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By The Crossover Show on April 11, 2018

TheCrossoverShow Interviews X3 Bar creator, Dr. John Jaquish

TheCrossoverShow Interviews X3 Bar creator, Dr. John Jaquish

In this special video of #TheCrossoverShow, MC and HM are proud to welcome Dr. John Jaquish to the show. The boys discuss Dr. Jaquish revolutionary workout gear, the #X3Bar.

Full Transcript

MC: Welcome to the Crossover Show, the Internet’s first, best, and only-

Justin Schorr: Only.

MC: Only, still only.

Justin Schorr: Still only.

MC: … police, fire, and EMS podcast. Joining me to day, as usual, is my cohost, one Justin Schorr, the Happy Medic. Say hi to the people.

Justin Schorr: Hi to the people.

MC: And not in studio, which is crazy, but he doesn’t live close to us. He’s over in San Francisco.

Justin Schorr: This is a studio?

MC: Well, garage.

Justin Schorr: Okay, got it.

MC: Garage, but… multipurpose room.

Justin Schorr: Fair enough.

MC: Right. Is Dr. John Jaquish joining us live via Skype. Welcome to the show, sir.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Justin Schorr: A miracle of modern technology.

MC: Right? He’s like 45-

Justin Schorr: We’re talking him over a connection that goes to space.

MC: It’s pretty awesome.

Justin Schorr: That’s pretty cool.

MC: That’s true.

Justin Schorr: That’s pretty cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yet I am local.

MC: Well, true. You’re just not in our garage having beer with us. Usually that’s our shtick, you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, maybe with the follow up I can-

Justin Schorr: Yeah, and that’s another thing for our audience. This is our second recording session that’s in the mornings, so there’s no beers. The witty banter-

MC: Yeah, I’m drinking coffee.

Justin Schorr: … might be a little bit lower than usual. But we actually have important content to share with our audience.

MC: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: No beer in the morning, that’s a varsity move. That’s a good idea.

MC: Well, it’s self control. I like to occasionally think of myself as an adult. Not often, mind you.

Justin Schorr: Usually in the mornings.

MC: Usually in the mornings, true. So, something to make sure you are aware of, we do have an explicit tag for the podcast, so if you feel so motivated, you are welcome to be as profane as you like. If that’s your thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fucking aye.

MC: Yes.

Justin Schorr: There you go.

MC: See I told you he was going to fit in just fine.

Justin Schorr: And that’s why people keep coming back to the show and going to to support the Crossover Show. Real quick, that’s Daniel, Ritchie, Slappy, Deputy Dave, Phillip, Art, Sandy, Richard, Daniel the Second and Connor. So get on over there guys, thumb us a couple bucks, keep the show free, and free to download, because we’re going to get important content. MC, last week we were talking about how not to get dead.

MC: True. This one hasn’t aired yet, but yeah we were talking about that.

Justin Schorr: So, we were talking about how not to get dead, and then you told me we had a guest coming on and I said, “Oh, what’s this guy got.” He’s got something to keep us from getting dead in the three disciplines, because what’s killing firemen right now is heart attacks and not wearing seat belts. So if there’s an easy way for us to hit the gym without hitting the gym, I think Dr. Jaquish has got the answer.

MC: Let’s do it. So, shall I call you John, Doc, you know, Sally? What’s your preference?

Dr. John Jaquish: John’s great.

MC: All right, John.

Justin Schorr: What’s your safe word John?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nice.

MC: I think he already said, fucking aye. So, all right, that’ll be his safe word. Perfect.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

MC: So real quick, tell the listeners, what’s your background?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, boy, that’s an interesting story. I did not get into the things that I’m into by any conventional path. I played rugby in undergrad, I majored in marketing, I went into an enterprise software sales job. And as I was finishing undergrad, my mother was diagnosed with osteopetrosis. She was very distraught, and she’s a bit of a hypochondriac. She thinks a lot of things are going to end her life that aren’t. But that’s a real thing. It’s like, “Okay, yeah, if your doctor told you you have osteoporosis that’s a problem.” So I said, “Let me read about it.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And so my mother… I don’t know, she trusts me for some reason. Most mother’s trust their kids just a tiny bit.

MC: Yeah.

Justin Schorr: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Also, they give a lot of unsolicited advice. Still.

MC: My mom listens to the show by the way, so that is spot on.

Justin Schorr: She’s laughing out loud right now.

MC: Spot on.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, I say.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, I’m sure. It’s like, “You wore that?”

MC: But she gives me shit about the hair all the time. She hates the white walls, she calls them. So, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like you can do anything about that?

MC: Well, I can let me hair… My hair’s remarkably long, but I just… The wife likes the style, so I go with what my wife likes more than what my mom likes, for hopefully obvious reasons.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That seems painfully obvious.

MC: Yeah. Love you mom.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean, there’s a proximity issue. You get a lot more unsolicited advice from your wife than you do from your mother.

Justin Schorr: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

MC: I think when I signed on the dotted line it became solicited. That might be a legal battle we could have. I don’t know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, we’d have to have a panel of attorneys to discuss that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, okay, let me jump back in the story. So, my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and I started reading about it. And, I have been told since then by many researchers and physicians and professors that if I had done my PhD first, I would’ve talked myself out of this. Because it was so unconventional, my approach. But, what I looked at was, who has superhuman bone density? Who has the highest bone density of anybody in the world?

MC: Wolverine?

Dr. John Jaquish: And the way I explain this, it makes it sound like I came up with the whole thing in, like, an hour. This was months and months of reading. So, it turns out gymnasts have the highest bone density. By far. Far beyond anybody else. And the reason is the rate at which they hit the ground. So, it’s not pulling themselves up, or throwing themselves around, or their flexibility. It’s the rate at which they hit the ground and absorb forces. Sometimes they get to 10 times their body weight. Whereas a weightlifter, two or three times their body weight, for elite. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s well understood, what’s great about gymnastics from a research perspective is the way they hit the ground is very repeatable. There’s a lot of other athletic endeavors, things are different every time. The way a football player hits another… you know, lineman hit lineman, it’s a little different every time. It’s hard to measure exactly how. And there’s a lot more data now so they can, but the way a gymnast contacts with the ground, it’s the same every time.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the observation was so profound. These gymnasts were having two standard deviations above normal. So, bone density is judged based on T-score.

Justin Schorr: That’s a lot by the way.

MC: Yeah, thank you.

Justin Schorr: Yeah.

MC: He’s our resident medic, and he makes all the medical things make easy sense-

Justin Schorr: Science.

MC: … to the dumb cop.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Well, yeah, and usually when I give a statistic I’ll explain what it means. So, zero is normal. Osteopenia, which is pre-osteoporosis, is -1, and osteoporosis is -2.5. My mother was right at the diagnosis level. She was -2.54, something like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, first I think, okay, I can convince my mother to be a gymnast. But, you know, she was in her 70s, and she had been in life-

Justin Schorr: That was a good idea to start with, however, flawed.

Dr. John Jaquish: But, I said, “What if I could create a device that would load the body in the same manner that high impact would, without the risks? So, slow and controlled, computer monitored with bio-feedback computer screens telling you what you’re doing and what you’re safe to do.” And so that’s what I did, and I created a prototype, and I reversed her osteoporosis in 18 months.

MC: Get out of here.

Justin Schorr: That’s fantastic.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. She was in her 70s. In 18 months, she had the bones of a 30 year old.

MC: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So, I thought, wow, okay. And what I was doing, was just in her lower extremities, loading her body to… I believe she got to six multiples of body weight.

MC: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, I’m looking at this and thinking, wow, there’s some massive triggers going on here, that we just didn’t know before. So, obviously I got a prototype going and started testing it in multiple locations, wrote a book, published some research, finished my PhD in biomedical engineering, and then I was off and running.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then while this whole thing was going on, I… So, I was doing some research in London, but I had also been kind of frustrated myself with the fact that I had been going to the gym for 15 years, and I really didn’t see results. Like, I played division one rugby. I had great trainers, I did all the right things, and man, I think all the weight I put on just had to do with getting older. I just was… Like, the term hard gainer, as in it’s really hard to put on muscle. Whereas, I knew other guys who seemed to gain 10 pounds of muscle by mowing lawns for a summer. You know?

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s really funny. A lot of people take advice from pro athletes on how to grow muscular tissue or become a better performer. And my response to that is, these guys are gifted. They could do just about anything. Now, they may have an optimized program, and they may have great trainers, but you want to look at the people who have trouble. Not the people who were absolutely born to gain muscle very easily. You know, so, bodybuilding doesn’t really apply to law enforcement, really, but you look at the guy who’s the current Mr. Olympia, and you look at pictures of him playing college and high school basketball. He looked like a bodybuilder back then. He wasn’t even lifting. I don’t know if he was. I don’t think he was. This guys was just genetically predisposed to being a muscular person.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I never had that, and I always thought, as I was developing the bone density device, I wonder if there is an answer towards muscle here. I wonder if I can apply some of this logic, and we can gain a ton of muscle. Or maybe there’s something we’re missing out on. So, what then happened is a started paying attention to what Westside Barbell was doing. And what they would do is they’d take a standard weight set, like somebody’s training to break a world record or go to a meet and compete in the bench press or the squat, or deadlift or whatever lift they’re doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, what I noticed, was that these guys were breaking world records all over the place. And what they were doing, is they would offload some of the weight and add rubber bands to the weight. So, let’s say, at the bottom of the movement down here, they’re holding X, and then at extension, they’re holding, say, 1.2X or 1.3X.

MC: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I thought, okay, that coincides with my research, because I’m hyper-loading the impact-ready range of motion, and they’re slightly loading more at that range of motion and offloading the weaker range of motion. So that made sense to me, and it just was kind of a casual observation.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then in 2008… Yeah, 2008, there was a study by Professor Anderson with Cornell athletes, where they divided the Cornell athlete population into two groups: control group, test group. And the control group did the regular weight training. They tested them pre to post. And then the test group, they did banded training along with weights, and they grew strength, muscle, basically, larger muscle, stronger muscle, faster. So, greater gains in that same time.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what that showed me was, okay, both sides had weights. The test group had variants. And I thought, okay, what if double down on the variants and forget the weights. Because that’s really the answer. And what confirmed that to me is some research that I did in London, where we look at… I was doing the same kind of thing I did with my mother. I wasn’t doing it, I wasn’t the personal investigator, but I wrote the protocol, and then the hospital did the research, and then when we were publishing the data, I’m looking at these post-menopausal females who are putting six, seven, eight, and nine times body weight through their lower extremities. I think they averaged 8.7. Post-menopausal, deconditioned females.

MC: Oh my god. That’s insane.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And they’re putting gymnastics level loads… Now, this was after six months of using the bone density advice. So just, sort of, frozen position, their knee joint looked like this, and then it kind of straightened out a little bit. So, very short, compressive movements in that joint, and hence the aggressive bone growth that we saw in that research.

Dr. John Jaquish: And what’s been seen in the limited amount of research… I say limited by comparison to, like, a pharmaceutical, is that the fastest bone growth, I believe, that has been recorded in that short a period of time… And there are I think 54 clinics now to have these devices around the world, and they’re showing these bone density gains. That’s called OsteoStrong. That’s the name of these clinics, and if somebody needs bone density, maybe some of the officers that are listening, if they have a bone density challenge they can find an OsteoStrong location.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, from a muscularity perspective, I went back and I looked at what West Side did and what Anderson did, and then what I was doing in London. And when you take all those observations together, and in fact, when you look at the science page on the website, the reason you have multiple references is because you’re drawing things from multiple places. So sometimes, people who don’t know how to read research, they find one sentence in one study and they say, “Well wait a minute, that’s not what you’re doing.” Right, that’s why we have multiple references.

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Dr. John Jaquish: So, we pull these things together. When you look at what was going on with variable resistance and bands and what I showed… So, basically, if I took my London data and I compare it to the American College of Sport’s medicine database on loading of the lower extremities, they show from non-athletic to athletic trained individuals, it’s 1.3 to 1.53 loading through the hip joint. Versus what I’m doing, in London, with 8.7. So, this really tells us that… Now, because the American College of Sport and Medicine was looking at what people would lift through the weaker range of motion, what that tells me is, roughly… because the populations weren’t the same. The ACSM was looking at everybody who’s lifting weights, and I’m looking at post-menopausal females, so the difference is probably bigger than this. But, the point is, the difference between those two data sets was seven fold.

Justin Schorr: That’s significant. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So what does that tell us? That means we are, potentially, or roughly, seven times stronger in our stronger range than we are in our weaker range. So, when you work out, when you life a weight, you pick whatever weight you can handle in the weaker range of motion, right? That’s why we call it the weaker range of motion. And what happens in the weaker range of motion? We have a very small amount of muscle firing, or going to fatigue, and then we also have a great exposure to joint damage.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I thought, if we can change the weight through space, to aggressively hyper-load in the stronger range, really offload in the weaker range, not only do we take injury risk away, but, and this is the most important part, we can fatigue different ranges of motion simultaneously. So, first you got to fatigue in the strong range, then in the mid range, and then in the weak range, with however many repetitions you can do. And absolute fatigue of the muscle. But you can really take your training, you can take every set further. So, instead of going to fatigue in the weak range, you just have so much more muscle firing in the stronger, when you go to fatigue there, and then marching backwards and backwards and backwards. So, the last repetition is, like, an inch in a bench press.

MC: Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you go into full extension for the first few repetitions, and then they get shorter and shorter and shorter until you just can barely move it. And so the joint potential of risk is so low, and the gains that have been seen are so incredibly high. And so, like any time you go to invent something new, you write it down, you look at it, you have an expert look at it. Typically they don’t share the same vision as you do. So, this is my second invention, and like the first one, everybody told me it wasn’t going to work. Because it’s just too simple, right? Like, no way.

MC: We’ve got to make it as difficult as conceivable possible.

Justin Schorr: Somebody would’ve come up with it by now if it was so was.

MC: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Everybody needs to stop asking themselves that question.

MC: Agreed. Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. I mean, think about cell phones. We had touchscreens, and then we went to keyboards, and Blackberry was ruling the world of cellphones, and then Apple comes out with a phone with no buttons on it, or just a home button at the time, and everybody thought it was going to fail. Well, they made it simple. And it worked.

MC: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And so what we’re really doing is, it’s a band training system. But the bands deliver hundreds of pounds of force.

Justin Schorr: One of the quick things Doc, I want to jump in. When you say bands, and when MC sent me over the link to the X3 Bar variable resistance system and I took a look at it, all I could picture was resistance training. Like, the older brother Brandon and The Goonies with the springs, and he’s doing this. When you take it all the way down to its bare, basic principals, you’re kind of looking at the same thing, but it seems like its range of motion and proper positioning and movement through the muscle groups that’s really the key to that. Am I wrong there?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s developing a protocol with bands where you’re delivering a higher force, where the biomechanics are optimized. So, in the position where you can mechanically deliver more force, or absorb more force, as the case may… you know, when you look at some of the impact research. That’s where you want the higher loads. You want the lower loads where the joint is more exposed and you have less muscle firing.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah, variable resistance. Unfortunately, bands have been used to be sort of a component in a lot of shitty exercise equipment. Sort of gimmicky kind of stuff.

MC: You mean like this one?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s actually… let me look at that. Are there layers on that, or is that molded rubber?

Justin Schorr: No, this is the molded rubber belt out of my minivan here.

MC: Shut up.

Justin Schorr: He took the timing belt out. What?

MC: No, I would put the over the door jamb pull up bar-

Dr. John Jaquish: Pull up assist. Right.

MC: … and then do assisted pull ups or dips or whatever using the band.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what’s interesting is, as I was putting this together, I’m thinking, now, physical therapy… So, first I took it to some physician friends that I’d worked with with the medical devices, and they were like, “Yeah, I don’t know.” But they’re not necessarily exercise experts. And I took it to some exercise experts and they don’t like anything that’s not really conventional. Trouble swallowing it. Then, I took it to a group of physical therapists.

Justin Schorr: There you go.

Dr. John Jaquish: And what they… instantly like, “Oh man. I get it.” Because physical therapists, forever, have been using rubber. Because with outward rotation, if I’m moving my arm outward… So, they’ll have you grab onto a band and move it, right? So, they can deliver more force in specific places where you’re more optimized. So, they’ve been using it for years.

Dr. John Jaquish: The problem is, as we started playing with bands, and I said, “Maybe what I ought to do is just write a book about band training, and not develop a product.” But the problem is, that band that you just showed me right there, if you tried to do a bicep curl with that, you stepped on it and started pulling on it, your wrists would twist like this. It would hurt your wrists, and you wouldn’t be able to get through a set.

Justin Schorr: The force is all in the wrong place. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Oh yeah, it’s just torquing joints. And then if you’re doing a deadlift with an even heavier band than that, your ankles are bending inward, so you’ll either create an injury, if you power through that, or it’ll trigger what’s called neural inhibition, which is when your central nervous system starts shutting muscles off because you’re really uncomfortable, because something’s going to injure.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, to prevent injury, your brain just shuts it down.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And so when I thought about writing that book, I started just doing stuff with the bands and I thought, I’m just two days into it, I could barely rotate my wrist, I had so much pain. And so I thought, nah, that’s garbage. What I need is an Olympic band, with a rotation hook in it to grab hold of the band, and then I need something that’ll clip the band to the ground. So then I came up with a plate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, because you’re so much stronger in the stronger range, these things needed to be really powerful. So I needed to build them to the standard of Olympic bars. So they can handle over 500 pounds. They haven’t been tested for failure. I estimate 800 to 1000 pounds they’ll fail. We’re not going to find many people that are lifting 800 too 1000 pounds.

Justin Schorr: Nope.

MC: No.

Justin Schorr: Not in this audience, for sure.

MC: So here’s the thing about the X3 Bar variable resistance system that gave me the biggest… kind of getting really excited about it, and that’s how long you work out for in a day. I think, when I was starting to work out a couple of years ago, lifting weights, I’ve got 300 pounds of weights not two feet from me, a weight bench-

Justin Schorr: It’s used for storage of the light for the pool table right now.

MC: It’s true, it’s true. But we dropped all this money, I got the SelectTech weights and all this stuff. So, if I’m going to work out, you’re looking at 45 minutes to an hour. But, correct me if I’m wrong, your claims are 10 minutes a day. Tell me how that is possible. I believe you, but I want you to convince the listeners that that’s actually a thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you go to a deeper level. You really only need one, and sometimes slow twitch guys, people who are better at endurance exercise, they tell me they seem to respond better with two sets. But, you go to such a deep level of absolute fatigue, you can only handle one or two sets per body part.

MC: Yeah, I’ve seen some of the videos on your site or on Facebook, and I’ve seen-

Dr. John Jaquish: An entire workout is four sets.

MC: And I’ve seen people just struggling.

Justin Schorr: And that’s the other things, MC, is that you can put out an amazing piece of equipment that… Did you ever use any videos on how to properly use your muscle groups on the equipment that you purchased?

MC: Nope.

Justin Schorr: No. So here’s a product that not only comes out and says, “Hey, we put some science behind it. We actually studied it. But, hey, here’s…” I think it’s a, what, 12 week program that you’ve got access to the videos to?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Justin Schorr: That it’s actually going to show you how to use it properly. It’s setting an expectation, and then showing you how to meet and/or exceed that. What?

MC: Amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, it’s like somebody actually put some thought into it. So, thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks. Yeah, well, I can’t take credit for everything.

Justin Schorr: Yes, take credit for everything.

MC: THat’s what we do.

Justin Schorr: That’s what we do.

MC: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean, P90X tells people how to workout in their living room.

Justin Schorr: Well, sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, not well. The problem is that P90X is based on muscle confusion theory, which is complete BS. Like, that’s not a thing.

MC: So yeah, I’ve heard muscle confusion for a decade or more, of, that’s what you need, mix up your workout and-

Dr. John Jaquish: You know why it keeps coming back? Is because Arnold would talk about it, back when he was training. And anything that Arnold said, it’ll circle back, it’ll come back. Somebody will watch a video and be like, “Oh, we’ve got to do that.”

Justin Schorr: And it’s like you said, Doc, Arnold is a perfect example of an already-

MC: Predisposed, yeah.

Justin Schorr: An already heightened frame. You know, it’s like the guys on the commercials that come out, like, “I drink this.” It’s like, well, you looked like that before you drank that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, if I showed you… Like, you’ve seen my before picture on the website. So that’s one year. I put on 30 pounds of muscle in one year. Which, by the way, the SWAT team that I trained, with X3 Bar fitness band bar system, they actually said, yeah, putting on muscular weight is really good, because if you’re in a riot-type situation, some Antifa dip shit is probably less likely to try and grab you and punch you in the face if you’re a little more intimidating looking.

MC: That’s true.

Justin Schorr: That’s definitely a possibility.

MC: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That is absolutely, like, violence avoidance. They look at you and think, oh, not that guy.

MC: I’m going to pick out the skinny dude next to him. Here’s the problem, I might be that skinny dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, yeah. So a bunch of really powerful looking law enforcement officers show up and they go, “Yeah, these guys are going to hurt us.” Yeah, so they’re pretty interested in that. But, ultimately, if you saw a picture from when I was 30 years old… I’m 41 now, I put on 30 pounds of muscle in my forties. That doesn’t happen. I mean, normally it doesn’t happen.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, if you look at me when I was 30 years old, I was just a skinny guy. I wasn’t muscular at all. I was in shape. I wasn’t chubby or anything. It’s important to point that out. There’s a few places on Facebook where somebody was like, “This guys been lifting weights since he was six years old. So what, he’s endorsing a product.” Posted a picture of when I was 30 years old and they’re like, “What?” They can’t even believe it’s the same person.

MC: That’s what I’m most looking forward to. Just so our audience knows, I’m actually going to be documenting the 12 week program, using the X3 Bar variable resistance system. Doc was kind enough to help me get my hand on an X3 Bar variable resistance system, so I’ll be doing an unboxing video, and I’m not sure how the format’s going to be, and if I’ll do a daily thing. Probably more like a weekly wrap-up of what I’ve gone through, how I’m feeling, what I think about the equipment.

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MC: I am 5'10 and, depending on the day, 155 to 160. I prefer the term lithe or svelte, as oppose to-

Justin Schorr: Is that your oiled up weight.

MC: Yeah, no, that’s after doing a sweat lodge.

Justin Schorr: Got it.

MC: Yeah. Yeah. And certainly before we record, because after we record I put down four or five pints, probably closer to 165.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, there’s nothing wrong with an extra pound of water.

MC: Water weight, yeah. So I’m going to be documenting all of that, and in three and a half months or so we’re going to have John back on, and we’re going to debrief the whole ting. So, let’s get to the crux of the matter, because if anything, I’ve seen people, if they have any sort of objection or, “Whoa, pump the brakes,” about it, it is not inexpensive. It’s 500 bucks, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, yeah. That conversation has gone two ways. It’s certainly cheaper than the equipment that you have sitting right next to you.

MC: That is exactly what was going to be my point. Not to mention a monthly gym. If you’re spending 100 bucks on a gym-

Justin Schorr: Real quick, the stuff next to us does not fit under your bed or in the closet.

MC: No. No, as a matter of fact, if this works the way I anticipate that it will, I’m looking forward to getting rid of this shit and opening up the garage a little bit more, because it’s blocking a huge amount of space.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah, so what I tell people, is it has… Not that the Bowflex is a standard of the best fitness ever, but it was the most successful home gym. So, it’s double the-

MC: Expensive.

Dr. John Jaquish: … weight capacity of a Bowflex, and it’s one third the price. It also fits in a draw or backpack.

MC: Yeah, absolutely.

Justin Schorr: Backpack.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and the SWAT guys that I trained on it, they travel with it. Because this group-

Justin Schorr: I was just going to say, this is something you could take with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they have to go places, for riot control or whatever, and so they may be in LA for a week or something like that, and they’re struggling to find a gym that doesn’t suck. And hotel gyms all suck.

MC: Of course, of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Right, so they just bring it with them. And I travel… Everywhere I go around the world, I check a bag, because the TSA does not like a 21 inch iron bar.

MC: Probably not.

Justin Schorr: As long as it’s not a tool, I think you’re okay.

MC: He works at the airport, so he tends to know these things.

Dr. John Jaquish: Gotcha.

Justin Schorr: Yeah. But you’ve got this small… When you put it in the context of having to have a home gym that can do all of these things that your product is doing, and it still doesn’t get to that point, somebody comes out and says, “Oh yeah, I spent 500 bucks on some bands and this thing I stand on and a bar,” yeah, that sounds crazy, but there’s more behind it. It’s not some guy with a ponytail on this swinging thing on late night TV, you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Tony Little, yeah.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, doing all the range of motion you can do if you just take the dog for a walk twice a day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right, right.

Justin Schorr: You put the science behind it, which is something I love to see in a product.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Justin Schorr: You didn’t just come out and throw it out there. You were looking for a solution.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a couple of different answers. For a complete home gym solution, where you can actually gain a ton of strength, muscle, be leaner. So, one thing I didn’t discuss is, I did a meta-analysis, which is where you take all the research in a certain academic subject, and you use statistics to normalize it so you can score and then come up with a more definitive answer. I found 23 different data sets in peer reviewed, published literature, that looked at what it takes to up-regulate growth hormone through exercise. So, as it turns out, stabilization firing up-regulates growth hormone. So, a free weight squat versus a leg press, no growth hormone to leg press. Even if you’re handling more weight.

MC: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. When you stabilize the free weight squat, there’s a growth hormone increase of about 400… I think it was 435% if I recall correctly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, there’s only one thing that changes that, which is, the more stabilization you’re firing based on the load. So, the heavier you would squat, which of course does get dangerous at some point… With X3 Bar resistance band bar system, you’re handling more weight at the top, where you can handle it. So, more stability firing, with more repetitions than you would ever do. So for example, when I do the chest press, I’m 375 pounds at peak force, which isn’t the biggest bench press in the world, but it’s… and it’s not a full bench, because it’s lower weight when I’m down here. But, I hit that, like, 20 times. So, I can get that load exposure in that range of motion so many… So, I can just take the training so much further, and it’s really not that difficult.

Dr. John Jaquish: And when you look at the stabilization firing, at that place, where I’m handling more weight, and there’s stability firing, growth hormone goes way up, and you get really lean really quickly.

Dr. John Jaquish: So that’s another thing that the product does, and so sometimes I’ll have our staff answer questions, like, this is scientifically superior to any other type of exercise when someone says, “Wow, $550 for bands.” Like, you’ve got to look at the whole thing. It’s the Olympic bar, it’s the ground plate, it’s the whole protocol that you can apply. And also, you’re not going to build a ground plate… Like, if somebody’s like, “Oh, I’ll make one of those,” you’re not going to make a ground plate out of wood that won’t disintegrate, if you’re using it properly.

Justin Schorr: I’ve got a two by four and some iron screws, I don’t see where the cost is. I’ve got a bunch of firemen out there going, “Wait a minute.”

MC: I can reverse engineer this.

Justin Schorr: But there’s guys out there in the firehouse that are throwing tires around and they’re moving all these ropes around, and they’re getting tired-

Dr. John Jaquish: And injured.

Justin Schorr: … and they feel good, but I’m not seeing a lot of changes in some of these folks.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Hey, those are great functional exercises. I mean, ultimately, to be-

Justin Schorr: Yeah, range of motion and cardiac-

Dr. John Jaquish: … a firefighter, sometimes you got to life heavy, awkward stuff. So that’s great. Yeah, I’m not saying somebody should quit doing that. But, being stronger is going to-

Justin Schorr: Help.

Dr. John Jaquish: … keep you from being injured.

MC: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like, that’s a crosstalk

Justin Schorr: And if nothing else, you’ll be able to move a bigger tire faster.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

MC: Because all firefighters have huge trucks, you can change that tire faster.

Justin Schorr: That’s right.

MC: All right, good. That’s good.

Justin Schorr: Which reminds me, I’ve got to put some stuff in the minivan later.

MC: Wait, did you bring the minivan or the Prius?

Justin Schorr: I brought the minivan.

MC: Oh okay, yeah.

Justin Schorr: I didn’t bring the Prius or the crosstalk.

MC: He’s not your prototypical fireman.

Justin Schorr: No.

MC: Not even close.

Justin Schorr: Not at all.

MC: And going back to the cost, and referencing what Justin mentioned a little while ago, you also get that 12 week program-

Justin Schorr: That’s huge.

MC: … and it’s you showing every user, this is how you do this exercise. You do it on Mondays and Wednesdays, and then you do the next set on Tuesdays and Fridays, or whatever it’s broken up. I’m actually going to have to change that, because I work a 12 and a half hour shift, so I already get up at 4:15.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, gotcha. So, those are guidelines. I mean, ultimately, every exercise is in there, everything you can do with it. If you want to mix it up… So, a lot of people like doing upper body and lower body, as opposed to pushing and pulling, which is how I split the body. Either way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Another question I get very often, and I’ll probably make people angry by saying this because people love their training splits.

Justin Schorr: Do it.

MC: Yeah, we make people angry all the time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh good, yeah.

MC: I made, like, four people cry yesterday.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, but probably in a different context from the podcast.

MC: Probably, yeah. Probably.

Dr. John Jaquish: Good. Were they trying to get out of a ticket?

MC: As a matter of fact, one guy was older than my dad. I kid you not.

Justin Schorr: Oh man.

MC: One guy was older than my dad, and was just a straight up ass hole to me, and-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, that always helps. Somebody who’s putting their life on the line, telling them that they’re stupid. Smart.

MC: Yeah, no, I’m being the ass hole, I’ll go ahead and let you off sir. And about an hour later I stopped an 18 year old girl, who was on her cellphone, and I puller her over, walked up, this is why I stopped. She was like, “Oh, I’m really sorry sir, here’s my identification. My name is blah, blah, blah.” And I was like, “All right.” So I went back to the bike. She had no previous tickets. Walked back up, I’m like, “So, here’s what I’m going to do. I don’t usually do this, but-”

Justin Schorr: Did you?

MC: I did. I did. I said, “You know, about an hour ago, a guy was a complete jerk to me, was extraordinarily rude, and didn’t take any responsibility for his actions, so he didn’t get a warning, but you’ve been nothing but kind, polite, respectful, and you took responsibility for your actions. I’m going to give you a warning.”

Justin Schorr: Damn millennials.

MC: And she was like, “All right, that was awesome.”

Justin Schorr: Had it with these kids.

MC: Shut up.

Justin Schorr: Oh sorry. Sorry, that’s our usual line.

MC: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I probably get one ticket for every four times I’m pulled over.

Justin Schorr: Well that’s because you’re pretty.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because, it’s just like, “Hey, I know your job is difficult, so, you know, hands on the wheel,” and they see me, and they’re like, “Ah, guy looks big and scary.”

MC: Yeah, I might have to shoot this dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right, right. Yeah, it’s like, that’s a thing.

MC: Sir, if you get out of the car, it’s going to be a bad day for both of us.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Justin Schorr: So real quick, one last thing I want to throw in, and maybe MC’s got another last question for you. Since you’ve got so much science behind the X3, are you still looking at improving, or looking at new ways to build the bone density to make us stronger? Will there be an X4, or have you kind of reached the pinnacle of what you were originally looking for?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, we’re getting to exactly what we need. So we have a drastic difference, from strong range to weak range, and we can fatigue all ranges of motion in one set. And that is going to deliver incredible gains.

Dr. John Jaquish: For me, I do nothing fitness-wise, other than X3 Bar variable resistance system. And OsteoStrong, I still use OsteoStrong for bone density. Now, of course, bone density, you have to look at that. It’s pretty important now. More important for women than it is for men, but guys got to know where their bone density is. And they test that at OsteoStrong locations.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the higher your bone density is, the more muscle you can hold. Because that’s one of the limitations. Think about, like, a formula one chassis looks different than the chassis on your Prius, right? Like, the formula one chassis’ designed to handle a really powerful engine.

MC: Are we sure that’s accurate? Have you done a study on this.

Justin Schorr: Yes, there is data. There is data.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You put a formula one engine in a Prius and you’ll blow the wheels right off it. Like, it’s not meant to handle that. So, the more bone density you have… But, basically, what I’m doing for my fitness, is only X3 Bar portable home gym. I’m lean. I have veins in my abs.

MC: Thank you for throwing the B in there, because I thought for a second you were going to say ass, and that would’ve been weird.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, that would’ve been weird.

MC: I mean, you may have veins in your ass, I don’t know. That’s not something I need to hear about.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, to get vascularity in your glutes, you have to be really-

Justin Schorr: Man, this show always comes back to ass.

MC: Doesn’t it though?

Justin Schorr: It really does.

MC: I like that we have somebody on the show that has the knowledge to actually call it glutes, and not just ass, like us.

Justin Schorr: Yeah. You know.

MC: We’re simple.

Justin Schorr: He’s deep in the science.

MC: He’s deep in the science.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, yeah, if I’m giving a lecture at World Congress of Medicine, I definitely can’t say ass.

MC: I know, right?

Justin Schorr: They always sanction my presentations as well.

MC: Is that why we’ve never been invited to speak to that kind of a crowd?

Justin Schorr: Probably.

MC: All right.

Justin Schorr: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I got a funny story for you. I was speaking last year, at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, and the opening ceremony to the world congress, they had some entertainment. And they hadn’t done that the year before. The entertainment was a lecture on the different varietals of wine grapes, and how they had spread over time in different populations, and thrived in different types of soil. So it was an academic lecture, heavy in statistics-

Justin Schorr: Entertainment.

MC: Yeah, whose entertainment… Unless they are handing out wine to go along with it, I mean, you can find the pleasure in-

Justin Schorr: I have a brief PowerPoint on that subject.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I brought my girlfriend at the time, and she’s like, “Is this for real? This is the entertainment for the night?”

Justin Schorr: This is how data scientists relax.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s a group of scientists.

MC: You take me to the sexiest places.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s a group of scientists, and that’s what they are.

Justin Schorr: No magic, or…

MC: They didn’t give you any jazz hands, or… you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: No ma’am. It was all statistics.

MC: That’s painful.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m not a wine drinker, so I didn’t… you know. I’m shocked that people are collecting this data. That was the fascinating part of it. People really care-

Justin Schorr: Everybody needs data.

Dr. John Jaquish: … about the history of different, specific varietals, and sub-varietals of grapes. Like…

MC: If I know anybody that likes data and wine, and would just nerd out on it-

Justin Schorr: That’d be me.

MC: … this dork right here.

Justin Schorr: But here’s the thing. As ridiculous as it was, here you are recounting it and remembering it.

MC: And, we have been entertained. So, who’s the asshole now?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, well, I still found it… I found it kind of bizarre, not… I mean, I’m a researcher, so I got the statistics, and it was kind of fascinating, but what I kept coming back to is, people care about this? Really? Like, this is not curing a disease or anything.

MC: Yeah, well-

Justin Schorr: Yet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Other shit that we do, that does. So, can we get back to that? I find that much more interesting. Yeah.

MC: Well, I cannot wait to get my hands on the X3 Bar variable resistance system tomorrow. It’s due to be received tomorrow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Beautiful.

MC: So, I plan on hitting it as soon as I freaking rip that thing open. So, I’m really looking forward to it.

Justin Schorr: You should read the instructions.

MC: Read the instructions.

Justin Schorr: Go online, watch the first couple of videos-

MC: Whatever.

Justin Schorr: … so you can get an idea what you’re doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: The instructions are the video.

Justin Schorr: There you go, see?

MC: Boom.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a warning in there of what not to do. Like, firmly grab a hold of the bar. You don’t want to catapult the thing towards you.

MC: So, do this and then just let go and smack.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

MC: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, that’s another thing. I get online trolls saying, “Oh yeah, you’re going to hit yourself in the face with that thing.” Like a weight, maybe?

Justin Schorr: Stop punching yourself.

MC: Stop it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because if you bench press and you let go of the bar, that’s-

Justin Schorr: How do those people tie their shoes in the morning?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

MC: Yeah, I’ll give them credit for being able to how to work the internet.

Justin Schorr: Well it’s just on. You just walk in a library and it’s on.

MC: Oh, okay. Fair enough, fair enough.

Dr. John Jaquish: Fitness discussions don’t necessarily attract only intelligent people.

Justin Schorr: Yes.

MC: All right.

Justin Schorr: That can be applied to just about anywhere-

MC: Also true.

Justin Schorr: … but when you’re talking to someone who has been ears deep in the data and came out with a solution, you don’t troll that guy. You just don’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, what’s really interesting is, I thought I would have, by comparison, when I launched the bone density devices, I got tough questions from physicians, but I did my research and I can answer those questions. And I really didn’t get the kind of pushback when… It took time to collect the right data to answer those questions, but once I had the data, physicians, researchers from all over the world were like, “Wow, that sounds really great.” Like, “I’d really like to be a part of-”

MC: Yeah, it’s hard to argue with data.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. But when it comes to fitness… Like, somebody just wrote a nasty review about X3 Bar resistance band training system, and that review really focused on the fact that, they were saying I was taking credit for Westside Barbell breaking all these records. So funny. Never happened. I used them as a reference. So, this guy doesn’t understand how scientific referencing works. And why would he? He’s a personal trainer. But, the fact that he so definitively said, “What these guys did is wrong,” and he’s reviewing the science, like, you know what you’re doing? You don’t. Like, you don’t understand how this works.

Dr. John Jaquish: The same kind of guy wouldn’t ever walk up to you and be like, “You don’t know how to ride a motorcycle.”

MC: Nah, I get that all the time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe they would, I don’t know. Yeah. So, this just gets the real critters to crawl out of the woodwork and say all kinds of… what they’re thinking.

MC: Oh yeah. People tell me how to do my job almost every day.

Justin Schorr: And it’s like you said at the beginning, Doc, there’s going to be somebody that comes out and finds that one sentence, in all of your research, and goes, “Huh.” And there’s really nothing you can do with those folks.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s what they do. And they find one sentence in one study, and I’m like, “But, if you launch a product, and you only have one reference to a piece of research, then you better be doing exactly what’s done in that one study.” Right? Makes sense. If you have eight references, that means you’re pulling things from different parts of medicine and sports science to make a different argument, but cross-observing these different things, which are all really about the same thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s another thing. I talk about the bench press sticking point, which is really the same kind of argument. Like, you’re weak back here, right? There is a sticking point where you can move just off your chest, and then that’s where people go to fatigue. It’s the same argument. One is from a biomechanics perspective, another one is from a variable resistance perspective. It’s the same discussion.

Justin Schorr: Same muscles.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, but they don’t understand that, therefore they’re irate about it.

MC: Well this has been a fascinating conversation. I think our next show, we’re going to have to go back to talking about movies and beer, to kind of mentally-

Justin Schorr: Even it out, yeah.

MC: To mentally Etch A Sketch our brains from all the information that we’ve got.

Dr. John Jaquish: Do you want me to show you guys how X3 works? I’ve got an X3 resistance bands system right here.

MC: Yeah sure, let’s do it. Knock it out.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. So, okay, let me get some light in here.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, so, here’s my TV, here’s my living room, here’s my gym right here.

Justin Schorr: Your gym is in a drawer.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

MC: And for those of you just listening to the show as opposed to watching it, I’ll do a play by play… Oh, go ahead.

Justin Schorr: John is reaching into a drawer right now. He’s pulling our a bar and a plate, and he’s dropped something that appears to be bandish.

MC: So the hooks on the end there, you said those rotate.

Dr. John Jaquish: They rotate, right. And this is the ground plate. You can see the channel where the band runs underneath.

MC: Excellent.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, throw that on the ground. I’ll do the chest press, so I don’t actually need the plate. But let me set this right here.

Justin Schorr: I like that our show has live fitness demonstrations. What other fire, EMS, police podcast has live fitness demonstrations? None.

MC: None of them.

Dr. John Jaquish: None. Can you still hear me? I took my headset out.

MC: Yep.

Justin Schorr: Yes.

MC: All good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. All right.

Justin Schorr: And that’s the great thing is, we’re doing live fitness demonstrations on a radio show.

MC: Well, we’ve got the video, hopefully.

Justin Schorr: What the listeners at home don’t know is that we’re just sitting here drinking beer.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I’m setting up for the chest press.

Justin Schorr: All right, so he’s setting up the bands.

MC: Yeah, the band’s hooked on either side of the bar.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Some exercises, it’s doubled over like this.

MC: For range of motion?

Dr. John Jaquish: A squat it would be single. Right. So, for the chest press, I’m going to hold if like this, throw it around my back, drop it so that it’s just between my deltoid and my tricep.

MC: I know where those are, thank you for pointing that out.

Justin Schorr: All right, just checking, just helping.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. So, right here, it may be 40 pounds if I move it an inch. But it’s 250 pounds at extension. So, I can do repetitions from weak range to strong range, and the weight climbs as I’m getting to a more mechanical advantageous position. So I’m getting the benefit of hitting that really high load at the top, but not the detriment of the high load back here, where my joints are at risk.

Justin Schorr: It’s kind of like gears shifting on a car, if you think about it.

MC: Do I have to?

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, really important to point out, you go really high reps with this. Like, you don’t need to do eight reps to grow. Like, I’m starting to get tired now.

MC: And if I’m understanding it correctly… and I’m not sure you can hear me at the moment. Can you hear me?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

MC: Okay, perfect. So, you just go one set, until you can’t freaking go anymore, to fatigue?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And so then, my reps are going right here. And then it finally ends where I can only move, like, an inch.

MC: You can’t push out any further.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, absolute fatigue.

MC: So the system comes with four bands. Can you talk real quick about the difference between the bands? I assume it’s a weight load?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Let me put my headset back in. I’ll hear you better.

Dr. John Jaquish: Four bands-

MC: I’m going to guess I’m not going to start with the black one.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the lighter ones you’re going to want for some of the smaller muscle groups, and anybody who’s over 40 probably has compromised shoulders, right? Yeah. I mean, the greatest range of motion in the entire body is in the shoulder, right? I mean, look at what we can do with our shoulder. So, a lot of people have shoulder injuries. So, there’s two different shoulder exercises. We start of doing the upright row, and then you move to the overhead press. So-

MC: He’s gassed.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

MC: He’s freaking tired.

Justin Schorr: That’s the thing. For those of you listening. He did the exercises, not more than a minute and a half.

MC: Tops.

Justin Schorr: And here’s a guy in great shape, developed a program, knows the range.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I mean, even you can see the vascularity in my triceps right now. It’s pumping in there.

MC: What did you do, 15, 20 reps tops?

Justin Schorr: Tops

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

MC: And you’re gasping.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, just watching I’m a little tired.

Dr. John Jaquish: I actually held back a little bit, because I got my real workout to do later, and I usually try and do it mid-afternoon, which seems to be where I’m highest energy, and usually I get some phone calls and some emails that really piss me off, so I can really use the-

Justin Schorr: Got to jerk it out.

MC: Well… No, okay.

Justin Schorr: Just working on taglines for him, that’s all.

Dr. John Jaquish: So then the next email to piss me off, I’m like, “Yeah, okay, so this guy sucks.”

Justin Schorr: All right, so MC, your X3 Bar resistance band bar system is coming tomorrow.

MC: Yes.

Justin Schorr: You’re going to do an unboxing, you’re going to jump into it, and we’re going to get weekly updates on your progress here?

MC: Yeah, I’m going to do body measurements to track the gains. That’s the word, right, the gains?

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

MC: Yeah, I’m going to track the gains. I’ll be weighing myself at the same time. Do you recommend a weekly, or daily… I’ve heard weekly at the same time for consistency’s sake. Is that what you would recommend?

Dr. John Jaquish: What I’d really like you to do, is do a bioimpedance test.

MC: I don’t like tests. Tests… nah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s okay.

MC: What is that?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it puts an imperceptible electrical current through both hands and both feet, and it’ll tell you your muscle versus fat. It’s like percentage body fat, but it tells you where muscle is, where body fat is. There’s probably one in your neighborhood at a doctor’s office or crossfit gym or something like that. You can probably just do a Google search.

MC: And what’s it called again?

Dr. John Jaquish: Bioimpedance. Look for the InBody machine. They make a great one. There’s actually one that I think works a little bit better, but I don’t think they’re in the States. It’s a French company.

MC: Well I’m dedicated to this, but I’m not flying to France for it. No offense.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, no, no. They’ll be an InBody machine. There’s one right down the street from me. I’m 9% body fat, so, you know… Let’s say in the first two weeks your body weight doesn’t change but you drop two percentage points in body fat, well that means you gained muscle.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, that’s significant.

MC: Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you’re going to drop body fat while you’re doing this too.

MC: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: It doesn’t sound like you have a lot of body fat to lose, but you potentially could.

MC: I’m about 15%, last time a checked it.

Justin Schorr: I can loan you a good five or six if you need it.

MC: No, I’m good thanks.

Justin Schorr: Yeah, all right. Being a supervisor does not help.

MC: All right, well, we know you’ve got a busy day ahead of you. Thanks for taking the time to come on the Crossover Show.

Justin Schorr: Thank you.

MC: I’m really excited to check your product out. I have high hopes-

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re going to love it.

MC: … and no reason to doubt my expectations, so I’m looking forward to it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right now there’s a law enforcement discount code that you guys have for the product, so-

MC: Yeah, we’ll talk about that in the outro.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh sure, okay.

MC: And we will absolutely… We’ve got something for listeners, and it’s going to be really cool. I can’t wait, man. I wish it was freaking Friday.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

MC: So thanks so much for coming on, Dr. John Jaquish. Thanks, appreciate your time and all the data.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome. Thanks for having me.

Justin Schorr:

MC: Cheers.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

No Weights, No Cardio

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