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By Truth Not Trends on January 21, 2019

#31: Load Your Bones With Dr. John Jaquish's X3 Bar!

#31: Load Your Bones With Dr. John Jaquish's X3 Bar!

Dr. John Jaquish helped his mother reverse her osteoporosis and now he’s helping us reverse weakness with his patented X3 Bar!

If you are a fan of variable resistance, osteogenic loading, the ketogenic diet, or just building strength, Dr. Jaquish is your man.

Full Transcript

Dr. John Jaquish: When you look at the 12-week program, and you look at week one, I’m not really in a good shape. I thought I was, but I’m way better shape now since doing that, put on another 15 pounds of muscle and lost a whole lot of body fat.

Liam: Boom baby! What’s going on?

Jesse: Not Trends. Truth Not Trends. What’s happening? What is-

Dr. John Jaquish: What’s going on everybody?

Jesse: … that explosion? This is Truth Not Trends with Jesse Schmidt and Liam Bower the podcast where we teach you how to maximize your strength as efficiently and safely as possible.

Liam: That is right. Today we are talking with Dr. John Jaquish. Dr. Jaquish is a fascinating fellow. Has all kinds of amazing stuff going on. We’re going to talk a little bit about some interesting dieting things, ketogenic diets, intermittent fasting. Dr. Jaquish got started when he noticed that his mom had been diagnosed with osteoporosis, he became extremely passionate about finding a way to stop this problem.

And he started developing, he stopped what he was doing and other work, he had been doing some business stuff. And he got focused all of his attention on working in how to combat osteoporosis. Basically, he started developing devices dedicated to that. And through some various prototypes, he eventually developed something called Osteostrong, you can find out all about it. I originally came across Dr. Jaquish, because he also has developed separately, a home training device called the X3 resistance bands system, which is basically a resistance band device. Very, very simple and extremely effective. I’ve played with it for several months now. I got one, we did a workout on the day that we met him. And it’s an awesome tool, super fun. There’s a ton of videos on YouTube, if you want to find out more about it.

Jesse: Dr. Jaquish is up to date on some very cutting edge research. He’s fascinating to talk about if you’re not interested in osteoporosis and combating it, you should be because two in five women and one in five men will have osteoporosis at some point in their lifetime. So it affects a huge number of people in the United States and the world. Important things to know.

Liam: Along those lines as well. As I mentioned, we go into some great stuff about ketogenic diets, about the intermittent fasting. And along with that, Dr. Jaquish, we joined him at a interesting place in San Francisco, which you’ll hear all about I’m sure.

Jesse: The Guardsmen.

Liam: Yeah, the Guardsmen so another charity that he works closely with. Dr. Jaquish practices what he preaches. He’s looking good. He’s lean and mean.

Jesse: Got the biceps of Hercules. So if you haven’t seen a picture of him, check him out. Dude is ripped as hell.

Liam: That’s right. He’s about 9% body fat, 230 big and strong. And he’s all X3 Bar fitness band bar system baby.

Jesse: All X3 Bar resistance band bar system. Please enjoy this interview with Dr. John Jaquish. So we’re sitting here with Dr. John Jaquish over here in the beautiful Presidio in San Francisco.

Liam: Aka Dr. J.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can call me Dr. J.

Jesse: All right. Call him Dr. J.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s a basketball player that’s going to be really upset about that.

Liam: Can you dunk?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Liam: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Jesse: Not yet.

Liam: We wanted to get that out of the way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Actually, I haven’t since developing my latest product I haven’t tried. But maybe.

Liam: All right, we’re going to find out. We’re going to find out later. We’ll leave that on the test board.

Jesse: Okay. So Dr. Jaquish has just put us through a grueling X3 portable gym workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Jesse: Over here in the headquarters of the Guardsmen, which we were lucky enough to chance upon here.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: And we’re feeling the pump. It’s a video right now, biceps are feeling good.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s good.

Liam: Yeah, it was a very, very effective. Yeah, I loved it. I mean, I understood it in concept and it was nice to feel it and experience it live and in person.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Liam: Yeah. So we can dive right in with that. Tell us a little bit about that project for now, like where it came from and why you wanted to do it and what was the impetus?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure, sure. Well, a little over 10 years ago, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. This is before I finished my PhD in biomedical engineering, hadn’t started yet. I was actually getting my MBA at the time and my mother, I saw her really worried about a fragility fracture, and she was in her 70s, so she hadn’t even later in life. And so what I decided was, I wanted to look into the deconditioning of bone because I told her osteoporosis it’s not a pathogen, it’s a deconditioning of human tissue. And most tissues that become de-conditioned can also become reconditioned. If your bicep gets weaker, that’s not a disease. It’s just like, okay, you can train more.

Jesse: And osteoporosis is super common.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Jesse: It’s a huge percentage-

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re one in five men have a challenge with their bone density, so at some point in their life, so as I started researching, what I wanted to do is find if there’s a group of people out there that has superhuman bone, who builds the strongest bone density, because that’s probably what we’re going to learn from the most. And there was a clear winner in that research contest, which was gymnast.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Gymnast, because of the rate, the intensity of absorption when they hit the ground, not picking themselves up, so way they hit the ground so hard, sometimes they get 10 times their body weight through the law of extremities and their hip joints. So I thought, okay, I told my mother, ‘I’ve got it, you should just be a gymnast.’ In your 70 she did not think that was funny. But I said, ‘What do you think about me creating a device that gives you the benefit of absorbing high impact forces without the risks?’

And she didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. So I did it and I build a prototype, and tested it with her and 400 other people, set up a little like clinic and started testing people. And within 18 months, she had the bones of 30 year old. So she went from a disease diagnosis state, all the way to a T score of zero. Where she no longer had this challenge. That’s unheard of.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Completely and so-

Jesse: Life changing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, completely life changing. And now that technology is available at Osteostrong locations. And I think there’s close to 70 in the United States. And there’s a couple international but we’re launching four continents right now.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So painlessly.

Liam: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: Massive campaign. You’re partnering with Tony Robbins.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. Tony Robbins-

Jesse: inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: … business, yeah.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So and he’s a great promoter. And one of the interesting things about Osteostrong is… Originally I had a prototype that I was selling into physicians’ offices, and there were a couple of gyms too. And it wasn’t working. The device wasn’t working, the business model wasn’t working because physicians would treat five people and they think, great success and go, ‘Okay, I’m not changing the world, five people at a time.’

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I would say to physicians, ‘You need to treat 500.’ And they would say, ‘I don’t even have a parking lot for that.’ So I thought, okay, and I didn’t know what to do with it. And I met the guy who’s the founder of Osteostrong. He said, ‘I know exactly what you need’. And this guy had the vision from probably 10 minutes of listening me speak and nobody else has anything near resilience.

Jesse: Kismet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, it’s got to have its own venue. It’s not a doctor’s office, it’s not a gym. It’s something different.

Liam: You go there.

Dr. John Jaquish: You call it today, like a bio-hacking studio, but he had this vision like eight years ago.

Liam: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so it was incredibly successful right out of the gate. And then we’re off and running. But that it was the research around this, that brought me to X3 Bar exercise band bar system. And what happened was when we were doing research in London, there was a trial run in London. And I participated just from an authoring and protocol standpoint.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I can’t obviously, it’s conflict of interest if I’m doing data collection or something like that. So the British National Health Services, people did all the DEXA scan and data collection, and I just helped them make sure they use the device correctly. And then when we were collecting the data, I’m looking at the data and I think, okay, we’re putting huge forces through postmenopausal population, especially the hip joint. That’s where the most research is for osteoporosis. And, in fact, there was another study that was done a couple years before that, that determined the minimum dose response for hip growth triggering the bonus 4.2 multiples of body weight. So people who go for a walk or do yoga, they’re just not getting-

Liam: Nobody’s squatting 4.2.

Jesse: But tricky, because it might be enough for a little while. Because if you’re doing zero exercise, and you start doing yoga, it might work for a little while.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s possible for somebody who’s highly de-conditioned. Well, no one knows the minimum dose response for the de-condition population necessarily, what the study found was people who exceeded 4.2 trigger growth, people who did not exceed 4.2 did not. Also, really important, we’re going to get to this later, stimulus and adaptation, you’re really only need one stimulus.

So for example, what and a few other studies determined this without the 4.2 multiples body weight, but they showed that one loading cycle is required to trigger known growth, one. One stimulus, so like the idea of 4.2 will do it. But if you have 3.9 you can do that 100 times, and it doesn’t do anything. Not for bone, might be beneficial for muscle or blood flow or something else.

But when you go to stimulate something, you don’t need more than one experience, you just want to make that experience relevant to the central nervous system. Because what we’re doing, we’re creating an extreme environment in which the central nervous system to say, to thrive in this new extreme environment, we got to make some changes. And that’s how adaptation works, whether it’s a callus or a suntan or a muscle growth or whatever.

Liam: Fantastic.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what I determine when comparing the databases from this study, to what the American College of Sports Medicine keeps, as far as normative data that people lift through their head joint, were basically seven times stronger and a strong range or a weak range, set a different way. When we lift a weight, we’re only training a week range, where we have the least amount of muscle firing, and where we have the greatest chance of joint injury, where joints become uncomfortable in a process called neural inhibition starts and what neural inhibition means is when you’re uncomfortable, muscles start to shut off. So it’s a self protective mechanism everybody has, you can’t train your way around it. Like I see guys at gyms that I talked to, and they think because they wear their hat sideways better than everybody else does that they can power through any discomfort. No, you can’t.

Liam: It’s like a circuit breaker, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right. Exactly like circuit. As soon as you get to the discomfort, some muscles just shutting off, you can’t do anything about it. So when developing X3 Bar portable home gym, I thought, okay, what we need is not to worry about the weight, we need incredible variance. And you guys just experienced that.

Jesse: So that’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Like so Westside Barbell has broken over 140 world records, by using variable resistance. Now, they’re actually training people to do weightlifting events, in different… and actually training them to do the specific event. So the way they’re approaching it may make more sense for what they’re doing. But what my goal was, is create a product that can get somebody as strong as possible with the lowest chance of injury.

So very driven the weight training, very different what Westside was doing. But what they would do is just in like a bench press, for example, they hold X amount of weight on their chest, and then add extension, they might be holding 1.2X. Whereas, what I was saying was, ‘No, we need X when the bars on our chest and seven X when we’re at extension.’ Or something close to that. So a drastic variance. So when you’re in the weaker range of motion, very easy on joints, and then so then nothing we can do is we can fatigue the muscles in diminishing range. Another thing you guys just experienced.

Jesse: Loved it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So first you go to let’s say we’re doing a chest press. So when I do chest press, I’m at peak it almost full extension, I don’t go to full extensions, I don’t want to lock the joint 500 pounds. Then once I go through and I’m at about 15-16 repetitions, then I can’t get there anymore, I can’t get to that 500 pounds.

So then I go half reps, and maybe hitting 200 pounds with those half reps. And then I do that for another four or five repetitions, so I can’t get there. Then the last one or two repetitions, I might only be handling 100 pounds in the week range. But I fatigue all ranges of motion in one set without letting a lot of blood in there. So now, because of the strong range, let’s call that phase one fatigue. We’ve got the structure of the muscle stressed. So a myofibril type adaptation, that means the thickening of the actual fibers material in the cells, doesn’t mean cell division, by the way.

Liam: Hyper place job.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. That’s a theory. That’s the theory that’ll probably be proven with a biopsy study.

Liam: Maybe yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: If anybody wants to stand in line for a biopsy study, you can email me. Not a long line. That means I’m going to cut a chunk out of your muscle.

Liam: Take a plug.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. It’s not pleasant. So now that phase one fatigue that you guys just went through in the strong range. That’s more of a myofibril stimulus. And then the weaker range is emotion fatigue, or evacuating the ATP glucogenic routine plus way too much more extreme degree, especially with a mid range fatigue because you don’t do that with weight. You can’t, not in going for motion.

Jesse: Or you need a spotter or something like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right. You need different strategies to offload where you’re weak. And even doing those like really strong negatives for somebody else to do the positive. By the time you get to the weakened range of motion, holding a load you can’t handle. And it’s so dangerous.

Liam: Yeah, one of the nice things about just having experienced this is the idea of the user friendliness, I think being able to need spotters. I don’t need a whole bunch… I mean, once I figure it out small learning curve, I can do amazing things with the simple set up.

Dr. John Jaquish: Such a deeper level of fatigue, you don’t use spotter.

Liam: I’m not going to drop anything on my foot.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. If it becomes too heavy, you just move into the weaker range of motion, the weight gets lighter, you can re-grip or put it down and reposition yourself.

Jesse: Very versatile. Very quick. I mean, I know what you’re advertising is 10 minutes per workout. And easily you can even go faster than that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it basically like four sets per workout now. They’re exhausting sets.

Jesse: Yeah. Yeah, but that’s the point, so work at the most intense that you’re capable of.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s where I go back to the example of stimulating bone growth with one loading cycle. And it’s something that is seen in Osteostrong, also, there’s only one loading cycle gives, ‘Is one enough?’ One is always enough, unless the stimulus sucks.

Liam: As long as it’s meaningful.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you’re lifting a static weight. And you’re not going through some sort of strategy to offload some of the weaker range of motion or something like that. You’re not getting the full benefit. You’re not fatiguing as much as you could. So this is the way where you can completely fatigue all ranges of motion in one set. And thereby, the growth trigger is phenomenal. And in two years, I put on 45 pounds of muscle, but there’s actually users who are giving testimonials and they’re all over the internet, whereas they’re putting on like in the 12 week program with 10 pounds of muscle. That’s gaining faster than I was. And there’s one of these guys put on eight pounds of muscle in the 12 week program, he’s 55 years old. That is totally unheard.

Liam: Yeah, that’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: Yeah, that’s phenomenal.

Jesse: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: So before we signed on, we were kind of talking about how you transitions from a little bit of a higher volume approach to the single set, we use a different name, we might call it like a breakdown set, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: When we’re using machines or free weights.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure you rip some of the weight off.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: A few more weight.

Jesse: Exactly. So that version is a little clunkier. I definitely think that X3 Bar resistance band bar system is a lot smoother transitioning, like for example, when we were doing the bicep curl, we went full range, and then we fatigued in a more limited range, and then we’re barely moving. And then when there was no range left, then we kind of squatted down, stood up and just lowered the bar down for some bandwagons. Going back to the idea of, maybe you could let our audience know how you kind of made the transition from you said, you went from being a three sets of 10 guy to just doing the one set. I mean, why did you make that change?

Liam: Is it currently supported by that research of the-

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a lot of research that shows it’s standard, I shouldn’t say a lot. There’s some research that shows that when you’re doing the standard weightlifting protocol, meaning no forced reps or anything like that, just static positives and negatives re-racking yourself that more than one set is more beneficial for hypertrophy than one set is, but that is because the stimulus is really poor. And I knew that when I was when I was lifting, because I was lifting weights for 20 years. I didn’t even get a whole lot out of it. I looked like I was a guy who exercised. But like now I get stopped on the street and people ask me like, ‘Oh, are you a professional athlete? Are you a weightlifter? Are you a wrestler?

Jesse: That’s a nice question to get at.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: 45.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: 41.

Dr. John Jaquish: 41?

Liam: You don’t want to push it too far.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it is a nice question to get and I am blown away that in my 40s is now where I’m getting this kind of success. It also shows that our bodies have an ability to adapt way later in life when we thought they didn’t and it’s just… what’s your strategy for creating an extreme environment? That’s what I tell everybody that I work with every physician. Bu when I look at our customer list, there was a while, he was one who was very new. I’m sure it’s going to lose some 5000 units already. And the product just launched.

Liam: Of the X3 Bar fitness band bar system?

Dr. John Jaquish: Of the X3 Bar resistance band training system.

Liam: Wow that’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So what I saw in the beginning was a lot of MDs were buying it because they were going to science page. And I get emails from these MDs and there’s actually an endorsement from Army Special Operations guy, an MD, who would who travel with. I don’t know what special operations or special forces forgive me and listeners who are in the military.

I know those aren’t interchangeable terms. But whatever, I probably get it wrong, I’m not military. So this individual, immediately read the science page and contact me and I have known him, he said, ‘Oh, my God, this is phenomenal, this is the way.’ He said to me, ‘In five years, people going to laugh about how people used to lift weights. And how about, that’s just our cane by comparison to what we get out of this.’

Now, I’ve been a little reserved and saying that kind of thing. Because there’s a lot of people who are emotionally invested.

Liam: Of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: In you say bicep curls to a cross-fitter and it’s just like you told him, ‘You mean cleats?’ You’re horribly insulted, they’re like family or something.

Liam: Or it’s like taking pull ups.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So that’s how my transition went in. One guy I had been connected with for few years Bill Herman, he’s 1995 Mr. USA, phenomenal guy. He had always been about one set. I shouldn’t say always, we first started training was more than three sets sort of thing. But he always been about one set after beginning his success in the sport, because he noticed that anything else in nature, when we stimulate the body, you need one stimulus experience, and then the adaptation happens.

So why would we need more than one? Okay, maybe we need to intensify what we do in that one set. So it’s E-centric loading and it’s all these highly dangerous strategies that he was employing, but you had to do it, knowing what you were doing. So you really had to have a trainer with you or something like that. And so I flew down to Florida, when I had the first prototype of X3 Bar, and I told him, ‘I think I cracked the code here. And I’ve done it with the world’s heaviest latex. And a custom-made Olympic bar and a ground plane.’ That’s what X3 workout bar system is.

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It’s those three things and we ship it with four bands. And I could just hear in his voice like, ‘Oh, men! A band of training, never been anything that’s been worth doing, other than getting a pump before body shower.’

Liam: Exactly. It’s like the backstage thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And then I put him on like a medium strength band for a deadlift and instantly he said, ‘Okay, totally more powerful than I thought this was going to be.’ And he really put some thought behind it. And he’s now training all of his clients using X3 Bar exercise band bar system.

Jesse: Great.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: It could be such a great tool for personal trainers who do in home training. Because it’s portable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally.

Liam: Throw it in their car or in a backpack even.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or they can just have their clients have one, you can keep it in a drawer. It’s the tiniest and most effective home gym, you can ever had. And I keep mine in my suitcase.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So everywhere I go, and I travel constantly. That’s another thing, people… I vascularity my abs. People complain all the time. Executive types complain all the time, ‘Oh, I’m overweight because I travel. I can’t ever find a gym.’ Like you’re out of excuses now. Like if you have an X3 Bar resistance band bar system in your bag, you get the best resistance training experience that you’re carrying with you everywhere you go, TSA doesn’t like the bar. You really got to check. I mean, it’s a big metal bar, I get it, they can call it a weapon.

Jesse: Not check to you. Pardon me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah, I can be like, ‘Yeah, but what about the guy with the cane?’ It’s really funny conversation at San Francisco Airport and she’s like, ‘Yeah, the cane.’

Jesse: But look at you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s like, ‘Come on, you don’t need a cane. You don’t need this bar.’ Okay. But ultimately I think the nutrition recommendations, especially with the research that’s been out there about ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting.

Jesse: So there’s a whole program that goes along with that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So right. I will say that my nutrition program that comes with X3 Bar portable home gym is there’s a lot of nutrition programs that are effective. So when somebody said, ‘I tried all the diets and they didn’t work.’ The answer is you didn’t try any of them.

Jesse: You didn’t find the one that works best for you, individually.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe, maybe. I can probably build an argument that even some of the lousier recommendations will cut body fat.

Liam: Like neutral system and they’ll work if you stick to them.

Jesse: Just like massive caloric restriction or whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you want to lose body fat, and you may feel lousy, but you may sacrifice some muscle. I believe that the intermittent fasting ketogenic approach, there’s so much new research on that, and it’s just so effective and easy. I eat one meal a day now.

Liam: That’s interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Really tightened it down.

Jesse: I think I saw two meals in one of your videos. So you did?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I’ve choked it, then it became two meals really close together. And then-

Jesse: Is that Jocko Willing, somebody who’s doing the podcast rounds is big into the… I think-

Liam: What’s his name also, seems to be into Terry Crews.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: He’s a one meal a day-

Jaquish: One meal a day and it’s not really intermittent fasting. It’s like, feasting.

Liam: Yeah, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because that meal-

Jesse: Is big meal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Big.

Liam: As your one meal a day thing?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah.

Liam: Because we have another guy who brought on Steve McKinney, who was one of our guests. He does the same thing. He only eats one meal a day, but he still eats like 2000 calories.

Jesse: You have to be amazingly disciplined to only eat one meal a day.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know. Oh, I did a video recently that I put on like a fan page, not my personal page on Facebook, where I talk about the difference between motivation and discipline, I think you guys are going to like this.

Jesse: Cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: What I tell people is that if you look to motivation, you have a picture of whatever your favorite athlete, let’s say Terry Crews. You look at Terry Crews and say, ‘I’m going to be as fit as that guy.’ The problem is, there’s 10,000 steps you need to take before you get to that level guys. Highly elite, athletic, his physique is incredible.

Jesse: Played in the NFL.

Dr. John Jaquish: Played in the NFL.

Jesse: You can’t forget that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he did play in the NFL.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so it’s so far away that the motivation can die one day and you go, ‘Okay, my friends are eating pizza and drinking beer. Oh, well, I’ll have a cheat day.’ And like cheat days is not work. And they just set you back.

Jesse: They don’t exist. It’s a cheat week.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And especially if you’re trying to get to a state of ketosis.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re totally digging yourself into a hole. It’s not worth it. Like one meal, really? You’re going to screw it all up for the sake of one meal.

Liam: It doesn’t take much to be bummed out sometimes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not at all, if you get those strips.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The urine test strips. That will show you how bad you can screw it up with just one meal.

Jesse: Just eating starchy veggies.

Liam: Yeah. I’ve written a lot about ketogenic diets too for many years.

Dr. John Jaquish: I tell people in this video, forget motivation, focus on discipline. And Jocko is like that, too.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Discipline. Like, everybody, I don’t care how unfit they are, how little they care about their diet as having one day in their life, where they had one meal or something like that. And it was really healthy. And then they were too tired to get that candy bar at the end of the day. And they woke up in the morning and they felt great, so you can make it through one day. So the only thing you have to focus on is I just got to get through today, just discipline.

Like today, I’m not going to screw anything up. Today, I’m not getting any pizza. Today, I’m not going to have a candy bar, I’m going to have the principal foods according to the dietary recommendations and we’ll see more. And as soon as you get there one day, just do that to yourself every day. All of a sudden, those 10,000 steps you need to take you take in a couple at a time.

Jesse: Yeah. So why don’t you take us through one of your days. So first of all, how often are you working out right now?

Dr. John Jaquish: So-

Jesse: Every time you have a podcast interview.

Dr. John Jaquish: I work out every time in a talk interview. I would like to have that many.

Jesse: Dr. Jaquish was working out with us before this interview.

Liam: It was easy, definitely partook, you didn’t just make us do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: See the best-

Jesse: Demo to failure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Guys the best part about this is I got my workout well.

Jesse: Yeah, you did.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I was like I’m going to take you through and then I did mine too, like do that. So I was with the other Jocko on Monday, Jocko Sims, the actor, and I was taking them through the whole workout and I had him watch me do it. And I’m like, ‘Thanks, dude, you’re a great workout partner.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, you actually got your workout today too.’ Yeah, yeah, it’s exactly but that’s how long it takes is 10 minutes, basically, to get to the four sets, it actually takes me a little bit longer.

Because the more muscle mass you have, the more blood flow there is to that muscle. The more cardiovascularly challenged, you become. Which means you got to catch your breath a little bit. So somebody who doesn’t have my same amount of muscle mass, you get there quicker. But at the end of set, I’m just gasping for air.

Jesse: And we saw it on the deadlift. That was a-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the deadlift was brutal.

Jesse: So if we can get just a little bit granular, take us through if you’re going to do your X3 Bar resistance band training system workout, what exercises are you doing? You’re doing one set on every exercise?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: So what are the exercises that you do when you’re actually workout?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, workout one is I do a chest press, a tricep push down and overhead press.

Jesse: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So upper body pushing, and then squats. Now the advanced programming squats, I do one leg at a time. So just a split squat.

Jesse: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: The reason split squat is unless you’re a kangaroo, you walk on one leg at a time. And I see we use two legs when we stop, when we brace for impact. So like at Osteostrong, two leg experience is correct. But a two legged squat, we really don’t fire everything with both legs at the same time. Another thing is that there’s so much resources going into your quads, your glutes, when you’re training your lower body, that you don’t want to divide those resources to both sides.

If you focus on one side at a time, you just doubled the amount of resources going right there. You doubled, or you have the neural inhibition.

Jesse: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you’re focusing on one leg at a time. So like, on that day on day one is chest press, tricep push down overhead press, and squats. And this splits crosstalk. So that ends up being five because I do-

Jesse: You going to do both.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then the next day, I do deadlift, bent over row, the calf raises and then bicep curls.

Jesse: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s it.

Liam: And then do you ever do any specific midsection stuff? Or you don’t worry about it? Or you-

Dr. John Jaquish: Deadlift is-

Liam: Yeah, no, I’m just asking for the-

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. So another principle that’s being triggered. So the things I have developed, the first was the bone density device, then it’s really the muscular size, power density devices and X3 Bar fitness band bar system. There’s another thing that I did, which is much more difficult for people to get their head around and Caleb works with me and Caleb and I, we did a meta analysis, first meta analysis sort of written and he had just finished undergrad on looking at the history of stabilization firing and the pre to post or test group compared with control group experiences with stabilization firing in growth hormone levels.

So this is like a new principle of human physiology, where I found 23 different data sets that were published in various peer reviewed journals around the world. And nobody had really connected the dots. But in these 23 different data sets, they all showed the same thing to varying degrees. Now, some of the cohorts were over 70 years old. Some of the cohorts were teenagers. So I just ignored the age in an even normalize all that together. And still, we had I think like a point 0001 P value, which means everybody who engages in the stabilization firing protocol, while they exercise is up-regulated growth hormone.

Jesse: Stabilization firing protocol, you mean tightening your abs?

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, tightening the abs without working the apps. Like-

Jesse: Not directly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Automatic.

Jesse: Overhead press.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you just stand there. You stand on a flat piece of ground. There’s some kind of tonic contraction that’s going on in your core. Otherwise, you just collapse.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: If I hand you a puppy, and it’s squirming out of your hands, right? Because that’s what they do, they’re done, they’ll jump right out of your hand. So if you have anything on this puppy, your core has to compensate in your stabilization firing goes up.

Jesse: Don’t you drop that puppy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly. You don’t want to drop puppy, no matter how unintelligent they may be, they’re really cute. So now if we have you do a weight training experience, especially like an overhead press, or deadlift, now your core has to up-regulate the amount of stabilization firing, because you’re not holding an extra, especially with X3 variable resistance exercise system, because we’re kind of tricking the body into lifting a lot heavier than it can.

So in the stronger range of motion, we just went through the experience, we’re holding 300 pounds at the top, which is something we probably wouldn’t just normally walk up to and say, ‘I’m going to deadlift 300 pounds.’ And then hitting that four reps. So when you do that, the stabilization firing happens, and you up-regulate growth hormone to an incredibly high degree. And in fact now, this study looked at also instability platform type therapies, and that plus load. Plus very high levels of load in every couple third pole borderline dangerous protocols in there.

But of course, this isn’t a lab environment where they have like physical therapists and scientists around to make sure that people are doing the right thing. But what’s so interesting is they could have regular growth hormone 26-100%.

Liam: Right

Dr. John Jaquish: Over baseline.

Liam: Just by the fact that-

Dr. John Jaquish: Stabilization plus load. And that’s what we’re doing in the X3 Bar resistance band bar system.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so we’re up-regulating growth hormone to an incredible degree, which is why people get lean very quickly. They don’t have to do cardio or anything.

Jesse: Yeah, add muscle body fat percentage is going to drop.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and when you’re doing it, at the same time you’re contracting the abdominals, you’re up-regulating the hormone at the same time you’re up-regulating receptor sites.

Liam: And now with you yourself, your AMD workout or wanting to wherever you want to call it. And now you tend to… correct me if I’m wrong, are you doing them every other day, like just six days a week, or?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s exactly six days a week, take one day off. Usually that Sunday, or at least that’s how I recommend in the program, but I travel so much, it’s just the one day a week, I don’t get any sleep, which is really long, three days a week. But-

Jesse: So your volume might be a little bit lower, depending on your frequency?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, if it’s three days, I get a lousy night of asleep. I just suck it up and do workout anyway. But yeah, I mean, when I’m flying across the world, that’s a lousy night sleep.

Jesse: Yeah. And then so you’re doing the one meal a day. Are you keto 100%.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: 100% keto.

Liam: What drove you to that direction? The ketogenic stuff?

Dr. John Jaquish: So Dave Asprey has been a friend for a while. And it was kind of funny, he called me randomly, just I had been fan. Pick up the phone. He says, ‘Hi, it’s Dave Asprey.’ I had a pause like, ‘Really? What are you calling me?’ And it was during when I was building the prototype of the bone density device, if you want to talk about that. And I told him that I was working on X3 Bar resistance band training system. And he’s actually the first guy that saw it.

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Liam: Okay cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I took it out at his house in his first lab, which is really just like it’s on his property. And these route takes his celebrity friends and clients and investors. And we use it in there and I put them through like an absolute brutal workout. And then the funny part about Dave is, like I did, Ben Greenfield podcast recently, and I did Dave’s podcast, about a year ago, that was really more like the launch of X3 Bar fitness band bar system in these podcasts.

Liam: Is that one up on YouTube?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think there’s a video of it.

Liam: Because I think I saw a video of you talking to him on YouTube.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that was on YouTube. Yeah, Ben doesn’t do any video, parades normal podcast. So what I noticed is, Ben is like trying to be as super athlete as possible, Dave is a bio-hacker, it’s a very different mentality. It’s like, how simplified and easy can I make this so that it can be accessible to a larger population.

Jesse: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so it was very interesting because one is all about the hardest core tourney you can do.

Jesse: CrossFit Games.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The other one is about the easiest way to get results.

Liam: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they both absolutely loved X3 Bar exercise band bar system.

Liam: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Like both of them have continued to do stuff with it and post videos with their progress and stuff like that. So that really showed me the discriminating of the high performance athlete and Ben Greenfield was really cool. But the fact that Dave was all about it too means that we got people all the way from pro athletes to soccer moms. Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re going to get incredible results out of this.

Liam: Yeah. One of the things I like about the program that you put together, is the fact that you introduce the nutrition things very sparingly I like the idea you say, ‘We’re going to talk about this one thing.’

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: And now we’re-

Dr. John Jaquish: One change from every 12 weeks.

Liam: We’re going to add them together. So I think that’s a great idea. You’re not just going, ‘Here’s all the things that are wrong with your diet let’s fix it.’

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. If I go to somebody who really needs to lose body fat, and you don’t exercise, and I tell him, ‘Okay, everything you’re doing now, you’re not going to be able to do that, you’re never going to be able to drink beer, eat pizza. Otherwise, you’re just going to screw it all.’ He’s going to look at me and go, ‘Yeah, I can’t.’ But-

Jesse: Radical life changing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: I get it all the time, ‘I can’t drink beer? I’m out.’

Dr. John Jaquish: If you make radical life changes with tiny steps. It’s a little bit like what I was talking about the discipline versus the motivation, or you just make one little change and then say, ‘Oh, that was one.’

Liam: I like the fact that you started with sugar, was number one. And then you’re started chipping away.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: Any idea that you’re adding together. So each week, you hold on to what you’ve earned last week.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then you just add another level to get greater results. And then when people start to see results, that first, I gained a pound, but I look leaner. And I get the email like, ‘Whoa, this has never happened even when I was in high school.’ So the emails and comments online.

Jesse: Is that white bulb, ‘Oh, that’s why I do this.’

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, like that is something special.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And especially in such a short period of time see that and I think the futility of a lot of the programming out there with weight training.

Jesse: Because the stimulus just isn’t there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Stimulus just isn’t there.

Jesse: You don’t have variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I think, the fitness industry, especially people who follow bodybuilding and weightlifting, there’s a lot of people who aren’t yet willing to feel let down by their family programs. So it’s like for six months, they’ve been lifting weights, and they’ve seen almost nothing change but they figure six more months and something.

Liam: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. And they really don’t know any better. They don’t know that there’s a way that they can see changes very quickly. They think you’re just supposed to scratch away and sooner or later, maybe it’ll come in drips and dribbles.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Here’s another thing, so I had this T-shirt that I wear in one of my videos, it says, ‘No weights, no cardio, just X3 Bar.’ We actually sell a T-shirt on the website, very popular T-shirt. But people-

Liam: Shameless.

Dr. John Jaquish: I got flamed online. People just trolls came out of the woodwork, ‘No, you recommend no cardio?’ And I said, ‘I didn’t recommend no cardio.’ I said, ‘I don’t do cardio.’ I don’t need because all I want to do is be lean. And also, by the way, high intensity weight training delivers a very similar cardiac benefit to cardiovascular training.

Liam: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: But here’s what I don’t like about cardiovascular training is you’re up-regulating cortisol. There is 40 years, can I use profanity on the show?

Liam: Of course.

Jesse: Go get it.

Dr. John Jaquish: 40 fucking years of research, showing that if you do extended cardiovascular training, you’re up-regulating cortisol. Now, what does cortisol do? It protects body fat, that’s one of its primary actions, protects body fat as in it keeps you from losing body fat.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because it sees stressors on a timescale. So it’s as if we want to store all this stuff. We want to keep it for later and so If you’re trying to lose weight by doing cardio, you’re fighting your endocrine system, which is a battle you’re going to lose.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so when I go to like amateur running events, you see a bunch of people who are really not in good shape.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they talk about how they’ve been running for years. And their primary objective is weight loss, because I ask people these questions.

Liam: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you don’t want to tell somebody that their workout sucks, I mean just leave them because they get offended. It’s like calling somebody fat.

Jesse: You can tell somebody to smoke too many cigarettes. But you tell somebody like you’re overweight, I don’t like you. So I’d rather spend a lot of time running. So if you’re thinking about, wow, that’s all these hours that I’ve spent.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you listen to the idea that they’ve failed for the last 10 years to get the results they want. But they figure in another year, oh, yeah, the results are coming.

Liam: Once I get over this tendinitis.

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly there you go. Yeah. All the joy games soon as you get past that.

Liam: It’s always something new.

Jesse: But we should be looking forward. And it shouldn’t be, ‘Oh, my God, I’ve wasted all that time.’ It’s, ‘Oh, my God, look at all the time I’m going to save.’

Dr. John Jaquish: How about how much I’m going to protect my joints. So if they love cardiovascular activity, but then they damage the joints in the 20s and 30s. They’re not only not going to be able to do cardiovascular activity, they’re not going to be able to do much at all.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: When they’re in their 40s, 50s, 60s.

Liam: I also started telling people that the muscles, they’re not only the engine, they’re the shock absorbers too so-

Dr. John Jaquish: They decelerate.

Liam: Yeah, so we increase that we can take more running, so we can improve running economy, actually, where I work with runners a lot, too. And when I make them stronger, they’re running it’s better. But we just had Wayne Wescott, I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dr. Wayne.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know Wayne.

Liam: So we just had him run those recently and his most recent research paper was showing three groups, one that just did a diet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: One did cardio and a diet. And one did strength training, increase protein in the diet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: And the one that does the worst is the cardio diet group, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course. And the people who only didn’t do cardio, it’s better.

Liam: Yeah, they did. And it’s like-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s only 40 years of research.

Jesse: It’s really frustrating.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, and here’s another thing. We are made aware of things that have a marketing budget behind.

Jesse: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So like it’s amazing to me that the world is finding out about intermittent fasting. And that’s just gone viral. Thanks to Dr. Jason Fung. Probably some of you, you have heard Adam podcast.

Liam: Okay. Yeah, were are always open for those connections.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s Canadian physician, we’ve been treating all kinds of chronic, morbidly obese situations with intermittent fasting. And we’re talking like 72-hour fasting.

Liam: Yeah.

Jesse: Main reason being that intermittent fasting helps with increased insulin sensitivity?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. And also just repair of the intestines. We’re not really designed to eat three meals a day. Like if you train your biceps three times a day will they grow? No, if you-

Jesse: Some people might think so.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I’m sure there is. Oh, yeah. They’re the commenters on X3 portable gym.

Liam: ‘More better, what are you talking about?’

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly. Yeah, I got some real winners and by winners I mean, not winners.

Liam: I can imagine.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, commenting online. But the… Where was I?

Jesse: intermittent fasting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. So Dr. Fung-

Jesse: Intestinal health.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. He’s pointing out that you’re using this intestinal organs constantly. Are they really designed for that? Like your heart is designed to beat all the time. Maybe not at a high rate but it’s supposed to be going all the time, it’s for that. Your lungs are supposed to be going all the time, and your intestines?

Jesse: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. And you let them recover, they can actually shrink. Also, there’s a fiber issue and like is fiber really what we think it is? We can’t digest it.

Liam: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So even now there’s links to high levels of fiber in the diet and diverticulitis. So is it really that great?

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You may say no. That’s not my field. And I’m not going to fight that fight I got plenty of battles on.

Liam: Yeah, yeah. Again, the intermittent fasting thing and the ketogenic stuff. I mean, those are things that I’ve been talking about on and off for like 10 years at least and I’ve done a ton of the cyclical ketogenic diets I use for myself usually like where I basically keep it keto and then carb up briefly just to kind of load because I want to sure-

Dr. John Jaquish: I had a call with Dr. Mercola recently and that’s how he sees it, it ought to be done. What do you think?

Liam: Yeah. I’m a geek. So I read all the stuff I can get my hands on. And then I always try to take everything I find that’s out there and then make the simplest version. Kind of like date, I guess, quite a simpler version. Because early work with the ketogenic diets was pretty complicated with the cyclical and especially about when you add the carbs and when you don’t and timing things and all that it got over complicated. So I basically just created a simple version, which was Monday through Friday, no carbs. On the weekends, add a little carbon back in.

Dr. John Jaquish: What’s a little?

Liam: And again, the choices matter for me, I like quality so it’s not an excuse to have pizza and Twinkies and stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: No value.

Liam: Yeah. But I mean, what I’ll do is I’ll go for as low as I can during the week, not necessarily anything such as zero. I mean just meat and veggies and nothing and high fat and all that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: And then on the weekends, I might add things in like an oatmeal or had some fruit, those kind of things.

Dr. John Jaquish: Whole wheat pasta.

Liam: Yeah, not even whole wheat because I’m not a wheat person. So in the way it was designed was the idea that, you replenish the glycogen to really push the strength training and see it for me, I found that it had the effect of me getting leaner and more muscles and all that stuff. But at the time, I have to say, transparently that I never did stay permanently in a ketogenic state. I’ve never done it that way. I’ve always cycled back in. So I can’t say that it’s better than not cycling back in. It’s just what I’ve done, but it worked well.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Liam: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I tried it a couple times. Yeah, we talked to Dr. Mercola and he’s very persuasive.

Liam: Does he like-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he wrote a book about it. His latest book is about that. I tried it a couple weeks, and I really just felt like, ‘Screw it. I’m a ketogenic.’

Jesse: Did you just feel low energy.

Dr. John Jaquish: I felt low energy. And I felt like the next day, I was just craving all kinds of garbage.

Liam: Yeah, really. So it was a good picture.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it wasn’t my thing. I remember I did this just this past Easter. Because my mother, she really wants me to eat all the things that she comes up with. It hurts her feelings.

Jesse: So it’s challenging social situation?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Finally, I just told her like, ‘Look, results are more important than me sampling everything you come up with. Sorry, mom. I’m just going to have to live with me being difficult.’

Liam: That’s okay. You got to set boundaries.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, unfortunately, she didn’t make a mistake.

Liam: That’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So yeah, I didn’t get the cyclical results. Now one thing that we’ll do, and I’ve been experimenting the 14-hour fast, especially when I travel, because I know like when I go to one of the guys that’s in charge of international expansion for Austria astronomy, his name’s Gary. He lives in Marbella Spain but it takes some time to get to Marbella Spain.

You find them all at the airport. It’s not a big airport, you got to change point somewhere. So it’s just a hassle to get there. And so every time I go back and forth, and this one I start doing the 48 hour like you’re in an airport in Germany, all there is, is sausage, chocolate, beer and pastries. Even like a numeric, like an airport that is like the king of airports, it’s all totally low quality food. Like I can’t get a decent meal anywhere. So I just went, ‘Okay, this is my time. I’m going to try 48-hour fast.’

Jesse: If that’s not discipline, I don’t know what it is. All the delicious things in life, all in one.

Liam: You’re not eating anything?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nothing.

Liam: It’s just fluids?

Dr. John Jaquish: Just fluids, just coffee and water.

Liam: Yeah, awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, and I don’t really have to like knuckle up. Once you get past a certain threshold and especially when you’re in some sensitivity is better. You don’t lose your shit. It’s just like-

Liam: I’m one of those people who seems to thrive in like keto stage. I’ve never had trouble, I’ve never had keto flu. I mean, I’ve never felt like anybody pulled the rug out from under me. I can literally stop eating carbs anytime and feel great. I feel better, actually, the more I reduce them.

Dr. John Jaquish: I definitely had the keto flu.

Liam: Yeah, I never did.

Dr. John Jaquish: First time I tried it, right with the bulletproof diet came out.

Liam: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes, I did it the way they did it, but I didn’t do the carb cycling, so every one of his references, I wouldn’t read the reference paper, and then the cycling, it’s just like, ‘Wait a minute, you don’t have any kind of get data here. At least you not that you’re referencing.’ So I just ignored that part. And yeah, for a good two weeks, I felt pretty crummy.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then-

Liam: But once you shift gears, it’s amazing, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: You feel like-

Dr. John Jaquish: Most of those strips is urine strips. And I encourage everybody, they cost like a 10th of a penny a piece. Just get like 200 of them.

Liam: Okay, he’s talking about what they call keto sticks.

Dr. John Jaquish: Keto sticks. Yeah, you urinate on them, and they turn a shade of purple. And now mine turn like so purple, it’s like black.

Liam: And if you’re a cheapskate, by the way-

Jesse: Measuring your key terms.

Liam: Yeah, little trick if you’re a cheapskate is you can actually cut them in half.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know that, yeah.

Liam: So you can double them up right there, they are cheap. They are cheap, though. So doesn’t matter. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: And you guys can buy them at any drugstore, like pharmacies, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Really?

Liam: Yeah. I think so.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I don’t normally-

Liam: Used to be able to. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Liam: Yeah, I used to just buy them at the pharmacy here, to walk in and grab them.

Jesse: So switching gears a little bit here. Dr. Jaquish.

Liam: Dr. J.

Jesse: Dr. J. He’s a slam dunk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nice.

Jesse: Nailed it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Didn’t Dr. J play for the Harlem Globetrotters?

Liam: No, he was originally in the ABA before it got absorbed by the NBA.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, okay.

Liam: He’s like star and then he was at the 76th, I think Philadelphia somewhere like that, when he got into the NBA.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not my sport.

Liam: And he was dynamic.

Dr. John Jaquish: He was, yeah. Okay, I am going to start owning my name. Is he even alive anymore?

Liam: Yeah, he’s around.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Jesse: You might have some competition with that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. As long as we all play one on one, I’m fine.

Liam: He can out dunk you and you can have gotten him.

Dr. John Jaquish: Show my bicep heavy.

Liam: Yeah. But we need to get out and find out if you get dunk, after you’ve got the extra muscle. You got to see if your hops have improved.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: We know you can shatter the backboard.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. I just have to be able to get to it.

Liam: All right, so we were changing gears.

Jesse: Yeah. So I mean, where do you see X3 Bar resistance band bar system going from here? What are your goals? How are you building going forward?

Dr. John Jaquish: I believe that, like Dr. Hamada said, In five years… I’m paraphrasing what he said. But something like in five years, people are going to laugh and go, ‘Remember when we used to lift weights? Man, that was dumb.’

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I’m not calling people who lift weights dumb. I’m just saying this is an advancement. And the advancement isn’t necessarily in the tool, though I do have a patent on tool is really fully grasp and what we need is not wait, it’s massive variance. One thing, I’ll say that’ll be a showstopper and every training conference I speak, I’ll say, ‘So if we want to address the full range, with the same way, why don’t sprinters use 180 degrees of action behind the knee? Why do they want to use seven?’ They only use seven degree of action on the knee why?

Jesse: Because they want to generate-

Dr. John Jaquish: Why don’t they bend the knee more when they contact the ground? And so everyone sort of looks at each other and they go well, ‘They wouldn’t go very far or fast if they did that.’ So we choose our strong range of motion. We know where we’re more powerful. So our reflex is due, we jump off a table, you don’t land with a 90 degree angle behind your knee. You land in 120 degree angle behind the knee.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So landing mechanics that was like the understanding of that was the impetus. So when looking at that, and then looking at how we can adjust the weight, with a very powerful variance product, which is X3 variable resistance exercise system bar, we can trigger so much more growth in such a safer way, in such a simple way. I also am seeing now there’s a number of gyms that are out there that are all X3 Bar portable home gym. They’ve got a couple, they got like a functional wall. A couple other things. But no racks, no weights, it’s all X3 Bar resistance band training system.

Liam: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so like I’ve been approached by a couple different companies to say, ‘Okay, how do we come up with a little like studio model or something like that.’ But-

Liam: Yeah it makes it certainly, doesn’t mean you don’t need a lot of space.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: Yeah. I mean, you could-

Dr. John Jaquish: It could be mobile.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The guys that do like the boot camps in the park?

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They could do it with just as much proficiency as somebody with a small like studios. But the good news is you can do it in the studio space where you have other things going on.

Liam: There’s been some over the years. There’s been some amazing technology that hasn’t addressed variable resistance like back in the 70s obviously had Nautilus had created the cam. And at one point Arthur Jones veteran machine called the duo squad which did something called negative cam. And it actually vary the resistance exactly as at the bottom of the leg press title.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: It might be only a few hundred pounds, but by the end, it’s over 1000 pounds.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Liam: So he figured that out too, but that is a big giant machine.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he was very much… I’ve read everything that Arthur has written. I believe. There might be something I hadn’t found.

Jesse: Are you familiar with

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, of course.

Jesse: Yeah, awesome.

Liam: So the guy that John Turner, he was one of our guests too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, really? Okay.

Jesse: One of our first guys.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, Arthur was just way ahead of his time. And I think he made it similar. I don’t call mistake, let’s call it he made similar decision that I made. Which one of them benefits of social media advertising is you can see what works and what doesn’t.

Liam: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you can see the interactions, you can see the troll comments, you can see all this stuff. And then you go, ‘Wait a minute, okay. So people apparently don’t want to learn anything.’ Or very little, like learning is not all that popular.

Jesse: Or at least the people that aren’t interested are very vocal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I don’t think it’s quite like that. It’s that the more successful advertising is just like me and there’s a couple of my daily fitness model. Just using the product.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I think some understand variable resistance, they can tell like those two are really using some heavyweight at the top. That’s going to stimulate something so then of course, I might… And I don’t manage any of these things anymore, I have staff that does it. And they’ll put like in the comments of the video to like the scientific lectures, doesn’t even watch a scientific lecture. Don’t want to. So much more successful just using the product.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that was very interesting. But I think as a career move, Arthur, only wanted to talk about the science of the cam.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it was just lost some people. In fact, later on Nautilus just went to round police. They gave up and sold the company.

Liam: Yeah. And then he started a second company, which you may know called Medics.

Dr. John Jaquish: Medics. Yeah. Very expensive equipment.

Liam: Yeah. So it’s cool stuff. But the nice thing about this your product obviously is it’s portable. It doesn’t take up any space. I mean, Medics is awesome Jesse and I get to play on it sometimes. But it costs a lot of money. It takes up a lot of space.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. I think they’re like price, the Medic select price is like, $40,000.

Liam: Yeah, they’re crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Crazy expensive.

Liam: But they do a great job.

Dr. John Jaquish: They do?

Liam: Yeah. But yeah, so this is a nice thing that has all these many benefits in this tiny little footprint.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Liam: Yeah, that’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I do fully answer your question. I think that is like the extra we will deliver better in strange and size, statics. Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So ultimately, then, here’s another thing-

Jesse: Do you have like a Nike goal. It’s like crush Adidas or something? Like get an X3 Bar resistance band bar system in very home in America.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t think so. It’s probably closer to the ladder right there. I don’t think there’s a company that makes exercise equipment, like their equipment is stupid and arcane. Like they’ll do a job. And I don’t think any of them… there are some gimmicky products out there. They’re only $35, we don’t need to talk about those. But whether it’s the TRX rip trainer, I think that’s a cool product.

Or TRX in general, that definitely has application, I see people making fun of certain things. And this needs to go away, only fooled by this or something like that. And yeah, there’s not a lot of successful lousy products out there. Maybe some failed ones. But the goal isn’t really… I’m not aiming at anybody in particular. I want to take over aesthetics and in the reason I say aesthetics, as opposed to strength, strength is highly associated with how strong you look.

But people who want to measure their strength via some sort of competitive existing metric, like how much you clean or whatever, I don’t want CrossFit people be offended by this advancement. I want them to use it. Because your Olympic movements will improve with the use of this product. In fact, the reason they do kipping pull ups is the bypass the weak wrench.

The reason that when you do clean and jerk, you explode off the ground is to bypass a weak range of motion. They don’t do it slow as molasses. They’re explosive about it.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So they’re employing a lot of principles that X3 workout bar system is employing.

No Weights, No Cardio

Liam: Could be a good assistance tool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s just they could pre-hub themselves, protecting themselves from injury and building a lot more strength using X3 resistance bands system, and then continue to go to the list because ultimately, if you want to be good at lifts, you got to do the list.

Liam: Absolutely, it’s a skill.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a firing pattern, or you can find somebody with a really strong upper body give the guy a baseball and he can’t throw it at high speed. Whereas, as a pitcher can throw in high speed that has less development.

Jesse: Super specialized.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Super specialized. It’s a firing pattern. Liam: inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So all those things need-

Liam: But obviously I mean, I’m intrigued, because how do you see like overcoming, obviously. I mean, there’s just that mindset that’s out there, there’s Barbells. They’ve been there forever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: And you’re not necessarily trying to replace them. Maybe even like you said, enhance, if you’re enhancing across elite athlete, I can totally see that. But how are you going to get them to recognize it? How are you going to get them to recognize that it’s worth investigating at all? That’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m not super focused on the elite athletes yet. There’s a few that have grabbed ahold of it. They’re hard to win over because they’ve already succeeded with what exists out there. So telling them-

Jesse: They had a strength coaches with their team too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Jesse: And you tell them.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. So like there’s a couple strength coaches I’m talking to that are a little more open minded. But nothing’s in place yet. Once some results are seen. That’s great, but getting it used with regular people, getting regular people to start seeing the results, getting those people who give testimonials where they say they’ve gained eight pounds of muscle.

Jesse: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the guy is …., he actually had pre and post body comp dexis to show that he put on eight pounds of muscle and I think he lost like 17 pounds of body fat, he was doing cardio.

Jesse: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Didn’t change his nutrition, already ketogenic. And you look like we haven’t even posted his before and after pictures.

Jesse: Impressive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And he’s 55 years old. Like total transformation.

Liam: Ancient.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, a lot of guys even told my trainers you’re not going to get the kind of result that the guys in the thirties are, yeah.

Liam: I’ve actually worked with guys all the way into their 90s in my career, and I’ve put muscle on every single person even get some photos.

Jesse: Wayne Wescott talked to us about some other research he did, where he was training people in their 90s who are a lot more in wheelchairs. And mean, they put them through like a for exercise protocol where they were doing a dip, getting out of the wheelchair and a leg press. And they literally got them out of their wheelchairs.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: A short program-

Dr. John Jaquish: Six to 10 weeks, they only had two 500 workouts a week. And by the end of it, they’re all out of the wheelchairs, except one who happened to be a double amputee, everybody else was out of their wheelchairs, with 10 minutes of work a week, one set to failure.

Jesse: Going back to the pro athletes, I could see at least having this in the facility in the gym. This actually would be a brutal finisher, for even if you’ve like gone through.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s another thing I told like these guys like, ‘Look, if you just do your last set, and have this much more powerful stimulus, you’re going to see better results.’

Jesse: Yeah, it’s not only.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jesse: That’s really good. And on the marketing side and I see you in the ads, and it’s like, you’re a big strong guy, like you’re marketing well. I think that’s… I mean, that’s why we were so eager to talk to you is because you’re an intelligent guy, you have a PhD, you know what you’re talking about, and you’re walking the walk, and that’s what is so important. But you’re not just sitting in some office anywhere.

And going back to what we were talking about earlier. Why the general population, they go first and no offense to them, but they go first to the bodybuilders because they’re the most readily available, because bodybuilders and all these fit models, they’re putting themselves out on Instagram, social media.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re the most visible.

Jesse: And the scientists are not. They’re not as much so we need more scientists-

Dr. John Jaquish: I didn’t realize so from a marketing perspective. I realized I had to put myself out there. Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: For exactly that reason. It’s like how many things have been developed by some scientists, but you never see the scientist and scientist is never in shape.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: What we see Arthur Jones differently if Arthur Jones had-

Jesse: Some sloppy guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, yeah. I mean-

Liam: He was in good shape. I mean-

Dr. John Jaquish: He actually was but didn’t put himself out there.

Liam: No he didn’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: He was a very in shape guy. But I don’t think he was more than one or two times of photograph out sure.

Liam: Yeah, that’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he wanted to just be a scientist. It was it.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s a shame because he would train all these drug enhanced athletes, and people will go, ‘Well, do we really know what this thing does?’ Like what Arthur should have been the guy.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so I do believe that I’m going to keep going. One of the coolest things that I didn’t expect to happen with X3 Bar resistance band bar system, and I made this joke on week three of the 12 week program, about curves, said it before we started, I said, ‘The best way to have great curves is to be born with great curves.’ I proved myself wrong.

Because at the end of the 12 week program, it looked like somebody had glued steaks on the back of my legs. That was and my curves just stick out like an inch.

Liam: I better do this thing. I think I’m admiring them.

Dr. John Jaquish: And this guy already has kept genetics and ultimately, why was I never able to grow curves? Well, probably because I wasn’t accessing variable resistance. I wasn’t able to get a decent stimulus into the curves. I’m working on for 20 years, basically no change.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now they didn’t look like nothing. But upside down, wine bottle nothing special now it looks like-

Jesse: Wine bottle, 15 pounds wine bottle.

Liam: Magnum

Dr. John Jaquish: Was Magnum and in the Guardsman office also, thank you for coming to the Guardsman offices, a very special charity group.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We raise money for at risk children.

Liam: That’s awesome. Yeah, we’re really happy to have-

Dr. John Jaquish: One of our biggest events is the San Francisco Sports Auction where a lot of athletes come and donate their time. And so the auction packages are like batting cages with Barry Bonds or something like that.

Liam: It all local athletes certainly have-

Dr. John Jaquish: Some fly in some I think we had Chuck Liddell, he’s not local.

Liam: Yeah.

Jesse: When Steph Curry going to be here, because, well, we’re happy to come back.

Dr. John Jaquish: Steph Curry was at the last one.

Jesse: Was he?

Dr. John Jaquish: I could be wrong. I mean, I was out of town. I believe he was at the last one. Yeah, but I definitely could be wrong.

Liam: One of those corner Cova or something.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure, okay.

Liam: Cheryl Cova, I don’t know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: You know there’s some Covas that I’d like to see.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know what you mean, the cheerleaders come. Yeah, the-

Jesse: Raider ads and Niner cheerleaders?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, we get the warriors. Jesse: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Cheerleaders. Yeah or we have in the past.

Jesse: Should get and using the X3 Bar fitness band bar system.

Dr. John Jaquish: I should. I should. Yeah. Interesting. Here’s another AV test we did with advertising. More women will buy the product if they see me using it over other women using it. Explain that to me.

Jesse: Have to get back to you on that one.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think it’s the scientist thing, maybe.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, this guy knows what he’s talking about. And this other person is just like a fitness model. I don’t care a fitness model.

Liam: Well and again maybe that’s the other side of what you were mentioning the fact that they’re inundated with that Instagram fitness modeling stuff depending on how they’re accessing the information maybe they’re just like he’s another one and then you’re like not only do you look the part but we know you’re the guy that did it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, when you look at the 12 week program, when you look at week one I’m not really in a good shape, I thought I was but I’m in way better shape now since doing that and put on another 15 pounds of muscle and lost a whole lot body fat I have some body contests that I’ll publish at some point, some down to 9% body fat 219 pounds.

Liam: Wow. How tall are you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Six foot.

Liam: Solid. Did you play sports when you were a youngster?

Dr. John Jaquish: I did wrestling swimming track in high school. I think graduated from high school I was like 130 pounds.

Liam: And what were you doing in track? Sprinting or longer distance?

Dr. John Jaquish: I did the long jump, I did the high jump, I mixed it up.

Liam: And you were local you said so.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, enough about me. And then I did rugby in undergrad, wasn’t particularly great at that, played outside center. So that’s one of the faster guy positions for people who don’t know rugby. So as fast was not big, did not carry a whole lot of muscle. Like I said, I looked fit but I basically carried that same level of fitness for another 10 years after undergrad and there was no change for me in a period of time. Yeah, I kept lifting and was trying to follow the best scientific advice out there.

Liam: But it’s funny, because you mentioned earlier you read all that other junk stuff, but you hadn’t shifted to like his single set stuff until later.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, but it’s like I said, the single set makes scientific sense. Because if you look at skin, you don’t go out every 15 minutes to re-expose your skin to sunlight you’ll need, let’s say on the Fourth of July, on really bright sunlight hot day, a few minutes of exposure to skin, you come inside, and your skin will adapt and you get a suntan, a hard abrasion on your hand is going to give you a callus.

Whereas again, you need one stimulus. And then what I learned about bone, one loading cycle, just one will trigger the adaptation. You don’t need two just one. And so I kept thinking about weight training, the only reason we do more than one is because of stimulus.

Jesse: We’ve always done it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the stimulus everyone always done. And that’s been part of the talk track and what you need to do to grow muscle. But why is it that way? Because the stimulus is lousy.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah. Liam: We don’t always have access to the best tool for this stimulus.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, well, now everybody can. Another funny thing about X3 Bar portable home gym is, it’s probably the least expensive and most effective home gym ever.

Liam: Right. I mean, you think of things like some other things that have not necessarily consciously even back in the ’70s and ’80s. There was the solo flex, which is rubber band resistance. And same idea. I mean, it’s not as heavy in real life.

Dr. John Jaquish: Real life.

Liam: Real heavy at the top.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: I mean, it was built like a tank. I don’t know if you’ve seen them, they’re made out of steel or indestructible. The problem with that company, they actually they built them so well. They literally never broke down. I mean, they stopped producing them. And yeah, they only sell the support… the company still exists, because you can only buy all the little support products because the frames are like a tank. They never broke.

I have owned several of them and they’re like great tool. But again, more bulky was more expensive. You can’t put them in a suitcase. It’s a big steel.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s huge, yeah.

Liam: It has heavy, heavy, heavy rubber resistance, it’s doing the same idea. So cool concept. And then there’s been Bowflex also increasing it. And then-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, bending a little bar.

Liam: So yeah, there’s tools out there. But I mean, none of them… I mean, Bowflex is you’re looking at a couple grand.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: For your standard.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, most of them gems that are going to be even cerated. They’re going to cost a couple thousand bucks, and they take up a room in your house.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: This thing is going to be more effective. And you can keep it in a drawer.

Liam: Yeah, it’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Very, very easy to use. Of course, you also don’t get the stabilization firing with any machine type solution. Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you’re missing out.

Liam: Yeah, that’s awesome.

Jesse: So if you could leave our audience with a single message, most important thing for them to get the best out of their workouts or just… I don’t know your life philosophy. Any just last ideas you want to-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to circle back.

Liam: Well, I was going to say top three.

Dr. John Jaquish: Top three?

Jesse: Anything that comes to mind.

Dr. John Jaquish: You ask me a hard question. He’s like, ‘No, we need that through.’ So the first thing I would mention is what I said before. Discipline over motivation. Motivation is just doesn’t work. Like if you try and aspire to something that’s so far away. You won’t get there.

But if it’s just I got to get through today. I got to do I got to do my workout, I got to eat the proper nutrition, I got to get the right amount of sleep. Another thing to cover in the 12 week program is sleep quality.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Punch line sleep quality is don’t drink alcohol because it totally screws obviously.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally.

Jesse: There’s a documentary on Netflix about that called the Truth About Alcohol.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah.

Jesse: Real short and interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s a great documentary.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So the sleep.

Jesse: Discipline, sleep.

Dr. John Jaquish: Discipline and sleep. And I mean, I suppose I’ll just plug my product,

Liam: Yeah, there you go.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s where you find it in. And anybody who’s skeptical or they want to get one of their friends opinions on it, go to the science page. Also, there’s a lot of frequently asked questions. And there’s a whole section of frequently asked questions where like why one set? Or why do we wait? The cadence that we do. Why every body part every 48 hours, there’s a lot of fitness myths out there about like you need to wait a week to train a muscle.

I’m going to go heavy. Yeah, that’s fake news. I could be unseen in that section. I will say, just I’m not somebody very interesting. Someone did a biopsy study on that. And like I said, biopsy studies not a long line of people who want to do that. They did want to show when does protein synthesis and with a really hard workout, they couldn’t get it to last longer than 36 hours. After 36 hours, you’re recovered. So we wait 48. That’s it. Like, I don’t care what you do. 36 hours. Jesse: Interesting.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so like after that study, he’s like, ‘You can hit every muscle three times a week.’ Wouldn’t it be better to get three growth break phases a week than to get one? Of course, you’re going to make more advancements. So to me, like somebody wants to have the argument about how many sets they want to do. And I’ll say, ‘Okay, well, what about three sets in a week?’ You split it up, because then you have three growth ages, as opposed to one, these guys who go and do like 10 sets per body part. They’re not doing that every other day.

Liam: And also, like you said, none of those sets are necessarily even getting the job done. I mean, the truth is, we know for a fact that you can do an hour, you can do 10 minutes, both can work, if you’re getting a stimulus in it that’s effective someplace in that event.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Liam: But if you’re spending three hours and you never getting good stimulus, nothing’s happening.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course. Liam: Or you can spend a few minutes and get a great stimulus and be done.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s all about effectiveness. Another thing I say in response is in the comments, I wrote this and my staff cut and pasted in these comments, because I don’t have time for that. But most of the conversations were stupid. But with the commenters online, but when they ask like, ‘Well, it’s ridiculous 10 minutes.’ And ultimately, the moments where you stimulate growth are only seconds.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the fatigue.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s only the fatigue that counts.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t care how the work out is of any type of workout. It’s the last few fatigue points. That is the only thing that counts.

Liam: Yeah, no, just it’s funny that you say that because there’s one of our other episodes where talked exactly about that. I said, you can follow people around in the gym and whether they spend 10 minutes or three hours, if you write down how much the actual work part, it ends up being some pretty small, like the actual part where they’re getting quality work, if any.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Liam: They’re in the mirror drinking water, checking out the curves, flexing a little bit, it’s like, he may go out work out three hours a day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Liam: But it’s like how much of the actual work.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just kind of like weird exercises, like dumbbell flyes and things like that. Dumbbell flyes is one of those where when you’re out and you’re outstretched arms kind of wingspan, you get the maximum amount of weight.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Based on the lever arm.

Liam: Yeah, the lever arm are lever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Lever arm putting a maximum amount of stress and then when you move in a stronger range of motion because of gravity.

Liam: Yeah, zero.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so where the muscles efficient. You have zero load.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like useless.

Liam: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I see these guys do a dumbbell flyes all over the place. Like bodybuilders.

Liam: To feel the stretch.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they say they like to feel a lot of things that are meaningless.

Jesse: The terror at some point.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then using soreness as a measure of progress.

Jesse: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that soreness is you stretch the muscle to the point where you damaged it. And I would say that X3 Bar resistance band bar system that is maybe a handful of times maybe a tiny bit sore. Normally, get sore from them, the soreness what we think is growth is really joint damage.

Liam: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Joint damages are barely feel sore.

Liam: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you still need to wait for 36 hours, you’re not debilitated. There’s a golfer who’s a really accomplished golfer, and you can see him sometimes the San Francisco Golf Club. This guy, he can use X3 Bar exercise band bar system and like later that day, go out and play around a golf where you can’t say that about weights.

Jesse: Right.

Liam: Yeah, cool. We’ll be looking forward to playing with it. You were kind enough to share one with us. Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Jesse: Thank you.

Liam: That was very kind.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fantastic, absolutely.

Liam: I’ll be looking forward to putting-

Dr. John Jaquish: Puts in clients on it and yeah, we’ll see what happens. Maybe you guys will have an X3 Bar gym kind of setup at some point.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Jesse: Yeah. And then before we forget, if people want to reach out, personally to you, do you have some contact information you want to throw out there?

Liam: Are you open to that? Or are you overloaded?

Dr. John Jaquish: I like smart people but good questions.

Liam: Okay.

Jesse: It could just be the email whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, like customer service like CS at That’s a great way to talk to the customer service people. Connecting with me, it’s probably been on Instagram, which is just at Dr. Jaquish. D-R, J-A-Q-U-I-S-H.

Liam: Soon to be changed at DR. J.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s got to be ticked. Off you guys.

Jesse: Yeah, I have one more. I want to leave you with a pitch for expo.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Jesse: So probably be your next product, it’s going to be an animatronic puppy that all you do is you just juggle it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It tries to get away.

Liam: Yeah, that’s good and it gets stabilization fire.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you like it. Everybody likes that analogy.

Jesse: It’s a good one because you get it. Like you have to be ready because puppies just jump right out of you.

Liam: I like it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome, thank you guys.

Liam: Animatronic puppy.

Jesse: Thank you so much for having us today.

Liam: We can call it nice work.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Jesse: Thanks so much.

Liam: Cheers.

Jesse: It’s been pleasure.

Liam: Thanks so much.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks so much. Thank you. Fantastic. All right.

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