By Richardlistens on October 19, 2020

Wasting Time Weightlifting with Dr. John Jaquish

Wasting Time Weightlifting with Dr. John Jaquish

The inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful/fracture-resistant athletes, John is now, partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment.

In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weightlifting, which brought him to his second invention, X3 Bar resistance band bar system.

The research indicates that this product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting, and does so in less training time, all with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore University, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, has been featured on many to the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals, and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

Full Transcript

Dr. Richard: Hey everybody and thank you for joining me. Today, we will be joined by a pioneer in the field of weightlifting and fitness nutrition, Dr John Jaquish is our guest today, and he is founder of the X3 Bar resistance band training system, which I’ve been trying myself this last month and been having a great time getting efficient results in short periods of time. He’s also the author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste Of Time, and so he will boggle your brain in terms of what works, what he’s found and why he was moved to come up and create this product that brings elasticity and bends into your home, for the best optimal results.

Dr. Richard: Dr John Jaquish is the inventor of an effective bone density-building medical device, which is reversed Osteoporosis for thousands, and he’s created more powerful fracture resistant. He’s partnered with Tony Robins for OsteoStrong. In the process of his medical research, he’s also quantified the variants between power capacities for weak to strong ranges in weightlift, which brought him to his second invention, X3 Bar. So, first, he had OsteoStrong and then X3 Bar variable resistance training system.

Dr. Richard: The research that is presenting, claims to indicate that his product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting, and does so in less training time and with lower risk of injury. Dr Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore University. He speaks at scientific conferences all over the world and he’s been featured on many of the top health podcasts. He’s and editor of multiple medical journals, and he’s a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

Dr. Richard: Thank you all for tuning in and supporting us and being with us today. I’m excited to bring to you Dr John Jaquish. He’s gong to tell us today a little bit about how he’s come to write his book Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time and the X3 system, which I’ve been trying out the last two weeks. I won’t show off my biceps, but I’m feeling pretty good.

Dr. Richard: Welcome to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Dr. Richard: Thank you. So, we caught you … It is the headquarters right there?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s our logo.

Dr. Richard: Where are you guys based out of?

Dr. John Jaquish: California.

Dr. Richard: Right on. Yeah. Certainly, I was introduced. We get to a certain age, we want to avoid getting injured, we want to learn how to be healthier as well as stronger. What prompted you to come to the this place of creating a revolution and writing this book?

Dr. John Jaquish: What prompted me? Mostly, that most people just didn’t know what to do with it. So, this was a little over 10 years ago. Developed a medical device that reverses osteoporosis faster than any drug that’s ever been trialed and there’s no side effect. And osteoporosis, for those who don’t know, is a bone dysfunction that causes brittle bones. It actually ends as many lives as breast cancer.

Dr. Richard: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible heal and I really addressed it to a profound degree with the device, but what the device did was load the musculoskeletal assist.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, this is my hammer as bone, putting axial load this way. And load on the bone, was the way to stimulate the bone, to pull in minerals and add in density, but it needed to be at the appropriate levels for, and when I realized what the appropriate levels of force, where it was like way beyond, what humans ever absorb during exercise. So, for almost all the population, weight training will do nothing.

Dr. Richard: Now, did you come to this through your own lifting? Did you come for your own scientific training? Like where was the kind of flashbulbs or the questions were coming off?

Dr. John Jaquish: These were discoveries are made years ago. As I was putting stuff together to have a better understanding. I did this whole thing to treat my mother’s osteoporosis. I was really doing it, for her, but at the same time, “Wow! This works.” This could be like, like a world changing technology and it ended up being that. And so, when I was going through this process with OsteoStrong, I should say with the OsteoStrong device, because OsteoStrong is a franchise model, franchise clinics.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m the science. So I licensed my patents to OsteoStrong, developed it, licensed it, and then I’m still had a scientific board and I answered the scientific questions. When physicians have questions, especially specific ones having to do with a very specific patient population. I give them the information they need through the experiments we ran with the device. But I really don’t talk about much that’s not in published clinical literature. And I’m kind of a pain in the … If it’s not proven, I’m not going to talk about.

Dr. John Jaquish: I really don’t even like to say like, “Well, in theory, maybe this is happening, or maybe that’s happening,” because I don’t want people to fall in love with me. Maybe navies are stupid. Maybes are where we got, lies like cardio’s good for weight loss. No, it’s not. Or you need carbs. No, you don’t ever need carbs ever. And coincidentally carbs are not macronutrient. I get so much hatred for that statement.

Dr. Richard: It inaudible but crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just from idiots who like twinkies, and think like getting bigger. I’m bulking up with my twinkie. No, yeah. You’re bulking up your gut. And I went through the whole exercise with nutrition. I’ll get to that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what ended up happening was my observations. I made developing the medical device. I realized that when we emulated, high-impact four, we got to a level of force in the body that is never seen with a wage. I had de-conditioned, elderly women putting six, seven, eight pounds to their head. Like not effortless. It was hard, but there wasn’t any real risk. Nobody felt any pain, actually said it was comfortable and invigorates, just exposing the musculoskeletal system in that one place where you would absorb high-impact force, same as true in the upper extremities, same as true in the spine and in the car.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, after making these observations, I thought, “Wow, we’re capable of so much.” Yet we use so little because when we live, we choose what way we’re able to use in the weaker range of modes. So-

Dr. Richard: We kind of get comfortable there, or-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it would be like designing an automobile and saying, “Okay, we need to be able to go five miles an hour. So we don’t stall. So we’ll make that the maximum speed also.” So, cars only go five miles an hour, like see how stupid that is. Well, if you can handle seven times the amount of weight when you’re almost a full extension, then you can at the bottom, well, then you’re just wasting your time, and you’re not stimulating anything. And probably injuring joints.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of the injuries are chronic, from chronic overloading of joints. And then we under-load the muscle, the way training. I was just like came to the conclusion, when we were wrapping up one of the studies that was done and it was done at a hospital in London. And so, I was sitting with all the physicians who ran the study, and the principal investigator. And they were talking about, it’s just unbelievable how much force the human body’s capable of. And they asked me like, “What’s the comparison to the force that we’re using here. The force that is used in typical gym.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And I had been asking myself that question. And so, I was like, “Well, it’s like seven times greater.” And then I said, it kind of explains why so many people work out and don’t really get anything. You see millions of people go to the gym, you can walk into a gym and you see a bunch of people there. And then you go next door to the pizza parlor, and people don’t really look a lot different. I put round the back of the book, who’s really fit. Is it one, 100th of the 1% of people that exercise, are actually like impressive. So why are we? Defense industry is probably the most failed human endeavor. People are fatter and sicker than ever with the nutrition and ineffective exercise.

Dr. John Jaquish: So why do we have to be closed minded about it? Why is weightlifting the way? It’s not. After coming to this conclusion and I first thought I’ll write a book and not develop a product necessarily about changing the resistance as you move. And then I realized so much resistance was required. That if I were to recommend people like, just do pushups with like a band around your back. By the time you get heavy enough to actually do anything to the body, you break your wrist. Or we could probably smarter to realize the neural inhibitory process and sense pain and go, “Okay, I’m not going to do that,” because your wrists are twisting outward, which is not a way they’re meant to go.

Dr. John Jaquish: And same with the ankles, but lateral force and one ankle ask anybody who’s played in the NFL, does the ankle joint like lateral forward? So, I knew I needed to develop something. So I was like, “Aah, I’m not going to write a book. I guess I’ll develop a product.” And that’s where X3 portable gym really came from. And then there was such a demand for scientific information, mostly because I did not target a fitness population. Because as I was told at first I went and tried to license the X3 Bar resistance band bar system concept to different fitness manufacturers. And they also the same thing.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish: A scientific message to the fitness community. APA reference in text, they won’t get it. It’ll be like, “This is a lot, I don’t know what I mean.” Yeah, and boy were they right. Is that first few tests market things I did were aimed more at the fitness industry, and the lack of ability to understand-

Dr. Richard: Where do you think that comes from, is it just that people believe what they’ve always been taught? Or are they find one thing that’s worked for them, and they want to make it for everybody?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think people are just profoundly not innovative, not creative. There’s a couple of things going on. It’s very comforting to think you have all the answers, look at people talking about politics online.

Dr. Richard: I try not to these days.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, I mean on both sides-

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I see-

Dr. Richard: You feel better when you think you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And also you get a lot of attention when you pretend like you’re an expert, and no one really calls you out on the internet, or you say something stupid, you can just delete your comment later. And it’s like, it never happened. So people can go around and be the biggest … It’s almost like just a little looking at children, a baby. So I’m right, I’m going to punch everybody who says I’m wrong.

Dr. Richard: That’s right. Well, we all have a little bit of that in us at times, right. We don’t want to be challenged. We don’t want to think deeper. We don’t want to really get the science or proof, that would make us really work, or question.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the shame of it is being challenged, is the only way to get better. When somebody comes up to me and goes, “What about this?” They bring up like a reference I’m not familiar with. I don’t read the paper. And then I’ll explain usually, why they misread the paper, how the miss read the paper, or maybe it’s an interesting point. Maybe other people would have this question. I’m going to do a video on this and that and address the possibilities that this could mean. Not everybody who sends me question is, completely wrong, only most people.

Dr. John Jaquish: But, and I think also the biggest issue. And for some reason, I think Jordan Peterson mentioned frequently that 12% of the world’s population is only smart enough to mop the floor. And then if you compare what he says with one of my favorite studies of all time, it’s not even a physical medicine study, done in Kruger in 1996. It shows that highly intelligent and competent people undervalue their competence.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, they may be performing close to 100% competency, but they believe that may maybe in 90 or 95, because they have some doubt. They know what they know, and they know what they don’t know. So, they’re much more accurate, which is why, these are the people who check references. However, the least competent, the 12% that Jordan Peterson talks about, they believe that they are always at 100% competency, which is why the military will not take the bottom 12% of intelligence, because these are the people who will shoot their fellow soldiers in the back by accident. Because they forget to unload their weapon. Or drive a Jeeps through a crowd of people, because they were texting.

Dr. John Jaquish: These people are realest and they’re dangerous, which is why they’re only allowed to mop the floor. And I think that is really what we see the most of online kind of behavior. It’s those people who post the most, and which is why, when you spend an hour reading Facebook comments, you’re like, “God, did I just get dumber?” And this is like the worse use of my time.

Dr. Richard: How did you inspire them to take science and to bring it into the fitness realm?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a great question, it’s really more of a business class. I decided to go around the unintelligent people and target busy profession. So, people who actually care about their time, they’re probably smarter because somebody wants them around. The bottom 12% they’re not wanted, they got plenty of time to be online, which smarter people don’t.

Dr. Richard: And I know that you’ve been on some of the other podcasts that focus on bio-hacking, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah-

Dr. Richard: They want efficiency, they want results. They want to know how to get their body and mind to operate in unison.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, how I perform at a higher level.

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they’re not interested in things like going to the gym, and seeing how hard they can throw the weights against the ground to make a big noise so everybody looks right. Because that’s the gym. Apparently, since as I developed my X3 Bar exercise band bar system prototype, I kind of forgot what the gym was like. And walked into a few years later, and I was just like, “Oh yeah, now I remember.” People are just hard of inaudible culture, that is just so shameful.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was really invigorated by seeing those people, because I realized the majority of the people, who are busy professionals, the gym culture is not the majority of people. In a much bigger market, but it’s a market with smarter people in it who are actually willing to learn. And so when I give them a couple of paragraphs of science, they read it and they go, “This makes absolute sense.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Anyone who’s done a pushup knows that when your arms are almost extended, it’s a very easy movement. When your nose is almost touching the ground, it’s a very hard movement, right. So it’s like, “That’s all I’m saying.” I’m just saying the obvious. And the product embraces the obvious. And it’s the first of its kind. And it’ll probably be the only, it was kind. Because I patented the hell out. I think there’s over 600 patents on X3 Bar resistance band bar system, anywhere that does any sort of similar, we inaudible.

Dr. Richard: I was just curious, I haven’t read the book yet, or haven’t gotten to see the X3 Bar resistance band training system yet, although I’m sure they’re going to start Googling it while they’re listening to the podcast. That the idea being that part of your repetition is that the range where you in complete fatigue, the end-

Dr. John Jaquish: Diminishing range.

Dr. Richard: Diminishing range. So, how do you get people to discover that or go into that range when they normally shy away from it. They’re used to lifting and then it gets a little tiring. They inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: The device, encourages you to feed in that range because the weight goes down and doesn’t hurt joints. When you have no pain, and you do an exercise, it’s amazing how great you feel and do. And so, once that pain is just gone, they immediately start using that range of motion. Some of them don’t bother to like watch the videos that show them. They don’t take the like minute and 30 seconds to learn what to do. But when they do that, they realize that the movements start out going almost full range. So, you don’t walk out, and there’s a whole set of reasons for that.

Dr. Richard: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: But you want to basically get your body to disregard some of your muscle mass and like it’s not, and you can do that with hypoxia. And this is the blood flow restriction bands do the same thing, but your own physiology actually does it better.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s no reason for blood flow. The problem with regular weight training is you can’t do that with weight training, because once you’ve reached sort of the stronger range of motion, or gotten you in near stronger range of motion, the muscles, really not that activated. It’s only activated when the stress is higher.

Dr. John Jaquish: And because you’re using a static way, you have a performance curve, you have a curve what a movement can deliver, in a sense of real weight. When you’re lifting regular static weights, muscles hardly in at all. When you’re, “Oh, no,” there’s some exceptions to that, like quad extensions. But of course, because that movement is so similar to what the lower extremities actually do.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t really grow. So yeah. You can get a lot of blood to move, like trying to get a pan. It’s okay, you can have a stimulus. If you don’t get a tan from two candles lighting, five more is not going to help. So, you got a lot of fitness solutions or it’s like, “Oh, this exercise doesn’t do anything. So let’s do 10 sets in a set of two.” Okay, because that’ll be different. So

Dr. Richard: What was some of the science that led you to creating these totally resistant bands, and of different strength that people would be able to experience diminishing range and different concepts for they’d be able to get more of a workout in less time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, interesting saving time it had nothing to do with my objective. Not a thing. It just turns out that you really only need one set. How many sets do you do in the sunlight to get a tan? How many sets do you have to do? How many times do you have to run in and out? And let your skin rest between your next set to get your skin to tan? And people were like, “What the hell are you talking about?” Why do you do multiple sets? Because the stimulus is garbage when you left, because it’s weak. That’s why you do more than one set.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you actually fatigue the muscle completely, you only have to do one. You just can’t do inaudible. It’s not possible because of the variance in your output capacity. So, when you have the proper. And I said you asked the right question, which is developing bands that were way more powerful than the standard Walmart. And the standard Walmart exercise band is like anywhere from five to 20 pounds, maybe there’s a 40 pounds.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then this super heavy, it was like 40 pounds. Working out with 40 pounds is nothing to me for like yeah. I’m not sure like to crap, right. So-

Dr. Richard: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you don’t judge variable resistance as a concept based on the application of variable resistance with irrelevant force. You can’t do that. I mean, some people have tried and said, “I could pull on a piece of surgical tubing for 10 hours. It’s not going to do anything.” And I’m like, “Did you watch the video?” Because in my chest press, I exceed 540 pounds. That’s not a surgical tape.

Dr. Richard: How did you measure that?

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a lot of really sophisticated measurement equipment, which came with my research and development of the Osteostrong devices. Experimented with a lot of materials, durometers and different polymers. How dense does a polymer have to be to give us the right strength curve, or closest to the right strength curve.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just the body is so much more powerful than we think. You want to say my chest, press it at peak force when I almost an extension, because you don’t go to full extension, but I’m almost an extension. I’m at 540 pounds and people are like, “Well, that’s your one rep maximum right?” And I’m like, “Well, two things, one rep max one was, are idiotic to accent, weight and happen.” You never do them. And by the way, pro athletes never do them. There’s like a myth out there that like every day, everyone in the NFL is doing a one RM.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You’re paying millions of dollars to catch a ball and run with it. And you’re going to risk in joints by doing a one RM? No they do not, ever.

Dr. Richard: It looks like a combine thing, right? To show your worth.

Dr. John Jaquish: But they don’t do one RM. How many times can you bench a nominal way? 225, which to a guy in the NFL is like nothing, which is why they’re up at like 30, 40 repetition. Might as well be a pushup.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I think for a while they were doing 350 for some of the lineman, because it became so ridiculous. They were going to sell higher up at 225. But I think they got rid of that. I work with well, different NFL players-

Dr. Richard: I was going to say, how’s the success rate been and getting some professional athletes and inaudible-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh incredible. You can’t pick any fitness company. That’s working with 50 athletes who give their endorsement for free. They don’t understand the science. And they’re like, “Well, you could have made all this stuff up.” And they’re not trolls, they’re actually just skeptical. And maybe you give them a study and they’re like, “What is this, this spaghetti on a page? I have no idea.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And I don’t blame them, because you actually have to be trained. But the two of you know whether you did it, when you absorb research, you can’t just hand that to other people. I need physician, that cannot explain what statistical significance, does that worry you?

Dr. Richard: Well, we know psychology that, when pharmaceutical come the DSM, the diagnostic statistical manual, who’s behind the authorship of those books. It’s the pharmaceutical companies where people are employed. So the way we create diagnosis and symptoms-

Dr. John Jaquish: I use the Spearman road, which will take a day to set, and another data set and measure the congruency. How similar these two data sets are. Most of the physicians that read, it were like, “Wow, I’ve never heard of this statistical test.” And I’m like, “It’s super standard.” And they just looked at me like, “Well, where’s just a regular P-value.” Now I did have a regular P-value, but I was like, all of a sudden realized, they actually don’t know what a P-value is. And that’s terrible, because that’s the one metric they’re supposed to really go, “Okay. This compared to this sample size…”

Dr. John Jaquish: I gave a lecture where they’re in clinical practice. They’re like, “P-value, it’s less than five then that’s good, when it’s over five minutes, not good.” Okay. Well, there’s a bigger story there. Because, either you have a P-value lower than five, and your sample size was 20, versus a study where your sample size is 2000, and you have the same P-value, which is the stronger study?

Dr. John Jaquish: Most of them would say the larger sample size. And I’m like absolutely wrong. The smaller sample size, because you have to have a bigger difference, to create significance in the distance between the data. If you pulled that off with 20 people, then your intervention is really powerful. If you did it with let’s go pharmaceutical number 20,000 people, there could be almost no difference, just a tiny bit. And that would be statistically significant, because of the size of the sample, which is why.

Dr. Richard: And for our listeners, you use Spearman one is a different sample sizes, inaudible?

Dr. John Jaquish: Different samples. And you want to see instead of an analysis of variance, which is a more standard way to get a P-value, because how variable is this data? Is it just scattered all over the place? Or is it one data set kind of bunched together with their data samples and another, versus where the Spearman relevance it’s like, okay, we have an intervention, and then we have another intervention. And how are those similar, or are they completely disagree?

Dr. John Jaquish: And that was what I wanted to show was either similarity or dissimilar between two different data. It was like, they didn’t even know what.

Dr. Richard: Have you been able to compare the X3 Bar portable home gym versus like weightlifting or different types of nutritional practices?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, what I want to do, if I’m doing it, I want to be like, this is what people found. And this is what happened when they took a DEXA scan, and then use X3 Bar fitness band bar system for six months, he another DEXA scan. So, you’d call that like a case report, which is a really low level, almost worth, but you get enough of those. And it’s like, “Okay, well maybe there we look at the studies.”

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, now the studies I want to point to are studies I had nothing to do with. Those are the most powerful ones because, especially when they’re back in the 90s, when I was, well even 2000s, I was in high school. I wasn’t like secretly plotting, and paying millions of dollars when I was in high school. So that I could launch, a breakthrough exercise device and make a stupid amount of money. Yeah. I wasn’t doing it probably neither is any high students.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s really important to point out, I’ve been accused of like, “Oh, you wrote this study and you just had somebody else do it.” And I’m like, “I was 17 in the study.” “Really? You sure about that?” So-

Dr. Richard: That’s part of the resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There are some of my stuff, when it comes to growth hormones creation, because I wrote a study that like no study of its kind had existed. So, I had to, and that was a meta analysis by the way. And if you’ve ever written a meta analysis?

Dr. Richard: I have not.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like having a girlfriend that texts you every five minutes because she wants to know where you are.

Dr. Richard: We can talk about that on different sessions.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I mean, that’s your wheelhouse man, you know exactly. Yeah, yeah, definitely. I’ve got like beacon above my head.

Dr. Richard: Were saying, so did you ever get to compare X3 Bar variable resistance training system versus traditional weightlifting?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because X3 variable resistance exercise systems even variable resistance. There’s only 16 goods studies, actually the 16 studies period. One of them’s a piece of shit, the rest of them were pretty good. What they compared, between weightlifting and variable. But then there’s the other big factor, which I came to the conclusion of like, I noticed some people were gaining muscle really fast, like myself, and then some other costumers are like, “This is …”

Dr. John Jaquish: They show videos of them doing the exercise. I can tell they’re going to absolute fatigue. They’re using the product right. And they’re like, “Having used it for six months, I only gained like two pounds.” And I’m like, “Well, tell me about your nutrition.” They just weren’t getting enough protein or enough quality. And so I dressed that also by developing a protein product that was super efficient and out of bacterial fermentation, that was kind of another watershed moment for the company. Because as soon as people got their protein intake, right. Oh, I started growing.

Dr. Richard: So, it like a shake, or is it like a cam inaudible?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s probably more … well, it comes in a powder, but when you taste it’s more like inaudible.

Dr. Richard: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s clear. It’s not like whey, where it’s like heavy. Yeah, it looks like lemonade. There’s a lot of comments I get about the taste, the taste isn’t bad, it’s unique.

Dr. Richard: A little different because you’re keeping the sugar out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, we sweetened with Stevia, but I did try this. It’s called four-digit. I did try it without any flavoring in it, and I almost couldn’t keep it. I mean, you take a swallow of it. I mean, it just wants to come out of itself. All animals, all the animals, they’re supposed to eat rotting stuff, they do in nature. But we quit doing that for the guess sanitation reasons, but there’s a lot of nutritional value when something starts to rock.

Dr. Richard: Right inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: But there’s value. So, ow with Photogen, we’re getting value. So, 100 grams of protein a day, are taken care of for me with Photogen, And then so I only have to have another 150. So that’s like a pound and a half of meat, or maybe two pounds of fish. I eat two pounds of a Chumba Leia yesterday. It was really funny, when I ordered it. They’re like, there’s no way you’re going to eat that. They’re like, you want that to go right up dinner party? And you know I’m going to eat it right here, right at the bar.

Dr. Richard: Exactly crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: At the bar for Coronavirus where they’re like, “You can stay at the bar we want to work inaudible.”

Dr. Richard: Is that somehow because you match it up per your body weight, how many grams do take?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I take 80 gram per pound of body weight? That’s the strongest research is all right around there. Some a little bit more, some a little bit less, but there’s also the values of protein. Whey protein is only 18% usable by the body because of its amino acid saturation. So I would never consume whey protein. Totally inefficient, also kind of doesn’t do that well in your stomach. Ask anybody’s girlfriend or wife. Whether crosstalk.

Dr. Richard: I think they better go check my, protein powder after the podcast.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It doesn’t do your digestion. So that was like the second thing, like X3 Bar resistance band training system users really jumped ahead. And then when I wrote the blog, Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. I just needed to put everything in one place. It was like, no, I get accused of having written a book about X3 Bar resistance band bar system, only 32 out of 268 pages are about X3 Bar resistance band training system. But the rest of it’s about variable resistance. And obviously X3 Bar variable resistance training system is the premier variable resistance product.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: But I don’t hide that because if you read the book and kind of like all my negative comments are well, like, “This guy, he’s such a jerk. He wrote a book about his product.” If you look at the bag, X3 Bar exercise band bar system the second word on the back of the book. It doesn’t really seem like, and this is a quote from the Miami heat strength talking about how superior, the approach is.

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: First of all, I got endorsed inaudible and proteins don’t really endorse. So it was like a big deal-

Dr. Richard: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then there’s a crosstalk. Yeah. They’re telling Bill [Fore 00:35:18] and says the X3 Bar fitness band bar system concept described in his book is a great addition to a program. Like I’m not hiding that. That’s kinda what the book is about. So you get the book, you’re going to learn a lot about the rash, sort of the super extended version of the talking, with all the detail and references. And these some of the-

Dr. Richard: So what’s next for you Dr. Jay Chris, trying to expand other professional leagues and athletes who you’re reaching and educating and conferences. Now that you’ve also been a nominee for The National Medal of Science. What can we expect from you as we continue through our quarantine reality and beyond?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I’m actually publishing another book in a couple of weeks, which was written before this one. It just had a couple of other people involved, to continue to document some of the science. And I’m doing some scientific work with a U.S. university right now. I can’t really talk about it because it’s going to be some original research and all kind of boils it for them, but like another big science fair project that I’m working on.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then there’s some other things I’m looking to optimize, where we can create some simple interventions, to really harness what we can get out of the human body. There’s a lot of limiting things, weightlifting is so limiting, that’s why it doesn’t work for so many people, but there’s a lot of things that are really are. Are you near-sighted or far-sighted?

Dr. Richard: I’m having trouble seeing far. So that’s near-sighted right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Richard: So, I really don’t need it for the podcast-

Dr. John Jaquish: Our interventions are always focused on external, correct? Why don’t we strengthen the eye muscle? People made this point before the book’s written about. There’s no real, good approach that people have embraced. I know people who go to law school, and because they read so much small tag, they’re exercising the antagonist, but not the other side, not the project. So, then their vision, it becomes poor. You can actually exercise the eye muscle.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s just not a good way to do it. So, am I going to go in that direction with a product or a therapy protocol or something maybe. Right now focus, is done by the computer, or the video camera that captures the video. Our eyes don’t move at all. We don’t do anything with our muscles. When we look at a screen, that’s a problem. They say sitting is the new cancer. I think that’s a dumb thing. Cancer’s kind of complicated.

Dr. Richard: But there’s things you can do to strengthen muscles, or get up and move-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Dr. Richard: From inaudible and if we get in the habit of not using them.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So, even when you walk, hiking in the woods. And you’re looking at the trees, that you’re trying to avoid as you’re hiking, but then you’re also looking at the view, and then you have a splitting headache, because your eyes are like, “Up close, far away, up close, far away, up close, far away.” We’re not supposed to get a headache from that. We’re just not used to it. And that’s what our eyes should be doing.

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, this is an example of like something that I’m kicking around. Ultimately there might not be a product. It might just be a way, to treat your vision so that you can optimize.

Dr. Richard: That’s terrific. Yeah, I know I had a Dr. Levi who works with gamers.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Richard: I think he’s a neuromuscular surgeon, on a previous podcast, which should actually connect you guys. But he had like, doing the Queen’s way, then different exercises for gamers on YouTube. He’s got like two minute things you can do, for each muscle group, because the more and more professional gaming teams are coming along. They’re not exercising different body parts.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Richard: I would love it. I would love something like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think almost everybody, so-

Dr. Richard: Yeah, especially the more technology dependent we’d become.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Well, I’m crosstalk.

Dr. Richard: Dr. Chris please tell us, our closing minutes, how people can get a hold of you, how they can reach you, how they can learn more about the X3 resistance bands system and try one out themselves. Because I’m sure they’ve been through it. And they’re going to be in a home-based situation perhaps for a little bit longer, or who knows how fitness is in flux. And your health should not stop just because of the conditions of the world that we’re in. In fact, all the more inaudible that we do things

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish: This whole idea of like going to the gym and wearing a mask, or whoever wrote that legislation has obviously never exercised, because they don’t understand breathing-

Dr. Richard: I couldn’t breathe. I tried it once, I couldn’t breath-

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t. Yeah. That’s just so such a terrible idea. So yeah, I think that this is going to happen at home now because there’s a lot of great options. And so, I created a landing page for people to find me, because my last name is Jaquish. So it’s So it’s doctor spelled out, the letter and you can find my Instagram there, Facebook, other links to the Period Nutrition, which is four-digit and periodic exercise.

Dr. Richard: Terrific. Yeah, I’d love to get a hold of some of the four-digit. Is it like a daily shake? Do you combine like meal supplements or?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So your meal replacement, very light on calories. Like I said, this is clear it’s four calories.

Dr. Richard: Even better-

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you don’t even break a fat.

Dr. Richard: Even better. And are you a personal fan of intermittent fasting? Is that a part of it or is that just-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I put a little bit about that in a book. I don’t know why it’s a controversial subject, because the data we have thus far is very powerful. And anyone who tries it loses weight. I won’t say easily, because it does takes discipline, but like I’m doing a 72 hour fast a week. I’m actually in the midst of it right now, inaudible me and my hungry.

Dr. Richard: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s not like I don’t eat a pizza. I’m going to kill somebody because I’m also ketogenic. So I don’t, I don’t have that hunger rage, that people crosstalk.

Dr. Richard: This is 72 hours per week?

Dr. John Jaquish: 72 hours a week.

Dr. Richard: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, my last meal Sunday, Monday, and then I go Wednesday, mid day.

Dr. Richard: That’s why you stocked up on jumble inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: That was my meal. Yeah, midday Sunday.

Dr. Richard: I’d love to read more about that. And our listeners certainly should, or I know I did just the 24 hour fast last week and I felt clear and more alive than I had for a while. I mean, I had to get over the attachment to food and the dependency on food. But other than that-

Dr. John Jaquish: Also when we hang out with people, how many events revolve around eating and drinking alcohol? All of them, it sucks. That’s why I do the longer 72 hour fast at the beginning of the week. Because there’s less social and political events I go to. The scientific conferences never spill over onto one Monday.

Dr. Richard: That’s a good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: I usually-

Dr. Richard: I think about that a lot, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and so=

Dr. Richard: You can be strategic about your fitness and your socialization.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.I mean, I have worried about going on conferences lately. I still go to a lot of social stuff,

Dr. Richard: But we’re all doing that dance as we try and figure out what’s safe and still try and stay connected and still create growth in the world, is can stop living where we’re trying to do it in a healthy way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Living in fear is not really living out or most of my friends actually gotten the virus and gotten over it. And didn’t even know they just tested positive on the antibody test. And like, “Oh, I didn’t know, that my friends are fit people.”

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hemoglobin A1C, that’s the thing. And if you pay attention to it and have a good score, chances are most viruses will kind of not do anything.

Dr. Richard: Oh, you’re saying it a way to boost your immunity to it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s more important than just the immune system. It’s just general cellular function. This is why a University of North Carolina, like three weeks ago, I was just on ABC 10 in Sacramento talking about this. People who are, just their term, they said obese people, the vaccine, it won’t work. Of course everyone was upset, because they’re the ones that needed the most, because of their hemoglobin.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would say, their cellular metabolism is dysfunctional. Well, people need to stop being offended by harsh reality because then you’re just going to ignore reality. That’s a much bigger problem. So why, people who are type two diabetic, or have metabolic syndrome, why are they not going to have, or they have a lower likelihood of the vaccine working for them? Well, a dysfunctional cells, a dysfunctional cell. If you give a weakened form of the virus, or back to somebody who has poor functioning cells, like it’s still, isn’t going to fight at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you just have to fix that problem. And I think we’re finally in a situation, I see this as a little bit of a benefit. It’s really shining the light on the fact that we have to stop making it okay, to just be shoveling garbage in. And just like, “Oh, it’s okay.” You get a cupcake when you go to the diabetes wall. What the hell, you know I’m not making this up.

Dr. Richard: Dependency on sugar and be careful about it in my own family too. I know my dad grew up poor and bringing home a sweet on the weekend was a way of showing affection, a lot of things. So, it’s something that I have to be careful with my own family of passing it down. And like you said, sporting events, social events can really become a part of so many things. And a lack of knowing how to change these patterns. But that doesn’t mean that we need to proprietary.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, and we need to encourage, before I go to a social event, and I know there’s going to be like chips and sauce all over the place. I will look at it, because I’ll eat two pounds, or three pounds of meat before I show up. So, inaudible like, “You got to try that.” And I’m like, “I’m good, I’m not hungry.” So, that’s how I handle that. But like it also like, “Oh, have a drink.” So I’ll put a lime and a glass of water. And I’m like, “I got my drink.”

Dr. Richard: Good for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. It’s not complicated to get around, but you have to make some … And I always tell people, discipline is more important than motivation. It’s really not positive when people will look at the internet and let’s say an overweight person will look at a picture of like a pro athlete, and be like, “Oh, I’m going to get there someday.” But the problem is there might be 10,000 decisions between the current day in the day, you ended up being in that kind of condition.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s always easy to push off something where it’s one of 10,000. So instead, you have to say, “I’ve got to get through today,” without acting like I have the self control of a child. You got to say that to yourself, because all you gotta do is get through one day. Everyone, even the people with the worst nutritional decision-making, worst impulse control. They’ve made it through a day where they didn’t need anything, just circumstances, traveling or sick, whatever. They didn’t die.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, make it through today, just today. And then tomorrow you make another set of decision, because the only decision that counts as the one you’re making right now, you can’t even think about what you’re doing. So when I do the 72 hour fast, somebody offers me something or, I’ll go home and hang out with my parents. And my mom will have made something that smells incredible, like lasagna, which I’ve never tried. You know what I’ll say, “Yeah, it smells grand-mom, but no.”

Dr. John Jaquish: All you say to yourself is like, and the reason I’m bringing up the 72 hours fast, I can skip them. But if you start focusing on the 72 hours and how long it is, then you’ll fall off the wagon.

Dr. Richard: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t think about it. Just think about making sure-

Dr. Richard: You start thinking you’re depriving yourself, inaudible right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Richard: As opposed to crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because in an hour, my parents will be done with dinner. Lasagna will be gone. And it’ll be like, let’s watch the news, and say how, it’s trying to con America and to believing that it’s a terrible place.

Dr. Richard: Well, maybe we will do the next show on diet and nutrition Dr. John. So much to share so much knowledge. I’m going to grab you motivated me. I’m going to grab my workout now, try and get some of this chest, press in, try and not let my quarantine be an excuse.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right, yeah. Perfect.

Dr. Richard: So, I appreciate you taking the time. I’m going to keep pouring through this book here. It’s great. Getting something to challenges, preexisting belief systems. I know for a lot of people that’s really hard, hearing it, but dr. John has the science behind it. So we shouldn’t be afraid of what we don’t know on the path to evolution and growth. If that’s where we’re looking for far grow up is just two ideas. Just to stay comfortable, in our same lane, then maybe don’t read it. I appreciate it.

Dr. John Jaquish: The terrible reviews helped me even more than the good ones. The more mad somebody is, people look at it and they’re like, it’s supposed to be a good book.

Dr. Richard: Exactly. That’s how you know crosstalk right. Again, dr. John Jaquish and his landing page. DoctorJ-

Dr. John Jaquish: .com.

Dr. Richard: .com. That’s simple.

Dr. John Jaquish: Beautiful-

Dr. Richard: Spelled out Real privilege. Thank you so much for joining us for your time and energy today. Well, a true gift and the feel, weightlifting, nutrition, changing the model, and now the creator of the X3 Bar portable home gym system, as well as Osteo strong for working with patients with osteoporosis or Osteo clinic dr. John Jaquish, please check them out on social media, or like you said, D-O-C-T-O-R-J. And you can look him up and you’ll get

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