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By Simply Walk the Talk on August 8, 2018

Episode 61: Dr. John Jaquish & the X3 Bar

Episode 61: Dr. John Jaquish & the X3 Bar

This week, we welcome Dr. John Jaquish to the show to discuss his revolutionary strength training tool: the X3 Bar resistance band bar system. Providing a full body workout, Dr Jaquish’s invention is an incredibly portable variable resistance tool. We discuss his background, the X3 portable gym’s development, and the science behind his work.

Full Transcript

Josh Holland: Hello and welcome to Simply Walk the Talk.

Grace Nuttall: Making sense of the health and fitness world, one conversation at a time.

Josh Holland: My name is Josh Holland.

Grace Nuttall: I’m Grace Nuttall.

Josh Holland: Hey, hey, hey, what’s up, Grace?

Grace Nuttall: Hi, Josh, how you doing?

Josh Holland: I’m doing quite well. I’m in a vault with a large man.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a really weird way to start a story, just saying.

Grace Nuttall: Just a standard Monday evening, right, to be in a vault with a large man.

Josh Holland: Yeah, exactly, exactly. Hey, listen, I guess I can take care of myself. I should be able to. For all of you listening out there, we have a guest on the show today and he goes by the name, Dr. John Jaquish.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s not my superhero name, that’s actually my real name.

Josh Holland: That’s actually his real name.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Josh Holland: Yeah. We’ve got Grace. Welcome back to London, after your amazing journey being here in the United States, over on his part of the world. You were in California and Vegas and what not, right?

Grace Nuttall: Yeah, I spent two weeks in a RV with three of my best friends traveling around California and Nevada and Arizona, and it was, yeah, amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Beautiful.

Grace Nuttall: It was incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You saw some beautiful parts of United States.

Grace Nuttall: Yes. I mean, I thought New York was amazing but now I just want to move to California and be near San Mateo all the time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh boy, yeah, I understand.

Grace Nuttall: I’ve definitely caught a bug.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s hard to do anything where anybody would pay you crosstalk in that part of California. It’s a beautiful place to visit, there’s not a lot of industry there.

Grace Nuttall: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s probably why it’s so beautiful.

Josh Holland: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nothing there.

Grace Nuttall: Probably. Just bears and trees.

Josh Holland: In order to make sure we get going on a timely manner, because as a pleasant surprise, we were trying to get a phone call prepared for this podcast today and it just so happens that Dr. Jaquish is here in town in New York City, so we kind of said, “Hey, instead of fumbling around with trying to log into Skype and get this thing going,” he was like, “How about I just hop on by?” He is here in the flesh while we’re doing-

Dr. John Jaquish: I should’ve given you more of a warning, but I actually just figured it out this afternoon. I’m like, “Oh, I’ve got this podcast. Then I looked at your address and I’m like, that’s like right down the street from where I am. That’s Super.”

Josh Holland: Yeah, exactly. That’s the beauty of technology in the world today. Without further ado, we do have Dr. John Jaquish. I’ve listened to several podcasts that he’s been a part of. I’ve also personally invested in one of the products we’re going to highlight and talk about today. I’ve also used it with several of my clients and friends and families. If you don’t mind, maybe let’s go into a little bit about your background and kind of-

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely, yeah.

Josh Holland: -what you do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So many great things that come out, discoveries that are made are almost done so by accident. This is kind of accidental. A little over 10 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and I decided to chase down maybe a different approach. She didn’t want to take any of the medications because there’s some side effects associated with them. Not that medications don’t have their place, but she didn’t want to take them. What I determined was that it’s a disease of deconditioning and anything that’s deconditioned can become reconditioned. I told my mother that, and I also discovered in this reading process that I went through, is that there is one group of people in the world that has superhuman bone density and it’s gymnasts. It’s because of the load that they receive when they contact the ground. They hit the ground, sometimes they get 10 times their body weight in force. What I wanted to do was create a device that emulated high impact, so the benefits of high impact without the risks. I developed this device, treated her bone loss, and within 18 months she went from osteoporosis diagnosis level back to the bones of a 30 year old. She had terrible bones and then she had for her age, sort of abnormally perfect bone density. At her age, she was in her seventies and had me a little later in life and phenomenal results with her. Then when I was doing some research, well, I wrote the protocol, I didn’t perform the actual study. It was in a University of East London and Stratford. You know where I’m talking about. Yeah, you’re probably not far from there. In Stratford there’s a small hospital clinic that ran a study with 50 individuals looking at their bone density gains over time. Ultimately the pre to post DEXAs were eight months apart with six months of therapy front-loaded in that period of time. They gained more bone density than pretty much has ever been recorded. What was so interesting and what got me to my second invention, was when I looked at the levels of force that these post-menopausal women were able to create, six, seven, eight, nine times their body weight.

Josh Holland: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Like pro athletes don’t train with that kind of force. Now these women weren’t like squatting nine times their body weight, but they were able to create that level of force comfortably in impact positions, in the position, so 120 degree angle of inclusion behind your knee, that’s meaning the angle, like what your knee looks like 120 degrees. That’s basically your knees slightly bent. When you are in that position, you’re capable of incredible forces. Then I compared that to the dataset the American College of Sports Medicine keeps for what people normally load their hip joint with and it was ridiculously low. It was 1.3 to 1.53 multiples of body weight. What that told me was, there’s a seven fold difference between weak to strong range. We’ve always known the weak range is weak range because that’s the hard part of the exercise, and strong range is the easier part of the exercise. If there’s a seven fold difference, what that told me is some of the variable resistance products out there, Arthur Jones developed the cam with Nautilus, Westside Barbell is known for adding bands to weights and getting more stimulus that way, but the previous protocols were like … Let’s say for a bench press, you have X amount of weight on your chest and at extension you’re 1.2 X. I said, “No, no, no. What we really need is more variance, so there’s X on your chest and five X at extension.” When we do that, we can go to fatigue in multiple ranges of motion in one set. Somebody starts to exercise and let’s say like I was just taking Jocko Sims, the actor, through a workout deck down the street here in New York. He’s training for a couple things. He’s in a show right now. What I showed him was that when he does a chest press, he’s holding 300 pounds at the top. He hits that 15 repetitions and then he can’t get there anymore, so he does half repetitions. He diminishes the range and he’s only maybe 150 in the middle. Then the last repetition may be only 50 pounds in the weaker range of motion. Now he’s taken the muscle to fatigue in the strongest range of motion, something you cannot do with a weight, in the mid range of motion and then in the weak range of motion. There’s something you just can’t do with weights and it gives you a much deeper level of fatigue and thereby calls for more growth. We’ve seen people, and I’m just torched on the internet for people saying they gain around a pound of muscle a week when they start using it. I didn’t gain muscle that fast, but there are multiple … You have?

Josh Holland: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, you’re gaining like a pound of muscle a week. It’s like a pound of muscle a week is like for like high performance athletes. They’re just like, that’s not possible. Well, it is because you’re just going to a deeper level of fatigue. Then some of the dismissive comments we get are like, “Well, it’s just bands.” No, it’s not just bands. It’s the world’s most powerful bands. In fact, if there were bands like this before, without the whole system, they would be useless because if you try to do a dead lift with these bands without the Olympic bar, that’s part of X3 Bar variable resistance system, and without the ground plate that’s part of X3 Bar resistance band training system, you’d break your wrists or your ankles or both. Yeah, so massively powerful and that’s the objective of the product. What’s also interesting is I hesitate sometimes and I see the look on your face, you’re thinking women probably don’t want to deal with 300 pounds. Remember, you’re seven times stronger in your strong range. You don’t even know what you can handle. When you deal with those higher levels of weight, it’s very safe because you’re in your stronger range of motion, you have more capability there. You end up fatiguing with higher levels of weight, in a safer manner than dealing with a static weight moving through space. Therefore you get a greater level of stimulus and you were far less risk than if you had been lifting a static weight.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Josh Holland: For all the listeners out there, I want to make sure that they understand the way we understand this. Like if we were to give a couple examples of like the strong range versus the weak range, and a squat versus a chest press, the strong range would be closer to the top, right, as in that when you-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, when your limbs are almost straight.

Josh Holland: Exactly. This is why some people, like, especially if you go and you do a CrossFit workout, you can probably lift 400 pounds off of the squat rack because you’re barely bending your legs and using the powerful part of your hips, but then you go down-

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t get back up, yeah, yeah.

Josh Holland: Or at the top part, again taking, if you’re on your back doing a bench press, you’re taking the weight off the rack, that’s the strong part. Then as you lower, you go down into that weaker part. I just want to make sure people understand what that means because visually that makes more sense to some people who aren’t in the field that we are. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Josh Holland: Great. So you got a question?

Grace Nuttall: Oh, so yeah, no, I was going to kind of just with your point where you say people might dismiss it as just being exercise bands. It’s funny because a couple of weeks ago when Josh was in London, I got to try the … by myself.

Josh Holland: Yeah, that’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

Josh Holland: Well that’s what was amazing. I think at first I was like, “Oh this should be fine. I’ve been working out a lot recently. Like this will be great. You want me to do some arm curls and everything, perfect.” I just couldn’t do it. I was so shocked. It was so difficult for me. I couldn’t even do a proper curl and like I couldn’t do a dead lift. I could kind of do a dead lift but-

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t travel with the lightest band, I’m guessing.

Josh Holland: No. Well to be fair and I guess to the point of all this, Grace, you were able to do it. You just weren’t able to do it in the way that you’re used to doing it. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, exactly.

Josh Holland: This is one thing that I was trying to take some advice from all the things that I’ve seen that they’ve published with their bar and their products is keep going, because even if it’s a small range of movement and you’re still able to put out some sort of force-

Dr. John Jaquish: Diminishing the range is really important. First you fatigue the strong range. Then when you can’t get there anymore, then you fatigue the mid range and then finally the week range. You can’t do that with a weight. This is actually fatiguing you in accordance with your biomechanics, with human biomechanics. Weights just don’t do that. There’s a reason when we sprint, we only use seven degrees of flexion of our knee. We have 180 degrees available. Why don’t we use all 180? Well, because only seven degrees are really efficient for propelling us as fast as possible.

Grace Nuttall: I think … Oh, sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, go ahead.

Grace Nuttall: Oh, I was just going to say, well I think that’s one of the really interesting things about it because it can challenge your preconceptions about how you complete a movement. I think we talked a lot in the show about people getting complacent with their abilities and I think this is an excellent tool for challenging that. If you think that you can easily do a deadlift, this will make you question it because you’re working those different strength points.

Josh Holland: One thing I’ll have to add is, as a person who does a lot of different modalities from dance to yoga to CrossFit to MovNat, all these different things. I’ve been very comfortable because I used to practice and I still do super slow method.

Dr. John Jaquish: Good.

Josh Holland: In my body and my way of thinking, I’m used to training to like positive failure or complete failure, whereas a lot of other people aren’t quite comfortable with that, because one of the first questions I get is, “Well, how many sets and how many reps?” I’m curious, maybe so that you can explain this in a way that people understand, but I’m just kind of like, look, one set to complete failure. Let’s get it-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. When X3 Bar resistance band bar system was created, I got so much pushback for just recommending one set. It took me some time before I could explain it as well as I can now. What I tell people now is when you train with a weight, you’re really only training the weak range where you’re only stimulating the least amount of muscle. That’s where you go to fatigue, in the week range. Hence we call it the week range. What if you could fatigue all ranges of motion and that’s what we’re doing with X3 Bar variable resistance system. It’s a deeper level of stimulus and you only need to stimulate one time. Bone density for example, one loading cycle triggers bone growth of the appropriate load.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Josh Holland: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Only one. You don’t need to do it twice. This is seen in gymnastics, this is seen with my first invention. is where people find that if somebody wants to look into greater bone health. When you see these things where people do multiple sets, it’s because each set is really kind of crummy. You’re not really getting the kind of stimulus that you could get. If you want to get a suntan, you need to be in like the peak of summer, whenever, 4th of July for us. You go out and you come back 20 minutes later and your skin’s kind of red. Then if you don’t go out again or you put some sunblock on, then it turns into a tan, but if you keep going outside or if you go outside all day long in the winter time where the stimulus is very poor, nothing happens. That’s a lot more like just training with a weight. Like I said, I’m like the most hated guy on the fitness internet for saying this kind of thing but it’s truth.

Josh Holland: Now for me with a lot of the clients that I train, I know there’s also a lot of listeners at this level, I train a lot of models, I train a lot of female models and many of them are-

Dr. John Jaquish: Rough life.

Josh Holland: Yeah, yeah, no kidding.

Dr. John Jaquish: It probably is a rough job. They have very specific requirements.

Josh Holland: Oh, very specific and a lot of them now, I think the average user or end user today is much more intelligent or “intelligent” than they than they were before. They’re going to be asking a lot of good questions and there’s so much misinformation out there. One of the main things I get, and I’m sure you get this as well, correct me if I’m wrong, but me being a guy with a certain bit of muscle mass,-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, I know where this is going.

Josh Holland: -we have to kind of talk our way around, “Hey listen, just because I look this way doesn’t mean that I’m going to make you look this way.” I will be posting some videos of a few of the high profile models that I have training on X3 Bar exercise band bar system now, but what can you add to that conversation, that bit of apprehension that some of the girls out there, the females out there might have?

Dr. John Jaquish: Everybody who wants to create, everyone’s goals are different. Like my goal when creating this product and I believe my goal is more similar to more people in the world than anybody else’s. I want to be as strong as possible. I don’t care how much I lift. I get questions like, “Well how much do you bench?” I’m like, “I’ll never bench again. Who cares?” I know I’ll be stronger than everybody else. That’s what counts. Yeah. Like we talked about, at my strength level, the injury risk is so high doing a regular bench press. I’d never do it. No reason. I’m 41 years old. Like why, why screw around with that. As strong as possible, as lean as possible, that’s my goal. When you’re talking about a model, they want some proportions. They want to make certain parts of the body thicker to make other parts of the body appear thinner. A little bit of calf growth makes your ankle look small or it makes your knee look smaller. Women typically like that if they model heels at all or if they walk down a runway in high heels. It’s going to create a better aesthetic. Women, I’ve noticed that a lot of women who do want the very, they call it long and lean look, they really benefit from making their hamstrings bigger because it stretches out the skin on the back of their legs and the appearance of cellulite goes away. Previously the only way to do that was dead lifting and women don’t want to deadlift, because they know they’re using their back and they don’t want to injure. You see them go so light on the dead lift. It’s like, ah, you use more strength in your spinal erectors getting out of bed this morning then with your exercise, but I get it. They don’t want to get injured. Now they can get the benefit of training heavy. They can grow their hamstrings, the cellulite. Now, obviously there’s a body fat component to this, but you can really help the appearance of cellulite and the abatement of said appearance if you grow the hamstring. Females have been thrilled with that kind of result. Now for males, it’s pretty obvious. Bigger neck, bigger arms, bigger chest. Some of them want bigger legs though. It’s like the bodybuilders talk about big legs and anybody else just doesn’t care at all. It’s really funny. Yeah, there’s so, really thickness. Some other things that surprised me in my week three video, I was laughing at the fact that there’s like a fitness, what do you want to call it, myth or just things that are said, if you want great calves, you need to be born with great calves. That’s been around. I had lifted weights for 20 years before developing this product and I looked okay. I looked athletic, but I wasn’t … If I had promoted a fitness product at that level of fitness, it would’ve been like, eh, okay. I kind of did. It’s when I started promoting X3 Bar variable resistance system and recording some of the videos for the 12 week program. It was funny because 12 weeks later my calves looked like somebody glued a steak on the back of each of my leg. Like, my pants are tight at the calf and that’s not something I expected. I talk to women about that kind of thing and making their calves bigger and how they’re going to look better in heels and they like that a lot.

Josh Holland: Well, you know, it’s really interesting. I’m glad you touched on the hamstring component and cellulite because I’m sure many of the people that I work with trust me and believe in what I say. Otherwise they probably wouldn’t keep coming to me, but it’s nice to have someone confirm exactly what I’m saying because I believe the same thing. That’s why I have these girls especially, I get more questions from females, especially female models asking me about cellulite and how to reduce the hips size to get into clothes. I have them dead lift on the X3 Bar portable home gym and of course all the diet components and crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and they wouldn’t like I eat a couple pounds of red meat for a meal, literally. I do. I do. If you eat like I do, you might grow muscle like I do, but they won’t eat like that.

Josh Holland: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like my goal is I want to be as strong as possible and my nutrition coincides with that. They want to be of a certain aesthetic and their nutrition needs to coincide with that too. Again, if you look at the video programming, I don’t tell everybody to go eat what I eat. I talk about the benefits of ketogenesis, the benefits of intermittent fasting, the benefits of reducing sugar. I also say that there’s a lot of different nutrition programs out there and hardly any of them are bad. You just actually have to follow them.

Josh Holland: Well said. All right.

Grace Nuttall: Just really quickly, I think it would be great to get a bit more of your personal background and your experience with that and how you kind of came to this point. I know you talked about how you were inspired to research this product because of your mother. At the time were you working in the fitness industry? Were you an entrepreneur at the time? How did you get into this world?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, it was, when I developed the bone density medical device, the OsteoStrong, what’s now in OsteoStrong locations, those are clinics, I was doing enterprise software sales. Yeah, I was a business major. I had an MBA and I was not thinking about this kind of thing at all. I did have a strong desire to learn more about the human body. I played rugby in university and so I was an outside center, so I was a skinnier guy, which is, yeah, you’re English, you know that. Yeah, the big guys are on that outside center. It just kind of went together and then as I started developing the device and testing with my mother and then I ran a test with 400 other people. This is down in the Napa Valley in California, 400 other people had a similar result. I published a book called Osteogenic Loading, which is on Amazon now. By the way, I don’t think anybody should read it. It’s a very boring book. It’s very boring. It’s like a medical textbook, but it does document like the background of this. If somebody who’s listening, if your mother has osteoporosis or if you have a family member and you really want to learn everything about it, there’s a lot in there. Then I did that and then it was only about two years ago that I came to the conclusion of X3 Bar. Whereas the medical devices for bone density, those are $100,000, but X3 Bar resistance band bar system is $549. Now they do different things. X3 Bar portable home gym is for really reshaping the body, whereas the other ones focus on bone density, but they use similar principles. That’s just where it came from and I ended up getting my PhD in biomedical engineering later on. I invented a product and then I found a university that would let me use that as my dissertation project.

Grace Nuttall: Amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, it was cool.

Josh Holland: Noticing that we’re kind of getting close to the tail end, I want to maybe approach the topic that I’m sure you get many questions about, which is the difference between this construct and other resistance band setups, but also the price point because I know it’s important. People are trying to duplicate what you’ve done and that they’re probably snapping bands and they’re hurting their ankles and wrists.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, every once in a while somebody who says, “Well I can just attach a band to a broom handle,” or something like that. Well, because of what we’re capable of, and I mentioned you’re seven times more capable in the strong range, the issue there is, if you try to train with like a pipe or a wooden dowel rod or some of these other plastic handle solutions, they will shatter. They will be destroyed with this level of force. Now of course you can’t find the bands that’ll produce this level of force either. Everything in the package of the product, which is $549, people will say, “Well I don’t understand. There’s band trainers out there for $40.” Right, and they’re great for like a rehab facility, like a physical therapy or physiotherapy where, Grace, you come from. Yeah, physiotherapists will use band training, but we’re talking 20 pounds, 30 pounds. There was a company out there that changed their marketing. They were saying something like 50 or 60 pounds and all of a sudden they changed it to 300 and it was the same bands. I thought, “Yeah, I’m sure it is 300 if you’re 24 feet tall and you stretch the bands that far.” Of course, the other parts wouldn’t handle it either. It’s a combination of the most powerful latex bands in the world and an Olympic bar that manages those and protects your wrists from being damaged. The rotation in Olympic bar is key in protecting your grip and your wrists, so that you really get an amazing exercise experience. Then there’s a plate that you stand on that the band runs underneath to protect your ankles. Anybody that says they train heavy with bands and they show me a picture and they’re standing on the band, I know they don’t, because if you’re standing on it, it would break your ankle. If you’re standing on it with both feet, break your ankle. Lateral force through the ankle, ankle doesn’t like lateral force. It’s not built for that. You need to protect the smaller joints in the body so that that we can access those powerful forces and get a real training effect.

Josh Holland: That’s awesome. Well, I will say this, unfortunately our time is coming to an end, but I want to make sure that we get all the info out there to the listeners. Hopefully we can get you back on. I will be posting a lot more videos of my clients working with this, even myself. Also, well I guess first let everyone know how they can find out more about X3 Bar exercise band bar system.

Dr. John Jaquish:

Josh Holland: It’s pretty easy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. It’s X3 Bar resistance band training system on Facebook or we don’t have an Instagram page, but I do. It’s Dr. Jaquish.

Josh Holland: Spelled?

Dr. John Jaquish: J-A-Q-U-I-S-H, D-R-J-A-Q-U-I-S-H on Instagram.

Josh Holland: I’ll be tagging and things like that for those of you that follow me. WOf course if you have any questions and it’s not working for you, just message me or message the kind folks at X3 variable resistance exercise system and definitely stay tuned. Also, we will have many setups here at the gym, 432 House in New York City. I’m sure there’s going to be plenty of other locations that will be offering it. If you guys happen to be in New York City at 55th and 6th, come by, check us out. What is our usual thing that we do when we have a guest on, Grace?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Grace Nuttall: We have a couple of standard questions that we ask at the brand just to get to know-

Dr. John Jaquish: I was hoping to spring you with champagne crosstalk.

Grace Nuttall: -your background a bit more. The first is just asking what your pet peeves are.

Dr. John Jaquish: You mean in life?

Josh Holland: Yeah, just any pet peeve in general. Maybe just give two quick ones since we’re running on time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, probably just like ignorance on the internet. I feel like social media is like the global exchange of misinformation, be it fitness or political or economic or whatever. Yeah, I mean what I’m doing makes a lot of sense and I justify it with science, but I actually … Can I use profanity on this show? I’m just quoting somebody.

Josh Holland: Yeah, why note, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. I quit reading comments six months ago. I just have people do that and responding on our social media. Science is bullshit. I read that multiple times per day, at least once a day. The concept of science and it’s like, how do you respond to that? Just like this is a person, there’s a lot of irrationality and anger on the internet. That covers both my one and two pet peeves.

Josh Holland: Beautiful. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Some of these people, it doesn’t matter how you say, oh, like you can be polite and I don’t call them stupid. I say, “Well maybe I’m not saying this correctly,” and you go back at them and yeah, they’re just furious. They just feel comfortable in their anger. That’s about it.

Josh Holland: Our very last one, because that’s a really good one and we’ll make this one super quick, is what is one thing you’re grateful for? Because we like to finish with positivity and gratitude. What is one thing you’re grateful for?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, experimenting with extended fasting.

Josh Holland: Oh, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m at the point now where I’m leaner than I’ve ever been. I eat at a caloric surplus every meal, but I eat six meals a week.

Josh Holland: Oh wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: One day, 48 hours. Actually I’m having dinner, I have dinner reservations at five o’clock. That will be 48 hours that I haven’t eaten anything. Yeah. I’m leaner in the mirror like every time I do that and every day a little bit also. I’m probably one of the few people that’s not taking any performance enhancing drugs and I’m getting leaner all the time. Like Dr. Fung, Dr. Jason Fung, if you can get him on your show, his research, and he also really proved the growth hormone up regulation and the cortisol downregulation. Those pieces of information were critical because when we grew up, I don’t know how old you are, how old are you?

Josh Holland: 37.

Dr. John Jaquish: 37, okay. Yeah, it’s kind of the same thing. We were told like if you don’t eat like four or five meals a day, you’re going to lose muscle between meals. We were told that. That’s completely not true.

Josh Holland: Wow. Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally.

Grace Nuttall: Well, we’ll have to have you on again so we can discuss your experience with that as well.

Josh Holland: I know. He’s clearly a wealth of knowledge, everyone. Next time we have to do this in multiple segments or just keep him on here longer. As always, thank you for your time Dr. Jaquish.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. I will be thrilled to come back.

Josh Holland: Awesome. Thank you to all the listeners. Again, if you want to check out the X3 Bar variable resistance system, go to Until next time, see ya.

No Weights, No Cardio

Grace Nuttall: Bye, thank you so much.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bye guys, bye.

Josh Holland: Thank you.

Grace Nuttall: Bye.

Josh Holland: Thanks for listening to Simply Walk the Talk.

Grace Nuttall: If you have any questions or comments, shout out to us on social media or email us at [email protected].

Josh Holland: If you liked this episode and it was helpful in any way, feel free to share.

Grace Nuttall: Thanks.

Josh Holland: Thanks.

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