because it’s one of the things that damages bone pretty significantly is smoking. But another thing that damages bone significantly is a burn, as in like let’s say you burned a lot of skin. Let’s say you spilled your tea in your lap, that can compromise bone mass too, if you have some significant-

Mark Labbato: It’s because it draws calcium from your bones or something.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right, that’s right, because calcium is like a battery. So it’s not the chemicals in the cigarette that are necessarily damaging. More research is needed on this subject, but what we do know is you can have no chemicals at all, you can just have fire or boiling water. That is what is drawing the calcium. Wound healing has a lot to do with calcium.

Mark Labbato: Trauma response.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Kitty Martone: It makes me think of that heat shock proteins. I guess at a certain point, it becomes too much and that goes from being a kind of a good thing like getting into a dry sauna and creating these heat shock proteins that elicit a little bit of stress that then cause some healing. But then, going too far and actually damaging and then having some demineralization happen. So then… Oh, man, so many questions all of a sudden popped into my brain. Okay. First, let me give people a little picture of what I experienced when I went. It’s a really cool office, first of all. It’s like there’s four machines, is that right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, there’s four different ways the body absorbs high impact force.

Kitty Martone: So you do the Vibra-Plate first and you get all juicy. Then, you get on to the first one and it’s for 10 seconds, is that right?

Dr. John Jaquish: What you’re under compression for where it’s really targeting the recording of your functional bone performance, it’s only five seconds, actually, but the whole experience may take 10 or 15 seconds because you’re building up to the peak loads. Then, you’re discharging. Of course, you’re moving slow in, slow out. Men have some trouble with this, because they want to be explosive. I tell them, “If you’re explosive, that’s just impact. That’s not impact emulation. What happens is you actually trigger neural inhibition and shutting muscles off, which will keep you from going further.” It doesn’t matter how many times I say that, a lot of guys will just do it anyway. You know any thick headed guys?

Kitty Martone: None, zero.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve met one or two. Yeah, right.

Mark Labbato: Because they want to feel something’s actually working, because if they don’t it feel, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, but if they go slow… When you watch me do it, I’m a very muscular individual, everybody expects me to just hammer right into this thing. It looks like I’m doing yoga. It is slow, and controlled, and I’m listening to my breathing, and I’m watching the biofeedback screen. Then, I’ll come up with a number that’s like… I’m at 2,200 pounds through my arms. I’m at 3,500 pounds through my hip joint, my lower extremities. I’m at 1,600 pounds through my spine.

Kitty Martone: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Kitty Martone: That number is impressive.

Dr. John Jaquish: I have adapted to these levels over 10 years of using the device. I’m two standard deviations or more above normal when I take a DEXA scan. The reason I say or more is the machines really only go that high.

Mark Labbato: Are you supplementing with any other weight training workout or is this specifically all you do?

Dr. John Jaquish: That is an awesome question, which leads me to the next thing I want to talk about. When somebody lifts weights, we only know what the relevant… What’s called the minimum dose response is for bone growth in the hip joint. Minimum dose response is a method use whenever anything in medicine, or at least it should be used whenever anything in medicine is recommended, is what is the minimum amount of whether it’d be a drug, or how many glasses of water, or whatever, are required to get the effect that we’re looking for. If somebody is… Extreme dehydration and urinating blood because of food poisoning, how many liters of sodium chloride would be the minimum dose response to get them to normalize, right? Or Aspirin. Aspirin is good for a headache, well, five milligrams or 5,000? Well, five milligrams won’t do anything, 5,000 will kill you. But 500’s pretty good. So that’s the minimum dose response. That’s how much you need to take to get the effect you’re looking for and not overdo it. Some researchers, some guys that I know through the World Congress on Osteoporosis, after I was going and doing these impact emulation therapy devices, the first few prototypes, these guys saw them. They picked up on one of the observations that I made, which was we don’t really know what the minimum dose response is. They came up with a brilliant study, one of the coolest studies I’ve ever seen. What they did was they taped accelerometers to peoples hip joints. Then, they had them do whatever exercise protocol they were excited about doing. So kids went out and played soccer, or did gymnastics, middle aged people went and did dance classes, or whatever they did already. So these were individuals who were active, that was part of the pre screening of the study. What they found was they would look at the accelerometer data and then they’d do blood draws to see if bone was being created because you can do that with a blood test. What they found out is those individuals who failed to achieve more than 4.2 multiples of their own body weight through their hip joint did not grow any bone at all. So go by your body weight, multiply it by four, you’re using less weight than that, you’re not doing anything for bone.

Kitty Martone: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Mark Labbato: You mean just in that one area of the body? Is that a general rule?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, that would be systemic because the blood test is circulating all over the body. It wouldn’t be any osteogenesis at all. Now, we do see effects locally with the OsteoStrong devices because we do compress the upper extremities. We don’t know what the minimum dose response is, but they were really looking for the individuals who were triggering bone growth, the accelerometer was on the hip. But they could have triggered osteogenesis in another bone, but they didn’t. So the point is 4.2 multiples through the hip joint. That is a… If somebody’s lifting weight-

Kitty Martone: That’s like 512 pounds squatting for me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, which is something you would never even attempt to do.

Kitty Martone: No, never.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Mark Labbato: Not to mention the damages on ones knees.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, and that brings me to my next invention. But ultimately, I just want sick with OsteoStrong for a second. OsteoStrong makes getting to these minimum levels so easy and safe. That’s really the breakthrough. It’s osteogenic load is not new, there’s more data in medical research on impact emulation and osteogenic… Or impact and unloading on the bone. There’s more data on this and research on this than there are on most drugs that are prescribed today, but there was just never a consistent and safe way to do it until OsteoStrong.

Kitty Martone: That’s interesting because the first thing that doctors say to you is, “You need to do load bearing exercises, weight bearing exercises when you get older, because that’s what’s going to have to grow your bone density.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And that’s a terrible recommendation, because it comes without a dosage. That’s like saying aspirin is good for headaches. Then, somebody takes 5,000 milligrams and dies. It’s like, well, how much? When they say weight bearing exercise, well, I can hold a glass of wine, that’s weight, is that building bone? I mean, there’s a lot of people who would sign on to that, not going to be effective. What is the level of weight and what is understood now, especially after this study, it was done in Bristol, United Kingdom, it is far higher than somebody’s going to use in a fitness environment. What ended up happening is I was doing some, while this was going on, in fact, just after this published, I was doing some research in a hospital in London. I actually wrote the protocol and taught them how to use the device. Then, I excluding myself from the rest of the study because I’m the inventor of the product, I obviously have a bias. I uninvolved myself from the rest of the research. Running the protocol, the principal investigator had no… I had no effect over that guy, he worked for the British National Health Services. What they discovered, they grew bone. It was like 13% and 14% in the hip and spine over six months, plus a two month lag before taking the post DEXA scans. That far exceeds any clinical data on any drug ever.

Kitty Martone: That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. These people, they lost weight, and they felt fantastic, and they were happy. That principal investigator, he was a clinical psychologist by training. So what he decided to do is write about some of the psychological impact, which I think is almost as exciting as some of the physiological impact, because they all felt that before, their health was something that was out of control. After going through the six months, they said, “For the first time in my life, I feel like I can control my health.”

Kitty Martone: You know, it’s so interesting, because I didn’t… I mean, I think anybody who hears, “Oh, there’s this new workout thing and it’s like you only have to work out for 10 minutes and it’s only once a week,” like right away, you just go, “Yeah, that sounds crazy.” But then, when I did it, I was so amazed at how, well, first of all, how weak I was with that resistance part of it, where you’re just pushing, or you’re pulling, or whatever it is on each machine that you do. That resistance, it’s like I was shaking so hard. Then, I said to Sarah, “I’m so weak.” She’s like, “Anybody is going push to this point to where they get to this not fatigued, but where they’re shaking a little bit. That’s the idea behind… No one ever gets on this and says, ‘Oh look, I don’t shake anymore.’ It’s like you push it to your max and that’s where the strength is created.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And safely.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, I mean, it’s so cool, but when you’re done, afterwards, I felt really, really strong. But I was thinking, “I feel like I want to do it several times a week.” Why can’t you do it several times a week?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. You know how you can go for a run and then your lungs, your cardiovascular system can recover in a couple hours. So there’s people who go for a run in the morning and one in the evening. So your lungs, your cardiovascular system has a specific recovery rate. When you train a muscle and take a muscle to fatigue, based on biopsy research, there’s a lot of fitness people that like to argue these points, but we have muscle biopsy research which kind of ends that discussion, though I don’t think some of them are aware. In 36 hours, the muscle’s recovered. Yeah.

Kitty Martone: Good to know.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s the rate… Well, you get people like, “You can only work a muscle once a week if it’s…” No, that’s wrong. After that biopsy study, it should have ended the conversation, but fitness, as an industry, is not always an industry that looks towards clinical research, because there’s not a lot of people who understand it. So there’s terrible recommendations out there that have been established as terrible recommendations for 40 years. People continue to… Anybody who wants to lose weight, if they do cardio, if they sit down with me for half an hour, they will stop doing cardio.

Kitty Martone: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Kitty Martone: You just became my best friend.

Mark Labbato: Is this also another sort of side effect, is that you can actually lose weight from this because you’re burning enough calories where you would see a difference?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, let me get to that next. That’s that’s my next invention. So where was I with OsteoStrong?

Kitty Martone: That people think they need recovery time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Oh, yeah. You asked why can’t I do OsteoStrong like every other day? So the lungs have a certain rate of recovery, muscle has a certain rate of recovery that’s longer, the metabolic rate of bone is much longer than even that. So you want the bone to respond and recover before you put the stimulus on it again. We know it’s working when we see somebodies functional bone performance increasing week by week.

Kitty Martone: That’s right, because it records everything. You see it, you see it right in front of you with this little a heads up display that shows you how you’re doing. Then, it’s like, “Welcome, Catalina.”

Mark Labbato: Oh it shows your previous numbers on there?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, it shows you all that stuff.

Mark Labbato: Did you have to go through a lot of trial and error to figure that out, the time frame between… The intervals between-

Kitty Martone: Who? Me?

Mark Labbato: No, I’m asking… Not you, Cat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That was part of my PhD dissertation, was doing the research for determining sort of the little details of how to apply the protocol to do this, because I actually invented it and then went and completed my PhD after that.

Kitty Martone: Oh, wow. So you were doing all of this in the middle of your studies?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, doing it all together.

Kitty Martone: That’s cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, it ended up being incredibly cool. I had an awesome PhD experience. It’s not often where your project is your life’s work. I had an ex girlfriend who got her PhD in material science engineering and it was very difficult for her. She couldn’t care less about what she was working on. It’s like you’re working 16 hours a day on something that you just don’t care about.

Kitty Martone: That’s a sure way to hate life.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Mark Labbato: You certainly had the right inspiration and motivation to do it.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, your mama.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right, it’s my mom.

Mark Labbato: Love always prevails, that’s the way I like it.

Kitty Martone: Before we move on to your other invention that I really want to do is I did some homework before chatting with you and read your blog and then I went down the rabbit hole and started reading about this PubMed study about testosterone in men and bone density and increasing bone density and helping to increase testosterone levels as men age. But it didn’t say anything about women. Can you speak on any of that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Let me get a more specific question first. Are you asking women who received testosterone replacement therapy, are they able to build bone?

Kitty Martone: No. Okay, I’ll be really specific. So I’ll make it a two part questions. So the first part is-

Dr. John Jaquish: Because that happens, by the way. There are physicians who will give a dose… It’s not the same dose that they give to men, but there are women on testosterone therapy.

Kitty Martone: Well, I’ve done it, I’ve done it. That’s something I’ve always had for as long as I can recall is pretty low testosterone, pretty unremarkable, in fact, like undetectable practically. When I do testosterone supplementation, I, not to get super techie with the listeners, but they’re pretty savvy, I push it down the wrong pathway and end up instead of getting better recovery from workouts, I get chin hairs. That kind of thing. I’ve always felt like if I could just increase my workout capacity, I would be able to raise my testosterone levels. And this PubMed study says that’s exactly how it works in men and that when men… I’m sure when men do the OsteoStrong, when they do that, they probably raise their testosterone levels. That’s the first question.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s never been studied specifically with the devices that I invented, but we’re going to talk about testosterone and growth hormone. Putting huge forces through the body, large forces, tends to yield the greatest testosterone response. So that would be OsteoStrong and that would also be universal for men and women. Now, part of the reason that exogenous, meaning some other method, whether it’s a pill or an injection or whatever, exogenous introduction of testosterone or any hormone, you have receptor sites that are sensitive to certain hormones. When you activate them via activity or through the central nervous system, the receptor sites of where that hormone or peptide is sensitive to you up regulate the receptor and you up regulate how much you have circulating in your bloodstream. So basically, the hormone is created when it has a specific place to go. The problem with, and this is all the way from performance enhancing drugs to testosterone replacement therapy, you don’t necessarily control where the exogenous hormone goes when you’re not up regulating the receptor site at the same time you’re introducing the chemical. So triggering it naturally is always going to be the better way. There’s actually some pharmaceuticals on their way. I shouldn’t even call them… Well, they will be regulated, but there’s no reason… They’re really low impact, low risk. I think they’re being sold as supplements today. They’re androgen receptor modulators that look to… Now, I’m not recommending these. They’re not FDA approved or anything, but they’re on the way and they’re in trials. And what they do is they’ll up regulate your reception of testosterone. So then, when you go through a heavy loading experience which is could be… Heavy has now changed with the invention of OsteoStrong because we’re talking about hundreds of thousands of pounds to the body. Then, when you up regulate the reception and then create more testosterone, it knows where to go, it knows what to do, and you have incredible effect.

Kitty Martone: That’s amazing. Not to get off topic here, but that really makes me think about… I have a Facebook group called the Estrogen Dominance Support Group and it’s got over 9,000 members. A lot of us do progesterone therapy. And there’s very different levels of the way women absorb, if you will, or uptake the cream. Some women have remarkable results and other women have horrible results. It sounds like the exact same issue with up regulation of certain receptor sites. So I wonder if they’ll do that for progesterone for women too, but it’s always the men get the goodies first, but then women will get to benefit soon. So interesting. Let’s tie that in with some… I know you can’t say this, especially being a scientist and being a PhD in biochemical medicine. You can’t and probably won’t say, yes, OsteoStrong probably does help with hormone balance to some degree.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would say based on the existing clinical literature, unloading of the body and up regulation of testosterone, OsteoStrong would have a huge effect on the up regulation of testosterone. Probably one of the strongest ever recorded. At some point, we’ll do that study or some university will do that study. I going to stop doing the studies myself and get more universities and hospitals involved. In fact, there’s a university we’re talking to right now that wants to be sort of the official research institute. They’re more focused on the X3 Bar variable resistance system than they are on my other product. I’ll talk about that next, but they’ll do that type of study. There’s so much existing literature on heavy loads of the body. It’s kind of like we don’t need to do it, but I really want to do at least one specifically on that. The problem is with these types of studies is they’re so expensive. Then, people are comparing them to pharma studies where they might have 10,000 subjects and they paid maybe 10s of millions of dollars, maybe $100 million dollars to run a study. Whereas, I’m out there developing therapy equipment, which has tiny margins behind it. I’ll never be able to afford that kind of study. So instead of playing that game, because it’ll always be like, well, here’s 100 studies with whatever, thousands of subjects. Instead, I’m trying to get people to focus on the fact that we’re not introducing any chemicals into the body. We’re just showing the body how to up regulate what is already there, how to control what is already there. So there’s no downside. Another thing that modern medicine still doesn’t grasp is homeostasis and what you can do with homeostasis. So your body always wants to get back to a neutral, right? You get out of breath, your body wants to re-oxygenate the bloodstream and get you back to a resting level. Your body basically wants you to be chilled out. Not out of breath, not super hot, not super cold, you got to be medium everything. Your body kind of wants you to sit on the couch and do nothing.

Kitty Martone: Right, especially my body.

Dr. John Jaquish: But if you create… Everyone, everyone. Top athletes in the world I assume are lazy people at times. I was working out with one of the strongest guys in the world a couple months ago. He was just explaining certain things he does in his protocol to keep himself from cheating with different repetitions or whatever. I said, “What are you talking about?” He goes, “I’m lazy, nothing about this do I want to do, nothing.” He’s like, “I want to eat a cheeseburger and watch TV is what I want to do.” So it was really just funny coming out of this guy who’s just an absolute, one of the greatest athletes I’ve ever seen, the world has ever seen.

Kitty Martone: Is he like on of these guys that pulls airplanes with his teeth and stuff like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, something like that.

Kitty Martone: That’s inspiring to know, that even he’s got crosstalk

Mark Labbato: Wait until he gets a little older, he might change his tune. He’s like, “This gut is a little too big for me.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, no, no, he’s a lean guy. He’s all down. Let me circle back to when I was doing this research in London. I looked at some of the loading that was going through the lower extremities of these postmenopausal females in study. They were putting six, seven, eight, even nine times their body weight through their hip joints. I’m thinking, “Okay, people can’t handle four times their body weight.” Then, I looked up what the American College of Sports Medicine was tracking in their database. They have a few broad population studies of what types of loads are used with the lower extremities. It’s usually between 1.3 times body weight for a novice exerciser and 1.53 for an advanced strength trained individuals, is what on average is used through the lower extremities. So this really tells me, if I just compare those two groups, humans have roughly seven times the capability from strong range to weak range. So I’m sitting there, looking at that data, and I think, “Lifting weights is a terrible way to trigger muscle growth because the difference between weak and strong range is vast.” There had been individuals in studies done on adding rubber bands to your weights. So you handle, let’s say if you’re doing a bench press, you have X weight on your chest and then 1.2 X at full extension. Well, it should really be X on your chest and five X at extension, or six X, or seven X, or whatever. Tremendously more load. So I thought, “We don’t need more weights, we need more variants. If we get more variants, we can first fatigue the strong range of motion, which is something you cannot do with a weight.” Then, in the same set, we fatigue the mid range. Then, the weak range. Complete fatigue of a muscle in all ranges of motion in one experience. That’s never been done before. I developed a device that does it. It’s called X3 Bar variable resistance system,, and this thing will exhaust you quicker than you could ever possibly imagine. Then, the growth responses are absolutely fantastic. So there’s a testosterone effect, wouldn’t be as high as OsteoStrong’s, but they actually sell these units at OsteoStrong. So if somebody wants one, go to, just wants to check it out, most of the OsteoStrong locations are demo centers for X3 Bar variable resistance system. So you can go in one and-

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Kitty Martone: Okay, cool. When I go back, I’ll… I hope they have one when I go back.

Dr. John Jaquish: They do, they do. I already talked to Robert in your friendly neighborhood OsteoStrong location. I said, “Make sure that you get to check that out.” Where I was going with sort of the preamble to this is creating an extreme environment. Ultimately, the exercise experience that is going to create the biggest effect is going to put the largest stress on the body. The largest stress on the body can only be handled for a short period of time. If it can be handled for a long period of time, then it’s not a large stress, by definition. The best exercise experience is always going to be the shortest, because it will be the most intense and thereby the greatest stimulus for change. Now, that doesn’t mean somebody needs to hurry through their existing crummy compromise workout. They need to look for the strategy that’s going to allow them to go to a more extreme environment, a greater level of muscular fatigue or bone fatigue with OsteoStrong. With this process with X3 Bar variable resistance system fatiguing and ranges of motion simultaneously, you end up dealing with weights that you would never think you would deal with. I put a female through the other day who was using 300 pounds at the top of her chest press. Now, I only told her after she was done, but she’s like, “I could never handle 300 pounds.” I was like, “Well, you just did for 10 reps.”

Kitty Martone: Oh my goodness.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s only 300 at peak. Then, it’s 200 halfway and about 100 when it’s an inch away from her chest. Right and she’s a professional swimmer. Then, going to fatigue in those three ranges of motion is such… It just wipes you out. Especially people who are ketogenic, it really depletes their glycogen stores and pushes them into a deeper level of ketosis. Then, that plus… This is another thing that I did in some of my research. Last summer, I published a meta analysis, which pulls together research from all areas of medicine, on stabilization firing and growth hormone up regulation. A growth hormone is going to have a lot to do with how much lipolysis happens, how quick you lose body fat, right? So stabilization firing was seen as an axis to triggering the up regulation of growth hormone. Let’s say you stand on a BOSU ball and you do some light squats. You might get a 200% or 300% increase in growth hormone. That’s not a hard workout, that’s something you can do while you’re watching-

Kitty Martone: Netflix.

Dr. John Jaquish: … your favorite TV show, while you’re crying watching CNN. That joke could go either way.

Kitty Martone: I know, that was funny. It made me think.

Dr. John Jaquish: I work hard on those, because I have friends on both sides. I try and keep my jokes to be for everybody.

Kitty Martone: That’s smart, clever.

Dr. John Jaquish: So BOSU ball stabilization firing. Now, the only way you increase the amount of muscle that is recruited during the stability firing is adding more load. Now, X3 Bar variable resistance system is the greatest strategy to adding more load, even load that you couldn’t handle. Like when you’re doing an overhead press, the weight that you handle at the top you could never handle at the bottom. You wouldn’t even be able to get it in position to start to lift the weight.

Kitty Martone: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you’re kind of tricking your body into training with a much heavier weight than you ever would normally, thereby recruiting more stabilization firing, up regulating growth hormone. Then, you increase your level of lipolysis. People come up to me all the time and I’m very lean. You can see veins in my abs. Not that that’s what everybody’s going for, but that’s me. I’m 218 pounds, six feet tall, 9% body fat. So people ask me all the time like, “Well, how do you cut your body fat? How do you stay that lean?” And I tell them, “It’s X3 Bar variable resistance system.” And they go, “Yeah, but X3 Bar variable resistance system is like 10 minutes a day.”

Kitty Martone: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mark Labbato: I’m looking at your pictures on this website, X3 Bar variable resistance system. You look absolutely phenomenal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

Mark Labbato: You’re not doing any supplements with weight? You’ve achieved this because…

Dr. John Jaquish: Knowing what I know, I don’t think I’ll ever touch a weight again. Just a… Yeah. Because the risk of injury… Being as strong as I am, I’d be risking injury trying to train with weights because they’d be heavy. I’m also 41 years old, so screwing around weights, I don’t need that. When I’m looking to put a training stimulus on my body, I want to be as strong and as lean as possible. I’m not trying to come up with some bench press number that I can brag about on Instagram like a lot of people do. My goal isn’t to be good at exercises, my goal is to be as strong as possible. Well, knowing what I know about biomechanics, about capacities and different ranges of motion, this is the only way I’m ever going to train, only. No weights involved. There isn’t even supplements I take other than Brain Octane in my bulletproof coffee. Then, I have a ketogenic diet.

Kitty Martone: Really? So you don’t supplement with any kind of collagen, or whey proteins, or magnesium, or anything like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Kitty Martone: See, this really resonates with me because I do a lot of nutrition with clients and I’m always recommending a supplement protocol, but I never feel like it’s really what our bodies want, especially isolating nutrients. I never feel like that’s where we’re headed. Not where we’re headed, but what our bodies are designed to really need or want. When I went into OsteoStrong, I couldn’t help but think, I hope I can describe this properly what my thought process was, but I couldn’t help but think that the different positioning and the different exercises, if you will, which they’re not really called that, right? What would you call them? They’re not exercises, they’re not poses. They’re like movements.

Dr. John Jaquish: Movements. I call them movements.

Kitty Martone: Okay. They remind me of things that we must have done prior to having this era of convenience, prior to the Industrial Revolution, where we have machines doing things for us. But rather like, and even going all the way back to hunting and gathering where you’re pushing, pulling rocks.

Mark Labbato: Like farming.

Kitty Martone: You’re lifting things. That seems like more of the type of things our bodies are designed to do in terms of… Or more efficiently, can can do more efficiently. Does that make sense what I just said, guys?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Kitty Martone: Okay, cool. Like the one where you kind of stand up straight but your knees are bent. Then, it’s like you’re lifting up two suitcases, that movement.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Kitty Martone: I couldn’t help… I was like, “This is something we do all the time. This is something we must have done since the beginning of time is doing that position.” Not like box jumps. When are you ever going to do burpees when you’re working the farm? You’re not. You’re going to pull and push things and try to push things over your head.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me give you another one. I speak sometimes to trainers or physical therapists and I say, “Who here supports the idea that the two legged squat is a functional movement?” And they all put their legs up and I say, “Okay, so you guys must be the guys who are training the kangaroo because people walk on one leg at a time.” People lose their balance when they’re on one foot and not two. Two feet are used when you stop similar to impact emulation. At OsteoStrong, we use two legs. But when you’re training people for performance, what about doing one leg squats? Focusing on the… That’s what you do on the farm, you don’t use both legs at the same time. Maybe when you’re picking up something off the ground, which is a little more like a deadlift type movement. But ultimately, we walk on one leg at a time.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, it’s interesting. Then, going back to your statement about cardio. I find that a lot of people that come to me who are not athletes, but who are active and have been active a lot their whole lives, I feel like the cardio tends to put people in a… Especially if they’re overdoing it to the degree that they’re doing CrossFit a bunch, it’s like this adrenal fatigue issue, which I had a problem with, with CrossFit. I just thought, “This has to get easier, when is this going to get easier?” The coaches were always saying, “It doesn’t, it’s not supposed to get easier.” But I never felt like I was getting more fit. I never felt like it was helping my stamina at all. So what do you do for that?

Dr. John Jaquish: When you go to that level of fatigue, you’re probably not selecting the right kind of thing. A lot of female athletes that I’ve worked with, females have a great measuring device which is their menstrual cycle. So if you had a normal menstrual cycle and all of a sudden you don’t and you’re training hard, you’re overtrained and that’s going to cause a lot of problems. You can’t out train overtraining. What I try and do is encourage them to… I used to work with a ballerina who was just like, she did everything. She did Olympic lifting. Then, she did her ballet practice for hours a day. She did osteogenic loading and so many other things. Then, started talking about how her hair was falling out. While I think that would be attractive on me, for example, because mine did and I’m just owning it, I had asked her. Do you feel comfortable talking about your menstrual cycle? I’m not a medical doctor, I’m a PhD. I told her, I’m not asking you a medical question here, but if you want to talk about this, I can talk to you about what’s in the clinical literature. She says, “Funny you mention it. No, I just stopped menstruating.” So I’m like, “Okay, that’s a major red flag.” I changed her nutrition a little bit and then really cut back on the volume of exercise. She started feeling fantastic. People may be aware of that. A lot of guys will notice their ears are ringing if they’re overtrained, just lethargic all the time. But for me, doing once per week osteogenic loading and then I do X3, six days a week, which takes 10 minutes or something like that. My workout’s still 10 minutes. You guys are looking at the picture of me, I look like an absolutely extreme athlete and I’m working out like an hour or 70 minutes per week.

Kitty Martone: That’s incredible. I mean, I definitely am sold. It just makes sense, not just because of course everyone wants an easier method of getting fit, but also because it just makes sense. It makes more sense to me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. I encourage everybody… Fitness has a lot of complainers and trolls, mostly because there’s a lot of junk out there. There are products that’ll say, “We’re going to solve all your problems for 39.95.” Then, it’s garbage. I encourage people please read the science page. If you read the science page and you understand it, you’ll say, “Okay, this is a better option than a roomful awaits.” I had somebody say the other day, “I could have the Olympic Training Center or an X3 Bar variable resistance system and I’d take an X3 Bar variable resistance system because it’ll do that much more.” Here’s another thing that for women, I don’t know what your listenership is male to female. Is it mostly female?

Kitty Martone: Uh-huh (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. The most exciting thing that I tell women about X3 Bar variable resistance system is what it can do to the back of their legs because there are women who are by any measure would be considered lean, but they still don’t like the way the back of their legs look. The reason is they don’t have a good way to exercise the hamstrings. There’s a muscle on the back of your leg, your hamstrings, which is pretty much underdeveloped on almost all females because the way to trigger growth there is deadlifts. Deadlifts are dangerous to the neck and back.

Kitty Martone: Which are brutal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they’re dangerous to the neck and back. But with X3 Bar variable resistance system, when you’re in the weaker position, the position you would normally injure in, you’re holding a very lightweight. In the middle, you’re holding a stronger weight, maybe the way you normally work out with in the full range. Then, at the top, you’re holding the weight that you would never choose to use. But because you’re in an optimized position, you can handle it. So you go through multiple repetitions, fatigue the hamstrings, the hamstrings might grow an inch and stretch the skin on the back of the legs and the back of the legs look dynamite.

Kitty Martone: Wow. Yeah, I could use some of that. So where can people see the videos of… Just yeah give them the websites and everything.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah,, for checking out X3 Bar variable resistance system. That’s the body composition. That’s the, it’s going to make you beautiful product. For OsteoStrong, it’s That is the musculoskeletal stimulus. A lot of athletes are taking advantage of OsteoStrong too, it makes them fracture resistant. You can hold more muscle on a stronger chassis. So by building bone density, you’re optimizing everything that attaches to bone. It’s the foundation, so a lot of people are just having such great experiences with both products. So it’s or

Kitty Martone: And OsteoStrong, people have to go in to use the machines at an actual location. Whereas, the X bar, you can crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. The machines are $100,000.

Kitty Martone: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: X3 Bar variable resistance system is a $549 product, and it’s designed to be a home product. You can actually take it everywhere. I travel all over the world. It’s in my suitcase.

Mark Labbato: Would one have the benefit of this, kind of the results you were speaking of with bone density growth, with the X3 Bar variable resistance system?

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. No, the weights aren’t high enough. Even though in the chest press with X3 Bar variable resistance system I hit 500 pounds at peak, that 500 pounds, otherwise you’d probably relate it to squats. Even a 500 pound squat is not four times my body weight, because I weight 220 pounds. It’s not relevant to you. You really need OsteoStrong. They do different things. Though there’s a similar logic behind both of them, it has to do with strategically loading the body in accordance to biomechanics, efficiencies, and inefficiencies. Both of them are the same logic, but they’re for very different reasons.

Kitty Martone: And they both have multiple health benefits, which are all listed on both websites as well.

Mark Labbato: How many mutations do you have for the osteos trial?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s about 60 right now, some of them are out of the country. We have a couple in Sweden. There’s two in the south of Spain. And I believe we’re going to have a Monaco location pretty soon. Yeah, it’s a great reason to go to Monaco, right?

Kitty Martone: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m the worst guy to ask this question too.

Kitty Martone: Well, there’s a few.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s locations coming up all… Yeah, I think every month, we’re adding 10 or 15 locations.

Kitty Martone: It sounds like something… Does insurance cover it by any chance for someone who might have osteoporosis?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, but it’s very affordable. It’s typically between 150 and 200 a month. This is something people need to pay attention to. You don’t have to do it forever. Unlike if you want to build bone density, you keep the bone you build for 30 years. Yeah. So the problem with a lot of exercise programs, somebody does CrossFit for exactly-

Mark Labbato: That should take me to the end of my life.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Most people do that math in their head and they think, “Wow, how long am I going to be around?”

Kitty Martone: That’s a gym membership I want.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because somebody who does CrossFit, they’re running right on the edge of catastrophic injury every workout. Then, they’re saying, “Okay, well now, I got to do this forever if I want to stay in shape?”

Kitty Martone: I know. I mean, I did it for nine months and I felt like, “Oh man, now where is it all?” All the money’s gone and the cute butt is gone.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. These strategies, these things that I developed, a promise I made to myself when I started developing these physical medicine therapy devices is I’m not going to develop anything that my mom can’t use. Now, the same product that put 30 pounds of muscle on me in one year, that’s what X3 Bar variable resistance system did, is what my mom’s working out with. I her priorities are a little different. She doesn’t want to have a shocking amount of muscle mass. She doesn’t want to be able to lift up small cars. I can do that. But she wants to stay healthy, have great posture, have great breathing. Both products have a huge postural readjustment. Your shoulders move back, which opens up your rib cage, you take more oxygen with every breath. This is the way we are supposed to breathe, but most people can’t because they’re slumped forward. So you take more oxygen with every breath and you feel more energy. More energy, all day, everyday.

Kitty Martone: Then, you get more oxygen to the brain, and then your clarity is better, and your eyesight is better.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Kitty Martone: Also, just a side note, I remember hearing about that older people who fall and break their hip are actually not falling and breaking their hip. They’re actually breaking their hip and falling.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then, falling.

Mark Labbato: Is that right?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, isn’t that shocking? It’s just because the bones are so brittle.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s how it works. Let’s say they miss step off of a curb, hyperextend their leg, and they don’t… Now, you can hyper extend your knee, but you still have the musculature in the lower leg and in the ankle that can decelerate you slightly, right? You still have your obliques, your quadratus, your spinal erectors, your abdominals that can discharge some of this abrupt feeling or even just bend forward so not all of the load, this is the reflex, so not all of the loading goes right into your hip joint. But when you have brittle bone and you have deconditioned muscle, or let’s say you have brittle bone and you’ve built up the brittle bone with a drug, this things that are supposed to discharge that load aren’t there.

Kitty Martone: Wow. So it’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: The musculature, the tendons, the ligaments, they’re not there. So then, the injury may be more likely to happen.

Kitty Martone: Right, crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: What we’re talking about is the only complete musculoskeletal treatment at OsteoStrong.

Mark Labbato: Impressive.

Kitty Martone: Very cool. Well, I’m going back next week.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, everything grows.

Mark Labbato: I’m going to have to do a free session.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, they offer free sessions if you go to the OsteoStrong website.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the drug dealer model, because they know if you do it a couple of times, you’re going to feel fantastic and you’re going to sign up.

Mark Labbato: Will this kind of a workout, excuse me, regiment make someone that’s a ectomorph into a mesomorph? I mean-

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s definitely a male question.

Mark Labbato: I know, I know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, only guys will know what you’re talking about. Yeah, it’s definitely a strong possibility.

Mark Labbato: I figure it would be.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was the skinniest kid. I was skinny when I was… If I showed you a picture of me when I was 30, you wouldn’t even recognize me. It looked like I just didn’t work out at all.

Mark Labbato: You look like a world champion heavy lifter.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now.

Kitty Martone: That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I don’t lift weights, don’t touch them. I haven’t had a gym membership in years.

Mark Labbato: If that’s not testament enough right there, in addition to all the clinical studies.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, it’s very cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right, it’s the clinical evidence. People are funny though, they don’t… There’s a lot of skepticism in fitness because like I said, there’s a lot of junk products out there and there’s other… How about nutrition? There’s so many junk products in nutrition.

Kitty Martone: Oh my God, yeah. Well, how-

Dr. John Jaquish: And then…

Kitty Martone: Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: Go ahead. No, I was just going to say fake research and a lot of… When you see a research paper that’s actually been published in a peer reviewed journal, in a medical journal, that’s real. But the book, The China Study, for example, it wasn’t a study, it was a book. He just called it a study. That’s as crazy as saying like if you put the name FDA at the end of the title of your book, does that mean it was FDA approved? Or are you just trying to misguide people?

Mark Labbato: Yeah, we don’t laws against misguiding people.

Dr. John Jaquish: Obviously, the latter is-

Mark Labbato: Anyone can get away with it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yes. So I understand the skepticism of some people. But when you look at my results and you look at the fact that I’m a scientist, I wouldn’t get away with misleading anybody. Then, on top of that, read the science page. The clinical literature is absolutely clear.

Kitty Martone: How did Anthony Robbins get involved?

Dr. John Jaquish: Like all the greatest connections I have ended up making in life, I was sitting there and doing nothing and the phone rang, which is so strange. I’ve tried to reach out to influential individuals over the years and try and get them excited about what I’m doing. I don’t know, that doesn’t seem to ever work, but I do get a lot of phone calls from very influential people just out of the blue. Dave Asprey was the same thing. Like 10:00 at night, there’s a phone call and I didn’t recognize the number. I thought, “All right, I’ll just go ahead and pick it up.” Hey, this is Dave Asprey. Wow, you’re my favorite author. really? Same thing with Tony Robbins. He called out of the blue and said, “I want in. I want to be involved in what you’re doing and understand it perfectly.”

Mark Labbato: How did he get introduced to it? Did he try a free session? Did someone tell him?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. One of his financial advisor guys. He has like a team of coaches that apply his methods. So one of the coaches that work for him was also a financial advisor, that was his regular business. He was a pretty compromised individual and he was a golfer and he could barely make it through three holes because he was in so much pain. He had trouble walking right. So he used the device for a couple months. Then, saw Tony and Tony looks at him. He says, “You’re walking right again, and you’ve lost some weight, and you look fantastic.” And the guy goes, “Yeah, well I’m doing this new thing. You got to meet this guy, Dr. Jaquish.” So he called me.

Kitty Martone: Wow, that’s so cool. I love that.

Mark Labbato: I don’t know, did he just help to get this off the ground? Is this what the involvement is? Did he just go, “Okay, I’m going to help fund this thing for you and get it out into the world?” Is that what happened? If you don’t mind me asking.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, basically. I want to help you get it to the world. He has done so.

Mark Labbato: I love that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, now OsteoStrong presents on stage at his biggest shows.

Kitty Martone: Oh man, that’s very cool.

Mark Labbato: That’s fantastic, congratulations.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, congratulations. I’m so happy to have had you here and just sharing this.

Mark Labbato: Do you want our address so you can send us an X3 Bar variable resistance system to try out?

Kitty Martone: Mark, you’re such a-

Mark Labbato: I know, I’m sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: That was good, very sneaky.

Mark Labbato: Don’t worry, you don’t have to sent anything. It’s okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’ll talk offline. I’m going to have the Los Angeles location, they’ll take you through the whole thing.

Mark Labbato: I appreciate that, thank you so much. But you really didn’t have to, I was playing with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: I like how you thanked me.

Kitty Martone: I know, he’s like, “Thank you so much.” crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll make sure you guys are taken care of. Well, how about this? How about you guys, we can figure out how you get hold of one. Then, we can do a follow up show and you can talk about your body composition change.

Kitty Martone: That’s brilliant. And I’d also like to include-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because that’s totally applicable to your audience. They trust you guys, it’s great if somebody can say I put on five pounds of muscle and lost 17 pounds of fat. That just happened to some 55 year old guy the other day where he messaged me and he showed his body composition DEXA results. And they would have been impressive on a 25 year old kid.

Mark Labbato: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: And this guy’s 55, yeah.

Kitty Martone: Well, let me tell you, I am the perfect candidate because I am in perimenopause. I’m in probably the worst shape I’ve ever been. I’ve never been a heavy person, but I am carrying belly fat now because I’m going to be 49. I’ve just been so busy with other things that I haven’t been investing in myself very much in that way. Then also, with hormonal issues, that would be amazing to be able to actually go and do like a DUTCH lab test and say, “Six months after using the X Bar, doing the OsteoStrong, and seeing where my testosterone-

Mark Labbato: Oh check out your hormone levels. There you go, that’s evidence right there.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s X3 Bar variable resistance system.

Mark Labbato: X3 Bar variable resistance system.

Kitty Martone: Well, I would do both, I would do both.

Dr. John Jaquish: X3 Bar variable resistance system, well, you said X.

Kitty Martone: Oh X3 Bar variable resistance system, got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s X3 Bar variable resistance system. X3 Bar variable resistance system and OsteoStrong, you do those together. Then, we just do a battery of tests pre and post and see what happens.

Kitty Martone: Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah?

Kitty Martone: Very cool.

Mark Labbato: I’m in.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Kitty Martone: Well, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for being here. We will have you back and thanks for for your fantastic contribution to society, to the health of humans.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome, maybe in between the follow up show, we could all meet up at the Los Angeles OsteoStrong and we could shoot a video.

Kitty Martone: That would be amazing. We could even do like a Facebook Live or something.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because a lot of this is really exciting if people see what’s going on. In fact, if I point out the right stuff and get the camera focused on somebody’s knee joint, you can actually see the femur compressing and getting shorter for that five second period. Then, springing back into position.

Kitty Martone: Oh man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. Your bones are bendable. Your bones are pliable, you just don’t know it. It’s fascinating.

Kitty Martone: That makes me think of something we actually didn’t touch on. We did a little bit, but about injury. My husband’s a chiropractor and he’s a black belt in Brazilian jujitsu. And he’s a super, super, super active guy, but he’s always had this lower back issue and he’s been kind of training himself out of this spondylus thesis like sciatica issue forever. The work that he has developed just on his own through researching and finding out what’s working for him is definitely no more weights. He just doesn’t do weights anymore. He’s starting to do this sort of resistance training with bands and things on his own. I’m trying to get him to go to OsteoStrong because I’m like, “Look, it sounds like so much of what you’re doing. It sounds like it’s the same concept.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you need to get him an X3 Bar variable resistance system. X3 will change his life. X3 Bar to him will be like the guy who was on the road all the time and the first time he got an iPhone. Moving from a flip phone, it’ll be like, oh, this changed my life. That is what he will say about X3 Bar.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Kitty Martone: Okay, okay. I’m in, he’s in. I’m going to get him to do it.

Mark Labbato: From the start of this, when Catalina sent me a picture, I was like, “Yeah, great, another LA fitness thing.”

Kitty Martone: We’ve never done an LA fitness thing, this is our first fitness… Oh, you mean in general.

Mark Labbato: Yes, in general. She’s about to berate me on the internet for something I didn’t say.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a lot of LA fitness things, right.

Mark Labbato: But after hearing you-

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, that was almost like CNN.

Mark Labbato: That’s all it is, it’s just arguing back and forth. Yes, but after hearing you and listening to you, I’m going to go research some of this evidence that you speak of, which I believe. This is amazing stuff. I’m now certainly, one, curious-

Kitty Martone: You need it too.

Mark Labbato: I need it too, because I just turned 50. I just don’t have the energy, I don’t go to a gym anymore, I hate it, can’t do it. I do lift some weights at home, but even then, that’s becoming sort of just burdensome and not where I want to be. I just feel like it’s just doing more damage than good.

Kitty Martone: Yeah, yeah. Well, it sounds like you have two customers now.

Mark Labbato: Yeah, you got me. You got me in, man. Thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Kitty Martone: Okay, thanks again.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely.

Kitty Martone: Thanks again, I’m going to let you go and talk about you some more behind your back.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nice, I like it.

Kitty Martone: All right, squeeze Mr. T for me and we’ll talk to you really soon and see you in LA.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right, guys.

Mark Labbato: Take care.

Dr. John Jaquish: Have a good day.

Kitty Martone: Bye, you too.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right, bye-bye.

Kitty Martone: See?

Mark Labbato: Wow, wow, impressed. I really am. I’m definitely going to go check this out.

Kitty Martone: He was coughing too, did you notice? He was coughing too.

Mark Labbato: Yeah, he was-

Kitty Martone: Maybe we’re both allergic to technology. Yeah. I think that I’m going to do it. I want to see if Charlie’s down with it, if he wants to come and do it, too.

Mark Labbato: Well, I think you don’t have the same inaudible for Charlie. I mean, look. I mean, he’s showing extraordinary results from people who have worse conditions than he has and something he’s been contending with all his life you said.

Kitty Martone: Yeah.

Mark Labbato: I mean, how could he not be open to this.

Kitty Martone: Right.

Mark Labbato: This is up his ally.

Kitty Martone: Well, like I said, some of what Charlie’s already developing with his own personal workouts for his injured back is tremendous. It’s along the same concepts as this. It’s not this high impact stuff, but it is because it’s this resistance band stuff. Anyway, it sounds similar.

Mark Labbato: Yeah, but he can’t do five times his body weight with the bands he has.

Kitty Martone: No, can’t.

Mark Labbato: Right.

Kitty Martone: Right. So if you have… These machines are very, very special.

Mark Labbato: I wanted to mention this and I didn’t say it to him, but I believe Bruce Lee’s workout was very similar in nature because his was just like you get a bar on a rope and you hold it as hard as you can as long as you can. He’d do that with a lot of his routines because I guess it’s like calisthenics, which is resistance training. Just until you fatigue, fatigue, fatigue. Do another position, fatigue, fatigue, fatigue, and hold it. It’s like keeping the muscle… I guess this is similar on the machines?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, you’re like… Imagine pushing against a static, immovable wall, just pushing against in ones place as hard as you possibly can for like five seconds.

Mark Labbato: Then, it just keeps coming back? I mean, it adjusts as you’re going along?

Kitty Martone: It does a little bit, it moves a little bit, but not much. Then, you watch this little bar and you have to try to make it past this red mark. So there’s this tiny bit of competition in you to try to push past that point.

Mark Labbato: Well, how does it now? Is it like you have to put your information in on the machine?

Kitty Martone: Yeah, all your information is in the machine so it’s calibrated by the time you sit on it. The minute you go in and check in with the front desk, the machine is calibrated for you. You sit down and it’s like, “Hi, Kitty.” Like, oh, hi.

Mark Labbato: Little AI, hey, how are you today?

Kitty Martone: It doesn’t say that, it just spells it out. I don’t know, I hope you guys have one of these near you, because they’re not everywhere. But you could buy the X3 Bar. I want to do that so bad.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Mark Labbato: I think we should do that. We should do it where we test out this equipment. Then, follow what he sets out for us. Then, come back with a follow up and say, “Okay.” Because I want to be able to go, “Wow, that was amazing. Look at me.”

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