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By The Roots Of Success Podcast on January 20, 2019

Maximizing Your Strength with John Jaquish

Maximizing Your Strength with John Jaquish

Inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful/fracture resistant athletes, John is now, partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weight lifting, which brought him to his second invention, X3 Bar fitness band bar system. The research indicates that this product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting, and does so in less training time, all with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore University, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, has been featured on many to the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals, and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

Full Transcript

Nate Peterman: What’s going on guys? Welcome to episode 41 of the Roots of Success podcast. I am your host, Nate, The Great, Peterman coming at you, and today, we have a very special guest, the man himself, John Jaquish. What’s going on brother?

Dr. John Jaquish: Going on.

Nate Peterman: Yeah, I’m glad to have you on the show, man. Of course, for those who might not know who is John, or I want to know more about him, John Jaquish is a doctor in biomedical engineering and is the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful as well as fracture-resistant athletes. John has now partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weightlifting, which brought him to his second invention called X3 Bar resistance band training system. The research indicates that this product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting and does so in less training time, all with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore university, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, has been featured on many of the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals and is a nominee of the National Medical of Science. Man, John, I feel like I just read a, oh, biology book.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s all good.

Nate Peterman: Man, I love it brother, but-

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible said something a little more concise too. That’s inaudible.

Nate Peterman: No, for sure, man. But yeah. Like I said, I’m definitely grateful to have you on the show, man. Kind of walk the audience through, I guess kind of your upbringing, where you’re from, and really man, what made you get to where you’re at today, I mean, working with a legendary Tony Robbins and things, you know?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Well, I’ll tell you what, I’ll first go through some of the science that I was involved with in my inventions, and then I’ll talk about fitness and what I think your audience would be most interested in. But then everybody, there might be somebody out there is not really interested in fitness. Please listen because at the end, I’m going to talk about creating a business around ideas and kind of getting away from, as we and I joke about like, “I just got tired going to a job where I was applying other people’s bad ideas. I wanted to apply my own bad ideas and see just how bad they are.” Turns out they weren’t. But yeah, just breaking away and doing your own thing. So that’ll be at the end. So is that cool with you?

Nate Peterman: That’s perfect, man. Yeah. Do your thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Cool. All right. Yeah. So in the beginning, and I was just out of undergrad and getting my master’s degree. I’ll talk about education also. It’s funny, I have a regular undergrad degree, a master’s, and a PhD, and I’m kind of a big fan of education.

Nate Peterman: Oh, shoot. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. It’s just like, I’ll get it out. Not really inside, but just the academia model, it does not do much for creativity. So kind of like, that’s my thing. That’s all I got. I’m great. So, it’s just . So what I did, just to get everybody up to speed, I developed the world’s most powerful bone-building medical device because my mother had osteoporosis. When I went to look at really what osteoporosis is, a deconditioning of bone. What you think is deconditioned can become reconditioned. But that’s not the way the medical wall was looking. So I was sort of applying an exercise idea to a dysfunction of the human body, and I thought like, “Wow. Why isn’t there like a bone-training machine?” We grow it when we’re kids because of the environment. Kids that are bedridden have osteoporosis when they’re kids. So it’s not an older people thing. It’s a deconditioning thing. Let’s just figure out a way to recondition it. So I went and found the people in the world that had the highest supernatural bone density, and it was gymnasts. So I read all the academic research on gymnasts, and they had crazy high bone density. They also fractured a lot of bones. So it turns out that the thing that causes the most fractures is also the thing that protects you from fractures when it doesn’t cause a fracture, which is high impact. So what I needed to do is build a device that gave the benefits of high impact without the risks of high impact. So it’s a computerized robotic device. It gets people in the proper position and allows for self-compression from an end to end of bone. For those watching, this is my humerus bone. We’re compressing it end to end, so like that, and that’s what triggers the growth of the micro architecture inside the bone, pulls in minerals and becomes more dense, more powerful. Tested it with my mother, worked with my mother, tested it with 400 other people. Then I applied for patents, wrote a book, published that book and then went and got some private equity funding to get off the ground for a prototype and then later on partnered with a real business unlike in the very beginning and then brought Tony Robbins in because he was a fan the whole time.

Nate Peterman: Oh, wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s how that got started. Then of course, out of that, the observations I made, and this is where I kind of want to go is I saw just how powerful humans were in these stronger range of motion. Now, we call the strong range the strong range for a reason because we know it’s strong. So when you do a push-up, when your arms are almost fully extended, you’re strong there. You can hold that position, just short of locking your elbows out, hold out a position for a long time. But if I told you to hold a push-up position where your nose is one inch from the ground, you wouldn’t be able to hold out for very long. Right. You’d ask the weaker range of motion. So I quantified the difference, and the joint in question that I used was the hip joint, most power in the body goes through that joint. So what was the difference between weak range to strong range and human capability? Turns out it was seven fold. So people are seven times more powerful in a stronger range of motion than in a weaker range of motion. So that’s true, and I showed that it was, I demonstrated it was. Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. Yeah. Yeah. I actually didn’t even want to say that when I launched the X3 resistance bands system because there’s a lot of people who are out there weightlifting, a lot of people who are very tied to it, a lot of people who have succeeded with it. That doesn’t mean it’s the most efficient way to do it. So we used to ride horses, and then someone came out with a car. So, which is more efficient? Well, apparently cars because we quit riding horses. Right? So only the smallest-minded people believe there’s no better way to do something.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Nate Peterman: Yeah, that’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah. It’s funny because, and this is one of my problems with academia is they frequently teach you what they call as right and wrong, which is really just what we know versus maybe something we don’t know yet. But you’re trained to say no to what you don’t know, which keeps you permanently stupid. That’s what I don’t like. I find that so much in academia. It’s so much even in medical school. I had a professor say to me, “If you had…” I invented the medical device before I went and got my PhD. In fact, probably the reason I got a full ride for my PhD.

Nate Peterman: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: As I developed it, and then I went to different universities, I worked for inaudible and I’m coming along with my dissertation project, and it is my medical device, and so I got to Rushmore University, it was like, “Hell, yeah. That sounds great.” So in that, professors had said to me, if you had decided to get your PhD before developing this, you would have talked yourself out of it inventing it because you would have had hammered in your head that these certain things are the way they are, and there are rules. It’s a shame because so much in research can also be disproven later. So how many times, you’re probably not old enough, but in my lifetime, we were told like, “Tomatoes are poisonous, tomatoes are great for you, tomatoes are poisonous, tomatoes are great for you.” The same things happened with the eggs, and the same things happened with meat. Meat was the worst thing in the world. It causes colon cancer, and then somebody found an absolutely fail flaw in that research, and so that’s just totally not true. In fact, there’s more cardiac instances with people who are plant-based than people who are meat-based. So we go back and forth, but it’s always about a greater level of learning. So there are certain people who understand that it’s just, “This is what we know now, but we may know something else later.” But the majority of people are like, “This is what we know now, and to hell with anybody who tries to even look at anything different.” So that was an issue. So ultimately, I hesitated to say things like, “Weightlifting is a Waste of Time.” It wasn’t a waste of time. But now that we have the world’s most powerful variable resistance, the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, here it is, right here, so it’s just-

Nate Peterman: inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: This bar can handle well over 500 pounds.

Nate Peterman: Holy cow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right. I mean, we have latex band, and you can see how thick this is. If you look at the thickness of my pinky and this thing inaudible in a bench press, it ends up being a 500 pound bench press only at the top. Remember I said you’re seven times stronger in the stronger range of motion than you are in the weaker range of motion. That means that whoever’s listening, whatever you think you are in strength, you’re actually seven times greater than you think you are in that stronger range of motion. If you can fatigue a muscle there and then diminishing ranges back from there. So when I do a chest back, here’s where I go to a full range. So I do repetitions until I can’t handle. So I’m almost going to full extension for those just listening and not watching. So let’s say you’re just 500 pounds 17 times, and I can’t get there, then I start doing half repetitions, but I’m only getting 300 pounds. Then the last repetition might only be an inch off my chest with 100 pounds. But the weight changes in line with human capability.

Nate Peterman: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Reach your much deeper level of fatigue. The product is so simple. It fits in a backpack. You’ve got your whole gym that you can… For your listeners, I know there’s some people who… They live in a vehicle. There’s so many people who are just on the road, they’re unplugged, they’re off the grid, and they totally enjoy X3 Bar exercise band bar system and get tremendous gains out of it. Before that people, there are these people who are working at playgrounds because it wasn’t anything better. Now, they have the world’s absolute best training system. People look at me, I’m extremely muscular, and I’m lean. So I could stop, walk into a grocery store, like, “Oh, what do you do? What do you work out? Are you an MMA fighter? Are you in the NFL?” I’m like, “Okay. Number one, I’m 42.” So-

Nate Peterman: Wow. Holy cow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I look forward to, it’s okay.

Nate Peterman: I was going to say 32, John, for real.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks. Yeah. Thanks.

Nate Peterman: With the arms and everything, I was like, “Man.” For those of you who aren’t watching the video, it looks like John has horse legs for an arm. So I just wanted-

Dr. John Jaquish: I put on 45 pound of muscle after turning 40.

Nate Peterman: What?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. That would be an age where somebody would say, “You’re not gaining any muscle after that. Whatever you got, you got.”

Nate Peterman: That’s insane.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I agree. It’s crazy. But it is the case. So ultimately, it’s just the most convenient thing to do. So they ask me like, “What do you lift? What do you do? You’re a great shape.” I go, “I would never touch a weight.” That’s just injury seen." You’re weightlifting overloads joints in underloads muscle. We want the other way around. We want to overload muscle and underload joints. If you damage your joint, a lot of that damage is permanent. It’s cumulative. So some of these people who are doing squats with weight on their back, and they go, “Yeah, my knees aren’t feeling great.” That’s cumulative damage, typically. If you’re feeling in a joint, that’s not really where… You’re supposed to feel in a muscle, not a joint. If you’re in a joint, that’s not a good sign. It’s not even just a matter of having perfect biomechanics. Every once in a while, find some CrossFitter that’s like, “Oh, my biomechanics are perfectly balanced.” I’m like, “Yeah. But you’re still using extreme… You go to fatigue in a weaker range of motion where your joints are being overloaded and the muscles being underloaded.” So I don’t care how good your form is.

Nate Peterman: Right, that doesn’t matter.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s bad crosstalk. You could drive your car in reverse only and just look through the mirror. I mean, you could, but why would you do that? It drives forward much better.

Nate Peterman: That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So now that there’s just a better solution, just go over that. Ultimately, there are people like CrossFitters, they use this, and then they go back and do their CrossFit because CrossFit’s 50/50 power, and the other 50% is a scale. You have to be able to time things right, fire the muscles in the right order. It’s like you can’t get a strong guy and give him a baseball and tell him to throw a hundred mile an hour baseball, not going to happen. You don’t know how to do it. It’s a skill. Same thing with the movements in CrossFit. Those are skills. So you need to keep reinforcing the skills. You want to compete across board. Then you do your X3 Bar resistance band training system to get as powerful as possible, and then you harness that power by going through regular CrossFit workouts. So they’re very compelled.

Nate Peterman: Oh, wow. That’s incredible. Let me ask you this, John. So I mean, you said you gained all that muscle after 40 years old. Was that just because of the X3 Bar? Was that-

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I do nothing other than that.

Nate Peterman: That’s insane. So when did… Because obviously I’m assuming you used to lift weights back in the day, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Nate Peterman: Then you had that crosstalk-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. 20 year lifting weights got me to 190 pounds at 20% body fat which is not… looked at me, and they’re like, “Yeah. I mean, you looks strong.” I guess. Nobody ever asked me if I like to workout. It was never something someone brought up. Now, I could stop when I just walk down the street. So what happens? I would put on 40,000 pounds of muscle, lost 16 pounds of body fat, so 9% body fat now and 220.

Nate Peterman: Hey, that’s insane.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I keep getting just a little bit leaner every month. Another thing it does is it really rapidly upregulates growth hormone, which makes you lose body fat very quickly, and you don’t need to do any cardio because cardio is completely counter. When people do strength training and they do cardio, they kind of cancel each other out because strength training is trying to upregulate growth hormone downregulate cortisol. Then when you do cardio, it does the opposite. So you kind of end up with a net-zero effect. crosstalk-

Nate Peterman: That’s true. So for legs, for example, because I watched the one video you were on the news and the one news anchor, she was lifting it with her arms. So do you do the same exact thing for your legs? How do you do that?

Dr. John Jaquish: For the legs, it’s front squat. So you put the latex through the hooks and in the ground plate because the ground plate protects. If you stepped on those bands and tried to do it without that plate, you might break an ankle, or you would injure your ankle, one of the two. So either way, not a good idea. So you hold the bar, right? It’s easier when it’s actually loaded. You hold it right here, and then you drop down. A front squat is much better. We pick things up in front of us. We don’t pick things up behind us. If you got a box to carry, put it on your head or behind your head, right, you carry it like this.

Nate Peterman: In front, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I hate beating up on regular squats because there’s a whole bunch of people whose luck revolves around that. Sorry. How about this? How about training one leg at a time is another good squats loading through one leg at a time so you can focus your entire body’s resources on one quadricep and one glut at a time. Well, we do walk on one leg at a time. We run on one leg. I mean, unless you’re a kangaroo, you should probably swap with one leg at a time. Right? Right? They’re the ones who fire both legs at once. We don’t do that. The only time you fire both at once when you stop. Almost like training yourself to slow down. Why would you do that?

Nate Peterman: It doesn’t make sense. Why would you?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I see that in the biggest conferences, and there’s people who are like… I know they’re sharpening a shive, like inaudible. Angry.

Nate Peterman: Right. Because they feel as if…

Dr. John Jaquish: I think I’m the most hated guy in fitness, by the way.

Nate Peterman: No, there’s no way.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m getting close. But it used to some guys. Greg O’Gallagher used to get a lot of hate.

Nate Peterman: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible. I love that guy. He’s so cool.

Nate Peterman: I see his ad every day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Of course, you do. Yeah, yeah. He’s a great marketer. He’s got killer programs. What’s so cool about… Let’s actually use Greg as an example inaudible some of the conversation into more about businesses and sort of getting off the grid, rolling with your own ideas. I think everybody who’s listening is like, “I’m speaking the language. So Greg is a guy who his program, and I went and bought it all because I want to really understand what he was doing, solid. I mean, it’s regular weights. So he did it all before X3 Bar resistance band bar system existed. So I’ve actually pitched them on trying to do an extra program together because his audience is a little different than mine. I get a lot of bodybuilders and NFL people, people following NFL. But I don’t really think that’s a millennial. I think millennials follow the NFL, my age group does. My age group will talk about what’s going on in the NFL. I don’t know. I think most of my friends couldn’t name 25 NFL players. Do you do?

Nate Peterman: Yeah, absolutely. I’m a big-

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re good. Okay, wow. Okay. So plenty will go-

Nate Peterman: crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: … like, “Dude, I couldn’t even tell you the names.”

Nate Peterman: Yeah. Most millennials, oh my gosh, they’re too busy on their phones.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I just don’t think it’s all that interesting for one reason or another. So ultimately, what I liked about Greg was so interesting and a little bit of this… So I’m rolling here into talking about getting people to start their own business. Greg did nothing controversial. His programming is pretty much the diff. There’s different variations because he’s a couple of programs. But the programing was very much kind of standard exercise science recommendations, a lot of good tips, a lot of good things to look for to make someone’s conventional workout. My point is I’m saying something controversial. I’m saying weightlifting, I got something way better. That’s a big deal because that’s upsetting for people, especially trainers who their whole life has revolved around teaching people how to lift weights, and I’m like, “Okay, yeah. Forget about that.” inaudible not a good way to make friends. But Greg, everything was just standard, good nutritional recommendation with a… He had a good backup to it and even one reference, some of the medical studies and stuff like that, he didn’t need to do that, but he doesn’t have a PhD. I need to do that because I’m a research scientist. So I can’t just say something. I don’t give my opinion. I explained what certain research found and what that means and how you can apply it. That’s one thing that I’m really good at it is like, “Here’s the research, and then here’s how we’re going to use it in our daily life.” So that’s what I’ve done with everything I’ve created, everything I’ve done, every video I do, that’s kind of them all. So everything was vanilla with Greg, and he got unbelievable online hate, unbelievable booing and people just telling him to kill himself, and he was stupid inaudible was stupid. “You look like shit,” and he’ll never be a real bodybuilder or whatever. It got to him. He made a couple of videos. He’s really angry with the haters. I think it was Entrepreneur Magazine with a great article. If you’re going to start a business, haters, they’re just there. Let me explain the mentality. They are just jealous because they didn’t get off their ass and do anything.

Nate Peterman: That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re losers.

Nate Peterman: Straight up.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t even like calling people losers because I’d like to believe that everybody has the opportunity. Everybody has that being in them, a spark, a trigger, a something that they could come up with an idea that could impact lives, and they would be fulfilled, and they’d be fulfilling other people’s desires and excitement and things like that. I really believe that every person has the ability to do that. But the problem with haters is they look at something, and it… Success is a mirror that they look in because everything we look at is in a way, a mirror. It could be. You compare yourself. You look at somebody else, and you go, “Well, how do I stack up next to this person?” So for example, I pull in a parking lot with my Lamborghini. People are looking me, and some people were like, “inaudible man, what do you do?” That’s the right question. The wrong thing to say is, “Fuck that guy.” Because I get a lot of middle fingers as I’m driving around. My window are tinted. They don’t even know who’s there. Right. They can’t recognize John Jaquish. They’re just like, “Yeah, I hate that guy because he has a car.” They probably feel like they can never have, and they totally could.” So we got to get out of that mentality. The people who look at somebody who did something, a lot of this, the haters are fitness guys who, they sit there, and they’re like, “I’ve been lifting weights for years, and I’m strong. Why didn’t I come up with this? I hope this guy fails. In fact, I’m going to go and make 10 posts. I’m going to write fake reviews.” I love this. I get fake reviews from people, where-

Nate Peterman: Fake reviews.

Dr. John Jaquish: … people go, and they’re like, “Yeah. The product is made out of cheap plastic.” Sound like plastic.

Nate Peterman: It’s no inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I guess they’re just trying to do damage to the company because they’re so angry, and that’s just the thing. So when starting a business, you got to know that there’s going to be people sometimes, they’re inaudible like your friends.

Nate Peterman: Oh my gosh. Oh, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are people who when I started my first business, they’re like, “Yeah, don’t do it, man, or it’s not going to work.” As soon as it worked, I figured they’d be happy for me. They were like, “Yeah. Well, it will fail next year.” It’s the fact that I became a mirror that they looked in, and they, for some reason, compared themselves to me, and were like, “I feel bad because I’m not doing as well as this guy.” That’s just a wrong thing to do. So when I started working with Tony Robbins, Tony Robbins called me out of the blue. That’s how we partnered.

Nate Peterman: Wow. That’s crosstalk-

Dr. John Jaquish: He heard about my research, and he’s like, “I’m in. I want to be involved with what you’re doing.” Because it just made sense to him. He got a very open mind. I don’t look at Tony and say, “Well, Tony is more successful than I am, so I don’t like him.” I’m like, “Tony, teach me. Let me learn.” I have learned amazing things from-

Nate Peterman: I bet.

Dr. John Jaquish: … Tony Robbins. Yeah. Then that guy is… By the way, the energy that he throws off on stage when you’re hanging out on a long flight on his airplane or in his living room, he is yelling like that. He’s yelling, or he’s asleep.

Nate Peterman: I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve never seen him sleep. I’m not even sure he does it. He is just hard-charging all the time. It’s exhausting.

Nate Peterman: Oh, I bet. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s what he is. So there’s the whole like getting an idea and putting it together and then executing. So you did that when you start your podcast, and you got a small business, and there’s a lot of guys who are doing that kind of thing. Ultimately, you figure out what you’re going to do. You figure out, why is it different than what other people? You also try and protect what you’re doing by… There’s a lot of different ways to do that. Your brand is your personality. It’s your ability to ask the right questions. It’s understanding who’s listening, what gets them going, what gets them excited? I think a lot of people who try and communicate with the millennial population, they do it like they did to try and say, “Oh, here’s how we succeeded in the 1980s.” Irrelevant. Totally different world. That was before the internet. People ask me all the time, especially older people, “What conferences are you going to go to?” I’m like, “I don’t think that’s a good use of my time because I can connect with like tens of thousands of people in a day by doing a couple of Facebook and Instagram lives, yeah, just some better posting, interacting on…” We have like a super fan forum for… The fans actually started and said X3 Bar fitness band bar system user’s group on Facebook. It’s called the X3 variable resistance exercise system user’s group.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Nate Peterman: Oh, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s thousands of people in that group. They just self-organized. So I jump in there and answer once questions, and it completely helps the business because they get to hear from me so they know the answer’s researched. But also, it gives them a lot of confidence in the company, and then we have a couple reps from the company that are regular participants in that conversation. But then also they get to hear from other people that are just having great results who just put on another 20 pounds of muscle that they never thought they could have. Pretty powerful.

Nate Peterman: That’s true. It’s like a family. It’s like a community, and that’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Right, right. Everybody wants to be part of a community. You can do more online. You always connect. So I would tell anybody who’s looking to create a successful business, especially if their audience is millennials. Now, also inaudible listen, there’s a lot of business opportunity targeting, not millennials. There’s a lot of other people out there. But you got to know how to speak that language. You got to know how to connect with them. So it’s always easiest to communicate with people who are most like you because you understand their mentality best. So my problem, I gave you kind of a preview, the problems with academia. So I think a lot of your listeners are probably wondering, “Should I go to college?”

Nate Peterman: It’s true. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I wore my fraternity shirt today. By the way, that’s inaudible right there.

Nate Peterman: Oh, really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I learned so many things.

Nate Peterman: Yeah, that’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t mean inaudible. I don’t mean that. I learned just leadership and team inaudible and it’s great about fraternity life is, you do a lot of stuff, community service, charity work. Nobody’s paid, and you can’t fire anyone. You have in a fraternity or sorority, you have capital that you compensate people with, and that capital is pride. That’s a really important lesson.

Nate Peterman: Pride.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can motivate people with pride. You can do anything. Yeah. That was just an absolutely powerful lesson I learned from… I was president of my fraternity, and I was so proud of what we did and what the chapter continues to do because we kept hearing from our national office. There’s two types of leaders. There’s time-tellers, and there’s clock-builders. So you can tell everybody what time it is, but you’re needed. As soon as you’re gone, no one knows what time it is. If you build a clock, everybody can tell their own time. That comes out of a book called Built to Last, which is really funny because it goes over a bunch of brands in the ’90s that are going to be around forever. Half of them are gone. crosstalk-

Nate Peterman: crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: … about all kinds of stuff. But nonetheless, I understood the analogy. You want to lead in an organization like that so that you put systems in place to keep the thing screwed together. So it’s not about a personality. It’s about a system. In that system, even if it has like a leader who lacks some confidence or doesn’t have the time anymore, all of a sudden, it’s get drafted into the NBA or something like that and has to take off, now the organization will crash. So that was another massive lesson. So anyway, my problem with academia is like I said, you get stuck in a kind of a situation where you’re told that there are certain things that just are the way they are. Medical research is a perfect example, especially nutritional research. When people ask me like, “What’s the right nutrition?” I say just take the word right away from this conversation. Because right now we can’t say right or wrong. We can say is what we know. Because in my lifetime, there had been things like tomatoes and eggs and meat that have gone from being totally poisonous to the best thing you could ever have. There’ll probably be more back and forths. You need a lot of fiber. Now, it turns out fiber causes diverticulitis. So strongly associated with diverticulitis. So especially the raw vegans, they’re eating a lot of raw vegetables and not breaking down some of that fiber by cooking, that’s dangerous because you’re putting a lot of work on… You’re putting a lot of workload on your intestines to be able to digest all that. Keep in mind, fiber is actually what you don’t digest. So do you need it? Some would say, “Yeah, it cleans you out.” Well, I guess that makes sense like you rake the leaves sort of thing. But do we know that? Is that proven? What about people who are completely void of fiber because it doesn’t exist where they live, like the Inuit people. They eat whale blubber. That’s literally fat from whales. That’s all I got. Now, how many of those? Their intestines have lower inflammation than most people. So why do we need fiber? So there’s a lot of those questions. What I tell people is instead of focusing on what’s right and wrong with nutrition, focusing on what we know and then what your goals are. Figure out what’s going to make you the leanest because one thing that has been proven over and over again with no conflicting evidence is that leaner people live longer. Right?

Nate Peterman: It’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s something we could all go for. Also, stronger people live longer. The stronger you are, it’s highly associated with length of life. So lean and strong, those are your goals. You’re going to be fine.

Nate Peterman: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That is what we know right now. I’m sure that could be disproven in some way, but I highly doubt it because there’s thousands of papers that come to those conclusions and reinforce those conclusions. I’m recommending X3 Bar. It’s going to get you as strong as possible. I’m recommending a certain type of nutrition. The stabilization firing that comes along with X3 Bar resistance band bar system that upregulates growth hormone, that’s going to get you as lean as possible. So I have folks on that. Some of the other things, when I look at what course offerings are in universities and what you can get for free, most universities you can just like go on… Even iTunes has so much coursework. You can just attend all the lectures. They’re all on video. The only thing beyond that is really proving to a potential business partner or employer or somebody who may call your abilities to question, like an employer or a business partner, right, are you… You need to show them that you demonstrate that you can actually do that type of work. Now, if you take, let’s say, accounting courses, and you want a successful business and you have financials that are in order, you are demonstrating, so you’re applying what you’ve learned. So do you really need to be credentialed as an accountant or with an accounting degree? No, I mean certified accountants. You could take that test and get that inaudible. So it’s like ultimately a lot of these things are being offered in education. You kind of get around them or get what you need. It’s sort of like the conversation, like, “What do you want? Do you want to be strong, or do you want to like do the bench press? What’s your goal?”

Nate Peterman: That’s true. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think almost everyone would say I want to be strong crosstalk.

Nate Peterman: Strong, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t need the bench press. What do you want out of education? Do you want to know how to do stuff that’s going to earn you money, or do you want a piece of paper?

Nate Peterman: Man, that’s deep.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible and I said this before we started recording. I went and did undergrad, and then I got my masters, and then I got a PhD, and I’m kind of like… On standard education, I was so. I would never tell somebody who plans on going to university like, “Don’t go. You’re wasting inaudible. You’re wasting money.” That sounds true. But I do have some reservations that the general way in… I told you my father was the second largest employer in the world at the time. In ’70s, he’s deputy director of the United States Postal Service. This was before Walmart was big. So actually, I think that was the biggest at the time. It was 700,000 employees, maybe 800,000. Well, I think 800,000 was Walmart but inaudible. So yeah. What he looked at when he hired people is what did they do in their career? Because at that point, he was hiring executives and leadership. So he didn’t bother to look if they went to college. It’s like, “What did you do in your last one or two jobs?” Because those are the skills that apply most to what you’d be doing next. So ultimately, did somebody with an Ivy league education get a better spot then somebody with a lower level of education? He didn’t even look. Where’s time. Interviewed way too many people. Just no, what can you do? What skills have you applied? That’s still true today, for sure. When you build your own business and it’s successful and the accountancy, keep your own books, you’re fantastic, apparently you know how to do that. Engineering projects. You know a guy who works here who talks about how much he loves doing solid works, computer-assisted drawing, engineering stuff for products that actually become real and get put out in the marketplace, and there’s thousands of them out there, whether it be the medical device or X3 Bar exercise band bar system. He gets to see that and go, “I did that.” I said, “That feels awesome.”

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Nate Peterman: Yeah, that feeling.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

Nate Peterman: Man, that’s incredible. Let me ask you this, John. So you mentioned your father. Of course, I’m sure you’ve gained so much wisdom from him, obviously employing as many people as he did, even one of the largest, number two, number one. It’s like, for you, I’m sure you gained a lot. So, of course, not looking at people and saying, okay, they need to have a degree. Do they have this? Do they have that? But you kind of eliminated that. Would you say that’s the biggest thing that you really took away, or maybe there’s something else?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, so the biggest reason that I went and got my PhD, and I was the guy that never school. So many of the projects that we were given in undergrad, I call them make work. It’s just like, here’s just. She’s not going to teach me anything. She’s going to can take out my inaudible. So I didn’t care for. A lot of these things were just going through like an exercise for the sake of going through an exercise. It was just difficult to make it difficult. I didn’t care for that. One thing my fraternity never did was have newer members, move the rocks from one side of the yard to the other and then move them back. Did you hear about that?

Nate Peterman: Yeah, I’ve heard about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. They gave us a project. It was first of all, a lot harder than that and second of all was extraordinarily productive. We painted a women’s shelter.

Nate Peterman: Shoot.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That actually helped people out. I made this cleanse myself, made it like dynamite, and the women that lived there, they’re like inaudible all kinds of hardships in your life, and they come back to their homes, and they’re like, “This looks great.”

Nate Peterman: Right? That’s cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s the kind of work we do. But I don’t want to segue too far. Ultimately, it’s about… What she really want out of education is just skill-building. You want to be able to know how to do something. So when I went and got my PhD, it wasn’t really about getting the credential. Well, that really mattered in medicine because I go speak at medical conferences. But what I really needed was the ability to document these discoveries and the details about these discoveries in an academic manner so that I could get published in medical journals, and I can help other people. So right now, I’m primarily writing protocols for other hospitals and other, I mean, hospitals in educational institutions. I’m headed to Greece tomorrow.

Nate Peterman: Oh, shoot.

Dr. John Jaquish: Will work with some universities and I think the biggest hospital inaudible.

Nate Peterman: Wow. That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Because they’re going to do a research project on a medical device. So I can help them author their protocol, which takes work off of the researchers and professors there because they don’t want to start with a clean sheet of paper and go, “Okay. How do we apply this?” So the protocol is really just like what to do and how to run it so that you get a measured outcome. That’s what protocol means when you hear protocol in an academic study. So when I offer that for them, it saves them a lot of the work. Also, it’s like I make sure that someone’s actually testing the right thing. Somebody could test X3 Bar fitness band bar system for like, does it grow your hair back, and I can tell you no, it doesn’t do that. So right? It doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. It grows muscle really well. Clearly, it does not grow your hair back. So yeah.

Nate Peterman: No, I feel that. You’d probably get called Mr. Clean sometimes.

Dr. John Jaquish: I get called Mr. Clean all the time. I’m okay with it. Mr. Clean seems like a tough guy.

Nate Peterman: Oh, heck yeah. He’s pretty inaudible. It could be his twin.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I can tell you having a shaved head and being in really good shape, that works. Having a shaved head and being in a bad shape, no, that doesn’t work.

Nate Peterman: That doesn’t work. Just crosstalk-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

Nate Peterman: Oh my gosh. You just see that good old skull walking around. So let me ask you this. Somebody like myself, I do a lot of traveling, right? I have a lot of people that travel as well that follow me. Is that easy to take on a plane?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, you want to check it? Because there’s a little bit of fit-shaming going on. If you’re allowed to have exercise devices and you say like… So Dave Asprey has a sticker that goes here crosstalk.

Nate Peterman: It’s funny.

Dr. John Jaquish: The sticker says therapy device. So the TSA sees it, and they go, “Oh, okay. Therapy device.” But having a longer piece of metal, they can say this is a weapon. People with canes are allowed on the plane, and then they put their cane in the overhead, which could be grabbed by anybody.

Nate Peterman: That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So it’s like, “Well, why this and not that?” So ultimately, getting this through TSA typically has to do with the fitness level of the person who works for TSA. If they’re fit, they’re like awesome dude, you’re good to go. If not in good shape, they’re like, “Yeah, I’ll not allow this.”

Nate Peterman: Oh, shoot. What about in the actual just suitcase? You could probably do that, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you just check your bag. I just don’t know cause I get that fit-shaming thing all the time, where they’re just mad. Oh, of course, you exercise. There are controls on the line inaudible.

Nate Peterman: That’s crazy. Now, I was thinking about that because whenever we were talking about that, I was like, “Man, I wonder how easy that is to get through TSA.” Then you mentioned good old Dave. I could see him doing that. I’m a crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Dave Asprey.

Nate Peterman: Yeah. I just read his book, Headstrong. I actually reached out to him a couple of days ago. He’s going to be on the podcast too, so that’s crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nice.

Nate Peterman: Well, heck yeah, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk throw him some total curve ball questions.

Nate Peterman: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Because when you get him kind of off his script, he’s really exciting.

Nate Peterman: Oh, I can imagine really kind of crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: He gets really kind of monotone and like, “Okay. Here and here, inaudible this bullet list.” You’re like, “He said something like, ‘Tell me about somebody wants to optimize flexibility or sexual performance.’” So inaudible. If you could get him to break his pattern, way, way more exciting guy. Because he’s got a ton of energy, but he presents a lot of science. I have to walk that same line that he does because when I presented in a medical congress, or where I’m going and I’m talking to these students, groups of physicians at this hospital, I cannot present with excitement. That’s a straight out, you cannot do it. Because you’re not a promoter. You’re telling them about evidence that you have a senior and I also have a bias, it’s my invention, right? Evidence I’ve seen. So you can’t promote it. You have to say, “This is what we’re seeing, and this is what these researcher is saying. This is what I found initially.” I said, “This is an opportunity to learn more by having this institution run some analysis also with a possibly slightly different population and increase our chances of learning about how we can apply this intervention.” Pretty much word for word what we’re saying. So yeah. They’re here, and they go, “Yeah, we’re very excited to do this research.” Whereas if I’m like, “All right, guys. This thing is awesome.” I can’t just inaudible.

Nate Peterman: You’re out the door.

Dr. John Jaquish: So Dave, because he speaks to so many scientists, he talks to me, inaudible. I don’t want to rub off on him because he’s way better when he is in a mindset where he’s not talking to scientists, or he’s really promoting what he’s discovered.

Nate Peterman: I gotcha. That makes sense. So get him off his pattern. I got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s the question inaudible. Ask him about when he discovered putting the butter in the teeth crosstalk-

Nate Peterman: Oh yeah, in the inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just say like, “Tell me that story.” He’ll switch gears. inaudible happy time of his life was he was between tech startups or… I think it was right after he sold out of maybe Yahoo or something like that. But it’s like he had a lot of money, but he didn’t really have a lot of direction. inaudible and it’s a great problem to have because you get to really discover like, “What do I want to spend my time doing?”

Nate Peterman: That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s saying like, “Hey, I need to find a job.” It’s like, “What do I want to spend my time doing?” Much better question to ask yourself before deciding to get into a business or creating a business. So yeah. When he was in the Himalayas, when he saw these people doing what they were doing with their teeth, and he thought, “I can do this with coffee.” But that’s a cool story.

Nate Peterman: Heck yeah. No doubt, I’ll keep that in mind, for sure. I’m all about the-

Dr. John Jaquish: You should write it.

Nate Peterman: Write it down. Okay. Now, I’ll re listen to it, and I’ll record it.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I got it.

Nate Peterman: Oh man, John, I definitely want to be respectful of your time. It’s crazy. It’s already an hour. I mean, good Lord. Where can the audience find you on social media, and then where can they find the X3 Bar resistance band bar system and everything?

Dr. John Jaquish: So social media, just @drjaquish on Instagram, ar Dr. John Jaquish on Facebook and also X3 Bar resistance band training system on Facebook. is our website. But probably most of your listeners are on Instagram, so yeah. I do agree with.

Nate Peterman: For sure, man. Yeah. Well, I’ll attach the links below in the description for everybody to click on. I’ll give you a follow and everything.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

Nate Peterman: Yeah, brother, I really appreciate your time and you just being on the show. You dropped immense value, man. I don’t think I’m going to crosstalk-

Dr. John Jaquish: I think so many people… Well, and there’s a couple other things I got coming out which are-

Nate Peterman: For sure, brother. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: … really useful for millennials specifically. I’m running a nutrition blog which totally dovetails with using X3 Bar. Because everything I’m doing is… So one of the medical journals I’m an editor of is the Journal of Steroids and Hormones, which doesn’t mean cheating in sports. It means the application of steroid hormones as medications or as triggers in your own body. Your body makes testosterone. It makes growth hormone, right? That doesn’t come from a needle. So the research in a journal is all in on the subjects. So what my area of study and what I’m always looking towards is different growth factor triggers in the body. So how do we make the body make more testosterone? How do we make the body make more growth hormone? So X3 variable resistance exercise system does both of those things in a tremendous way. Another thing that is just going out in the next couple of weeks, maybe month, depending on when you air this, that may or may not apply. So it’s a growth hormone itself.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Nate Peterman: Oh, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: It will jump up somebody’s growth hormone while they use X3 Bar exercise band bar system. It’s an accessory to X3 Bar. Then some of the programming. What I will say about nutrition is what I can demonstrate by connecting a number of different studies is that we’ve got the hormones all wrong for what standard nutritional programming is. By eating pretty a simple type nutrition and then applying the proper meals timing, you can get massive hormonal benefit. You can convince your body that you need to be a great athlete, and your body has the ability to trigger the hormones, can make you want. Right. You just want to talk to your central nervous system. The only thing it reacts to is environment.

Nate Peterman: Environment out there.

Dr. John Jaquish: How do you create an environment? That’s what that

Nate Peterman: That’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I hope everybody is listening who wants to know anything about what I just said, please follow me on Instagram.

Nate Peterman: Heck yeah. But the time this thing airs, it’ll probably be out as well, so yeah, I’ll for sure attach those links too. So guys, yeah, click those links below. If you’re obviously interested with what John has, I know, and I’m about to do that after this podcast, brother, but real, I’m hitting the gym again. You feel me?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nope.

Nate Peterman: But no, John, again, man, I appreciate your time. Yeah, brother, appreciate you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, Nate.

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