By The MotorCop Mindset on August 12, 2020

WYE Radio Interview with Dr. John Jaquish: Weightlifting is a Waste of Time

WYE Radio Interview with Dr. John Jaquish: Weightlifting is a Waste of Time

Dr.John Jaquish explains why Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time

Our old friend, and frequent guest, Dr.John Jaquish ( AKA Doctor J) has a new book coming out and it is sure to ruffle the feathers of many in the Health & Fitness industry.

Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, so is cardio and there’s a better way to get the body you want.

Don’t get upset at us at What’s Your Emergency Radio…that’s the title of Doctor J’s new book.

Doctor J visits the show once again to touch on X3 workout bar system, nutrition habits and his new book, written with Henry Alkire, that is full of references, studies and evidence that what you’ve always been told about weight lifting and cardio is wrong. And like any researcher worth their weight (or BMI) will do, he comes with solutions in tow.

Without pulling any punches, and with evidence to back it up, Doctor J discusses:

  • How science is against free weights and cardio
  • A step by step guide in Chapter 10 to achieve the goals Doctor J has seen
  • An extended chapter about diet, nutrition and intermittent fasting
  • Testosterone, Growth Hormone and how simply breaking a sweat isn’t doing much for your health or fitness goals at all

MC also discusses his successes with the X3 Bar portable home gym and Justin asks a few too many questions about the science, but Doctor J is always all answers.

Full Transcript

MC: Hey guys, MC here. In this video, we do an interview with Dr. Dr. John Jaquish, the creator of the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, about his new book, Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. I know, it’s a pretty awesome title.

Thanks very much. And let’s get to the interview. Cheers… All right so today we have a returning guest. What is this, like four or five times now?

HM: I don’t know, but he just keeps coming back.

MC: Yeah, he keeps doing new and better and cooler stuff. So welcome back to the show, Dr. Dr. John Jaquish. How are you, sir?

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks. I’ll know I’ve been on too much as soon as you guys both have shaved heads. If you start copying my haircut, then I’m like, yeah I crosstalk-

MC: Okay, I’m going to stop you there-

HM: Never going to happen.

MC: … Because look at this… And this is actually going to be on video. So the folks at home can look at this gorgeous mop of hair, and I’m off on injury, so I’m not shaving. I look like a freaking hobo. I love it, it’s fantastic.

HM: He hasn’t been for a proper haircut through this whole COVID thing.

MC: I have one.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you look like a hobo, I’d have no problem with hobos, okay. Looking way better. I live in the people’s Republic of San Francisco.

MC: That’s a good point.

HM: Hashtag: Okay with hobos.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

MC: Well, the reason you came back on the show today is because you have a new book. And I’m going to hold it up and I’m going to show it. And you’re not pulling any punches. There’s no subtlety in the title of this, and I love that. It’s Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. You got to tell me why you landed on such a configuration of a title. It’s going to be incendiary, it’s going to piss people off. Why did you decide to go that route?

Dr. John Jaquish: The number one reason that I picked this actually has nothing to do with the subject matter. It has to do with my fascination with human psychology, in that people fall in love with their ideas and they don’t want to accept that their ideas may be wrong. So-

MC: We were just talking about that on another show.

HM: Yeah

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, hey, you asked the question, so we’re going down this road.

HM: Absolutely. I love it, bring it.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s so funny, and we can see this in politics, people don’t want the facts. They want the information that supports what they already believe in. So if you know somebody who doesn’t like the president, it’s like anything that says that the president is this total jerk is like, Oh, this is definitely true. And then something that says the president’s a superhero, they’re like, ‘Oh, this is all-’

HM: Totally false.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I’m sure you’ve noticed. But it’s like, if you do something every day, let’s say brushing your teeth. I don’t think anybody’s emotional about that. You do it every day.

MC: My kid is very emotional about brushing her teeth. But that’s a kid’s job. crosstalk.

HM: Yeah, I think there’s things that we do every day that aren’t controversial. And yet, according to you, the cover of your book, some things that you’re doing every day should be controversial. Let me tell you why.

Dr. John Jaquish: They shouldn’t… Here’s actually where I was going, but it’s close. You shouldn’t be emotional about anything that you do or that you’re trying to achieve, or whatever. If Weightlifting is a Waste of Time, okay, well, I do that every day. So what’s the better answer? That should be the question. But instead, somebody says, ‘Something I do every day is a waste of time. I’m going to get mad.’ I mean, think about that. What a loser would say something like that?

Yet that’s so many people who get so passionate about defending an idea they have really no background in. They have very little understanding of, especially after you read the book, most people are going to be like, wow, those things are obvious, but those are just not the things that were studied. So, when two weightlifting programs are put against each other and we try and determine which one is the best, that still doesn’t say weightlifting is a good idea. That still doesn’t say it’s a good stimulus for the body. So did we learn that much? No.

HM: Yeah. And I like on the cover of the book that you don’t just come out and say, ‘This is wrong.’ You come down and say, ‘Well, it’s wrong. And I’m going to tell you why,’ because you say right on the cover, ‘There’s a better way.’ Which made me kind of, Oh, well, I want to know what the better way is. So very well done on that. And plus we’ve been practicing that pose you do on the cover. You just can’t take a bad picture.

Dr. John Jaquish: I take some bad pictures.

MC: One of the things that-

Dr. John Jaquish: I inaudible.

MC: I just got your book literally this morning as we record this. So, I started diving right in. And one of the things that stuck out to me right away is the footnotes. You don’t just spout things. You don’t say, ‘I’m right and your wrong,’ you provide sources for the things, and studies that you are saying. This is the reality of a situation, and here are a bunch of other people that agree with me.

HM: Citations are always important whenever you’re talking about anything. And I just want to point out page 206 to our audience, which I looked at earlier. You’ve got at least a dozen notations for what it is you’re discussing. So you’re not just coming out and saying these things from a I believe… And you already said, it’s not that you’re passionate about it, so that these are the facts. This is what the research supports, and you have the documentation to support it. And that’s huge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Every statement that’s made, that’s not an explanation of physiology, is got a citation attached to it. And there’s over 250 citations in the book, and there’s only 266 pages. So that kind of tells you.

HM: I’ve backed it up, yeah.

MC: It stands out right away. So we talked about the title. One of the things I’m curious about, because we’ve known one another now for a couple, three years, an I’m a huge proponent of the X3 Bar resistance band training system. I am an affiliate for the X3 Bar variable resistance training system. I absolutely love the equipment, what it’s done for me personally. And I thought to myself, what else were you going to do? When last time we had you on the show, it’s like, you’re not the kind of guy that rests on your laurels. Well, duh, obviously you wrote a book, but I’m curious to know what-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve been working on that for a couple of years.

MC: That’s what I’m curious about. What led you to write a book? And they say everybody has a book in them, everybody wants to write a book, but a lot of people obviously don’t. So what is it about this? What led you to create this?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted everything to be in one place, because I put a lot of stuff, a lot of places in the internet, but really where’s the most in-depth information in society? It’s in books. Nobody takes the contents of a 300 page book and puts it on a website, because nobody will read it. It may be a downloadable PDF, but-

HM: And nobody’s going to highlight it. Nobody’s going to make notes. Nobody’s going to dog ear the corners and say, ‘Oh, this reminds me of another book I should go and read again and put a note in there.’ Having an actual physical copy is something they’re kind of getting away from. But for something like this, it’s absolutely necessary.

MC: I’ve already started to highlight and make notes in the margins. And that’s the way I consume nonfiction books. I love me a fiction book, but non-fiction books require a highlighter and a pencil to make crosstalk-

HM: I’ve been known to take notes and highlight in fiction books.

MC: That doesn’t surprise me in the least.

HM: Doesn’t. You say everybody has a book in them, no, I have little ideas to make my favorite books a little bit better. But you’ve got this-

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of post-it notes coming out of the side of your Lord of the Rings?

HM: Oh yeah, plenty. I don’t need to know the history of that forest that they’re walking past, but it’s 70 pages of it. Thank you very much. Speaking of which, I don’t want to get too narrowed down on one aspect of the book. I want to kind of keep it general, but can you speak a little bit about something that keeps popping up that I keep hearing is, well, if you want to lose weight and be in better shape, just stop eating. You talk a lot about the importance of intermittent fasting in your book and how that’s different from caloric restriction or calorie restriction, just don’t eat.

Dr. John Jaquish: It is very different.

HM: Can you speak to that a little bit?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the body goes into a mode with caloric restriction and it imagines that that’s the new normal. So that’s the new normal, you got muscle that’s burning a lot of calories just by being there. Muscle burns calories while you sleep, pound of muscle will burn an extra 15 calories a day. So the body decides, okay, we went from eating 3000 calories a day to 2,500 calories a day. We’re getting significantly less energy. Now, a calorie is not a calorie. So I’m speaking about this in very simplified terms, but there’s an energy deficit coming in. And because of that energy deficit, the body’s always trying to reach homeostasis.

So how does it get to a homeostasis where it can, it has been surviving on 3000 and now it’s going to survive on 2,500. Well, it massively up-regulates cortisol, which will sacrifice muscle. So you’ll be metabolizing muscle instead of fat. And you’re protecting your body fat, and you’ll downregulate growth hormone. So it’s not protective of muscle, it’ll allow the muscle to be sacrificed. Cortisol and growth hormone can have an inverse relationship over the long term. When you exercise, your cortisol goes up a little bit.

Your growth hormone can go up a lot if it’s the right type of exercise. But that’s what calorie restriction does. Now, you are still burning body fat with calorie restriction. So bodybuilding is not something I like to cite as anything because it’s a game of kind of illusions. One of my favorite examples is I can do this, or I can do this. When I raise my arm, the cross section looks wider. My bicep looks taller, people are visualizing it from here to here, but when I put it back down, it doesn’t look as big.

HM: Is that everybody says I’m prettier because I’m taller?

MC: That must be it.

HM: Sorry. You were saying you don’t like to use the term weightlifting because it’s deceptive, but you’d-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m glad you’ve been married as long as you have.

HM: But you’ve got caloric restriction… Now, what’s the difference? How does my body know in the fasting that I’m not just introducing a new calorie restriction?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because your body knows it’s fasting is not long-term, so it doesn’t try to find a new homeostasis.

HM: Interesting. So forgive this term, crosstalk it’s almost in panic mode? It knows eventually something’s going to happen.

Dr. John Jaquish: We need to be strong enough to catch our next meal. So you actually increase growth hormone and suppress cortisol, and you use body fat as your fuel instead of muscle as your fuel.

HM: So it’s the opposite? If I’m listening properly, it’s the… Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, really big difference.

MC: So you haven’t… How long have you been doing intermittent fasting?

Dr. John Jaquish: Since November 1st, 2017.

MC: Okay. Prior to that were you, would you say, a three squares a day kind of a guy?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, but I was ketogenic.

MC: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was almost carnivore.

MC: Okay. So here’s the reason I ask, is one of the things that I’ve done with the X3 workout bar system is document everything on my YouTube channel, which is where this is going to go live once it goes live. And people can see the progress that I’ve made, before and after photos, and all that kind of stuff. What I have not done is change much of my diet. I’ve cut way back on beer, you’ll be happy to know, although I am enjoying one right now. But typically I have cut significantly back, and I’ve noticed some definite changes. One of the things that I have built into my life is my feet hit the floor and it’s breakfast time. Not because it’s the most important meal of the day. I get that that’s not a thing, it’s marketing. I understand that.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they did make that up. That’s in the book.

MC: It is, and I read it. But I am hungry. Some days if I’m running late, I don’t grab anything, and I try and make it longer. So when you first started doing it, even let’s say pre-2017 and you’d skip a meal, did your body tell you, ‘Hey, dummy, you need to eat because I feel my blood sugar drop, and I turn into a right pain in the ass.’

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You said the right word, it’s because you’re addicted to sugar, because you keep eating carbohydrates. Fasting and carbohydrates, they don’t go together.

MC: They don’t mix?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

MC: So what on a… I know you do OMAD, one meal a day. So what time of day do you eat, if you’re not fasting, and what do you eat?

Dr. John Jaquish: If I’m doing OMAD, I throw up quite a few 48 hour, the one meal every 48 hours. And usually three pounds of meat.

MC: In just one-off sitting, right? Yeah.

HM: That’s significant. We have a rule in the firehouse, a pound per man is what you should be buying. And that’s just for our evening meal. So if you’re looking at three pounds in one sitting, that’s a significant amount. But you’re also doing that with the fasting. And you mentioned, and I’ll go back to this in a little while. In the back of the book, John’s protocol, you mention a certain amount of protein per meal. That was pre-fasting, yes? The 150 of protein per meal that you mentioned in the protocol on the back of the book?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s in the one meal every 48 hours or 72 hours.

HM: So that is… Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I want to make sure I get over a gram per pound of body weight.

HM: Holy cow.

MC: One of the things that stood out to me, when you look in the contents section there’s 10 chapters, and they average a dozen or so pages, ish. Maybe 20 here, 20 there. But it’s chapter 6, optimizing nutrition, what we’ve been talking about that is 53 pages long. And I have heard tell a number of times people say abs are made in the kitchen. It looks to me like, yes, you’ve created the X3 workout bar system. You’ve done amazing work with Osteostrong. You’ve done all these things. And yet the lion’s share-

Dr. John Jaquish: I agree with that too.

MC: … Of your book, however, isn’t about those things. It’s about what you put in your body. Why is that such an important aspect that gets overlooked in 98% of the stuff that’s on the market today?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, when I developed X3 Bar exercise band bar system, it was the superior training system. It made weight training look very inefficient and ineffective. I won’t say made it look like it was a joke, but kind of. People were… It’s a big confusion in the public where they think a painful workout means you stimulated a lot. That’s completely not true. In the last, so it’s been over three years now, I’ve put on over 60 pounds of muscle. I’ve never been sore from a workout, in that last 60 pounds. Never. And also there’s three studies I do cite in the book, which show how muscle damage is inversely related to growth. So as in the more muscle damage you create, the less growth you have, not the more.

So a lot of guys who lift, and they try and beat themselves up, and then they’re really proud of themselves, they did worse. And so once creating the absolute best training system, I thought, okay, where are people failing now? Because if you use the X3 Bar variable resistance training system correctly, a lot of these issues just go away, the muscle damage. Unless you use X3 Bar resistance band bar system incredibly wrong, you’re not going to get any muscle damage from it. There’s a lot of things that solve themselves. Now I’m always surprised how people will go off the reservation and invent their own stupid way of using it. And I tell them, never do that. You’ve seen them.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

MC: Oh yeah, I sure have.

HM: I laugh every time on the ambulance.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I mean, I really work hard to convince people, ‘Don’t invent your own way of doing this. Follow the program. Everything is the way it is for a reason. You want to maximize hypoxia. You want to keep constant tension. You want diminishing range, so you actually fatigue every possible range of motion.’ I see people, they get done with their full range repetitions, and then they just go, okay. And they just drop the bar.

It’s like, where’s the other half of your workout? You didn’t do it. But once after creating all that, I said, ‘Where are people failing?’ And I saw people who just didn’t, they do everything perfectly and they just didn’t really grow much muscle. So I start asking questions. Now I already knew what my body needed because I researched it. But there is as much nutrition confusion as there is exercise information confusion.

HM: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: There was a thing like, ‘Oh, you don’t need much protein,’ funded by Nabisco, of course, because they don’t sell anything with protein it.

HM: Try our shakes and our bars and do this and subscribe to that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, a lot of that.

HM: And a couple of things that you mentioned before, what have I heard all the time? No pain, no gain. It hurts so good. Not accurate.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

HM: All these things we’ve been taught. My world is exploding.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, the time, you don’t need a lot of time to stimulate your body to grow. So it was the nutrition that people were doing wrong. And like I said, I knew I needed a gram per pound of body weight, and that was the lifestyle I was living. Now I wasn’t growing a muscle before X3 Bar portable home gym because I was just using regular weights and it’s a lousy stimulus. But as soon as I started, it was like, I was putting on size very quickly, and I was getting leaner very quickly. And so I needed to help people. I mean, probably a quarter of the book is about nutrition, maybe even a little more.

MC: Yeah. It really underlines the importance of it. And we’re talking again to Dr. Dr. John Jaquish, creator of the X3 Bar resistance band training system and author of Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. Let’s talk about your subtitle, So is Cardio. So I have a question about cardio. Now-

HM: You’ve just upset the other half of the audience.

MC: Exactly. We dialed them in and now we’re just smacking them in the face. Yeah, that’s great.

HM: Which is good exercise.

MC: So here’s the thing, I hate to run. I’ve never liked running, motor officers do not run.

HM: Being chased?

MC: It’s stupid. If somebody’s chasing me, then they’re going to get hurt because I’m just going to shoot them. If appropriate.

HM: Allegedly.

MC: Yeah. But here’s my thing about cardio that I’m curious what your opinion is. Stamina. When we’re in the Academy and we have to do what’s called the bull in the ring, we’ve got to fight for three solid minutes. And I know you work with MMA fighters and professional athletes who are going, going, going, and they’ve gained huge benefits from X3 Bar exercise band bar system. Does cardio have a place to build that stamina? Not for muscle building, for endurance.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: The best way to answer this question is to take a step back. And I’ll just say there’s actually no such thing as cardio. Cardio-

HM: You have my attention.

Dr. John Jaquish: What we call cardiovascular training is really just shitty strength training that you won’t get any results from. Now, are there some cardiac benefits? Yes. The heart is able to pump blood a little more efficiently. However, there are more cardiac strength benefits, including stamina, from weight training, from regular resistance training, and X3 Bar variable resistance training system even more so because it places an even greater demand on the heart. So, there have been more than 100 studies on this, and I don’t refer to all of them, but I refer to a meta-analysis that refers to all of them. I talk about that meta-analysis in the cardio section, which isn’t really all that long because this information has been out there for 40 years.

For 40 years, medical science has known that when you do cardiovascular exercise, you’re showing your body a, it’s a little like caloric deficit, showing your body a deficit in energy. And what people think is that’s going to pull the energy out of fat cells. That’s not what happens, because your body’s trying to reach homeostasis. It’s like, okay, we’ve got to run 20 miles every day. We don’t store the energy for that. So your central nervous system is like an engineering team, and it’s remodeling you all the time. That’s what I mean by trying to find homeostasis. So if you want to be an economy car and go long distances, do economy cars have V12 engines?

HM: Not usually.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. So it’s going to make your engine smaller. So it increases cortisol and sacrifices muscle, not body fat. That’s where we get the term skinny fat. So you see a lot of runners, they’re thin, but they’re still really flabby. They look soft, and they jiggle when they move because it

HM: Thanks for noticing. I want to bring up something that you’re talking about, eating muscle, and we’re really looking for the most efficient way of burning what it is that we have. Where does testosterone fit into all this when you talk about burning muscle?

Dr. John Jaquish: Burning muscle or burning fat?

HM: Either or. I mean, I hear a lot of stuff coming around, the firehouse guys are in the gym. They’re talking about, ‘I need more testosterone,’ more this, more that. Where do these hormones fit in with what we should be doing? Because I feel like there’s a big disconnect in the nomenclature that people are using in the gym and the evidence that’s in your book.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, testosterone plays a role in maintaining muscle, growth hormone plays a bigger role. And when you do cardio, you suppress growth hormone also. So it doesn’t protect muscle and muscle starts to metabolize. Building new muscle has a lot to do with testosterone. Maintaining it is kind of testosterone and growth hormone, but growth hormone is not anabolic. So growth hormone by itself, not really going to build anything.

HM: All right, there you go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Answer your question?

HM: Yeah, and anabolic versus aerobic, right? That’s the distinction that you’re making there or am I wrong?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I mean, anabolic versus catabolic.

HM: Okay. Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like cortisol is catabolic, it breaks down tissue. Anabolic means growing tissue.

HM: There’s so many terms that get thrown out, especially at the firehouse and the gym. And now guys are starting to flip these tires over and they’re moving ropes up and down. I go in and I say, ‘Just pick it.’ Do you-

MC: Those are inaudible ropes, man. Those are battle ropes.

HM: Do you want the rope up, or do you want the rope down? I mean, let’s just find a happy medium for it. And it seems like people kind of grab onto, and you talk about it in the book a lot, the marketing, the things they’ve been sold. They grab onto this idea that supports what they want to do. So all of a sudden, boom, that’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: 12 years ago, kettle bells where everything. It was like the secret to fitness was kettle bells. And it’s an iron slug with a handle on it, guys. There’s no magic.

HM: People have been posting pictures with blisters on their hands, like, look at my workout. And I’m thinking, why would you do that to your hands?

MC: Well, to be fair, go ahead.

HM: I have the softest hands.

MC: Using the latest X3 Bar resistance band bar system, man, that builds up some calluses on the hands. You’re an advocate of not using gloves? There you go. Exactly correct. Not using gloves, your grip strength will improve. And I was real nervous about that when I started doing this a couple of years ago. And when I restarted in March doing it religiously, didn’t miss a day, six days a week. And I built up those callouses and my grip got stronger, just by doing what you’d said to do.

HM: Weird. It’s like the doc says to do it, you did it and it worked.

MC: It did. It absolutely worked.

HM: What’s the trick?

MC: There’s no trick. It’s just the-

HM: There’s no crosstalk success, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Never accept a crutch, in gloves, in wrist-wraps.

HM: Putting that on a t-shirt.

Dr. John Jaquish: Somebody hands you a crutch and you’re like, ‘No, I got this.’ And you walk. You force yourself to walk as close to a regular cadence and pattern as possible. Because once you offload a certain part of the body, now you’re building an imbalance.

MC: I will say that when-

Dr. John Jaquish: Guys, they want to have a bigger deadlift, so they use wrist wraps, but then I can tell who they are because they have skinny little forearms and then bigger trapezius muscles. Now you look stupid.

MC: One of the things I’ve seen on the Facebook with X3 workout bar system is people getting injured because they’ll let go of the bar, which is never a good idea. But one of the things that I kept in mind, I do not get distracted when I’m doing my X3 Bar resistance band training system. I am very, very aware of the amount of force that is involved. So back in the early days, when I felt my grip strength starting to go way before anything else went, that’s when I stopped. Because I don’t want to let fly 300 pounds of force onto the tops of my feet because that’s not going to feel good.

HM: That’s how you meet people like me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or you inaudible.

MC: Yeah, absolutely. Don’t push it beyond your capacity just because you want to lift heavier. It behooves you to A, obviously follow the program, but B, listen to your own body. And when it says, okay, that’s enough, then dial it back. Keep going, but just dial it back a little bit until you can’t go anymore. That’s what you talk about with a diminishing range of motion. And it took me a long time to wrap my brain around that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I see people post videos, they’re doing X3 workout bar system. They bothered to film themself doing X3 Bar portable home gym. Well, they also had the TV on. And it’s like, you idiot, you’re distracted.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

HM: That’s going to hurt.

Dr. John Jaquish: You wouldn’t watch TV at the firing range. They don’t put on, whatever, some comedy program while you’re shooting, so you can look over and laugh at the jokes.

HM: But doc, every time I go to the gym, there’s a TV. I’ve got to have a TV. That’s where it’s coming from, I’m sure.

MC: That’s a good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Every time you go to the gym, there’s a lot of stupid shit laying around that shouldn’t be.

HM: And for example, crosstalk going to the gym.

MC: The second biggest chapter we’ll talk about-

Dr. John Jaquish: Going to the gym is the real problem.

HM: It’s the number one stupidest part about the gym.

MC: I know you got a busy day ahead of you. We’re going to let you go here in just a minute. Again, we’re talking with Dr. John Jaquish, the author of Weightlifting is a Waste of Time, So is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. The second biggest chapter you’ve got is all about the falsehoods of fitness. And we already talked about one, actually made a note, number four, that sore feeling, and we already touched on it.

I think that’s an excellent point is that we know that these things are out there, but what I love about your book is you not only call them out for what they are, you support them with citations, and why this is a falsehood. How many falsehoods did you come up with? Because I haven’t gotten to that chapter yet, but I did briefly go through. And I know you also have a YouTube series.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I didn’t put them all in there, I think 11 made it into the book. I have about 80 written and I know they’re wrong, but I don’t have the right library of literature behind them to… I make sure when I say one of these things, I give a couple of studies that prove it. So I mean, nothing in this book is my opinion. Nothing, not a fucking thing. So I back it up with science, with everything. And if you look at all the scientific studies in the order that I identify them and discuss them, everyone will come to the same conclusion that I did.

Forrest Griffin wrote the foreword of the book, he came to the same conclusion, as well as the person from NASA who gave me the endorsement, she’s a medical doctor, Dr. Sean Baker, Ben Greenfield. And the strength coach from the Miami Heat, he wrote an endorsement, which is on the website. These are people who really know what they’re doing. Dr. Baker is a world record deadlift holder. He knows a little bit about strength and he’s a physician. Brilliant guy. And immediately. I don’t think he loved the title. He didn’t tell me. I mean, he’s a world champion in weightlifting, so Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. And there was a long silence on the phone inaudible.

HM: Until he sees the citations, he sees the evidence. It jives with-

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t say resistance training is a waste of time, I say Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. The problem with weight lifting is you’re holding the same weight here that you’re holding here, but you’re seven times stronger right here than you are here. So why not outweigh the changes, so you can exhaust in accordance with your natural biology.

MC: That actually crosstalk… That comes up in the introduction.

HM: Very early on.

MC: Page 21, right there. And there’s an example of exactly what you’re talking about. So the big question that I want to know… Actually, before I get to that, I’m going to be totally upfront with you. I’m not going to read all those studies, but you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to use the X3 Bar exercise band bar system and follow the program. Because there’s a guy, I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have freaking time to read all that stuff, man. I don’t. I’m not going to make that effort, but-

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Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t look up the studies.

MC: But I know you, I trust your medical research, your citations. I’ve talked to you repeatedly. I have made the investment in the equipment, and I know firsthand what it has done for me. And I’ve said it time and time again, the only attaboy I needed was when I walked out of the shower and the wife said, ‘This is working for you.’ What better-

HM: I say it half a dozen times, not a word, but the wife says it…

MC: That’s a good point. So, Doc, where can we find this book?

Dr. John Jaquish: It launches on Amazon on the 18th. I would tell people to just go to the website, the inaudible biomedical website. I have a new website, I’m not sure if it’s up today, but let’s give it a shot. It’s

MC: D-O-C-T-O-R. Got it. And just a single J, not J-A-Y. Single J.

Dr. John Jaquish: Single J.

MC: Perfect.

HM: Yeah, we’ll put that in there. So if you’re listening to this in the archives, there’s a very good chance that website exists and you can head over and check out the book. Otherwise, Google is your friend, but as we always say when we have guests that have a book out, guys, go to their website to order the book first. Don’t automatically go to the big warehouses. If you can go in and get it from the actual source, that is always the best thing to do.

MC: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re actually only selling it through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, it is a big publisher.

MC: Oh, there you go. Never mind. inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: My first book I did self-publishing on Amazon, and weirdly enough, that was a huge seller. That’s even used as a textbook in England to teach.

MC: Fantastic.

HM: Cool.

MC: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the most boring book, I don’t recommend it.

HM: And when you realize that there’s some kids somewhere learning how to do things right that is required to read your book, how does that make you feel?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I went to the hospital center at University of East London, and I looked at a bookshelf and I see 15 copies of my book. And I’m like, all right, who’s playing a joke on me?

MC: Am I being Punk’d? I’m being Punk’d, huh?

HM: Who’s in charge of moving these books after I leave?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And they’re like, ‘No, no, no. We teach with that.’

MC: Inside it’s just the catalog of Playboys.

HM: Yeah, they’re all the same.

Dr. John Jaquish: You open it up, and it’s…

MC: It’s all bad.

Dr. John Jaquish: Magazines and…

MC: Doc, thanks so much for coming back on the show. We really appreciate it. I can’t wait to dive all the way into Weightlifting is a Waste of Time. I love the poking the bear aspect of it. I think it’s fantastic. Speaking of good marketing, I think that’s a real good idea. So thanks for coming on the show. We appreciate your time, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a controversial title. It’s controversial, people are going to pay attention to.

MC: Absolutely.

HM: Exactly.

MC: Yep. That’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s true, I believe this. And I have all the references to back it up.

MC: Exactly, you backed it up.

HM: Boom.

MC: Love it. Perfect.

HM: That’s the most important part to me. Doc, thank you so much for coming on the show. Hopefully we’ll have you on in a little bit with your next book.

MC: Yeah, whatever your next crazy thing is.

HM: Which will make the next group of people angry, I’m sure. And more citations, please. Come on.

MC: Yeah, put some effort in, will you?

HM: All right, doc. Thanks, be well.

MC: Cheers.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bye-bye.

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