By The Get Over Yourself Podcast on September 29, 2020

Dr. John Jaquish: Smashing Fitness Falsehoods, Getting Super Ripped Without Weights, And Pushing The Extremes Of Healthy Living

Dr. John Jaquish: Smashing Fitness Falsehoods, Getting Super Ripped Without Weights, And Pushing The Extremes Of Healthy Living

Get ready for a hard-hitting, straight-shooting, fearless free-thinking fitness leader that will blow your mind and challenge you to rethink many of the basic notions of fitness, diet, and healthy living.

Dr. John is a longtime innovator and thought leader in the biomedical fitness scene, having invented the globally popular OsteoStrong training device to fight osteoporosis. His more recent fitness sensation is the X3 Bar, which is revolutionizing the way people think about and perform strength training. His heavy resistance bands with the attached bar system allows you to work the range of motion with the highest power output (the end of the movement) with the highest resistance. This is the exact opposite of lifting a heavy bar, where you are constrained by the hardest part (e.g., lifting the bar off the floor) of the lift. You’ll hear Dr. John’s full explanation in the show, but essentially, you get a more challenging and complete workout in a much shorter time period.

We also talk about Dr. John’s astonishing dietary strategy of eating just once every 48 hours, when he enjoys a full-bore carnivore feast. That’s right, Dr. John is maintaining his muscular, single-digit body fat physique (6'0" and 240lbs) with a zero carb diet and a workout protocol of 10 minutes per day, 6 days a week! Yes indeed, this guy is off the beaten track by many miles and it’s incredibly refreshing to open your mind to greater possibilities, challenge bullshit conventional stupidity that’s been proven wrong over and over but we still blindly follow it and listen to someone who is not afraid to speak his mind at every corner and back up his seemingly crazy proclamations with extensive scientific research and knowledge base.

“We are not meant to exert ourselves with that much intensity for very long,” Dr. John says, pointing out that while most people assume that a lack of motivation is the reason why people can’t go hard with a workout for more than ten minutes, it’s really a lack of glycogen! Meaning, it’s biological, not mental: if your body is screaming at you to stop, listen, and stop. Dr. John shares a story about how, during the last few sets of an hour-long workout he did, his ears started ringing. “I felt awful, so I thought: what is going on here?” Now, Dr. John is certain that this was his body sounding the alarm on what wasn’t working:  “This was my body’s way of saying: no, we are not doing this anymore!”  Finally, we wrap up with some great advice from his dad, a former NASA engineer: “Don’t think people are going down the right path. Look at the problem, and think of anything else that might address that problem than the way people are doing it, because there might be a better answer.”

Enjoy this informative and surprising episode with Dr. John, and check out his new book, Weight Training Is A Waste Of Time.


Brad’s guest today has made many innovations to the fitness culture. He calls out the BS in the fitness industry. [01:39]

John makes some pretty strong statements regarding the information we have been given.  Are calories important? He eats only one meal every 48 hours.  [05:06]

It has a lot to do with looking at what happens during fasting. [08:51]

Some people, in an attempt to find a diet, try to find a solution that doesn’t require a change. [11:02]

John compares the idea of the bears creating diabetes so they can hibernate with what the humans have dealt with. [14:10]

Hydrating is another purpose of carbs. [18:59]

You only need antioxidants if you are oxidizing. [21:28]

What are oxalates? [22:31]

John explains his 48-hour fasting theory. [25:22]

The larger muscle becomes, the more blood it needs to function correctly. [28:21]

The X3 Bar delivers results with weight changing as we move it. [33:00]

What do we really want when we exercise?  We want to change our bodies. [37:59]

Why is this going to have less risk of muscle soreness and damage than doing sets with a heavy bar? [43:31]

If you can fatigue the muscle without damaging the muscle, then all of the protein synthesis is appropriated for growth. [46:14]

Sometimes the information that is published in exercise science is not accurate. [47:06]

After the X3 workout bar system, you need at least 36 hours to recover. [53:26]

The Central Governor Theory defines the point in the middle of the race when your brain tells your body, “That’s enough."[55:15]

Using the X3 Bar exercise band bar system, the injury risk is low. [59:49]

The Osteostrong devices give the benefit of high impact without the risks. {01:00:03]

Full Transcript

Brad: …And here we go with the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fasting is a hard thing to sell a product around. So anything you read about fasting you know it’s truth. Because no one’s trying to sell you anything because literally you eat nothing. So, it’s hard for somebody to have a marketing budget behind that.

But let’s give everybody a little brief on oxalates it, the way an animal keeps you from eating it is it runs away or at least to try, and then the way a plant keeps you from eating it is it gives you a mild toxin so at some point you’re like, “I’m sick eating this.” And you go away.

What do we really want when we exercise? We want to change our bodies. We want to make the human body a more powerful, more efficient, more disease free machine.

Hey listeners, get ready for a very interesting and intriguing show with Dr. John Jaquish he is the inventor of the recent fitness sensation called the X3 Bar resistance band training system. He also invented the globally popular OsteoStrong training device. That’s been helping to fight osteoporosis for many years.

This guy is out there on the cutting edge of inventing incredible medical and fitness training devices thinking freely and outside the box. So you’re going to hear from a very hard hitting straight shooting and fearless free thinking fitness leader, who is not afraid to call BS and challenge many of our basic notions and long held beliefs about how to pursue fitness goals.

We’ll talk a little bit about his amazing X3 Bar fitness band bar system, which is revolutionizing strength training, because it allows you to work the range of motion with the highest power output with the maximum resistance, which is the exact opposite of lifting heavy bar to get the heavy bar off your chest, that’s the hardest part because that’s your least power output.

And then when you’re at the top of the lift is when you have your highest power output. So by using a heavy elastic strap, that requires more and more forced to stretch, it allows you to work much harder in a much shorter duration workout.

And let me tell you, I like stuff like that because I want to get in there, work hard and get it done, and do the stuff that I really have fun with like sprinting and high jumping and playing sports. So if you’re not inclined to want to spend hours in the gym, working those muscles and lifting the heavy weights, oh my gosh, this kind of innovation is really exciting to learn about.

And I’m telling you, this guy is going to blow your mind because he has an amazing propensity to look at things differently, think freely think outside the box, and innovate, and second guess, and progress the fitness culture accordingly.

Get a load of his dietary strategy. He eats once every 48 hours with a full on carnivore feast. So he’s in this tight closed loop system, maintaining his amazingly muscular physique, he comes in at six foot and 240 with single digit body fat. And he’s only training for 10 minutes a day to build this massive physique and extremely healthy with all the fasting benefits that you get.

So this is going to be a wide ranging show with a lot of amazing insights that will definitely get you to think twice about the basic notions of diet and fitness, and getting big, and recovering all kinds of fun stuff. Check out his new book too. It’s called Weight Training Is a Waste of Time.

Of course, wouldn’t you know with a title like that from a free thinking guy like Dr. John and it’s already a sensation on Amazon became a bestseller as soon as it came out here in late summer, 2020. Dr. John Jaquish, inventor of the X3 Bar variable resistance training system author of Weight Training Is a Waste of Time. Dr. John Jaquish, I am here. At X3 Bar resistance band bar system world headquarter.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Brad: Such a pleasure to join you in your super high tech studio.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

Brad: Especially with the lighting, I think we look particularly good, with this professional lighting. It’s amazing that we don’t even have makeup, but we look super sharp.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, we’re just handsome guys.

Brad: That too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Brad: It’s a strong starting point. And-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s good.

Brad: … I got all kinds of fun stuff to talk to you about. Your videos are fantastic on YouTube. You’re a straight shooter-

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

Brad: … you hit those Q&A’s hard. And then you call out the BS in the fitness industry.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right, there’s a lot of it. And it’s pretty easy.

Brad: Of which there is a lot.

Dr. John Jaquish: Almost everything.

Brad: Well, that’s a strong statement, but if you start breaking it down, and some of those sound bites I got from you it’s.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, a lot of the big picture stuff like cardio for fat loss, that’s just I could write a book about that. The section 30 days my book comes out Henry’s coauthor on that.

Brad: What’s the title?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s called Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time. And then the subtitle is, and So Is Cardio. There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want.

Brad: Besides that have fun in a gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: So many things are just gross misinterpretations of research, like just the simplification of looking at calories. Like is counting calories, good or bad? I could write a book about just that question right there. Like, well, like calories matter macro nutrients also matter, micronutrients matter a lot less than we’ve been told.

But a calories unit of energy meant to drive the processes in our body is like looking at calories you’re putting fuel in a car. A car is a very simple machine, it’s also not alive. So that’s a very overly simplified way. And overly simplified is a term, that’s a nice way of saying wrong.

So it’s wrong, you just can’t look at the body like calories or fuel. Okay, a lot of things can be fuel. Your skin can be fuel, you can metabolize your own skin. Like I have a huge scar on this shoulder from a branding, my fraternity, it was an honor, you get elected president, you get the brand. I didn’t regret it, it was cool.

But this thing since I’ve been doing so I eat one meal every 48 hour. Since I started doing that fasting, I go into long periods of autophagy. The scar is actually eating itself from the inside, so for 20 years it had been there, that’s when I was president of fraternity 20 years ago. Is that right? Yeah. About, a little less than that.

And then it’s been the same ever since it healed up in the fraternity house, and then all of a sudden it’s disappearing to the point where I can be the swimming pool and somebody doesn’t even see it. And before I had a thick scar raised off of my skin, a quarter millimeter, you’d see it, like there’s a shadow underneath it.

Brad: So they’re going to have to get you again is, I guess you got to go back to the reunion brand or not.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, well, I would like to see and try. I wouldn’t want it a second time, I got them ones already, it’s cool.

Brad: This one meal every 48 hours at the level that you’re burning calories and building muscle and preserving muscle, that’s a fascinating strategy, how did you come to that? That’s out there, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it has to do with looking at what happens during fasting. There’s a lot of myths around fasting. Fasting is a hard thing to sell a product around. So anything you read about fasting you know it’s the truth, because no one’s trying to sell you anything, because literally you eat nothing. So, it’s hard for somebody to have a marketing budget behind that.

But, though I have seen fasting, mimicking crosstalk

Brad: With crosstalk included.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, yeah, bars and stuff and it mimics fasting. It’s like, “No, it doesn’t, that’s stupid.” So when you’re fasting, you’re not consuming any calories, there’s a caveat to that, there’s a 50 caveat thing.

Brad: Same with the misappropriation of the term is hilarious because, “I’m on a brown rice fast, I’m on a coffee fast. I’m on a juice fast.” Well, that’s an oxymoron hunt.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, coffee has no calories.

Brad: Well, I guess you need to be on a right amount and-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s the idea.

Brad: … dog walking fast or something.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absence of calories.

Brad: And so when you’re at once every 48 hours, is that’s your cohort consumption.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Brad: And then when it’s time to eat, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: I eat.

Brad: Maybe we want to be invited over for that, huh?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, sometimes the chefs come out and watch the guy eat everything you ordered because they can’t believe he can. So when I go to Ruth’s Chris Steak House I get the 40-ounce porterhouse.

Brad: They have that hidden off the menu, or?

Dr. John Jaquish: What they call the porterhouse for two, but I eat by myself. And then I get two orders of a shrimp on top of that. Probably eight ounces of shrimp or maybe six ounces of shrimp, and then 40-ounces of porterhouse.

Brad: And you’re also in a highly [carnivore-rich] where you’re not eating many carbs even at these feasts.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think even though I’ve tried to explain this very carefully, my words get misinterpreted because it’s like the news. People want to watch the news that tells them that they’re right, not the truth. They want very little to do with the truth. And I can just tell by, I hear something from one of my friends.

And I’m like, “Guessing you heard that on CNN because there’s no accuracy to that at all. That’s just a Google search can disprove that.” But it’s they want to watch what makes them feel better. And people want nutrition, which makes them feel better. In fact, if you look at keywords of pop-up on Google, and it’s diet where I can eat anything I want.

Brad: That’s highly searched for phrase.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s one of the crosstalk thing, like you don’t have to type very much to that. And bang, the whole sentence shows up. And they want to figure out how they can do everything they did to get really fat yet, somehow get the opposite result, which is-

Brad: Have cake and eat it too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, there we go, have cake and eat it too.

Brad: This feast is what’s the composition? Is it meat oriented?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, 100%.

Brad: 100%.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, pretty much don’t need anything.

Brad: You’re a carb free human.

Dr. John Jaquish: Carbohydrates have two purposes. Well I should say three purposes because I’m sitting next to an endurance athlete.

Brad: A former endurance athlete, thank you. After listening to Dr. John crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right, you’re doing much better now. You’re crosstalk.

Brad: Well, one line that got me was cardio burns up muscle. And preserves fat or because you to store fat. And we never thought about you in those terms.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re right. Cardio, it’s the uphill battle. It’s-

Brad: That’s called aging, you want to call it a related term. The essence of aging is, losing muscle mass.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and accelerates aging, I’ve seen that.

Brad: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve seen that documented where it’s like, somebody looks-

Brad: I had no wrinkles before my career started and no gray hair either.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a guy in the fitness industry his name’s Fred Seabright, he’s handsome chap, he has the same haircut. And he I think he just retired and he worked for, I shouldn’t say who he worked for because I might screw this up.

But he great guy and I would bring them up on stage and I say, “This is Fred. Fred’s my twin brother.” Of course he looks a lot older than me. I’m like “He got married that’s how all this happened. So, keep that in mind.” But the… I’m distracting myself, what the hell are we talking about?

Brad: I’m still curious how you came to this eating pattern.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, carbohydrates.

Brad: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s three things carbohydrates can do for you. And I have a very different approach and view of type 2 diabetes. And it’s based on an observation of bears. Brown bears, black bears, grizzly bears. A bear will give itself type 2 diabetes every year.

Brad: Chowing those berries.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. They only eat the berries at the end.

Brad: Berries.

Dr. John Jaquish: At the right at the end of the summer, right before the winter, like fall time, I guess. And so, they get… Now of course that’s when carbohydrates show up. They’d probably eat it all year long except the problem is when they give themselves type 2 diabetes, it’s a mode your body goes into to get you as fat as possible.

I don’t believe type 2 diabetes is a dysfunction of the human body. I believe it’s a function of the human body. Because in nature, carbohydrates, most places in the world only show up for a couple weeks, right at the end of the fall, before it starts to get really cold.

So getting as fat as possible is a survival mechanism because bears hibernate, so they don’t have a choice, they’re not going to eat anything because they’re just sitting in a hole. So, that’s part of it. The other part of it is, the more adipose tissue you have, the better chance of surviving the cold you have.

So, type 2 diabetes isn’t is not a disease. From my perspective-

Brad: Human evolutionary advantage, huge.

Dr. John Jaquish: … Right, it’s something you can trigger, so that you can get as fat as possible because you want to get as fat as possible to survive the winter. Now we don’t live like that anymore, we have buildings and air conditioning.

Brad: Well, winter.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and also, we live in California and I mean, other than the terrible taxes, weather’s pretty good. We don’t have to necessarily worry about freezing to death. But when you look at the bear model, now animal models, you don’t want to look in an animal model and say, “That’s what we should eat.” Because we’re not any animal other than human.

But it’s a great example, and you also know that animals aren’t screwing up their own studies like people are by lying about what they ate and drank, which people notoriously do, because they want to believe that they are doing something that they might not exactly be doing. So, survey-based studies is like, “All right, well maybe.” But animals, you know a bear didn’t go out drinking every night. You know a bear didn’t order pizza instead of hunting deer, because they just don’t do that. I mean, please, I’ve never seen one.

Brad: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, that’s really the main purpose of carbohydrates.

Brad: It’s to get you fat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, it’s to get you fat. Now there’s two exceptions to that. When you do really extensive endurance, you got to have immediate fuel because you’ve burned up all your muscle glycogen. And how quick did you burn up your glycogen?

Brad: It takes hours.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, hours and then you want to keep going.

Brad: You need some sugar.

Dr. John Jaquish: You need so sugar, right?

Brad: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: This show is sponsored by the,

Brad: No, it’s not, sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Brad: But you get your gel or your drink to keep going.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, your gel pack or whatever, and it’s basically like a liquid candy bar. And then you can keep going because your body can metabolize that. But you’re basically limping along at that point. All sports, have a team tendency to at the most extreme degree, cast health aside for sake of the victory.

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, how many football players sacrifice their joints so they can play one more season? All of them.

Brad: If I don’t, then I’m cut-

Dr. John Jaquish: The other guy will.

Brad: … and some other guy will.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they will.

Brad: Same with endurance. I’m going to go a little more further on the bike and then the next guy, and burn up your hormones and everything else. So that was the other purpose for carbs is to contribute to the feeling of extreme endurance. And did you say there was three purposes?

Dr. John Jaquish: Third purpose I would say is hydrating. You could hydrate with sodium. Sodium slotted different places and we do get plenty of it. And you cramp, if you don’t have mostly sodium though there are other electrolytes. But, if you want to hydrate a muscle, you can hydrate it after you deplete glycogen, and then you can actually have a slight acceleration of growth.

There’s a protocol that’s in the book where I talk about using vasodilator an hour before a workout and then doing your workout and then having a very limited amount of carbohydrates is calculated based on your body weight. And then you can have more blood flow into the muscle, which delivers more nutrients, you can have a little bit more growth.

Brad: Okay, raise your hand out there, if you ascribe to any of those three, not many people, really have-

Dr. John Jaquish: No, most people just eat carbohydrates because they have no self-control. They have crosstalk self-control of a child. I see the addiction everywhere and, the foods are engineered to be addictive. So, I’m not saying the average person is just a loser, I’m saying the average person got sucked into-

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: … the addictive food pattern and doesn’t want to believe that they should break it.

Brad: Right, I mean, what would you say to the huge plant-based advocate who thinks that blueberries, broccoli, kale leaves are essential to human health?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’d say prove it. I’d say, show me the micronutrients that you’re taking in and why you need those-

Brad: Yeah, but now-

Dr. John Jaquish: … because there’s no proof to it.

Brad: … it’s getting disproven now with the carnivore movement, I think very effectively.

Dr. John Jaquish: Very effectively, yeah.

Brad: Dr. Casey Means use this term redundant pathways. Saladino says the same thing where you do get an antioxidant response from consuming the broccoli, it’s highly validated and isn’t that great but you also get the same from jumping into cold water and getting that hormetic stressor.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or, I got-

Brad: Or fasting.

Dr. John Jaquish: … I got a slightly different perspective. You’ll only need antioxidants if you’re oxidizing. Because the carnivore diet is anti-inflammatory, there’s no inflammatories and there’s no oxalates. So, you take in oxalates with vegetables, which give you inflammation. And then you got to go all over the world to get your antioxidants.

It’s like you’re taking the poison and the antidote. Smart. I’m being sarcastic.

Brad: I mean, hopefully you are following this listener, because the plants have natural toxins. This is also undisputed, this is not just Dr. John popping off.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Thank you for that.

Brad: So, you get benefits, but you also have some there’s a stressor aspect to it. And we’ve been socialized to envision the blueberry as the antioxidant powerhouse of the diet. But it’s because it’s stimulating a response to crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: And other vegetables, every plant has oxalates. Basically, let’s give everybody a little brief on oxalates. It’s, the way an animal keeps you from eating it is it runs away. Or at least it tries, and then the way a plant keeps you from eating it is, it gives you a mild toxin so at some point you’re like, I’m sick eaten this and you go away.

And this is true of animals, now they have higher tolerances for oxalates, but if you can engineer food so that it’s has less oxalates, the animals have less inflammation too. Well, I mean, like a herbivore has got tolerance to oxalates it’s through the roof, whereas we do not.

Which I think does help indicate that we’re much better with a much more animal protein. And also the tragedy of the plant-based diet, the Western diet is already 70% plant-based because bread is plant-based a lot of candy bars are plant-based.

Brad: Concentrated calories.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, what’s chocolate? That’s plant-based. So the reason you hear so much about the benefits of plant-based nutrition is because there’s some studies on it, that were funded by Nabisco. Now, why does Nabisco, when everybody to be a vegan? Is because Nabisco knows that vegans don’t eat blueberries and kale most of the time.

Most of the time, they’re just inhaling-

Brad: Like rain crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: … candy bars, crap.

Brad: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like Triscuits and cookies, and it’s like, “Oh, it’s vegan.” I know a couple of vegans that will go through a sleeve of Oreos in five minutes. And they’re like, “It’s vegan.” And know like Oreo cookies, that in obesity go hand-in-hand it’s just sugar. What are you doing? But that’s what they think. Probably not the listeners, your podcast falling, I category.

But I’m blown away when I see vegans just, like Oreo cookies, they’re amazing, they’re amazingly terrible.-

Brad: Yeah, we’re all tip toe in dance in these areas. I mean, one’s perfect and especially the average person doesn’t have time to live and breathe this stuff all the time. But in your case, you’re a thought leader, right? And so you’ve stumbled upon this 48 hour pattern. I assume that you feel like this is giving you the maximum health benefits, inflammation control, even performance because you’re super concerned about that too.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, everything.

Brad: So, how did you come on the 48 hours.

Dr. John Jaquish: I did some trial error and I looked at where like the benefits of fasting maximize and then start to drop off a little bit. The growth hormone goes up at 36 hours really high, 2000% increase and then begins to drop off that and level out.

There’s a general question I have where I’d really like to talk to some nutritional experts and problem is most nutrition experts I know they have far more questions than answers. They can’t get answered so, I mean, I don’t blame, it’s hard industry.

Because epidemiology is one of the lowest forms of research surveys. But because you can’t take a group of people and put them in a cage, and feed them exactly what you want.

Brad: We’ve done that a few times with Dr. Cahill and the starvation experiments that date back to the ’60s and, they provide valuable data.

Dr. John Jaquish: Back, that’s all we got though.

Brad: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We have some very old research on that kind of thing where people had to be basically imprisoned.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, crosstalk.

Brad: And now we have Dr. John doing it for you in real time, 2020 baby.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right.

Brad: Once every two days a feast or famine crosstalk. What about the exercise, how does that layer in, I mean, you feel great and have level energy for 47 hours after, your meal must take an hour to eat?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, it takes a hour to eat. Last night I went to a steak house I had-

Brad: They go, “Watch out, here he comes, 40-ounce up.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I had four steak, I ordered four different ounces.

Brad: We can hear his car coming a block away, no kidding. And then they roll out the table for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. I have four steaks.

Brad: Four steaks.

Dr. John Jaquish: And some shrimp also. I mean the alternate source of, did I have four? No. I had four steaks and then I had an appetizer, which was also a steak. It was just cut with I want to say some water crest sauce, which is nothing, but it’s got a good taste to it.

Brad: So then you wake up the next day, and the next day, and you’re doing your thing, your-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I work out is normal, just fasted. All right I worked out this morning.

Brad: And let’s talk about your workout regimen, it’s very simple.

Dr. John Jaquish: It very simple. You use the X3 Bar fitness band bar system for 10 minutes.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Brad: 10 minutes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Process. crosstalk

Brad: Five, six days a week. What do you do?

Dr. John Jaquish: Six days a week, yeah.

Brad: So you do four sets.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Brad: If those familiar with the device, have the workout one and the workout two incredibly simple, and the whole thing takes 10 minutes.

Dr. John Jaquish: It takes me a little bit longer because, the larger muscle becomes, the more blood it needs to function correctly.

Brad: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So this is a part of-

Brad: The 10 minutes for me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me throw another-

Brad: 15 for the dawg.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me give another myth of the fitness industry. You hear guys who are really all about cardio saying, “Oh, strength athletes, they have no endurance. So they have the bad hearts are all going to die of a heart attack.” You hear that all the time. And it’s total BS.

In fact, there is research that supports the statement, the strength athlete might actually have a healthier cardiovascular system. But the illusion of poor endurance comes from large musculature. Because, I run up a flight of stairs and blood is pumping and into glutes, into my halves, and into my quads, which are tremendous.

Brad: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, because those muscles are so big, I might run up five, six flights of stairs and I’m gassed when I get to the top, like really breathing hard.

Brad: Because you just took 240 pounds up the stairs.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, where is I weighed 240 pounds, and I-

Brad: Kipchoge weighs 120, so he can kick your-

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Brad: … bat in a marathon.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right.

Brad: Right, it is way easier for him.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because he can run up six flights of stairs and it’s just like nothing happened.

Brad: I see, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: But he’s crosstalk.

Brad: He crosstalk that have poor cardio. But if you did like a weight neutral event, like Sean Baker setting the world record in rowing with a large amount of mass, but he’s not carrying it along.

Even the tour to France, the guys who were sprinting are way bigger than the guys who climb the mountains because they just put out more power. Their cardio is phenomenal. It’s just, no, there’s no penalty due to the weight bearing-

Dr. John Jaquish: For being heavy.

Brad: … it’s the muscle size.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Brad: Yeah, you get that people. That’s a good, I like that comeback. You see a guy lugging down the street, a bodybuilder and you’re like, “Wow, how pathetic?” But he’s running with 240 pounds, and you’re running with 127.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Brad: So the cardio is very healthy, you don’t have that risk of scarring and inflammation from overdoing. It like the endurance world isn’t highly concerned about.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Brad: And then you have the strength.

Dr. John Jaquish: When I do my workout, I actually try not to do it on video all that often, because I’m gasping for air, when I’m done with it. When I really do it. I mean, I can fake it, like a lot of people do in lifting videos, and I was talking to Leo Costa this morning the bodybuilder guy who wrote Serious Growth.

I was on his podcast and he was talking about how I made some comment about like the CrossFit weights, the plastic

weights that all look like they weigh 45 pounds.

Brad: Yeah, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: But they’re really five pounds-

Brad: 15.

Dr. John Jaquish: … to 10 pounds, or 15 or whatever. They look impressive.

Brad: They all look the same.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and so you see somebody who doesn’t look athletic at all, and then they look like they’re doing reps with 300 pounds, and you find out it’s really like 80 pounds.

So, apparently they’d have these strength shows where they’d have 145 pound dumbbell and then invite these bodybuilders, this is back in probably the eighties, he didn’t tell me when, but I know when he was a competitive athlete. They’re made out of plastic, they’re all fake.

So, the stagehand would carry it away. Who was like a guy who never worked up. Just some little guy.

Brad: Just for entertainment.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, but nobody saw it. So they would do these shows a strength. And my point is, working out when you have and when you’re… It’s just not pretty is my point. And I’m so out of breath, and so just devastated, at the end of a set. Like some people, I don’t want to see any of that because they’ll be like, “Wow, I don’t want to do that.”

Well, yeah, you won’t do that because you won’t get as winded as I am because you don’t have 240 pounds of muscle blood is pumping too. But then that’s why I explained that just not show it.

Brad: But the nature of the workout, I got to say it was hard for me to conceive that a system like this could deliver the results of much more prolonged and seemingly complex workouts. But the way this resistance concept works with the X3 Bar resistance band training system, you told me I was going to be fried after one set, and you can’t really fully experience it until the next day.

I think I wrote you,inaudible I went for a swim. I did the bench press, did the tricep thing. And then I went for a swim and like, I always, almost couldn’t make it across the Lake because the sense of fatigue in my muscles was like, nothing you ever experienced,-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it takes 36 hours-

Brad: … from lifting heavy bars.

Dr. John Jaquish: … to really recover from a weight workout and grow, and that growth be complete.

Brad: Why is the maneuvering, the resistance straps giving you a more complete or more challenging workout in a short time, and hoisting the heavy box.

Dr. John Jaquish: The way the product is designed, we had to produce heavier latex bands, than ever had existed. So really thick, but the heaviest one that we have the Elite Band.

Brad: Military grade.

Dr. John Jaquish: That one old deliver like 600 pounds into deadlift. And because like, Dr. Baker, he’s a six, four, so he stretches it further. So it’s over 700 pounds for him.

Brad: Oh sure, your height is going to be a factor.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’m six foot. So, it’s a six, 15 for me with that level. But that delivering force where your body is designed to handle incredible forces, and then discharging that force where your body is less able. And it was all based on my research that I did in London for the medical device I created 13 years ago.

When looking at that data, we want to exhaust the musculature to the most complete degree. We want the greatest, most powerful stimulus. So, what we do is we exhaust first, the strongest range of motion with a very high weight, and then the way it’s changing is removing. So then we do mid-range repetitions with a weight that might be 1/2 or two 1/3 atinaudible.

Brad: That’s what gets you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s so devastating. And then the last repetition one or two repetitions may only be like an inch. In the weaker range of motion,inaudible where normally you’d be prone injury of you’re holding a regular weight.

But you can go to a deeper level of fatigue because by the time you’re that exhausted, you’re not using a very high weight in the weaker range of motion. My first rep, so my chest press are 540 pounds. And I’ll 20 of those.

Brad: That’s the effective tension on the band at maximum tension. Watch the videos people. We’re not going to do gesturing here on this video, but watch the X3 Bar resistance band bar system videos. But I think the concept was easily embraced by me because I’m thinking of, I can’t get five…

You told me I was chest pressing two 30 or something, and I’m like, “I can only bench press 125.” With a bar, because I can’t get it the first few inches.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Brad: So you were describing-

Dr. John Jaquish: But if somebody handed it to you at the top, at the top.

Brad: At the top. And then I’m really putting out-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you can handle it there, but you handle it at the bottom even if you tried an eccentric contraction. Lowering it, you’d probably tear your package tricep all the way down. Because all of a sudden it’s a weight you by definition can handle, so what we need is a weight that changes as we move it. And that’s what X3 portable gym really is.

There’s some people that work out basically so they can talk about it. These are ego-driven people. So they do a really crummy form, set and then they’re like, “Oh, I squatted 800 pounds for two reps.”

And you look at the video and you’re like, “No, you put 800 pounds on a bar and you unwrapped it and suffered for about 10 seconds and then rewrapped it and called it two reps.” And it was people all over the internet like that.

And I think those people are just clowns. So, what do we really want? When we exercise, we want to change our bodies. We want to make the human body a more powerful, more efficient, more disease, free machine capable of greater outputs.

So right now I’m helping seven NFL players completely switched away from weights and use X3 Bar variable resistance training system. Actually, it’s more than that now, I think it’s eight, and it’s about to be a couple more because the more these guys, all talk to each other. Even amongst teams, because they get traded so often. So they have friends on other teams and it’s like, “Oh, hey, you got to check out this X3 Bar resistance band training system.”

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I love working with NFL players because they don’t care how much they bench press. They care how they play. So actually being stronger, God, I wish I could request Instagram and Facebook to just not allow stupid comments from stupid commenters who talk about how much they bench press because unless you’re a competitor in the sport of the bench press, it doesn’t matter being stronger matters.

And that’s very poorly measured by what you bench press. And mostly because if you become risk averse, you turn 25 and start thinking about what you do. And then, you’re like, “Whoa, I’m risking injury here. So I’m going to train lighter.” Well then you’d stop growing.

That’s why people stop growing, these are draining letter. There’s no getting away from heavy. So, X3 variable resistance exercise system allows that even heavier than you normally get weight, but it’s strategic in where it puts the weight on your body so that you’re guaranteed a much greater level of growth.

Brad: So the most difficult part with the bar is let’s say the starting point, getting the bar off your chest or getting it off the ground. And that’s the easiest part-

Dr. John Jaquish: With X3 Bar resistance band bar system.

Brad: … with the X3 Bar exercise band bar system because you’re not pulling the strap yet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well there’s some tension intention.

Brad: A little tension.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a little tension, but like I said, in my chest press, it’s 540 pounds of the top, 300 pounds in the middle, and 100 pounds of the bottom. I’m a really strong guy. So 100 pounds for a chest press, it’s nothing, so I breeze right through that.

Now in the last couple of reps that 100 pounds becomes very heavy because I fatigued the rest of the musculature. And I don’t know how technical your audience appreciates, but that gives us the benefit of periodization in one set, because we’re taking the muscle in the stronger range of motion to myofibril fatigue, which is growing the density of SL. And-

Brad: Through heavy lifting few reps.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well it’s from the fatigue of the cellular structure. I don’t want to oversimplify, remember over simplification is a nice way to say it wrong.

Brad: Yes, it could be wrong.

Dr. John Jaquish: So we fatigue in the range of motion where we can handle the most weight. Now we’re not running out of contractile fuel, we’re not running out of oxygen. We’re getting the muscle to the point where the structure of the cell starts to say, “No, we’re going to start shutting some cells off.”

And limiting your capacity as you go to fatigue, then you have less cells working or less cells working at 100% efficiency. Then you do the mid-range repetitions. So that you’re exhausting the fuels in the cell, the ATP, the glycogen and the creatine phosphate, that affects muscular endurance. And when I say muscular endurance, I don’t mean endurance, endurance.

Brad: It’s a high rep for workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s well…

Brad: So you’re doing high, and you’re doing heavy-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s like-

Brad: … at the same-

Dr. John Jaquish: …. Right, it’s like a low rep explosive workout, while at the same time a higher rep blood volume type workout, all crosstalk. It just depends on which portion of the set that you’re in.

Brad: So that’s what I’m feeling 24 to 36 hours later.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Brad: Is this, total depletion of the energy fuels.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, exactly.

Brad: And the what were the two types of cell growth? There’s the myo?

Dr. John Jaquish: Myofibrils.

Brad: The myofibrils.

Dr. John Jaquish: And sarcoplasmic.

Brad: And sarcoplasmic its size, you see getting bigger and then the myofibril is more density inside.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s like a gymnast has incredible myofibril growth. Because they have a high power weight ratio, inaudible you know that.

Brad: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of lower weight class lifters we’ll we’ll have that-

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: … competitive weightlifters. Very explosive. They also really work on the neurology of the lift. A lot of drills, to basically get the weight, moving with momentum and then jump underneath it. So much technique, like golfers think there’s a lot of technique in a golf swing, looking at clean and jerk, way more.

And you have to be exact. You screw up your golf swing, you slice into the woods, you screw up your clean and jerk and you have maybe a life-changing injury. That’s a serious… Don’t get into that sport, if you’re not willing to accept that there is potential injury everywhere.

Brad: Well, even lifting the heavy bar in a moderate level for someone my age, I come around and get sore so frequently that it’s really disappointing because this impacts my main goals of doing sports specific training, high jumps, sprinting, or whatever.

And I know how important it is to put my body under heavy resistance load, but to have something that’s going have that massively reduced risk of any kind of injury or muscle soreness, I think that’s where the huge attractiveness is.

Why is this going to have less risk of that muscle soreness muscle damage then doing sets with heavy bar?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, this is another thing that really, really irritates people who’ve been lifting weights for years. The idea of muscle damage, now, an endurance athlete gives him or herself more muscle damage than a weightlifter. So why don’t they grow big muscles? In fact, they’re pretty much losing muscle most of the time, instead of gaining it.

Damage is inversely related to growth. So the idea that you go and-

Brad: Soreness is not good.

Dr. John Jaquish: … Soreness is not good or bad because soreness perception of what’s going on, as opposed to what actually is going on. Here’s something funny. You can’t feel lactic acid, so when people are like, “Oh, sorry, because of lactic acid.” No, your store because of damage. Lactic acid is not acid like in an espionage film where somebody gets acid thrown in their face and then they look like a monster after that. It’s not like that.

Damage needs to be attenuated by protein synthesis. This is where people made the mistake of assuming because protein synthesis is happening, you’re growing. You’re not growing, you’re just repairing the damage. And only when the damage is repaired, you can grow, but you can only go through so much protein synthesis in a given period of time.

If you can fatigue the muscle without damaging the muscle, then all of the protein synthesis is appropriated for growth. And there’s multiple studies on this been out for a long time. And yet the fitness industry has no clue. Not in fact I’ve never heard anybody say it.

I think there might’ve been a Testosterone Nation article that referenced it, but explained it maybe incorrectly. But then every once in a while they also have some of the researchers do articles to explain what the article means.

This is one of the problems with academic research I’ll give it to people they don’t want to read it because it’s hard to read. And sometimes if you’re not conditioned to read that and you don’t know anything about statistics, it will take you a week to understand study one. Whereas I might read 50 studies in a day.

Brad: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: But that’s what I do, so it becomes faster. I know the difference between a Spearman rho, statistical tasks and analysis of variants, but a lot of people just see those acronyms and they Google it.

And then there’s five pages of statistics lessons to understand what a Spearman rho test is and how it works and why you would choose it. And they’re like, “Oh the hell with this. I’m not doing this. I’m not reading this.” I get it, every once in a while. But, ultimately the industry just fails to pick up on these things.

In fact, when I’ve been to the Annual Congress of the American College of Sports Medicine a number of times, and I’ve talked with some of the leadership. And their number one pain point of the American College of Sports Medicine is, it’s so difficult for them to get the fitness industry, to pay attention to what’s being published in their journals.

They’re the ones that… The ACSM has a couple of different journals, and they’re all fantastic. Then there’s the Journal of Applied Physiology, which is not an ACSM journal. But it’s the top, the best. And then there’s the European Journal of Applied Physiology. There’s a couple of European sports science journals. They all have the same problem.

It’s that the people who are leading the general population in exercise science, don’t read anything, nothing, or they might read articles written by bodybuilders, which are potentially not even written by the actual bodybuilder, they just borrow his name.

Brad: Or they’re succeeding in spite of themselves, which I see a lot in endurance scene where, the championship collegiate running program is destroying young people year after year.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it doesn’t care because they graduate.

Brad: Right, or four of them survive, and 17 of them do mediocre and 12 of them get injured, but they don’t care because the four are winning the races, and it’s ignoring a lot of science and going by the model of the elite athletes, which may be highly flawed even today.

I mean, you got nine NFL players, but you don’t have 309, but if you did, there may be less guys on the sidelines are having joint problems from messing around maybe just to crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. They all make the same comment. The ones that are sticking with 100%, my joints have never felt better. And I’m actually stronger than when I entered the league. So yeah, I do need to get a lot more of those guys and I need… No, I will say that strength coaches are much better about reading research and understanding what’s going on.

They read the scientific journals. Strength coaches are typically people with a master’s or PhD in Sports Science, different than what I studied, but they do want to really get a better understanding because this is their job, and they want an edge on the other strength coaches.

Brad: A lot of them from athletics too I noticed themselves and then some credibility. And if you’re roaming around an NFL locker room, you probably don’t want to be overweight, a nerd with glasses.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Brad: … no physique right there. They’re putting things to the test themselves. So a 10 minute workout. I know we got to get you roll into your next point in your busy day, but-

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Brad: … that’s got to have a ton of-

Dr. John Jaquish: I got 10 more minutes.

Brad: … a ton of hormonal benefits. So we’re going to have 10 more minutes of a little simulator, X3 workout bar system workout. This is how short the workout is people from here to the end of the show. Oh my goodness. But the big deal and endurance was, the destruction of immune function and hormonal function, due to the prolonged nature of the training.

And we just couldn’t escape it, and so now it seems there’s a viable opportunity. For example, the CrossFit enthusiast, who’s discovering a hormone and immune suppression because the workouts are too prolonged and too stressful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, there’s some really large studies when we look at the metrics of people who exercise for what’s called an academic journals recreation, meaning we choose to. I don’t really call-

Brad: Not getting crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t really call my workout recreation. It’s not like sip in a scotch on the brunch. It’s hard work, but yeah, I do choose to do it. Nobody forces me to, and I like it, but people who have manual labor jobs, or have to physically exert themselves all day long, their bodies are destroyed, because they’re more like endurance athletes.

Brad: crosstalk stress and-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just all day beating on your body, we are not meant to exert ourselves, crosstalk

Brad: Even warehouse, lifting boxes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Any kind of intensity for very long. I mean, other than endurance athletes, somebody has a four hour workout. I mean, endurance athletes do.

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: But, it’s really symbolic of how we exert ourselves, but it shouldn’t be for an extended period of time I think. X3 Bar variable resistance training system happens be very efficient, I didn’t go for like, “I got to design a workout that’s 10 minutes.” It just happened to be, you can stimulate 1/2 the body, we split the body into two different ways.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

So there’s 1/2 the body one day, 1/2 the body the next day, because you want to wait for at least 36 hours for those to recover. Now you also could in theory, do a full body workout which would be just, I would be in really rough shape of, I did that. Oh, that’d be devastating.

And it would take me a lot longer than 10 or even 20 minutes, it would probably take me an hour because I’d just be gasping for air between sets. But you could in theory, take both workouts and put them together.

I talked to someone, probably the best group exercise group I’ve ever seen. It’s a group called Health House and they’re based in Los Angeles. And they were pointing out that people can work out with great intensity for 10 minutes. And then they start to really just, and even like the endurance guys, they immediately at the 10 minute mark.

And I don’t know, think their comment was people lose their motivation. No they lose glycogen. It’s probably psychological and mechanical, they go hand-in-hand.

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your body’s just like, “Oh no, we’re not going crosstalk.”

Brad: Yeah, Dr. Tim Noakes’s central governor theory. Sure stating that there is some glycogen left in the muscle. It’s not a glycogen depletion.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally yes, oh, yeah Tim Noakes is crosstalk.

Brad: It’s just our brain saying, “Hey man, you’re down to the bottom of the barrel and I’m not going to let you go any further because I don’t want you collapsing on the ground. And I could feel that that central nervous system fatigue is so many reference points where you’ve gone and you’re like, “F this, what am I doing in here?”

All of a sudden I’ve gone from super positive energy and motivation, and now it’s, you’re done. You’re done when you’re done. Sometimes it’s in the middle of a race, unfortunately but, when that point hits, I think in training, you should steer far clear at that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, completely. And so-

Brad: Here’s the fitness industry telling you, “No, do one more set because then you can really high five, everyone around you on the other bikes and push beyond.” And that’s really destructive, especially to a recreational fitness, enthusiastic who wants to go have fun.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know if this happens to endurance athletes but, when I first started lifting, I was in a learning mode back then, but not like I have been in the last 10 years. I wasn’t scientists, I was in high school. I was doing what everybody else is doing and you got it.

The camera’s on a horse. I was just doing the same nonsense crap everybody else was doing, five sets of five or five sets of 10 or whatever. And I got to the point where I remember, last couple sets of the workout my work, it was an hour. I remember my ears starting to ring. Just ringing, and I thought like, “What?” I felt awful.

And my ears are ringing and I saw I’m like, “What is going on here?” And I don’t know if that was a sign of over-training, but it certainly was my body’s way of going, “No, we’re not doing this anymore.” And I think that there are signs that tell you you’re over-training.

Brad: I’m sure. Especially before the workout starts, I always knew when I was going, my head would knock around, it wouldn’t feel right. You just feel blah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the San Francisco marathon, I’ve had some friends around that and I usually wait holding a cup of coffee because I slept in, just to see them as they cross the finish line, and sometimes like the gibberish that comes out of their mouth. They can’t function. Their head’s not there.

And whereas I know when I do work out with X3 Bar resistance band bar system, I have laser focus. I can go from my X3 Bar resistance band training system workout right into a meeting. I might be a little bit out of breath.

Brad: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: But I have no cognitive performance issues at all.

Brad: So, I guess you’re getting a optimal fight or flight, spike of hormones during the workout it’s over with in 10 minutes, then you’re returning to homeostasis and getting all these adaptive benefits rather than having those stress hormones become catabolic and destructive even to brain function. I know there’s a direct association between that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of stress hormone. Also…

Brad: It’s not long enough to really believe you in that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean, cortisol and adrenaline are seen when you have those over-training issues. An hour long workout. For 10 or 15 minute workout, not really.

Brad: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I mean, I haven’t tested this with X3 Bar fitness band bar system specifically, but I do know that people who do a 10-minute workout even with high intensity, like they’re doing just 10 minutes all out and then they’re done. Brad: You’re sneaking in under the radar, it’s nice to know.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t have that stress response, and this is why interval training. Again, people aren’t explaining the science either at all or not even close to it correctly. But it’s not a steady state heart rate thing. So it doesn’t have the same cortisol upregulation and suppression of growth hormone that a regular endurance training does.

I think, for people who don’t want to do strength training and just want to be lean and not muscular, intervals, they’re cool.

Brad: Okay. As long as you don’t go for an hour and 20 minute interval workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Brad: Or whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: You do a couple like, two-minute bursts and then catch your breath in between.

Brad: Yeah, for sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s fine. crosstalk. If all I wanted to do was just drop body fat and didn’t care about muscular journey in any way, that would be A way to go. Now of course there’s high injury risk there. Actually I take that back, I wouldn’t do that, I just do X3 Bar because the injury rate is so low.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Brad: Love it. Dr. John Jaquish, man, we hit hard. Fascinating insights disguise.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you much.

Brad: You’re out there on the cutting edge. I think we’re compelled to listen. Even if it’s going against our rigid, fixed beliefs.

Dr. John Jaquish: My whole life I’ve been going against the grain.

Brad: Yeah, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because 13 years ago I developed the bone density, medical device the OsteoStrong clinics, and I was telling the whole pharmaceutical industry in bone density, that they were wrong. And while nobody ever like wrote me a letter and said, thank you for straightening us out.

These people are brilliant at the top minds in their field, and they’ve done incredible things with the biochemistry of the pharmaceuticals even the ones that have a lot of side effects. They do the job, and there’s applications for even some of the higher risk drugs.

Somebody in their late ’90s, can they take the one that has some cancer questions? Yeah, probably because time is probably going to get to answer does. No seriously, that’s exactly the logic when it comes to some of these prescriptions, like you would never give teriparatide to a young person.

But teriparatide two very elderly, very frail like a negative six t score person, that’s that sounds like it can ever teriparatide at least as far as what I’ve read, and what I’ve learned at some of the conferences that I’ve been at.

They have their place, but I was so against the grain, I was like probably the only guy to show up that was a speaker, under 50, and I was in my ’30s presenting this stuff and they just looked at me like, “What the hell is this guy doing here, talking about exercise.” like, “Oh, that doesn’t do anything.”

And well, in a way, they’re right because, they determined that 4.2 multiples body weight is the minimum dosage to affect your hip joint of force.

Brad: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: 4.2 multiples was your body weight. You’re not even getting that with weights.

Brad: Right, crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: You got to do its impact or-

Brad: And jump off the ground.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, you know you got to jump off like a table again. So, actually you need to jump off something that’s higher than 15 and 1/2 inches. I did the math.

Brad: Nice. All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now you can say it to a kid and they’re like, “Oh, jump off that.” But say that to somebody with osteoporosis, they will never do that, that would be irresponsible completely. So, that’s where the OsteoStrong devices came from because it’s giving the benefit of high-impact without the risks of high-impact.

And it was so against the grain. In fact, my PhD advisor told me if you had developed this after finishing your PhD, because I developed a first and then I went and did my PhD is if you said, “If you went and did your PhD and then try to develop this, you would talk yourself out of it. You’d have never launched this product, because it’s so different from the way the industry thinks.”

Now, I don’t know if that’s true because I know my father’s developments were totally unconventional. He designed and built the lunar Rover.

Brad: Oh, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Him and seven other guys. He was a NASA engineer and then he worked for a number of different engineering contractors that were developing really new cutting edge stuff. So he always had an approach of like, “Don’t” I think what he would say to me is, “Don’t think people are going down the right path, look at the problem and think of anything else that might address that problem then the way people are going.”

Brad: Wow, great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because there might be a better answer there.

Brad: That’s right. Right on man, Keep doing what you’re doing. Thanks everybody for watching, listening.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome. Thanks crosstalk.

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