February 16, 2022

Train Like a Professional Athlete with X3

Train Like a Professional Athlete with X3

In his foreword to Dr. John Jaquish’s book, Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, Forrest Griffin, MMA Hall of Famer, former light heavyweight champion and two-time New York Times bestselling author, gets right to the point. “Other than competitive weightlifters and powerlifters, athletes shouldn’t care about how much weight they lift. Lifting weights is a means to the ends of strength, power, and muscle mass.”

For professional athletes, the goal is not the number on the squat rack but performance on the field, on the court, in the pool, or wherever the game is played. Staying strong and powerful, with the lowest chance of injury, is key to success and longevity in the world of professional sports.

Learn why more athletes are turning to X3 for their strength training and leaving the free weights behind. And why you, too can train like an athlete with X3. The benefits of the world’s most efficient workout aren’t limited to those who are already fit.

Train Like an Athlete with X3

Why Pro Athletes Choose X3

As Forrest Griffin mentions in Dr. Jaquish’s book, professional sports take a toll on the human body. In Griffin’s case, a physically punishing career left him simply unable to lift weights. He needed a solution that would preserve his strength and power while going easy on his joints.

The X3 bar allowed Griffin to maintain strength while reinforcing damaged tendons and ligaments, and soon, he was seeing gains. As a professional athlete, he’s not alone in his willingness to step outside traditional weight-based strength training in favor of scientifically proven innovation.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Peak Performance Athlete Training Program

Multiple studies demonstrate variable strength training has a superior influence on both power and strength building in elite athletes when compared to conventional weight training.

As Dr. Jaquish reminds us, studies done with elite athletes are valuable for several reasons.

  • Elite athletes have very little ‘room to grow’ compared to those new to strength training. What works for them will certainly work for us regular folk.
  • Elite athletes are more likely to follow testing protocols precisely, as they seek the best possible results.
  • Elite athletes are more likely to be scrutinized for performance-enhancing drugs, which increases the trustworthiness of trial results.

When research involving elite athletes points to variable resistance as the preferred method of strength and power training, even us amateurs should pay attention. So why are elite athletes training with X3? The research behind the reasons is highlighted below.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains


In two separate studies conducted in 2016 and 2019, a group of researchers tested differing levels of variance as applied to “high-level strength athletes, performing two different important multi-joint lifts, the squat1 and the deadlift2 Both studies found that with greater the variance, more muscle engagement and muscle recruitment took place. Peak muscle activation occurs not with free weights, but with variable resistance such as X3.


In a 2018 study, researchers separated a group of elite, professional rugby players into a variable resistance group and a control group. After just seven days of training, the group training with variable-resistance demonstrated statistically significant increases in pushing power3 over the control.

Limited Injury Risk

A 2009 study on collegiate baseball players not only showed variable resistance provides greater strength gains, as measured by the standard bench press, but those training with variable resistance had far less shoulder stress.4 The reduced risk of injury, and reduced subconscious fear, meant the variable resistance group was able to train further and harder, gaining muscle and strength at a faster rate than their peers.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

The Pro Athletes Who Count on X3

The Pro Athletes Who Count on X3

The professional athletes who count on X3 for peak conditioning without risk of injury aren’t limited to power-lifters and bodybuilders. Elite athletes from a variety of sports have found the benefits of X3 are applicable to their performance.

Hall of fame football great Terrell Owens is still in peak shape; the record-holding former wide receiver has trusted X3 to keep him fit since his 2012 retirement.

Hall of fame football great Terrell Owens is still in peak shape; the record-holding former wide receiver has trusted X3 to keep him fit since his 2012 retirement.

X3 in the National Football League

  • Akbar Gbaja-Biamila
  • Alex Anzalone
  • Javon Leake
  • Joe Reed
  • Trevin Wade
  • Nick Hardwick
  • Andy Isabella
  • Juan Thornhill
  • Tracy Walker
  • Will Harris
  • Wyatt Ray

X3 in the National Basketball League

  • Andre Drummund
  • The Miami Heat

X3 in Major League Baseball

  • Tom Mandich

X3 in the Paralympics

  • Jamal Hill – Bronze medalist (Swimming)

X3 and Olympic Sports

  • Justin Kripps – Olympic Gold medalist (Bobsled)
  • Steven Benedict – Sprinter & Olympic Trials Qualifier

X3 and Professional MMA

  • Forrest Griffin
  • Adam Von Rothfelder

X3 and Pro Sports Worldwide

  • Jonas Forsburg – Swedish National Soccer Team

You Too, Can Train Like a Professional Athlete

The good news is, you don’t need to be an elite athlete to reap the benefits of X3. The benefits of variable resistance have been studied, and proven effective, in semi-athletic amateurs and de-trained individuals as well. And yes, even adults over the age of 60 benefit5 from variable resistance.

The X3 Bar works no matter your current conditioning, age, or sex. The principles it follows and muscle tissue it stimulates remain the same. The X3 program is scalable, accessible and affordable, making it a viable option for anyone who wants to get stronger, fitter and generally more healthy.


With a range of latex resistance bands and available modifications, anyone can scale their X3 workout up or down. What matters is not your current conditioning, but that you follow the protocol, go slow, and work to fatigue.

Fatigue could look like 20 reps with a doubled-over Elite band, or 12 reps with the white band. Either way, the user reaps the reward of greater strength and reduced body fat.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains


With X3 bar, there’s no need to join an exclusive gym, access a celebrity trainer, or spend thousands on a home gym set-up. You can train like a professional athlete in your own city, in your own home, and while you’re on the road.


Professional athletes have entire teams devoted to their training, nutrition and recovery. And while a paid motivator or personal chef is nice, there’s no reason why you can’t train like a professional at home. The X3 bar costs less than a 1-year gym membership. The real buy-in is your willingness and commitment.

Voluntarily Endorsed by Pro Athletes

Several home gym systems on the market are endorsed by pro-athletes, but a smart consumer must ask, what does that mean? Gyms such as Tonal and others show Olympians in their commercials, but these same athletes are also investors. At the end of the day, are those athletes training with that system? Or just selling it on TV?

X3 pays no money to the elite athletes who socially share their love for this home fitness device. To them, it’s the real deal, and they’re using it for real results. As Forrest Griffin said, “At the end of the day, (X3) strives to help you become the best version of yourself.” It’s worked for him, and it can work for you, too.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

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