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By The Coach Greyson Show on November 26, 2019

Episode 12: Dr. John Jaquish & Strengthen Your Bones

Episode 12: Dr. John Jaquish & Strengthen Your Bones

Full Transcription

Grayson: I’m excited to have Dr. John Jaquish with me today, John. Welcome, sir.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me Grayson.

Grayson: Can you kind of give my listeners a little background about who you are and where you’re from please?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. It was about 13 years ago that my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and at the time I was getting my MBA and I realized that there were some significant risks if she would have fracture. She was in her early seventies. It was one of those situations where she just felt that she was active and she wanted to keep living an active life and this was going to limit her because she was afraid of her fracture. And there’s a 50% chance of death after the age of 50, within one year of a hip fracture.

Grayson: Oh, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s usually because the body just can’t heal from it. Or the hip fracture is like a spiral fracture or more shattering, and it’s just difficult to fix and then people can’t recover from it so they’re stuck in bed and they’re not getting enough, just respiratory exercise. So then other complications, it’s usually complications from a hip fracture that end lives not the fracture specifically.

So that’s why it’s within one year of the fracture is when the death happens. But I had always been very athletic and I told her, ‘You know what I’m going to look into is if there’s a group of athletes that have superhuman bone density, if that is such a thing, let me figure out where they are and how they did it.’

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: ‘And possibly come up with some way to apply what they did to your own physiology.’ And she said, ‘Hey, sounds great.’ But it was pretty easy to point this out because what ended up happening was as soon as I started searching the literature, the sports performance research on gymnasts is very strong because the way a gymnast contacts the ground is very similar every time. They have to make sure that it’s a very repeatable type movement for safety reasons. Because it’s impact is a very out of control event so they’re trying to add as much control as possible to it.

And so they’re very easy to study, whereas boxers, for example they’re harder to study because every flight’s a little bit different. So a very repeatable process and when I put all this information together there were hundreds of studies that I found that showed that high-impact force has the strongest influence on bone density.

Now I look at, not the sports science literature, but the recommendations from some of the societies, they say low impact exercise. So they got the exercise part, right. But they didn’t get the impact part right. And with some good reason, which was the fact that impact is also highly correlated with injury.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And hence gymnast retire on average at age 19. So I thought, ‘Okay, what if I create a device that gives us the benefit of high impact without the risks.’ So, computerized monitoring and robotic positioning to get individuals in the correct position so they’re just isolating the positions that they would first contact the ground when absorbing high-impact forces. So this is upper extremities, core, lower extremities and spinal loading.

Once I developed these devices within 18 months, my mother went back to the bones of a 30 year old, and she went on to do all the same stuff that she used to do, hiking and gardening and playing tennis which gave her quality of life back. And-

Grayson: Was she bedridden before all that?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Osteoporosis isn’t necessarily debilitating. I mean, it was a very later stages when somebody has a T-score or negative four and they’re highly kyphotic really hunched over in the thoracic vertebrae-

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: … can see someone. They have to look up, to look forward because there is such an exaggerated curve in the upper spine. That’s someone who probably spends more time sitting down or in bed. Uh, there was no biomechanics challenges with her at all. No exaggerated kyphosis. It was early stage, it was right at the diagnosis level, negative 2.5 T-score.

After she went through this and I started a clinic with prototype devices and took care of 400 people then wrote a book about the results of that. And that’s called Osteogenic Loading that’s on that’s on Amazon.

And that went well I finished my PhD Rushmore University and then filed for patents on the devices and was ready to go. And now OsteoStrong clinics, I think there’s 127 OsteoStrong clinics in seven different countries right now.

Grayson: That’s crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And it’s really helping people all over the world.

Grayson: It’s so crazy you bring up this thing. So the facility I was at before… The current facility I’m at now there was a company in there different to mine. And he was a private gymnastics instructor and it’s like you hear about it and you see this stuff on the Olympics, but when you see girls or boys and the age of, I mean, three or four, and then anywhere from that age to 18, 19, it’s crazy the demands that they have to put on their bodies or to achieve the positions that they need to achieve to perform, but also perform safely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Grayson: Even if it is on mats or springs or whatnot. But then it’s really interesting seeing them go on from the mats with Springs and then going to the actual ground and how much of a difference it makes and-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it’s incredible.

Grayson: And it’s like well, and that’s why it’s just so interesting to see how much high impact forces can have on the body.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Strongest influence of anything that happens to the human body, impact is the highest level of force where we’re going to get and that’s what it takes. And coincidentally after I had started my project with the Osteostrong devices, there was a study that was done in Bristol United Kingdom to determine the minimum dose response of triggering growth in the hip joint.

The hip fractures are the ones that are associated with mortality. That’s the most study so it really wanted to know what, how much force does it really take to develop bone in the hip joint? And it turned out and they used accelerometers and bone turnover blood marker tests to determine this, turns out that the minimum dose response to grow the hip joint is 4.2 multiples of your own body weight.

Grayson: Really. So it’s really crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible even weightlifters who are like, ‘Oh yeah, my bone inaudible I lift weights.’ Not really.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You might not be affecting it at all.

Grayson: Yeah. Not even close.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And you’re not going to get that from lifting. You’re going to get that from impact or an osteogenic loading device that is emulating high-impact forces.

Grayson: So then let’s say like an extreme example, is that why, if you have an athlete, do maybe depth jumps from a higher box is that a cause?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Grayson: Is that a causation of why? Yeah. So you already know where I’m going with.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You can get well past 4.2 multiples of body weight by doing box jumps, but note the jump up is not where you’re going to get any benefit from it’s the jump down.

Grayson: Right. The down and then the up, so the, right. Going through the entire crosstalk .

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible the up doesn’t do anything.

Grayson: Oh really? So it’s just the loading?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s just the jumping down.

Grayson: So, then what about, and we’re going off the sports performance path here, but, and I don’t want to do that, but so then what about like heavy eccentric training?

Dr. John Jaquish: Still not possible.

Grayson: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Eccentric?

Grayson: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: With that kind of look. Also this really disproves the idea that eccentric is the heaviest load that you can get. When I have post-menopausal females holding six, seven, eight times their own body weight in impact ready range of motion, nobody’s going to lower that.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: My whole book, Osteogenic Loading, completely disproves that theory. And also some of the research that was published in the journal of Osteoporosis and Physical activity, which was a sort of the trial for the device that had been said for years in sports performance circles, it is dead wrong.

Grayson: That’s crazy. Because that’s one thing you learn even in school.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Oh, absolutely. eccentric is where we have the greatest capacity not even close.

Grayson: Right. And that just kind of goes to show you that they don’t teach you everything in school. They just teach you the general consensus of what was, and not what is.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. For sure. That is something that some of that might be that a lot of sports performance experts and professors are not necessarily looking at bone density, which is where this comes from. In medicine in general the interdisciplinary communication is poor. Right?

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So endocrinologists, don’t talk to dermatologists, even though dermatologist might be treating a problem, that’s has an endocrine route to it.

Grayson: Certainly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Grayson: And I think that’s a, definitely a misconception that I know I’ve done that in the past as a strength conditioning coach. I’m more concerned about the muscle and its action, but in reality, it’s what’s the action or what’s the position of the joint and that’s one of my new favorite quotes I live by with my training is, muscle action is dictated by joint position.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Grayson: So with all of that being said, what are your top ways to help prevent osteoporosis?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the osteogenic low going Osteostrong. If there was a simple way to do it, I would have written a book about that.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I really needed to come up with this device.

Grayson: Right. So then let’s go into detail about this advice. What is it? What help with their creative of it? kind of go into detail about the device.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s a series of devices, there’s four movements and they’re large, altogether they’re larger than a car. And they cost about a $100, 000. I think the price has gone up a little bit. So maybe a little more than a $100,000. And they show up in clinics, like this is not the kind of thing you have in your home.

Grayson: Right. Exactly. crosstalk device.

Dr. John Jaquish: In the hospital just run clinics or franchise clinics.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And there’s a computer monitor on all of them that shows you your real-time force production. And while it’s comparing to your first session, your best session and your last session. You’re able to view your functional bone performance in real time and historically kind of overlaid on top of each other so that you can make sure that you’re motivated and you know, what you’ve already safely placed through your bone mass. So you can challenge that number and go further.

Grayson: Right. So then how does that play in with your more versatile device, your X3 Bar portable home gym?

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. So, when looking at the data that was driven from the osteogenic loading devices, and already, that was controversial, but I really had the right evidence and a lot of medical doctors showed me the evidence. And though if they bother to absorb it, they’ll say, ‘Wow, this is great. I really like this concept there’s no side effect.’ Also, it seems very effective for the people who are willing to do it.

And I keep in mind like a physical therapy type intervention is not something that everybody wants to do. A lot of people just want to take a pill and sit on their ass.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: For those people, I guess the medications are the best I got. But when it came to the observations that I made, because of what I was saying about getting eccentric loading wrong, which the entire fitness industry has it dead wrong and seeing what impact ready positioning does or, the capability that the human has in the impact ready position.

It’s seven times greater than the weaker position. So like in a squat, when you’re almost locked doubt, you can hold seven times more than you can when your legs are parallel to the ground.

Grayson: And that’s crazy to think about.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And if people know there’s a strong part of a squad and a weak part of squat. But I actually had the data to quantify the difference. And when it looked at the difference, I said to myself, ‘Huh, this sort of indicates that weightlifting is a total waste of time.’ Because I mean, it’s controversial statement to make. But when I looked at the data, I thought, ‘Wow, like we have so much more capability we are not tapping at all.’

And then of course, when you look at the general trained person versus marginally trained person, or the average gym goer, I think fitness is probably the most failed human endeavor of all. A lot of people I see going to the gym year after year after year, and they don’t change at all.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I thought… You hear people say, ‘Well, I can’t, I guess I just don’t have the genetics or whatever.’ And I thought, I wonder because I didn’t see myself as a person that had very good genetics. I was, when I graduated undergrad, I was 160 pounds and all I really did after graduation was put on 30 pounds of fat thinking, I was like in an effort to try and put on more muscular size. I played rugby in undergrad and I was an outside center so that’s like a wide receiver. So I did a lot of running.

So the inaudible smaller. And then I just thought well, I guess I just don’t have the genetics. And then as soon as I made this observation and developed the prototype of the X3 Bar resistance band training system, and I had bans custom made to load into the X3 Bar variable resistance training system device that were 50 to a hundred times more powerful than anything else that was out there. Really thick, powerful bands, delivering hundreds of pounds our heaviest one is for a six foot tall person, it’s 615 pounds in the dead left.

Grayson: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, big loads. Because ultimately it is two things was strength, there’s no getting away from heavy. And heavy is relative based on the person, but no one’s going to be doing a lot of curls with a 10 pound dumbbell and get anything out of it unless they’re a very weak person and even then the gains will be a very short term and then they’ll stop because it just becomes a nominal weight.

So we know we need heavy, but based on my research, we need way heavier than we’d ever lifted in the gym. But the heavy needs to be strategically placed in the optimized ranges of motion. Now, I also just look at kind of generic man training and physical therapists have always liked variable resistance and also there’s great research behind variable resistance.

There’s 10 different studies that show you grow muscle faster using variable resistance. But those didn’t quantify anything. So even the Anderson study in 2008, which is probably the best one, it was with Cornell athlete, division one athletes. So already trained people, which is a much harder population grow muscle in. Because they’ve already developed quite a bit of muscle.

What we saw in that study is they just sort of arbitrarily picked… They were going to hold X amount of weight at the bottom of the motion, and then 1.2 X at the top, and that was arbitrary. There’s no physiological reason they chose that ratio.

Whereas I’m saying, well, human capacity is X versus seven X. Now we don’t want to go to the absolute maximum seven X in a movement where we want to have a repetition scheme, because we do know we want to burn up ATV glycogen to creatine phosphate and his movements. So we need reps so it’s not going to be that steep.

So a cut, I cut it to about five X, so X and five X. And that was the design of the X3 Bar fitness band bar system. And people started growing muscles so quickly. And I put on 45 pounds of muscle in two years after turning 40 years old, which pretty much happens.

I mean, I don’t even think that can happen with performance enhancing drugs. So it was absolutely spectacular and there’s a whole group of people that are seen on the website who were put on a incredible amount of muscle. So it’s just more effective and I’ll never lift a weight again.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk.

Grayson: Somebody crosstalk have access to, let’s say your X3 Bar resistance band bar system device for the time being, how would they be able implement these types of methods in their programming?

Dr. John Jaquish: Interesting. I originally, because I already had a medical device business.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: The last thing I want to do is go into the fitness industry where I knew like evidence-based arguments don’t really mean anything because there’s, I’m not talking about sports scientists here. I’m talking about the general fitness consumer. Um, they don’t know how to read research.

Grayson: Correct

Dr. John Jaquish: Nor do they really care. So their benchmark of success is, ‘Well, what does mr. Olympia do? I’m going to follow that program.’ Nevermind the fact that he’s a genetic outlier. Nevermind the fact that he takes performance enhancing drugs, but the regular average, guy’s like, I’m just going to copy what that guy does. Like ‘Okay.’ That’s not going to get you in. But right it’s, it’s terrible who gets followed? Like how tragic is it that the ACSM’s journal sports what’s it? The name is eluding me at the moment Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise the journal of the American college of sports medicine. Highest quality sports performance journal out there.

The European Journal of Sports Science is like the number two journal, both great journals. You ask a hundred personal trainers and 99 of them will say, I’ve never heard of either of those things.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because they have no ability to consume that material. And no one’s bridging the gap.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you saw trainers saying cardio is great for weight loss, even though there’s 40 years of research showing the cardio increases cortisol, which actually helps you keep the maximum amount of body fat, also lowers growth hormone, which enables you to lose musculature. Study says cardio is like the worst thing to do if you want to crosstalk

Grayson: And it’s not hard to see, I mean, look at it and I mean, there’s a really famous picture out there where they have a marathon runner next to crosstalk Olympic sprinter.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. But that’s still not the main stream. We can still walk into a typical big box gym. And the trainer will say, ‘Cardio is for weight loss, weightlifting is for musculature.’

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now my position is there’s no such thing as cardio. Cardio is just really terrible strength training that has no effect, uh, because from a cardiac health standpoint, they do the same thing.

Grayson: Yeah. And that’s one big thing I’m big on with a real quick exercise. We’ll have you do a sound string conditioning program. It can be aerobic in its own nature.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course. And much more beneficial because-

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: … that muscle you build is a metabolic engine that’s running at all times is putting a greater demand and forcing better performance out of every organ in support skeletal muscle. It’s completely symbiotic relationship, which is why the two greatest drivers of long life are high levels of strength and low levels of body fat.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like there’s conflicting research on all sorts of things that are discussed in regards to what’s going to drive long life. So you got to eat kale all day long, or never eat kale or whatever there’s all kinds of things that Nabisco wants you to believe and all kinds of other biases out there.

We got Seventh Day Adventist who are putting your religious beliefs into nutritional research. They’re notorious for that. Those things have conflicting research around them because of these biases, but nobody has conflicting research around high levels of strength and low levels of body fat to drive long life. And that’s why strength to me is the answer starting training and proper nutrition. And I also think based on those two things, the nutrition that is going to help us live the longest is the nutrition that’s going to keep us the leanest and the strongest.

Grayson: Yeah. And I think a lot of people read into that too, literally.

Dr. John Jaquish: What do you mean?

Grayson: So for example, I mean, let’s say someone is on a keto diet. crosstalk extreme example and they say, they’re feeling leaner. They’re using this scale as their indicator of lenient or being lean, not necessarily how they look in the mirror.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Grayson: And they say their strength is going up. Well, they’re only on this diet, probably not even following it to a tee the way it was originally designed. And they’re probably only doing this for a period of, I don’t know, four to eight weeks. Versus okay well, sitting down and really looking at your nutritional plan and saying, ‘Well, what foods does my body like and what foods does my body not like?’ And then one big proponent I’m of it just getting blood work done.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Grayson: It’s like, ‘Okay, well, do your regular diet for eight weeks, go get your blood work done. See how your blood glucose looks, look how your vitamin D looks, should potassium your big magnesium, just go and look at all your stuff and then reevaluate your diet from there.’

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah You said something interesting the amount of people who… I’ve been a long time fan. I’ve been ketogenic for 13 years. And I mentioned that in a few different podcasts and a few different videos I have it certainly wasn’t a recipe to be lean because you can still be at a caloric surplus. Right. And that you can sorta like, eat all the butter you want and you’re just going to be shredded to the bone. Yeah. That’s totally not true at all.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I was, I was completely a by-product of that. Now. I also, haven’t been sick and missed a day of work in 13 years.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know that there’s a lot of things going on when you really limit carbohydrates. But I would also, I would also go a bar or something like that. And somebody would be like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m keto also.’ And they’re like drinking a beer. ‘Okay. Don’t tell anybody else that.’ Like, I was just going to see some embarrassment. I think a lot of people don’t follow what they think they follow. There was a great study that said that the majority of vegans eat meat when they’re drunk.

Grayson: Oh, really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Grayson: That makes sense. That’s funny.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Late at night and they’re like, ‘Oh, look at burger place.’

Grayson: And then they wake up and they’re so drunk that they don’t even remember what happened. And they think they’re still vegan.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it was actually a survey based study, so they admitted it.

Grayson: Oh, really?

Dr. John Jaquish: These are to admit it, and it’s survey based studies. There’s all kinds of personal biases where people may say, ‘Oh, I don’t want to believe I ate that. Therefore, I’m just going to lie to myself.’ There’s probably some of that in there too.

Grayson: Oh, I’m sure there is and I’m just like you, I’m a big proponent of just do your research. It takes… One thing I tell, I always tell people and potential clients, or just any of my friends or family, I’m like, ‘Well, you have to go to the bathroom for five to 10 minutes a day right?’ And they like ‘We’ll yeah.’ I’m like, ‘Well, while you’re sitting there doing your thing, hop on your phone and do some research on, if you on the diet you want to do, or the exercise you want to do, it doesn’t take much.’

Dr. John Jaquish: All right.

Grayson: So I kind of want to go into a little bit of business stuff with you. So, uh, you’ve partnered with Tony Robbins. Who’s a really big influencer for business and motivation and success. You’ve partnered with him with your OsteoStrong, is that correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Tony’s a partner OsteoStrong. Right.

Grayson: So, one question I have for you is what has it been like partnering with him and the influence he’s had on your life?

Dr. John Jaquish: He’s just an interesting guy. Sometimes when you’re hanging out with a billionaire and you’re talking about how you’re going to operate your business, the things that are suggested are really on his level and not on the level the company might be on. So, there’s that from time to time but it’s, great being no, one thing is interesting about Tony Robbins is when you’re hanging out with him on his Jet or hanging out with him in his house he’s exactly the same guy that he is on stage.

Grayson: He’s out there-

Dr. John Jaquish: High energy totally, all of a sudden he’ll just burst into like, tell me about your relationship with your girlfriend. He wants to like, do the full analysis of it. And it’s just like, ‘Man, can we just hang out can, like really?’ But yeah, he doesn’t shut it off that is Tony Robbins. He is like that all the time. Which is fantastic but you better get a good night of sleep before you hang out with them.

Grayson: Why is that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because it’s a high energy day.

Grayson: All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Other times he’ll say, ‘All right come over I got like half an hour and I got like a ton of stuff I gotta do, but yeah, let’s chat for half an hour.’ And so you go over to his house and then 14 hours later you’re still there. And going over like absolutely everything and you’re jumping in his cryo tank or his cold plunge and talking about all kinds of great stuff. So and he definitely pulls in a lot of different modalities for therapy and biohacking, if you want to call it that.

And I think sometimes there’s so many variables. You don’t know where the changes are coming from. So I don’t like to do that I’m very discriminating like, somebody says, ‘Hey, you want to try this, this supplement that just came out.’ Or ‘Here’s one, he’s got a box of supplements from some company and they wanted me to sort of like try them all at once and then write a review.’ And I’m like, ‘Well, how can I do that?’ Like, if I do see an effect, I wouldn’t know which one is coming from.

Grayson: Right. That’s a good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: When someone starts taking like a whole bunch of supplements, they’re like, ‘Oh, okay, I need to get in shape. So I’m going to go to general nutrition center and buy, like whatever the five most popular things are, just take them all.’ How do you know what works?

Grayson: Or what doesn’t it. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And this is also why I tell people who, and for some reason, fitness, and I’m sure you seen this. I don’t know if it irritates you as much as it irritates me, but fitness programming, uh, people who have no education or just misinformation on the subject. So like they read an article written by somebody who was wrong about everything they said. And they think they’re experts. And so they look at the X3 Bar variable resistance training system and X reprogramming and they’re like, ‘Okay, I’m going to add these other 10 exercises and I’m going to get double the results.’ And you’re sort of like, ‘Well, there’s one program says I can put on five pounds of muscle and this other one says I can put on 10 pounds of muscle. So clearly if I doing both, I’m going to put on 15.’

And what they don’t realize is that most well-designed programs are based on some principles that may not be detailed in depth in the instructional videos. But if you do other stuff, you’re compromising the principles that are supposed to be enacted by each respective program.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So like you’re over-training, or you’re causing joint damage. And sometimes I hear from trainers that, ‘It doesn’t really matter what exercise you’re doing, just as long as you’re exercising, because it’s better than doing nothing and you’ll definitely no matter what’

Grayson: crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And it’s just like kipping, pull-ups where they’re just destroying shoulder joint. And I’m like, no, I would say, I don’t know a third. It was just a random assessment based on what I’m just thinking about at the moment, a third of the exercises I see people do in big box gyms are damaging them.

Grayson: And they don’t no it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just stupid stuff.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: The ass to the grass squats. ‘inaudible awesome. Yeah. Good for you. You’re going to have trouble getting out of chair in five years, but by all themes don’t let me interrupt you.’ So it’s just I see these things and the people who do pure X3 Bar there are people who do just, X3 Bar resistance band training system no weights, they’ll put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months, and these are experienced lifters.

Grayson: Right. And they’re doing it in injury-free as well.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You’re right because the weaker range of motion receives less force and that’s where injuries happen. And then you diminish the range. So you first apply the high loads and strong range and you’re doing full repetitions. And then as soon as you can’t get to that stronger range, then you do mid range repetitions and then you can’t do that anymore then you’re training in the weaker range, but with less weight. So the joint is fine and you do another five or six repetitions until you completely fatigued and you cannot move. Basically you do repetitions that you cannot move.

Grayson: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the most complete level of exhaustion, which is also why the exercise time is so short.

Grayson: How long is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: 10 minutes.

Grayson: Right. People think you need an hour and a half to get a good workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Grayson: But kind of back to our point, I mean, when I first started off I started doing some power lifting stuff and I was a big proponent of Westside conjugate. And I had my two dynamic days, my two max days and I’m like, ‘Well, you know what, I’m 22 years old. I got testosterone flowing through me, like nothing. So I’m going to do three max days, this block.’

And it was after those four weeks, you my niece were telling me like, ‘Yep. we’re gonna, if a program says to do something specifically to not change it.’ And that’s, luckily I learned that at that point, but it’s so true. Like people will try to add some flavor to think they’re going to get better with it, or it’s gonna put them two steps ahead. And that’s just not the case.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, because they don’t fully understand the principles that they’re trying to engage with. And also like stimulus and adaptation. We only do one set with that X3 Bar exercise band bar system because the stimulus is much more powerful. Ultimately your objective when you exercise is not to do a lot of sets, your objective is to get as strong as possible.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s another thing with weightlifting which is, I think maybe CrossFit had a strong influence on this because it’s all about, CrossFit is all about measuring based on repetition. So the repetitions get sloppy, uh, form is compromised and this is where the injuries happen.

Not in all cases, of course I’ve come across the facilities that are incredible to say because they’ve very good strength, condition, coaches that work there. But that’s not everywhere for sure.

Grayson: Right. Definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I just really want to impress upon people, just follow the program. Don’t add any other stupid stuff. We don’t know what you’re doing. Also once you realize the power of variable resistance, as we use it with, X3 Bar resistance band bar system like, this is the most efficient way to train. Why the hell would you add in regular training?

Grayson: Right. If you crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. You’re just going to compromise your results. You’re just getting irritated joints. And then your X3 Bar resistance band training system workout is going to suck. Which means you’re not going to stimulate much.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s funny that the customers are like, I didn’t get the same results that you did. And then I looked back at some of their posts, because we were really big users group with 13,000 X3 workout bar system users. And I read back and I can just, it’s like a laundry list of like other crap they added, then I’m like, ‘Yeah, I told you that’s why.’

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. I don’t care how tough you think you are, your body only assimilates nutrients and goes through protein synthesis at a certain rate and no amount of sideways hat wearing or bad-ass in this bragging you do on the internet is going to change that. And sometimes I think I’m a bit of a Dick, but I’m okay with it.

Grayson: Well, sometimes people just need a hard reality check. I mean, it just fricking crosstalk.

Dr. John Jaquish: Really.

Grayson: I mean, with me dealing with clients the same… I mean, I deal with it almost every day and it’s, it’s hard man. It’s hard not to just want to grab somebody and slap them, but it’s just part of it. So then how, what are some, what are some things you’ve seen regarding like environment or specific things in our specific food groups or things that you can find a diet that ultimately have an effect on bone health? Like anything specific pop in your head?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, as far as nutrition?

Grayson: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Don’t eat very many vegetables and eat tons of meat. Vegetarian nutrition destroys bone plenty of research on that. Really heavy protein, moderate fats is what you want to do. You want to have the most powerful bone density.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, I don’t know if you follow Dr. Sean Baker.

Grayson: I follow.

Dr. John Jaquish: When he performed surgery as an orthopedic surgeon, patching people up, screwing bones back together, he noticed that the vegans and vegetarians didn’t heal. And whereas the meat eaters it’s is really where he got his ideas. Because he just felt like, ‘Wow, like, clearly there’s something missing here.’

And if you can’t heal from a bone fracture. You can’t heal tendons and ligaments or musculature. So the same thing with musculature, what does that say about protein synthesis? What does that say about the usability of vegan protein? And it’s part of the reason I came out with a bacterial fermentation product called, Photogen, which is like the world’s most powerful anabolic protein because I realized two things that one, people are very confused as to protein quality.

Yes you can get protein from the broccoli, but most of it is not in the proper proportion of essential amino acids. And it just goes right through your inform of nitrogen. So is it digestible? Yes. Is it usable? No.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. I mean, we’re talking like 9% of the protein you get from vegetables is actually usable by the body because it’s in the wrong amino acid proportion.

Grayson: And it’s the same argument with like beans and rice. I mean, that’s the biggest argument when it comes to vegetarians and you don’t get all the essential amino acids that your body needs to perform. Because, and that’s a really interesting point because I actually, at the gym the other day, I was talking with one of the other guys in the gym and he’s kind of following the same principles, he consumes the only, I think vegetables that he consumed were carrots and beansprouts. It’s mostly milk, orange juice, beef, beef liver, bone broth and a rice or sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes were one of his only carbs that he would consume.

And I was like, ‘Wow, I’ve never heard of that.’ The only other way I’ve heard of that is through like the vertical diet with Stan Efferding. I don’t know if you’ve heard of that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. I know Stan, yeah.

Grayson: And so, and that’s… I’ve been doing a little bit of research about that too not fully in depth, but it seems to be kind of the, there seems to be more and more research coming out about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: About the vertical diet?

Grayson: No. I’m Sorry, Just the, how people should, the bioavailability of nutrients or even just ordinary macro nutrients in vegetables.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Here’s another things all plants have oxalates and oxalates oxidize you. So when I tell people I, now for two years, November 1st, 2017 was the last time I had any plants at all. I’ve been in a hundred percent carnivores since then. Now it really took me to the next level of growth for muscularity and a much leaner now.

But I get a lot of questions about well, what about your antioxidants? And I would say, ‘Well, I don’t need antioxidants if I’m not oxidizing.’ The thing about the word antioxidants, but if you have no oxalates in your diet, then what do you need an inhaler for? And ‘Okay, well, I hadn’t thought about that and what causes you to oxidize these things that are in vegetables and ultimately, how does a plant keep you from eating it, it gives you a low grade poison.’ So eventually you go, ‘Oh, I’m sick of this crap. I’m not gonna eat anymore.’ And you going to need something else.’

And then how about this here’s some cocktail party trivia that you will definitely retell. How many calories does it take if you were just eat whole foods to get to the recommended daily intakes of micronutrients and vitamins as scribed by the American Medical Association? So just imagine you’re eating fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, whatever.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Take a guess. How many calories?

Grayson: Well, isn’t the recommended like 2000 or 22 or 2200.

Dr. John Jaquish: They do recommend 2000. That’s true.

Grayson: Right. So I would say, I would say 2200 to 2,500.

Dr. John Jaquish: The answer is 27,000.

Grayson: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, clearly those recommendations are just nonsensical. Totally stupid. And the history of them was that they were driven by expert opinion surveys in the 1950s. So like pulled out of the air.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So when somebody says, ‘Well, you’re not getting this vitamin and this vitamin.’ ‘I don’t mind, well, I’m stronger leaner than ever no inflammation, no pain anywhere my blood work looks great. So I really don’t see a need eating any other thing than meat. This is been the result.’

Grayson: What types of meat do you eat?

Dr. John Jaquish: Typically kind of alternate between rib-eyes and New York’s Porterhouses of at a good restaurant, but a good Porterhouse is kind of hard to find.

Grayson: Now. Do you prefer they be grassfed or do you really care?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. I probably go for, and it’s most mostly available as the grass fed corn finished.

Grayson: Great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately when a predator eats an animal in the wild, do they try and go for the leanest strongest animal or the weakest baddest animal?

Grayson: Probably more so what’s animal, whichever animal is available.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well it’s going to be the slowest fattest animal though?

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t want to see the Lion running by all the slow Gazelles so they can catch the fast one. Right?

Grayson: Yeah. That’s a good point. I’ll remember that one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So the older crosstalk. And so I think there’s some logic to even the now there’s a bunch of issues going on with factory farming that I think we need to really address and sort of these stock yards, where the cows are just basically standing in mud their entire life. And they’re given mostly grain that’s not optimal for their nutrition I’m not a fan of that.

But that’s actually pretty rare. That’s really low grade beef. And even a McDonald’s cow is grassfeed the majority of his life. So there’s a lot of misconceptions where, you know, when vegans will make a propaganda film, they’ll take shots from like the meat processing plant and say, ‘The cows lived their whole life in this building.’ Which is just not true. They’re just trying to sensationalize. And it’s funny because that never helps because once people realize that that’s not really how it is, then they lose the credibility of all their other arguments.

Grayson: Yeah. It’s kind of like when that whole Fairlife thing came out with the Fairlife milk and the cows. Did you see about all that?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. inaudible.

Grayson: Do you know what Fairlife milk is?

Dr. John Jaquish: No idea.

Grayson: So Fairlife milk is basically, it’s a company called Fairlife life farms I believe. I’m not sure where it’s based out of, but it’s basically it’s the lactose-free milk. They offer like a regular 2%, a chocolate milk with Omega’s for people who are lactose-intolerant. A scandal came out I believe it was early 2019 last spring that this video went viral of these farmers or these employees of this farm were abusing cows. And some of the videos were pretty disgusting in nature from beating cows or whatever it may be.

And there was a big controversy behind it, whether it was real or not. And of course a vegan slash vegetarians loved it. I mean, they just ate it up. And I in fact, I know a couple of top my head who were re you know, re-tweeting it all over and saying, this is why we are the way we are just using it for ammo.

And yeah, again, it’s, I mean, I’m sure there was something to that story, but again, it’s just there. I just feel like from, not to attack vegetarians or vegans, but they’re going to use anything in their power to try to make their point.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’ll manipulate the science and then use social media. And the fact that they’re quote offended to suppress other research, to sort of force everybody to read dishonest reporting so bizarre. Why would anybody care about nutrition that much. If somebody could convince me eating nothing, but kale all day long would make me stronger and leaner, I’d never meet again.

Grayson: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t, I have no horse in this race whatsoever. I’m going to do what is going to drive the greatest level of health.

Grayson: Right. Plain and simple.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Grayson: Cool. Well we’re kind of getting close to the hour here. I appreciate you hopping on John, where can people find you on social media and where can they find your products?

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome. Yes. Follow me on Instagram at D-R. J-A-Q-U-I-S-H Dr. Jaquish and then Dr. John Jaquish on Facebook are the two best places to find me and the product X3 Bar exercise band bar system is for, we didn’t really describe it very well in the show. It’s an Olympic bar that can hold hundreds of pounds. It’s actually more powerful than an Olympic bar because it’s got a solid steel core that runs all the way through Olympic bars are hollow.

So this is a very powerful device and has a perfect swivel. So your wrist is never compromised and then has a second ground that you stand on, that the bands can move freely underneath. So I can do that over 600 pound deadlift and then fold this thing up into a backpack and take it with me and walk down the street. Or throw it in a drawer when I’m done with it.

So it’s very convenient, people keep it at their offices or at their home for working out at home. And then you don’t even need to lose a room of your house. So it’s like absolutely the most powerful home gym, but I would take it over a full gym. It’s a very cool set.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Grayson: Oh, I’ll make sure to put the links in. I’ll even put a couple links to YouTube videos to show an introduction to the product as well. But John, I really appreciate you hopping on with me today.

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