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By The Unleashed Human on January 14, 2019

Insane Muscle, Lose Fat, Solid Bone, God Strength 10 Minutes Daily, Boost Growth Hormone

Insane Muscle, Lose Fat, Solid Bone, God Strength 10 Minutes Daily, Boost Growth Hormone

On this podcast I talk to Dr. John Jaquish, PhD. Dr. Jaquish attained his PhD in biomedical engineering and is the inventor of OSTEOSTRONG which is a device used to increase bone density, posture, balance and human performance.

Dr. Jaquish also invented the X3 Bar which is a device capable of building muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting and in a shorter period of time. With just 10 minutes daily, you can build real muscle without the potential for injury and strain in the gym.

Dr. Jaquish currently sits on the Board of Directors of American Bone Health, and the editorial boards of the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science, and Diabetes Open.

We first talk about how he created OSTEOSTRONG for his mother’s osteopenia and how it helped her reverse bone loss.

We talk about how by putting force into your bones you can create stronger bones and stronger muscles in 10 minute workouts.

We talk about how X3 Bar resistance band bar system can radically change the way you workout and will save you thousands on gym memberships.

We talk about what X3 Bar training system can do that no other gym equipment can do and the science behind why you only need 8-10 minutes for muscle growth and strength

No Weights, No Cardio

We talk about how X3 variable resistance exercise system can create MASSIVE amounts of growth hormone for your optimal health and strength

We specifically talk about Dr. Jaquish’s nutrition and why many people get it wrong.

We talk about why becoming vegan might not be the best option for long term health.

We talk about some of the new research findings in human performance and exercise science Dr. Jaquish has been working on

Full Transcript

Dr. T.J. Woodham: What’s up Unleashed Humans. On this episode, I interviewed Dr. John Jaquish, who has his PhD in biomedical engineering and is the inventor of OsteoStrong and X3 Bar resistance band bar system. Which if you didn’t know, these two devices are changing what it means to be strong and fit. These devices produce muscle and strength in ways that put conventional weightlifting to shame without the risk for injury or hours spent in the gym. With these two products, you may never need to visit the gym again. Now on this episode we discuss how you can get the body you desire by working out far less and working out much, much smarter. We discussed the science of muscle and all the myths surrounding weightlifting and pro science. We dive into super awesome growth hormone hacks and go into why most people get nutrition completely wrong. I will preface this show by saying, my microphone quality is not the greatest in this episode, so please forgive me. With that being said, you are not going to want to miss this episode because this episode might change your life. Strap your seatbelt in Dorothy because Dr. John Jaquish comes with content that will blow you away. See you in there.

Dr. T.J. Woodham: Good evening gentlemen, welcome back to the Unleashed Human podcast with your host Dr T.J Water. Now today’s guest has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering. He’s the inventor of BioDensity, which is a device to stop and reverse osteoporosis.

Dr. John Jaquish: OsteoStrong.

Dr. T.J. Woodham: crosstalk Yeah, yeah. Okay. He also invented the X3 resistance bands system, which is a device capable of building muscle much faster than conventional weightlifting in a shorter period of time. Now, if that wasn’t enough, he also invented OsteoStrong, which you just said, which is a spin off of its earlier version BioDensity. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: Right, and so he’s doing this in partnership with Tony Robbins. Now it’s a machine used to increase bone density, posture balance and human performance, which in their words, “Is the ultimate biohack,” which I love that. That’s amazing. He currently sits on the board of directors of American Bone Health and the editorial boards of the Journal Steroids and Hormonal Science and Diabetes open. Now it’s my pleasure and honor to have dr John. Jaquish on the show. Thanks for being on, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Dr T.J. Water: It’s going to be, it’s going to be a blast because I have so many questions for you man. I’ve been following you with all the stuff you’ve been doing for about a year or so. So yeah, it’s going to be good. So I kind of want to tap into your story real quick because it’s really cool. I noticed you have a background, your family has background in engineering and I’m pretty sure your father had a part in designing and built the lunar Rover for NASA. Is that correct? Yeah. And then also I know that you started creating stuff for osteogenic loading type machines because of your mother. So you want to go ahead and talk about that for a sec?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and I wanted to see if I could fix it. And I saw osteoporosis differently than the experts saw it. They saw it… We have a habit, society, of any dysfunction is almost treated like a pathogen or a lot of them are. And whereas like osteoporosis is a deconditioning of bone. So why don’t we just recondition it?

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: That was just my completely, no medical knowledge, approach. Like a muscle gets de-conditioned because you know you’re sick or you’re bad for extended period of time. You just go and recondition it. You exercise. So why don’t we exercise bone? And then there’s also a lot of kind of misinformation out there about what exercise does for bone. There’s a recommendation given by every academic body of bone health, which says resistance exercise. Well that’s one of those things in medicine that’s really a lousy recommendation because it doesn’t come with a dosage. So sort of like aspirin is good for headaches. Well, five milligrams or 5000? Five milligrams will do nothing. 5000 will most likely kill you. But maybe 350 that’ll do it. So-

Dr T.J. Water: Perfect dose.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. And that’s why we know dosages of different medications. So, and then it’s called a minimum dose response. So the medical community wants to give you the smallest amount or whatever the intervention is so that you create the intended effect. So when I started, this was like 13 years ago, when I was first speaking with my mother, there was no established minimum dose response for triggering bone growth. But I did find a lot of different points of research that showed high impact was associated with gymnast.

Dr T.J. Water: Correct.

Dr. John Jaquish: Gymnasts were kind of the answer to this question. They go through incredibly high impacts, which are very repeatable. Because they practice trying to control the impact moment, which is an out of control moment. But they try and put as much controls in it by practice. By building a skill around absorbing high impact. So in a way gymnastics is if you want to break it down like that, and there’s a lot of different nuances to it, but it is one of the main things is the skill of absorbing high impact forces. So once I realized that I thought, “Okay, how do we build a device that will give us the benefit of high impact without the risks?” And that’s what OsteoStrong is now. And the earlier prototype it lacked a lot of things, improper biomechanics. But now with OsteoStrong it’s robotic. It’s touchscreen based. You always have a session coach with you, but it’s completely touchscreen. You see in front of you what’s happening. It’s phenomenal system.

Dr T.J. Water: inaudible it’s like isometric contraction.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, good question. No, we really do not like the term isometrics mostly because there’s so much research… That word is basically ruined by really lousy studies that were done in the ’60s and ’70s. And it’s also inappropriate because isometric means in Latin means no movement. But there is movement is compression of bone. So I would call them compress instead of isometric.

Dr T.J. Water: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately like a lot of isometrics that we’re studying in the ’60s and ’70s were like wall sits. Where you kind of sit like you have an invisible chair in your back and your back is against the wall. So you’re engaging your quadriceps and that’s an example we talked before the show started about electromyography. So electromyography is sky high, but you won’t grow from that. You won’t develop, you will develop the ability to fire more muscle in that position, which is a skill. It’s a neurological change, but you’re not going to have any hypertrophy from that and you’re definitely not going to get any bone density from that. So isometrics were really seen as something that just doesn’t do anything that we’re looking for. Like this isometrics for the sake of building a skill of isometrics is just kind of like, “We don’t need that.” That doesn’t solve anything. So they’re largely considered sort of a failed exercise. And the problem is in a lot of these research studies, they don’t even describe the angle of inclusion behind the joint. So you don’t know what range of motion they’re in or why it’s just these isometric contractions took place and the effect was nothing. So it just become a big distraction.

Dr T.J. Water: You guys, you have multiple OsteoStrong machines, right? It’s not just one you guys have like-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, there was four in circuit. It was really-

Dr T.J. Water: inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the original prototype was kind of like everything kind of put in a universal and that’s sort of like a one size fits all garment really. One size fits nobody. So because every movement had to be compromised for the sake of the other movements.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So while that was convenient, sort of, it just-

Dr T.J. Water: Didn’t work.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: You guys are also… Are you testing different kind of markers to like you guys have screens on them, correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Dr T.J. Water: Different kinds of athletic performance markers and that kind of-

Dr. John Jaquish: Functional bone performance is we’re training individuals to absorb high impact level forces. So we’re getting a neurological change first. And as we’re compressing tissue on its axis, so this is the axis of bone, right? We compress end to end and you know with the clavicle, with with all long bones in the body, we end to end compress the bone and trigger osteogenesis. So as the bones become compressed, then they actually shorten briefly and then just five seconds or so. And then when they spring back into position, they’re stimulated to pull in minerals and recalcified build more small balls inside of the bone to reinforce the micro architecture and become more powerful. And so people-

Dr T.J. Water: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: … typically are building more powerful bone week by week when they do this.

Dr T.J. Water: And so you’re seeing people gain like massive strength over a few weeks? Compared to the conventional going to the gym, getting jacked and crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Call it sometimes strength. Well you ask 10 personal trainers to define strength and you will get 12 different answers. So-

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: … I don’t like calling it strength. I call it functional bone performance. And that’s what it says on the printout that you get at the end of the session. That’s a more accurate descriptor. So yeah, that way I don’t really have to look at what the definition of strength is.

Dr T.J. Water: So it’s probably pretty safe to say that if your bone is strong, then your muscles will also get much stronger. Correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: If you have a low bone density is a limiter on muscle growth. So because of neural inhibition, like you can’t squeeze your own fist hard enough to break your own finger, right?

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: The neural inhibitory process. Well, we’ll make sure that that doesn’t happen. So if your bones are weak, you just can’t engage the muscle. You have as much and then thereby going the other way and the stronger the bone, the more muscle you can engage.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay. This is an interesting question. Have you found that you’ll see really big guys come in and try OsteoStrong and then a smaller guy will actually outwork them, that’s been on OsteoStrong? crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course.

Dr T.J. Water: Oh, that’s amazing. Do you ever see the-

Dr. John Jaquish: Every day. I see it every day.

Dr T.J. Water: And then they’re probably pissed off, aren’t they? The bodybuilders? Like, “What the heck did you do?”

Dr. John Jaquish: No. I do the session. I did a session with Cedric McMillan who is one of the largest and strongest bodybuilders. I think off-season he’s like 320 pounds by an inch taller than me. I’m 6’ and he’s 6'1". He’s just the most muscular. When we went through the OsteoStrong circuit of devices, I was actually, my power output, my functional bone performance was greater than his was. He couldn’t believe it. And I just said, look, this is something different. This is looking at bone. This is looking at bone and the ability to switch on muscle. I can just switch on more than you can. That’s it.

Dr T.J. Water: And there’s a… I know you talked about there’s a difference between like typical bodybuilders, muscles and a gymnasts. Right? So the way that he talked about sort of sarcoplasmic muscle growth in my article. Right, right. Yeah. Can you talk about that a little bit? Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so what most people who lift do is they create sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. So they in the whole like a micro tear thing is it exists, but-

Dr T.J. Water: Right crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: … nothing. It’s just a phenomenon that happens.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So when, when someone’s training the standard way training, yeah. They’ll exhaust the fuels in the cell. First they went out of ATP, then glycogen, which turning in ATP and then creating phosphate and then they’ve lost the fuel required for contraction and like that. The quicker the loss, the greater the stimulus center, the central nervous system. Okay. We got to replace all this fuel and we might want to add a little bit more cause we’ve lost that real fast. And this is why the most part, this is part of the reason why the most powerful stimuli to muscle is the quickest to exhaustion. So I see somebody who’s doing set after set after set and I’m just like, “Yeah, you’re not doing anything.” Yeah, it’s by definition I had a whole multi set thing is here’s a tangent and I told you I go off on tangents. The multiple set thing, the only reason people do multiple sets when they lift is because the stimulus is garbage. You don’t need to do multiple sets in the sunlight to get a tan. You’re not running inside for five minutes to splash water on your face and then run back outside for more sun exposure and you need to do that 10 times. Otherwise you won’t get a tan, that doesn’t exist. Why? You only need to expose very intense light to the skin once, one lighting cycle. Well, why does one work? Why do you need to do sets in the gym? It’s because when we exercise we overload joints and host the opportunity for damage in the joints. Most of exercise soreness is just joint damage. And then we under load the muscle because our muscle is really only efficient in the stronger range of motion. So what-

Dr T.J. Water: crosstalk question I have for you as as far as the stronger range of motion, weaker range of motion. You’re not talking about Concentric Accenture Gloating, are you? So when you say stronger range of motion, are you talking about full extension on? Let’s say you’re doing chest press, tell me about all the inaudible you’re in range of motion.

Dr. John Jaquish: Talking about just short of full extension because once you lock the joint, once you go all the way, then you’ve actually unloaded the muscle and loaded the bone. Which is just the bone as opposed to both, which is it depends on what you’re doing. If you’re at OsteoStrong using the Spectrum devices, that’s what the devices are called. Then it’s okay. But if you’re using X3 Bar resistance band training system then no, you don’t want to, yeah. You want to keep constant tension on the muscle.

Dr T.J. Water: Gotcha. Actually that’s a great leading statement. Like you created X3 Bar, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr T.J. Water: X3 workout bar system, if someone was just look at it, they’d be like, “Oh, that’s a bar and a band.” Right. But it does a lot more than that. You know, I’ve been watching videos, I have been doing my homework and all this stuff. What is it that X3 variable resistance exercise system does like that crosstalk 00:18:56 -

Dr. John Jaquish: So it is a bar and a band and then there’s a plate which creates a second ground where the bands go underneath to protect your ankles. But what the observation I made when doing the research in London, is I looked at… We did a trial in London of the bone density devices. And I looked at what these people were putting through their hip joint and then I compare that to the averages of Americans, which is a big database held by the American College of Sports Medicine. So there was an average seven fold difference between weak to strong range or full range exercise, weight selection versus what we were able to do with this bone loading. Which tells me that in a stronger range of motion people are seven times stronger. So I thought, “Okay, now that I know this, this tells me weightlifting is just a waste of time. Because we have so much more capability to absorb force into a muscle.” But we don’t use it because we’re too busy damaging our joints, which is pretty much what it is. Whatever weight you pick when you lift, it’s going to be the weight that you can handle in the weak range of motion. Which is where you’re firing the least amount of muscle and you’re damaging the joint the most or potentially damaging the joint the most. I know, people are, “I never damaged my joints. I’ve been lifting for years.” And I’m like, “Sure, let’s take a look. Let’s do an MRI. Let’s look at inflammation.” Lets do a C-reactive protein test after you go lift. So-

Dr T.J. Water: Have you guys been doing that? Reactive protein, have you guys been testing that after workouts? A good amount crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Just to see somebody-

Dr T.J. Water: That’s pretty interesting. I’ve never actually heard of that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Inflammation is like a natural part of existing, okay. There’s a lot of natural parts of existing. Acne is a natural thing. It doesn’t mean you want more of it, right?

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ingrown toenails are natural. It doesn’t mean you want to try and have more of those. So yeah. Is inflammation good? Well, it’s too simple of a question. So ultimately just your joints while you’re lifting, this is part of the reason why we don’t see many muscular people in their 60s or 70s. Because they just have so much pain. They can’t. They just-

Dr T.J. Water: Repetitively destroying their joints. Right. I mean, see, I’m kind of guilty of that man because I used to lift or I used to squat like over 400 pounds. And honestly, man, after a while my knees really couldn’t take it. And I knew I was just… And it totally came down to form. I was going in parallel, whatever, inaudible. After certain times, “Man, this is not sustainable. Why would I even do this?”

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you want to work out like that. You got a couple of years and then you probably won’t be able to work out again.

Dr T.J. Water: Right. Well, that’s my other question. So with X3 Bar exercise band bar system, do the people get sore? Is it a different sore, do they get sore? Like is it, no.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, so I mean, here’s the bar, right? So this bar is the same spec as like an Olympic bar. So it’s heavy, it’s powerful. And then hooks can handle well over 500 pounds. And then so here’s the elite band. Just for size, you can see the size of the elite hooks through there. You know, like if I hold this band right here and I put my pinky… Because it’s doubled over like when you do the chest-

Dr T.J. Water: That’s really sick man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean it’s thicker than my pinky. crosstalk 00:23:07 kind of a layered latex.

Dr T.J. Water: Well, so most of those bands are made out of petroleum, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, no, no, no, no. This is what the cheaper crosstalk 00:23:19-

Dr T.J. Water: No, no, not X3 Bar resistance band training system. I’m saying typically.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. Right.

Dr T.J. Water: Cheaper ones. Right. And that’s crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Cost like 20 bucks.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It wasn’t made out of petroleum. And then as-

Dr T.J. Water: Who’s going to typically-

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Dr T.J. Water: Are those typically the ones that snapped? The petroleum based ones or just cheap as hell?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And they also stretch out. They get longer every time you use it.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: We were like, “I’m getting a lot stronger.” Yeah, it would be okay if you get taller every time you used it, but that’s-

Dr T.J. Water: Right. But yours is latex, right? And it’s like a stick, a different type of latex or polymer-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s layered. So instead of snapping the fray, like a rope.

Dr T.J. Water: O, gosh.

Dr. John Jaquish: In that way nobody gets hurt. If your band starts to fray, you just replace it.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay. Is that the strongest? The one crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: That is the most powerful one, yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay, how many are there? How many different types?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, there’s five that comes with four and then this one is the elite.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that comes separately.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. inaudible.

Dr T.J. Water: Can you work your way up to that? Let’s say, I am a decently strong guy. I’d probably start maybe two under that one. If or why don’t I just start with the first one, the very first band to get used to it? What would you suggest? I mean, I’m 5'10", 175, 80 pounds on a good day.

Dr. John Jaquish: You wouldn’t need the elite band inaudible. The other band is 300 pounds at the top.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: The next highest one that comes with the system. But also remember you’re seven times stronger in that strongest range at the top than you think you are. But you also want to go high reps. And the reason you want to go high reps, I actually, I have it on the board behind me but you can’t see it. So when you look at strength curves, so this is really the force capability curve. So seven acts what you may be done in the week, mid and strong range. So it’s not a linear relationship. It doesn’t just go on a diagonal. It’s like you’re really weak in the rig range. You’re a little bit stronger in the medium range. But in the strong range your really strong. So the reason you want to go… The latex is linear, the more you stretch it, it doesn’t have a curve or if it does it’s very slight. Whereas it doesn’t match up to what human capability is, which is why we want to go higher repetitions because the most important thing is fatiguing, the stronger range of motion.

Dr T.J. Water: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then so when I do it, I use a 500 pound band. I’ll go, let’s say 15, 17 repetitions when I go almost to lock out. But then I go to there and then I can’t get there anymore. And so then my repetitions are short. And so I go halfway. And so I’m holding 300 pounds in those reps and my last couple of repetitions, like one or two, they’re in the weak range, but I’m using muscles completely exhausted to a far higher degree than it ever would be with a weight. Right? Because I’ve been able to diminish the range with diminishing force.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then the last couple of repetitions, I might only be using a hundred pounds. So absolutely devastating set, like exhausted. But then when I’m done and the next day comes around, there’s no soreness. Why would there be?

Dr T.J. Water: Let’s go again. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, no, you want to wait 36 hours. Protein synthesis takes 36 hours to occur in muscle. That’s based on biopsy studies. So you don’t really get better than that. So I just want to make sure I wait 36… I hit every muscle every 48 hours.

Dr T.J. Water: Okay, gotcha. Yeah, I was just about to ask that. Now with bands, there’s a whole physiological response with bands, right? Like the shaking changes during-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: … I know you talked about growth hormone. You want to touch on that a little bit?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. So everything I do I want to instead of saying, and I said this before we started, sports performance industry often looks to electron myography to answer a lot of questions as like what the best exercise is. The problem with that is there’s no real relationship between growth and watch on myography. So electromyography is really strong in that wall sit I was talking about, but no growth happens. So there’s no association there, there was no causal relationship. Why are we looking at it unless we’re just trying to get a muscle to fire. Now electromyography is great if you’re trying to rehab like a stroke patient and get some muscle to fire and you’ve got some reading on it. So it’s a great tool. But it’s not the answer to hypertrophy at all. So what we really need to look at is what are the things that we do that have the body up-regulate an anabolic growth factor? And when that happens, that’s pretty crystal clear what your body’s doing. Like you need to create an environment. So the central nervous system goes at all, “Well we need more muscle.” So let’s have an anabolic response. Your central nervous system connected to your endocrine system and it makes those chemical changes. And this is part of my nutritional approach to, it’s counting calories is just insanity. It’s just like electromyography. It’s not correct. What’s far more important is what hormones are being released when and why. And how do we control those? Because you if do that, you don’t ever have to be hungry, but you can have all visible abdominals, be super lean., Be as fit sort of as soon as you want to be and as muscular as you want to be, within normal reason. Other than totally chemically enhance people. But that’s losing popularity by the way. I don’t think people care about that anymore.

Dr T.J. Water: What? Just looking crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Giant bodybuilding competition.

Dr T.J. Water: Man, that’s disgusting man. I was stumped, you know what I mean? I think when Arnold was doing it, he looked good, because-

Dr. John Jaquish: It wasn’t that big.

Dr T.J. Water: I know that’s one of the-

Dr. John Jaquish: When you look crosstalk back on it now, yeah they all said they were like 6,2", 6'5" 6'8" and 250, 280 pounds or whatever. But I think when you look back and you realize these guys were not inaudible 00:30:43, they’re more like inaudible and they were probably not 250 pounds. Maybe like inaudible. Yeah. So they look more like the classic bodybuilders, cause that’s class of bodybuilding today. Classic or a men’s physique, which is basically just being in shape and I think it’s really funny because these guys get the better like supplement endorsement deals and stuff like that. Because people want to look at them, they look great, they look healthy.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Narrow waist. They have chiseled faces. Like they’re just a more marketable thing. So the, I think the, the giant bodybuilder kind of thing while it even chemicals are not to be a big huge muscular guys carrying around a lot of muscle. It takes a years to build that kind of muscle.

Dr T.J. Water: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: And like Ben Pakulski says like, “The physique guys, they just don’t want to put it in the work. Maybe they just don’t want to live that lifestyle.”

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know, I asked him, because we hung out together for a couple of days in Florida and he’s a former Mr Olympia competitor, top bodybuilder in the world. And I said, did you feel good at 300 pounds? And he was like, “No.”

Dr T.J. Water: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not at all. The cons-

Dr T.J. Water: You crushing your body, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, and the bloating, the eating, what people don’t realize working out. It’s like you’ve got to be shoveling food in your mouth all the time.

Dr T.J. Water: Honestly, man. And it’s just, it’s so unhealthy for your heart. It has to pump blood to all your muscles constantly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: Oh my gosh dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: We don’t know this for sure, but my take on… I rarely give my opinion because I try and just look at academic research, but no one research on what is more likely to kill people, steroids or the existence of a gross amount of muscle. But I believe it is the latter. I don’t think it’s the anabolic chemical at all. I think it’s the fact that they’re carrying around 300 pounds of muscle. A 300 pound obese person doesn’t have vascularity in his body fat. So even though that person has health challenges, clearly it’s not the same as your heart having to pump blood is 300 pounds of firing muscle.

Dr T.J. Water: crosstalk demand. It’s just a different physiological response.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re not supposed to be that big.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So-

Dr T.J. Water: It is so just look at these guys. Does that muscle even exist on me? You’re looking at yourself like what is that? I mean, obviously we know it does-

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a couple of things they do like the size of quadriceps and bodybuilders is just like, “What are you doing?” You look, their quads are bigger than their waist and they have big waists.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: They don’t have narrow abdomen. And then the other thing is the lads, like those thick fat lad. You just look at him and you’re like, what is that?

Dr T.J. Water: Wings man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Are you melting? Stung by a bee, having a bad reaction. I don’t get it. It’s just not, it looks just…

Dr T.J. Water: So are you having some bodybuilders that kind of like transform and kind transition over to X3 Bar fitness band bar system and then… But are crosstalk.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. It’s really hard to get people. So like I started saying, I think when I first launched this, first launch expert, he was like, “Okay, you’re going to get incredible results out of this better than weight training.” And so I had a couple of professional athletes listen to me and they’re like, “Everything you’re saying is it really does make a lot of sense and you’ve got clinical references.” And I read those. And some of these guys are really smart guys because they want to know, they want the answers. They don’t want to just be told what to do. It’s their life. So they want to know the answer. So they’re looking what’s going on. Phil Hernon is a great example of somebody who reads science is, it was 1990 either five or six Mr USA. But super smart guy and he was listening to everything I was saying but still very apprehensive. Like, “Gosh, bands,” and like, “Isn’t it something girls do?” “Isn’t that like some yoga and then I showed up, I went hung out with Phil for a couple of days and I showed up with this and he was like, “Oh okay.” He couldn’t even come close to that. He’s got some shoulder issues and stuff like that. So he went a little bit lighter but it was just like, “Okay, now I get it.” And so a lot of what’s difficult, the people see our sales, our advertising is all videos about that big on your phone. It’s really hard to see like the quality or the outputs of the device. And then another thing, I can’t really like do a call out and say this is 500 pounds, because then anyone who can’t currently lift 500 pounds like, “Oh well that’s not for me.”

Dr T.J. Water: Well I can’t do that, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So it’s a larger conversation. It’s an education in what really just connects with most people is they just see others using it and they go, “Wow, that guy’s really doing real workout. That looks like it’s an incredible-”

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. Well, I mean and people look at you John. I mean you’re a big dude. Like you look great man. With the face of the company, like showing it off is like, “Oh, I guess I can be like him.” Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You put on all this muscle. I put on 45 pounds of muscle after turning 40.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. No, that’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know anybody who’s managed to do that.

Dr T.J. Water: crosstalk then you’ve been into training and stuff because you are a rugby player, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Dr T.J. Water: Similar like you probably tried training these traditional ways over and over again and you know the guy, whatever, blah blah blah bro science this, bro science that. But I mean it’s cool that you’ve seen these results, you from your own product, like after the age of 40 I’m like, “That’s cool.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it was a very exciting to be able to… Once coming to that conclusion that really weightlifting is probably like the worst thing we can do and what we need is a weight that changes as we move. So, and that was sort of the thesis to what was going to be the development project or the device. First one I built, I built just for myself because I travel, I fly 200000 miles a year. So that being a scientist and having multiple inventions, like I got to go and speak at medical congresses and I’m going to Greece in three days to launch OsteoStrong there and I’ve got… Every day I’m there, I’ve got lectures to give to a different physician groups. And so I built myself an X3 variable resistance exercise system which looked a little bit like this. It’s actually made of aluminum with a solid steel core, and then a ground plate, which was a press piece of steel. Which that thing sucked. It destroyed any floor, it destroyed people’s floors. I learned that the hard way. And then I bought some of the heaviest latex banding I could find. I knew I couldn’t use a petroleum based, it had to be layered, layered tree latex. So I started using it and it was every day I look in the mirror and I would say, “I wake up with a pump or something that.” Like I can eat something that caused me to retain water? I just looked dynamite. And every day I just kept looking better and better and better, like daily changes. And so when I did some body composition testing, it was like, “Okay, I’m putting on muscle faster than anybody, especially over 40.” So now I got to launch this product. And so I filed for patents in a 160 different countries. Now all those patents are granted. So yeah, we’re ready to go worldwide.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s super cool man. And do you owe most of the growth and the changes from the growth hormone output that you’ve been seeing through this? I mean, through the studies and crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: it’s a combination. It’s combination of a different hormonal responses. So there’s a massive growth hormone response to stabilization firing. When you’re holding a weight that you really can’t hold in the weaker range, but you can only like an overhead press. When I got the bar over my head and I’m jack hammering, because I’m holding a weight that’s way higher than I could hold down here, right across my chest for the overhead for us. So the weight goes from let’s say 80 pounds to a 150 pounds at the top. When I get to 150 pounds, the stabilization firing in my arm, the stabilization firing in my core, in my neck and my spinal rectors of hamstrings, my calves, all that same realization, firing in rapid succession, up regulates growth hormone. And the civilization firing, plus the excessive loading causes greater stabilization firing, which is the greater growth hormone response. And there’s a meta-analysis that’s published on that in 2016. It’s a inaudible if anybody wants to look it up.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah, I will have a look at that man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. It’s on my website too,

Dr T.J. Water: And then so John, you’re mostly doing X3 Bar fitness band bar system, right? You don’t like do cardio or anything, do you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nope. No my growth hormone gets so high, I just get lean from doing the X3 Bar resistance band training system and then now we have a growth hormone accelerator, the GHAccelerator product. Which you do actually the top of the plate on the X3 Bar resistance band bar system plugs right in to a pressure sensitive vibration platform. So you amplify the stabilization firing even more by doing your X3 workout bar system on that. And so that’s what I’m doing to stay lean, my nutrition is ketogenic intermittent fasting. I’m actually writing a book on nutrition because I think there’s a couple of things that people are missing. A couple principles between intermittent fasting, which I actually don’t really want to call it intermittent fasting in my book.

Dr T.J. Water: What are your thoughts on that man? Go ahead and dive into that. I want to know because you’re ripped and jacked man. I want to know what you’re doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I got just a different view on quite a bit of things. Pretty much everything you eat has some sort of problem with it. Right?

Dr T.J. Water: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk collecting research and like meat is bad. Vegetables are bad. Nightshades are bad.

Dr T.J. Water: There’s always a bad side though.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like dairy’s bad. Everything is bad.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So is that true? First of all, define bad and are we sure we’re looking at the right thing? Like cholesterol is clearly not what we thought it was. And right now you go into your physician’s office and they look at your high cholesterol and it’s like okay, that’s not even the whole story. You don’t know what you’re talking about and they look at you like, “What do you?” inaudible and I’m just like, “Yeah, you go to a school in the 1970s that’s… Now that information is out there to the public, but it hasn’t really made it through the AMA yet. There are a little like the Vatican, I think they sort of reconsider their decisions every 50 years.

Dr T.J. Water: Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: If you’re one point over 200 high cholesterol, get this Statin.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Yeah. And so give them a Statin. “Oh, that’s not going to cause any problems.” So I mean, I don’t want to beat up on pharmaceuticals, but I’m definitely not an anti-pharma person. But I’m interested in physical medicine first. So, and I don’t think any physician should take any position other than physical medicine first. So we want to look at nutrition, we want to look at exercise interventions to try and reverse a disease state or prevent a disease state. As opposed to immediately going to pharmaceuticals. I just think that’s an incorrect way of thinking.

Dr T.J. Water: Well, it makes no sense to me. Even eating food from earth the entire time we’ve been living on this planet. I mean I understand where medicine comes in. Emergency medicine is absolutely crucial. And even part pharmaceuticals, like antibiotics and all this other stuff-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk Antibiotics, Metformin is-

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s great.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. But at a certain point it’s like, “Hey, why don’t we try food or something, right?” I mean it’s like duh?

Dr. John Jaquish: This is where I was going. Ultimately are there negative impacts to get this? Just digesting in general? Yeah, there are. Sometimes your body needs those resources somewhere else so you can truly recover the autophagi, the replacement of tissues in the body. That doesn’t happen while you’re digesting food. In fact, you typically need a weight, I think it’s 36 or 48 hours before that happens is not, not quite landed on a definitive answer. But also who said you can’t work a muscle every day and expect it to grow. Right? Like a upset. The biopsy says 36 hours. So the biopsy says 36 hours you got to wait 36 hours to wait for growth to finish before you can stimulate again. So what if our intestines were like our biceps and we’re just training them three times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. That make any sense? You ever have to let any of that stuff rest? Maybe recover?

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe shrink?

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So-

Dr T.J. Water: People get the actual process of peristalsis is almost like a muscle, right? Like pulling the food inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So my nutrition book will be really focused on, instead of just calling it fasting, it’ll be the absence of the digestive process and then in the benefits of that.

Dr T.J. Water: Absence of digesting-

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, ultimately there’s such a lack of consensus on what foods are healthy, what foods aren’t and now there’s politics in the middle of it. Whereas, I don’t know, people who want to control food supplies like carbohydrates are cheap. And if you want to feed the masses, the idea is we need to get everybody to just eat Twinkies, a cereal. And we can feed them all for pennies.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’ll be sick but whatever.

Dr T.J. Water: Well that’s why all our breakfast commercials are featuring cereal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. The margins, refined wheat grain is literally cheaper than dirt. Dirt is more expensive. So they can take, you should probably write that down. That’s pretty good. That’s why they can take one of the cheapest materials and they can turn it into what they say is great food and they can make it addictive by putting a lot of sugars in it or high level of sodium and sugar to mask some of the sweet tastes. That’s Coca-Cola right there. So you know it’s a shame in nobody speaking for the alternatives to this because the margins are really low. Meat producers of America don’t have margins like that. So they don’t really have a budget. But I can tell you people who are ketogenic, the research is clear. They’re healthier, they’re just healthier people.

Dr T.J. Water: So you’re doing mostly Keto right now? Are you doing look like what? What is your typical day like? What do you typically do? Do you eat one big meal or do you want to do two meals?

Dr. John Jaquish: What I recommend in what I do inaudible because I’m running an experiment on myself. And many others are running a similar experiment and I’m tracking their data too. But so what I recommend is sort of a light form of ketogenic nutrition vegetables. Trying to get to like two meals that are close together towards the end of the day and heavy in protein fats. I think one of the problems is kids getting nutritionist fat is almost being oversold. Now all of a sudden people are so chasing fat that they’re forgetting protein. If your goal is to lose weight, okay, that’ll work. But if you want to put on muscle, you do have to have, like if there’s a pretty definitive study on muscle gain and what the protein requirements are. A sports performance world seems to be ignorant of this amazing piece of research, but it’s really 2.4 grams per kilogram of body weight. Which is roughly one gram per pound. It’s 2.2 versus 2.4 but you get it.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I weigh a hundred kilos so I need 240 grams of protein in a day. So I told you what I recommended. What I actually do is I eat one meal crosstalk a day. What?

Dr T.J. Water: What are you doing? You’re doing carnivore, is that what you’re doing?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So one meal a day. It consists of usually two and a half, three pounds of red meat.

Dr T.J. Water: Are you doing just like if you’re doing lamb, what you do? Because I’m in Wyoming and I eat a lot of game meat. I ate elk, I eat moose.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s awesome.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s amazing man. Yeah, elk I was just reading that elk is packed with protein man. It just tastes different. It’s a sweeter taste. But it’s amazing that it has so many the inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a lot of the really essential minerals and vitamins that we only get from meat. You can’t get tori from anything other than animal protein. There’s a whole list of things that you just cannot get outside of eating an animal product. So, I understand what vegans are trying to do and hey, I understand you don’t want to hurt anything, but that’s just not how our biochemistry is.

Dr T.J. Water: The thing is man, the diets are getting way too restrictive. It was never meant to be like that. You’re not supposed to just to live off just plants alone. You never live like that. And when you’re literally suppressing all the other things that you should be having in your body. Like daily. I just think it’s ridiculous. I’ve never really, I mean, I’ve tried to vegan diet. I’ve tried all sorts of diets just to do it myself. Just as an experience-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I’ve been in a vegan experiment for a month. It was like the worst month though.

Dr T.J. Water: No, it’s terrible man. In the beginning it’s like, “Oh, this is so cool.” Right? You’re saving money. You’re on the bandwagon. And then after a while I was like, “Dude, this is the worst thing ever.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve known inaudible. Well, and so here’s the dirty secret to what ends up being the vegan nutrition program is you can’t eat enough vegetables. Eat enough whole vegetables to make up for your minimum caloric requirements, your basal metabolic rate, which I know some people say calories don’t matter, well they do. That’s too simple of an answer. They do. They might not matter the way you think they matter, but they matter. Because you can’t underfeed yourself and expect to thrive. Your suffering when you’re at a caloric deficit, especially for an extended period of time, day after day after day. So if you’re just eating like boiled vegetables or raw vegetables or whatever, you’re getting hundreds, not thousands of calories, like you just can’t eat it, you just cannot swallow enough. And so what they do is they have no choice if they are to maintain just a regular sort of body weight and metabolism without being sick, is they go for refined foods. Well like they’re some of them, the more athletic ones can go and get refined proteins and refined fats. So there’s products out there that’ll do that. But what the majority of them are doing, is they’re going for refined carbohydrates. So, Twinkies cake, whatever. And they think because there’s no meat in it, it’s healthy and these people are losing muscle very quickly. They’re putting on body fat, their skin’s terrible because it can’t function without the proper fat in the skin, like the oil on your skin for your nails to grow, for your hair to grow. Well not for me, but for everybody else. You need oils in your body, you need that. And if you’re not ingesting the right things, your body just can’t make those things. And so there’s women with their hair falling out who go vegan. That’s a common story. So they lose a lot of hair. I don’t know if it comes back.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. I don’t know. I mean I have friends that did on the show that are vegans and it works for them. That’s cool and all. But I think everyone’s a little bit different in the way they respond to things. So if they think they’re doing okay and their blood markers come back okay, that’s totally fine. But at the end of the day, like whatever works. Yeah. I don’t know. But-

Dr. John Jaquish: Well see, crosstalk I know you don’t actually believe in what you just said. Let me tell you why. You have a scientific background.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We are not all different. We’re all the same. Like we have a heart, we have lungs, we have skin, our… Why in a nutritional clinical trial does one group respond one way and one group responded another way? They don’t break it up and say, “Well these people who have this sort of tendency are behaving in one particular way. And this other group…” Every nutritional study would just be shattered if everybody had something different that worked for them. Find out what works for you. Bullshit.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I work with a really smart guy, Henry Alkire. He was one of the co-authors on that meta-analysis. There are some things where different groups of people like metabolize alcohol differently versus Caucasian descent versus African descent. There’s a difference. That may be one of the only things that’s really different about groups of people. But the idea-

Dr T.J. Water: How Northern Europeans, they do better with dairy compared to most of the worlds. I mean which do you think-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, ultimately it’s exposure in kind of a survival of the fittest. Random mutations. It’s really the only scientific explanation of what we know so far as to why. So I mean doing better or doing worse also has mostly to do with food allergies.

Dr T.J. Water: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like you take an IgG panel and you know what you’re, you’re allergic.

Dr T.J. Water: Well and that’s one thing I get so mad about with diets and stuff man that people are like, “Oh, this is bad or I need to do this.” I’m like, “Dude, why don’t you get a lab panel man? Then you’d really know what’s going on.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It just I just clenched my fist under the table when someone’s like, “Well, everyone’s different. Find out what works for you.” Not true.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah, yeah. No, I do agree. With genes… Have you been looking into genes with nutrition and stuff like that? I know you’re doing a lot of research looking into that. You seem to-

Dr. John Jaquish: We don’t have enough information to say there’s one particular genetic makeup that’s better with one thing or another. The only thing that I can say that’s a really good guideline to what an individual should do is take an IgG panel.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Some of the surprises that on an IgG panel, I took one, turns out I’m allergic to peaches and celery.

Dr T.J. Water: Isn’t it interesting?

Dr. John Jaquish: And watermelon and about it.

Dr T.J. Water: I’ve actually done the same thing on some of my patients, and they were allergic to salmon, avocado, some of the quote healthiest foods. Right? Well crosstalk you’re allergic, yeah. That’s tough man, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re allergic to the grass. Don’t be a landscaper.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah, exactly man.

Dr. John Jaquish: But that’s just allergies. That’s not everybody’s different. You just have different allergies. I also think there’s a lot of links to allergies and different chemicals that we’ve been putting in different things. So yeah, is it really an allergy or have we poison ourselves somehow to make us intolerant to certain things and that is an interesting theory. That’ll have to-

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. Well, just a water supply man. We have women flushing tampons down the toilet. Our water has been flooded with estrogen and just nasty chemicals, man. And so it’s just, it’s no wonder why we’re so toxic, man. We’re so allergic to all these things. It’s well, treat earth like shit. Food like crap too. I mean, I’m not a super environmentalist, but you just got to look around. Sometimes and be like, “Hey man, we’re all toxic.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, sure. We’ll get a better understanding and be able though I do think, and this is probably a controversial statement, I do think ultimately what’s going to rescue us from this is not smaller organic farms. It’ll be big farming.

Dr T.J. Water: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’ll just figure out how to do it right and then they’ll do it on a massive scale and the only country that really does that the best is us. So I think it’d be like, okay, like a lot of these genetically engineered vegetables are we got to get rid of those and a lot of these other things. But ultimately we, our country, the United States knows how to farm. And when a few adjustments are made, all food products, all meats or vegetables will just come out of this country just spectacularly. I have a lot of confidence in our Department of Agriculture. Which by the way, part of this book I’m looking to debunk a lot of the social media myths about meats, like McDonalds’ meat is whatever percentage, soy and preservatives. And it’s made out of some chemical crap. Never been true. That was never true. Now McDonald’s doesn’t want to defend itself. I have a friend that who is an executive there and she was an executive. She actually just recently got a job with a different big restaurant group. They want to defend themselves because that won’t get covered. The additional criticism of them defending themselves will be what gets the press. So they’re bad no matter what because they make inexpensive food that’s targeted to kids. So many of these things that are said about McDonalds and mothers are out there saying, “Well people ought to be in jail who are in charge of the thing.” False, didn’t do anything wrong. And the Department of Agriculture and the FDA, they really make sure that foods aren’t horrible. I would say the bigger issues in nutrition today are corn subsidies. We put corn in everything because we make corn super cheap. And now with high fructose corn syrup, that’s garbage. Vegetable oil is garbage. But you can avoid those.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah, totally.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And so ultimately they’re going to do what the US Department of Agriculture tells him is okay. And like McDonald’s for example, and there are other fast food chains, are very responsible about their meat production. If somebody gets sick and they had a burger and they say, “I think it was the burger,” McDonald’s can track that burger back to the cow and get the medical history on that cow. Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s pretty intense, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, they had to be that way. Because even though they’re not going to have-

Dr T.J. Water: crosstalk attack.

Dr. John Jaquish: … they don’t want to be falsely accused of hurting anybody.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they have traditionally been falsely accused. So-

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: … they’re just not going to put up with anyone. I don’t blame them.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. That’s interesting. It’s an interesting take, man. I’m interested in reading your book now. When is that? You’re probably in the process now, when is that coming out?

Dr. John Jaquish: You know, it’s just in like inaudible. I’ll give myself, so what I do is again, in an effort to get things done. What I do is I set a goal for myself and then I tell everybody, it’s coming out this day because now I’ve painted myself in a corner and have to do it. So I’m going to embarrass myself if I don’t.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s great man-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk technique.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I did that with my book. I told everybody my book was coming in Osteogenic Loading. My book was coming out like up, yeah January 2012 coming out. And I’m sitting there going, “Oh, I got to finish it now.”

Dr T.J. Water: You have no choice.

Dr. John Jaquish: I have no choice. I told everyone.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s awesome. Yeah, you got to have deadlines, my man or else you’re not going to get it done. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Even if you set it yourself.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. So John, what other research findings are you doing? What are you doing? What kind of studies are you working on right now? Whether that’s human performance, exercise, science, like what, are there certain things you’re working on right now?

Dr. John Jaquish: There are. Well, I’m working on a course with the University of Wisconsin Stevens point. They’re the sort of birthplace of wellness. This is the top university for preventative care. And I’m working on a delivery course. There’ll be a professor of the course. crosstalk Yeah. Which is really about medical device creation, engineering, marketing, production cases for building cases for efficacy. It’s going to be a really exciting course. So that’s one thing I’m working on. I’m also working on some myostatin research. That’s another… That’s an anti-growth factor. So the more myostatin you have, the less muscle you’re able to gain. So by learning more about that in my learning more how to control it and when you can really change how much muscle we can hold. And I have enough evidence, I just don’t want to talk about it until it’s produced and published.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that. We really can do a lot with myostatin. I believe that with some of the protocols I’m working on, individuals can achieve new levels of muscular power and strength in speed and size with what I’m discovering about myostatin. Yeah. But it’s just like everything else is physical medicine interventions. And then looking at growth factors and body.

Dr T.J. Water: That’s cool man. No, I mean with that three alone man, you’re doing some really cool stuff. So I’m actually going to need to get the next three because you know I’ve been looking at it for a year or so and I’m on a traditional path crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you go, how old are you?

Dr T.J. Water: 28.

Dr. John Jaquish: 28, okay. So you know what injury feels like. You told me about your knees when you’re squatting 400 pounds. Anybody look, the people who don’t, it just doesn’t speak their language. Or the teenagers who just haven’t been injured or they’d never felt a tender joint. Basically, they’re not strong enough to be using weights that are putting too much stress on joints. They just, they haven’t even built sort of their adult strength yet. So I got, most of my trolls are just kids. It was just like high school kids who they look at what some body builder does and they figure in six months they’ll put on a hundred pounds of muscle and they’ll look just like that guy in the magazine. And everybody who’s not doing what he does is an idiot. Teenagers are great. They have all the answers. So what I see is that, anybody who’s had just a little bit of joint pain when the lifting and they realize this is not sustainable, your words, those are the people who are really attracted to X3 Bar. And they get ridiculous results. We’re just about to launch a new website, which has before and after pictures, testimonials, pro-athletes using it. I got Forrest Griffin using it, former light heavyweight champion of the world. We were seeing outstanding results better than anything people see with weights and I promise you, if you give this thing like a month trial, you use it exclusively for a month. You quit lifting weights. I think you’ll ever lift a weight again.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr T.J. Water: Oh, I’m going to have to do it, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk But once you feel the fatigue and then see the growth by day in the mirror and you’re lean guy, you’ll see it. Some of the people who aren’t so lean, they don’t see the growth day by day. The leaner, you’ll actually see changes in musculature day by day or week by week or whatever. And you’ll have your buddies will be like, “What are you doing?” You look totally crosstalk their last couple of years. I went to a fraternity reunion not that long ago and guys who had gone and hadn’t seen me and saw me last year and I was already well on my way on this journey. And it’s just again like “We can’t even believe that’s you.”

Dr T.J. Water: That’s so cool man. Because right now I at, I’d say at 8, 9% body fat. So what you’re saying, I mean if I test this out, I’ll probably be even more shredded people like, “What the hell are you doing man?”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. In muscular size too.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. Well sweet man. Well, so John I have three more questions. It’s the same two questions I ask at the very end of the podcast. The first one is if the world was ending today, you could eat anything for your last meal. What would it be? Literally anything at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: What do you eat? Anything. Three pound rib-eye.

Dr T.J. Water: Nice. You have any sides with that? Nope. Three pound rib-eye.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Anything else is just in the way of my food going into my mouth or my digestion.

Dr T.J. Water: Gotcha. All right, cool, man. Now, if you had one last week to live and you are in perfect health, you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Dr. John Jaquish: This is a pretty dark set of questions. Some of the rest of us don’t crosstalk the world’s ending.

Dr T.J. Water: Maybe you’ll see?

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible? Yeah. Well, two weeks from now-

Dr T.J. Water: They’re designed to give you the best answer from someone if it was their last day and week because that’s truly what they desire, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah. crosstalk If you can go an entire week in one place. You could go from one place for an entire week, place to place totally up to you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Summer or winter time. Like now?

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Probably spend the week skiing.

Dr T.J. Water: So you like skiing? Do you like the inaudible? It’s more than like summer.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, if it were summer I probably would have said Hawaii. But-

Dr T.J. Water: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: … Yeah, that’s pretty cliche answer, but it’s nice.

Dr T.J. Water: Amen. You like what you like, right? You’ve been there before, Hawaii?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: Oh, okay. I’ve never been there, man. I got to do. I’m stuck in the snow over here man. We just got three feet of snow here in Wyoming. Terrible. All right. So last question, John, is if you had one piece of advice for anyone out there listening to live a better life, what would it be? Anything at all?

Dr. John Jaquish: I would say it’s trying to figure out, knowing what your unaware of is probably the best piece of advice. Because a lot of people, the Dunning Kruger research, crosstalk 1995? It’s a great story, but based on intelligence and so intelligence testing and then perceived ability of competency. And what it showed was the people who are very low intelligence had a very high level of confidence in their work. And whereas people who had high intelligence, they maybe it wasn’t even as high as the unintelligent people, but because they understand that they know certain things and they also don’t know certain things. So there’s, they’re very aware of sort of the entire understanding and how one human does not have an entire understanding of everything. So they have a really good picture of that in her head. And the scary thing is basically the dumbest people had the strongest convictions. The dumbest people thought they were the most correct.

Dr T.J. Water: That is very interesting. I could see that, though.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr T.J. Water: So it’s kind of like, “Who cares about what these people think? I’m just going to-”.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s like when I read that, I’m like, “Being inaudible that.”

Dr T.J. Water: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Interesting, every time I look at politics and I’m frustrated, I’m like, “There’s that. There’s that study.”

Dr T.J. Water: That’s so funny man.

Dr. John Jaquish: It doesn’t even… I’m not a particularly one sided person but when I look at that, like that research and I think I see people reacting or speaking or even people in Congress, especially lately I’ve seen some people just say things that are you don’t even understand your job. Unreal, but who elected them is the people who have very strong convictions, really stupidity. Dangerous as dangerous that it’s amazing. Democracy has got us some really great things like knowing this because people can be completely misled based on this. So it’s as I would say to anybody, “Be aware what you’re not aware of.”

Dr T.J. Water: Cool. I love that answer, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Dr T.J. Water: John, where can people go to learn more about you and your products like I mean, X3 Bar exercise band bar system and OsteoStrong? Where do you want them to go? is kind of the information for both. If you really want to dive deep into my science, it’s but then I also give a lot of kind of free advice on a daily basis via Instagram and Facebook. So following like @D-R-J-A-Q-U-I-S-H, @DrJaquish, on either Facebook or, yes, that does work on Facebook and Instagram. So there’s that and then the next inaudible but I’ll give you one to sort of subscribe or subscribe to my YouTube channel at Jaquish Biomedical. Yeah. Yeah. Alright, John. Well thanks so much for being on that. It was an absolute pleasure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thomas, thanks.

Dr. T.J. Woodham: For unleashed human listeners today, you can get your new X3 Bar fitness band bar system today by going to If you are looking to get jacked, lose weight, save money on gym memberships, get stronger and increase growth hormone, the X3 Bar fitness band bar system is your answer. Go to and type in unleashed to get yours. Now, if you enjoyed today’s podcast, I would love it if you could share it with a friend or family member who needs to hear this content.

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