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By Roger Snipes on July 23, 2021

Ep #92 - Weight training is a waste of time - Dr. John Jaquish

Ep #92 - Weight training is a waste of time - Dr. John Jaquish

In this podcast, we discuss how Dr. John Jaquish’s X3 patented technology could be the future of resistance training, muscle growth, and cardiovascular endurance. Dr. Jaquish explains why variable resistance is the most efficient way to build muscle.

Full Transcript

Roger Snipes: Welcome to episode 92 of the Roger Snipes Show. This podcast is brought to you by Magnesium Breakthrough. Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals required by the body. The problem with what we have today is that much of our soil is destroyed, which means a deficiency in much of the food, which we buy. The level of stress in modern society is more too, which means magnesium depletion in our body. Overall, a large majority of the population is deficient in magnesium and they wouldn’t even know.

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Hope all is blessed and welcome back to the Roger Snipes Show It might be interesting for those of you who are always looking to progress with training. Now, as you probably know, I do intermittent fasting for, well, every day, to be honest with you, but it does vary on the type of fasting that I do per day. Some days I will fast for 20 hours and some days I might fast for 18 hours. It varies. Sometimes I will do an OMAD with one meal a day. It just depends on my previous days, and just what I’ve got lined up throughout the next day.

I plan it. One of the things that have worked to my favorite is when I decide to indulge, people will call it a refeed. So after having days off, let’s say, almost restrictions and I might do a cyclical Keto, as well as an Entenmann fast. I’ll have a moment where I’ll splash some carbohydrates on the plate and it might be quite a lot. It could be in the form of sin food, or I might just increase the amount of calories and the body soaks it up so well. What I would say to you, which I’ve using to my advantage, is planning extremely, heavy lifts the day after.

If I’m going to, let’s say, have a refeed on a Thursday, then a Friday is a day when I will go for a heavy lift. This is where I’ve been doing my PBs, lifting some mad weight. What you might notice as well is that it doesn’t continue throughout the other training sessions. I lift reasonably heavy, but on those refeed days is when I go for it.

Plan your training that way. If you know you’re going to indulge or let’s say one evening you slip up for some reason. You head into the cupboard and you’re like, “Ah,” and you’ve got some biscuits or some cake that shouldn’t be there. Then you end up devouring it and feel a bit guilty. Take that and just devote that to your training session the next day. Tell yourself that you are going to do a PB based on the consumption.

What also comes in handy is trying to make sure you get good sleep as well, especially if you’ve had some form of kryptonite and it could potentially affect your quality of sleep. Try and take a couple of magnesium as well to help increase your deep sleep. Red light therapy, blue light blockers, and good quality, high, calorie food with some quality sleep man, you can do some wonders in the gym.

That’s just a free tip I thought I’d throw in there. Cool. Today’s guest goes by the name of Dr. John Jaquish. I came across John’s page, or I think it was from a video that I had watched, and it was titled Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. I was like, “Why would someone say something like that?”

I understand some people might not gravitate to going to the gym but it doesn’t mean that it’s a waste of time. I thought, “Who is this person?” I learned that this guy was, he was a doctor as well. And I thought, “Why would a doctor say something like that?” I was thinking this guy has probably annoyed quite a few people, let’s say. That’s me putting it in a very user-friendly manner. Besides, it’s been proven that not only movement and being active is beneficial for health, but lean tissue itself has been linked to longevity and health span.

Why would anyone say that? As I looked further and the discussion, which is on this podcast, Dr. John Jaquish breaks down the mechanics and the efficiency of lifting weights. Taking us through the plane of movement, and explains what’s going on with the muscle and why he feels this so it’s really interesting. I won’t give too much away right now. It’s something I’d like you to take down, listen, and it’s really cool. He dissects what type of training would work, in terms of it’s all about efficiency. It’s not just about moving the weight, it’s efficiency.

As we’ve learned over the years that if you go to the gym and you’re just focusing on, let’s say, if we’re talking about bench press, and you’re just focusing on moving the weight away from your chest, then you got part of the idea together, but you need to think what is your goal? Your goal is to recruit more lean tissue. You’re trying to build more lean tissues. In doing this, you have to try and get your body to evolve to the situation. The only way to evolve is to put it through strain, through stress. This stress can come in a form of different types of adaptations, like slow eccentrics, or pulses, isometric holds, different ways.

We go through another way or another explanation of what is utilized slightly in the gym but it’s good. But I must say as well, that in this podcast, there are quite a few diversions. We talk about health and fitness on the whole, different types of diets. If people have a very dogmatic approach on a certain diet type and different training systems, but it’s cool but we do divulge. We do divert, shall I say, and start talking about random stuff. I hope that you still enjoy the podcast. It’s very organic in the way it happens but some people might think, “Stick to the topic. Don’t change.”

If you want it to always stick to the topic, then this podcast might not be for you. Other than that, it was fun. I had a lot of fun. Dr. John Jaquish, he’s the author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want and the inventor of OsteoStrong and Fortagen, and the X3 Training System. He began his experience in life sciences after being told by his mother that she has been diagnosed with osteoporosis. He was formerly a member of the board of directors of American Bone Health, and the editorial board of the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science. Let’s bring on Dr. John Jaquish. How are you doing my friend?

Dr. John Jaquish: Roger, I’m fantastic. Things are great. How are you?

Roger Snipes: I’m great, I’m super. It’s five o’clock in the afternoon for me. What about yourself? What time is it for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s 9:00 AM.

Roger Snipes: Nine. Okay, nice and early. Have you had your coffee yet? Do you drink coffee?

Dr. John Jaquish: I quit drinking coffee.

Roger Snipes: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m running an experiment having to do with… I was pretty hard on my stomach for a couple of years. When I started fasting, I was doing Bulletproof Coffee. Then I realized the fat in the Bulletproof Coffee was just a crutch. It kills your appetite but it’s also just calories. You don’t eat.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then I just started drinking black coffee and that killed my appetite and it was great. I think at the same time, maybe somewhere in North Africa, I got H. pylori, I got an H. pylori infection in my stomach.

Roger Snipes: Oh, wow. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was some third-world country I picked that up from. Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach and having an H. pylori infection is the recipe for stomach ulcers.

Roger Snipes: How did you get rid of it? Did it take a long time to get rid of?

Dr. John Jaquish: H. pylori, yeah. I had it for years and I didn’t even know I had it. And then finally, it was a friend of mine, he’s an anesthesiologist, we’re sitting there one morning and I’m drinking coffee. He can see I’m uncomfortable and I’m having trouble breathing. He’s like, “Does your stomach feel terrible right now?” Yeah. He says, “Does it get worse over time? When you started drinking black coffee, was that a problem before?” And I was like, “No.” Right, okay. “You got to get checked out for H. pylori.” He just diagnosed me by just observing me.

Roger Snipes: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And he was right. The test confirmed I had it so it’s just to heal the H. pylori. I’m not anti-coffee or anything.

Roger Snipes: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I haven’t had any caffeine in a month. Supposedly, nicotine and caffeine are the two most addictive substances on earth. They’re worse than opioids. Opioids are a different category because you feel horrible if you don’t have them so it’s more of a mechanical addiction. You need an opiate receptor site filled, as opposed to just feeling like you need it all the time. I made the same mistake. I’m not supposed to make the same mistake twice. I’m a scientist, right? No, I’m just like everybody else but listen to this. Dave Asprey, I was hanging out with him once and I have seen him do this spray under his tongue.

I’m like, “Is that nicotine?” He goes, “Yeah, it’s a great way to kill your appetite during a fast.” I was like, “Let me try it.” Then a couple of months later, one of my friends, who is from Yorkshire, where is he? Somewhere in between Leeds and Manchester and a beautiful place. He says, “Are you addicted to that thing?” While I’m thinking about it, I’m like, “No, but I like it and I think about it all the time.” I was like, “Ah, s***.” I had to go through getting over that.

Roger Snipes: That’s interesting. I’ve heard Dave Asprey on some of his books. He’s mentioned nicotine. He said to make sure you get the clean nicotine if you do decide you want to have it as part of your bio-hack. I don’t know if he’d mentioned much about it’d being an appetite suppressant, though. Anyway, we can probably dabble in that a bit later, but I wanted to … Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: All vasoconstrictors are an appetite suppressant.

Roger Snipes: Vasoconstrictors, for sure. That I do know of so it’s not quite optimal to have just before training, I would assume.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, we take caffeine before training.

Roger Snipes: That’s weird, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, yes and no. Your heart does move faster because there’s constriction on the blood transportation through the body. The aortic wave doesn’t go as far, so the heart starts working harder is why you feel so alert.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: The mechanism works, gives us energy. Is it a better workout? I don’t know. I could argue that stimulants actually don’t really help in most flex sport performance scenarios. I know there’s people who swear by him and there’s people that are like, “My secret is I don’t ever mess around with stimulants.” You want more blood flow, not less.

Roger Snipes: Exactly, exactly. Anyway, we’ll come around to stuff like that. I want to talk about you. I came across your page and I thought, “Wow, there’s some brave statements here.” There’s some comments where people are becoming a bit brave as well. You have a very good-

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, don’t confuse stupidity with purpose.

Roger Snipes: Man, it’s entertaining.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m trying to talk to the zombie horde.

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, I have some science here. They’re like, “F*** you.” It’s basically a situation of science denial, but I can’t blame them. You and I, are we close in age? I’m 44.

Roger Snipes: I’m 42 so close.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right, so it’s basically the same generation. We grew up looking at different athletes and bodybuilders. They said certain things. I remember the first time I heard that Arnold trained two hours per workout, twice a day, six days a week. I was smart enough, even in sixth grade to go, “I can’t lift weights four hours a day with high intensity.” That’s just the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. No, he never did that. He admitted he never did that later on. It was like we’ve been taught so much crap.

I don’t know if it’s as conspiratorial as the Weider Corporation wanted everybody to fail so they could think they needed these supplements. I’ve heard that story and it’s no, Ben and Joe Weider, they’re business guys. They’re not hawksters. I think there was no scientific process. Somebody would try one thing, and another person would try a different thing. The only science we saw in sports science was comparing two bad programs. Well, is that a scientific process? Yeah, kind of but how did you develop the programming?

Which arbitrary? All of our workouts are really arbitrary. I was in the medical device business. I developed a medical device to treat my mother’s osteoporosis. I actually did my first testing, the first real trial of that device was at University of East London. They did this study in the Stratford Village surgery. There’s a tube stop right near there. I’m sure you’ve been there.

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s for all those who are planning a trip to London, that’s where the new model is. Well, they built the Olympic Park and then they turned it into a Westfield Mall, which was genius.

Roger Snipes: It’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. They got to use the building. Basically, they got the building for free. I don’t know how it finances that deal, but it’s just so many people build an Olympic Park and then just like the one in China, I’ve been to the one in China after the Olympics. It’s just falling apart right now.

Roger Snipes: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Aluminum panels are falling off the side of it. It’s sad.

Roger Snipes: It’s a question of what do you do afterwards? You’ve got to do something with it. It looks spectacular in the day, now what?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Well, there’s a lot of smart people in your country that are like, “We’re going to use this as an opportunity,” as opposed to having no plan.

Roger Snipes: Can I just move a little bit just to talk a bit about your controversial, unorthodox approach to fitness. Let’s take that to your book, the title of your book, where you say that weightlifting is a waste of time. Is that the title of your book?

Dr. John Jaquish: Weightlifting is a Waste of Time, that’s correct.

Roger Snipes: Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. When I saw that, I was like, “Wow and I went to the gym today. I don’t know, it seemed good.”

Dr. John Jaquish: It seemed like a good use of your time.

Roger Snipes: It seemed like I’ve been doing all right. Now I’m thinking, “I’ve been wasting all my time.”

Dr. John Jaquish: What I’m really saying, you notice I didn’t say resistance training is a waste of your time, because resistance training is the best use of your time. Lifting with a static weight is the problem. Our biomechanics are such where we are, I don’t know whoever’s listening versus watching this. When I’m in a back position on a chest press, or when I’m doing a pushup and my nose is against the ground, it’s the weakest position. As I push out, I become stronger. I can hold X here, maybe 3.5 X here, and seven X here, and a one rep maximum.

I would never do a one rep maximum, but just as an example. That’s what I learned from developing the bone density devices. When I had the whole point of the bone density devices, they’re called OsteoStrong, there’s 150 clinics in eight different countries around the world. We treat bone there. People’s bone health is dramatically improved, more so than any drug that’s ever been trialed with this therapy. The idea of the therapy is we compress bone from end to end so the axis of the bone.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: When that happens, the axis gets compressed, then the bone becomes stimulated. A bone looks like a honeycomb, right? It’s got all these walls in it. As those walls bend, it’s an irritant to those walls. When they bounce back into position, they didn’t like that so they’re going to pull in more minerals and decalcify, build more little walls, fortify the structure of the bone matrix. So that the next time it’s under a compressive force of multiples of body weight, then it will be stronger. Of course, then since the bone is stronger, you can put more force on it and continue the growth.

It’s just an adaptive response, like building muscle or building a callus so it was very successful. Once I looked at what humans could apply to their bodies in optimal ranges of motion. I got all the research from gymnastics. Gymnastics is really the art of taking impact. Hitting the ground incredibly hard and being able to discharge those forces so that you don’t hurt anything. They really, really refine this and it’s very repeatable the way they’re trained. They’re easy to study, whereas like fighters are harder to study because every punch is different.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. The gymnast and the floor have a relationship and the gymnast knows how to contact that floor, and discharge as much force as possible, and keep relatively injury free. Now, they still do get injured. They retire on an average of 19 years of age.

Roger Snipes: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they get beat up. I know some orthopedic surgeons that worked on a couple of Olympic gymnasts over the last, just the past two Olympics that I know of. They’re a mess, but they’re incredibly powerful. Their bone density is just through the roof and so they’re fascinating. What I got out of that research was that humans are seven times stronger in those impact ready ranges than they are in the weaker ranges. If we know the seven fold difference from strong to weak, why would we be lifting a weight? If we truly want to exhaust the muscle, we need a weight that changes so that the effort is a constant.

It’s not like hard at the bottom and easy at the top, like lifting weights. It’s got to be hard at the bottom, hard in the middle, and hard at the top. You want to make it more difficult, but because you’re changing the weight, you’re not getting to any sticking point, because the curve of the power that you’re putting through the muscle equals the curve that your biomechanics are able to produce. I looked at band training. I was like, “What if I just build the bands,” because I didn’t want to horse around with this. I already had a business, OsteoStrong.

People knew me in that industry. I was doing well in medical device, in different orthopedic surgeons, coming to colleges. They were starting to get really excited about my research, and that business was going great. Now, it was also a big business so it was growing on its own. It didn’t necessarily need me. When I looked at this exercise science project, first, it was the band. Then I realized the first time I got heavy bands, bands suck. Totally, they do, they do. I don’t blame anybody that says bands suck. You’d never get big from bands because bands by themselves, it’s like a rubber tire by itself.

Is a rubber tire a Lamborghini? No. Rubber tires going to Lamborghini but they’re not the same. When you have this band, let’s say you step on it and you go to do a curl, your wrist gets twisted, or you throw it around your back to do a pushup with it. Your wrists are being bent outward because it was more force on the outward side so you could break your wrist. Then how about a deadlift, where you’re standing on a band and you’re maybe doing with X3, we do deadlifts, if you’re over six feet tall, you’re doing a 600 pound deadlift.

Roger Snipes: Oh really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. With the X3.

Roger Snipes: Interesting. We’ll talk about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a reason it works. Everybody knows you can’t get away from heavy. Heavy is the way to grow so X3 is a strategic way to approach how to go heavier than you’ve ever gone before but safer. I also truly believe anybody interested in fitness, when they stop lifting heavy, it’s not because they’re all of a sudden weak, or they don’t have the balls to do it anymore. They’re just afraid of getting injured.

And you get one little injury in your twenties or early thirties, and your progress is probably going to stop because you get nervous. You’re like, “oh, I don’t want one of those again. I had trouble getting out of my car for a week.” People end up making that decision. “I’m just going to train light.” Well, then that’s the last day they’re ever going to be stronger, trying to fight. It’ll maintain, but it won’t grow you.

Roger Snipes: What about attaching bands to weights?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. Most of the studies on variable resistance have been about that. However, there’s one study that looked at all the other studies and said, “what if we look at proportional variance?” What is the variance ratio that may be optimal? So what they did is they had three different levels of variable resistance. So they already know variable resistance. So putting more weight on, in the stronger range, then when you’re in the weaker range is going to grow muscle faster. So the reason I called it X3 is because there’s a study that shows you grow three times faster with variable resistance.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Roger Snipes: Right? Okay, cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: But people didn’t get that. I assumed that people would be interested in reading like a few sentences about science. No, it’s just too much work, I guess.

Roger Snipes: People don’t read. I’ve written them. People will ask me a question, which is in the caption. I’m like, “did you read it?” But anyway, please continue.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what the hell was I saying? I distracted myself. Yeah, I started laughing about the caption thing.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. So, talking about if we were to attach bands to the weights.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Yeah. Yeah. The combination of both. So what that study that I was describing found, was it the greater degree of variance, the higher your variability ratio, the faster you grew. They were doing, if we look at X weight on your chest, on a bar, and then when you go to extension it’s 1.2 X. So that’s like a weight on a bar with some light bands on the ends of it that might go under the bench. Okay. That’s one way to do it.

The other way is looking to have more aggressive change with less weight and it turned out that the higher the proportion of variability, the better somebody did. So my position was, we don’t need the weight at all. We just need massive, powerful bands and a way to hang on to them. Because if you have the man by itself, that’s why I didn’t write the book about band training, because I was like “band training sucks.” I need to develop a product here.

So, the X3 has the Olympic bar, which rotates in your hand, so your grip is always up, optimized. And then it hooks up to the banding, which, you know, like hundreds of pounds. So you’re able to give the body the advantage of training far heavier. And because the weight changes as you move, you go to a much deeper level of fatigue, because we do a diminishing range.

So each set, you first go to fatigue and the stronger range of motion. So when I’m doing my chest press, I’m using 550 pounds at the top. So I do full reps until I can’t get to that 550. And then I started doing half repetitions with sort of the middle, which might be 350 or something like that. So 350 pound, half reps. And then like the last couple repetitions may only be a hundred pounds, but the muscle is devastated at that point. And I can only produce a hundred pounds of force. Imagine, in a bench press, going to a level of fatigue, where a strong person can only move a hundred pounds.

Roger Snipes: That’s wild.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s fatigue that you cannot get with weights. It’s a hundred pounds. It’s like a pushup. It’s nothing. In a 20 rep set, exhausting to the point where I can’t even move a hundred pounds.

Roger Snipes: That’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The muscle is devastated. You only do one set. Never more than one and then you just grow and you can see differences by the day.

Roger Snipes: Have you actually got the X3 there so we could see on the video or not?

Roger Snipes: All right. So for those that are watching on YouTube or-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. You can see it rotating the bar, but it stays parallel to the ground. The hook always stays parallel to the ground. Yeah. And that’s like an Olympic bar, so you can keep a grip on it. It’s anodized aluminum and neural. So you get a good grip on it.

Roger Snipes: How wide does it go?

Dr. John Jaquish: 19 and a half inches. And the reason we did that is that wide grip anything is good for like a bench press contest. But it’s not good for growing muscle because ultimately if I’m out here and my pectorals are contracted to a certain degree, but if I’m here, like just when I move my arms in, it’s more contracted.

Roger Snipes: Is it not said that you’re kind of activating a bit more tricep if it’s that close?

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re activating more pectoral also, it’s just more efficient. Yeah, there’s more tricep, but there’s more pictorial in it too. I mean, think about a crossover. You’re trying to get your body like this, even squeeze the pectorals even more.

Roger Snipes: Talking about that, what about cables? What’s the efficiency of cables, would you say?

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re the same weight in all positions. So they have kind of the same drawback that regular weights do. Maybe there’s a cable machine out there from the seventies that Arthur Jones built with his cam. So that’s variable resistance, but the cam, it was like X versus 1.2 X. It wasn’t the best proportion because they didn’t have the science that I did when I started this.

And the best reference was off of my invention. The first one. So when I saw it, it came out of a question at the hospital where someone said to me, “what are the kind of like forces that people who lift weights deal with?” Because we’re looking at these like post-menopausal females who have never worked out a day in their life, they’re a little bit overweight. They couldn’t be obese or anything. They’d be disqualified from the study.

But, we were looking for a particular group that reflected the osteopenic osteoporotic population. So, post-menopausal and with weak bone. So, okay. So, we found them, but they’ve never worked out. Some of them were dealing with six, seven times their body weight, like after six months of training in just the impact ready range of motion. They can’t lift that, but just exposing the load at that very, very specific position. And of course they would grow.

Roger Snipes: That’s really interesting. Six, seven times, you don’t get that in the gym. I mean, most people are trying to achieve maybe double, and they feel pretty happy about themselves if they can do that. But you’re able to achieve that. Is it because of the different variations of range of weight load, wherever you call it?

Dr. John Jaquish: It has to do with mechanical leverage within the body. Like 120 degree angle behind the knee is where your leg is really able to absorb or produce the the greatest amount of force. So, the very top of a squat before you lockout, you know that position, where it doesn’t matter what’s on your back, it feels kind of light. And then when you start to go down and it’s like, “whoa, that’s heavy.”

The mechanical leverage is there, but also you’re engaging more tissue. The shorter the muscle, the more efficient the muscle is at producing power. So it’s the combination of the two things where we don’t have a linear curve. Everybody says, “we want linear loading, with variable resistance.”" No, we don’t. The curve looks like this. It’s not a line.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Yeah. What are your thoughts on compound lifts?

Dr. John Jaquish: Multi-joint lifts are much better. The central nervous system just knows how to respond to them. Everybody knows if you want the best quad pump, you use a quad extension, but athletes don’t use a quad extension. Because that’s not something you do.

Roger Snipes: It’s not natural, is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. It’s like trying to get a tan with candles. It’s just not going to work. You know, you don’t put a pad in front of your shin and sit on a chair and then swing your leg out or in any sport, in any movement that we do. And I don’t like the term functional exercise. I mean the function of a muscle is to shorten. So you can say anything is a functional exercise, but does it mimic things that we do like running? Our quads, our hamstrings, our glutes all work together. So sprinting, I should say, not so much distance running. That’s almost like controlled falling. Because you kind of pitch your body forward, and there’s a strategy to it. But if you look at the biomechanics of it, you’re like, kind of ugly.

Roger Snipes: We weren’t designed that way, were we, for like the whole long-distance thing? I’ve always questioned that. They’re all short bursts. Okay. It makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you look at the cortisol upregulation… Chronic high levels of cortisol are damaging to the body. And that’s what sustained long cardio does. If you have to do it, you have to do it. If you want to be a marathon runner, you’ve got to run. But nobody said it was healthy. I mean, I guess somebody said that, but they were wrong. Because you’re damaging your joints. The cardiovascular benefit goes away as soon as you stop running. Within weeks.

Not with strength training though. Strength training stays around because the muscle takes a long time to dissipate and muscle is a metabolic engine that is always demanding. So yeah, if you’re muscular, it’s like you’re running a marathon 24-7. It’s beautiful.

Roger Snipes: When I watch people doing cardio, I’m like, you have no idea, man. You’re wasting time on that s***.

Dr. John Jaquish: Second part, you didn’t see this, but it’s “weightlifting is a waste of time.” And so is cardio.

Roger Snipes: So is cardio.

Dr. John Jaquish: I needed to make sure I made everyone angry. Yeah. Runners mad at me, weightlifters mad at me. Oh, vegans.

Roger Snipes: I saw talking about, you had mentioned more field animals are killed each year for vegetable agriculture than beef and pig agriculture combined, or something like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly, beef and pig. There’s 120 million lives of cattle in pigs, slaughtered every year for food production. But there’s 7 billion animals are killed. Like poisoned birds. A bunch of birds, a bunch of crows, will take down a cornfield. They’ll ruin a cornfield. So they’ll just pick all the corn right off the right off the stalk. And so, they poison them. They poison them by the tens of thousands.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that poison then gets in the environment. Ground squirrels have to be poisoned by the tens of thousands. Gophers, tens of thousands. And we’ve got to protect these plants. Now that was the habitat of these animals before we decided to turn it into farms.

I suppose my argument… And the funny thing is vegans always think I hate them or something like that. No. They’re fine people. I mean, some of them are a little nuts.

I question anybody who has a religious devotion to their nutrition, a religious devotion to anything that’s not religion. Then, it’s like, wow, you’re incapable of thinking this through. You gave up on thinking when you decided to take that attitude.

And you know, it’s very obvious who they are when somebody’s name on social media is like Vegan Tim. Okay. So, you don’t care about learning, at all. You’re just spreading your propaganda. And by the way, I can prove that veganism is malnutrition, just like anorexia and bulimia.

Roger Snipes: Why would you say that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You can’t get the proper things that you need. Now, a lot of the vitamins we’re told we need, we don’t, but we do need B12. That’s a big one and they can’t get it. They can supplement with it. But it’s hard to say you have the ultimate nutrition program when you’ve got to take a couple of fistfuls of pills every day.

Roger Snipes: you say an omnivore doesn’t need to take supplements at all?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Roger Snipes: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: A little pause there because one of my problems with fruits and vegetables at all… I remember I posted on your page where you’re like, “how much fruits and vegetables do you get?” And I’m like, “none, of either.”

People were like, “what the hell is wrong with you?” No, I don’t eat fruit. Don’t eat vegetables. I just eat meat, basically just steak. That’s the one thing on the menu.

Roger Snipes: Sorry, please, please.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, I know somebody’s like, “oh, do you eat a balanced diet?” And I’m like, “yeah, it’s balanced.” And what does balance mean to you? I get my nutrition. I don’t take any supplements. I take a protein supplement, I take Fortagen, but I don’t take any multivitamin. I’m not vitamin deficient in any way. I don’t have scurvy, despite the fact that I haven’t had vitamin C in five years, four years.

Accelerate Muscle Growth and Recovery

Roger Snipes: So, what is that, a myth then? You’re saying nobody needs vitamin Z?

Dr. John Jaquish: Antioxidants are important, if you are oxidizing. Makes sense, right? So oxidization is inflammation. So if you’re not inflamed, do you need an anti-inflammatory? No. So I have no oxalates in my body. Therefore, why would I need an antioxidant?

So the people who get scurvy, they don’t get vitamin C, but they’re still sucking up a ton of sugar. I mean sugar in all forms. You’re just eating potatoes. Why they used to get scurvy on boats is because their nutrition was, they couldn’t bring meat with them. So their nutrition was potatoes. They travel better. They’d eat potatoes and get scurvy. Because there’s oxalates if they’re eating those potatoes and there’s nothing to kind of cancel that out. So what vitamins people need has a lot to do with what they’re doing with themselves. Exercising versus not exercising. Pretty different.

So, a friend of mine, Jayson Calton wrote a meta-analysis, comparing a bunch of popular diets. And it was, the South Beach diet and a couple of these brand names, one is like where all you eat is bread and salad. And another one that’s popular in the Mediterranean. I think it might be called the Mediterranean diet, but whatever. I’m sure some people from the Mediterranean would say, “please don’t brand us with that stupid crap.”

So, there’s a couple of different diets he compared. One of them was Atkins. Cause that was like the thing at the time, like nobody really mentioned Atkins anymore, but a ketogenic diet. No matter what, the average of calories that a person needed to eat to get to the recommended daily allowance of the vitamins that are ascribed by the American Medical Association, take a guess how many calories every person would have to eat per day if they just used whole foods. No supplements. Just food.

Roger Snipes: I’m guessing it’s something stupid low. I don’t know. I might say something too low. I’m going to go for something like 1200.

Dr. John Jaquish: 27,000 calories a day.

Roger Snipes: Oh 27,000.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Other direction.

Roger Snipes: correction. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Homo sapiens never consumed 27,000 calories a day. So what does that tell you? It tells you the vitamin recommendations are bulls***. I’m not saying some of them we need, or some of them we don’t. I’m saying do what you do to be as healthy as possible and then see what you’re deficient in.

I eat one thing. I eat steak. Animals eat plants. They take care of the oxalates for me. And then I’m left with a whole lot of items. By the way, I also eat organ meats, which have every vitamin in them.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. I was going to ask you about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not often though.

Roger Snipes: Would you title your particular diet? You know, when people say “I’m a carnivore”, what would you say, your particular?

Dr. John Jaquish: I love the question. I tell people you don’t really need to title your diet, because, here’s a perfect example. People describe me as having carnivore nutrition. Okay. When I eat, I do eat meat. I also have a joke where I sound like I’m a hundred percent vegan between meals.

I think that’s funny. Thanks man. Thanks for laughing at my own jokes. Somebody needs to. I’m eating meat, but then I developed, I didn’t develop it, some other scientists developed it, I launched it though. It’s like the world’s most anabolic protein, it’s made out of bacterial fermentation. Basically we’re supposed to be eating rotting stuff and the best amino acids are in rotting stuff.

But the way we can grow bacteria and cultures now, it’s not meat based so you can just grow the bacteria in a culture, have it eat whatever. Instead of muscle glycogen, it’s eating just sugar or a plant, or whatever. So we grow these and then it’s just the fermentation that goes into the supplement. So because no animals are harmed, it’s vegan. So people are like, “you’re just such a fake son of a b****.” That’s like the nicest thing I’ve ever heard because you’re carnivore, but then you recommend a vegan protein and I’m like, it’s not made of vegetables. It’s made out of bacteria and vegans can eat that because no animals were harmed. Because that’s their thing.

What I’m trying to do is not just eat meat. I’m trying to be as strong and as lean as possible, mostly because those are the two greatest drivers of long life. The strongest people and the leanest people live the longest. So, those two points have never been contested in research. Nobody ever said, “oh, you’re weak, are you going to live long?” Or, you know, if you’re fat, are you going to live longer? No.

Leaner and stronger. So I want to be as strong and as lean as possible. And I want the shortest path to get there. So, the very efficient protein, I take four doses of that a day, but there’s no vitamins added to it.

Roger Snipes: Sorry, four doses of what?

Dr. John Jaquish: Of that bacterial fermentation.

Roger Snipes: I’d like you to share that with me. I want to have a look at it.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s called Fortagen.

Roger Snipes: Fortagen.

Dr. John Jaquish: I talk about it on my webpage every once in a while. It makes things really easy because when I tell people their protein requirements if they want to grow muscle… Because a lot of people went out and bought X3 and then half of them were like, “well, it’s not working.” And they’re like, “well, tell me about your nutrition.”

I never saw this coming. People were like, “oh, I get a lot of protein, like 50 grams a day.” And I’m like, “oh, 50?” That’s like a good amount for like a small dog. You’re a regular sized person, one gram per pound of body weight. So, I weigh 240. So I’ve got to have 240 grams of protein. There’s no way around it.

So I’ll do four doses of Fortagen, which is the protein value equivalent of 200 grams of protein, because it’s like 50 per dose. And then I’ll have a half pound, pound of steak for dinner. And I only eat one meal a day. So I get the fasting benefit, get a little bit of autophagy.

Roger Snipes: Awesome. So, it’s a category. So it’s one meal a day? So how many hours of fasting would you say that is?

Dr. John Jaquish: It would be like a 23 hour. But I also dry fast for 20 hours. Right. Dry fasting.

Roger Snipes: That’s hardcore man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I thought it was.I’m actually on a quest to find the easiest nutrition plan to follow. I actually think the dry fasting, provided you don’t… If you do a manual labor job, you can’t. No.

The funny thing is you really don’t end up being dehydrated because you first get dehydrated, you get kind of dry mouth, urine gets a little darker and then your body taps into metabolic water. It starts pulling water out of fat cells. When that happens, you don’t feel dehydrated at all. And you’re not dehydrated. No cramps, no nothing, but your body has to get used to that.

In American wrestling, like collegiate wrestling like they have in the Olympics, I was wrestling in high school. And so, every time you weigh in, you dehydrate yourself. I’ve wrestled in the 130 pound weight class in high school. I was a skinny guy. Hard to acknowledge but, I wanted to be, I was more like 140. And then I would just dehydrate that 10 pounds in 48 hours and make weight and then rehydrate because then I’d have a 10 pound advantage on my opponent.

And I was honestly far more interested in that than I was in the wrestling because I could really, really manipulate my body. And I was like 15, 16 years old. And I looked like a skin cadaver. I had like veins in my (abs), basically like you. At least you’re there most days. On the day somebody is holding the camera, you’re like that.

So, basically, I was in a situation where I was really lean. And then when I went to university, I started playing rugby. Rugby, you don’t need to make weight for anything. So I quit the dry fasting and I just started looking like an average guy, like everyone else, I wasn’t ripped anymore. And it was just knowing. I didn’t call it dry fasting. I just called it cutting weight. And then, many, many years later, while I was writing weight lifting a waste of time, I started reading some research about Ramadan fasting.

When people fast for Ramadan and they study it, typically, they’re not looking for athletic performance. They’re just looking at safety. So, more than a billion people every year, dry fast for 20 straight days. And I mean, they eat and drink at nighttime, but then the whole day is a fasting period, dry fasting period. So no food, no liquids. And they do great. They’re fine. They’re healthy.

So, very limited data with athletes, but I thought I’d give it a try. If I needed to preform, I’d have to rehydrate, which is why I rehydrate before my workout. So I dry fast 20 hours a day, rehydrate for about an hour. And then I do my X3 workout.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Roger Snipes: What times are all of these? What time do you work out? Where do you rehydrate? Where do you eat? For the one time. And you’re holding a bit of weight as well. How much do you weigh again?

Dr. John Jaquish: 240.

Roger Snipes: 240. So, what’s that in kilos? 109 kilos.

Dr. John Jaquish: 109 kilos, right.

Roger Snipes: And you managed to maintain that on, do you know how much calories you eat?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s been a lot less recently. Another thing people are so upset about is, I’m eating like 1500 calories a day.

Roger Snipes: You will upset people, man. You can’t tell people that. Give them some false information.

Dr. John Jaquish: All it is, is that they just don’t want to hear it. You know the most searched for thing in nutrition is, how to lose weight without changing my diet.

Roger Snipes: Tell me you’re lying. People are not really searching.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re talking like millions and billions of searches of people looking for that. It’s like, okay, you want to sit this guy down and be like, okay, you got overweight by eating the way you eat. So how could you imagine by eating the way you eat, somehow that’s going to go away?

Roger Snipes: They want to take a pill, isn’t it? Everybody wants to-

Dr. John Jaquish: Everybody wants a shortcut, and people want the news that makes them comfortable.

Dr. John Jaquish: And people want the news that makes them comfortable, not the news that is. When I tell people that what was first thought about cholesterol, the low density lipoprotein, LDL, the bad cholesterol, which is not bad at all, is pretty harmless. And the majority of heart attacks actually come from people with normal cholesterol. Less heart attacks come from people with high cholesterol. So the research was biased basically to sell Statin drugs.

Roger Snipes: Oh really? Statin? Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because as soon as the patents run out on statin drugs, bunch of universities test this theory and they’re like, “Oh no, no, no, it’s the opposite of what we were told.” But the thing is, when there’s a product to be sold and there’s an education to go along with it, “Cholesterol is bad, and here’s a Statin. That’s good.” So there was billions put towards that message. But now that they figured out that that’s all wrong, there’s $0 to market that message. So most people don’t hear about it.

I put it in the book, I talk about it. I get just string of profanity. “Well, my uncle died of cholesterol.” No, your uncle died of a blockage. And the reason cholesterol was vilified is, if you look at blood flow, you look at an artery, and you got, let’s say this is an artery. Blood is flowing through it. And there’s inflammation on the edge. That’s what happens. There’s certain edges that get some inflammation. Well, what happens is the LDL, the low density lipoprotein, is lighter, so it sticks. And then more blood flows through, but now you’ve got a potential blockage and plaque building up. But the problem, it’s sort of like leaves don’t cause floods when they clog the drain, right? It’s a lot of fucking rain that causes the flood. So don’t blame the trees. You don’t cut all your trees down just because you got a flood once. So, right. It’s just, you got to understand the mechanism. And so now that we understand the mechanism better, the LDL was never to blame. In fact, if LDL is bad, when you fast, your LDL level’s typically at its highest.

Roger Snipes: Now, most of us love carbohydrates, but what we don’t like is when carbohydrates decide to stick to us and turn to fat. Restriction diets are no fun, and the crash you feel after a heavy carb binge leaves you feeling like trash. Check out Kion Lean. It’s a natural supplement that helps support glucose metabolism and healthy blood sugar levels, allowing you to indulge a little without the stress of a crash and fat gain.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because your body is metabolizing its own body fat. So saying low density lipoprotein is bad for you is like saying weight loss is bad for you, which is obviously not true. Opposite of that is true.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. So when is it you actually, did you say you drink? You have it just before your training. Do you normally eat in the afternoon? Mid-afternoon? Evening?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, later in the day, 6:00, 7:00.

Roger Snipes: Oh yeah? And what time do you normally go to bed?

Dr. John Jaquish: Light by 11:00, but it’s usually midnight.

Roger Snipes: Oh yeah? So you’re a bit, I know you’re into your bio-hacking and stuff. Do you feel that’s optimal for you or are you just settling for that because that’s what works for you at the moment?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because it works for me in the moment. There’s no formula that says staying up until midnight is the right thing.

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: If I really wanted to focus on the rhythms of sunlight versus not sun, I’d go to bed a lot earlier, get up a lot earlier.

Roger Snipes: What’s your general waking time, would you say?

Dr. John Jaquish: 6:00.

Roger Snipes: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: 6:00 or 7:00.

Roger Snipes: Okay. In one of your posts, you’re talking about, I think, a drag curl being a bit more optimal than I think a normal curl, a normal, yeah, bicep curl.

Dr. John Jaquish: So when people do a curl, they’ll bring their arm forward so the center of the bar is in line with their elbow. Turn the bicep off and you load the tricep. I mean, it’s balanced. You’re not really loading anything. You’re just kind of balancing on that joint. You probably got some form of deltoid involved, but I mean, in the fully contracted position, the bicep should have the most tension on it, not no tension. But the way most people curl is like this. So instead, I curl like this, so I’m pulling it back. I’m dragging the bar up my body, so my elbows are swinging back. So basically the bar just hovers in front of my body an inch. And the peak position, you get a much harder contraction, but also with variable resistance, that’s where the weight is the highest. So you want to take advantage of that. It’s good. It’s great. It’s great with X3 with a variable resistance.

Roger Snipes: I wouldn’t normally do that as a beginning exercise. I’ll do that maybe as a, I don’t know, finisher as some people call it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Remember there’s only one set per body part for those three. We don’t do more than one set.

Roger Snipes: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of people don’t like that idea, but I think about it this way. When you go to get a suntan, how many sets? You’re probably not too worried about this. How many sets does some white dude need to do in the sunlight to get a suntan? You don’t tan yourself in sets. Hell are you talking about? But ultimately, the fact that we have to do multiple sets to trigger any significant muscle growth is kind of symbolic that the stimulus we’re using is not great. There’s a better way. And so, when you go to fatigue with this level of variable resistance, you’re done. You can’t do anything else.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. We built upon the idea that we need to train for a certain period of time in order to get a certain amount of growth, and we’ve kind of stuck to it. It’s it takes this long. This is the amount of sets we have to do minimum, the amount of reps in order to gain strength, these amount of reps in order to burn fat. I mean, I don’t follow that BS, but it’s a very common approach by a lot of people. So for you to say that, yeah, it’s going to really rattle some cages.

Dr. John Jaquish: It does. Well, I’ve also noticed, no matter what you say, especially in fitness and in nutrition, there’s a lot of people with opinions who, they’ll do anything to say they’re right. And I suppose people just want to imagine they have all the answers, even when they profoundly don’t, it’s just something in… Here. You’ll bring this up at a cocktail party in the next week. There’s a study from, I want to say 1999. It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, but Dunning and Kruger, two researchers. And they went and studied people’s competency, their ability to perform tasks, and tested that. And then they tested their belief in their ability. And this was also cross-referenced with general intelligence.

So it turns out that the dumbest people thought they had the best competency. They thought they were the best at the task. And they were the worst. Now the people who were the best at the tasks, these are the highly intelligent people, they always underestimated themselves. They got 100% every time, but they imagine they got 90%. So the smart people know what they know, and they know what they don’t know. And that gives them hesitation. The dumb people don’t know what they don’t know. So everything is just simple to them. In their world, for stupid people, in their world, politics can be crammed right down into a meme, and that’s all we need to know. And I’m just describing the internet, right now. So the people who are the most vocal and have the strongest opinions are the ones who know the least, typically, statistically.

So, when I tell people now, “Don’t listen to internet commenters. They really don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, and they will have no hesitation to tell you that they are the greatest expert on earth and you should only listen to them, and they don’t know Jack s***.” And this is a huge problem. And now, I think especially politically, you can see it, is that the loudest people seem to determine where we’re all going, even if they’re wrong. And so the dumbest people have the strongest convictions, and they become the loudest. So now, Western society has become doomed to a leadership of the weakest and most stupid people based on how we’re getting our information from social media. It’s a travesty. And I don’t know what to do about it, but I think that this study, Dunning-Kruger, really nails so many problems in so many areas. The idea of social media was to give everybody a voice. I think we should take everybody’s voice away because they’re just dumb and wrong and they will forward incorrect information until the day they die, because they’re just driven.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Yeah. And sorry, what was this study you said? Who is the person you mentioned? I want to know that name.

Dr. John Jaquish: Dunning-Kruger.

Roger Snipes: Dunning.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s two guys. Two last names.

Roger Snipes: Oh, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Dunning and Kruger. 1999. Yeah, and it’s a hilarious study because it just tells you so much about sort of the basic thinker. And sometimes you have a debate with somebody, and are you unable to understand the science that I’m showing to you? And the truth is, yeah, they are completely unable. Yeah. So you can’t really talk to them. So when somebody comes on my page and just spreads some BS from, which is completely a false website, it’s vegan propaganda. So there’s some stuff on there that’s real. I think their rate on media bias is 50/50. Half the things they say are just totally falsified, because the whole point of the website is to make veganism look great. And of course there’s funding from Nabisco and Kellogg’s because snack food companies know that vegans aren’t eating kale, they’re eating cookies and cake.

Roger Snipes: Oh, this is interesting

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: It’s very, very, very interesting. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They know, so they want the whole world to become vegan. Yeah. But also, it also goes back to plant-based nutrition, because all sugar is plant-based. Every candy bar, it’s plants. Yeah. Kids, listen up, go have a Snickers bar and say, “Hey mom, I had my vegetables today.”

Roger Snipes: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don’t follow the vegan diet, but I like some of the recipes which they do, which are legit. It’s just, I’ll have a pea protein every once in a while or whatever, but I’m not biased to one type. I eat all different types of food. But there was something that was there where somebody asked about something, and they said, “Does this item have real honey in it, or is it fake honey?” And then someone said, “Oh, don’t worry. It’s fake honey.” And they were like, “Oh, okay then. I’ll get it. As long as it’s sugar and some fake stuff.” I was like, “Wow.” I was like, “This is incredible.”

Dr. John Jaquish: They’d rather have something artificial.

Roger Snipes: Yeah, because it just can’t come from an animal. I really wish I remembered what it was.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I get it. Okay.

Roger Snipes: You understand? Yeah. That was the viewpoint of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: No bees were harmed?

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know that bees just make honey anyway?

Roger Snipes: But we’re stealing from them, that’s stealing, that’s theft. Anyhow. I want to ask you, we’re talking about carbohydrates. Okay. So I asked something of a similar question to someone else that obviously we have essential fatty acids, we have essential amino acids, but we don’t have essential glycogen or glucose or anything. So my question is, we have an abundance of carbohydrates. Do we need it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nope. Absolutely not. Don’t need carbohydrates at all. Now, you can strategically use carbohydrates to hydrate muscle and grow muscle faster. By hydrating the muscle after training and a stretching protocol, I call it the hyperplasia protocol, you can cause hyperplasia to happen. So actual muscle cells can split, which we were told when we were kids could never happen. But they do a cadaver examination on somebody who’s a power lifter or something, and it’s like, “This guy wasn’t born with this amount of muscle cells. Clearly they came from somewhere else.” So they since have proven, in fact, Professor Jose Antonio at Florida State University, he’s the number one protein research guy in the world. But he did his PhD dissertation on the hyperplasia effect in birds. So he would stretch birds. And in one day, they’d have 120% growth in their pectoral muscles.

Roger Snipes: Okay. Yeah. Were they benching as well, or were they using the X3? How did it work?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think you’d have trouble getting a bird to use an exercise apparatus. No, he just stretched them. Now, obviously bird’s biochemistry and biomechanics are different than ours. I mean, people who do yoga don’t grow any muscle at all. So stretching is clearly not the only thing that’s required, but he did show that hyperplasia could happen. And then the suggestion there is stretching muscles after you train, while you super hydrate the muscle, so you get a pump. First, you take a vasodilator, then you work out, and you consume small amount of carbohydrates like glycogen, like glucose, sorry. Yeah. Glucose tablets. That’s what I take. Yeah. I take 10 of those before my workout, and just crazy pump, and then I stretch. Stretch for 30 seconds per body part I train that day, and definitely localized growth. You can just do it on your pectorals and don’t do it on other the muscles, you’ll just see your pectorals grow at a higher rate, so you can test it yourself.

Roger Snipes: So let me just get this straight. So a vasodilator, glucose, and a stretch.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. And training.

Roger Snipes: And training.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: Right. Okay. Okay. Would it be more efficient if you had been fasting beforehand?

Dr. John Jaquish: I always am, so yes.

Roger Snipes: I’m talking about for another person.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I mean, I encourage that, and yeah. I mean, yeah. It would be certainly more efficient because then you’re depleted, and then then the difference is, “Whoa, we’re stretching a lot of tissue here.” So a lot of it has to do, and you’ve probably heard this before. The muscle fascia is one of the limits to growth. You stretch the fascia, you create more room for cellular division. And there’s a lot of science in this. It’s 20 pages of the book is that protocol right there with all kinds of references. But yeah, I mean, it’s funny. It’s one of the advanced things I recommend, yet everyone who gets X3 and reads the book, they want to do it day one. If you want every beginner to do something, call it the advanced program, because they’re all going to go out and do it on day one.

Roger Snipes: Of course, of course. So the X3, where can people find it?

Dr. John Jaquish: and and we ship all over the world.

Roger Snipes: Mm-hmm (affirmative). And what sort of price are we looking at? Are there different sorts of prices? Are there payment plans? Is it one price?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a payment plan, $50 bucks a month for a series of months, but it’s $550 US for the actual product. It’s the most effective and cheapest home gym you’ll ever buy. Somebody who goes to build a serious home gym, they’re going to buy a power rack, which is three or $4,000. And then they’re going to buy weights, which is another $500. And also they can’t park inside anymore, they got to park on the street or whatever, they lose a garage. So it’s a home gym, a serious home gym, that’s a commitment. And it’s a lot. You’re kind of screwing up a lot of your finances, you’re screwing up a lot of space in your house, whereas X3, you get a better workout from that, and then when you’re done with it, you throw it in a drawer.

Roger Snipes: What is the weight of it?

Dr. John Jaquish: 15 pounds. 15 pounds is all the bands. The bands are heavy. So the bar is seven pounds. So the other weight is actual, just thick block latex. And then there’s a plate you stand on, so when you do a dead lift, your ankles don’t rotate inward.

Roger Snipes: Right. Okay. And it can easily be put in a suitcase and taken with you on holiday?

Dr. John Jaquish: Most of my great pictures were taken all over the world. I’m doing X3 in front of the Parthenon. I’m doing it in front of, I got a great calf picture, I’m doing my calves in front of the Sydney Opera House. I’ve taken it everywhere. Russia, mainland China, Hong Kong.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Roger Snipes: So with this, do you do much resistance training at all?

Dr. John Jaquish: You mean other than X3?

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, nothing. Nothing other-

Roger Snipes: You don’t lift any weights at all? You just use the X3?

Dr. John Jaquish: Just use the X3.

Roger Snipes: And you’re weighing 109 kilos looking like that, looking pretty stacked, and it’s all down to the X3.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: Eating one meal a day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Eating one meal a day. No. Before I kind of entered this sort of cutting phase, which I’m really trying to come up with something that’s a little more sustainable, my plan was to do dry fasting. So 20 hours dry fast, one meal a day, four doses of [/products/fortagen/]. I thought that was going to be easy for a lot of people to manage, and now that I only need 50 grams of real food protein, I thought, “I could probably throw some carbohydrates in there, and maybe people would like it more,” because when I say I don’t eat carbohydrates, people are like, “Well, I’ll never do that.” And I’m like, “Well, okay. Put that in a different sentence. I’ll never be fit.” Can you get fit eating carbohydrates? Of course. It’s just a lot harder.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Depending on the source you get it from, really.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Fructose doesn’t get used. This is another thing. Because it was before I was doing these glucose tablets, I recommended eating rice, because it’s kind of a medium metabolized carbohydrate. And people were immediately, the next day after I published the book and people had read it, people were like, “Yeah, I decided to substitute candy bars for the rice, because carbs are carbs.”

Roger Snipes: Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Real stupid.

Roger Snipes: You know what? I give up on humans sometimes. I know, what’s his name, Elon Musk is working on a plan to get people on Mars. I’m on that. I’m waiting, because I’m done with people here. Hopefully we find some aliens. I just want to meet some aliens. I’m sure that I’d probably get on with them very well.

Dr. John Jaquish: They probably won’t give a sh** about social media.

Roger Snipes: That’s for sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot smarter. I’m actually contributing to the effort, the Mars effort.

Roger Snipes: Oh, is it? Space X and all that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I just published a paper. I didn’t publish the paper, the journal did. It’s the top aerospace journal, about bone health in deep space. So for extended space exploration. So the only thing we’re talking about with extended exploration is Mars. So yeah. And so, they did some work with Osteostrong, my first invention, the bone density thing, because we got to keep bone functioning right. Without gravity, bone just dissolves.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Yeah. I’ve always wondered how those guys keep in shape. I know there’s different sorts of exercises, but it’s hard enough working with gravity, let alone without.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: And you have to be committed to make sure that you do do it, I guess.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They’re smart people. Most astronauts are MD, PhDs. They’re really, really good. So they know they have to work out, otherwise they’ll fall apart. So you don’t have to worry about an astronaut putting it off. But like you said, the zero gravity environment is just a b****.

Roger Snipes: Look, John. I mean, I think I’ve covered a lot here. Is there anything else you’d like to add with regards to X3 or Osteostrong?

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re getting all kinds of people involved with X3 now. Our target market is really busy professionals, because busy professionals, they tried weightlifting at some point their life and it really didn’t work well for them. And one of my arguments is that fitness is the most failed human endeavor. Everybody with a six pack, I mean, a really great one, you could probably put everybody in the world who really has a great looking physique on one school bus. I mean, there’s just not that many fit people. That’s why it’s special. How many photos have you taken that have ended up thousands of places with your abs in them? A lot.

And this is the end of the book. I talk about the biggest genetic differences. There’s a mutation that you, no doubt, have, and guys who put on strength pretty easily, have. You have a different tendon insertion map in your body. And what happens is, most people, their insertion for their pectoral is right here. So to pull the arm towards the body, they’ve got that much tendon, right? Well, guys like Mike Tyson don’t have it here. It’s over here. So they’ve got a longer lever arm. So every time they contract their pictorial, they have a mechanical advantage. They have a lever on it. And so this is the biggest genetic difference.

And I also explored hormonal differences. We really don’t have big hormonal differences. There’s only one person who’s not been allowed to participate in sports because she had too high a testosterone levels. There’s never been a man who had a natural level that was too high. Really kind of similar. Now, we can screw up our testosterone with injuries or poisoning ourselves with alcohol or whatever. I mean, that’s not doing your testosterone any favors, but basically, there’s not a lot of variability there. The variability is in the mechanical advantages that we have when we lift.

So, I work with 17 different NFL players, so American football. So, very people strong. Some of the strongest guys in the world are in the NFL. Strong men always like to argue with me about that. And I’m like, “Right. So you’re saying you could have played in the NFL? You’d rather just make $500 at a small strength show than to be paid millions of dollars?”

Dr. John Jaquish: So what you’re looking at is natural athletes that are that big in that lean. And I love these guys because anybody wants to know where they can really be naturally, look at an NFL player. But most of them have that mutation where they have mechanical advantages and there’s great research on it, which was never publicized probably because there’s not a lot you can do about it until now. So X3 takes mechanical advantages or disadvantages and nullifies them because we’re looking at the strength curve, we’re going way out of the problem. And so now everybody can grow like that. Not just the select few who were gifted with that mutation.

Roger Snipes: That’s brilliant. I mean, you kind of covered that earlier on when you was talking about the lady that she pushed like seven times her weight or something. I just thought, yeah, just from that alone.

Dr. John Jaquish: And she’s like a little old lady, never worked out, she just did Osteostrong for six months and it’s like, people like who were weightlifters are like, I can’t even do that. And it’s like, well, yeah, but she’s pushing it about that far. But the point is we have an opportunity in our own biomechanics to deliver massive forces to the body. We just don’t take advantage of it. Wait, don’t take advantage of it. This is why I called the book Weightlifting is a Waste of Time.

Roger Snipes: And is your book available on Amazon?tag=jaquish-website-20

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: Cool. Do you have audio version? You do. Do you, are you the narrator or someone else?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. So I should have been the narrator.

Roger Snipes: I hear you.

Dr. John Jaquish: I got a couple of medical words. Like you had to redo some stuff and finally it was just like, alright this is good enough.

Roger Snipes: I hear you.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know? Well, he was a British guy, so it’s either skeletal or skeletal.

Roger Snipes: Ahahaha skeletal.

Dr. John Jaquish: But sometimes he would say some s*** that I was like, I don’t even know what that is. I felt sorry for the guy. Like he wasn’t like normally reading medical stuff and it’s not a medical book, but it has the right terms. And it like, I’m always against over-simplification, oversimplification is another word for wrong.

Roger Snipes: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Otherwise it’s just incorrect.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Yeah. I guess it depends on how you oversimplify it, really. Sometimes if you can put it in a form of a story, then people can understand it a bit better. You know, where it’s more relatable. Sometimes I’ll think of stuff and I’ll think of so much detail I know about it, but I think people will be bored. They’ll get switched off. It doesn’t make sense to me putting it that way. So I make it more relatable to people who don’t even really lift that often. You know, they just, a lot of people just want instructions. Okay. Well, what do I do with this? Just to tell him don’t I don’t need to know science, maybe a tad just to know it’s legit, but what do I do? You know? And then, and then they take it from there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, me is when they have that attitude, if they don’t understand the underlying principles and they have a question, then they’ll probably go out and find the wrong answer and apply that. We understand the underlying principles. Well, what about your antioxidants? I’m not oxidizing. Well, when I need an antioxidant for? And like, it’s typically just other researchers and physicians that look at me and they’re like, I get it. Just think. Yeah. And they’ll know the worst thing they’ll say after that, is this a really interesting philosophy and you know, I hope you end up being okay. Well, if you join the Carnivore Tribe on Facebook, there’s like a couple hundred thousand people, I think maybe 200,000, maybe it’s 150 I don’t know. People who are running the same experiment as I am. Just me does all reading. And they’re all healthy. And the people that used to have gout don’t have gout anymore. The people who had a lot of different chronic conditions, obviously the diabetics are doing great.

I mean, you take sugar out of the diet. And also like the carbohydrate addiction problem that people have. Now, you and I have self-control and most people have self-control of an unsupervised child. If there’s a cake in front of them, they won’t, they’ll say they’re going to have a bite and they’ll only the entire cake. So this is self-control, it’s a huge problem. But people need to understand that these carbohydrate-based foods are engineered to be addictive. Like people are like, well, why don’t you ever have a cheat day? I’m like, I don’t know, alcoholics don’t get a cheat day. Do they? They were like, well, no. Well, I mean, if carbohydrates are addictive, and we know they are, and we know insulin sensitivity is a real thing. Like why would you do it? Why would you put yourself through the struggle?

Now I have only 40 grams of glucose right before my workout. And then I put that glucose to work. So am I having an insulin event? Yes. It’s a tiny insulin event. Also, people are very mistaken about insulin events. You have an insulin event where you take a sip of water, you have an insulin event when you smell food. So when you walk by the pizza place, guess what? Just by smelling the pizza, you get an insulin event, it’s just not a big one. So you don’t need to worry about it. It’s the big insulin events, like when you eat a chocolate cake or have a candy bar or whatever the temptation is.

Roger Snipes: That’s interesting. That is interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Now where in the UK are you?

Roger Snipes: I’m in Essex, just outside of London, not too far from London, about 20 minutes drive.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. And you have a tube stop? I think you do.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Epping.

Dr. John Jaquish: Epping, right.

Roger Snipes: Epping forest. You were talking about Stratford earlier. It probably takes about 26 minutes from Epping to get to Stratford to see what’s filled.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I had an office over by the other Westfield. Okay. Yeah. Like Shepherd’s Bush kind of area. yeah. I had that for a couple of years.

Roger Snipes: Was it one of those osteostrength type places or something to do with osteo?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. It was right before that started, it was another company where I was developing the bone density technology and also was working with whole-body vibration.

Roger Snipes: What was that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Whole body vibration. So the company Power Plate?

Roger Snipes: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Power Plate. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I used to be one of the owners of Power Plate.

Roger Snipes: Okay. Ah, now there are so many different versions.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are a lot of different versions, but Power Plate is a great company. The problem is the benefit it provides doesn’t necessarily line up so well with the cost of the technology. And so, and unfortunately, they came up with some less expensive versions of it. Cause it used to be like $10,000 for a vibrational platform. Like the ones you see, like David Lloyd gyms, which are all through London, they have Power Plates, but those are some expensive gyms. So now like vibration also it was oversold. It was sold like a cure, all kinds of stuff. And it didn’t do any of that. Like not at all. Like it has a strong influence over growth hormone because it gives you instability firing. So my company, I developed another vibration product, which is weight sensitive.

And it fits the top of the X3 plate on it. So you can do your workout under vibration. And because it calls for more stabilization firing, you get a greater effect of growth hormone. The only meta-analysis I’ve ever done at, hopefully, I ever do cause those suck and those who don’t know what a meta-analysis is, it’s like all the research on one subject condensed into one study where you weigh all the different studies and score them against each other. So huge statistics exercise, pain in the ass. But it is the highest level of medical information. So if you have a meta-analysis on a certain topic, you’re closer, you’re never there with science, but you’re closer to a definitive answer. So I did a meta-analysis on stabilization firing and the effect on growth hormone, the up regulation of growth hormone.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

And so that was to look at what whole body vibration could do to influence growth hormone levels. And it does, it sends them very high, but also influences flexibility, general range of motion. You can stretch on one of those things. It’s a dynamic stretch, not a static stretch. It doesn’t have the same neural inhibitory properties that a static stretch you would do before a workout or you shouldn’t do before a workout. You know what I mean? Like I still see people stretching to gyms all the time and then they go for a walk right into the weight room and I’m like, no, I’m sure if I go tell that guy, he’ll think I’m the asshole.

Roger Snipes: Yeah of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: All I can do is let him get hurt. Whatever should have been following me on Instagram.

Roger Snipes: What are your thoughts on EMS, electrical muscle stimulation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Like tens devices? Yeah.

Roger Snipes: Tens are more like pain relief. Isn’t it like …

Dr. John Jaquish: Bigger tens devices. They’ve meant to fire, the muscle, there’s more amperage. The electrical current is bigger. There have been some studies that show some cellular damage from these things. Cause it’s not like it’s not your central nervous system calling for that muscle fire. It’s an external stimulus. And what we’ve seen is rapid cellular aging with those. So the muscle cells age, they look like they belong to an older person.

Roger Snipes: Oh really?

Dr. John Jaquish: He is. Yeah.

Roger Snipes: Do you know where that sort of study was found?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. I can dig it up.

Roger Snipes: I’d love you to send that to me. I do have an EMS device in my house, which I use on my abs. I’ve used some on and off for several years since I was in my late teens. And then, then again, around the mid-twenties and I’ve recently had a belt again, not like for like crazy continuous period. Like maybe once every couple of weeks or something like that and maybe a lot for a couple of months. Yeah. So yeah. Any studies on that would be great, And I’ll put it in the notes as well, but I would like to know for myself,

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll get ahold of that. Yeah. Like I think the conclusion was all they could find was the agent was what they determined to be cellular aging. But that also might be if they had maybe some kind of incorrect current.

Roger Snipes: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because not all electricity is equal. I mean, just as an example, you ever like make the mistake of buying like an iPhone charger, like a gas station, like a petrol station.

Roger Snipes: Oh yeah. Well, I’ve got a cable or something. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, the cables are okay. But are you buying the actual box? The charger is not like an approved apple product. It’ll ruin your phone. That’s what’s called dirty power, which is not consistent voltage by your phone. And so it’ll screw up the phone and it’ll destroy the life of the battery. So it just ends up running out of battery, like right away. So it’s like you save a dollar or two buying the cheaper charger and then you’re charging ruins your $1,200 phone. So not all electrical current is equal. So there might be some products in this category that were bad at some point. I also remember reading this study maybe 15 years ago, I have a photographic memory. So like, I remember a few sentences out of that study, but I know I haven’t seen it in 15 years.

Roger Snipes: Hopefully things have improved since.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Roger Snipes: But yeah. Any information on that, any updates on that’d be great. Sending the agent. Cause I know a few, biohackers that, talk about it quite a lot. You know, I think the most known one is Ben Greenfield probably know him?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I’ve been on his show twice.

Roger Snipes: Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s great. Yeah. He’s a big X3 fan and he put it in his book.

Roger Snipes: Oh, right. Okay. Okay. I need to get …

Dr. John Jaquish: His 600-page book. It’s like why man? You could have done two

Roger Snipes: Yeah

Roger Snipes: And that was short shortened. Wasn’t it? I think it was more.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was more with the references so he made the references available online, which makes it very difficult to look up. But you know, whatever. He did the work he wrote it. I talked to him a couple of times while he was writing it and I was like, wow. Like, well, I know, I mean, when I wrote this last book and when I wrote the other two books I’ve written like I’m a pain in the ass when I’m writing.

Roger Snipes: What were the other two, which he wrote?

Dr. John Jaquish: One’s called Unbreakable and the other one is Tony Robbins did the forward to that because he’s involved in Osteostrong and then, and then the first one was osteogenic loading, Osteogenic loading.

Roger Snipes: Osteogenic loading?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, loading to create bone. That book is as exciting as the title. Don’t read that. Oh, funny thing, at the University of East London, I was in their medical library and I saw like six copies of my book there. I was like, awesome, look at that! At a library.

Roger Snipes: Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I think it’s because the principal investigator, brilliant guys, he was Basil Hunt he’s a professor there. And so I think had a lot to do with the university’s involvement, but I just thought it was so cool. And I just happened to be walking through a library and I’m like, that’s six copies of my book.

Roger Snipes: That’s cool, man. That’s got to feel good.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I even open it up and people checked it out. No one’s ever checked any of them out.

Roger Snipes: Oh, come on.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh dude. That is a boring book, don’t ever read. Like it’s basically like an adaptation of my Ph.D. dissertation. I mean I had the writing and was just like, I wanted to write a more academically focused book. It was sort of like to establish credibility and it did, it worked well. A lot of physicians read it and were like, wow, like this is, this is fresh thinking on the subject. Like I like it. But as we’ve been discussing, people like one sentence of science, this is like enough to turn somebody off.

Roger Snipes: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then look at how the world has been jerked around over the last year over science. Like we’re making all these decisions with science and then you look at what they’re doing and you’re like, okay, show me the study. Oh, there’s no study. So not science. Yeah. The decisions were made for political reasons. Not for science at all, but you know, yeah. It’s the world we live in.

Roger Snipes: I see. Yeah. That’s a subject for another day. That’s that’s a whole ’nother podcast right there.

Dr. John Jaquish: I have done this where I have sort of accidentally turned a podcast about health into talking about geopolitics, not specifically like pandemics or anything like that. But yeah, we live in a weird time where there are people in power who believe that people need to be manipulated. And I’m not exactly sure why because I’m not exactly sure of what their upside is.

Like why don’t we just like right now we’re worried about, and your country, my country, we’re worried about nonsensical stuff. Like the stuff that shows up on the news is not a problem. What about jobs? Like those aren’t doing so great. Like, are we talking about that? Is it something anyone cares about? Because last I checked that’s who earns the money.

So the government can then take it away in form of taxes and then pay for firefighters and police officers and roads and street lights and clean water, s*** that everyone needs. Like, we’re just forgetting about that. We’re going to go into debt for that, that’s not going to last very long.

So yeah. So unfortunately I didn’t hijack your podcast to make all my crazy political statements, which are non-partisan people ask me all the time, what are your politics? And I’m like, I think transgender couples should be able to defend their marijuana farms with fully automatic weapons.

Roger Snipes: So say that again.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think transgender couples want to do that. Okay, good for you. Transgender couples should be able to defend their marijuana farms. You want people were smoking weed, then you should be selling it. That’s capitalism. I think they should defend them with fully automatic weapons because people steal that s***.

Like my point is all over the place. I’m not like a conservative. I’m not like a liberal. I just think about these things independently as we all should. And right now, it’s like, that’s not allowed. Like you have to agree with the people who are in power or you’re like in trouble. How was that democracy? So you see how easy it is for me to hijack this s***. Sorry, autopilot for me.

Roger Snipes: We could talk about it maybe on a live somewhere or something like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, we can do, we can do that regularly. It’d be better than Jimmy Savile Show.

Roger Snipes: Yeah, it would be wouldn’t it.

Dr. John Jaquish: The good news is now you can compare anything to Jimmy Savile’s show and everyone will be like, oh, that’d be much better than that. I was there when all that s*** went down and like the BBC had covered for it. And I was just blown away.

Like I’m asking everybody, I was in Northern England at the time. And I’m asking everyone, is this like a big national tragedy? And people would be like, yes. And I’m like, well, why doesn’t England want to talk about it? And they’re like, well, because we don’t want to talk about it. We don’t want to think about our people doing that. And I was like, interesting because Americans love throwing Americans under the bus.

Roger Snipes: Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: English people, they don’t do that.

Roger Snipes: Different parts. Yeah. You know, like all that stuff about the Royal family. There were many discussions on that in the papers, magazines, and stuff. I don’t know. I think we kind of like it here as well. A part of it. We love a bit of just drama.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Yeah. I mean, this was also years and years ago when we were little kids. Like the fact that Prince Charles was cheating on his wife. I mean, from a PR perspective, it gave the Royal family so much attention and they thrive on

They’re not after the money that’s given to them, say gift, but like their relevance in parliament, unless there’s some sort of veto power that they have that has never been published. Like their voice in parliament is just a voice it’s not a vote. Yeah. But their voice in parliament counts, the more people are talking about the Royal family. So they should have more scandals. You know, more people quit the Royal family and walk away in disgust.

Roger Snipes: That’s headlines right there. Do you know? Harry’s like, do you know what I quit? The last time I heard of that was in Coming to America where Eddie Murphy.

Dr. John Jaquish: God that movie was perfect. I never saw the sequel. Did you?

Roger Snipes: I did. I did. It depends. If, if you’re, if you’re one to think, do you know what, that movie, it’s a classic. They shouldn’t have done the next one. Then you might not want to watch it. But if you watch it as a standalone movie, unbiased, no comparison, you might enjoy it. You’re not going to the cinema, you could watch it on the TV, a couple of mates. And I thought it was good. I enjoyed it. I thought you know what? Yeah, cool job. I was happy to see some of the cast come back together and I don’t know, just show us where they are now. Like, thank you. Let’s bring it, bring some closure to it now. Thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: It. Well, reasonably coming to America was one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen. So yeah, like just own the fake McDonald’s place. Like just everything about that was just crazy. I was never more excited about it. I think that in Beverly Hills cops were like Eddie Murphy’s best. And he was my favorite comedian when I was a kid by far. I mean that’s an amazing guy.

Roger Snipes: He’s loved by pretty much all the comedians. He’s like the goat, as they call it you know? Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s also a nice guy. Like he didn’t rattle anybody’s case. Like there are smarter people in the comedy industry that don’t work well with people. It’s just kind of crazy for a comedian, you think you’d have to be able to like tap into somebody who’s like soul to get them to laugh like consistently as they do, but some of them just don’t like people

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Roger Snipes: That’s so weird, but it’s been great, man. It’s been great. Let’s catch up again.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? Yeah. We’ll be talking online.

Roger Snipes: Yeah, for sure. John, it’s been an absolute pleasure has. Thank you. And I’ll speak to you real soon. Thanks for calling.

Thank you for tuning into today’s episode. Any guests which I have on the show provide some golden nuggets and useful life-changing tips. So always feel free to check out their social media platforms or website links, which will be written in the show notes.

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