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By The Natural State on November 9, 2020

The Natural State 118: Why Your Weight Lifting Routine is Wasting Your Time - Dr. John Jaquish

The Natural State 118: Why Your Weight Lifting Routine is Wasting Your Time - Dr. John Jaquish

Despite going to the gym and tweaking your diet, are you still stuck looking like you don’t even work out?

As my guest Dr. John Jaquish, who happens to be a scientist, inventor, and The Wall Street Journal best-selling author, explains in this podcast episode, this is an all too common problem that many gym goers face.

And the root cause may surprise you.

Dr. Jaquish believes that weight lifting is actually a huge waste of time. And no matter how many different programs you try, you’re not going to get the results you want because it’s an ineffective form of exercise.

Full Transcript

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Hello, and welcome to the Natural State Podcast. I’m your host, Dr. Anthony Gustin. Today on the podcast, I have Dr. John Jaquish joining us, who is quite a character. This guy has a lot of amazing information that is a little contrarian and I tend to like those people. He’s also very upfront and blunt with what he thinks so if you are sensitive to follow a language, in this one I would say probably not the one for you but if you are looking for unfiltered information about why weightlifting might not be the best thing for you, then this episode should be right up your alley. Doc has done a lot of stuff, he started in Biomedical Device Engineering and then switched and made a couple of different machines and then moved into trying to figure out how to get people the best bank for the buck and Da Vinci invented a device for that as well, put a book on it recently. Super smart guy, tell that I like how it is and I really appreciated our conversation.

That being said, let’s get into the show. Welcome to the show, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You got it. We were just talking before the podcast little bit and you wanted to dive right in because you were starting to throw out some hot fires and nice facts.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, you got me ranting so I was like, hey, let’s get this one video.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So the first one that I like to dive into is just the concept of people obviously want to be fit right now, people have restricted access to gyms and have a victim mentality, I think your opinion is that lesser people should be rushing to get back to them?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, their gyms are closing and then opening, closing and opening and I can sort of see why. I think the whole like you need to work out with a mask on, that role was written by somebody who’s never exercised in their life. Because if you’re doing anything worthwhile, you’re moving a lot of air.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: I mean, I had an experience actually at a hotel a couple weeks ago, where I was in a hotel gym and using some equipment, and there I had mask on, I had to wear a mask and I left within five minutes and went to my room and did a bunch of body weight stuff because it was impossible. I don’t have people sitting there. crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, you know how, they’re not really working out. They’re just pretending, going through the motions which a lot of people do in gyms for other reason. So many people fail.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So, okay with the mask thing and what about as far as you were saying before we started recording around transmissibility of viruses engine settings?

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, I mean, rightly so people worried about gyms being huge pathogen communication sites. Now, when you lift and exercise in general, you’re basically spitting all over everything. Because when you really have to move air you breathe with your mouth not with your nose. inaudible You’re pushing mucus kind of all over everything. And inaudible just how it works when you breathe in hard. And we see, there’s a study that came out a few years ago just before it said nothing to do with Coronavirus. It was just showing how dirty fitness facilities are, they’re 300 times the viruses, bacteria and other pathogens on a standard dumbbell or a barbell or any other piece of fitness equipment, 300 times than they’re found on a public toilet seat. So, yeah. They’re dirty. I mean, I think most people don’t really care because they’ve always been that dirty and people who go to the gym, I think some of them eat healthier of course, what does that really mean?

Yeah, some of them have a more favorable hemoglobin A1c score, so they can fight off different infections much easier but for me in what I tell people and because I didn’t start my company to promote leaving the gym but it’s like why screw around? Just fork out. My product, this isn’t my opinion I can scientifically back this up, I even wrote a book about it. But you don’t need all the stuff that’s in a gym, all you need is much more simplified and much more powerful equipment. And so I developed the X3 exercise bar with bands to accomplish the objective because I was a busy guy. I wanted something that I could just use for whatever the workout time was at my house because I don’t have time to drive to a gym, I don’t want to screw around with it, I don’t want to listen to somebody else’s garbage rap music. I mean, you walk in it’s just like, what is this? Why do I have to listen to crap?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The whole experience is annoying.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Did you have a past where you did a lot of weightlifting, use traditional gym equipment? And…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, the entire time I didn’t even look like I work out.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: That’s great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. For like 20 years I was in the gym all the time. And I was pretty good rugby player and Undergrad. and then I did some Semi Pro rugby after that. But the gym never really did me any favors. I was like, I think I started when inaudible I graduated college or Undergrad, I got like 160 pounds and I was pretty lean. And then I got up to 190 pounds and I was not lean. So I didn’t really, I was like…

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Bulking season or what?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it was more like I tried consuming more nutrients to sort of force a muscle to grow which doesn’t work at all. You just get fat.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. So like what led to this shift of experiments and how did you get to the point you’re at right now, where we have a very different system and how you approach weightlifting, I guess wouldn’t be weightlifting, but working out, exercising, stimulating muscles and stuff like that, what was that path like?

Dr. John Jaquish: So people were like, who is this Dr. Jaquish guy and he kind of came out of nowhere and that’s not quite right. I came out of medical device development. So I invented a medical device. So I have lot of experience in this, I just haven’t been around a bunch of gym people. So what I did was I developed a medical device to treat bone density loss and create very powerful bone mass to become fracture resistant. So I did that and in the process of doing that, the device has to do with putting load through bone in impact ready position. So the position you’re going to trip and fall, you’re going to have 120 degree angle here and your elbow is going to be up and the back of the hand is going to be in line with the clavicle. And that’s how you would protect yourself from impact that you’re falling.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Did you do this in isometric?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Actions are through range. The range might be like a millimeter in that specific area, the 120 degree angle, isometrics do a literature review on it as they don’t really do anything. Not bad for activating. So like if somebody really needs a lot of power in a position, they can activate a little bit but what I’m talking about a more powerful anyway because we do go through a range of motion, but the movement is actually from the compression of bone. So you actually distort the length and shape of the bone while you’re under these forces. And so it triggers very rapid bone growth, in the right population you have to be relatively ambulatory, relatively pain free. So somebody in wheelchairs probably not a good candidate for it, so an active population.

And so while I was developing this, I looked at some of the forces we were using in a first clinical trial type study was done in London, through the University of East London at a hospital in Stratford, London. And so we looked at the data that was coming out of this and I saw postmenopausal women who have never exercised in their life, still pain free, still ambulatory, but the most non athletic people you can imagine and they were doing fantastic. They were using start off by loading their hip joint with three or 400 pounds and in a month or two, they’re up to six or 700 pounds.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: What was the hip triangle? An angle?

Dr. John Jaquish: 120 angle of inclusion behind the knee.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Is the hip just in a regular position standing or…

Dr. John Jaquish: No inaudible it’s seated but it you little lean back a little bit, because you don’t want to slide out of the seat. I mean there’s some just ergonomic realities you have to deal.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Is it like a leg press sort of setup?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, a little more like a leg top, almost the top of a leg press type of position. But the machine is static, but you can move through four inches. But that three or four inches of movement is from the compression of the joints, the connective tissue and I mean your schooling is like right all about this, you know bone is bendable. You just don’t see it usually, but you can actually see it while somebody is doing this. And now those devices, they’re found at osteotrong locations, so they have an exclusive worldwide license for the technology.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s what I’m partnered with Tony Robbins on. So Tony and the CEO of that company called inaudible, who really designed that clinic model that’s getting all over the world.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So it means this is a good solution for people who are just generally want to be, build more muscle or be more athletic or prevent injuries or is it was like very specific for people who are at risk. And they’re a little bit older and they want to be…

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s both those populations, it’s the athletic, I want to be indestructible kind of person and then it or I want to be injury free, but that’s probably not how they word it. They talk about being indestructible and then the population that has low bone mass or osteoporosis, but still has the biomechanics available to perform the movements. crosstalk So early onset is a population, there are early onset osteoporosis, or sorry, menopause that which triggers lower bone density earlier in life. Therefore, by the time they might reach 60, they have osteoporosis.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So do you get them in a position and then load the base increase the tension of the weight and then have them just stay there and keep pushing? That’s how it’s done. So it’s like kind of isometric but not isometric? Or is it…

Dr. John Jaquish: So robotically arm gets them in position. But you can’t actually do an isometric to fatigue in that position because there’s such pliability in the bone mass. And like I said the isometric studies, I don’t like that word, because most studies that reference isometrics were like when people would do this crosstalk This is like the shittiest angle ever. So you can’t actually stimulate anything because you’re not getting a lot of force to the muscle. Yeah, you can go to fatigue but so what? Like a wall set, you can do wall sets day and night, you’re going to get any stronger? Absolutely not. It’s like just torture. That’s all you’re accomplishing is pain. See, the difference here is the vector load through the joint.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. Very well put.

Dr. John Jaquish: Interesting.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: And then how do you get any studies around how that impacts not only bone mass, which probably very easy to tell muscle mass, but connective tissue and tensile strength of tendons and ligaments, things like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s already a lot of research on that. And Yeah, Benjamin and Ralph’s 1998 is probably the best study on compressive forces through impact or impact low loading in joints when in axial format like is an almost lining it up in a linear, like this is almost a straight line. Yeah, that almost a straight line, a straight line doesn’t do it because you can’t push, you can’t create any force. So, there’s a lot of great research on that already because ultimately it’s better to reference other stuff that was done by professors at universities that I have no financial relationship with or the research was performed before I invented the thing. Well because right now the world and rightly so, the world has become very aware of conflicts of interest in research is sort of vegan research seems to always be funded by a craft in Nabisco and General Mills, or some of their surrogate like charities which are only just trying to prove that carbohydrates are great for you or trying to falsely claim that carbohydrates are something you need and it’s because it will so like, why do they want everybody to be vegan? They want everybody to be vegan because they know vegans don’t eat vegetables, they eat cookies and candy bars and crackers and everything else every week asked sissy loves to suck up all day long. But they’re convincing people. I’m a straight shooter, man. I’m just…

Dr. Anthony Gustin: I like it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? I mean it’s like every guy is like, well, I’ve lifted for years, I’m getting out of it, I was like put a Snickers bar in their mouth and you’re like mm-hmm (affirmative)-

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Well, right, if it fits your macros as they say.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re right because kale and a Snickers bar are the same.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You’re right. So just bringing it back to, I’m really interested in this machine that… okay, we have all this increase in muscle mass, bone density, probably connective tissue as well. What about movement patterning on top of that, let’s say you build a stuff, how much do you encourage proper movement patterning? I think from what were the specific thing is probably

Dr. John Jaquish: The users at the clinic day, they do some movement training post. So after they’ve given sort of a neural potentiation, a short time pigmentation stimulus to the machine, like you’re lit up like a Christmas tree from an EMG standpoint, EMG doesn’t mean a whole lot by itself. But when tissue is active, and you do like a balanced training type thing, so we do whole body vibration and go through a protocol on that to build the balance and mobility right after that session.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Got it. That’s proven very successful people, like go from hanging on with fear to the railing on the stairs, to running up the stairs and not even touching the room.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: That kind of change in behavior, where first it’s subconscious and then they go, I don’t grab one of the rail anymore. Just weird.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not weird to me because I know exactly what’s going on in the body.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: This is one of the things that when I was in practice treating NFL players, for example, that I knew their strength and conditioning coaches and programs, they had some of these fancy things in there but then most of these athletes would then have non-contact injuries because they weren’t integrating any of this training. And it’s just like one of the most bizarre things and that’s why the fact that you combine it with the viaplay plus movement stuff is like such a great combo. Is the CNS load pretty extreme kick, you can only do it a couple times a week?

Dr. John Jaquish: You can only do it once a week and partially because the CNS load exactly, I love it you know that. But the other thing is the metabolic rate of bone, like primary mineralization after an Osteogenic Loading episode is between five and 10 days.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Secondary mineralization takes 144 days.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bone doesn’t change out all that fast, where it’s like your lungs in your cardiac muscle have a very rapid metabolic rate.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah, good.crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: It has to be able to recover quick. So we only do sessions one time per week.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Fascinating. So the bar you made then is that sort of how do I bring this to my day to day without having to have a giant machine and protocol? Or what was the thought process on…

Dr. John Jaquish: The bar is different, the bars not for bone density, extra bars is what we’re talking about for the listeners. That was more like when I looked at the data from this bone density device, I thought this proves weightlifting is a garbage stimulus. Because if we’re seven times more powerful in the extended position than we are in the stretch position, why would we ever exercise with the same weight in all positions? crosstalk The weights got to dramatically increase not just like band training, could band training by itself is totally worthless because you can’t get the magnitude of change and if you do, like the bands that come with the X3 Bar exercise band bar system, they’re 50 to 100 times more powerful, when I do a deadlift with the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, it’s 615 pounds at the top.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

That’s not a rehab band. That’s not a warm up band, that’s something special.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because nobody makes inaudible like that, except me. So…

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So you’re just looking at the literature and say okay, these different biomechanical positions we have different load and if we’re optimizing basically for the weakest link in this position down here, then I’m shortchanging about seven times if I’m at a fully extended position. So how do we train out the band? Rubber bands like a nick, how do we make it then a device that you can actually trying to hold on to a band, you can even do like pay off prizes with the band is tough, it slips in your hands do your hands

Dr. John Jaquish: Digging in here, it’s bending your hand the other way thatinaudible can close your hand. But it’s trying to make your knuckles do this with your palm up. That’s, that’s called an injury. That’s not inaudible by itself is just junk and you can’t use it. But Olympic bar is a very small dimension especially when it has rotation. So I mean here’s the X3 Bar resistance band training system, this rotates but my hand stays in the same place. So I can alter regret and always optimize it without twisting my wrist. And like I said, you deal with much more force using this device than you would weightlifting.

My chest breaths is 540 pounds for 20 to 30 repetitions, I’m not going to hit 20, 30 repetitions, I’m not going to hit two repetitions with 540 on an actual step off, I would never even though I dropped them dead.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right. I mean, this is one of the biggest things here you, I’m always a fan of things that are more simple and reduce the risk of injury as much as possible. So I think people are deadlifting 800 pounds, squatting 500 plus pounds and then going to fatigue, meet years asking for an enormous injury. This is just something that like, I get that we live in an artificial world and we sort of need to use some techniques and strategies to balance that out but no one had 500 pounds in their back going up and down anytime before 100 years ago. It just didn’t happen ever.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. We’re still strong.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right. I mean, look at the physics of chiseled out marble models in the past, how the physiques that they desire.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now the Hercules got you from like the 1600s, who sat for that?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Somebody sat for that there was some guy that actually looked like that and that guy, if you were around the day he’d be Mr. Olympia. crosstalk Might even be named like 1200 or something like that. That’s an old sculpture.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So when you then switch the bar stuff with X3 Bar variable resistance training system and coming with this protocols, where did you find sort of the diminishing returns here? Was it just one exercise, like a couple sets once a week or what is it of you guys deliver a protocol with it? Or how do you think…

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, one set per exercise and the reason is the level of exhaustion is devastating.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah, got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Its far beyond what you would get with weight training. And anything in nature, it’s like how many sets do you need to do in the sunlight to get a tan?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right. I mean, what a stupid question?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, if everyone understands that, that’s a stupid question, then isn’t everybody stupid? Who knows they have to do more than one set of weight training? The only reason you do more than one set is because it barely works at all.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah, stimulate growth. Yeah, because you weren’t getting the maximum amount of load because you were training toward the least common denominator with the weaker.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Exactly, you pick a weight that you can handle on the weakest range of motion where you use the least amount of muscle tissue and the rest of the movement, you’re hardly switched on at all.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So how does this change per person who has different joint positioning different limb length, things like that, different biomechanics, does the is it pretty fair to say that the band works for everybody or they’re different bands tall people, short people, etc, etc.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can roll the band up on the hook, so that it’ll be shorter for the shorter people, but we have, I think 40, maybe 35 NBA players because we have the whole Miami Heat team. In fact, the back of the book has an endorsement from the Miami Heat, actually let me use their name, which pro teams don’t do that because they protect their brand.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You got to make the band’s just a little bit stronger for next year.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. The basketball players use it, and they just go a band lower than like I would because they’re strong guys but they have very long limbs.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Got it. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you know, you just pick a different…

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So this is the strength, so basically the maximum tension at the top of the band would just be more because they’re taller. So they should choose a lower band than you would have?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s other… So I have in total there’s the Miami Heat, that’s the only whole team and then there’s about 30 other professional athletes, 12 NFL guys, a couple of Olympians, Swedish soccer, trying to think who else. So a lot of professional athletes have switched to this and then aren’t lifting weights anymore. So I use that as an example like somebody who’s skeptical about this, and who might not be able to appreciate research, there’s a lot of people who read research and they’re like this is like looking at spaghetti. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. I get it, research is not written for regular people. It’s written for the people with the education to read it.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Professors write it for other professors, not for somebody who’s got a sideways hat on who spends hours in the gym every day.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So with this system, are you saying that this people when they go to do weightlifting, are trying to gain muscle mass or train their muscle tissues? And this is a better version of that? Or how do you think through the benefits of it compared to a traditional weightlifting program?

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, size and strength, but you can also get more strength without the size by altering your diet a little bit.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Good.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you kind of limit the amount of protein so you don’t have as much hypertrophy but you can still get the neurological and the recruitment effects.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Pound per pound you’re stronger than, is it sort of like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You get a better power weight ratio if you do that.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Interesting. And so what about as far as a metabolic, is like when I think about fitness I think a lot of people just think, if I do this one modality that I heard on the news or seen my friends doing, I must be fit. So I’m gonna go run 20 miles a day and that little make me fit or I’ll go do bicep curls every Tuesday and that’ll make me fit. And I get should be a little bit more of an integrated approach. I’m just curious how you think about how this fits into a little bit more well rounded movement.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s little more well rounded. It’s every muscle body, so there’s movements for everything. And not a lot of movements. There’s really eight main movements and two supplementary movements.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Was it LS, overhead press, bench press, horizontal row. How do you get… What am I missing? How do you get a vertical relic sort of mimic a pull up?

Dr. John Jaquish: sure. Yeah. Here we go. So it’s like a bent row.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You see the plate I’m standing on?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t have that plate, You break your ankles because tension so high.crosstalk

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So if you’re just listening didn’t get the visual, It’s basically like a rectangle plate you’re standing on and then a banner on that and you hold an X3 workout bar system and then doing basically been around..

Dr. John Jaquish: 40 inches wide, 11 inches deep.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah, I mean, the one thing I was thinking about this is I haven’t used this. I mean, I’m super intrigued now and want to see how it goes. But the recruitment of like the lower lats, and how do you think about getting that, just go lower on that row to get a little bit more with that tension in the vertical through the…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I mean also lower and upper lats, you’ve read the research that shows that you actually can’t trigger just one part of a muscle, we can’t train your upper packs or lower packs, it’s just, they’re all connected the same place, they’re all firing and the people with giant upper packs, it’s like a fingerprint, they were born with that shit, and just showed when they started lifting stuff. I love guys that have like a really tall peak like my bicep is long but some like our shorts and there’s like inaudible So this tendon looks like it comes closer here and the guy’s got like a taller peak. Well, like I said, there’s no training that makes the shape of a muscle, but that’s the shape of the muscle.crosstalk

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You’ve spend many years trying to figure that out?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, well, fortunately there’s a lot of research because I think sports scientists get really tired of hearing like, Oh, I’m really focusing on my upper packs and they’re like, Oh, God. Now triceps behave more like three different… sorry, not triceps. Deltoids behave more like three different muscles. Like you can contract your frontal deltoid, your posterior deltoid is stretching.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s doesn’t have activity so even though we look at that like it’s one muscle group, it’s really more, it’s three.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: How do you think about this combining with a little bit more dynamic movement and the necessity for that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Combining it with dynamic moves…

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Like, for example, sound like one of the things that always with the weightlifting programs that I get sort of confused about is that, we’re humans who look them out. So we move around for the world. Everything in weightlifting programs are static, we’re not moving throughout space and so there’s a weird…

Dr. John Jaquish: Very little.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Why are we not training the main thing that humans do which is moving through space?

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Yeah. I do I get this question.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: You graduate and we start training your lower extremities, you first do a regular squat and then you switch to single leg squat or like a split squat. And the reason we do that is because unless you’re a kangaroo you walk on one foot at a time.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And we drive with one leg at a time. So it’s how we push ourselves forward. I mean it’s still set up more like weightlifting so we’re not moving necessarily but we are enacting what we do when we move especially with speed.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. So people are reporting their sprint times are going down.I love to set a couple of sprint records, because I know I was always fast and I bet it’s 44

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s an injury waiting to happen. Sprinting past 25 years old is like damn, you don’t want to do that. So I’m not going to. It would be If I could run a 40 or 45 or something like that.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: I wouldn’t put it past you, if you’re the guy…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I wouldn’t put it past me either. But I just don’t want to, it’s just a dangerous thing. It’s like what am I trying to prove? Who cares?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah, I think about sort of health in compartmentalised ways but all the same principles. For example, with movement health same with, let’s even say your gut just to make it easy an example here. A lot of people say any human who’s just born and eats a normal human diet which nobody does anymore, their gut health is totally fine it can handle eating whatever. With movement If you train and do all this stuff and you’ve never had any movement problems throughout your life, you should be able to just train these muscles and do these things and then go kayak or rock climbing or whatever and you have totally fine movement patterns and be great. However, we have such weird environments that sometimes the artificial sort of deviation from what a human should do requires an artificial solution so even if you’re eating shitty food, you can’t just eat good food or even carnivore or anything like that is a reset diet. Sometimes you need an artificial intervention to clear out the gut sort of reset things and build it back up.

Same thing with movement, sometimes I think it’s unfortunate what people don’t realize is that they have been sitting their entire life are doing really weird and awkward movement patterns, that they put this stuff on top of it, it’s not like adding strength to it, is it necessarily the solution to it and that’s gonna fix all their other movement problems and pain and injuries like that and sort of curious your take on intervention to correct improper things that lead to pain and joint surreptitious like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We’re going to have some important, there’s a lot of chiropractors and physical therapists who are using X3 Bar resistance band bar system for corrective movement patterns now, I’m not gonna build any of those protocols, I am super not qualified for that and that needs to come from somebody who practices therapy. And there’s a lot of examples of people, I got a lot of people practicing therapy, sometimes I see a dysfunction and they have to do some guesswork and experiment with three or four different movements.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you don’t really know like you can’t, you don’t have X3 Bar resistance band training system vision, you don’t know what’s not firing, what’s firing, so we’re just going to run some experiments. And it takes a knowledgeable person so he was somebody has a movement pattern problem they don’t have any flexion in the feet, not somebody would drop foot, but somebody that can’t really get their feet up. More they don’t have, it’s almost like their ankles like frozen. So when they go to squat, it’s like everything a mess. I’ll tell, I have a whole staff who answers questions and comments. I don’t answer my own comments, by the way. That’s just, I’m not talking to the carnies. So, somebody with a dysfunctional movement, I love that’s like you clearly have some special internet commenters as well. Somebody has a dysfunctional movement pattern, I’m like, just get some time with a physical therapist. Of course, then it’s like well my insurance paid for it. I’m like, Who cares? You can’t walk right? It’s take care of that. That is like your health forever. Get you fixed that movement pattern and if they do it right, it’ll stay right forever.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: I can’t think of a better investment in your health.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: People try to find all these weird secrets and health. And it’s like, oh, I heard from this one person that you should use a sauna only 175 degrees after 9 pm. But before you workout and after you take about 250 milligrams of buffered Calcium, but only if it’s every other day and there’s a full moon, it’s like that’s going help increase your cardiac output. It’s like, do you keep… Can you walk appropriately? Do your joints work like a normal human? Do You eat real food?

Dr. John Jaquish: Your joints ache?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You sleep deep…

Dr. John Jaquish: …every day.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Once you start mastering some of these things within life, I think always coming back to the fundamentals is something that people avoid. I think that we had a point we think like these little factoids, or what in secrets it shouldn’t be that obvious. There has to be something. I’m sure you get this coming all the time with yours up because he looked at it like certainly this can’t do everything that I needed to do. Certainly, it can’t get a simple. Are you still here?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. crosstalk

Dr. Anthony Gustin: You bring the maximal tension throughout the movement in this joint, yes or no? Like that…

Dr. John Jaquish: And also, you know anybody who’s into motorcycles, like Harley’s?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: My dad.

Dr. John Jaquish: Everybody knows somebody like this. They get their bike and they show it to you and they’re really excited. And you’re like, yeah, cool bike. Nice. And then they have a whole plan. Like they’re going to spend like a year customizing it. And they do, they really just fuck it up. Just looks like shit, looks worse than it did the day they got it. And they spent like an extra, I don’t know, 5000, I don’t know what motorcycle parts cost. But you look at it and you’re like, why did you think this was better?

And there’s something and these are intelligent people like Harley’s are expensive now. So I see them doing this and I’m like, it’s really weird, you did something that’s very similar to what my customers do. It’s like it’s perfect the way it is. I wrote a book about it. Stick to the program, I say quote the Mandalorian, this is the way, don’t ask any questions, just do it. And yif you’re a medical professional, okay maybe there’s some therapy type stuff you can do with it but you can do that because you’re a therapist, or you’re a chiropractor because you know what you’re doing. But the regular person, the regular investment banker out there, just follow the program and they get the product and they can’t wait to start out adding extra shit into it, or modifying stuff because they don’t understand the principles because they didn’t read the book or memorize the Book, which is what I’d prefer.

They don’t understand how they’re like compromising many of the principles and then at the same time, also using an almost injury free product to almost go out of their way themselves. So yeah, I just don’t understand why people look at Exercise Science and just haphazardly start changing stuff.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. I think people like to think that simple doesn’t work because then if simple did work, why isn’t working for them? what are their goals? Yeah, and…

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, but I mean, from the most simple standpoint, if you’re seven times stronger and you’re stronger range of motion, and you’re on your weaker range of motion, and you’re lifting regular weights. You screw the pooch already. You’re not going anywhere, which is why and I make this argument in the book in a few different places, why defend the fitness industry? I believe it’s the most failed human endeavor, it’s part that’s because of nutrition. Because there’s people who work out hard, but then they only eat pizza and Twinkies. And then there’s other people who just… they lift like they’ve been told to and they’re not stimulating anything. Well, because the lifting is really inefficient.

And you know what the biggest genetic differences between athletes and people who can’t seem to become athletic as identify this in the book too, you know what it is? crosstalk its tendon layout. Like your pectoral tendon, typically attaches right here, and the humerus bone is brought across like forward or across the body, as you can track the pectoral. So pulling from right here, pulling that across the body.

But when we look at Mike Tyson’s tendon layout, it’s not here, it’s here. So why can he knock somebody out? Who’s four inches from his face? That’s why and when somebody who’s like really good at the bench press, probably the bell brothers, just gifted at lifting weights, they probably have an advantageous tendon layout but that’s really the only difference. There’s birth weight is kind of a an example of a genetic difference, but that also has more to how big somebody is, all over like tall, North Nordic children tend to weigh more than Western European children or Asian children or whatever, so that that has a genetic effect as how just large a person is.

But when it comes to muscularity the tendon layout is really important. What does that mean? They have a stronger weak range. That’s why Mike Tyson can give an upper cut right inches from his face and knock somebody out or stun them and then get back a little bit further and then really hit him. So and that was his whole career. He ducks in and gets inside of the person’s space and the whole time the person is trying to push Tyson away. But he’s got his power available right up close to someone’s face. And that’s why Cus D’Amato when he watched Mike Tyson train, he said that guy’s going to be the greatest boxer the world’s ever seen. He watched him for an hour and he could just tell like there is a genetic difference. And he capitalized on it because he understood exactly what it was, never told anybody about it. crosstalk yeah and I detail this in the book, and there’s research that backs it up 20 Oh, wait, I think it’s 27% of people who lift weights have no ability at all in any way to create muscle protein synthesis?

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Well.

Dr. John Jaquish: None.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: And that’s just…

Dr. John Jaquish: There never will. And so that that has to do with the genetic differences. However, you notice with a strong ratio of variable resistance, like I designed in X3 resistance bands system, that genetic factor is irrelevant. Because if you have a strong weak range, okay, it doesn’t really matter. You’re still going to fatigue in the weak range, and in the mid range, and in the strong range, which you cannot do with a weight.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: What do you think about the machines like the ARX machine?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, the ARX machine is great. It’s a $400,000 X3 Bar variable resistance training system, all right.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So it’s awesome. I love it.crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: I will say gives it gives you data which X3 Bar resistance band bar system is real simple and elegant. Don’t underplay it is awesome. It is my invention so I’m going to say that. But it’s, ARX gives you a printout and looks at your power curve, and probably gives you a lot of information you can’t do much with, but it’s a lot easier to track progress. And it’s amazing.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it also cost more than my Lamborghini. So I’d rather have my Lamborghini and an X3 Bar resistance band training system in the trunk so I can work out on the side of the road, which I do.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Interesting. So you never do any other type of work. Do you do any sort of cardio type of stuff?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Just…

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t believe there is such a thing as cardio. I think cardio is just really shitty strength training and it doesn’t stimulate anything.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because strength training actually stimulates the cardiovascular system to a higher level of performance. I cover that in the book, too. Yeah. Like if you want a healthy heart, cardio is not as good as strength training. But there’s a myth that has come about by observing larger strength athletes. Like if I run up a flight of stairs and a marathon runner runs off a flight of stairs. By the time I get to the top, I might be a little bit out of breath, I might have some sweat on my forehead.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: But you’re moving. Yeah, the mass you’re moving.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s not just the mass, the muscle, my quadriceps, they need more blood, it’s a bigger engine, you’re not going to find a V12 engine that’s going to be very fuel efficient. That’s not what it was built for. V12 are for going fast, quickly, like getting up to speed. Yeah. So it’s purpose built, you become purpose built by the way you train. Now, also, if you train and be like cross trained, you’re giving the body conflicting signals. So you’re sort of guaranteed to not go anywhere. You do your cardio and you increase cortisol which gets rid of muscle and protects body fat, so it keeps you fatter longer. That’s what cardio does. So also people who think they’re losing weight with cardio, there’s 40 years of research that shows that doesn’t work. But okay, BMI I guess. It’s what gyms are selling. So somebody says, why are people so misinformed? Money.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: What do you think about all the bodybuilders do the low intensity steady state stuff like when they wake up fasted, and they go for a health long brisk walk, stuff like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re still compromising their muscle building ability. Now, a lot of bodybuilders are throwing in some other factors, right? Some other growth inducing things that might cancel out a high level of cortisol. I mean, but that’s victory by pharmacy. Okay. I mean, that’s the thing, that’s how that sport operates. I have a lot of good friends and good your great customers are bodybuilders. They’re starting to really get it. Because it’s like telling them like this title of this book, they were bad guys. How could you do this? I advocate for you, sort of I insulted their family and it’s like don’t look at it that way.

Once you read the book you’ll understand. Now, notice I didn’t call it resistance training is a waste of time. Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, there’s just a better way to put force through muscle to trigger more growth. Last I checked the goals of people who go into a gym or to create an effect in the body, there are some people who I believe their biggest objective when they walk into a gym is throwing the weights on the floor and making a big noise so they can be a spectacle in the center of attention.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah,

Dr. John Jaquish: That is a psychological dysfunction, I can’t help those people.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: And then in the health they have a lot of mirrors there too. So that’s also a plus.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. This is the sideways hat guys. To roll the way there’s a great YouTube video of a guy dislocating his shoulder while throwing the weight down.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Were his fingers wrapped around the inaudible?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh no. It was actually the act of pushing the bar down, accelerating the gravitational pull and guy dislocated his shoulder.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Oops.

Dr. John Jaquish: A quarter at making a loud noise with the way, then he did actually doing the lift.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Doesn’t sound very safe.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well it tells you about the psychological problems of some of these people who their religion is lifting dangerous weights to show how badass they are.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. Well, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: But I mean those losers they’re not my customers so

Dr. Anthony Gustin: But do you do recommendations for nutrition for people who want to add some, let’s say using your protocol, using your device, What do you say? Is it a very simple approach or is it calculated per body Weight?

Dr. John Jaquish: Its quality protein, count your grams protein, keep Carbs as low as possible. There is one benefit of carbohydrates, which is muscular hydration which should take advantage of after a workout. And I put that in the hyperplasia protocol. So it’s combination of eating carbohydrates while stretching or right kind of read for you stretch a muscle glycogen is coming in on muscle, it’s being pulled and the facia gets stretched as more hydration gets into the muscle. You can accelerate muscle protein synthesis is kind of an advanced technique. But of course, seemingly everybody who lifts thinks they’re advanced, they read a flex magazine in high school once so clearly, they’re almost just like an NFL player. Like the overestimation that people do of themselves is spectacular. Never the Pro Athletes though, Pro Athletes have the most perfect read on their capacity.

And I think there’s something to be said, there’s almost not a single NFL player that uses the Elite Band, that 600 pound deadlift. They’re like that is too heavy, I can’t do it. Because they know they’re supposed to go slow and controlled. Do the repetitions to get all the stabilization firing which influences growth hormone regulation, that’s chapter two of the book, chapter three of the book. They understand all that. And they read carefully. And then because they know they need some controlled reps, so I see a lot of people getting the Elite Band and then they just do kind of halfway, jerky, firing into the movement. And let the thing just spring right back at him. It’s just like, Wow, that is the opposite of why I developed this. But you know you got a… Dirty Harry says man’s got to know his limitations.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean you do, you need to know with like, what’s going to stimulate growth, slow and controlled or stimulate growth, higher repetitions will yield a greater level of fatigue in the mid and weaker ranges, which is why minimum 15 repetitions and maximum 40 repetitions. And those are all like two seconds up, two seconds down.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: So do that a lot of meat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and then count your grams of protein now. I tell people don’t consume whey protein. It’s not very bioavailable. 82% of whey just goes through as a waste. Just nitrogen. And most vegetable sources are like 91% goes is waste because it’s not the right essential amino acids.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So it’s not there is right essential amino acids. It’s just tossed. So why bother? I mean, this is part of the reason why you can suck up all pea protein all day long. And anybody who’s tried that, like they’re getting smaller, they’re losing muscle mass. You know, it’s malnutrition.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: I mean, it’s very clear if you want to be like something, eat something that’s close to that thing, provide us similar raw materials. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean you can make that as a blanket statement because rhinos are pretty strong. They have a high power to weight ratio. They eat nothing vegetables,crosstalk they did in biochemistry.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah. We’ll give a caveat for monogastric animals, humans particularly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, there you go. Yeah, you can just look at the size and capability of the digestion of a human and it needs concentrated nutrients.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because we don’t have a lot of intestinal wall. If you look at gorilla, it has, I think four times the amount of intestinal wall volume.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah and they can ferment things in their gut, definitely it’s just a completely different physiology. I’m going to add this to, I do love gymnastic training lately. It’s just fun for me. So I enjoy it. But I want to add this, see and do some before and after pics.

Dr. John Jaquish: But make sure you get one gram per pound of body weight in protein. That’s the only thing I count.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t need my Carbs are inaudible almost nothing. Answers whatever comes with whatever cut of meat. I happen to get, I think I’m doing some tuna and cheese later. Trying to get most of my nutrition and that one meal because I haven’t sushi tonight, which is not really food.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Drive without that says go splurge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. It’s wonderful. But I put in the same category is like oh, we’re going to the chocolate Expo. It’s like, Okay, well, I’m eating beforehand.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: It’s tragic.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I’ll be like my toothpick like I’m full. I’m fine.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Alright, Doc, well, tons of great information teaches crosstalk a lot of things that you could interpret to, so where you want to send people who are interested in more your work.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ah, so my last name is kind of difficult. Not everybody can spell Jaquish right. And I intentionally misspelled it on Google and see how many like hits, people are screwing on my name all day long to try and find X3 workout bar system. So I create a landing page. It’s, d-o-c-t-o-r, the letter You can find my Instagram there, which is probably where I’m posting the most. And I get a lot of free advice there. And also Facebook, you can find the X3 Bar exercise band bar system, you can find the supplementation, the protein supplement that I created, while I worked with a lot of people to create that should take sole credit for that at all. But yeah, that’s a bacterial fermentation type protein.

No Weights, No Cardio

Even vegans can eat a bacterial byproduct, which is inaudible vegan, and they’ll get a high quality protein. I think that’s the only option for vegans. So like before, vegans would come at me and be like, You’re such a jerk for recommending me and I’m like, hey, I also make this thing this could like really improve your performance. And of course, a vegan who’s eating crackers and cookies, and I guess a kale smoothie every once in a while, you also need to get a lot of essential amino acids that their body has been looking for, some of them for years, immediately their skin improves and their performance improves, their energy improves, their sleep improves. So like they really see it because we’re coming from such a compromised position. Yeah.

Dr. Anthony Gustin: Great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you, find all that inaudible Yeah, awesome. This was fun.

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