Optimizing Nutrition for Weight Loss

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish walks through a plan to optimize your nutrition for weight loss. He discusses sugar and carbohydrate intake, caloric restriction, daily protein intake, multi-day fasts, and the importance of eating enough protein.

Nutrition Plan for Weight Loss #

If you are struggling to lose weight, you are not alone. You need a fat-burning diet plan that is built for the long haul. In the following videos, you will learn faster and more effective ways to lose weight. Dr. John Jaquish will walk you through proven, science-backed methods to optimize your nutrition for weight loss.

Watch and learn how to limit carbs, increase daily protein intake, leverage intermittent fasting, and more.

Optimizing Nutrition for Weight Loss#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish walks through a plan to optimize your nutrition for weight loss. He discusses sugar and carbohydrate intake, caloric restriction, daily protein intake, multi-day fasts, and the importance of eating enough protein. View More →

The Minimal Commitment Required to Improve Body Composition#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains how you can improve your body composition with fasting and adequate protein intake. Dr. John Jaquish explains that it is possible to achieve a healthier and more attractive physique without having to put in much effort. View More →

What Is Fasting?#

Caloric restriction and fasting are not the same. In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains how fasting has been proven to burn more fat than caloric restriction alone. He discusses how to achieve the best results and benefits through intermittent fasting. View More →

Physiological Changes that Occur During Fasting#

Fasting provides incredible physiological changes that span far beyond fat loss. In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains the benefits of fasting, including lowered insulin sensitivity, HGH upregulation, and T-cell regeneration. View More →

How to Get Started with Fasting#

How do you start fasting? In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains 16:8 fasting and clarifies why the benefits of fasting are far greater when you expand time-restricted eating windows to 24 hours or more. View More →

Dry Fasting#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains dry fasting, a method followed during the month of Ramadan restricting all food and water consumption from dawn to dusk. Dry fasting is a powerful way to amplify the countless benefits of fasting, including body fat loss. View More →

Consuming Fortagen While Fasting#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains how training in a fasted state is tremendously powerful. By supplementing with the essential amino acids and fasting, the body can continue gaining muscle while rapidly losing body fat. View More →

How Much Protein Is Needed to Build Muscle?#

Determining how much protein is needed to build muscle can be challenging. In this video, Dr. John Jaquish recommends consuming at least one gram of protein per pound of body weight. View More →

Protein vs. Amino Acids#

Protein versus amino acids: What's the difference? In this video, Dr. John Jaquish explains how an amino acid is a piece of a protein and why we need essential amino acids to synthesize muscle and support the daily functions of the human body. View More →

Carbohydrates are NOT a Macronutrient#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish recommends against carbohydrates. Explaining that carbohydrates are not a macronutrient and does not provide the essential amino acids and proteins to survive. View More →

Where Sugar Hides#

Learn how hidden sugars could be the main culprit for excess pounds. In this video, Dr. Jaquish talks about where sugar hides, how to avoid it, and which ingredients are used to conceal added sugars. View More →

Low-Carb Diets Versus Low-Fat Diets#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish provides clarity on the topic of low-fat diets and recommends low-carb, high-fat diets for overall health and physique improvement. View More →

An Overview of Sugar Alternatives#

In this video, Dr. John Jaquish discusses various sugar substitutes. He explains the health consequences of sucralose and presents alternatives such as stevia, monk fruit, and xylitol. View More →
