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By Talk Healthy Today Podcast on November 1, 2021

Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time with Dr. John Jaquish

Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time with Dr. John Jaquish

Dr. John Jaquish joins Lisa Davis, host of Talk Healthy Today, to discuss his research and development of improved approaches to health. While also talking about this book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want, Dr. Jaquish explains his non-conventional approach to human physiology.

Full Transcript

Lisa Davis: Hi, I’m Lisa Davis. So glad you’re listening to Talk Healthy Today. I just read a fascinating book. It is called, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. It is by the wonderful Dr. John Jaquish. He’s an innovator, thought leader in the biomedical fitness market, and a Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Hello, Dr. Jaquish. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you for having me. This is an honor.

Lisa Davis: So glad to have you on. Okay, so first of all, I thought it was really interesting, the title and I loved it… I heard you in an interview and you said, “Weight lifting is waste of time because weight lifting is waste of time.” And I thought that was really funny. I like your sense of humor. The other thing that grabbed me in the book is about your mother and her osteoporosis. Tell us about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: That got me started. My mom was diagnosed with osteoporosis. This was like 15 years ago. And so, for a couple of years, she came home, told me, and I was getting my MBA at the time. And I think it wasn’t even really my read of the side effects of the medication, but there was only bisphosphonates out there.

There were no bone anabolics back then. I mean, those are worse, but they’re more effective, they’re just deaf. Horrid side effects. So she looked at the side effects of the bisphosphonate drugs, like Fosamax and Boniva, and she wanted nothing to do with it. But then she’s like, “But then I’m probably going to have a fracture and it could end my life.” There’s a 50% chance of death within one year of a hip fracture if you’re over 50. 50 is young.

Lisa Davis: I think so.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. You shouldn’t look at chronic diseases of aging when you’re 50.

Lisa Davis: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: If they catch up with you when you’re 80, it’s like, “Well, okay.” Something’s going to catch up with you. So, on a long enough time scale, the survival rate is zero. Yeah. So my mother had this issue and she felt like her quality of life was going to change. And so, I started reading about osteoporosis and I thought, “This is a disease of deconditioning. It’s not like a pathogen caused this.”

So it’s like it’s a disease of disuse. Everybody understands that. So, okay. Disuse. Well, how do we reuse? How do we start triggering the bone growth? And quickly figured out that really, the only thing that influences bone is high impact forces. So you need to exceed 4.2 multiples of body weight to do anything at all to your bone density in the lower extremities.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s the important place. Everybody can have low bone density in their clavicle or something like that. It’s the most commonly broken bone in the body, but that’s not going to be life-threatening. That’ll be irritating, that’ll be painful. But the important part is the hip joint, because you break that and you either don’t walk again, or you have trouble healing from it, which are the complications we were talking about. 50% chance of death at 50. So I’m looking at that situation and okay, high impact.

Well, obviously I’m not going to tell my mother to go out for gymnastics in her early 70s at the time. But I thought, “Okay, I can build a medical device that gives us the benefit of high impact without any of the risks of high impact. And I’m going to do that by isolating the high-impact positions. And then allowing self-created loading.” So, self-created is very safe. So no matter how hard I squeeze, I can’t squeeze hard enough to break my own hand. It’s a process of neural inhibition. It keeps you very safe.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, instead of imagining I’m going to create some software system that knows the human body better than the human body does, that’ll never happen by the way, no matter how hard Apple works on it, it’ll never happen. When building the prototype, she used it for six months and started reversing her osteoporosis. And then a year after that, so 18 months, she had the bones of a 30-year-old woman and still does.

Lisa Davis: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. But the compressive forces were high, as I knew they needed to be. Now, that brought me to my second invention, because once I… So, after doing this with my mother and I had a clinic in Napa Valley, California, not a bad place to be.

Lisa Davis: Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was nice. So, I’m in Napa and I designed this system. And then, when we went to do a clinical trial, I spent some time in London. We did it in London. Specifically, University of East London, Stratford Village Surgery. So we’re doing it there and… You’ve been to East London?

Lisa Davis: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Lisa Davis: I haven’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: The great part about East London in this particular study is almost every postmenopausal person has osteoporosis, because it’s almost exclusively immigrants there. And basically, because they can’t get their local cuisine from where they’re from, whether it’s Barbados, or… That was just one of the places. A lot of people from India, a lot of people from Pakistan. And so, they sort of gravitate towards junk food.

So it’s like, “Our food or junk food.” It’s like McDonald fries and Coca-Cola. It’s like, “I’m thirsty. I could drink water, but they have Coke here, so I want to reward myself for getting all the way to England.” So yeah. So it’s a problem, man. Like osteoporotic people, diabetic people, are everywhere. And so it was a great place to do the trial, but the trial was so exciting that some of the physicians in the Stratford Village Surgery wanted to be test subjects, and those who didn’t qualify to be test subjects, they just did it anyway, sort of on the side and track their own progress. And they were very excited to talk to me about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, one of them says one day, these numbers, like the forces that we’re putting on our body. And this particular woman was in her late 70s, and she ended up not being a test subject because it was random. Random assignment. She didn’t get either test group. So what she said, so I think she was about 120 pounds, maybe 4’ 11", just deconditioned, never worked out a day in her life.

And so, she’s like, “So, I’m pushing 700 pounds with my legs.” And she’s like, “That’s almost seven times my body weight.” So she’s like, “That’s crazy.” And she’s like, “I’d ask you if this is safe, but I know it is because of what you wrote about neural inhibition. You’re right. Like if it were going to hurt me, my body would stop me before an injury would happen, because it’s very slow and controlled loading.” So you can be abrupt. I can hit my hand with a hammer and break it, but I can’t squeeze my fist hard enough. You cannot create an injury on yourself, minus momentum like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So she says, “Well, how does this compare with weightlifting?” She says, “I don’t know anything about fitness.” And most physicians don’t learn anything about fitness. It’s almost like a subject that has nothing to do with them. Like, “Oh, healthier human body? That’s nothing to do with my business.”

Lisa Davis: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. So I said, “I want to get an answer to that question, because I don’t really know.” And so, when I found the number, it was in published literature, it was in an American College of Sports Medicine paper. And it was based on the Embase database.

So Embase database, for those of you who don’t know, the largest health metrics database ever created, and it focuses a lot on things that nutrition and fitness would mediate. So like percentage of body fat, via DEXA scan, different strength levels. And the National Institute of Health monitors this database and they grow, they add 2,000 test subjects per year, so I think now they’re up to like 25,000 test subjects.

Lisa Davis: Oh wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s a lot of data points, so you can get a lot of great data. And it’s out there for researchers to compare, to normative data, to high performance data, whatever, because you can search it. So what I figured out was that between what I was doing would just impact ready range of motion loading, versus full range loading, like you do at a gym.

So you pick up a weight. When you pick up a weight, you have to be able to handle it in your weakest range of motion. So when people work out, really they’re only stimulating the weakest part movement, where they have the least amount of muscle firing.

Lisa Davis: You were talking about the different impact. And when you’re lifting weights, it’s different than what you’re doing. If you can describe that process for people who haven’t read, and they should read the book, but why that’s so important, what exactly that means?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s the impact-ready range of motions, sevenfold difference from weaker range to that impact-ready range, the strongest range. So if you know in one position you’re seven times stronger than the other, why would you ever lift a weight? It doesn’t make sense. So, you know you have seven times more the force production capability, yet you don’t don’t use it when you’re lifting weights, because the weight…

Let’s say you pick up a 200 pound weight. It’s 200 pounds at the bottom, it’s 200 pounds at the top. Well, what we really need is something that’s maybe 50 pounds at the bottom and maybe 350 at the top. We need a wide ratio variance. And so, once I understood this, I was like, “Wow, okay.” So, I’ve never seen better evidence for variable resistance. Now, we’ve had band training for a long time, but here’s the problem with the studies about band training, is most of the studies would have somebody in, let’s say, a chest press or pushup position, where they’re holding X at the bottom, and 1.2 X at the top.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, all of those studies, all the serious ones, there’s one, really bad one, where people use TheraBand, and obviously TheraBand’s not going to make you stronger. It’s for therapy. But that was borderline fraudulent. I don’t know why they picked TheraBand to exercise with, that’s totally not what it’s for. But 16 out of 16 of the other studies find that variable resistance produces more muscle growth, more strength, and greater gains compared to the control group. But like I said, a lot of them use an X versus 1.2 X.

Whereas I knew the variability curve needed to not be like this, maybe more like this, like a 45 degree, like climb, so we could get to a five to one type ratio. And coincidentally, two of the studies did show that the greater proportion variance, the greater the result. So, I already knew I was on the right track, like a lot of weight lifters… And this it’s uncommon. This is like 1% of people who lift weights. They’ll have a bar, and instead of lifting a weight, they’ll lift a gigantic chain, which is connected to each end of the bar.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a pile of chain on the ground, and as they lift upward, more of the chain comes off the ground. This is obviously a mess. Like this is not a pretty gym, this is a serious gym. And it’s also people can get hurt with chains, more so than with weights.

So it’s really unpopular from a liability standpoint. But anyway, that’s what they had been doing before. When I’m talking about variable resistance, I’m mostly talking about my product, my second product, my second invention. So the first one was called OsteoStrong. And the second one’s called X3. And X3 is a… The reason it was called X3 is there is one study that shows that people got three times stronger.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Lisa Davis: Oh, cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: The people that used variable resistance, over the people who did not use variable resistance. And there’s been studies like… All the 16 studies are like that, but the greater the proportion of variants, the wider the ratio, the better people did. So I was like, “Wow, there’s no convenient product that does this.” Like bars, and piles of chains, and how you even attach the chain to the bar? There’s just not products out there, and nor does somebody want big chains that are used for mooring lines of cruise ships.

Lisa Davis: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: These are kind of heavy chains. This is not a hardware store chain. This is something really heavy. So that’s just like completely not convenient and kind of a disastrous idea. But I was like, “Okay, well, what if we use…?” I knew bands wouldn’t work by themselves, because the problem with the band is you throw a band around your back and go to do a pushup. Your hands are being bent outwardly and you can injure your wrists.

Lisa Davis: Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You go heavy enough, you could break your wrists. Same thing when you stand on a band. It’s almost like if you don’t break your ankle, that means you’re not training hard enough. Also, don’t use bands by themselves because you’ll break your ankle. Bands have failed to be successful for 20, 25 years for that reason, because they’re put in the market and people try to use them for strength training and they never really got it right. So what I did was I created an Olympic bar that retains the band so your hand can be straight.

Lisa Davis: Oh, cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: With a hook on each end of it. And then there’s independent rotation, so it keeps your wrist neutral as the resistance can rotate. So basically your wrist is always kept safe, because the problem with band training is the interface. We interface with bars, straight bars, really well. We interface with flat ground really well. I mean, the bottom of our feet are flat, so it makes perfect sense.

So you just got to have two, one flat plane to stand on and one bar to grab a whole of. And so, I developed both of those things, got past 16 patents on those devices, and launched X3. And we have 100,000 customers now. I wrote a book about it, sold 100,000 copies of the book. That’s the one that’s a Wall Street Journal bestseller read, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. So it’s been it a pretty cool adventure between bone density and muscular growth.

Lisa Davis: I bet.

Dr. John Jaquish: I will say… Now, the people that listen to your podcast, people who are interested in health, and fitness, and probably biohacking. Let me tell you something wonderful and disappointing about yourselves. And I put myself in this category as well. We don’t do what we do to be healthy. We just tell ourselves that. The reason people are motivated is vanity. We want to look better.

And I have nothing nice to say about the fitness industry because I think the entire thing is just a joke full of just garbage information that they know is garbage, but they know that people are misled, so they keep providing strength and cardio equipment, and not the equipment that’ll actually solve your problem, even though there are others like me who are solving plenty of different physiological problems. It’s like people don’t know what plyometrics are, therefore gyms don’t have plyometrics. But what’s better, a cardio machine or a plyometric device? A plyometric device.

Lisa Davis: Well, for people who don’t know what that is, just in case, because this show, we do fitness, but we do a lot on mental health and we also do stuff on different foods and it’s like a more holistic kind of look than just like all fitness, so I would love for people who don’t know what that is.

Dr. John Jaquish: Plyometrics are like drills for explosiveness. And you’re usually bungee corded to like a flat surface and you jump up, and the bungee cords are trying to pull you down, so you’re trying to create as much upward force as possible. The product I’m describing is called Vertimax. Very cool. Builds explosive power. Now, not a lot of people want explosive power, so I mean you got to think like, “Do I want to be like a fast sprinter or something like that?” But from a general health perspective, I wish more people would want to be faster, because that will solve incredible health problems. Like, you ever seen a fat sprinter?

Lisa Davis: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. You go to any distance event and it’s like an obesity luau. Yeah, just heavy people all over the place thinking if they just run this marathon like, “Oh boy, I am going to be thin.” Like, “No. No, you’re not. Not how it works at all.” In fact, you’ll lose more muscle than you will body fat. And that’s why heavy people who get into cardiovascular training kind of stay heavy, because… Yeah, and that’s the part of the book where I say like, “So is cardio.” Cardio is a waste of time too, because you get regular cortisol up regulations that don’t go down in time. You keep cycling cortisol up every time you do cardiovascular exercise. Cortisol’s job is getting rid of muscle and protecting your body fat, so you stay as fat as possible, as long as possible. So it’s exactly the opposite of what people think they’re getting.

Lisa Davis: Oh, that’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: 180 degrees different from what they think. And I ask people all the time. I don’t ever use a gym, but sometimes I do a tour or something like that. And I walk through and I’ll be like, “So why do you do cardio?” And it’s the same answer every time. “Well, I want to be lean.” Like, “Hmm. Yeah. No, that’s not doing it.” But I don’t really say that, I’ve just kind of taken a poll, like how misinformed are people? Spectacularly misinformed.

Lisa Davis: So, for people who say, and I know you’ve heard this before, I’m sure. “Yeah, but I lift weights, and I’m super muscular, and I’m strong.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, hold on. The people who say that, usually have baby arms and a double chin. So, I come across people all the time, that think they’re like a health authority and you look them up and it’s like, “You’re obese. What are you talking about?” And they look like they’ve never strength trained before. And I’m like, “Yeah. Okay.” And being an owner of a business and I’m a scientist, and I have to be a gentleman, unfortunately. I don’t want to be so boorish to say like, “Bullying needs to come back,” but a lot of people are allowed to do really unhealthy things to themselves. And because of political correctness, nobody can help them out.

Like one of my really good friends, I just had to grab the guy. I mean, I grabbed him by the collar and I’m like, “You are not going to see your son graduate high school, unless you change what you’re doing. You’re eating yourself to death.” The guy was in tears. And then he is like, “All right.” But sometimes… It’s like you can tell somebody they smoke too much. You can tell somebody they drink too much. And they’ll be like, “Yeah, I know.” But you tell somebody they overeat, and it’s like, “Okay, Hitler.” Like, “Really? Did you just really say that?” And it’s like, “Would you rather me just sit here and watch as you die?”

Lisa Davis: I want to go back. So, when you’re talking about the weight lifting, obviously, and you say it’s a waste of time, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be strengthening your body.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I’m just telling people to use variable resistance. That’s kind of the boil down of the book, but like, “Use variable resistance.” Well, people are like, “Well, how do I do that?” Now, I do talk a lot about why I created the product I created, because it makes variable resistance very simple. I didn’t write the book to be just like a commercial for my product, though I do get criticized for that every day. But I mean, it’s the internet. People will say anything because they’re jealous, because this company… Right now, Jaquish Biomedical is the fastest brand, fastest growing brand of fitness.

Lisa Davis: Oh, that’s exciting.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s phenomenal. Yeah. Yeah. And so, I don’t really pay much attention to the critics. Fortunately, I have a lot of them, and most to the critics are pretty stupid because they don’t read the science. And then, some of them have smarter friends, who then end up seeing what’s going on in the company. And they’re like, “Oh, this Dr. Jaquish guy, he’s right. This book makes perfect sense.” And then they become customers. So yeah. I just view sort of the angry, jealous trolls as sort of like useful idiots that work for me for free, because they just drag in all kinds of other people. But it is amazing. And anybody who’s listening to this podcast, if you’re an entrepreneur, you do something for the first time, you’re going to get a lot of arrows in your back. You got to be aware of the fact that you will be criticized. People will make it their life’s mission to follow you around and insult you.

Lisa Davis: It’s terrible.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just part of the deal. I’m okay with it. I’m okay with it, because… Yeah. I mean, they bring a ton of attention. I appreciate they’re there. I’m probably more known as a controversial person than the inventor of X3. I have people… I can’t go to an airport without somebody recognizing me. I was in the Aspen Airport the other day. Do you know how small that airport is?

Lisa Davis: I’ve never been, but I’d love to go some time.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s about as big as a six-car garage. It’s tiny. And somebody walks in and they hold their X3 bag up.

Lisa Davis: Oh nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: They just look at me and they hold their X3 bag up and I was like, “Wow. Hey, how you doing?” Even in tiny airports, I run into X3 users, but more often people are like, “Yeah. Hey, I saw you on the internet and I didn’t like what you had to say about weight lifting, but it seems like a lot of people are getting great results.” So, at least they’re willing to admit they were wrong. Times change. Better solutions come along. And I know I’m 100% right. Without a doubt. There’s no other approach for the human body other than variable resistance. And if you’re not using variable resistance, it’s like going and playing soccer with your shoelaces tied together. You’re just at such a disadvantage. And I lifted weights for 20 years and got almost no results out of it. Not at all, not even a little bit. Nothing.

No Weights, No Cardio

Lisa Davis: Everybody I know either do Pilates, yoga, swimming. I love swimming. Don’t bash my swimming.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I started the swim team in my high school.

Lisa Davis: Oh, nice. Yes, swimming’s great.

Dr. John Jaquish: It is.

Lisa Davis: So what is it about the weight, the body, like with the yoga, and the Pilates, and swimming, or running? Are you a fan of running or not? You’re not a fan of cardio.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well. Yeah, I would say running, if you keep it beneath just a constant heart rate for 20 minutes like I believe in high-intensity interval sprinting, but distance running is just… Yeah. I mean, it’s like distance running is almost like an eating disorder. It’s like this idea that the human body is developing. No, the human body is limiting itself. The reason you become a better runner is that you’re losing muscle. Therefore, your body weight’s going down. And you’re storing more fat, so you develop a body which is called skinny fat. So you can carry a lighter weight… Oh, and you lose bone density also.

Lisa Davis: Oh, that’s not good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So distance running

Lisa Davis: My husband does the hit. He runs, but he does the high-intensity interval.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s a different subject. Different biochemistry. You suppress cortisol and you increase growth hormone. Growth hormone and cortisol seem to be inversely related.

Lisa Davis: So, if somebody gets the X3, is there a workout with it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Everything. The product is designed… So right now, I mean, you can go on the website and see 19 NFL players who use it exclusively. And the NBA teams. The Miami Heat put their endorsement on the back of the book. Yeah. And teams never endorse things, because they know how much a brand is worth. So yeah. I mean, it’s a big deal. So a lot of top athletes use it because it just produces better results. There’s not an NFL player that gets paid because he has a high bench press. They get paid for scoring points and stopping the other team from scoring points. That’s it.

So if you told them, “Hey, hold this magic rock in your pocket and you’ll be twice as strong,” they’d all have a magic rock in their pocket. They don’t care how they got there. They just need to get there. And a lot of them… There’s a joke in the NFL. NFL stands for Not For Long because you’re going to get injured and you’ll be cycled out. And when you look at the value of some of these, especially the really good players, if they sit out they’re being paid. Well, actually in the NFL, they’re not. If you sit out a game, you’re not paid for. Yeah. So they need to be in games. They need to stay playing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so, from an injury prevention standpoint, from a stimulus perspective, I’m trying to answer your question. The product is designed for people who have never exercised. Not even once.

Lisa Davis: Oh wow. Okay. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, it’ll be the best workout in the world for a super-strong, absolutely elite-level athlete. But it is simple enough for somebody who’s just not trained at all.

Lisa Davis: Oh, I see. That’s cool. One of the problems that I have is because I was hit by a bread truck on my bike in ‘93 and I ended up with a lot of soft tissue damage. I always feel like whenever I try to push it too hard, I always end up getting injured. And so, I feel like, with the variable resistance, that’s something that I could do.

Dr. John Jaquish: You typically only get injured in your weaker range of motion. So in a pushup, like when your nose is close to the ground. That’s when you get injured, or the bottom of a squat.

Lisa Davis: And my wrist hurts.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because it’s the most bent when you’re closer to the ground. When the body’s coming up, you can almost put your weight on your fingers and distribute the load differently. So we offload the range of motion that is most associated with joint injury. So, when I do a bench press, when I’m at the bottom of the bench press so the bar is close to my chest, I’m pushing 100 pounds.

When I push it a little more than halfway up, I’m holding 300 pounds, so the weight climbs as I move the bar away from myself. When it goes even further, and I got to an almost full extension because you don’t go to lockout, you don’t go to full extension, because you want to keep the tension on the muscle, you don’t want to disconnect the muscle, I’m holding 550 pounds.

Dr. John Jaquish: But 550 would be a huge bench press number. Now, I’m only holding it in the stronger range of motion, but I get the benefit of exhausting the body with the 550 pounds, which you cannot do with weight, in the stronger range of motion. So I’m using the total muscle to go to fatigue with that weight. And then when I cannot get to that high tension part of the movement, I shorten my range. Then I do half repetitions till I can’t do that anymore. And then I’m doing one-inch repetitions with 100 pounds, but it’s total devastation of the muscle. You fatigue every range of motion, another thing you cannot do with weight.

Lisa Davis: Oh, that is incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so safe, so easy. And you do one set per exercise. The workouts are 10 minutes.

Lisa Davis: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I work out 10 minutes a day, six days a week. So I do one hour of exercise, and you can’t… The people who listen to this, can’t see me. I’m six feet tall, 240 pounds, 7% body fat. I have visible veins in my abdominals. Most people wouldn’t even want to be nearly as fit as me. If they could get halfway to where I am, they would feel incredible. And that’s why I tell people, “You don’t need to go as far.” I’m going as far as my body can take me at 45 years old. I turned 45 the other day.

Lisa Davis: Oh, happy birthday.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you. I want to see how much muscle I can gain and how much I can maintain in my 40s. Now, I put on 60 pounds of muscle since turning 40. That never happens.

Lisa Davis: Oh my… I’m sorry. I’m just flabbergasted. Well, I’ve seen you, and you look flipping amazing, but wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

Lisa Davis: That’s impressive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And it feels great. What did Coco Chanel say? “Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.”

Lisa Davis: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, not a popular thing to repeat today.

Lisa Davis: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I would change it to be like, “Nothing good being fit feels, or being strong…” I don’t like strong that much because a lot of like, air quotes, powerlifters, they’re like, “Oh, I’m strong.” But they’re obese. And usually, like the, “I’m a powerlifter” crowd is the, “I’m an obese person with a gym membership” crowd. They’re not competitive powerlifters, they’re just making an excuse for being overweight.

Lisa Davis: And you can use this for your whole body.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, they see a picture of me and they figure it’s like… I mean, I’m wearing shorts in most of my pictures, or jeans. And even if I don’t have my shirt off, you can see the upper body muscle, but it’s kind of harder to figure out what’s going on in the lower body. Yes. Yeah, the full-body development, quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves. My calves look like somebody glued a pair of rib-eye stakes on the back of my legs. It just completely looks amazing. And yeah. And that’s true for most of the users. Their body changes fast.

Lisa Davis: Wow. I got to get this X3. I want to try it. And when I love something, I go on, and on, and on. And I’m sure I will. So, I want to…

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: You will. 100%.

Lisa Davis: Yeah. I want to get it. So tell us all the ways to find you and all your great stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, because my last name, Jaquish, is kind of hard to spell and people won’t remember, I just created a landing page that connects to everything. So it’s, D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter J, dot com. I probably create the most content on Instagram.

Lisa Davis: Yeah, I saw.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I can

Lisa Davis: You’re following. Holy crap. I hope you’re going to share our interview.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, I will. Yeah, I have a million followers.

Lisa Davis: I know. I was like, “Damn.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Over a million.

Lisa Davis: You’re 1.1.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It went up to a million when the book came out because a lot of people were like, “Wait, who is this guy?” And I had a very controversial message. And fortunately, most people like the book.

Lisa Davis: I can’t wait to try the X3. What’s the other thing you said? Your first thing was the osteo…

Dr. John Jaquish: OsteoStrong.

Lisa Davis: Okay. And that’s something you can only… It’s like in certain clinics or is that something…?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Lisa Davis: That’s what I thought.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like a medical device.

Lisa Davis: Yeah. I can’t afford it.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, no. And nor do you have the room for it. It’s bigger than a car. Yeah, you got to go to a clinic for it.

Lisa Davis: Yeah. I want to get the thing and then the X3, and then I want you to come back and I want to talk about it and…

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And you make a list of questions and I’ll answer them.

Lisa Davis: Okay. Okay. Awesome. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely.

Lisa Davis: Thank you so much for listening to Talk Healthy Today. Please do rate, review, and subscribe, so you never miss an episode.

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