By One Radio Network on January 20, 2023

One Radio Network: Dr. John Jaquish

Many fitness “experts” defend weightlifting and cardio, but where are the results?

In Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time, Dr. John Jaquish and Henry Alkire examine the science behind this claim and present a superior strength training method that has been shown to add 20 pounds of muscle on drug-free, experienced lifters in six months.

Full Transcript

Patrick Timpone: Welcome back, and we have an interesting guest for you this morning right now, Dr. John Jaquish. He’s a Ph.D. and spent many years researching and developing various approaches to health, and he’s an inventor of what he believes is one of the most effective bone density-building medical technologies.

He’s now partnered up with Tony Robbins, and OsteoStrong for rapid clinical deployment. He’s the inventor of X3, which is a very interesting strength training program that we’re going to talk about.

He’s also the author of the book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time I’m sure there are a lot of weightlifters out there saying, now, come on, weightlifting’s not a waste of time. I do it all the time.

Dr. Jaquish, thanks for coming on this show. Good morning.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah. Give us the basics of why you wrote this book, and why is weightlifting a waste of time. Let’s do the basics.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, weightlifting is a waste of time in the context of what I’m talking about in the book. Exercise is not a waste of time. If people exercise versus not exercise, I would caution them there’s there are counterproductive exercises.

So sometimes people have this idea, well, something is better than nothing. Not necessarily. There are a lot of things that will injure you. There are a lot of things that’ll make you worse off or no better off, and maybe beat up your joints and give you some chronic pain. So in general, the book is about variable resistance.

Patrick Timpone: Variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: So variable resistance gives a much more powerful stimulus for growth. And those people who eat the proper nutrition will grow muscle much faster. 26% of people and this was found in a study in 2008 by Petrella and researchers, 26% of people out there, just the general population, cannot grow muscle at all, no matter what they do with regular weights.

Patrick Timpone: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: 26%. That’s a lot.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, most other people, let’s say 99% of the population, which includes that 26%, can only grow a very small amount of muscle. And usually, that happens in the first few weeks or months they’re lifting weights, and then they never change again. And do you know anybody who’s going to the gym for years, year after year and they don’t look any different?

Patrick Timpone: I guess so. Yeah. I’m not sure what you’re saying.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, we all know a lot of people like the vast majority of people go to the gym, and they never see any results. And the reason is some people have is called a mutation. And if people think that word is strange, we all have mutations by the way.

Some people have a genetic predisposition to having longer tendon insertion points. So that means you have a lever within your own body. And when you have a lever within your own body, you have an advantage when it comes to that movement.

So these are the people who… I went to high school with a guy, and he and I started doing the same workout. We were about the same size. He might have been a few pounds heavier than me and a little bit shorter than me. And a year later, he looked like he was a 30-year-old professional bodybuilder.

And the guy just grew muscle so quickly and so easily, whereas I hardly changed at all. If I did change at all, it was probably just being in my teen years and getting a year older. It was puberty. So I didn’t understand why this guy had it so easy, and the rest of us just don’t.

And so as I progressed in my career in life sciences years later and developed the first OsteoStrong medical device technology, realizing that there are just big genetic differences. The genetic differences are not hormonal. It has to do with a mechanical advantage within the body.

And if you don’t have this mutation, if you’re not part of that 1% or maybe even a fraction of 1%, there’s not a lot of good data on who these people are. But these are the people who ended up in the NFL. These are the people who were so gifted at sports, that became their careers. And for the rest of us, we can get around the genetic deficiencies we have with variable resistance.

Patrick Timpone: Variable resistance. That’s what your X3 is about, which is really…

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Patrick Timpone: The key to this and why you don’t get sore because that’s crazy. I’ve been doing it every day, well, almost every day for six, seven weeks. And I only had one day where I was just a little bit sore on my upper back, and I probably just didn’t do the right form and just kind of went out to lunch for a moment. But other than that now, so in weightlifting, when you’re lifting weights like this and you lock out at the top, that’s why the muscle gets bigger?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Patrick Timpone: They’re not.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Well, they can be. Microtears and muscles exist, but they grow. So you go damage the muscle, and then it grows back stronger. Not true.

Patrick Timpone: Not true, That’s such a prevalent idea among weightlifters.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, hey, there’s a lot of people that have a lot of ideas that don’t work. Some people don’t realize it…

Patrick Timpone: Well, why do weightlifters get sore?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like socialism. It works until you run out of other people’s money to confiscate, and then you’re broke.

Patrick Timpone: So then why do weightlifters say you need to do something and then you wait three or four days before you do it again, and they get so?

Dr. John Jaquish: So you’ve got to let the muscle respond. You got to let it grow. But what you want to do is stimulate, not damage.

Patrick Timpone: Stimulate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s very difficult to damage a muscle with variable resistance. Now, the ratio of variance is important. Setting that up correctly for those who are at a gym and just doing variable resistance on their own, they’re using bands or chains to place more load at the top of the movement, the top of a squat where your legs are almost straight versus at the bottom of a squat where your legs are parallel to the floor.

So there’s some calculation in that, and there’s some trial and error when you’re setting it up on your own. My product X3 does it all for you so you get the proper proportion of variance with each movement.

Patrick Timpone: Explain to people what variable resistance is who’ve never heard of X3, which is a lot of people.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m guessing most people listen, and don’t necessarily watch this show. Is that right?

Patrick Timpone: Both. But we get both.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Yeah. Well, I’ll explain it like nobody’s watching. So the top of the… Well, it’s like when I say right here and I’m pointing at my elbow, the listeners are like, I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about.

Patrick Timpone: What’s this guy talking about?

Dr. John Jaquish: At the top of a squat movement, you’re much more powerful, and it’s easier. And then when you go towards the bottom, it becomes very difficult. So you’re always limited when you do that exercise. And this is true of all exercises, but I’m just using squats as an example. The bottom portion is limiting.

Therefore, you choose a weight that you can handle in the bottom portion, but you’re seven times stronger at the top. So every time you go to do it, you’re only stimulating the muscle where you have the least amount of muscle fiber involved in the movement, which is the bottom. And you also have the greatest chances of creating injury because that happens at the bottom also. So what we want is lighter on the bottom and much heavier on top and sort of an average weight in the middle.

The weight you might pick would be in the middle… Like actually pick at a regular gym, that might be exposed to you in the middle of the variable resistance movement, but you want the top to be heavier and the bottom to be lighter. Now, when you go through one set of movements, you start to exhaust in the stronger ranges of motion because you’re handling much more force. When I do a squat, maybe three or 400 pounds on one leg at a time. And I weigh 240 pounds. So it’s 240 pounds plus another 400 pounds. That’s what goes on one leg. I always train one leg at a ton. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons for that. Unless you’re a kangaroo, if you’re a human, you walk on one leg at a time. That’s functional. So splitting your resources between two legs when you’re doing squats makes no sense at all unless you want to get half of the result. So I guess that wasn’t too much…

Patrick Timpone: Yeah, that’s all right. And why does the X3 thing work, rather than just having a 25-pound or whatever? What’s the difference?

Dr. John Jaquish: So you want to come closest to matching what the biomechanics capabilities are. So you have a very heavy weight at the top where the muscle’s at its shortest, and you have a much lighter weight at the bottom. So you end up doing more repetitions than you otherwise would expose the muscle to much more force and growth, but there’s no damage at all. With that 60 pounds of muscle I’ve gained, I was never sore a single day.

Patrick Timpone: Wow. It’s crazy. Yeah, and so the cool idea with what you have is a very nice strong steel bar and these bands and they’re made out of, what are they made out of, the bands?

Dr. John Jaquish: Tree latex.

Patrick Timpone: Tree latex.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the cheap bands you see on Amazon, those are made out of petroleum. So those are a rubber tire kind of thing. And they wear out. You can stretch them. The more you work out with them, the longer they get. So you think you’re getting stronger, but you’re just deforming your band. These bands don’t stretch out, not for years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Constant tension.

Patrick Timpone: This is the real magic of the whole system, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It allows you to manage constant tension much easier than with regular weight and thereby triggering more results.

Patrick Timpone: So with a regular weight, you’d have to kind of consciously, but you always got to stop at the bottom where you might lose constant tension. And that affects muscle growth, correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: You want to try not to rest at the bottom. I tell people that every day. You want to keep some tension on it, even if it’s only a pound of tension at the bottom. Once you release the tension, recovery starts to begin. And you don’t want recovery to start and then you go back into the exercise and then back and forth because that doesn’t give the central nervous system a very clear signal for growth.

Patrick Timpone: So how did you figure out that doing this constant tension makes the muscles grow rather than doing the weights, and you wrote the book and all that? How did you come to that conclusion?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, there’s research on everything. And if you read the book, there are 260 pages, and there are I think 255 peer-reviewed references. There’s a lot of info there. And a lot of these things are well understood by sports science, which is not the gym industry. Scientists are on top of this.

Patrick Timpone: I get that.

Dr. John Jaquish: People are lost. And most of the representatives of different brands in fitness, don’t know what they’re talking about or they’re either making it up or they’re repeating something false they heard from someone else. And there are just bizarre myths out there. Here’s one. Eating excess protein, the protein turns into glucose and is stored as body fat. There is no mechanism for that.

We have gluconeogenesis. Your body can convert protein to glucose, but it’s demand-driven, so you don’t store body fat. It’s like if your brain needs some glucose, your body makes some glucose, and it goes to your brain.

And the amount of carbohydrates, and this is probably one of the most interesting things, the number of carbohydrates, the amount of glucose that’s required for functions in the body is the equivalent of just a few grams per day.

Patrick Timpone: I’ve heard that from the carnivore people we’ve talked to.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you have a bite of a banana, you’re fine. Your systems are running optimally. You don’t need carbohydrates. And your body can make glucose if you don’t ingest it. But a good quality source of protein, that’s what your body needs. That’s real nutrition. The idea is that we need to keep eating fruits and vegetables as fast as we can, we need seven servings a day. That is pure BS.

Patrick Timpone: It’s just made up. Just made up.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s made up. And I think a lot of different world governments like that piece of information because it makes it cheap to feed people. I mean, ultimately…

Patrick Timpone: I guess it could be argued too, Dr. Jaquish, that it promotes people to be weaker on all levels spiritually and mentally, emotionally.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe governments want that too.

Patrick Timpone: You think?

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, nobody Googled why fluoride is in water.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah. So you…

Dr. John Jaquish: Like don’t look into that.

Patrick Timpone: Yes, so you’ve been doing this for how long, have you been doing the variable resistance? How long?

Dr. John Jaquish: So I didn’t use any variable resistance type setting it up in the gym. First of all, most gyms won’t even let you do it. They think it’s dangerous. And the piles of chains on the floor are a tripping hazard. And the bands, people do stupid stuff with them. They hook them to racks that can be tipped over that aren’t bolted to the floor kind of thing. And so most gyms won’t even let you do that. So I never messed around with a variable resistance until I built my prototype of X3.

Within the first year, I put on 30 pounds of muscle. In the second year, I put on 15, and I was like a different person.

I went from not looking like a guy that works out to being stopped at the grocery store, and people ask me…

Patrick Timpone: What do you do?

Dr. John Jaquish: What NFL team do I play for? Or that I’m a wrestler, or if I’m an actor, or here’s another one I got the other day. “Hey, do you know Dwayne Johnson?” And I looked at him and I’m like, “Why would you think I know Dwayne Johnson?” And they’re like, “Well, you kind of look like him, and you’re big, so you guys probably work out together.” I’m like, “Wow, I wouldn’t have made that stretch, but okay. No, I don’t know Dwayne Johnson.”

Patrick Timpone: So you put on 30 pounds of muscle the first year with the variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: Keep in mind this was after my 40th birthday.

Patrick Timpone: After 40, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because most sports physiologists, I don’t know if I want to say most, maybe let’s say half, would strongly suggest that you would have trouble gaining any muscle at all after turning 40 because of some metabolic changes have kind of been disproven. . A lot of people over 40 are not willing to tolerate an exercise risk because lifting weights is dangerous.

But of course with X3, there’s very little to no danger. So once people of any age get ahold of X3, they see results.

So did I. I was over 40, and I put on 30 pounds of muscle the first year, and I was like, this is unbelievable. This is going to change everything. And then I put on an additional 15 pounds the next year, and I’ve put on a little bit since then, but I’m nearing my genetic potential, I believe. But it was far beyond what I ever thought it was because I had already been lifting weights for 20 years. So I had put on some amount of weight, maybe 10 or 15 pounds over 20 years. I know that sounds pathetic, but the results from weightlifting were pathetic, which is why I called the book Weightlifting a Waste of Time.

Patrick Timpone: Well, I’m a testimony on my 76th birthday today, and I have more muscle today than I have ever had in my whole life for six weeks with this thing. That’s why I wanted to have you on. I think it’s an exciting technology. I mean, I could feel it. You can feel it when you do it. I mean, you can feel the old muscles growing. It’s crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: I expect in the next five to 10 years, people are going to laugh about the idea that humans used to lift weights.

Patrick Timpone: Really, you think that?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I think it will still be a sport of powerlifting and weightlifting. And those sports, they’re fascinating to me so I’m a fan. But a lot of what you see powerlifters do in a contest is not how they train. That’s not how they built the muscle. That’s just the context. So I say that to some competitive powerlifters, and they agree with me. They’re like, yeah, the idea of getting fit by lifting really heavy objects for really low repetitions is just stupid. They don’t like doing it because they know they’re rolling the dice for their spinal health, everything they do. Now, when you’re one of the best in the world at that, it’s like, well, okay.

Patrick Timpone: So the difference between variable resistance, Dr. Jaquish, and the weights, just talk a little bit about if you can, without getting too geeky about why are injuries in the spine and the whole thing. What’s the difference?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because in the positions where you’re exposed to risk, the weight goes down, and so it’s much easier to handle. It’s much easier to maintain form and stay in safer positions. And then when the weight goes up to very high levels, you’re in an optimized position. You’re better equipped to handle a high load in what I call impact-ready positions, positions where you’d naturally absorb high-impact force.

Patrick Timpone: And the cool thing I like, is it’s 15 minutes a day. That’s it. I mean, you’re done. Boom. 15 minutes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Patrick Timpone: Here’s a question for you from Bill. For building more muscle, do you need to track reps and times under tension to ensure progression for the next workout? I don’t count mine. Do you need to do that? I just keep going till I can’t go any longer.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, this is a really good question. Yeah. I mean, counting reps, ultimately what you want to do is take the muscle to absolute fatigue. The problem is your mindset is different at the moment, right?

Patrick Timpone: What do you think?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there are some days where you’ll think 10 was all you could do, whereas other days you did 18. So counting them is important. Keeping the same cadence. See, what I see sometimes is people think they’re getting stronger because their repetitions are getting faster, which is why he mentioned time under tension. Now, I don’t like the term time under tension concerning what we’re doing with variable resistance because it’s time under variable tension. So the time under the heavier load is more than the time when you’re bringing the bar back into a lighter loaded position. I tell people to keep a two-second up, two-second down cadence, and count their repetitions.

Patrick Timpone: Now your system is I think what, four different bands, smaller to bigger. And are you on your thickest band for all your stuff after all these years? Do you like the motherload of the bands?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, not for everything. I mean, when I’m doing, let’s say a shoulder press, I’m certainly not doing that, using the same band that I squat with. Yeah, yeah. So there is a fifth band that’s optional, and that one is basically for a guy like me, six feet tall. That’s 550 pounds in a chest press. It’s 600 pounds in a deadlift. And because it’s not doubled over, it’s about 400 pounds in a squat. I don’t use that one for everything any longer because I’m focused on slow and controlled.

Patrick Timpone: Slow and controlled.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I’ll still use that one for chest press, but I will not use it for squats anymore because I’m really worried about getting the timing right. There’s a slower control you go, the more stabilization firing, the better your balance, the better your agility. I mean, I realize those are skills and not just raw strength, but they all do tend to progress together.

Patrick Timpone: The interesting thing about this system as Dr. Jaquish mentioned that you go until you can’t go any further where the motions get smaller and smaller and smaller until you just…

Dr. John Jaquish: Diminishing range.

Patrick Timpone: Diminishing range, that’s a fancy word. Until you just can’t go. What’s the magic of just going till you just can’t move? Till you’re just like, whoa?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you fatigue every range of motion.

Patrick Timpone: Fatigue every in range of motion.

Dr. John Jaquish: So first I’m fatiguing where my capability is greatest. Then I’m fatiguing a more middle position where I still am firing a lot of muscle, but not quite as much as the top where I’m handling the super high amount of weight. And then the last few repetitions are at the bottom of the range of motion where I’m weakest. So I’m still simulating the growth there, but I’ve simulated the entire musculature in all positions. You can never do that with weight.

Patrick Timpone: Wow. You can’t do it. Here’s an email for you. Do think the 26% of the people who don’t grow muscle grow them with X3?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Good question.

Patrick Timpone: They do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Like, here’s my pectoral. I’m touching my chest for those who are listening. It’s attached to the middle of my chest. That’s where the origin of the pectoral is. The other side of the pectoral attaches to a humorous bone, my upper arm bone.

Now mine is just like everybody else’s. I have a terrible attachment point, just like 99% of people, it’s up by my shoulder joint. But some people have it towards their elbow, which means there’s a lever inside their body where they have a mechanical advantage.

And these are the people who start bench pressing, let’s say when they’re in high school. And every time they do it, they become much stronger.

Patrick Timpone: Are we going to get to see a picture of whatever y’all are talking about? We don’t have it today, but we’ll put the link to your website on our show page in our video. And then people can go on there and look at it and do the X3. How long have you been selling X3, and promoting it?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s been a little over four years.

Patrick Timpone: Four years. you’ll continue to grow?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, no, it’s five years now. Yeah.

Patrick Timpone: Word of mouth?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. As I got my prototype about a year ahead of time. So I launched it as a product when I was 41, but that first year it was just a prototype. So that was my 40th.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Year on it.

Patrick Timpone: I’m curious what would happen, a dumb question, but I’m going to ask it. What would happen if you, Dr. Jaquish, just quit tomorrow? Okay, I don’t think I can do this anymore for two months or three months. Would all those little muscles, would they just go away?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Patrick Timpone: Would they? They just go away.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Patrick Timpone: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, muscle metabolism is very use driven.

Patrick Timpone: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you’re not exercising, you’re probably in atrophy, which means the shrinking of muscle. It exists if you need it, if you show the body, you need it. If you don’t show the body you need it, it will not stay there.

Patrick Timpone: It just won’t stay there. It just won’t stay there.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. This is why having a workout routine that’s very low risk is super important. I see these guys doing these dangerous lifts, and of course, they’re getting nothing out of it on top of that. And I’ll say, where are you going to be in 10 years? And they look at me like they haven’t even considered that.

Patrick Timpone: They haven’t even thought about it, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I can tell by the way you’re lifting, you have chronic shoulder pain. So by the time tears come to your eyes when you have to put on your shirt in the morning just because you have to reach back, you’re going to quit. And then you’re never going to bench again, and then you’re going to be smaller and weaker than a teenage girl. Is that the future you want? Because what I’m doing, I’ll be able to do till the day I die. I’ll be 100-something years old.

Patrick Timpone: And it’ll only take a few minutes. It’s not like you got to go to the gym every day and go crazy. And that’s a big deal, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, don’t need to spend hours at it. Well, if you think about training in general, it’s only the last couple of repetitions account anyway. So yeah, the amount of time it takes a body to stimulate muscle growth is very short. A lot of people will add a lot of screwing around before those moments that count. Some of them are just trainers that want to sell a complicated program so that people don’t think they can do it on their own. But you can. And I mean, hey, a trainer is there to be accountable. Trainers are not there to mystify you with some secret knowledge that they just made up last night.

Patrick Timpone: We’ve been exploring this whole carnivore diet thing for six months. So we need animal foods to grow muscle, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Correct.

Patrick Timpone: We just do, just part of the deal.

Dr. John Jaquish: Most plants are only about 9% usable by the body because we don’t have big intestines to draw a lot of the nutrients out of plants. So it goes right through us.

Patrick Timpone: How about eggs, in your opinion? Good food?

Dr. John Jaquish: Eggs are just the best.

Patrick Timpone: Really? Yeah, I’ve heard that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Eggs are 48% usable by the body. The balance turns into nitrogen. Most meats, fish, poultry, beef, about 38%.and And then whey protein is only 18%, and plants are usually nine or lower.

Patrick Timpone: That’s a usable protein that’ll build muscle?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So you take 100 grams of protein, that’s pea protein or broccoli protein, and you’re only going to get nine grams of usable protein.

Patrick Timpone: How important is that?

Dr. John Jaquish: So if you tried to get your protein from broccoli, you need to eat, I did the calculation. A guy my size, a 240-pound guy would need to eat something like 28 pounds of broccoli a day.

Patrick Timpone: How important is fat, animal fat into this whole butter, tallow, beef fat, whatever?

Dr. John Jaquish: We need quality fat. There is such a thing as an essential amino acid, an essential protein, or an essential portion of a protein. There is such a thing as essential fat. There’s no such thing as an essential carbohydrate.

Patrick Timpone: I’ve heard that from different people. It’s hard to imagine with everybody eating all this rice and quinoa and pasta and whatever, right? Pizza, I mean, whoa.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The standard American diet is 70% carbohydrates. And in the 1950s, it was like 50%, and we were fatter and sicker than ever.

Patrick Timpone: Yes, sir.

Dr. John Jaquish: So when I listen to vegans is just like, they’re just headed in such a direction of illness. Veganism is going to go down in history, just like anorexia and bulimia. Anorexics and bulimics think they’re healthy too. So just because they say they’re healthy, doesn’t mean it. And most of the vegan speakers don’t understand the studies they’re talking about. They’re completely missing things.

One of my favorite professors the other day was saying there are so many nutrition gurus, self-appointed experts who talk about insulin sensitivity as the reason they do what they do. Insulin sensitivity is a theory. It’s just nonsense in a way. Now, what they should be talking about is what happens to your hemoglobin A1C score. Because that’s a hard number. We know what that is. That’s real.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah, that’s real.

Dr. John Jaquish: But insulin sensitivity is just kind of like, how do you feel today? It’s subjective. There’s a measure to it. But you hear a lot of nutrition gurus saying that term all the time, and it’s like that’s the thesis of their statement where that’s not even a thing. We need people who understand what they’re talking about. But then there’s also the money problem, which is the margins in the carbohydrate industry, a box of Triscuits has a 600% margin on it.

Patrick Timpone: 600%, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Whereas a steak has a 12% margin on it.

Patrick Timpone: Is that right? Wow. Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: It takes a lot more to create a steak than it does to create a Triscuit.

Patrick Timpone: Before we go, just quickly, you are also not a fan of running 20 miles and all that. I haven’t read your book yet, but are you interested in this idea of burst exercises to build fast, quick, and boom?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and that’s what X3 is. And it’s not really about being fast. It’s about how joints degrade. And repetitive movement is the worst thing for our joints. Humans are good at sprinting. Humans are really bad at distance running. It’s just not what we’re designed for. It’s so damaging to the joints.

And when you look at cardiovascular health, now I’m talking about health, not how far you can run. How far you can run is not a metric of health. I weigh 240 pounds, so can I run a marathon? I mean probably, but that’d be a bitch because I’m heavy.

Patrick Timpone: That’s a lot of weight to move 25 miles.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, just the blood pumping through. And that’s sort of the myth of strength athletes have poor cardio. No, they don’t. Strength training, there’s a meta-analysis that shows this that considers over 100 studies in the analysis. People who do strength training have better cardiovascular health than people who do endurance training. And remember, how far you can run is not a metric of health.

Patrick Timpone: So cardiovascular health would be the strength of the arteries, pulse…

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, full echocardiogram.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah, the whole thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: All the time, I have a standard western doctor who he’s my general practitioner mostly for amusement purposes because he’s going to give me the answer.

Patrick Timpone: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So he does an EKG on me. And he says, “Oh my God, you have incredible cardiovascular health. Do you run marathons?” And I look at him, like how dumb are you? Like, “No man, I strength train. I’ve told you this 100 times.” Oh, you think all that cardiovascular health is from strength training? “Yeah, I’ve sent you a few meta-analyses on the subject. You did not read them.” And it’s just like this guy’s a friend of mine, I mean, we drink scotch together. Mostly because I beat up on him so badly, I gladly bring him a bottle of scotch from time to time.

But it’s just one of those things where standard western medicine is just not looking at the right things to make us healthier. And here’s another one. I had an H.pylori infection. Most people don’t know what that is. It’s not common in the United States. I got in Africa. But this guy talked to me about this infection for years. We couldn’t diagnose what it was. And then finally, I talked to another physician who just looked at the way I was kind of sitting and moving, and I was uncomfortable. He said, “Your stomach hurts?” Yeah. “You bloated?” Yeah, all the time, 24/7. I don’t know. It started happening a couple of years ago. He goes, “You go to Third World countries?” Yeah, all the time. “You have H.pylori.” So I mean, the guy just looked at me. He’s a physician, a different physician.

So I went back to my regular GP. And he is like, “There’s no way you have H.pylori.” This guy’s from India. He goes, “I’m from India. I would know if you had H. Pylori.” That happens. And I’m like, “Can you just test me for it anyway?” Sure enough, I had it. I treated it, and I’m fine now.

Patrick Timpone: So it’s some kind of bug. It’s some kind a something.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, it’s a stomach bacteria. It destroys the mucus membrane that protects your stomach. So then you get stomach ulcers and all kinds of stuff. It’s bad, just awful.

Patrick Timpone: Well, I know you have to run. I’m taking you over time. Thanks so much for being here. I appreciate it. Just congratulations on your system, the X3. I talk about it a lot. I just want to ask you one question off the record for a second. Could you hold off for one minute while we close the show?

Dr. John Jaquish: No problem.

Patrick Timpone: Stay on. Thank you. And let’s just give you your website. And it is

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Patrick Timpone: And you even got a little thing where people can put it on payments, right? Six months or something like that. Pretty cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I mean, the product’s very inexpensive.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah. It doesn’t cost a lot.

Dr. John Jaquish: As home gyms go, it’s $550. But yeah, if somebody needs to do it on payments, we have that.

Patrick Timpone: Yeah, that’s what I did. I did. I just said, okay, I’ll do it. I’ll pay. I just wanted to get it. I didn’t have 500 bucks sitting around. All right, sir, you stay there, and I’ll be with you.

Patrick Timpone: It is just the coolest thing ever. I’m excited about it. And anybody, even I can do 15 minutes. And it doesn’t hurt. So I will see you tomorrow.

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