August 30, 2022

X3 Fitness Transformations: Amann

A before and after photo of X3 user Amann Devaughn

Amann is a 27-year-old X3 and Fortagen user. He lifted weights for over 10 years and spent up to six hours per week in the gym.

During that time, he focused on bodybuilding, powerlifting, and traditional strength training.

Amann’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Amann dedicates just 1-2 hours per week to his X3 workouts. He first noticed significant results in the first month of using Jaquish Biomedical products.

Amann has followed vegan, pescatarian, and vegetarian diet protocols. He takes Fortagen daily.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks?

My shoulder had synergistic dominance and a very low range of motion. Now I have 90% range of motion, and I’m stronger than ever.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

I have been using the x3 for 15 weeks and 3 days and I’ve experienced significant improvement in mobility, range of motion, and muscle mass/strength.

Have you tried Fortagen? If so, how does it compare to other muscle-building supplements you have taken in the past?

It’s revolutionary and the way of the future for fitness. It’s great tasting and it works fast.

Its powerful muscle-building agents will have you in “beast mode” in no time.

What results have you experienced since incorporating Fortagen?

More shredded look and gaining muscle mass.

Anything else you’d like to share?

My photos are 12 weeks before and after. I am on month 9 now and LOVE it.

I bought a second X3 and 4-5 friends have bought it too after seeing my results.

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