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By Hybrid Resistance on March 10, 2024

Dr. John Jaquish Answers "Fraud" Claims: Fake PhD, Photoshop, and MORE

Full Transcript

Dr. John Jaquish: People are going to be disappointed. I see that comment and I’m like, what a retard. But it’s okay because fitness counters are the dumbest people on earth. After all, our president is a moron. Strength is the number one priority. Mass is the number two priority because if you want to build mass without strength, you probably need to see a psychiatrist. A country needs to make stuff and send it all over the world. I’m a hypocrite if I do it in another country. I don’t like the idea of me being the only one on the blog with a Lamborghini and everybody else is trying to keep their 1995 Honda Civic patch together.

Mike: Alright, I’m back with Dr. John Jaquish in defense of John Jaquish coming back here again. He was gracious enough to give me his time. So we’re back notorious and I’d say industrious, Dr. J here, and we’re going to talk about the doctor thing again with the PhD. We’ll start with that. So I want to stress again at the start, everything we’re talking about here. I like John.

Mike: I’m not that close with John. He didn’t invite me to his wedding or anything, but I do like John. I’ve talked several times. I think that’s something else to say too. I wasn’t going to get into this, but it’s really easy to be a troll on the internet and nitpick somebody and you’ll get a chance to talk to him. I don’t think people would say this stuff to your face if they got to know you and just anyone’s got different opinions.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a great point. Sometimes I bump into my trolls at the airport. I travel a lot and I wish I didn’t, but I do. And they’re like, yeah, hey, I saw this and do you just use X3? And they’re like looking me up and down and then I tell ’em some sort of anecdotes and some other things to look at on the website and they’re like, you’re not lying to anybody, are you? No. Sorry, I probably said a hundred mean things about you. And it’s like I can tell by just your body language talking to you, that you’re legit. I was like, well thanks

Mike: You. Yeah, people, if you disagree with anybody, you lose that human side of you on the internet, which brings out the worst of us in general. Not many people like you will jump on and say, ask me whatever the heck you want. I’ll answer anything. So we don’t sit, I mean, I asked John before recording what we’re going to get into a little bit, but John never once said, Hey, let’s not talk about this. Let’s not go into that and never, these things are pre-scripted.

Dr. John Jaquish: If I can’t answer the hard questions, then what the hell am I doing

Mike: Here? Yeah. So I think big props to you for even doing stuff like this as much we want to criticize you. I don’t know of any other business owners that would even be doing this, especially talking about, Hey, sit and tell me about your education. Tell me about all the weaknesses of your product. I mean, no one’s going to do that no matter what company you’re working for.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m super appreciative that you ask the questions I’m going to be on Dave Asprey’s podcast again soon. He’ll ask me, tell me why your product is so successful. I mean, it’s just like he loves it already and he’s going to give me these layup questions, which yeah, cool, I mean there’s a lot of good information in there, but he’s not going to be like, so why did people say you have a fake degree? I want to talk about that.

Mike: Well, that’s good. I think it’s being respectful to you. If you’re going to a Honda dealership, we don’t expect the guy to be telling you how awesome a Toyota is. So I mean, obviously you’re trying to sell something. So I think someone should, we all kind of appreciate that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean, hey, maybe a great question is what other fitness products do I like?

Mike: Well, let’s jump into that. Is there something else you like?

Mike: Again. Everyone thinks you use the bandsman, so I would assume anything you’re going to say is variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: All be X3. No, there is, so X3 is its the most powerful approach to variable resistance. So I mean, is it the greatest thing ever? Yeah, but is there some other things out there that are pretty awesome? Also, number one, vertex. If not keep in mind I’m not a bodybuilder. I trained like a strength athlete, so I’m trying to be stronger and lighter, not big. So Vertex helps. Do you know what a vertex is?

Mike: No, what I saw

Dr. John Jaquish: And you wear a vest and there’s bungee cords. Oh,

Mike: Okay. Yeah, yeah, I know you. Yeah, I’ve seen stuff like that. You’re

Dr. John Jaquish: Just trying to get as high vertically with resistance, with variable resistance. I’ve seen guys add like nine inches to the vertical jump of the max.

Mike: To be clear, you don’t have any ownership in this company to you

Dr. John Jaquish: Because Zero. No, just love it. Absolutely. Awesome.

Mike: You just sold some vertexes for sure

Dr. John Jaquish: Right there. Probably. Yeah. I mean, I think just went to the website and I don’t have a discount code. I don’t even know who owns or runs the company. It’s just an awesome product. Probably one of the better things out there. Another one, Iron Neck.

Mike: Yeah, I’ve seen that thing.

Dr. John Jaquish Yeah

Mike: It looks ridiculous. I got to try it. Yeah, it looks like the thing from Back to the Future where the guy puts Doc Brown puts the thing in his head. No one knows what I’m talking about, but yeah

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I know exactly what you’re talking about. Did you see my picture with the original card the other day with Joe Polish?

Mike: No, I, oh

Dr. John Jaquish: Dude. I took a picture with the actual Back to the Future.

Mike: Oh really? Oh, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I was sitting in the driver’s seat.

Mike: Oh, nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it didn’t age well. The prop guys were quick and dirty, but it’s still, I mean, it’s the Back to the Future car.

Mike: Oh yeah. That’s awesome. Let’s jump right into the hard one right away. Only I don’t want to respect the time. People are probably going to be mad. I’ve been asked more questions about stuff you like though. Maybe we’ll come back to that. The first thing I heard, and this was when this has kind of shocked me a little bit, was the Rushmore stuff because when I first had you on, the first question we got into was is it accredited?

I think you said right away it was kind of a troll comment and then people were still writing to me like, no, it’s still not. And I’m like, I don’t think he would make that up. But then when I did look into it a little bit, to me it seems like it’s on the path to accreditation through this UK-based group, this charter management institute. And again, I made a joke that I think everybody’s probably the number one hit on this rush word Edo is probably the about-page accreditation now. So what are saying

Dr. John Jaquish: About it? Their enrollment is way up because of me. So I mean in general, okay, the guy who made the angry troll video about me, first of all, I think the title of the video is Jake Wish is a Charlatan.

Mike: A few videos that since our video came up that I saw and all of them, which highlighted this accreditation thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s like, okay, so let’s say I went to a bad school that didn’t have accreditation. Does that make me a charlatan? By the way, time you publish this video, anyone will be able to read my PhD dissertation on I’m putting it up just so people are like, is there a problem with my work because here’s my dissertation, this is what I got a degree for.

Mike: Even through accredited schools and even well-respected schools, I’m thinking of SU having an online degree or Purdue University having an online degree. I mean if you wanted to anybody, it’s a lot of work. You have to put in the work. And I think what you’re saying is you put in the work, I’m not trying to put defend you totally, but I just put words in your mouth. But I think what you’re saying is you went through these steps, you went through the work, but I guess the other thing is why wouldn’t you just go to, I guess why did you pick this school? Why don’t you pick?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s what I was just going to answer. I’m going to do a video with the Dean of Rushmore University explaining why I went there. But here’s the highlight. I wanted to study my technology, so I developed the bone density devices, the Osteostrong medical devices, and so I was like, okay, I want to do a PhD, but I want to study my invention. Well, that is not how that works. I mean, I’m a capitalist. I was like, I will fund my research. I’m willing to write a check, however big to fund my research, but I want to earn a Ph.D. degree, I want to use all of this time studying my invention so I can have an incredible use case for it coming out of school. And every university was like, yeah, no, you’re going to get a PhD dissertation project, which you do not pick and you probably won’t like and you’re going to spend six years working on some shit that probably won’t make a difference to you or anyone else ever.

I talked to professors. I had good relationships with professors. At the time, the girl I was dating was getting her Ph.D. in material science engineering from Berkeley. So I talked to a bunch of Berkeley professors and they were kind of like, wow, that’s a tough one because it’s funny, a company can approach a university and fund whatever the hell study they want, and a Ph.D. student could work on it could be used as their dissertation project. However, a student saying the same thing is completely inappropriate, but we can’t tell you why because there’s no difference. And I was like, yeah, great. Thanks for seeing the hypocrisy. So when I sent the email to Rushmore University, they were like, we want to be part of this. It was a pretty new university. I think it was started in 1992 and I was told they were accredited at the time.

But I think you’re right. It is more like they have met the requirements of accreditation, but it takes a long time and it’s sort of like the analogy that was used with me was, you’re not born with a driver’s license. You got to go get one. And so when the university was founded, no, it was not an accredited university. And now through I think it’s called Charter Management Institute, they have all of the prerequisites met, which by the way, is probably the most mind-blowing thing. What it takes to get accredited for a Ph.D. program is it has to do with how big your library is, your physical library, and how many volumes of peer-reviewed journals you have in your library. Well, I mean it’s just like, okay, that rule was probably written before the internet existed because we have the internet now, so does that matter? And so once I understood that, and then Rushmore said, we’ll give you a full ride to do your PhD work. I mean, I think they wanted to use me for marketing purposes and I was like, great, mutually beneficial. I’m going to do the work.

And I also felt like who cares about the reputation of my university? I invented a medical device that treats bone loss better than any drug that’s ever been trialed. So only some nitpicking little bitch is going to have a problem with where I went to school considering what I did.

Mike: Yeah, I think that’s a good defense. So the only thing you probably would just take back the point that would be the point of contention I think, is that people are saying, well, we said it was accredited, it’s technically not. So you would say at this point it’s not, but it’s still on this path too.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what the university did was they worked with Charter Management Institute to establish that the Charter Management Institute library was shared with Rushmore. So accreditation, well, of course, it’s a matter of, I don’t know some person’s opinion whether that happens or even if it needs to be listed as accrediting or non-accredited. There isn’t a governing body for this. And also it has to do with what country.

So the school is first located in the Cayman Islands and then in Antigua pretty much for tax reasons, and the charter was through the United Kingdom. So the only one time through my entire medical device experience, I was presenting Osteogenic loading all over the world. That’s the title of my dissertation and my first book going all over the world talking about this. And one guy when I was in Revic put his hand up and said, your university’s not accredited. At least that’s what the Wikipedia page says. I said, yeah, it’s not accredited in the United States. Where did you go to school? And the guy says, university of Reic. And I’m like, yeah, that’s not accredited in the United States either. I mean, the guy’s like, oh, okay, fair enough. And you’re right, Rushmore is not accredited in the United States. It’s because it’s in the United Kingdom.

Mike: Yeah, I don’t want to break that point. We could be on that forever, but that was good. I think that at least we got that out there. What about and

Dr. John Jaquish: What if somebody is worried that my two world-changing inventions that have already been proven to work somehow all of a sudden are not going to work because my school wasn’t good enough or maybe my spelling tests in the third grade weren’t good enough? You can read my dissertation. I’m going to put it on dr People have read that and said, this is world-changing information and it has established the creation of a hundred million dollar business that has three clinics in 15 different countries. And it was one of those things, it’s like I never would’ve imagined that somebody would question my education because I had already before getting the education invented something that would provide me more credibility than a whole lot of people.

Mike: Someone might say, well, if you knew you were going to put a business out there and you thought this wasn’t going to hurt you, you would maybe have looked into something else. So obviously this had been a thought that was already in your mind, obviously when you’re already doing this stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve never been criticized by a scientist only usually people that didn’t even go to college or were just kicking and screaming about, they just want to find something to bitch about.

Mike: On that note, let’s get into the Photoshopping. So I think that’s some people I saw in the comment section a lot. And again, it’s another thing for me person who is saying, I’m like, yeah, I don’t, they’re photoshopped. I can, but again, I think that anybody’s story,

Dr. John Jaquish Yours by the way. Exactly.

Mike: If I’m putting a thumbnail out there, I’m tweaking a little lighting and stuff. Now I probably don’t have the great, but yeah, I think just talk about that. That was something else.

Dr. John Jaquish: News to the little bit. Everything is retouched. If you see it, if it’s on Generation Iron or Flex Magazine website, it is not the pure photo that was taken. Also, these people, you see a picture of Mr. Olympia in the last 15 years, they all have these huge distended abdomens for a whole host of potential reasons that they talk about. I think it’s a combination between insulin and growth hormone, but that’s still a theory. It’s not like we can study this. So you see ’em in the pictures and their waists are brought way in, but then you see ’em on video and they look like they swallowed a sea turtle.

Mike: Yeah, I think the main thing probably is, and this will be going back to the same question we talked about already before, but I think the main argument people would say, okay, well yeah, I understand that, but it’s selling us a bill of goods that you can get this jacked with using an X3 or just his product alone. To which I think we’d be going back to the same question of, is this all you’re using?

Dr. John Jaquish: And I would say if I look, I’m pulling some up for you. If the most ridiculously in shape I have ever looked on the internet was probably in this video, it’s a video. You can’t Photoshop a video, and I’m in pretty good shape here. So it’s like I put that there. So it’s like if I find an example of a picture, ironically, the ones that weren’t Photoshop that are just a professional picture, people think those are because it’s just a great picture. And then sometimes, here’s an example of one that’s never been touched.

Mike: Yeah, I hate even bringing this up again. I’m like, as I’m saying these questions, to be honest, and I understand people’s issues with it, but I’m just thinking this, I don’t think anyone would do this to anybody off the street who’s selling a company. If you were any, you walk through a booth and some guy pushing or probably like, man, you’re faking that. Let me see. So it’s like I feel bad having another person have to prove that, yeah, you got in shape and whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: But I mean, hey, I don’t mind admitting I have an agency and they make sure I put my best foot forward, and if that means they got to take a wrinkle off of my face or something like that. Recently I whacked my head right here, this huge gash right across my head, and I know they were photoshopping that out because I didn’t, I took pictures, went through a photo shoot and it was gone.

Mike: I just hear the people yelling in the comment section. It would be, and again, some of this could be justified. I understand people’s questions, but I think what they’d be again getting at is like, yeah, but okay, yeah, he looks good. You saw me, a picture looks awesome, but I don’t think that’s from him using the X3. I think it’s him doing other stuff plus the TRT. But again, we’d be going right back to square one, but I just think that would be something, you can look for in another video. And I think with anybody,

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean what I look like, look at my videos, you see me now, it’s not Photoshop, it’s video, but be aware of that. That’s just the industry. I mean also when you go to look at an automobile, the one they use in the ad, they’ll pull the sheet metal. So the lines between two fitted pieces of steel are almost invisible, right? The car looks like it’s just made of candy poured into a mold, but cars don’t look like that. That’s just for the ad. Okay, well, does that mean you’re going to go to the BMW dealer and burn it down? No. They just want to put their best foot forward. They want the car to look perfect in the ad. And that’s just the way ads are.

Mike: I mean, this gets into the other big question, which is, or the argument I’d say is that people might think that they’re being sold essentially a bill of goods. You got this product that seems too good to be true, and it’s very simplistic. It seems pretty versatile. It fits in most people’s travel bags. And I’m looking at you even in a nice image looking like, again, the Tony Stark analogy looking like Ironman, which maybe gets into, you have another side business I saw talking about the, it’s kind of a TRT thing. Maybe we can get it towards the end of the video. We’ll talk about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, people are going to be able to do exactly what I’ve been doing.

Mike: Okay, well let’s go with that then, because okay, people might say, well, okay, is there some other secret sauce other than X3? And maybe this isn’t the secret sauce, but maybe this is something you just said yourself. So what is this other thing?

Dr. John Jaquish: People are going to be disappointed, but the way I have been administering TRT is to mimic the natural circadian rhythm wave. So the way testicular secretion works, your testosterone’s low when you wake up, it climbs within the first four hours, stays high for about two more hours, and then over the next four hours, it drops off. So the way I was doing TRT was I was doing, first I started doing one subcutaneous shot of 10 milligrams of testosterone suspension, and then I split it into two five milligram shots, one at 8:00 AM one at 10:00 AM Sometimes there’s some play in there, maybe like 10:00 AM or 9:00 AM and noon.

So you want to mimic the wave that you normally have because when you do that, you have no countermeasures that appear as a response to the testosterone. So somebody who takes a shot once a week, their testosterone’s high, well, your testosterone is not supposed to be high when you go to bed at the end of the day when the sun goes down, it’s supposed to be low, and if it’s high, your sleep sucks.

And if your sleep sucks, your workouts suck. And then the longer it’s high, if it stays high for more than two months, SHBG goes up sex hormone binding globulin. So the binding globulin attaches itself to testosterone. It makes the testosterone unusable, so it just flushes out of your system. So a lot of guys on TRT, get results in the first two months, but SHBG comes up and then it’s not doing much or anything at all. And so my protocol was such that it was all based on not having any response from SHBG. Now, the reason I hadn’t said anything about this is because I’m using 10 milligrams a day or 70 milligrams a week. Well, a normal average TRT dose is more than double that. So people would be like, oh, he’s getting big from using less. No, I’m getting big from using the proper amount at the proper time because just getting 1200 nanograms per deciliter, doesn’t mean anything to your body.

That means something to your body is having testosterone there. Oh, by the way, your normal testicular function reengages, if you administer, like I’m talking about, so you can get your wife pregnant or whatever you want to do, but normal function now since going down this path and looking at trying to create a mirror to natural secretion, there’s a pharmaceutical company that jumped in and has created an oral testosterone, oral testosterone capsule that does the same thing. So basically no injections, you mirror the normal secretion wave and you’ll end up getting benefits from the testosterone in perpetuity and your normal testicular function. I discussed what I was doing in return.

So it is a tough conversation to have because people are like, oh, there’s a lot of TRT there, and I see that comment and I’m like, what a retard, like a lot of TRT, there’s no such thing as a lot of TRT. The R in TRT stands for replacement. You can’t have a lot of replacements. If I replace the contents of this cup, let’s say there’s water in it. Instead, I put gasoline in it. It’s the same volume. You guys don’t know what the word replacement means, but it’s okay because fitness counters are the dumbest people on earth.

Mike: So how much that new thing, the new protocol you’re doing, and this could take up the whole time, so maybe we can say this too long, but that’s the new company. What’s the name of that company and how long were you using this new oral?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’ll be available through Primal Medical Group. That’s my company. I’m not the only shareholder in that company. They chose me to be the CEO because I can speak about this. And so this is the absolute superior approach to TRT because you keep your natural. All the drawbacks of testosterone replacement therapy are gone with this new approach, except one thing, which is blood pressure, like testosterone increases blood pressure. So if you have high or out-of-control blood pressure, you need to get that controlled first. But the doctors at Primal Medical Group, make sure that they’re going to get all your data first before they write the prescription. Now keep in mind, that it’s still testosterone, it’s still a class three, schedule three drugs. So it’s like you need a prescription, you need blood work, all that stuff. But it’s a superior approach.

Mike: Now are you in that camp that most people should be taking something like this? I mean, even if they’re, I’m kind of in the stance. I’m kind of more old school. I don’t want to know my numbers. I like not having to take or rely on a drug taking a drug. So my whole goal is to never be on something like that. But as you said, it’s something you’re painting a picture of. It’s too good to be true. Almost like I tell people, if it was a supplement, I could just take it, take it, and I’ll take it and be fine, whatever, be fine. But I might be very leery of something like that. But who could take something like this? And would you promote it to everybody as far as men’s concerned

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? Yeah. I’m not in the camp that everybody should be on TRT. I think for anyone who needs it, there’s a threshold for medical need and we need to stick to that. I mean, that’s the only way that works. Now, I had massive testicular damage when I was in my mid-twenties from a rugby hit. Somebody, just this guy, I’ll never forget this guy. He was like 300 pounds, but he moved, he weighed 150 pounds and he dropped his shoulder probably he wanted to put it into my abdomen, and knock the wind out of me, but instead he dropped a little too low, and hit me in the crotch with his shoulder. I’m still friends with a guy.

He was on an opposing team, but it was local. I was playing for the Sacramento Capitals at the time, and it was just testicular damage. After I recovered from that, I was at 163 nanograms to the deciliter with I think only four. My free testosterone was four nanograms of the deciliter as opposed to what they like to see at around 40. So I was just severely compromised and I started having heart palpitations and they were like, well, my cardiologist said, well, your cardiac muscles are paper thin, it’s because you have low testosterone. And I was like, oh, okay. How do we fix that? That’s how I first got the prescription for TRT.

Mike: Okay. Yeah, we got into that. And you’ve gotten into that before already. Let’s get into it, maybe we talked about this before, and this is the big thing that I tell people, and I told you this, we might’ve gotten the last interview, but even off recording, is that I think your branding and the product itself is awesome. For me, it’s the best way. I like to use resistance bands. I don’t like to use resistance bands any other way otherwise, I just feel like they’re just straight-up annoying, especially using loop ones personally. So I think a bar makes sense, and I had people write names. He wasn’t the first one to come up with this, and I’m like, I can’t find the other, I mean, there was the X bar, which maybe I could ask you that let some later because that seemed like X3. I know where the X3 came from in X3, but that was still different. It was like two bands to a different easy curl bar. I didn’t see anyone putting the simplistic idea of just bar hooks and a foot plate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I own all the patents, so there’s the first clip.

Mike: Yeah. So I think my question, the point I’m saying is that I think your branding, the product itself is awesome. I would think, and again, that you’re making money in this stuff, obviously for a reason. Would it hurt the sales so badly? Or I guess is it more about the variable resistance, the point of the matter, versus actually selling X3s? I was thinking, why not just let people buy the freaking thing, advertise it as these other companies do, and just have it, okay, this is the product, here’s what you can do with it. It’s convenient. You can build muscle, it’s light, it looks awesome and not have all the stuff that goes with it. You have to be, you’re in this now, you’re in the hit camp carnivore camp once step per week camp. And again, certainly, we said before anybody, yeah, common sense, buy it and use it however you want to.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, marketing choice, that’s an awesome question. For some reason, I was a developed product and in the beginning I just sort of sold it and it’s just like, here’s how I use it, you can use it however. And then I saw people just using it, just stupid. They’re not going to get any results. And I’m like, okay, so I got to do some programming here, and then I wanted the nutrition to put them in a place where they were going to gain the most muscle because that’s why people buy the product gaining muscle. So if somebody’s a vegan, it’s just like, okay, here’s a long list of shit you’re going to need to go buy because you need to make up for all the nutritional deficiencies that you have. I don’t beat up on vegans like Dr. Baker does to them. I call it a religious belief mostly because they act like it’s a religious belief. So it’s like, okay, if it’s your religious belief, then you’re going to need to take a lot of supplements if you plan on building muscles vegan.

Mike Well, on that note, that’s the pushback I hear is I haven’t seen them, I’m not on Facebook, but people say if you go on Facebook all, it’s this dogmatic way of thinking that if you’re not all in X3, it’s this all or none with you guys. And I don’t know how much of that, obviously I’m sure that helps with any company to have that type of following, but how much of that do you subscribe to versus you got to get be all in or just don’t buy? You kind of said that be all in or don’t buy the product, or can I just buy the product, and yeah, I like using bands. I’ll mix weights, whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I started taking the hardline, this is how the story goes. No, you need to use it this way. If you don’t use it this way, you’re not going to get great results or you might not get results at all. I want to at least prescribe something that I know is going to give them amazing results. Now, if they know something about sports performance, and I hate saying that because a lot of people who just have read a dozen fitness memes think they know everything. Dunning Kruger, the Dunning Kruger study shows that the dumbest people think they’re the smartest. So the internet is the best example. It’s like the people that always have their mouth in gear are the ones that know about nothing.

So I found it kind of mind-blowing that at first, people were following my recommendations. I figured they’d just be like, oh, the hell with this guy, I’m just going to do whatever I want. But most people were like, okay, I’ll do it your way. And then they were like, oh, I got the best results of my life. So I still maintain that for pretty much 99% of the people. But there are questions like, well, this is the high-intensity approach. I don’t even really define high intensity versus volume because most people who are just looking for a way to be as fit as possible, as strong as possible, and work out at home, are not looking at the arguments between volume or high intensity. They don’t even know that subject. They don’t know who Mike Menser is. They don’t know who Arthur Jones is.

When they hear Arnold trained two hours per workout, two workouts per day, six days a week, they’re like, Nah, nobody trained like that. That’s bullshit. So instead of going through the history of everything and why things in sports performance are the way they are, it’s just like we’re going to take a high-intensity approach. Strength is the number one priority. Mass is the number two priority because if you want to build mass without strength, you probably need to see a psychiatrist. It’s like this is going to be the best thing for the broadest population. Now I have some cool people from Renaissance Guy. They use the Renaissance periodization app, Mike Elle’s company, and they want to do volume training. And it’s like, yeah, you can use X3 for volume training. Just don’t go to fatigue. Like you need to stop. Well short of fatigue because this is giving you, it’d be way too much stimulus if you used it to fail.

Coincidentally, volume training studies do show that people who train to fatigue when using a high-volume approach don’t make as much progress as the people who stop when they just sort of get a pump and get blood flow. Volume training is focusing on, this is something that everybody needs to hear. We’ll probably do a clip of this part. When you do volume training, you’re primarily getting what’s called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, which means you’re training the muscle to be a high-endurance muscle. I don’t mean endurance like running. I mean good at doing multiple sets, a decent number of repetitions, 10 to 15 repetitions, and you don’t want to do one set with that. You want to do maybe five, maybe maybe five per workout, maybe 10 per week per body part.

Mike: I can say that’s where my wheelhouse is always at. I’d be in the gym with people and I would do high volume, and I was so used to doing type of workouts that someone, I just can’t keep up what you did. But that’s what I was used to doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Based on, I can tell by looking at you. Yeah, you’ve got some volume background. I think the toughest part about volume training is, well, first of all, I tried it when I was in high school and you have to have some muscle before you can volumize it. So when you’re a beginner in volume training, it doesn’t do shit. So let’s say somebody who wants to be absolutely as big and as strong as possible, I would have ’em do one set per week to the absolute fatigue, like what I’m doing with the app, this is exactly how I use it, one set to fatigue per movement. And so year to date, I have worked out 13 hours and 32 minutes.

Mike: She showed us this last time. And I think that makes sense based on the last time we had the video and you flashed the screen.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was probably like 12 hours and three. So I’ve worked out an hour since the last time we talked like a month ago. So very little time it takes to stimulate the maximum amount of strength. But if you want to do volume on the other days, just don’t train and fatigue. You can use X3 while you’re watching your favorite Netflix show and you still want to use strict form. You don’t want to get injured. You don’t want to be sloppy. I don’t recommend drinking a beer and doing it but do it. And yeah, you’ll get maximum muscle size and maximum muscle strength. The entire principle of periodization is you go into some periods where you do volume training and then some other periods where you’re more focused on strength and explosiveness.

Mike: On a practical level, going back to just the system, I think for certain people, your system says 41-inch bands with the bar in the distance, I think works and is good. It might be all they need, but I could see that. And just a simple argument in my head is like, well, if there’s another tool whether whatever that is for working my chest that just engages them better, I get more out of it could be short compared to 41-inch bands or whatever. Wouldn’t that be objectively better than say at least X3 or you’re saying I could rig some other resistance band, resistance band set up, but I just don’t know of too many things that maybe with all the different myriads of machines that are out there, that might be a better objective way to say isolating and working my hamstring if I wanted to do that.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are a lot of different nuances and variable resistance exercises. I was just filming with a guy named Matt Wining who has, he’s in Columbus, Ohio, and he used to be one of the trainers at West Side Barbell, and he’s the current world record holder for the squat heavyweight class division. So at 300 pounds, he squatted 1200 pounds. All of the training in his gym revolves around using variable resistance to get to the lifts that they intend. So when he first started training for that 1200-pound world record squat, he would put 500 pounds of weight on the bar and then 700 pounds of bands. At first, he would do it one repetition, then he would do it one and a half, and then he would do it two and a half. So built from there and became incredibly stronger by using variable resistance in that manner.

Mike: I guess he’s also using Wave, so that would be right away. I’m like, well, he’s kind of doing what I’m talking about. He’s kind of maximizing both.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I mean it’s an approach, but does your central nervous system know of it’s contracting against banding or chains or weight? It has no idea. It doesn’t matter. Resistance is resistance, variable resistance is more powerful. It doesn’t matter what the source of the variance is.

Mike Okay, so again, my whole summary of what I was kind of getting out here was just about using the system. And if we listen to say your TED talk and you talk, it sounds like, well, that’s the end all be all, but you might disagree with this again, but I’m hearing you. I don’t think you’d be that hard. You went to, again, Matt Winning’s gym and he’s using freeways. You didn’t stop. What do you do? It’s a waste of time. And granted, he has a specific sport powerlifting, right? So that’s the different context here, but I think if you walked in say an X-ray user’s gym and they got free weights lying around, you would either assume that or maybe they’re, I’m just thinking practically some things just feel better. I mean, I’m doing a shoulder press with my hands out here versus being locked in the bar. I’m not saying I don’t like that, but I just like the variance of mixing things up a bit, whatever is relevant.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean ultimately I’m selling it to be, so keep in mind, I don’t have a hard percentage on this, but it’s probably in the 95% group, they’ll send messages. I’m so happy I don’t have to go to the gym anymore. I hate rap music. I hate the equipment. It’s always got people sweating all over it. There’s always some homeless guy that I think lives in the bathroom. You know what I mean?

Mike: Because I think one of the things that I hear a lot is that one, they’ll say, well, you didn’t invent this system either. It’s too simplistic and it would’ve been figured out anyway, if people were already using it, or they’ll say, you kind of copied off something else. Again, at this point, I’m not yet to see that.

And it’s some people who might say that as much as people were ripping into you about your system being too expensive or whatever, we kind of talked about the cost last time that you essentially did create a whole other market for using resistance bands. I mean, I think you popularized resistance bands. There’s no question about that in my opinion. I mean, yes, resistance is popular, but now I think it’s another level, and I think you created a category now of using at least a bar and loop style bands, I think to their fullest. So how would you compare, I guess we talked about the potential of knockoffs and you have certain patents, but theoretically I sure can get around certain patents, what makes you just the best or looking to improve it or things like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: So X3 is the best, and we keep it the best because it’s the cleanest, most simple approach to variable resistance. I’ve seen things that try to get around my patent. It’s just something like just idiotic attachment system between the band and the bar, and you need three hands to get it to work, right? Yeah. I mean that’s what you have to do to get around a patent of something clean and elegant.

Mike: Question. Is it more about you getting out there, the word that variable resistance is the way to go, or is it more about selling X3s? What would be more important to you at the end of the day, spreading the word about variable resistance or

Dr. John Jaquish: The better approach for everybody? I mean, the fact that people complain about my TED talk, I mean these guys should have an off. My entire TED Talk was explaining how you can get the benefit of variable resistance without ever using my product. I’m the nicest guy, and they still just kicking and screaming like little kids, so what am I going to do? I think talking about variable resistance just in a more generic fashion is probably more beneficial because it takes my bias out of it. You should learn about this amazing principle of resistance exercise called variable resistance because it’s going to affect you.

If your goal is to be as big and strong as possible, you need to be applying that otherwise, you’re not going to get there. Even the people, even the genetic outliers when they use variable resistance, do so much better. So I just want to talk about variable resistance. I mean, the company’s going to keep on producing high-quality advertising that’s focused on X3, but, I’m probably just going to talk about variable resistance because it’s like Elon, he talks about the value of electric vehicles. He’s not like, well, you better buy a Tesla. You don’t care. You said it. I made the market. I’ve got to help out anybody who’s doing Vertex. That’s another variable resistance product.

Anyone who cares about performance, anyone who cares about jump height, should own a vertex. Now they’re really expensive, by the way, part of the problem. But I want to continue to do that. And also, nobody appreciates a guy who’s always pitching his product. I don’t need to pitch the product’s doing great. I don’t need to pitch the product. I want to talk about the principle that everybody’s been missing out on because they’re weak. They’re not getting what they should be getting out of the effort that they’re putting into weightlifting. When I go to a gym I bring my X3 with me, and I kind of set up on the, just to clean away from all the machines usually around the dumbbell area.

Mike: Would you do that though anyway?

Dr. John Jaquish: I used to do it. Well, when I lived in Chicago, when I first had a prototype before I even launched the product, I’d take it to Gold Gym in Chicago and people would just crowd around me and be like, dude, where do I get one of those? Because they were seeing it live. They could tell how heavy it was. I think that’s the thing that’s lost is that people don’t realize, oh, it’s totally heavy. variable resistance isn’t just pulling on a 20-pound rubber band. It might be on a 500-pound rubber band.

So you want to be able to expose more force to the target muscle than it would ever be able to get with weights. That’s why I changed the strapline of the product to greater force, greater gains training with more force. And so that wasn’t really about the product. That was about variable resistance. I got to improve the quality of information in the entire product category.

Mike: This quarter probably was awesome for you during this time, do you think that this hate that you get, is good for business or bad for business?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s great for business

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, unfortunately, people get so mad and they talk about you, but guess what? They’re talking about you. And so every dumb ass has some smart friends. So it’s the smarter people that see what the dumb ass is saying that they’re like, oh, this guy’s a charlatan. Let me go look him up. And then they read about me and then they read something or see the TED talk and they’re like, this guy is, he’s got it all figured out. We’re going to follow him. And so a lot of people found us through trolls, maybe a good 10% of our customers, which accounts for millions of dollars. They saw a video explaining why I’m just the worst guy in the world, and then they read what I wrote, and then they’re like, oh, everybody was wrong about you. This is great. So I think PT Barnum said it. There’s no such thing as bad press. You made this point before we switched the call on. It was just a company name. It was just X3, and nobody ever saw my face. They would’ve nothing to complain about. But instead, I chose to be the lightning rod. I wanted to be the guy that people criticized because it’s a lot easier to talk to a person than to criticize what a company’s doing.

Mike: That’s true. And I think a lot of owners are taking the other way out where they don’t even, there’s people I talk to, they don’t want to be mentioned at all. They don’t want to be known or the owners so they can be faceless. So I think that says a lot. That’s the big thing. I think I respect you a lot, because I said everyone who’s accusing you of anything, and again, I can understand everyone’s coming from, but to me, it’s a business. He’s trying to sell something. I genuinely think you mean what you’re saying. I think if there was something out there you did not mean, I don’t think you’d be saying it. And if there is something you want to be brought to the table that people are kind of accusing you of, you’re open about answering it. You can’t do that with every other company just like you, who has a product to sell and wants to defend their product. You can’t get them to even ask that question. So whether someone else is lying or not, at the very least you’re accessible and you’re answering these questions, I think.

Dr. John Jaquish Yeah, and I think being open, very transparent, talking about every little aspect of training about nutrition, I also defer to experts. If you want to have somebody invite me to a nutrition debate, and it’s like, that’s not even my feeling.

Mike: I don’t agree with every single thing that you’re saying, and it’d be hard to be sitting on the phone forever, but no one agrees with everything. But I think you’re very eccentric and you let it known of the theories and the things that you subscribe to, and you just happen to know a company too, and you throw that in there. But I think I,

Dr. John Jaquish Sure. I mean, if I chose to be a public person, then I’m going to get criticism, and so I might as well address it. Oh, one thing I wanted to say, I get criticized for my TED talk sort of being hyperbolic about where the tendons attach. So the origin of the pectoral, where it attaches to me, is going to be right at the very top of the humerus bone. And then I talk about genetic outliers having it. What I should have said was towards the other end of the bone, not actually on the other end, but it’s a TED talk. I got 18 minutes. I’m not going to give the full-on physiology of the humerus bone. I intentionally said it that way to just shed light on the fact that some people can pick up regular weights or there’s one NFL player. I know. So you see the most amount of muscle he put on was in three months that he spent mowing lawns for a summer.

Mike, You remember? Yeah. You said that.

Dr. John Jaquish: 17, right? I mean, the guy put on, I don’t know, 50 pounds of muscle, probably some of it was fat. He’s not exactly a lean guy, but it’s like he gained 50 pounds. And I’m like, well, what were you doing mowing lawns? Not strength training. Okay. So this guy, wherever his tendons attach, I got a pretty good idea. They’re very far away from the origin because he’s got levers built inside of his body made out of the most elastic material on earth. So yeah, those guys, it’s like they’re doing band training with everything they’re doing. Just rubber bands are inside their body. People had a problem with that too, and I think that’s a really smart way to explain it.

Mike: Yeah, I hear what you’re saying too with it. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the obese guy who was complaining, he’s like, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s like, no, that’s smart. That’s a great way to explain it.

Mike: That guy. I think you said last time that you never met an extra user who didn’t see results. And I think people go on the website, and again, I won’t only ask this, you said, I can ask these things to you, but if it was any other company, I’d be like, okay, yeah, they control their website. They got five-star reviews. They’re not going to want negative reviews. So I’m not saying your reviews are possibly doctor, but I will just ask the question about, I mean, does this work for everybody? I mean, I guess that’s the thing. The question is it just sounds like people writing to me, I tried X3, but it didn’t work. The weights work better for me.

Dr. John Jaquish: When I see a comment like that when I see a comment like that on one of the ads, I go and search the customer database for that name 100% of the time they’re lying. They never bought it.

Mike Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re just bullshitting. They’re just, oh, I tried it and it didn’t work. You didn’t try it.

Mike: Yeah. And what kind of results can someone expect from X3 ? Because I think maybe some people might, they have it and they enjoy it and they got results from it. But would you admit too, that you’re not going to look like what’s physiologically capable for that person? Do you see an average response? I’ve seen some people who are big X3 promoters that they’re in good shape, but to me, they look no different than if I saw them just picking up some weights and playing around. And that’s my personal bias on that. But I guess are there some, yeah, what would you say about just some honest results you get from using X3 even if you’re using it properly?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there are a couple of people who are very happy with their X3 experience, and then you look at ’em and you’re like, okay, the guy’s got a six-pack and his arms aren’t small, but not going to win the Olympia kind of thing. But some of those guys that are excited about their results did lift weights for a long time and they got nothing out of it. So this is maybe they’re like hard gainers sort of fast metabolism kind of guys. So the people that have had very poor results with weights, they switch to very poor resistance and they get much better results, some of the better. Now ultimately, people who do it don’t train with high intensity, are they going to get results? Well, no, they’re not going to get results from anything. If they were lifting weights, they’re not going to get any results.

So I’ve never met, when I say I’ve never met a person that didn’t get results from X3, somebody will be like, I’ve been doing this six months and I’m just not seeing big changes. And I’m like, okay, are you getting stronger? If they’re getting stronger, but they don’t see it in the mirror, it might be because they just have too much body fat and they just can’t see the changes. It could be that they’re underfed with protein. I’m trying to get to the answer, but I don’t want to precondition them to say yes. So of course I get protein, but then it’s just like, well, okay, how much I meet people all the time that tell me they get plenty of protein, at least 50 grams a day. And I’m like, plenty, huh? Those sorts of things. So if somebody says, I haven’t got results, then I’ll say, post a video doing a couple of your movements, and let’s see. And they’re just not even training to fatigue at all.

Mike: Any thoughts about doing the just a la carte stuff on your website? I know we talked about this last time, but anytime you can let people just buy the bar, just buy a bigger bar, pair it with the bands, and their first purchase, you made your argument of why you got, I like this shorter bar, but sometimes the long bar’s nice. I have a buddy who picked up your system and was like Man, I wish I had a long bar. That’s what he was telling me. It just doesn’t feel quite right. It’s close to me, just if someone’s a big, I know you

Dr. John Jaquish: Said, did he get the long bar?

Mike: No, he didn’t get that one yet. You might get it later, but I just was saying it would be nice if they could have picked the long bar with the set and maybe get, if you sold say a bigger plate, if that’s either an option that you guys are considering.

Dr. John Jaquish: The problem with long bars and wide plates is the chances of injury go up. So I’m trying to keep everybody as safe as possible.

Mike: What do you mean by that? Because I’m sure someone’s going to push back and be like, I don’t know what he’s talking about. I got a big bar from another company and a big plate from another company.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, I mean like a wide stance squat or deadlift. Not exactly Remember the statistics on keyhole surgeries on hip joints, but I think they’re up by something like 3000% because of people taking this wide stance. So I made the length. I made the plate. So people do the most biomechanically Correct. Lower body movements now,

Mike: Now that I can be fully honest with you, I would think, okay, you made this plate in the bar for shipping packaging purposes. It makes sense to just have it smaller. But I do personally, I legitimately do love those dimensions. That’s my personal preference. I like that. That configuration.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah,

Mike: That would go through my head.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s because it doesn’t hurt joints, so it actually, I did not design this thing to travel at all.

Mike: Really? Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: if you look at travel fitness equipment, like the history of travel fitness, it always fails because most people when they travel, most people don’t business travel. Most people travel to go to a beach or something. They’re not bringing up workout gear with ’em. They want to go, they want to have a margarita. They’re not going there to work out. So I mean, I’m just one of the crazy people who I bring my workout gear no matter where I go. I was just doing it in Mexico the other day throwing a towel down, putting the ground plate on top of the towel, and doing my workout right on the beach.

Mike: Do you ever get bored of using the X3?

Dr. John Jaquish:: No. When I started after this 52 set thing study came out, I was like, I’m going to try and use X3 for volume and see if

Mike: You are doing that now.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s what?

Mike: You’re doing more volume now.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I’m still doing my one set per exercise to absolute fatigue with diminishing range, all tracked through what I showed you on my phone, all tracked through the force bar and the force app. But then on non-training days, I’ll do some volume.

Mike: Awesome. That’s huge, honestly. I mean, we got to make sure this is in there. I think that’s huge because to me it speaks more volumes that it’s not as dogmatic as people think of you. I think that they watch a couple of videos, that’s what maybe puts the alarm bells in people’s heads of, Hey, this guy just wants to sell a system. It’s the whole package and it sounds like it’s too good to be true. And if you’re kind of creating this cult dogmatic following is what you want to create,

Dr. John Jaquish: The more cult-like your fans are, the better they’re going to use the product and the better results they’re going to get.

Dr. John Jaquish: If they don’t experiment with other approaches that have scientific validity, well then I’m just kind of a pain in the ass because they’re like, well, I want to know if this could be used for volume, but Dr. J is not answering the question. So I guess I’ll just never know because the guys from Renaissance periodization, they’re certainly not going to endorse my product. They endorse theirs,

Mike: Right? Yeah,

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So it’s like they’re telling you to follow their exact program and I have to be truthful. And the truth is there is a lot of great research around volume training and there’s no reason you can’t do both.

Mike: Why don’t you make handles? I know the answer kind of, but why don’t you make handles?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. When it comes to upper extremities, we turn on much more muscle when we use both of our arms at the same time. So you’re not going to push on one thing, you’re going to push on using both hands.

Mike: Why not just make that as just to make it interesting so much so it’s not ideal, but it’d be cool to have a handle if there were X3 handles.

Dr. John Jaquish: Why doesn’t the iPhone have a USB port? Why are they such hard asses about It’s just clean.

Mike: Just like you guys got so much, you guys got so much capital, probably. Why the hell not just throw a couple? It can be that much money just to make that an option. I think it would be cool. I think it adds to just the library of stuff I’d want to buy as a consumer. That’s how I look at it. I actually, love the brand and if you had more stuff to buy, I would buy it. So I think that that’s where I’m coming from.

Dr. John Jaquish: So everything we sell, people ask all the time, how come you don’t have 30 supplements? You could just white label a whole bunch of shit, all your fans, all cult-like they’ll buy everything. And it’s just like, because that, I mean, guys who do that, they’re the assholes. They’re the ones who are like, they got a good brand. People trust their brand and they know their fans will buy anything they put their name on. I never name names.

When I say something negative, I try and if somebody’s I’ll criticize an idea, not a person because it’s the same kind of thing. So why don’t I have a bunch of supplements? The supplements that we came up with are number one unique. There’s nothing else like any of ’em. And the more things you have, the more your customers think it’s things you need. Even though it’s very popular in Purium, that’s our pre-workout, I kind of regret coming out with that because people, buy the product and then they’re like, okay, I bought for Agen and I bought Cranium and I bought Imperium. And then they’re talking about they want to be able to afford it every month. Immediately I’m like, stop buying Imperium.

Mike: Yeah, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a pre-workout. Dude, if you can make coffee with Folgers at home, that’s almost free. Save your money. And I say that shit all the time because it’s like I’m only going to come home with stuff that’s really going to move the needle and just accessories for the sake of accessories. I think maybe that’s why my fans trust me because I’m not doing that. But I see what you’re saying. A lot of people want a lot more stuff.

Mike: Well, I think there’s a huge, this is going to raise a lot of people’s respect for you. I mean, I think that’s the big thing. He’s just a snake oil salesman trying to, I always say if he wanted to just play it easy, there are other things he could do and or not say that would be an easier play than what he’s doing. And at least that’s from my perspective. And maybe I’m missing the boat on some underlying big marketing thing that I missed.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s another one. So people know I like intermittent fasting, multi-day. Sometimes if you’re going to take a day off training, there’s no reason you should eat. You don’t need to be anabolic. So use it as a day where you’re dropping body fat. So I say that and people are like, okay, well I need to make sure I get all my protein from Tigen. So because it’s low calorie, they want to get all the essential amino acids that would make up for the protein that they wouldn’t get.

And I’m like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don’t want to be anabolic on a fasting day, your growth hormone upregulates to protect the musculature. You don’t need to worry about that. You’re not trying to grow anything. Save your money. Don’t take tigen on a fasting day. It’s wasted. And I started seeing that and people were like, why are you telling people not to buy your product?

Mike: How about bands? Why not make more different diameter bands? That’s a common complaint here. I was like, I’m too short or too tall or whatever. I want different band lengths

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s coming.

Mike: Okay

Dr. John Jaquish: We got to get the, so I’m trying to go in the direction of the para force bands because they’re just so much better.

Mike: They’re awesome

Dr. John Jaquish: Building the machines that build those bands. Not simple. It is just a much more complicated chemical process. It needs to be a clean room environment where there are no gusts of wind and no temperature changes. No. Somebody opens a loading dock door and cold air comes in because that screws up all the bands. It has got to be controlled. And so we’re kind of getting a handle on that right now. And the first thing is ramping up the availability of those bands and then we’re going to make ’em to different sizes.

Mike: Yeah, because that’s the big thing too. I talked about it right before, but everyone’s like, is that legit that he just doesn’t have inventory or wants to control the inventory for consumers? For instance, I want to get out and just buy the para force bands. Those are awesome bands. But you were saying, no, I can’t get those unless you’re a consumer because, or customer because I only have X amount available, whatever. Yeah, how it is. Okay. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think people think I’m trying to artificially create,

Mike: There’s a little, I have that in my head. That’s another example. That’s one of the things that I think I know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Companies do that, I’m not doing that, just trying to do right by the customer. And even if people knew what our margin as if they knew it cost me 200 bucks to make one of those bars,

Mike: Can I put that in the video?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah

Mike: Absolutely. I mean that’s your margin. That much money. 200 bucks a bar. I mean I’m being totally honest in my brain. Ah, is that true? I would think I’ve seen some bars that come from whatever, and I know people are selling bars a hundred-something dollars and these things are like $30. I would think a wild guess and I wouldn’t be insulted by it. I’m just thinking of margins and making money that you got those things maybe cost 20 to $40.

Dr. John Jaquish: A bar? No, 200 bucks.

Mike: Really? Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean the banding, when you buy the banding in volume, when I’m buying 10,000, 20,000 band sets at a time, the price does go down because that’s a commodity. The bar, it’s just expensive and it doesn’t matter.

Mike: Is it because you’re making this? Seems like that’s pretty, why is that so expensive?

Dr. John Jaquish: So made in America, that’s a thing. The price of aluminum has gone up by quite a bit because our president is a moron. And I mean commodity dude, the guy doesn’t understand the time of day. There are critical materials for our manufacturing that are required that he’s putting sanctions on. Aluminum is kind of a mother to get, and that’s the highest quality metal. It looks great. It feels great when you neural aluminum, it’s glued to your hand.

Mike: Stainless steel bars. I’m hearing that is better or not, what do you think versus your, I mean, would that cost more money?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah

Dr. John Jaquish Probably now we would be about equal, but I think aluminum looks better. And then we have the aluminum anodized so it looks even brighter because anodized looks kind of battleship gray, whereas ours is glowing white.

Mike: And if you got that made in China, I’m assuming that’d be much cheaper.

Dr. John Jaquish: Depends. It depends on your manufacturing tolerances. We’re milling to the millionth, which is standard in the United States. That is very uncommon in China. Frequently though they say they’re milling to the millionth, but it’s the thousandth and you got to have a magnifying glass to check. But I used to make stuff in China, and that’s one of the problems with our country. This gets to my politics. Our country will never be where it was in the Industrial Revolution until we go back to behaving like we did during the Industrial Revolution. A country needs to make stuff and send it all over the world. What’s going to bring economic prosperity? And I’m a hypocrite if I do it in another country. I’m just like one of these globalist assholes that doesn’t care about anybody I want. Yeah, I want to make money. I want my neighbor to make money too.

I don’t like the idea of me being the only one on the block with a Lamborghini and everybody else is trying to keep their 1995 Honda Civic patch together. That sucks. It is just at some point, and this is part of the reason I’m involved with RFK Trump’s policies, were good. I’m one of the few people who just say that out loud, but he’s a hard guy to, and I understand why people don’t like him and they’re voting. A lot of people vote with their emotions instead of their logic. So when I look at Kennedy, he’s pretty much got some similar positions. He understands we need to make business our number one priority and forget about arguing about genitals and skin color. Just the biggest waste of time.

And we need to get back to productivity. It’s just jobs. It’s just what kind of jobs do we have? What are we making in this country? And the fact that we have American cars made in other countries is like, what the f? I think it’s like the Jeep Patriot is made in Mexico. Yeah, it’s called the Patriot. You’re making that in Mexico because I’m lucky enough where I was the guy that patented all this great stuff that had to do with variable resistance. I can decide where it gets made. I don’t have to be competitive. And so that’s why I picked America and I want everybody to understand when they buy it, it’s like it’s going to be top quality. You got a couple X3 bars now you’ll pass ’em down to your sons. Those things are going to last forever and that’s great.

And I want people to understand the highest quality stuff typically made here because it’s easier when everybody’s speaking the same language and we don’t have to travel a staggering distance. Unfortunately. It’s part of, well not unfortunately, that’s just the way it is. We need to support our nation. I don’t have any data to back this up, but based on the principles of progressive overload, every time you get stronger, it’s because you created an amount of total work done by the target muscle that surpassed anything you ever did in the past.

So since we know that, you have to make sure that you are beating your previous best every single workout. And how many people do that when they’re either lifting weights or even doing X3 How many people are just repeating the same workout with the same reps over and over and over again? Or they want to get more reps so they start doing each repetition faster so they’re doing less work than they thought they were doing. So they’re guaranteed they’re not going to stimulate any growth. I would guess that the average person who has a lifetime lifter only probably grew from maybe a hundred workouts, and the rest of the time they were just repeating what they did before, which does nothing. It might maintain their muscle, but they’re not gaining anything.

So using the software to accurately measure the fatigue, especially with diminishing range, because that is so powerful when people do that, they’re going to do better. And for me, I have the data to show it. I’ve grown from every single workout that I have done this year and I’m in the best shape ever at 47.

Mike: Alright John, I’ll see you.

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