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By Mind Body BREAKTHROUGHS Podcast on January 26, 2020

MBBSeason 2: 11-Dr. John Jaquish PhD: Raising the Bar in Fitness

MBBSeason 2: 11-Dr. John Jaquish PhD: Raising the Bar in Fitness

John Jaquish, PhD is the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful/fracture resistant athletes, John is now, partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weight lifting, which brought him to his second invention, X3 Bar resistance band bar system. The research indicates that this product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting, and does so in less training time, all with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore University, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, has been featured on many to the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals, and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

Full Transcript

Chris Donohue: Welcome to the Mind Body Breakthroughs Podcast where we bring you amazing guests on the cutting edge of science, health and business each week to share strategies you can use to get the breakthrough that you are looking for in your life. I am your host, Chris Donohue, and with me is my cohost, Dr. Nevada Gray. We’re so glad that you’re joining us today and we’d like to invite you to join our free private Facebook community Mind Body Breakthroughs.

Chris Donohue: The views expressed on the mind body breakthroughs podcast are the opinions of the hosts and guests and are not to be taken as medical advice as the hosting guests do not provide medical care. Information provided is for educational purposes only. You should consult your medical provider in relation to your personal health and prior to making any changes in your diet or fitness. A mind body breakthrough online coaching program is a comprehensive and customizable guide for total body transformation. It’s 150 pages. We’ll equip you with everything you need for a ketogenic lifestyle from low carb to zero carb carnivore. The program contains a two week carb cleanse, 30 day keto sample menu, 30 day sample workout guide, and much, much more. These are recipes you will love, exercises you can do and strategies that you will enjoy making part of your life. From the person who wants to lose a few pounds on low carb to the person using keto or carnivore to manage serious issues or optimize health and performance, this program has something for everyone.

Chris Donohue: Sections include the carnivore, allergy and autoimmune protocol, fasting toxicity and advanced strategies for sleep, stress management, cold thermogenesis, sauna, and more. Included with the program is lifetime access to the Mind Body Breakthroughs coaching group where you’ll have your questions answered, a support network to help you on your journey. Why pay for monthly memberships or coaching when you can have the best and most cutting edge information and help at your fingertips anytime you want for as long as you want. Your adventure for a better, healthier life begins today.

Chris Donohue: See the show notes for a link to the program and unlimited lifetime coaching. Dr. John Jaquish is the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and is creating more powerful fracture resistant athletes. John is now partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteOstrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also invented the X3 portable gym, which builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting in less training time and with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish a research professor at Rushmore University, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world and has been featured on many top health podcasts. Dr. Jaquish is an editor of multiple medical journals and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Chris Donohue: John Jaquish, welcome to the program. How are you doing today?

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible.

Nevada Gray: Yes, welcome. We’re so happy you’re here.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Chris Donohue: Well, we have been looking forward to having you on. You are doing amazing work and truly revolutionizing weightlifting and performance for so many high level athletes. John, we’re talking about Tom Brady, Dwayne Johnson, the Miami Heat, Andre Drummond, Gronk. I mean, what’s going on? How are you doing this? Tell us a little bit about yourself and about your story.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. There are a lot of celebrities and athletes using X3 Bar exercise band bar system. I shouldn’t speak specifically about any of them because I don’t pay any of those guys. But there are individuals who have put some videos up on their social media. Performance athletes are much more like the general population than weightlifters are, and people are shocked when I say that. The reason is because a weightlifter typically really cares about the weight they lift because they like to talk about it. Yet, the normal person doesn’t really care what their lifts are. They just want to be as strong as possible, as lean as possible, as healthy as possible. A performance athlete, like some professional basketball players I see from time to time and take through the protocol, they have zero regard, don’t even know, don’t care what their squad is, what their bench price is. It doesn’t matter. If they’re faster on the court, that’s why they stick to the protocol. If they’re less likely to injure, that’s why they stick to the protocol.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m taking, albeit unorthodox approach, but I think that the previous approach was pretty poorly thought through. I think it’s just an observation with regular weightlifting. We overload joints and underload muscle. We always choose a weight when we lift weights that we can handle in the weaker range of motion, which means that’s where the greatest amount of stress is. That’s also where the joints are damaged the most. It is, by design, biased towards injury and against actually triggering any growth. This goes into my background, which was your question. So, I have a PhD in biomedical engineering. I developed a medical device that increases bone density and it’s more effective than any other bone density solution that’s ever been created.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s no side effects either. It’s called OsteOstrong. So when I was doing one of the trials for OsteOstrong at a hospital in London, the physicians at the hospital were saying like, “You’re loading these post-menopausal women with tremendous forces.” Now, the machine was a loading, they were self-loading. They were creating six, seven, eight, nine times their body weight. It’s not athletes. Post-menopausal, decondition women were putting these tremendous forces through their hip joints. When I compare that data to what the American College of Sports Medicine keeps, the standard loading data, well like what people do in a gym, turns out humans are seven times stronger and a stronger range of motion than they’re in a weaker range of motion.

Dr. John Jaquish: So why would we ever train with the same way from impact ready range, which is what we do with OsteOstrong to the weaker range of motion? What we need is to weight the changes in accordance with biomechanics. At that point, I thought, okay, band training, right? Band training is variable resistance. And I read a bunch of research of band training. So my plan was, okay, I’m going to start some band training and I’m going to write a really good book about band training, very comprehensive. Well, I realized this was a terrible idea because to be relevant for strength, there’s no getting away from heavy. So remember what I said, you’re seven times stronger in stronger range of motion, right? That means you’re going to be dealing with more weight than you would in a regular fitness environment. Not less.

Dr. John Jaquish: But that weight is delivered in a targeted area of a movement so that you’re taking the musculature to a deeper level of fatigue. As this protocol was being built and I started using bands, I got the bands be heavy enough to where they’d be relevant for strength. Then all of a sudden I realize, oh this is why you only see banding and rehab because once you get it heavy enough you just cause injury by twisting joints. So I knew we needed some … it wasn’t going to be a book. I had to create a product. It’s okay, I had already created a product. The funniest part about this was the last thing I want to do is launch something in the fitness industry, because I already had a medical device company.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I created this product I created this product. It’s an Olympic bar which will hold hundreds of pounds and it’s a plate that you stand on, which creates a second ground so the banding can move underneath and this banding is 50 to a hundred times greater power than standard bands. It needs to be because you’re delivering these high forces in the targeted area. I always say this, if you want to get stronger, if you want to grow muscle, there is no getting away from heavy, heavy load is what triggers growth. As I went through this, created the product, I then, because it’s the last thing I want to do is launch this product, I tried to license it to some of the existing fitness equipment, manufacturing companies, home fitness products. All of them were terrified of it because it was a scientific argument, and they said you do not understand how outrageously unintelligent the fitness industry is.

Dr. John Jaquish: All of them told me this. This is the lowest common denominator. Now, it doesn’t mean everybody’s unintelligent who’s involved in fitness, obviously, but there’s a lot of people out there who are incapable of understanding a scientific argument, which is why they want enough to do with it. They said the product looks absolutely amazing. In fact, a couple of companies who, out of respect, I won’t mention who they are, but what they said was, “Your product is outrageously superior to anything we’ve seen including our own products, and it’s cheaper. This is awesome, but you cannot give science to the world of fitness. They’re not smart enough.” and so I just thought, there’s no way that the whole world of fitness is like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I decided, okay, I’m going to launch it myself and found out they were mostly right. However, what I did find was our target market was really busy executives. So people who are a little more analytical. I’ve noticed that the carnival community who reads research, like I noticed in the carnival community, the fans of Sean Baker, Paul Saladino, there’s a couple other influencers there just not at the top of mind, that when they present a research study, I can tell by the comments that someone goes and reads that research study, which is awesome. There’s a number of groups of people who really, really connected well with the science and it’s mostly busy executive guys who again, like the high performance athlete, they don’t care what their bench presses. They just want to be as big as lean and as strong as possible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Another thing that, and you guys were talking to me about this before the show, injury prevention. So we offload the weaker ranges, the motion where joint injury happens. Now, you still fatigue that range of motion because we diminish the range as we go through sets. So people will go through a whole set and then their last repetition may only be an inch, a range of motion. Last few might be a very tiny amount of range of motion, but still fatiguing the entire musculature but in an inappropriate load. As it turns out, the forces that makes joints stronger aren’t where the joint is compromised in the weaker range of motion, which was previously thought. There’s a study, Benjamin and Ralph’s 1999, which shows that the joint capsule, the tendons and ligaments that surround these joints actually become more powerful with the higher forces more associated with axial loading, meaning where the joint is not in as compromised position and it’s in its more impact ready type position where we’re delivering all the force.

Dr. John Jaquish: We see people who have joint injury, back problems, neck problems, very aggressively addressing these issues because of not only the variable resistance but the aggressive curve of variance that is delivered with the X3 Bar resistance band training system product.

Nevada Gray: That’s absolutely amazing and of great interest to me because today we’re a society of citizen scientists and in a ketogenic and carnivore communities. There’s a lot of people that are recovering from injury, recovering from chronic metabolic illness that are rehabbing themselves right in their home. This is an amazing product for the average person, especially correcting muscle imbalances and learning to stabilize themselves. For example, for myself, my rehab consisted of creating a muscle fusion to stabilize my lumbar spine after my own injury, and I was just curious if you could speak to what a training regimen would look like in the average home with your product.

Dr. John Jaquish: The product fits in a drawer or a gym bag. In fact, we have a travel case it goes in. You can put it in a standard drawer. It’s very small. It’s a 20 inch long bar that has hooks that swivel so your wrist is never compromised as you grab ahold of the bar. Bar is aluminum exterior, solid steel interior, so it’s actually more powerful than a professional Olympic bar because those are hollow. Then the ground plate, which is made of steel and coated in epoxy, very powerful, both can handle hundreds of pounds. I’ve seen people do 700 pound peak force deadlifts with this. Like I said, you want to deliver, you’re going to deliver more force in the stronger range of motion than you’ve ever thought you could lift anyway.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you go through this very intense workout, but the workouts are right around four or five sets because you exhaust so quickly, you can only handle one set of each movement and you’re devastated. You can’t do another one. The objective when you train is not getting sore and it’s not moving weight so you can talk about it like these bench press, powerlifting people or whatever. It’s being able to deliver forces to the musculature to create a level of fatigue that is significant enough to trigger growth. It does that, and most people get through the protocol in 10 minutes. The more muscular you become, you got to catch your breath a little bit more. There’s like a false hoods of fitness where people believe that the more muscular someone is the worst their cardiovascular endurance is. That’s fake news that might as well be on CNN.

Dr. John Jaquish: What happens is, the larger muscle becomes, the more blood it’s pulling into it. So you look at somebody with gigantic quadriceps, strength athlete or something, runs up a flight of stairs and the guy’s out of breath, and people go, “Wow, you’re not in very good shape, are you?” Your cardiovascular is not the same as the 120, 140 pound guy who can go out and run a marathon. No, it’s just the engine. The muscle is just drawing more blood. That’s the difference. It has nothing to do with cardiac health at all. That’s why like when I do it, it takes a little bit longer than 10 minutes, probably takes me 15 to get through the whole protocol.

Chris Donohue: Wow. Yeah, I love, as part of my career, I’m a licensed massage therapist and just seeing, especially in the last 10 years an incredible amount joint injury, soft tissue damage. These young guys getting in there, jumping into CrossFit, just throwing joints out left and right. I love that what you’re about is working hard and heavy, like you said, but working smarter. Osteoporosis, let’s talk a little bit about that. I know that was kind of your introduction to all of this with OsteOstrong, but it is just becoming epidemic levels in this country. Tell us about osteoporosis and what your product does for that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So OsteOstrong, it applies impact level forces in the positions you’d naturally absorb impact. I wrote a book in 2012 called Osteogenic Loading. Osteogenic loading is applied through what I call impact emulation. So we get a human in a position where they would naturally absorb impact and then they self-create force. And in that self-created force, in that very specific positioning, which is adjusted by robotics, the individual compresses bone on its axis, meaning end to end. When that happens at the appropriate levels, provided there’s no chemical interference, like somebody’s smoking a lot or an alcoholic or something like that or has a thyroid dysfunction. Aside from those things, they will very aggressively be able to reassimilate minerals in the bone density and address that issue.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’d say the caveats, there’s a couple other things. Proton pump inhibitors that people take for reflux, very damaging to bone density. There’s a couple other things that get in the way of some of what OsteOstrong can do, but for the most part, it very aggressively addresses bone mass and can make people very fracture resistance.

Nevada Gray: Yes. Osteoporosis is very close to my heart. My mom has severe osteoporosis and a lot of women in my community that I service as pharmacists, osteoporosis is one of the number one concerns. One of the things have me very interested with your product is that it can be used right in the home by the average woman. I was just wondering if you could speak to results that you’re seeing in women with osteoporosis using the X3 Bar portable home gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s very difficult to get to appropriate force levels. The two products OsteOstrong and X3 Bar variable resistance training system were built for very different purposes. X3 Bar resistance band bar system is the absolute ultimate muscle product. It will grow muscle faster than anything else. It’s awesome. The loads that are required to trigger bone growth are very high and people can only handle those loads for seconds. So you really need an OsteOstrong location. Now, there are people who have some bone density challenges and they don’t have an OsteOstrong near them, so they get an X3 Bar fitness band bar system. Can it be addressed? Yeah, sort of. Can you hammer a nail with a brick? Yeah. Is it the right tool? No. You really need to get through an osteo strong location. They’re just purpose-built for two different things.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Chris Donohue: Well, John, you are in incredible shape, incredible health. You’re setting the example for those of us in our late 40s, early 50s. I’d love to hear some of just your philosophy. Your philosophy towards health, towards weightlifting. For the average person listening at home, what should they be focused on? What works and what doesn’t?

Dr. John Jaquish: That right there. You just grabbed ahold of it. You have to look at what’s working. I see a lot of, especially in fitness. I have a YouTube show, which is not all that regular. Just whenever I happen to bump into something that I’ve just like go, “Oh, that’s the dumbest idea that I hear about all the time,” I have a show on YouTube called Falsehoods of Fitness. Falsehoods of Fitness show, it’s great because I point out like people do cardio to lose weight. Why would we not want to do that? Do you guys know?

Chris Donohue: Yeah, it’s not going to really rev those fat burning engines for one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here is a hormonal reason. It’s way worse than that. When you do sustained cardio, you increase cortisol and you decrease growth hormone. If you think about the logic of the central nervous system, the central nervous system says, oh, we need to go long distances on limited fuel. So we’re going to get rid of muscle, which is the engine that’s constantly running, and we’re going to store more body fat. Sustained cardio actually keeps you fatter longer and gets rid of your muscle. Now, I see people who they want to be like “well-rounded,” right? So they do cardio and then they do strength training, and from a hormonal perspective, they didn’t do anything. They went one direction and then they went hard in the other direction and ended up back in neutral.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s not a better way to spend your wheels and doing that. I did a Falsehoods of Fitness on that. Interestingly enough, I did not get any backlash from that one. People were not upset. There were even people who were like total cardio, people who are like, “Yes, but I want to be good at running.” And I’m like, “Well, if you want to be good are running, you’ve got to run. You just got to know that you’re not doing this to be as lean or as strong as possible.” And they’re like, “Yep, I get it.” That was an interesting one. I had a bunch of other ones where there’s trainers who’ve made a whole career out of talking about how you train your upper packs or your lower packs. No such thing. You can’t isolate a part of a muscle. It’s like when people say, “Oh, I’m working on my outer tricep. Really? Show me how you contract just that and not your inner tricep. They can’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re inserted at the same point. Yes, you can change the angle so it looks like one part is more contracted than the other, but if you’re doing the electromyography on the muscle, just one happens to be kind of scrunched up more so than another part of the muscle, but that doesn’t mean it’s not engaged. Yeah, just total nonsense that has been in the fitness industry. So I do that. There’s a lot of misconceptions about carbohydrates. One of the reasons people believe they need carbohydrates is there was one study one time which used exogenous, meaning with a hypodermic needle levels insulin that were introduced to people that showed an aggressive positive change in muscle protein synthesis.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bodybuilders inject, some somebody builders, I think some of the crazier ones, will inject insulin to induce a greater muscle protein synthesis. First of all, so dangerous. You never want to mess around with that. Second of all, that doesn’t mean eating carbohydrates grows muscle. In fact, there’s I think nine other studies that have identified that show that insulin and glucose play absolutely no role whatsoever in muscle protein synthesis. None. So how many carbohydrates do you need? None. That’s how many, zero. It doesn’t mean you won’t get any. There’ even carbohydrates in meat. There’s muscle glycogen in there. There’s some. So you may get a gram of carbohydrates when you eat a pound of rib eye, but point is it is not a performance food.

Dr. John Jaquish: I say frequently there’s only two macronutrients. Carbohydrates are not a nutrient at all. So another thing that people are … I don’t know, I suppose upset about, which I find very interesting. Your listeners are definitely the people who laugh at this phenomenon where somebody will post some research and other people will get upset about it. How can you get upset about research? We’re here to learn, right? Ultimately, I want to be … if somebody could show me that giving up on meat and eating cauliflower all day long would make me smarter, stronger and leaner, like right now the evidence shows us that meat does for us, if somebody could show me the opposite and show me the errors in all of the carnivore nutrition research, I’d switch because it doesn’t matter.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just we’re going to do what is best based on what the information we have. I find it very amusing and a monument to the lemming like behavior, so many people who just don’t really care about what’s right. It’s more like they care about who’s right, which is sad.

Nevada Gray: What would your advice be to the average person that’s in the gym looking to optimize their strength as far as nutrition based on your experience and what you’re seeing and what you’ve learned through the research?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, first of all I’d tell them to stop wasting their time in a gym and get an X3 Bar resistance band training system because they don’t need to go to the gym. But there’s a lot of people who use their X3 Bar resistance band bar system in gyms also just cause they like going there. I don’t know, maybe it’s where they meet people they want a date. I think that’s the real reason people go there. Because who would want to go into some sanitation nightmare gym. But I think of all the people that talk about carnival nutrition, there’s two things. Number one, a lot of people say, well that’s the extreme. That’s like it’s not even doable for most people. It’s a ridiculous extreme that you’re talking about. I don’t think it’s an extreme at all because once you try it, you realize, you feel so much better? And all that other stuff just isn’t food.

Dr. John Jaquish: It just has no value. Vitamins, here, let me ask you guys a question. Have you ever eat a diet of whole foods? Fruits, vegetables, no supplements? How many calories would you need to consume to get to the recommended daily intakes ascribed by the American Medical Association? Take a guess.

Chris Donohue: Massive amounts like 5,000, 6,000 maybe?

Dr. John Jaquish: What’s your guests?

Nevada Gray: My guess would be similar to Chris’s.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. 27,000 calories a day would be required.

Chris Donohue: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Clearly no one ever ate like that. The vitamin recommendations are just nonsense. They were based on expert opinion in the 1960s or something or ’50s. There’s a great paper by Dr. Jayson Calton, who’s a friend of mine, that lays this whole thing out. It’s just like the recommendations are just ridiculous. Then of course there’s, there’s vitamins that your body makes itself, maybe not at the ascribed levels, but if your body’s making them not at the ascribed levels, maybe those levels are nonsense. Maybe they were written to sell vitamins in the 1960s. Who knows what the conflicts of interests were back then? I think that’s something people should keep in mind.

Dr. John Jaquish: So my second point is that I think I’m probably one of the more unbiased one, completely unbiased when it came, when it came to nutrition. There’s other guys out there who are, you could say, like in reality, Dr. Baker’s not really selling anything. Yes, he has a book, but he doesn’t have a bias. He just started prescribing meat as a physician and people saw great outcomes. That was fantastic. But I came at it from a different perspective. When people started buying X3 workout bar system, I said, “Okay, I need to recommend the most optimized nutrition program so that people get the best results.” Because if people are out there trying to be like vegan or something like that, they’re not going to put on any muscle. And then they blame the product, where the truth is, they’re just not getting nutrients.

Dr. John Jaquish: I wanted to recommend what was best. I wanted to find what was going to make people as muscular as strong as possible and as lean as possible. Also, what I discovered about aging and being lean and muscular is those are the two greatest drivers of long life. So longevity and performance are very closely associated. There’s a causality relationship there because the stronger you are, the better every organ is having the function to supply the musculature with what it needs to be at that higher performance level. So it makes sense, and you can really draw good a causation relationship there. As I went through this process and learned about nutrition, and especially protein recommendations, what we see with how much protein the human body needs to create new muscular tissue, you really don’t have room in your intestines for much else.

Dr. John Jaquish: You just don’t. That really got me far down the carnivore path pretty quickly because I realized like wow, that’s what we should be eating. I’m not going to go eat two and a half pounds of steak and then also eat a pound of vegetables. I can’t. Especially if you want to get a faster period of time restricted eating window. So I eat one meal a day and it’s usually like two and a half pounds meat, that’s it. Pretty easy.

Chris Donohue: I was going to ask you about that doc. As far as other strategies to optimize our hormones, intermittent fasting, sunshine, things that naturally endogenously boost human growth hormone, testosterone, what are some other strategies that you use personally or that you recommend?

Dr. John Jaquish: I got a prescription just because I was injured in rugby in undergrad for a testosterone replacement. So I needed it. I was very deficient in it, and I was told I’d have cardiac problems if I didn’t have it. So that wasn’t even like a choice. Then I found out later like having your levels even is … it’s good, it’s a good thing if you need it. Every once in a while, well, my staff reads these emails now, but I used to get emails from people, customers that would say, “Hey, I want to get a prescription for testosterone replacement. How do I do it?” And I’m like, “It’s not the attitude you should have. You may have a decent level of testosterone your body’s making itself. If you got on the medication protocol you could screw that up.” If your natural production is damaged, then that may be the right thing to do, but you got to know what you’re doing. I think researching what your hormonal levels are is important.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think the body … now, you can’t really get a prescription for growth hormone anymore and that makes me pretty happy, because a growth hormone does a lot of stuff. It should really be called human repair hormone once you’re an adult, because it doesn’t really grow you. It doesn’t even really grow muscle. It’s not anabolic. It’s anti catabolic. I think that there was some things that it might’ve been doing that weren’t exactly what we wanted, besides with stabilization firing in an exercise protocol, you create your own growth hormone to a very high degree. Growth hormone also pulses, so it goes wildly up and down and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. When people inject it, it just stays up. It’s not the way it’s supposed to be in the body.

Dr. John Jaquish: The fear I have is it’s manifesting in other places, places you don’t want to have grown like in your intestines, for example, or maybe a cancer cell. We don’t know. I was really happy when that happened. So, so I think research testosterone for … even women can research their hormonal levels and they can get some medical help from that. But other than looking at your hormones, optimizing your exercise with X3 Bar exercise band bar system, that’s the biggest thing. Carnivore nutrition, another thing that I put out recently is a product called Fortagen, which is essential amino acid product that’s made correctly so your body can use it. It’s bacterial fermentation. Basically, humans are supposed to eat rotting stuff. It actually tastes like apples. I’m drinking it right now as I’m talking to you guys, but it’s made from fermentation. That is a large source of essential amino acids.

Dr. John Jaquish: So we get no nitrogen byproduct when ingesting Fortagen, which means it’s the most usable protein, even better than steak and eggs. It’s pretty cool. For those people who wants to be vegan, of course we’re going to try and talk them out of that, but if they really want to continue to do that, Fortagen is an option because no animals are hurt when bacteria creates fermentation.

An Amino Acid Supplement Engineered to Build Muscle

Those are all really simple things. X3 Bar variable resistance training systems, very simple, elegant product. Fortagen, that’s the one supplement I take. And then, yeah, carnivore nutrition. Pretty simple. Also, I’m a one meal a day. I don’t think anybody has it easier than I do when it comes to maintaining a high performance physiology or physique, because I don’t spend time on my nutrition, I pretty much eat every meal out. I’m always on the road. But you can always find steak anywhere.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even in India, which people have trouble believing. There were a lot of British people there for a long time. Yeah, you always want to stay somewhere. If I’m on the road, I’ll do a 48 hour fast if I’m flying to a couple of different countries and just one flight after another. Because once you get all that sugar out of your system and you don’t want it anymore, then it doesn’t matter. A 48 hour fast is sort of like a 24 hour fast, it doesn’t matter. You’re not really that hungry. So I enjoy that also. Food prep and exercise time is just irrelevant to me. All I got to do is find 10 minutes a day, 10 minutes-ish to do my X3 Bar resistance band training system workout, and then everything else I do is just like no time at all.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Nevada Gray: Yes, it definitely frees up your time to be efficient and optimizing your health and your nutrition. One of the things I really admire about you is as you continue to research, you evolve with that research with your products and your company, and I was just wondering what some advice you would have for entrepreneurship.

Dr. John Jaquish: Being entrepreneurial, being able to create your own concept, idea, now that doesn’t mean you need to go out and start your own company, but you need to have a place where … you need to be in a place where you can see an idea through and make sure you know that I can work by. I see a lot of people stuck in positions professionally where they just have no freedom. They’re just applying other people’s ideas, which is totally unsatisfying, number one, just from a mental health perspective, but it never allows you to be able to create anything and never allows you to really create any success. Ultimately, our economy, all economies of the world are driven by adding value. Why is that X3 Bar fitness band bar system the fastest growing brand in fitness? Why is it the market leader in variable resistance?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it works ridiculously well. It is super inexpensive next to other home gym solutions that have any relevance. Yeah, sure, there’s $35 products that are like a bag of bands or something like that, but like I said, you’re never going to get heavy with that. You’re going to hurt yourself if you try. So they’re junk. The value that is added, someone can actually build a champion physique with a home product that costs $550. Again, when somebody says, “Well, it seems really expensive.” I say, “Well, what’s 20 pounds a muscle worth?” When you ask the average guy was 20 pounds of muscle worth, they’re like, “I don’t know, $10,000 like anything. That sounds awesome.” Right. People are putting on 20 pounds of muscle when they do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s why. In any professional situation where you can create that kind of value, you can have somebody out there spend less money or spend the same amount of money on a given solution and the value is so much better, you’re talking about world changing type solutions.

Chris Donohue: Yeah. No, absolutely, John. They say that necessity’s the mother of invention, and that’s certainly been your story from the beginning, helping with your mother’s osteoporosis and then seeing these needs, thinking outside the box, working with the body and its biomechanics, instead of against it, trying to manhandle it and force it. What’s next for you? What are you excited about? What’s on your horizon?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a few things that are in process and talking to my patent attorneys every day. Yeah, there’s all kinds of great things that are happening at my company Jaquish Biomedical. OsteOstrong is growing super fast. We’re in seven different countries, 127 locations right now. All brands, all products are doing absolutely spectacular. There are some new products that are around the corner that are … OsteOstrong is grown its wings and it’s out of the nest. I will have to look at. I’m still working with a lot other different research institutions, different universities to try and get more literature around the protocols with that. But for the most part, my role at OsteOstrong strong is supporting the physicians that are referring.

Dr. John Jaquish: Letting the physicians know that no matter what their questions are, there’s somebody there that can answer. That’s where I’m spending more time with OsteOstrong. As far as other products, there’s a lot of things that are going to add value to X3 Bar. They’re both totally world-changing advancements and we’re going to see a population that’s going to be able to grow musculature and be leaner in a much easier way with a much more convenient package. There’s a number of things that are going to come along with that, that are going to make that process even more powerful.

Chris Donohue: Awesome.

Nevada Gray: Yes. As far as the cost, the average gym membership costs around $500, so if you can bring a product into your home that you can use in your time, and the least amount of time possible, optimize your fitness and nutrition, correct muscle imbalances, that’s a win-win in my eyes. So where can our listeners find you?

Dr. John Jaquish: You can find me, so my Instagram is @drjaquish. On Facebook, it’s the same thing, or you can just search for Dr. John Jaquish. Yeah, those are pretty much two places. I don’t do Twitter. I find it annoying. It’s also been taken over by just angry political people who just like to throw their toys. So yeah, not interested in that. Yeah, those two places. Then of course, the website for X3 Bar exercise band bar system is

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Chris Donohue: Awesome. Well, John, thank you so much. Really appreciate it. You’ve done some amazing things and I am confident that the best is even yet to come for you. We’ll keep up with you. I look forward to talking to you again sometime soon.

Dr. John Jaquish: Super. Bye guys.

Nevada Gray: Thank you.

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