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By Enduring The Badge on May 13, 2021

Dr. John Jaquish, Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time

Dr. John Jaquish, Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time

Dr. John Jaquish is the best-selling author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want and the inventor of the In this episode, Dr. John Jaquish share’s guidance on getting in shape, overcoming emotional challenges, and building muscle when it’s the last thing you feel like doing!

Full Transcript

Automated: This podcast is part of the Everyday Heroes Podcast Network, The Network for First Responders, and those who support them.

Narrator: Welcome the trials of first responders and their families aren’t easy. This podcast is building a community to help them out. Introducing your host backed by 30 years of experience as a first responder, Jerry Dean Lund.

Jerry D. Lund: My guest on this episode is Dr. John Jaquish. He is the author of a bestselling book called Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. He’s also the inventor of the He’s going to get right into health and fitness and how his product works. And he’s going to bust some myths and he’s going to blow some minds about health and fitness. And especially you first responders, I know this one’s going to get you in. So let’s jump right into this episode.

Dr. John Jaquish: Looking forward to talking to all of the first responders, there’s a lot I think I can offer. The style of life that they must live to be ready all the time.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. And you’re a very well accomplished person, you are an award-winning author, you are the inventor of the, and going to be an amateur race car driver, and a doctor, and probably I’m missing some other things, but you’ve got a lot-

Dr. John Jaquish: I did develop the world’s most powerful treatment for osteoporosis.

Jerry D. Lund: See.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a disease that kills as many people as breast cancer.

Jerry D. Lund: That’s quite impressive. Yes, yes. It’s quite impressive. So where do you want to start with all these accomplishments that we can share with our first responder audience and-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’d just rather talk about how we can help the first responder audience live better lives.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. That’s what we’re here for.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So in the adventure of creating a medical device for bone health, I made a couple of observations. And the biggest observation I made was the title of my book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. Yeah, there’s a lot of science in sports performance that is completely ignored by really the gym industry, but the gym industries where people let’s quote “learn”, which is really just being fed misinformation or total confusion on how the human body works. And then they go looking for products that they can use at home that are similar or have similar talking points of what they seen at the gym. So they’re doing nonsense at the gym and then they’re doing nonsense at home too.

Dr. John Jaquish: And ultimately, when I say these kinds of things and just because of the title of this book, I get death threats. I don’t know why whatever strengths ideas that people follow or seem to be like religious to some, but they are. So they get really mad and those things get questioned, but let’s look at the fitness industry.

Jerry D. Lund: Let’s do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: That may be the most failed human endeavor. People are fatter and sicker than ever and the fitness industry has never been bigger. We have the top one percentile of fit males in the United States at 10.9% body fat, number 1%, top percentile. That is pathetic. 10.9% is not impressive in any way. So if 99% of the population is guaranteed not fit, they’re just a level of obese. And now a percentage of body fat is great because it takes strength and muscle and also because more muscular you become, that’s muscle weight you put on so you have a better percentage body fat. And we’re talking about averages here. Because yeah, there are also skinny people that have just really low body fat, but I’m not necessarily talking about those. So we’re looking at the whole population.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if the top 1% of people are not even fit, and 33% of males in the United States work out either at home or gym, consistently. So we’re looking at absolute total failure. Would you invest with an investment firm that had a 99% failure rate or lost 99% of its money?

Jerry D. Lund: I would not. I would not.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Then why would you go to a gym and follow the instruction of the people who are there, who tell you that you need to do cardio for weight loss and strength training to build muscle?

Jerry D. Lund: That’s a great question. I’ll be honest with you. I’ve been working out most of my life, and a lot of it is self-taught and things I’ve learned from other people. Every time I read something, I just feel more confused about what I’m supposed to be doing and what I’m not supposed to be doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well. And there’s an expression when I first met some people in the fitness industry. So I come from the medical device industry, where just a lot of time where people are like, oh, I’ve never heard of this jerk. And it’s like, well, of course, you haven’t because I’ve been in the medical device industry. So I don’t even consider myself part of the fitness industry, X3 is more of a medical device or it was engineered as such. And so when fitness people want to yell and scream and say, well, Ronnie Coleman never did that. Okay. It didn’t exist when Ronnie Coleman was training. So what’s your point? Talking about one single person, who’s a genetic outlier, who’s not a natural athlete by his admission. Why are we even talking about this, because you have nothing in common with that guy?

Jerry D. Lund: Right. I know for sure. I will never be anything like it. And I’m afraid 99.99-

Dr. John Jaquish: 99% of the population has nothing in common with that guy. So why even bother looking at that? So between the drugs and the genetics, why don’t you talk about how much exercise horses do to become faster, because you’re as similar to a horse as you are this guy. I’m being hyperbolic with that statement but, you have nothing in common with that guy. Why do you care? Look at a regular guy, look at a broad population, look at 20 people, look at the study. That’s why they don’t do studies on one person because they can get an outlier. You get somebody who’s a super responder because of their tendon layout and their body to weights. Or they get out of somebody who likes 17%, no, no, I think it’s 23% of the population can’t grow muscle at all no matter what they do with conventional weights, conventional weights.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. That’s something I’ve never heard of.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. I think it’s like a fourth reference in my book, which talks about how a significant portion of the population cannot grow muscle at all if you are using weights. Doesn’t matter what they do. How many sets? Just nothing.

Jerry D. Lund: Why would that be?

Dr. John Jaquish: Because the stimulus is garbage. When you’re weight training and I’m going to quote Peter Attia here, he’s the first one who said it, I think he was thinking along the same lines I was while I was developing the medical device, and that helped me a better look at because he simplified it. He’s like the problem with weight training is you overload joints and underload muscle. So the stronger you get, the more cumulative joint damage you have. And you just get to a point where doing a bench press just brings tears to your eyes and you keep getting… Your perception is that you’re getting weaker, but you have so much pain. You have what’s called neural inhibition, which is where muscles are shutting off because you’re in pain. So anybody who’s been bench pressing for a couple of years knows what this pain is. It’s only getting worse.

Jerry D. Lund: I just did bench today, it wasn’t pleasant. It wasn’t pleasant. I’m not going to lie.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they still don’t feel very good, do they?

Jerry D. Lund: No, no.

Dr. John Jaquish: There you go. And with the way I’m training, my shoulder feels better every time I train and they’re getting more powerful. There’s a study behind how I’m hyper-loading the muscle and underloading where the joint would be at risk of injury. Now the joint is always under load. But ultimately what the product does is just allows you to lift heavier than you ever would with weights and we all know that heavier equals more growth. And then it’s super protective with joints. And of course, as a muscle grows, the thickness of the fiber cartilage in the joint grows as well. But we’re using force strategically placed on the body as opposed to a nonsensical manner like weightlifting so that we trigger the growth of what we want and protection of what we want.

Jerry D. Lund: Right. And I feel like a lot of first responders in the world are, they want to be bigger, faster, stronger. And we’re probably not going about it the best way. We’re all trying to find a way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Most first responders do joint damaging workouts and then go and eat cake. So no muscle growth because they’re denying the body any worthwhile nutrients, or they eat pizza or whatever. And it’s like, well, it’s got pepperoni on it. There’s some protein in that. Yeah, not really. Not enough to count and the rest of the stuff is just making you fat. So yeah, I mean, I see this constantly. And so when I talked to one of these guys or when one of my staff members talks to these guys it’s like, first of all, fix your nutrition. And if you’re not willing to fix your nutrition, I don’t care what you’re doing, you’re not growing any muscle. You need a gram per pound of bodyweight of quality protein, which is not vegetable. And it’s not whey either, the body can only use 18% when it’s in a whey protein and the rest just goes through you in waste.

Jerry D. Lund: What’s the best way to get in your protein?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, red meat. That’s been the secret of highly strong individuals for thousands of years. But there’s something I came up with which is called Fortagen. Now that’s bacterial fermentation. We’re supposed to be eating rotting stuff that’s natural. Because if you and I were in the tribe a couple of 1,000 years ago, we took down a mammoth, we’d be eating for a couple of days. And that last day we’d be flicking the mat. Yeah, because you eat a little bit of rotting stuff, which the early homosapien could handle. Like as we know, the environment has a lot to do with gut health. Like in Mexico, the Mexicans never had a problem drinking the Mexican water, but us as gringos go down there and we drink the Mexican water, we’re sick.

Accelerate lean muscle growth with the world's most effective protein

Dr. John Jaquish: So there are microbials in water that don’t sit well with us, because we don’t have the strength in our intestines that they do, because they’re chronically exposed to that stuff. So my point is we’re supposed to be eating rotting stuff and we’re not. So Fortagen is a bacterial fermentation product. It’s the most efficient protein on earth. At least as far as I know of, it was just reappropriated from cancer treatment. It was used to combat muscle wasting in chemo. Worked very well and then once their patent ran out, I called the guys who designed it and they said, how about we make this a little more anabolic-focused, change the formula a little bit and launch it under a different name. And it was funny because all these professors, were older and they want nothing to do with the fitness industry. And I said, I’ll do everything, just help me with the formulation and they did.

Jerry D. Lund: Well, that’s awesome. Yeah. So what else are we doing wrong as first responders? I know this probably could open up Pandora’s box about what else we’re doing wrong as first responders, but what can we get from you that’ll help change our lives?

Dr. John Jaquish: The joint protection is really big. And that’s what X3 provides joint protection while you’re training. But also the bigger muscle becomes the bigger the tendon becomes it’s connected to it. So you have to strategically load the body and my product is not the only way to get that done. You can train with chains or no weights in Iraq that are custom made with welded hooks all over it so that you can connect hooks and stuff like that. I mean, the last apparatus I saw all I got was $40,000 and it looked like s***, you couldn’t take it anywhere. Of course X3, you can put in a backpack. So I think that’s far more convenient. So am I biased towards my product? Yeah. I mean, that’s why I designed it.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, I know especially military on deployment, they have it with them. So there’ll be one guy who will be packing it in a unit and there’ll be eight or nine guys out in the field, and they set up camp somewhere and they’ll wake up in the morning and they all do their X3. And they only need one unit, which is 15 pounds. So somebody else carries a radio and the guy with space in his pack gets to carry the X3.

Jerry D. Lund: Let’s describe what the X3 looks like and how it can be used.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s an Olympic bar that is of the proper length, so you get maximum muscular activation, by the way, a wide grip only makes you use more weight, it doesn’t stimulate more growth. So it’s almost like cheating, but you’re allowed to do it in a bench press contest. The wider your arms go, the less distance you have. So that’s-

Jerry D. Lund: Makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean like women who are in bench press contests, they just wear a push-up bra so they don’t have to go all the way down. Is that cheating? I don’t know. It’s allowed. But it forces you to question like what is the value of a bench press contest again. So you’ll see as I rotate the bar, like I’m rotating the bar, but this stays parallel to the ground and that’s what you need, so that you’re never twisting your wrist or twisting them this way because potentially, especially with the weights you’re using with X3, X3 goes, depending on your height, you can go past 750 pounds, 600 pounds for a six foot guy. But like Dr. Shawn Baker, he’s a deadlift world record holder and he goes to 750, but he’s 6'4. So that’s just because of the extra stretch of the latex.

Dr. John Jaquish: So then there’s latex banding, that’s thicker and more powerful than any weight expanding you’ve ever seen. And then there’s an equivalent ground platform where the band goes underneath, so your ankles don’t get twisted when you’re going under the heavy load. So we protect the wrist and the ankles with interface points, with the hands and the feet and then we can train so heavy. And also you go to fatigue within a minute or two with each set, which is why I didn’t want to be gimmicky in the marketing of this, but your workout is done in 10 minutes because you can’t take anymore.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I mean, this is true with the NFL players I work with also. Like when Terrell Owens uses it, he does 10 minutes. I do 10 minutes. And the beginner does 10 minutes too. So your body can only take so much stimulus. And you go to absolute fatigue with one muscle group and you don’t have to do anything else with it. The whole idea that we do multiple sets is nonsensical. Because it’s like, how many sets do you, Jerry, do in the sun to get a suntan?

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah, that’s a great question.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a stupid question. Well, it’s the 4th of July, you crack a beer walking outside, all of a sudden you turn red, your wife or your special lady friend is like, you going to hang on. That’s how that works. That’s how all stimuli should work. One exposure, a very intense stimulus, and then your body responds. So we do multiple sets because the stimulus is weak. After all, where we can handle the most weight, the muscle is barely engaged. Where we can’t handle the most weight the muscle is engaged, but the joints have been destroyed. So we just need something that is the way our biomechanics are. So when I do a chest press, and for those who are watching this on video as opposed to listening, you’re going to see me, I’m holding 550 pounds here. And then as I lower the bar, I’m holding 350 pounds in the middle. And then when I get close to my chest with a bar, it’s right around 100 pounds.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then I do however many repetitions until I can’t complete even the shortest repetition because the reps get shorter as you go to fatigue. And so even that one inch with 100 pounds, I can’t operate the same force, so exhausted, then I’m done. I’ve diminished the range. I’ve gone to fatigue in every range of motion with the appropriate weight in accordance with my biomechanics and the body has no choice but to massively respond.

Jerry D. Lund: And can I get a total body workout with this?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Everything, everything. Lifts, deadlift, chest press, overhead press. Those are the main movements and we do isolation movements too, just because you can, like calves. You can do toe raises with it. You can do biceps, triceps, skull crusher push down efficiently as far as activating their musculature, and yeah. People who follow me on Instagram have seen my progress over the years. When I launched this, I was chubby and weak. When I launched it-

Jerry D. Lund: It’s hard to believe the way you look now.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s telling everybody, they’re like, yeah why are you promoting this? Why should we follow you? You’re fat. And I’d be like, yeah but just wait. I won’t be in a few months and watch my muscularity, because I knew on paper scientifically, this was going to grow muscle faster than anything anybody had ever seen, and I just needed to apply what I’d already seen happen in the data. And so once I did that… And I work with NFL players now, who look at me and they say, you’re like as fit as the fittest guy in the NFL. Wow, thanks. When I turned 40, I was fat, but not anymore. And I wasn’t strong either. I think my max bench press at 40 years old with a regular weight, by the way, doing a max bench press is stupid. No reason to do that other than pleasing your ego, which is also totally stupid.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it was like 2005, I was weak and chubby, and now I have no idea what my max bench press would be, so bringing that up is sort of worth… But I know that I’m pushing when it comes to the X3 more than a lot of these guys in the NFL. And they’re the strongest guys in the world, weightlifters will tell you, no, no, no. Weightlifters are the strongest in the world. And I’m like, oh, okay. So you could have been in the NFL and making millions of dollars, but instead, you’d rather be paid 500 bucks to show up to some high school gym. okay. Yeah. No, don’t believe it. It’s a sport that I don’t know. I would say the world forgot it, but I don’t think the world ever knew it.

Jerry D. Lund: So in your book, what are we going to get out of your book? What things when the audience reads your book-

Dr. John Jaquish: So I cover every aspect of what you need to do, to be like the ultimate performance machine. First of all, when you want cardiac health, the best thing to do is strength training, not cardiovascular exercise. The myth that strength athletes need to do cardio has to do with the fact that the bigger you are, the more muscular you are, the more blood has to be drawn into that larger muscle. So you exhaust faster. That doesn’t mean you have poor cardiovascular health. It means you have a bigger engine that needs more fuel. So like, if you look at V12 engine, it’s not going to be fuel-efficient, most likely. It was probably to go fast. Yeah. I mean, I’m talking 1980s Formula 1, those things inhaled fuel, whereas you have a four-cylinder and it’s not going to burn as much fuel. It’s not as much combustion going on.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. That does make sense to me. I know a little bit about cars and so, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And when I run Up the stairs, like you ever been to the airport in Munich?

Jerry D. Lund: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: The airport of stairs. You have to go up and down when you’re from. I stopped at Munich before we go to Russia. And so a lot of Russian flights are in and out of Munich and you can’t get a direct flight to Moscow from San Francisco. I thought of a political joke, but it’s just like the People’s Republic in San Francisco. And then I’m like, I like going to Moscow because it’s a much freer place. But in San Francisco, it’s just fact, it is. Like police won’t harass you for not wearing a mask in Moscow. They just don’t care. Whereas in San Francisco they do, something to think about. And by the way, unhappy police. They don’t want it. I’m like, are you happy doing this? And they’re like, no. Like what are they going to say? They have to do what they’re told. Follow orders. Sorry about this.

Dr. John Jaquish: So anyway, back to what I was talking about, that is an airport with stairs. Like you got to run down the stairs and go through immigration. You got to run back up the stairs and get your bag. And then you have to go through customs and it’s like up and down the stairs, like four times before you can get to your connected flight. And so you don’t have a lot of time in Munich. They don’t make the layovers that long even though we have a ton of work to do while you’re there, just running up and down the stairs and making sure you get to your gate in time. So I’m out of breath when I do that. And people who travel with me are like, what, I thought you would have better cardiovascular health. And I’m like, my cardiovascular health is outstanding. I just have 100 more pounds of muscle than you do. So that’s drawing blood. That’s forcing my heart to work hard. And so that’s where the myth comes from.

Dr. John Jaquish: And like first responders, especially like law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, where do you need your strength? Usually picking somebody up, drag them out of a burning building or getting them onto a stretcher or getting them braced so that you don’t move their spine because you don’t know what the health of their spine is, after an accident or something like that. That is momentary strength that you need. You don’t need endurance. You never have to carry an injured person for a mile. Now military is different. They do. So they actually don’t want to be quite as big. That’s where muscle mass is actually a detriment to you when you have to do these long pack runs and stuff, but that’s the way they need to be. They need to be conditioned for the job. But for the civilian first responder, you need strength.

Dr. John Jaquish: You need to be able to pick up an obese person. And to do so, you need to work on your deadlift. You need to have health in your trapezius muscles and have a full range of motion. Not have any things going on in here where this muscle becomes deconditioned because you tear your traps and you’re in pain, maybe for the rest of your life, because then you’ll start to compensate and then you’ll be uneven. Yeah. So those are the things that are going to help the quality of life of a first responder. And I also know some first responders that were lifting smart. And they also probably had some genetic predisposition. I talked about the biggest genetic differences between people, I don’t want to get into it unless you do, but it’s tendon layout, it’s not hormonal at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: It has to do with the mechanical advantages or disadvantages you have based on where your tendons and ligaments connect to your bone. And some people have advantageous layouts and some people have very disadvantageous layouts, which is why 23% of the population cannot grow muscle at all. With conventional training, now if they use X3, they can because they’ve taken all the biomechanical disadvantages out of it. So yeah.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Jerry D. Lund: So those firefighters that let’s say, have a little bit of endurance type of job. Those that are running into, won’t say running into burning buildings and stuff like that and doing some hard work for about 15, 20 minutes. We have those types of firefighters and then we house to have the wildland firefighters that are maybe out on the cutting line for 12 hours. So using your product or is that going to be a little bit different types of layout for maybe something more for endurance and then for someone that needs a lot of strength for like 15, 20 minutes?

Dr. John Jaquish: Fortunately, your biochemistry helps you manage this for you. You don’t have to train from a cardiovascular perspective for the most part because you’re getting endurance from strength training. But your body will only let you be so muscular and then you start regulating to high degrees, something called myostatin. Myostatins’ job is to keep you from growing more muscle. Now you think, why would the body have that? That seems like that sucks. I don’t want that, right. Except your heart can only pump blood so much musculature and you still have endurance. So I would tell people to get to their strength potential, and they’ll still have the ability to have great endurance. But those wildland guys, they’re not running. They’re pulling equipment. I wish I could show you the view here, except we just have a stonewall line. So my offices are in a little near the Lake Tahoe area. So yeah, we know wild land-

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. It’s a beautiful area there.

Dr. John Jaquish: … around all the time. And we’re very thankful. And in fact, the tanker fill-up is like an airport, right behind my parents’ house, like a walk there from where they are. So they put the fire retardant in the barns right there. And yeah, I know exactly what they have to do. Like backfiring, there’s a snooze who don’t know what backfiring is, you got to hassle through thick woods and actually burn a part of the woods before the fire gets there. You create your own fire, burn area that the fire won’t jump over. So it’s called a fire break. And regular people don’t know any of this stuff. So you have to create a fire and then put it out. So you have a gap in the land, so when the fire gets there, so there’s nothing to burn. It goes out.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s just a lot of equipment hustling and marching with heavy stuff, X3 will really help these guys. Especially like the deadlift movement, squat movement, the overhead press movement, because these are the primary movers of that equipment. And so, yeah. They’ll be much happier and be able to have much more muscular endurance when they do that.

Jerry D. Lund: Awesome. So what else can we find in your book? What other things?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, there’s nutrition, of course, because if you don’t have the proper building blocks in your body, you can’t grow anything. And this is the problem where somebody has a lousy training program that doesn’t stimulate much muscle, but then they go and eat a pizza and that’s their dinner. That’s all they have. They didn’t get enough protein in the day and they got a bunch of carbohydrates, which carbohydrates played no role in muscle protein synthesis at all. None, zero. And this has been seen in many studies. In fact, I argue and I can demonstrate this scientifically, that carbohydrates aren’t a macronutrient at all. They’re a luxury we have that in nature, only appear at the end of the warm season, going into the cold season. In fact, bears give themselves Type 2 diabetes every year so that they can fatten up for the winter so they can live off of their body fat, not they don’t eat for months. So they just fast for months and months, but they have to get fat first. So I argue that Type 2 diabetes is not a dysfunction. It’s a function. It’s just a function we abuse.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. I suppose to have carbohydrates except only one small-time per year. So when somebody is like, oh yeah, prehistoric man only ate vegetables. No, he didn’t. I mean, was it summer all the time, year-round, late summer, and everything was in bloom at all times? Of course not. That’s just stupid. That’s just propaganda, pay no attention to that. So optimum exercise covers why you wouldn’t want to do cardio. So a lot of the myths are a whole section of false ads in fitness. And then the nutrition and then like some advanced stuff with your nutrition, which can split muscle cells. That’s pretty interesting. Of course, everybody thinks they’re advanced, unfortunately. So like they’re people who’ve just started weight training, they’re like, I did one workout in the gym and just got your X3. Now I’m ready for the advanced program. And I’m like, can you just get the basics right first? But nobody’s like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I also encourage people I can use a first responder example. If you just know how to use your equipment, but have no idea how it’s put together, you’re going to get in trouble. Because something will go wrong and you won’t know how to fix it. Same is true with the body. And people are very careless about this. You’ve got to understand the principles you’re using. So here’s an example. I was on a podcast with somebody who, it really wasn’t a health podcast. And this person told me that they really like ketogenic diets, which there’s really no such thing because you get into ketosis by eating nothing. So how is your diet ketogenic? I would say an empty plate is a ketogenic diet, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And by the way you need protein. It can take you out of ketosis slightly. Of course, water has an insulin event also when you swallow water. So just saying there’s an insulin event doesn’t mean that you have a problem. So that’s another myth. So this person was interviewing me like, yeah I do a hybrid between keto and South Beach. Already, there’s no such thing as a ketogenic diet and South Beach was just a forest. So I’m like, tell me all about it. And so this person decided because simple carbohydrates are good in the South Beach Diet and high fat was good in the ketogenic diet, also a myth, that all they eat is cheese pizza. This person was also obese but advising on nutrition. And I’m like, wow, that’s terrible. I can’t picture a worse way to go. And you’re completely not understanding the principles these are based on.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ketosis is defined, it’s in the book, like what ketosis is, is when your body runs out of sugar, it can still make sugar. If your body needs sugar, it makes glucose. I guess I should call it what it is, glucose. So like your brain needs glucose, but you have a process called gluconeogenesis. And when you have that, you have glucose. That is unstorable as fat because it has an address that it needs to go to, it’s got to go to the brain and that’s why it’s being made. So when you’re in ketosis, you’re not putting on body fat. So what happens is you burn through all the glucose that you consumed in your meal. And then when you go through all the protein and fats, your body switches into ketogenesis to start using converted, stored body fat turns it into ketones and that becomes a preferred energy store. So ketosis is a principle of human anatomy. Somebody says a keto diet’s a fad, that’s like saying your liver is a fad. So your body’s built with it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t think it’s bad. Just oversimplification, people wanting their health information summarized into a meme. That’s where this whole thing comes from, and I have an expression I use all the time, oversimplification is another word for wrong. So be careful in what level full of the information you’re absorbing. If it seems simple and it has to do with the human body, chances are you reading some bulls*** and you gotta know a little bit more about it. And that’s why I want people to read the book. Because once you read the book, it’s like drinking from a fire hose. Like, oh, I didn’t know any of this stuff. And they’re all the clinical references, 250 references right there. So any bold statements made in the book, it’s not from me, it’s from a research study. And so they can look up any of the research studies and they can see they’re all there. So I encourage people to read and understand that book because it’ll change your perspective on how the struggle it takes to get into shape will not be that much of a struggle anymore.

**Jerry D. Lund: **You cracked the code.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, definitely. And in both from a nutritional perspective and from an exercise science perspective.

Jerry D. Lund: This is probably going to be a really stupid question, but why do you think that there are just so many bulls**_ in the nutrition industry? Is it just because there’s so much money to be made in that industry? People are just pumping out all kinds of disinformation or as you said, maybe half information or oversimplifying things.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. A lot of it is like craft and the bits go, they want people to be vegans, because they know the vegans don’t eat kale most of the time they’re eating cookies and cake. And so they don’t care if people are healthy. Know what their mission statement, has to do with shareholder value and making money. So they want to sell more cookies and cake, and vegans buy more. So a lot of bias, nutritional research, a lot of survey-based nutritional research, which that’s the weakest form extra to imagine. Vitamin recommendations are based on an expert opinion from about 70 years ago. So you can just throw that in the trash. That’s just useless. When someone’s like, whoa, what about your vitamin K levels? It’s just like, what about it? If everything’s working well, I have good blood work, then am I missing anything? These vitamin recommendations are nonsensical.

Jerry D. Lund: It’s based on your own personal what your blood work is or what your needs are?

Dr. John Jaquish: I tell people when you eat an animal-based protein diet, there’s not much you’re missing. I have a few organ meats also, which have every vitamin in them. When you eat liver, it’s got everything. In concentrations, so probably twice a week I eat four ounces of liverwurst. Usually, just put it on top of my steak and let it just melt right in. Delicious. Ah, tastes like victory. Jerry, you like liverwurst, right?

Jerry D. Lund: I have a lot of it honestly. A lot.

Dr. John Jaquish: Have you changed anything?

**Jerry D. Lund: **Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, liverwurst. You have it 10 times and you really pick up a taste for it. Your vision narrows. And you’re like, isn’t liverwurst? My girlfriend don’t care-

Jerry D. Lund: I’m going to take your word. After work, I’m trying that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Go ahead. Do it, do it. So the vitamins, whether they are of the value that we’re told or not, kind of consequences are you getting all of them anyway. So the carnival nutrition is a big thing and then just getting the proper stimulus. Was that the question? The question kind of slipped my mind.

Jerry D. Lund: It was people get their lab work taken and they’re like, oh, you’re short on vitamin D or you need this, your cholesterol is high and you start taking all these supplements and nutrients and you just-

Dr. John Jaquish: Or they prescribe you a statin drug or something like that. So here’s just a brief on how low-density lipoprotein, LDL, what was formerly called bad cholesterol. Here’s why it was villainized. So you have an artery, blood passes through it. You get some inflammation in the artery, arterial inflammation, you hear this all the time. So these areas of inflammation within the artery, low-density lipoprotein comes along and sticks, and that causes a blockage, maybe a heart attack, something breaks loose and you have an aneurysm because it behaves a little bit like a clot. So it can cause a lot of health problems, but that’s only in a state of inflammation, where does the inflammation come from? Vegetables, fruits, and sugars. And they’re not a whole lot of difference from stimulus things. I mean, the difference between a Snickers bar and a bag of tomatoes, not much.

Jerry D. Lund: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yup. Yup. It’s sugar, either way, you look at it. Now, sugars can be applied in a much more sensible way when time and do get to that in the book, but a very small amount, like I take in 40 grams of carbohydrates a day, which is like nothing. And most people eat hundreds of grams of carbohydrates a day. And they all survive that. So I do it like right before a workout, I take straight glucose. So the glucose is in the bloodstream and immediately has a place to go into the musculature and expands the musculature. Yeah. And that’s part of the hyperplasia protocol. How do you get the muscle cells to split and become two separate? So the book explains the activity. That’s the only complicated part of the book.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because I needed to document the hell out of it because I don’t think anybody’s ever documented that before. But it’s been a process that was used to grow pectoral muscles in birds in a study with a really famous researcher. He’s a professor at Florida State, Professor Jose Antonio. Probably the number one protein, dietary protein, a researcher looked into this hyperplasia effect with birds. You can’t strap a human back and stretch their pectorals for like 24 hours. No human ethics board will let you do that. But it really did prove that the muscle cells just split when the proper hydration happens and what we’re doing is over hydrating the musculature and then stretching it so that the cells can split. Yeah.

Jerry D. Lund: That’s a lot of great information. I’m sure there are a lot of people listening and their wills are spinning about all the things that you’ve talked to them about because it’s not stuff that is hard to learn, I would say.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. And a lot of the fitness gurus that are on, I don’t even see myself as part of the fitness industry at all from the medical device industry. So a lot of these characters are new to me. When somebody sends me a video it’s like I don’t know who it is. And they’re like, oh, you should listen to this guy. And it’s like, the first 10 things he says are wrong. I’m like, for what? Also, I never attack anybody. The fitness industry is full of people who attack other people. And I’ve never had anyone real attack me. It’s just losers are trying to use my name as a keyword because my name was popular in searches. So then their video comes up, so they get more clicks. It’s like a bottom-feeder strategy to grow your social media presence. I mean, it’s like only losers do that because only a loser would need to do that. They can’t create their content and they can create their brand. They have to be a parasite on mine, but it’s cool because they drive more traffic to me too.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then somebody might read what I wrote and they’re like, oh my God, this guy is right about everything he says. And then the business becomes more successful. Yeah. And then of course, through the process, and this should also be important. The first responders were skeptical. Now the most skeptical people should just read the book and get it on Kindle if they want to save money. But we have about 40 professional athletes using the product. And you think about home fitness products, can you name other home fitness products that athletes use? I’m not talking about paid endorsers. I’m talking about people who let me use their names and pictures for free because they just love the product. I can’t think of another thing. Can you?

Jerry D. Lund: Not off the top of my head for sure. And probably not that I’ve seen, to be honest.

Dr. John Jaquish: Somebody may pay a professional athlete to endorse the product, but does that mean anything?

Jerry D. Lund: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re like under armor. I think they paid Dwayne Johnson, like $50 million or something like that. And then filed for reorganization bankruptcy, like a month later. Yeah. So they’ll do anything for him? I’m guessing, no. Usually, bankruptcy does not come from extreme-

Jerry D. Lund: From profit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah from profit. So I don’t think paid endorsements are anything. So I make sure all these guys no money exchanges hands. You endorse it because you think it’s cool. That’s it. If you don’t think it’s that great, then clearly didn’t use it, or don’t understand it, or think your brand it says incredible worth when I don’t. So whatever, but yeah, 40 professional athletes, you could see them on the website. And we also got on the back of the book, there’s an endorsement from the Miami Heat. They don’t endorse things. They don’t let their brand be used like that. No NBA, or NFL, or Major League Baseball brand will do that because the brand is worth maybe billions. So you can’t just put that on anything. But they gave me special written permission because they’re really happy with the product and their players switched from weights to X3.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Joint health is a bigger thing in the NBA than it is in other sports because a taller person with joint dysfunction is going to have a lot more pain and a more complicated rehab if they can rehab it at all, just because there’s more leverage on that joint. Does it make sense?

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. It makes sense. After you explained earlier in the show, so.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. When I see certain former NBA players, have trouble getting out of a chair, I know why. They had some joint damage and maybe they treated it and treatment didn’t go so well. And maybe they just ignored it and played through it. But tall guys with bad joints, that’s a lousy combo. So the NBA enjoys this and it’s making them safer and making them injury-proof and stronger. And so they’re mostly focused on being able to get strength training done, not even trying to get stronger, but just being able to do strength training, maintain a level of strength but building stronger tendons and ligaments. So that’s a little bit of what their priorities are. The NFL guys want to be strong as possible, but also absolutely as injury-proof as possible. They hit it with a lot more fierce attitude than the NBA guys do, for the height complication.

Jerry D. Lund: And this product is easy to use.

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally.

Jerry D. Lund: It’s not complicated.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can take it anywhere, use it anywhere. Anybody that goes to my Instagram, they’ll see me using it all over the world. Like I’ve taken it to China, Russia, South America, everywhere.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. And that’s nice to have just something so compact that can be taken everywhere. You can work out in your hotel room, can work out your house. You don’t need to go to the overcrowded crappy gym, when you have something like this, for all the other reasons, plus getting this amazing workout Is there any other thoughts that you’d like to leave the first responders with about using this product or just being fit?

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately, the step that they should probably take is just followed me on Instagram. Every one of my posts, there’s some science in there, and I back it up with the research. I always put the reference there. So they can Google that if they want to. And they can see that I’m not making this stuff up. I’m not CNN. That it’s real stuff out there. And so they can get that information for free. And then if they like what they’re reading, if it makes sense, if they see other commenters getting great results, ween maybe get the book next and then go from there. Because I don’t just want to pitch everything I’ve made and say, yeah it’s all great. You get it. If you understand it first, you won’t just get it. You’ll be a fanatic about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And also we have a users group on Facebook, with 30,000 people in it. And it’s full of fanatics and people say, oh, you’re a cultist. I get accused of being a cultist.

Jerry D. Lund: You get a lot of accusations.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, jealous people will say all kinds of crap. It’s as if people are following me, acting like they are cultist is because the product works. Cult-like following, why do Apple people, people who prefer Apple products get accused of that?

Jerry D. Lund: It’s a good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, because of their s*** works. That’s why. And it’s because there are just higher quality materials used in making the product. Hence, they have a more popular product. They’re at the top of the market price-wise and they’re the most popular. How often does that happen? Pretty close to never.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. Well, I mean, when you can do that right, you’ve really nailed it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. When Lamborghini starts making a car that’s the most popular car on earth and it’s still $300,000, you’re going to know that car is awesome.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I want to pull one more piece of knowledge out of you before I let you go. And that’s just, where does having this great diet and being physically fit tie into your mental health?

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re assuming I’m mentally healthy?

Jerry D. Lund: I’m assuming you’ve made some connection between the body and the mind.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, yeah of course. Everything marches in one direction or the other, a decline or you’re getting better. So the mental state you’re in has to do with what you surround yourself by. This is a great question because it lets me talk about some things that don’t necessarily have physical medicine references around them. So everything that you’re doing in your body when you exercise, you’re creating an extreme environment like hundreds or even over a thousand pounds of force through the body in certain places and getting a response from that tough environment you’ve put the body in. I don’t think the perpetual Zen attitude is a great way to approach things. Like humans aren’t always supposed to be happy. I mean, especially for a first responder. You have s***ty days.

Jerry D. Lund: Yes, we do.

Dr. John Jaquish: You have days where you got to pull kids out of a wrecked car and you know they’re not going to make it. So that whole, I’m going to force myself to be happy every day, it’s not realistic. And also it’s only the painful moments that make you appreciate the good ones.

Jerry D. Lund: Agree.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I think that now you’re getting outside of my field and we’re talking a lot more about psychology and mental health and that is not my field. So I’m just giving my opinion as a guy, this is not-

Jerry D. Lund: Yes. That’s exactly what I want.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. When you have that attitude, it’s important to think about things like problem solving versus bitching. You can solve problems or you can whine about it. Yeah. And guess who never got promoted? The guy who whines about it.

Jerry D. Lund: It’s true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Nobody wants that guy. That guy sucks. And never be that guy. How are we going to solve a problem? That’s the question I’m always asking myself and there are problems I’m working on that are outside of what’s been produced that I’m looking to answer with mechanical engineering, electrical engineering. And there are days where I’m running an experiment, I’m sure I have the answer and the experiment fails. And I’m like, oh, bitch. I come up with something else. But that’s okay because now I can cross one more thing off the list that doesn’t work. And so there’s a lot of examples of this in human history and philosophers have talked about this and successful business people talk about this. There’s one thing you can never do is give up. Especially if you know you’re right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Giving up is like surrendering. And again, whatever, when I run for Governor of California because I said this, but I’d rather die on my feet than life on my knees. And I think every first responder can identify with that comment. So yeah. I’d rather be a martyr when I know I’m right than just go, oh, well, I guess it didn’t market it that well enough, but I guess I’ll just, stop, quit. I’m tired, whatever. No, none of that. Yeah. And as soon as somebody tells me something can’t be done, I’m going to show that guy. And I do that all the time. When I get challenged on some bit of science and I already have a couple of references that show not opposing views, but the facts in the field. And it’s always like the guy with an opinion. Isn’t it fair that the guys with the strongest opinions in health and fitness have a double chain in baby arms? They’re fat and weak. You’re like, why are you in authority here?

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I started that week. So like I know how that feels, but that’s certainly not where I am now. And I put on 60 pounds of muscle after turning 40. So nobody’s ever seen that before, something to think about. And so, all of these things, just be driven, finding the answers and solving the problems because quitting and complaining are the same thing. Because once you just decide to be a complainer, you never solve a problem again, you’re just a f***ing loser, is in the way.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I like that. I like that. I’m sure-

Dr. John Jaquish: We live in a weird time right now.

Jerry D. Lund: Yes we do.

Dr. John Jaquish: We have, especially with law enforcement, we have leaders in law enforcement that are put in a position where they have to do what they know is wrong. They’re doing the opposite of what they know will actually help the community, but they’re stuck. And if they go a different direction, they’re told they’re going to lose their job. Is it their fault? No, but we need some really creative problem-solvers to be able to teach the world what law enforcement is supposed to do again because clearly, they forgot. And there are out there. Those people exist today.

Jerry D. Lund: I agree. I agree.

Dr. John Jaquish: They just haven’t started talking yet. And I think the world needs to become worse before it can get better. The fever hasn’t broken yet. And it will, it will. And we’ll realize that protect and serve is what they do. And there’s no other way to look at it. And are there bad apples? Yeah. There are bad apples everywhere. It doesn’t matter what you look at, what group of people. Is there going to be a bad guy in that group of people? Yeah. But yeah, so that’s my advice.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I like it because I know the journey to where you are today could not have been easy. And I know, you’re catching a lot of s*** probably for what you say, and write, and stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I think most of the time that means you were on the right track.

Dr. John Jaquish: It does. Every time I see somebody getting angry, it’s like, oh, you know I’m right. My most angry trolls are customers. They have the product, they love the product. They just hate me. And it’s like, okay. Yeah. So you’re jealous? So, go cry in the park and then wipe your tears, and then you go invent something. I might buy it. I don’t know, maybe. It’s cool. Somebody else is successful, it’s great. There’s also this myth about wealth that there’s like a pie. And like, if somebody gets a slice of that pie and they make a lot of money that it’s less money than everybody else can make. And that’s total B.S. Financial productivity from a global perspective is limitless. Everybody can be a millionaire if they add value to the lives of others and they create cash flow as a result, everyone.

Jerry D. Lund: It’s that simple.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And it’s a lie that’s been promoted by just losers that the idea that somebody makes money, which means you’re not, you’re going to make less, is not true.

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I do buy into your philosophy there. That’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: Totally.

Jerry D. Lund: I mean, if you’re an entrepreneur of any sort or want a change in the world, you have to buy into that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s very interesting, when law enforcement pulls me over, which happens all the time.

Jerry D. Lund: That should be a sign.

Dr. John Jaquish: I drive a Lamborghini. And this happens in the Lake Tahoe area, constantly. There’s not a lot of Lamborghinis up here. And so they pull me over and they’re like, so we’ve been getting some complaints about a silver Lamborghini. And I’m like, I’m sure it was me. And they’re like, so you’ve been speeding? And I say, no. When I want to go fast, I drive on a racetrack. You don’t buy a 200 mile an hour car to go fast on roads. I mean, you got to use it. You got to change your track where it’s expected that you’re going to go 200 miles an hour. So they’re like, well, why are we even getting complaints if you’re obeying the speed limit? And I said, oh, because people are jealous. And then they go, yeah. Okay. Have a nice day. And that’s it. And I had to see him, at the steak house, like a week later and I just waved.

Jerry D. Lund: That’s a good relationship to have with your local law enforcement.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, a lot of them are X3 users already. So sometimes they pull me over, oh, you’re the X3 guy and then they want to talk about X3. And they’re like, well, I could have written you a ticket because you were a little bit over, but X3. I don’t know if I should say that. Multiple departments, like the Sheriff’s Department of California Highway Patrol, I’ve got some thumbs up they’re like, oh, love your products. That’s cool also, like when I can see I’m improving the quality of life. Are they going to be able to maybe save a person because they have that extra strength? Yeah. That’s their job and what’s going to make them happy about their job, is when they can get the job done when they can save the people they need to save. So yeah. That makes me feel dynamite.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Jerry D. Lund: Yeah. I want to do that and I want to make it to the end of my career, healthy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s right.

Jerry D. Lund: Right. Without having a cane. Yeah, without being broken. And then I just gave up the best years of my life for a job. I mean, a job that I love, but still gave up the best years of my life and be broken in retirement. Doesn’t sound very fun.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Jerry D. Lund: So where can people follow you? I know an Instagram, and in Facebook-

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I created a landing page because I have so many places you can follow me. Instagram is the best. I give a lot of free information and advice there. But just go, you’ll find my Instagram link and everything else on [](/ So D-O-C-T-O-R the letter

Jerry D. Lund: Perfect. Simple enough. Well, I really appreciate you being on the show today.

Dr. John Jaquish: You having me.

Jerry D. Lund: Going to be diving down into some of those posts a little bit more and become more familiar with the products.

Dr. John Jaquish: Always, if there’s any questions or any uestions from your listeners, just pass them on. And if I don’t get the chance to answer them, I’ll give a very knowledgeable staff that will make sure all the questions get answered.

Jerry D. Lund: Well, I appreciate your time. I know that you’re a very busy man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, Jerry. Awesome.

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