June 20, 2023

X3 Fitness Transformations: Cameron

A before and after photo of X3 user Cameron Sharp

Cameron is a 44-year-old X3 user and recovering weightlifter. He lifted weights for over a year and spent around 6 hours per week in the gym.

His gym time was dedicated to bodybuilding and traditional strength training.

Cameron’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Cameron dedicates just 1-2 hours per week to his X3 workouts. He first noticed significant results 6-8 weeks after starting the X3 workout program.

Cameron follows a moderately strict diet protocol and uses Fortagen. He tracks macros and limits poor choices.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks?

I tore my left bicep tendon in 2016.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

I have made great gains in my muscle growth everywhere. My body composition has changed and everyone I know compliments the changes

Anything else you’d like to share?

My photos are 12 weeks before and after. I am on month 9 now and LOVE it. I bought a second X3, and 4-5 friends have bought it after seeing my results.

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