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By Action and Ambition on February 14, 2023

Dr. John Jaquish Promotes Increased Bone Density and Muscle Strength with The Most Effective Medical technology

Dr. John Jaquish is the inventor of the most successful bone density-building medical technique, the X3, a method that has been shown to develop muscle far faster than traditional weight lifting while posing the least risk of joint injury.

Full Transcript

Chase Geiser: Welcome to the Action and Ambition podcast.

I’m your host today, Chase Geiser, and we have a very special guest with us. Dr. John Jaquish is the inventor of biodiversity. Took existing research about bone and how loading is absorbed by the body to prototype the first system in 2005. This system was unique because it provided the benefit of the high impact seen as multiples of body weight force overloading without the risk of injury.

Dr. John Jaquish, it is an honor and a pleasure to have you on the Action and Ambition podcast. How are you today, sir?

Dr. John Jaquish: I am super. Thanks for having me.

Chase Geiser: Absolutely. So tell me a little bit about how you got into this space. One of the questions I like to start with is, where was your head when you were 18? Did you know that you were going to go down this road?

Dr. John Jaquish: Actually, yeah. Not exactly sure how I was going to do it. So I told my father I wanted to study medicine and he said, “No, I’m not paying for that.” And so I was like, “Okay, well what are you willing to pay for?” And he said, “I want you to major in business.” Mostly because my father’s an engineer and a scientist and he developed things for NASA. The Lunar Rover was one of his projects.

Chase Geiser: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very smart guy. And he just said, “You’re like me. Science comes easy to you, so don’t study it. You just have it naturally, but you want to make sure that you understand how business works. Otherwise,” he said, “You’re going to end up like me, where you spend a lot of your life developing technologies for shareholders of other companies and you’re not going to win.” So he wanted me to focus on understanding how business works so that I could monetize what I was doing.

Chase Geiser: That makes a lot of sense. So we did land on the moon.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, we did land on the moon. I get that question all the time when I mention my dad’s background, and it’s like, you know can see the roving vehicles with a telescope, right?

Chase Geiser: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they look at me like, oh really?

Chase Geiser: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s like all these conspiracy shows, they omit enough information that you’re just left scratching your head. And also I think this argument is incorrectly used when illustrating that our government lies to us. It’s like, yeah, our modern government lies to us all the time. They didn’t about the moon landing. You can see our equipment on the moon.

Chase Geiser: Just because they lied to us about something doesn’t mean they lied to us about everything, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Not necessarily. Well, I don’t know about it now. Now seems pretty bad.

Chase Geiser: It’s busy. It doesn’t seem to be getting any better. So back to you though. So your dad wanted you to study business. Is that what you ended up studying or did you end up going to medical school? Because I know you’re Doctor Jaquish, are you a doctor of business or are you a doctor of med doctor?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I’m a doctor of biomedical engineering. So what ended up happening was I did my business degree and then my MBA, and then I started working on osteoporosis treatment because my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. So that’s really what drew me into… Sorry, just getting over a cold here.

Chase Geiser: Bless you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Drew me into life sciences officially was my mom’s problem. And I thought, well, let me figure out how to treat that. And within about an hour of reading about it, I was like, oh, okay. I have a completely different approach to treating this than modern medicine has taken. I wanted to make the body fix itself, which I think is always a superior solution.

Your body’s ability to build bone mass is certainly going to be the healthier option as opposed to an exogenous biochemical approach, which may have negative impacts, the pharmaceutical approaches.

And my mom, looked into osteoporosis drugs and there was only the classification of bisphosphonates at that time, and your listeners probably don’t know what those are. Still, they’re a class of drugs that helps the bone retain the older bone, but it doesn’t affect at all the building of newer bone.

And so the side effects involve an imbalance within the bone so that when there is a fracture, it’s a shattering instead of a clean break. And so that’s a horrible side effect.

Another thing is it makes the test of bone density look very good because the test at the time was a dual X-ray, DXA. Dual X-ray absorptiometry is what that stands for. So it made the X-ray look good, this drug classification. So it’s like we have a problem and we came up with a solution. Well, passing the test doesn’t mean anything if you don’t reduce fractures. Now it turns out that their classification of drugs does reduce fractures, but there are some significant side effects. So I just thought, mom, I can come up with something better than this. And that’s what I did. So I developed a series of devices that put axial compression, meaning the length of the bone, the axis, so from end to end, putting pressure on the bone, pressure at many multiples of body weight that emulates what the human body would experience as high impact force absorption.

So when the body goes through that level of high force absorption, the bone mass, and the length of the bone becomes slightly deformed. And then as the deformation discharges and the bone springs back into position, the inside of the bone is irritated. Some people don’t particularly like when I describe an exercise stimulus as an irritant, but it’s not damage, it’s an irritation. And that irritation of tissue sometimes can have an adaptive response like a callous or building your bone density stronger or building a muscle. And so you just have to get that stimulus as optimized as possible and then you can expect the highest level of adaptive response.

Chase Geiser: I see. So basically you’re catalyzing the body to, as you said in the beginning, heal itself and strengthen the bone density through these devices that can emulate this high impact?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Chase Geiser: Okay. Wow. So was this your first-ever invention? I know you started looking at it in 2005, so you hadn’t invented anything before. You just thought I’m going to start with curing osteoporosis?

Dr. John Jaquish: With a quarter million dollar medical device. That’s right.

Chase Geiser: Wow. Wow. So what was it like for you just going through the process of being an inventor in terms of getting your prototype set up, getting it patented, and finding the right investors to partner with?

Dr. John Jaquish: Tell you what, that’s a great question, one I don’t get very often. And you’re asking something very realistic because Tony Robbins is a partner in the bone density business, it’s called OsteoStrong. So there are clinics, there are 260 clinics in 12 different countries right now, so it’s a successful business. It’s beautiful because the users come in and they’re so happy. It’s the best franchise to own. They’re all franchises.

But back in the beginning, and the reason I bring up Tony and the success now is Tony said to me, “Guys like you, ones who first time create something, they get a lot of arrows in their back and you’re going to need to be…” And these are his words, “You’re going to need to be tough because people are going to come at you and say you’re a fraud and make up lies about you because they might be jealous that you came up with something really smart. And once they recognize what you did is smart, they’re going to try and take you down.”

And they did. And I did develop very tough skin because imagine when a significant percentage of the medical community, comes out with something that renders what they’re making billions of dollars off of the poorer choice, not to say they’re worthless. The drug classification of bisphosphonates and future solutions like bone anabolics, like teriparatide, have their place too.

But I’d say the broad population approach should be one of physical medicine, meaning triggering the body to fix itself. It should always be that way. Putting a chemical not found in nature in the body, I don’t care how much testing you do, you don’t know everything before you release it. You can’t. There are just too many things to learn and some of those things take 30 years.

That’s part of the reason why a lot of the medical community was silenced during the COVID vaccination launch. And guys are going, “Whoa, we have not tested this in a broad population. And also there’s a risk of death with these vaccinations and we’re forcing people to have it?”

Chase Geiser: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, wow.

Chase Geiser: Well, in California, you can lose your license if you talk against the vaccines.

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Chase Geiser: In California, I think they changed the law, so if you’re a doctor and you speak against the vaccines, I think you can lose your license.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right if you’re a medical doctor, which is great being a Ph.D. because they can’t do that to me.

Chase Geiser: That’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not the conspiracy that I think a lot of conspiracy theorists come up with, it’s that the government was unified on this issue because it helped the controlling party. It was very partisan. So at the time when COVID was at its worst, the Democrats tested well on that subject. People felt better protected by the Democrats than the Republicans. And so they knew if they could drive the fury, the fear, the rage fear over this harder that they would win the election. And that’s why that happened. It just became political and it’s nobody’s fault. And I mean, look, they did what they did because they wanted to win. So would the Republicans have done the same thing? Yeah, probably.

Chase Geiser: Yeah, that’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the one problem we have with the world today is I think we’ve gone back to a more simplistic view where there are good guys and bad guys and people need to start-

Chase Geiser: Like Ukraine versus Russia, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, it’s a bad guy versus a worse guy with Ukraine versus Russia. I mean, neither of those two countries is anywhere near innocent. They don’t even treat their people that great.

Chase Geiser: I mean, there was a civil war going on in Ukraine before it got invaded.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I don’t want to get lost in the politics of Ukraine, and probably the most interesting fact that nobody talks about on the news, the the original capital of Russia in Kyiv.

Chase Geiser: I didn’t realize that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, they’re like the same people. Ukraine is almost like if Texas decided to secede 100 years ago and all of a sudden we had a president that’s like, “No, no, no, no, you guys need to come back.” That’s one way to look at it. And that’s not the only way to look at it, so a lot of Ukrainians have always felt like they’re Russian.

Chase Geiser: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: They have the same language and they don’t even really have much of an accent.

Chase Geiser: Right. I can’t even tell the difference between Ukrainian and Russian when I hear it as an American.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, it’s the same language. Exactly. There’s no Ukrainian language. So it’s awful complicated, and we don’t belong in the middle of it, and we certainly don’t belong using all of our country’s resources to fund something so far away that has nothing to do with the success of our nation. But hey, if I talk any longer about this, someone’s going to ask me to run for president.

Chase Geiser: Well, maybe you should, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the bar’s set pretty low right now.

Chase Geiser: America is sick of osteoporosis.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, hey, I think can probably get a long way with that.

Chase Geiser: Jaquish has the backbone America needs.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Chase Geiser: That’s awesome. So let me ask you this. How did you get connected with Tony in the beginning? I mean, in 2005. He is hot now. He was hot then. How does a first-time inventor wind up with that type of relationship?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wish I had a better answer than the one I’m going to give you, but it’s the truth. He had a guy who would do some speaking for him at some events, a finance guy. And this guy was just a broken man. He was fighting two hip replacements. He didn’t want to get them. He said, “I don’t want to be like Frankenstein. I don’t want to have all kinds of artificial parts put in me. And sometimes that doesn’t always go well.”

Which is not true. Joint replacements are pretty good now, but he was afraid, and I didn’t blame him. I mean, they got to seriously open your body up to put a hip replacement in. And there’s a chance of death and he didn’t want to do that. So this guy, and I probably shouldn’t mention his name, he’s not a public guy, but he found me and he goes, “Look, I’m friends with Tony Robbins and if you fix my problem, I’m going to tell him all about it.” And I liked the guy already before he said that.

So I was going to do anything for him so that I could help him walk with comfort again. Now he had osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. They kind of go hand in hand. And it was arthritis that was destroying… Well, I mean the destruction of the joint was triggering the feeling of arthritis and the uneven loading within the joint was making it worse.

So I said, “Look, we’re going to rebuild the muscle around this joint so the loading is more even and proper. And with the compression of the joint, we’re going to rebuild the tendon and ligament tissue surrounding the joint.” Because when you put axial compressive forces through joints, you increase the fibrocartilage content not to be confused with cartilage, in the joint capsule, thereby reinforcing the joint and giving the joint itself less pressure to deal with and a more even loading. So you can dramatically reduce pain in a damaged joint. Now, damaged joints are damaged forever, but if you get a musculature that can discharge much of the loading that goes through that joint, you may cut your pain in half in six months and in another six months cut it in half again.

So all of a sudden you have one-quarter of the pain you used to that can go from debilitating to almost unnoticeable. And so I worked with this guy and within a year he went from walking with a cane to being able to play 18 holes of golf. So he went and he shows up at a golf tournament that Tony and his friends would always enter in Palm Desert. And so as he’s hitting balls and walking the course. And Tony walks up to him and says, “What the hell happened to you?” He says, “You look fantastic.” And he said, “Yeah, I got to introduce you to this guy.” Now the funny thing was this individual told me, “I’m friends with Tony and I’m going to get this all over the world if it works.” And I kind of on the inside rolled my eyes like sure, you are. I don’t believe this guy at all, but I thought he was a nice guy and I was going to help him no matter what. And so it turns out he was the guy. And so I get a call the next day and the guy says, “I’d like to buy one of your machines.” And I said, “Well, they’re like $300,000 and they’re made one at a time…”

Chase Geiser is Like a Ferrari.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and I didn’t realize I was talking to Tony Robbins, the guy just said his name was Tony and he had a recognizable voice, I just couldn’t place it.

Chase Geiser: Right. Like infomercial, infomercial.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I’m like, I know this person or I’ve heard him or something. And so I say, 300,000 and he goes, “Oh, that’s not a problem. I can pay you 300,000.” And I said, “Who am I talking to again?” And he laughed and he goes, “This is Tony Robbins.” And instantly I was like, oh my God, that’s awesome. And so I said, “I’ll tell you what, I’ll get one made for you and I’ll deliver it to your house and get you all set up and show you and your wife how to use it.” And so I went and did that and it went fantastic.

Chase Geiser: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: He was a super fan from the first moment.

Chase Geiser: So tell me what you’re working on now. I mean, is this still your primary, trying to get the word out, trying to get people to use this device? This has been almost 20 years ago, it was in 2005 that you made the first system I see here so what are you working on now? What’s next, and where do you want people to find you and engage with you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, well, my biggest push now, so my latest book is called _Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time, it’s a Wall Street Journal bestseller.

Chase Geiser: That’s good to know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I mean, the title is to catch attention.

Chase Geiser: Of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, is weightlifting a waste of time? No, it’s a great thing. Except when you know what’s in the book you’ll never lift a weight again because it explains how we have variable capacity as we move. There’s a reason you have 180 degrees of flexion behind your knee, yet when you run fast when you sprint, you only use seven degrees out of 180. Why?

Chase Geiser: I don’t know.

Dr. John Jaquish: We choose efficiency ‘cause if you use the whole 180 you would not be fast at all.

Chase Geiser: That makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Every animal in nature applies similar geometry to their most powerful movements. So we still use a full range of motion, but we change the resistance in that range of motion to be appropriate for the power we are capable of creating in that range of motion

So for example, when I’m doing a chess press, I’m holding 150 pounds at the bottom, but as I move the bar away from myself, that weight quickly climbs up to 300 pounds. And then when I’m just short of full extension it’s at 550 pounds. And so I can do 20 repetitions like that, and then I can’t get to that 550 anymore ‘cause I’ve fatigued the most efficient position.

So I want that weight to drop off in the middle. So then I just do half repetitions with 300 pounds until I can’t do those anymore. And then my last few are 150-pound very short repetitions right off my chest, but now I’ve fatigued all ranges of motion.

All the target tissue has called itself out of the movement so I can’t even move 150 at the end of the set, but at the beginning of the set, I can move 550. So it’s a far deeper level of exhaustion. You only do one set. If you do two sets, you’re screwing yourself up. So you do one set and you pretty much get stronger every time.

Chase Geiser: Wow. That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s so much more effective than weightlifting. And so that’s the way my new product works, it’s called X3. That’s been out for a couple of years and that’s hugely successful. We have 200,000 units in circulation.

Chase Geiser: Wow. Well, that’s fascinating. Where can people find your book and the different products that you offer?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. So my last name’s tough to spell, sometimes even tougher to say. I appreciate that you say it correctly.

Chase Geiser: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I created a landing page that just makes me easy to find, it’s , and then there are links to all my social. I spend the most time on Instagram.

Chase Geiser: Yeah, I notice your Instagram’s huge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I like that platform better. The conversation is a little dumber than Facebook, but not nearly as dumb as TikTok. TikTok, it’s the digital crack house or soup kitchen. It’s just you’re just dealing with such low-end non-thinkers that it’s kind of futile to

Chase Geiser: It’s easy though. It’s easy to pick up followers.

Dr. John Jaquish: It is. It is. I kind of quit posting there, but I got up to 4 million pretty quickly. But it’s like, yeah, there are 4 million followers, but they’re just pieces of junk.

Chase Geiser: Morons.

Dr. John Jaquish: They don’t buy anything.

Chase Geiser: Yeah, they don’t buy anything. That’s right. That’s right. Well, it’s because they’re all 16.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think they’re more like 12, and with rabies. They’ve got to be foaming at the mouth. And it’s like Tony said, arrows in the back. The thing I like about selling products in medicine is that if you show a physician the evidence they will change their mind. They all think whatever you have is bullshit right out of the gate because there’s a lot of bullshit in the health industry and so once they realize that it’s not, they refer patients. They have no trouble doing that, all you got to do is show them the evidence. The problem with the fitness industry is no one who works in the fitness industry is capable of understanding evidence.

You show a typical person that works in the fitness industry a study, and it’s like they’re trying to read their fortune by looking at a bowl of spaghetti. They don’t get it. And also to become a personal trainer there are a lot of certifications, it takes maybe an hour or two of memorizing a little bit of information and then you just pass the test. It’s a transient industry. A lot of people only work in that industry, they may finish undergrad and it’s a temporary job until they maybe get something better. Now, there are also some amazing brilliant trainers out there, but that’s not common.

Chase Geiser: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s tough being in that industry when just about nobody can figure out what you’re trying to show them. And in fact, a lot of the most influential people in health told me, don’t launch a fitness product with a scientific argument. You’ll never win because-

Chase Geiser: It wasn’t bad advice.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. I mean, Dave Asprey said this. He just said, “The people in the entire industry are so bizarrely stupid and you can show them evidence, it doesn’t even matter what you do, they won’t believe it because they can’t read it. They’re just not capable.” And boy, he was right.

Chase Geiser: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was amazing. And so we pivoted very quickly from people who were interested in fitness to busy executives. Busy people who value their time and they’re looking for efficiency. And they also know, and this is the hard fact about fitness that nobody really wants to talk about, but also why your doctor doesn’t ever tell you to go out and be a more fit person than 99% of people who walk into gyms never change. They never get any results at all. Maybe some beginner results in the first two weeks, but they started going in and they’re skinny. They’re still skinny, they put on a couple of pounds, and then you’d never know they work out by looking at them. The fat people that go in there, they’re still fat. Nothing changes. I mean, let’s just be realistic. Of your friends that work out at least three times a week, we could call them serious, I suppose. How many of them when they take your shirt off at the pool party, you’re like, whoa, you’re in great shape. Let’s say you know 20 people like that-

Chase Geiser: Yeah. I’ve got one friend that looks good, you can tell.

Dr. John Jaquish: You only got one out of 20.

Chase Geiser: Yeah. But he’s a science-minded guy. I mean, he does the research, his workout’s intentional, his diet’s intentional, and the supplements he takes are intentional. He’s not messing around. So he can’t just walk in there and run three miles and lift and do three sets of 10, whatever, and just walk out and think, all right, if I do this for six months I’ll be in good shape. Maybe.

Dr. John Jaquish: But yeah, maybe not.

Chase Geiser: But maybe not. You got to get the book by Dr. Jaquish.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Well, in that book, I explain why most people are incapable of growing muscle with weights. There’s a tendon layout issue, whereas some people are born with tendons that are put in different positions that enable them to engage much more muscle when they move.

And those are the people that end up gaining 30 or 40 pounds of muscle when they’re in high school and then they go to the NFL. And you look at some guy on an NFL field that’s like, oh, this guy’s 21 or 22 and he looks perfect. And how could that guy be that young and that muscular? Well, the answer is we can all do that, but he can do it by training with regular weights. We can’t. 99 points, probably 9% of the population doesn’t have that genetic alteration of an advantageous tendon layout. I know I don’t.

I lifted weights for 20 years, and I think other than the muscle I put on via puberty, I got nothing. Just nothing. And I worked out with intensity and I was very intentional, and my diet hit all the points that it needed to hit. And then when developing the medical device, I realized that the human body is capable of so much more than we tap into with standard exercise. And so I thought like, wow, what if we could change the weight as we move? To increase the weight when we move into positions of efficiency, decrease the weight when we move into positions of inefficiency, and it would give us more fatigue.

So I did a literature review on variable resistance, turns out there had been studies on this already, and hands down they were better. And I was like, wow, why is this secret being kept from everybody? And the reason is that sports scientists are smart people and they do incredible research, but no one in the middle could take it and turn it into a consumable product.

Chase Geiser: Until now.

Dr. John Jaquish: So they would build a test rig to test variable resistance like a power rack with all ‘’kinds of hooks. You can use bands or chains or whatever, and people would get incredible results. And in fact, the reason I called it X3 is there’s one study that showed people gain triple the level of strength by using variable resistance compared to standard weight training. And every study on the subject shows the same thing. And it’s like, how come you guys never came out with a product? And the truth is the fitness industry is tough because it’s traditionally just sold strength training as how to build muscle and cardio as how to lose body fat. Cardio preserves body fat for as long as possible.

Chase Geiser: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s the worst thing to do if you’re trying to lose body fat, but that’s not what the world thinks. You walk into a gym at prime an an hour and it’s just like people are standing around waiting for the treadmill and it’s giving them the opposite of what they want, but they don’t know it because they’re just fucking lemmings who just do the same shit that people tell them to do and never really looked up how that works.

Chase Geiser: Well, on that note, it has been an honor and a pleasure to have you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your audience is entrepreneurs, and I think choosing your market is so critical. If you target the right people for your product, they’ll love it. So when we move to busy professionals, it was busy professionals are like, “Hey, shut up and take my money. I’m so excited about your product. It makes perfect sense.”

Chase Geiser: I’ll pay $300,000 for this machine, even though we just spoke on the phone for 15 seconds ‘cause I know it works.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Chase Geiser: Right. No bullshit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, a different machine, the X3 is only 550 bucks.

Chase Geiser: I understand, but I’m just saying they make decisions quickly because they just want the problem solved.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and they see the value. But still, it’s funny, the sort of bodybuilding fans, I mean, when Jordan Peterson said that, I think it was 30% of the population is so unintelligent they’re only capable professionally of mopping the floor. And when we have robots starting to mop the floor, these people will just be in the way. And I remember hearing that lecture from Professor Peterson and thinking, God, that’s a grim outlook on people. And then I discovered and I found where all those people hang out. Yeah, it was unbelievable. There’s a thread at where there’s a guy that’s convinced there are eight days in a week, and he will tell you that-

Dr. John Jaquish: He posted his routine, so it was day one through day eight and people were like, “Bro, a week has seven days.”

Chase Geiser: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Eight.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. I mean, someday it was basically counted twice and the guy just doubled down on it and it is just… Then it was a month of this guy and 10 other people all calling each other gay, which I mean, I can’t even believe people still do that. Use that as an insult, it’s like-

Chase Geiser: It’s very sixth grade.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Very also 1988. Who uses that as an insult now? I’m not all about political correctness, I think political correctness is destroying-

Chase Geiser: Right, but it’s a little passe.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s like, can you find a different insult? Can you just say lame?

Chase Geiser: Yeah. Can we make fun of the lame instead of the homosexuals?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, also it’s not even really an insult anymore. So somebody’s like, that’s gay and they’re like, “Oh, you mean it’s gay people?”

Chase Geiser: So?

Dr. John Jaquish: They don’t even know it’s an insult anymore. It’s like, oh, oh really? I didn’t realize that that would be a healthy option for homosexuals. It’s just like I’m looking at this going, wow, you have to be so dumb to be behaving like that.

Chase Geiser: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, I mean, that’s the world I kind of try to avoid, but almost everything I do bumps into the standard body-building fitness audience.

Chase Geiser: Well, on that note, it has been an honor and a pleasure to have you on the Action and Ambition podcast. I hope you’ll come back and join us again after the next book comes out and keep us updated on how things are going.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Well, I got some other projects I can’t talk about yet, but are going to be incredibly powerful. So you may see me or hear me soon.

Chase Geiser: I hope so, man. It was nice to meet you. Take care and all the best to you and yours.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Thanks, Chase.

Chase Geiser: You’re Welcome. Bye-bye.

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