- By Joe Polish on November 28, 2023
Dr. John Jaquish: A Better Way To The Body You Want, A Fitness Conversation
Dr. John Jaquish: A Better Way To The Body You Want, A Fitness Conversation
Full Transcript
Dr. John Jaquish: … so I eat no vegetables at all, so my oxalate levels are really low. I’m predicting within the next 10 years, we’re going to pretty much figure out cancer is being caused by lack of sleep and vegetables.
Joe Polish: I still go to the gym. I still lift weights. I do the X3. I use the X3. You showed me how to use it personally, when we first met in person in, I think it was August of last year.
Dr. John Jaquish: In San Francisco, yeah.
Joe Polish: Yep. We were both at an event where you were presenting, that was $70,000 a person to attend a week long longevity thing, and so he was there. He’s also the inventor of the equipment in OsteoStrong. Have you heard of OsteoStrong? He created that, so we’re going to talk about bone density. And what I want to do is get a deeper understanding of a lot of stuff related to health. Now, before we just jump into it, I asked all of you to write down, if you could have something happen in your health and fitness, what would it be? Yell out a couple of things, or talk into the mic if you’ve got one in front of you.
Audience Member: Eat it all, keep fit. Eat it all, keep fit.
Joe Polish: Eat it all, keep fit. Wow. That’s a fascinating.
Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a lot of guys like this.
Joe Polish: Yeah, yeah. Chocolate, pizza.
Audience Member: Bring back the six-pack.
Joe Polish: Bring back the six-pack. Okay.
Audience Member: HRV.
Joe Polish: Lower HRV?
Audience Member: Higher.
Joe Polish: Higher HRV. Okay. Okay. What else?
Audience Member: I’d like to be able to run a mile in 10 minutes.
Joe Polish: Be able to run a mile in 10 minutes.
Audience Member: I want to deadlift 600 pounds.
Joe Polish: Deadlift 600 pounds.
Audience Member: I want to feel so damn good.
Joe Polish: She wants to feel so damn good.
Audience Member: Eight beers with an eight-pack.
Joe Polish: Eight.
Dr. John Jaquish: You two should hang out.
Joe Polish: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so there’s a lot that can be done, and he certainly … You know your stuff. So when we were having lunch downstairs, Parth asked you a question, which you said is a great question. He said, “What was the domino that happened in your life that caused you to pursue all of this and create what you’ve created?” You said, “First off, that’s a great question.” Then you gave a pretty awesome answer. So let’s start with that. I mean, let’s first say, what have you created? What is it? And then why? How did you get into this? However you want to share that, please do.
Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. That is a great question, and smart guy who works
for you.
Joe Polish: He’s very smart.
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, really. Okay, there’s two things that I’ve invented. One’s OsteoStrong and the other’s X3. They’re completely different, but similar logic. One is for bone. OsteoStrong, that kind of gives it away. X3 is really more about strength and general conditioning. The story starts, I got into life sciences basically because my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. We all have a mother, and when you see your mother in pain or unhappy with her life, you want to do anything you can to fix the problem. I just happened to be, I don’t know, confused or dumb enough to try something that nobody had tried before. So she told me about osteoporosis and then she also told me a little bit about the drugs her doctor wanted to put her on, and they had horrible side effects, and no guarantee that they’d even work or stop fractures. By the way, does everybody know what osteoporosis is? Okay.
Joe Polish: Well, no, define it.
Dr. John Jaquish: Smart crew here.
Joe Polish: Define it.
Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the bone becomes more porous. It loses density, and then is more easily fractured. Now, if you’re over 50 years old and you have a hip fracture, you have a 50% chance of death within one year based on those complications of the fracture. So basically, you fracture, you can’t heal because your body doesn’t have enough resources to heal that amount of trauma. The tensegrity in that joint is thousands of pounds, pushing and pulling on each other at the same time, which is why it’s very hard to heal, and you end up being bedridden, and you get pneumonia.
You can’t move around. You can’t clear the fluid out of your lungs, and then you die from those complications. It’s not as scary as breast cancer, but it claims just as many lives as breast cancer. Needless to say, my mother was worried, and this was one of those few times where her worry had some foundation because she worried about all kinds of stuff. Yeah, yeah. My parents gave me a hard time because it’s like, “When are you going to get married and have a family?” I’m like, “I need to find somebody like my mom,” and she’s right there. That’s my wife. My wife, Caroline, yeah. So I love my mom. I wanted to help her, and so I was like, “Let me look into this.” This seems to me like a problem of deconditioning. It’s not like a virus attacked her bone or something like that.
Anything that can be deconditioned can also be reconditioned. I said this at the World Congress on Osteoporosis after I ended up developing the device, and they all looked at each other like, “Well, that’s obvious. I don’t know why we didn’t think of that.” I went a complete mechanical approach. So bone density comes from high impact activity. In fact, the minimum dose response for the hip joint to trigger bone growth is 4.2 multiples of body weight. That’s way beyond what weightlifters deal with, so if you want to affect bone and you’re going walking or whatever, it’s like you’re not doing anything. You really have to have these tremendous impact level forces. That’s really the only place that people get that.
The problem with impact … Now, the science of impact is great because we have gymnasts, and they go through high impact that’s incredible. The problem is, gymnasts retire at an average age of 19 because they get pretty banged up from all of these high impact activities. So what was needed was really the benefits of this high impact without the risks of the high impact. So I built an impact emulation device, four of them actually, for four different impact ready positions. One with the upper extremities, lower extremities, spine, and core, how the body would naturally protect itself. If I’m going to trip and fall, I put my hands out like this. Back of the hand in line with the clavicle, 120-degree angle from upper to lower arm. That’s how you would protect yourself, and coincidentally, you can absorb the greatest amount of force here or produce the greatest amount of force here, and there’s no difference in the bone mechanics of how that force is absorbed.
I knew if we could just emulate this … So what I ended up creating is a robotic system that gets the human in exactly the right position to emulate impact and then replicates that because they have kind of a cloud-based account that they log into. The setup is identical every time. So we take that variable out, so it’s absolutely laser perfect, the same thing every single time we do it. Then you expose load for just a few seconds, so you’re pushing as hard as you can. You create the force.
One thing I also knew was devices that place force on the body, especially at high levels, have insane risk associated with them. Instead, you get the person in the right position, they create the force. You have the computer system track how much force they’re creating. And so the central nervous system is protecting the body. Sometimes I speak to a room full of elderly deconditioned people, like a retirement community, and they’re going to bus them all over to OsteoStrong locations afterward, and I say, “For those of you who are worried,” I say, “I want you to hold your fist up like this and think about this. Can you squeeze the fist hard enough to break any of your fingers?”
They usually go, “Hmm. No. I don’t think I can.” Right. You can’t, because of a process called neural inhibition. Your body will shut you down if you’re getting close to injuring yourself. This is true if you’re sprinting and you hit a piece of ground that’s a little uneven. Your ankle just twists a little bit. Not to the point where it’s a problem, but instantly, you slow down, and that’s neural inhibition. Because your body doesn’t want you to keep going at full speed, because you’ll just faceplant. That’s the process, and using the human body for the safety mechanism made it really easy to show this to the FDA.
It was like, oh, well, this is basically like a muscle-testing device, but you’re using it for the creation of bone density, so there’s really no issue here. So we got through that hurdle so easily. I have friends in pharma that are like, “How did you pull that off?” Well, it’s the body protecting itself, so you don’t really need to prove much. Do you want me to go on with this story? Do you want to pause and talk about that, or do you want to go right into X3?
Joe Polish: Well, let’s give everyone information about how do they actually access this and what do they do with it. We can come back to that, if you prefer.
Dr. John Jaquish: Sure, yeah.
Joe Polish: If it’s better to talk X3 first.
Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. I’ll finish up the OsteoStrong stuff. What happened is I developed the prototype. My mother went from having, so she was 60 and she had the bones of a 70 year old, because generally 60 is not really where you get diagnosed with osteoporosis. So she had a T-score of -2. Within 18 months, she had a T-score of zero, which means the bones of a 30 year old. And she was in her late sixties. And so she was absolutely ecstatic. She didn’t need to give up any of the things that she loved, like hiking and gardening and playing tennis. So I really preserved the quality of her life, and she ended up being so healthy and so happy.
So I was like, great, if I got my mom to do something, now my mother, she exercises in her own way. She plays tennis and she hikes, like I said, but to actually get her to do something, that was how I knew that there was a real market here, because I can’t get my mom to do anything that’s like exercise. If it is not a fun activity, she doesn’t want to do it. And she will fight me like you wouldn’t believe. So I got her to do this and she was excited about it. She’s like, “I feel so good after this,” putting thousands of pounds through her legs for just a couple of seconds. And she says, “It feels great. It doesn’t hurt or anything.” Just a show of hands, who’s tried the OsteoStrong devices? Okay, yeah. And you guys agree with that? Yeah, it feels fantastic. So she was thrilled, and it fixed her problem.
And then I filed for patents and got all over the world, partnered with Tony Robbins, and now we have 300 locations in 15 different countries. We have about six different clinical trials. But sometimes I meet a physician that’s like, “Well, you need more evidence than this.” And it’s like the evidence is the laws of mechanical transduction, which have been understood for over a hundred years. So this is how we build bone. Impact level force. That’s all we’re doing, is providing impact level force. We’re just taking the risk out of it.
Joe Polish: There’s probably a lot of people in I would say the medical industry that don’t want things like that because when you have a condition that as many people die from as breast cancer, there’s a lot of money to be made there.
Dr. John Jaquish: Interesting. I think I lucked out in that there are no patented drugs right now that are popular. There’s one, terapeurotide, that came out sort of when mine came out, but then that was shown to cause all types of bone cancer. And it got FDA approved, but there’s a lot of concerns with it. And so basically you’re only prescribed this drug if you’re at a point in your life where your bone density is super low and it doesn’t even matter if you get cancer.
So you’re nearing the end of life, a couple years left. It’s like, okay, let’s just keep this person from having a fragility fracture, and if they get cancer, it doesn’t matter anyway because something’s going to take them out before that does. Grim reality. So that’s really where the OsteoStrong is.
Joe Polish: Awesome. Awesome. All right, soX3, there’s a whole, we’re going to go into weight book as an example is Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want.
Dr. John Jaquish: I pissed off a lot of people with that title.
Joe Polish: Of course. And every day you piss off a lot of people that see this.
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I’m definitely the most hated guy in fitness, but I think it has half to do with this, and also I have some people call it extreme views on nutrition. I think they make sense, and I can prove that scientifically.
Joe Polish: I want to hear these too, because that to me … So I have one question here that is, given that many people have emotional and psychological attachments to traditional weightlifting, how does this book and how does this methodology balance between evolving fitness science and the cultural significance of weightlifting and different types of exercise?
So even though it may be a better method, just like a QWERTY keyboard or whatever, if you learn how to type the way that it’s like, what, four times quicker or something? But most people don’t type that way. So you have an improved method, but there’s this ingrained way of thinking on it. And there’s also the dopamine and the different things that come out of just movement and exercise. There’s the social aspect of exercise in groups and the way it’s done. So there’s that part, but then here’s the thing, if you have a more superior way of building muscle and strength, then let’s share with everyone here what that is and how do you do it? Because I think that would be really valuable for everyone to know.
Dr. John Jaquish: So there are quite a few people with that psychological disorder that you described, where they’re accustomed to doing something a certain way and then they hear about it a more efficient way, but that’s not what they’re accustomed to doing. And a lot of it really has to do with guys who lift a lot of weights. It’s like I go through this dangerous process to be strong, and sometimes you go to a CrossFit gym and you see guys actually throwing the weights on the ground to make it louder when it comes crashing in the ground. And that’s really what those, that’s their mindset. And they’re probably never going to be my customer. I wouldn’t really want them anyway. . Totally. What a bunch of losers. So yeah, I mean it’s just a mentality where-
Joe Polish: We’re creating some great social media clips right here.
Dr. John Jaquish: So immediately people were just enraged at this title and it’s kind of a clickbait type title, like Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time. Well, is it really a waste of time? It wasn’t a waste of time until we discovered that variable resistance is a far better approach. Because as I discovered with the bone density research, you’re seven times stronger here than you are here. Once you know that, why would you ever lift a weight? It’s stupid. It doesn’t make any sense.
And the reasons, so people defend the fitness industry. Oh, well Arnold would never agree with that statement. And it’s like, well first of all, his son trains exclusively with X3, , you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s amazing how many people will make authoritative statements and have absolutely no clue or say exactly the opposite of reality. I mean, this is every day. So all day every day, I get the question, “A professional athlete would never use this,” and I’ve got an athlete wall on the website that shows 60 professional athletes that are all recognizable. And I don’t respond with any words. I just post that picture. There’s 60, like Terrell Owens is using it. Some legends in the NFL are exclusively training with us.
Joe Polish: Let’s talk about Mike Tyson. Because I think that strength here offers … That would explain a lot, I think.
Dr. John Jaquish: One of the biggest problems in the fitness industry is people look to the genetic outliers. They look at guys like Mike Tyson and they’re like, I want to train like Mike Tyson because he’s super strong. So if I train like him, I’ll be just like him. Nah, Todd, can you stand up for a second? Not to put you on the spot or anything. I did not warn Todd I was going to do this to him.
Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know if this is that kind of thing. But I looked at Todd and I’m like, I bet he has the same exact genetic outlier feature that Mike Tyson does, and he does. So here’s the difference. You can sit down. I just wanted everybody to look at you. So the origin of the pectoral is in the middle on the sternum. Everyone’s the same. But the insertion point can be different in less than one percent of the population.
So I stick my arm out here … Sorry, I don’t want to get in your way. But my insertion point is just like where everybody else’s is, it’s the top of the humerus. So as I move my humerus bone towards the midline of my body that shortens this muscle, it shortens the pectoral. This is the contraction of the muscle. However, guys like Todd and Mike Tyson, it’s at the other end of the bone. So they have a lever built inside their body that is made out of the most elastic material on earth, tendon. So basically when they bring a bar down to do a chest press, they’re spring-loaded to push the thing right back up. Basically, they’re doing rubber band training inside their body. So once I realized this and documented everything, ran it by some of the best physiologists in the world, and they’re like, “Yeah, that’s true.”
I found maybe 10 publications. Why aren’t there more? And it’s like, well, it’s not a very exciting thing to study because what are we going to do? Tell everybody that they can’t build muscle? Well, that would actually be nice because how many, just show of hands, how many people do you know that have spent at least five years doing physical training and look exactly the same? No, no, no. Everyone should have their hand up. You guys all know a lot of people like this. Like anybody says, okay, you guys are on your phone. It’s so obvious. When somebody wants to protect this industry, they’re like, “Well, what about this?” It’s like, okay, walk into any gym other than Gold’s Gym in Venice, California. That’s where all the steroid using bodybuilders train. Other than that one gym, you basically walk into any gym and the people that are in there are no different looking than the people at the Pizza Hut.
Now, they might have a slightly better hemoglobin, A1C, they might have slightly better oxygen usage, a better VO2 max a little bit. But basically, it’s kind of fat slobs in both places. So you look at this dynamic and it’s like I’m here saying, “You guys are all wasting your time.” And they’re like, “No, we’re not.” Yeah, you clearly are. So I had to get over the idea that I am not going to offend people. My marketing is I try and be as inflammatory as possible because you get an emotional reaction. " And I have a lot of people who say, “I spent hours writing hateful blog posts about you until I actually read what you wrote. And now it makes perfect sense.”
So that journey has been very weird. And also in medicine, I lucked out. I didn’t cross, like I mentioned, I didn’t cross over any patented drugs. That terapeurotide one, it basically failed because of all the cancer complications. And one of the VPs at Eli Lilly took me out to dinner after I did my presentation at the World Congress on Osteoporosis. And he’s like, “You got a cool thing. This is going to change millions of lives and there’s no side effects to it.” So pharma really didn’t get in my way at all. They were just kind of like, “Cheers, bro, this is awesome.” Now, the medical marketing was very easy because all I had to do was show the evidence and the physicians started sending their patients over. It was as soon as I got the evidence …
Now, before the evidence was together, yeah, they did not want to send their patients over. But as soon as I showed them a couple studies, like that. Every OsteoStrong location was more or less packed. When it comes to fitness, the industry is crazy with people who are just making anything up, or you know, I mean, I’ve seen some Bill Phillips ads that you probably designed and where I look at it and I’m just like, scientifically, this is just the worst thing I’ve ever seen. But sometimes-
Joe Polish: I definitely didn’t design those. No.
Dr. John Jaquish: So oversimplification is another word for wrong. And some of these things … Now, simplification’s good.
Joe Polish: Give an example.
Dr. John Jaquish: When somebody says if it fits your macros, that’s just a crock of stuff. That doesn’t matter. Or hydration, you need eight glasses of water a day. I mean, that’s not really an oversimplification, that’s just a lie. Brought to you by Gatorade, by the way, because that was started with marketing. A lot of these things started with marketing. And even Kellogg’s, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. No, it’s not.
You can eat at any time and you can assimilate whatever nutrients you’re taking in. It does not matter. A lot of days I eat one meal in a day, just at the end of the day. As long as you get the proper nutrients on the day you train, the body’s going to use those building blocks. And on days you don’t train, you don’t even need to eat at all. I know intermittent fasting is hard, but if you think about the fact that what you need to fuel what you’re doing during the day, if you’re having a sedentary day, why not just live on body fat? So you have to look at it like that.
Joe Polish: Can we grab this dude a doughnut real quick?
Dr. John Jaquish: No doughnuts. Also, well, I’m just going to wander.
Joe Polish: No, no, let me say something about marketing too, because like with Bill Phillips, I never wrote sales copy or advertising about what supplement to take, what workouts to do. It was none of that. It was strategic things like multi-sequence mailings, donating money to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. It was the evolution man with Clark Bartram, those things. So I wasn’t involved in giving people exercise advice or writing advertising copy or anything back then. And this was in the late nineties. And the funny thing, though, is that it’s why today I preach so much about ethical use of marketing.
It’s why me and Robert Cialdini, who wrote Influence, are such good friends, because we talk about the ethical use of marketing because hype used ethically is massive enthusiasm for what you’re selling. Hype used unethically is lying, misleading, exaggerating, and that’s what a lot of it is. So that’s why so much of the marketing industry gets a bad rap, deservedly, because there’s a lot of con artists. And I talk about there’s connecting and then-
Dr. John Jaquish: Especially in fitness.
Joe Polish: Oh, totally. No, totally.
Dr. John Jaquish: Especially in fitness.
Joe Polish: And here’s the thing about fitness. I maybe meet one out of a hundred copywriters that write advertising copy for supplements or fitness things that are in good physical shape. It is the funniest thing. I’ve met so many people that have written some of the most successful diet campaigns and they are not at all using or following any of the advice, but they have the ability to weave together words.
Dr. John Jaquish: They look like Grimace from the McDonald’s ads.
Joe Polish: I mean, I know people that have written super successful advertising campaigns that are horribly out of, don’t even exercise at all, not just weightlifting. See, lifting weights is better than people to do nothing at all. So unless you would … I’d love to hear your perspective on that.
Dr. John Jaquish: No, I mean certainly activity is better than no activity. Yeah.
Joe Polish: So that being said, so what is the X3? Let’s talk about this thing.
Dr. John Jaquish: So when I looked at first, I was like, okay, we need to vary the resistance. We need a resistance that changes. So if you’re seven times stronger here than here, what does the actual curve look like? Is it 3.5 in the middle? Turns out it’s more like two. So the curve really does this. So you’re super strong here. You’re sort of less than middle here, and you’re really pathetic here. Pathetic, I mean by comparison to what you are actually capable of.
Joe Polish: Okay. One thing, though, so going back to Mike Tyson, why was Mike Tyson able to just knock people out?
Dr. John Jaquish: Because he had basically a rubber band built in his arm, his style of training, he ducks down really low and gets right up in the face of the opponent. And then he has the ability to hit somebody with full power because he’s got this rubber band right here that just fires his arm up so hard. He has full power when he’s three inches from somebody, but his opponent has no power in that position. And so he gets inside and a couple upper cuts and they’re done.
And his trainer, Cus D’Amato, knew within 30 seconds of watching Mike what that genetic difference was and that Mike actually had the perfect tendon attachment, just like Todd. It’s really rare. I’ve met maybe five people in my life and the other four are in the NFL. That’s why I told Todd, I’m like, “You probably could have been in the NFL, man.” And the funny thing is, guys like Todd, some of these NFL guys, I asked, “What got you interested in just physical activity?” And like, “Oh, I put on 40 pounds of muscle one summer when I was mowing lawns.” And you’re like … This is why nobody should follow genetic outliers. Don’t try and do Arnold’s program. It worked for Arnold because he’s got Arnold’s genetics. And in fact, you sit down with a couple of sports physiologists and analyze what he did, it’s like the worst workout program I’ve ever read. It makes no sense at all.
Some of the things that conflict with each other, some of the things that are really, that’s only good to cause injuries. So don’t look at the genetic outliers. Look at the people who, like me, for example, I wasted 20 years lifting weights, got nothing out of it, and was absolutely convinced that I’ve got to find the genetic difference here. And so I was on that path, but as soon as I developed the bone density devices, it’s like, I got it now. I understand this perfectly. So we need massive variance. So a much lighter weight here and a super heavy weight here. So when I bench press, I have 550 pounds here, but as I lower it, it’s 300 pounds here and at the bottom it’s 175. And so as I’m going through this range of motion, I first go …
By the way, the level of force would be different for everybody. So my wife does not bench press 550 pounds. You might’ve known that already. So I go to fatigue in this position, but I still have capability with a lower weight in the weaker position. So then I do a few reps in that sort of mid range, and then I can’t use that range of motion anymore. And then the last couple of repetitions are just maybe an inch off my chest with 175 pounds. But now I’ve simultaneously taken every possible range of motion to fatigue in one set. This is something you can never do with a weight, ever. And that level of fatigue has a massive response. If you do it correctly, you’ll grow muscle every time. Now, growing muscle is not a matter of just going and doing the same workout again. So I’m sure everybody’s heard the term progressive overload.
So what that means is to get stronger, you have to be dealing with a greater level of total work done in a set every time. If not, you didn’t really do anything. Now, you might maintain your strength by repeating whatever what you did last time. And then one of my problems, even with X3, because the first X3 I came up with was a bar, a set of bands, and a ground plate so the bands can move under your feet freely and you’re not impinging them. Also, you don’t want to step on a band because it only takes seven pounds of lateral force to break an ankle, and we’re dealing with, like in a deadlift, like 700, 800 pounds. So you really don’t want to be standing on the band. You want the band to be free to move underneath your feet.
So pretty simple, pretty elegant. And then I was like, okay, the only thing missing is we need the data. Because so many people might be just five pounds away from creating a total force that will trigger growth, but they don’t know. Every time you work out, you’re basically trying to sprint into a dark room because you don’t really know where you’re going. You don’t really know where that trigger point is to ensure that you will grow. So most people, they might only grow out of 50 or 100 workouts in their life. The rest of the time they’re just repeating what they did or maybe even a little bit less and they’ll never know it. So it’s not every time you work out that you actually trigger growth.
It’s every time you outperform yourself all time, that’s when you trigger growth. That’s the only time you trigger growth. And so my latest version of the product has a total force tracking capability. So it Bluetooth’s to your phone, your phone in front of you, and you guys are going to see this in a couple minutes. I’ll attempt to create a greater amount of force with my biceps than I ever have. But it’s very efficient when you have the measurement. You don’t need to waste your time by just repeating workouts and hoping, oh, I hope I got a greater level of total resistance this time.
Because now you know. And so for example, since developing the data tracking, it’s called the X3 Force Bar, I have worked out this year, now I’m talking about not my whole workout, not my resting time in between exercises or the time I spent drinking water or whatever, because I do this at my office or at home. I’ve only spent 10 hours and 17 minutes working out this calendar year. I have increased my strength by 600%, and I was already big and strong.
Because I had already used the analog X3, and that put on 45 pounds of muscle. In fact, if you saw me on my 40th birthday and you saw me now, you wouldn’t even think it’s the same guy because I was a lot less muscular and I was a lot fatter. And now I get stopped in the grocery store and people are like, “Can I get your autograph?” And I’m like, “Who do you think I am? And they’re like, “I’m pretty sure you’re a fighter.” Or, “I’m pretty sure you’re an NFL player.” That’s a great feeling because everybody wants to feel like that. Some kid called me Thor the other day and I’m like, “I really don’t have the hair for that. But hey, thanks.” And it is like, that feels so good. And I never thought I would ever have that feeling because after living 40 years, it’s like, am I really going to put on a lot of muscle?
So I got way better results than I thought I would get, but it turned out that all the science that I put together, all the arguments, all the mathematics that are in the book, Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, worked exactly like I described it before I had actually even seen it happen.
Joe Polish: What about as you age? So there’s hormone levels that change. Well, the change depends on of course what you ingest, stress level, sleep. I mean, there’s a million factors. There’s injuries. Let’s talk about all of that as it relates to aging. Because what I like about X3 is for one, it’s super portable, it takes no space. You can take it pretty much anywhere. And I recently got a Storyteller Sprinter van, so the CEO of Storyteller, Jeffrey Hunter, just joined Genius Network. And there’s thousands of people, that I didn’t realize this until I went to this big Overland expo, that are, I mean, they’re on the road. Some of them live that way, some of live that way for periods of time. And how do they exercise? A lot of them hike, but they have no strength building thing unless they carry around kettlebells and different sort of stuff or do push-ups and whatnot.
Dr. John Jaquish: My X3 has traveled 600,000 miles with me because it just drops right in a suitcase. I mean, it’s 19 and a half inches long. It’s a bar, a plate, and four bands. That’s it. You can double, you can take the light band and the super heavy one because the light band is kind of an incremental step, so you can add them together and get some more progressive resistance that way. But yeah, I didn’t really develop it for traveling, but it’s like how simple and elegant can I make this so that it’s just right to the point?
You’re going to be as big and as strong as your genetics will allow you, and now you’re on the level playing field in terms of building muscle as any pro athlete that’s absolutely gifted. That’s really what it does. It gives you the gift that the NFL player that didn’t really have to try all that hard for incredible strength. Now of course, at some point they do start training hard and do develop incredibly so, but now we can all do it. Now it’s not just a one percent gifted athlete kind of thing. And I see people all the time, guys in their sixties or seventies are like, “I put on 20 pounds of muscle.” And you hear that and they think it’s great, but my response is, “Do you know anybody that’s your age that’s done that?” And they’re like, “No.” Yeah, right. Neither do I, except for other X3 users. So a lot of the things that are happening when we age, testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy, a lot of guys think that’s going to be like, oh, it’s just like a prescription for steroids.
No. It replaces, people on the internet don’t know what the word replacement means apparently, because it’s replacing what’s supposed to be there. The reason most men over the age of really 35 have low testosterone is really because of some of the processed crap that’s in our diets, all the soy products, and really anything with soy, lectins, oxalates, and vegetables. These are all sort of performance robbing things that damage us from a hormone perspective. And so getting those things out of your diet is super important, but also just optimizing testosterone levels. But there’s more to the story than just testosterone. In fact, anyone, I don’t want to ask, it’s kind of embarrassing, but I’m sure there’s some people in here that are on testosterone replacement therapy. A lot of people don’t really want to talk about it or admit that. So I have testosterone replacement therapy, but I’m at about half the dosage that most people are intentionally.
My doctors want to put me on more, and I take 70 milligrams a week. Most people are at 150. And the reason is I can get more out of that 70 milligrams and have zero side effects. I’ve never had an estrogen moment, because like a lot of people who take testosterone, the nipples start to itch because they’re starting to grow like breast tissue, or they get a ton of acne, or they have all these other complications, high blood pressure. I don’t have those things, and I’m building muscle faster than people who are even chemically enhanced beyond that point. Also, just this is fun cocktail party conversation, most people take about 150 milligrams per week as a replacement dosage. Some of the bodybuilders that have died recently were taking 5,000 milligrams per week.
So if you’re wondering what the difference is, that’s a massive difference. Like Dallas McCarver, 21 year old bodybuilder, died with 57 times the natural amount of testosterone in his body. He died of chronic heart failure. Now ironically, the testosterone did not hurt his health at all. His muscle did. Because the human heart is only designed to pump blood to a certain amount of vascular tissue. In a way, a 300 pound obese person is healthier than a 300 pound steroid using bodybuilder, because the heart can’t pump blood to 300 pounds of vascular tissue. But body fat’s not vascular. It just sits there. It’s storage.
So you’ve got to think, really, what’s the optimum weight for a six foot tall male? It might be 220 pounds or something like that. But then beyond that, it’s actually the muscle that’s giving you cardiac problems. So I always found that interesting. I lecture on that all the time. What you want to do is get your hormones optimized, however that happens. It could be through supplements, it could be through cleaning up your diet. It could be through testosterone replacement. But then the answer is really getting the training right and getting the nutrition right, because you can go so far by doing those two things and you really don’t need to worry about the hormonal side so much.
Joe Polish: Hey, I hope you’re enjoying this video and I want to let you know that I have a new book that’s come out, and if you’d like to get it absolutely free, there’s a link below in the description, or you can wait until the end of this video, or you can simply go to joesfreebook.com and you can get a copy there.
Dr. John Jaquish: Everyone knows who David Goggins is, right? There’s definitely an attitude with people who exercise, or he’s a Navy SEAL, but kind of have to exercise to survive. The whole I’m going to punish myself, I’m going to go through all kinds of pain. That’s great for him because there might’ve been a day where he had a couple of bullets through him and he had to go home anyway, and the enemy’s right behind him. So he’s just got to march. I get that. But you guys will never be in that type of situation, I’m pretty sure. So instead, let’s figure out, let’s strategize a way where we can get the most force through a muscle to trigger growth and not have to spend a ton of time that we don’t need to spend. Everybody here is busy and everybody is looking for the most effective and efficient solution.
So if I can work out ultimately a couple minutes a week and get the kind of results that I’ve had … Now, I couldn’t have grown any faster. Now also, I do want to point out, it’s not everything. The Miami Heat is not allowed to lift weights. They just use X3. So I do the strength programming for those guys, but they still have to do their basketball drills. They still have to do the skill development. They still work on speed and reaction time and all those things, but skill development is really more neurological. It’s not strength.
And so it gives you, this is where it really wins for pro athletes, they do this and it gives them more time and more energy because they’re not so devastated. I mean, now I’m breathing normal, I’m fine, and I did do my bicep training for the whole week. So it gives an athlete more time to focus on the skill development if they need to do that. So if somebody wants to throw a javelin further, they’re spending more time with the javelin and less time in the weight room, and they’re still as strong as possible.
Joe Polish: Yeah. You’re also dealing with ritualization to a degree too. I mean, I like doing yoga simply because more what it does for me mentally than anything.
Dr. John Jaquish: It’s supposed to be that way. You have the right philosophy. People are like, “I do yoga for fitness.” And it’s just like, okay, that’s just such a depressing comment. But all right. Yeah, yoga’s about your mind.
Joe Polish: Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so we have two online. We have one here. So we’ll take, we can only do so many. I mean, I’ll apologize in advance, because of the time that we’re not going to be able to take every question because a bunch of hands just went up, which is good, though. This means you evoke a lot of-
Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Yeah.
Joe Polish: Got it.
Audience Member: I’m curious your thoughts on the ARX machine?
Dr. John Jaquish: So the ARX is awesome. It’s basically this at 50 times the price or more. Yeah, 54 times the price actually. Yeah, I think the ARX is awesome. I’ve met the guys from ARX, in fact. It was just total luck. I was hanging out with Dave Asprey when they were filming some of their video content with the ARX at his Bulletproof lab, and he had a couple of pro athletes come in and try it. And then when they were done, Dave was like, “Hey, you want to try John’s thing?” And he didn’t even say it was variable resistance or anything.
And all the athletes were like, “I’d way rather have this. The ARX is the size of an automobile. I can’t take that anywhere. I can’t afford it.” They’re like, “Where do I get one of those?” So I sent them all on X3, and they’re all on my website now. But the ARX is variable resistance. It’s basically exactly what you just saw. It’s just done with electric motors instead of latex banding.
Joe Polish: Yeah, let’s do the ones online and then we can send. Gina: They just wanted to know, when do we get it? Where do we get it? How much is it?
Joe Polish: Okay. So online they wanted to know just for- Gina: Is there a monthly fee?
Joe Polish: We need microphones. Gina, you should know better. Gina: I do.
Joe Polish: So yeah, where to get it? How to get it. We’ll come back to that if you want, or right now. Gina: Well, yeah.
Joe Polish: How do you get this?
Dr. John Jaquish: Right now the analog bar is available and in the next few weeks we are going to have another shipment of the force bar, what you just saw, the one that Bluetooths to your phone. So for some people, they just don’t like smart devices, like I don’t want something connecting to my phone. And there’s other people where it’s like no matter what you give them, they’re not tech savvy enough to really maintain that. And I find that kind of irritating. My wife’s a perfect example of that. She doesn’t want to horse around with the data and she gets great results anyway because she really pushes herself. Now, I think sometimes you have to push yourself harder because you’re not sure, but you don’t really mind. Yeah.
Dr. John Jaquish: I would say the analog bar is great if you just don’t want to dick around with the technology and you want to do exactly what I did in the most simple, streamlined way. But for me, especially after a couple years and putting on 45 pounds of muscle, it’s like, well, is this it, or can I actually progress? And after developing this, and as soon as I started using it, it was unbelievable. It was like I’m growing like a beginner now.
Joe Polish: What are these selling for now?
Dr. John Jaquish: A thousand dollars.
Joe Polish: For the one with the Bluetooth?
Dr. John Jaquish: And it’s 550 for the one without the Bluetooth.
Joe Polish: Okay, so five-
Audience Member: If I get on the list, whatever, you’ll let us know when it’s going to come out?
Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. That’s right.
Audience Member: What do I do with my old one?
Joe Polish: You are rich already. Are you kidding me? Just give it to a friend. So Daniel? Daniel: So you talk about building muscle, what about getting shredded without mass involved? Is there just different ways of doing it?
Dr. John Jaquish: So a lot of people when they go to just be lean, every once in a while we get, well, we get a lot of people that are like, “All I really want is a six pack.” Okay, well there’s a couple problems with that being a solitary goal. One is when you lose all the weight, you’re going to realize you were not nearly as muscular as you thought, and you’re going to look like Christian Bale in Mechanic, or just frail, like falling apart kind of guy. So you don’t want to look like that. Also, the more muscle you have, the greater a metabolic engine you have to use the energy that you’re taking in with food.
So I mean, I don’t do any abs. The ab work is what I just did. I had to stabilize my body. That builds the muscle. But I have a massive metabolic engine, so it’s easy for me. This is a complaint of my wife. She’ll say, “Why is this so easy for you to drop body fat and it’s so hard for me?” It’s like a giant engine. It’s running all the time, even when I’m sleeping.
Joe Polish: Can you speak to your diet too?
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So this is the other reason people hate me. I really don’t eat carbohydrates. So there’s a meta-analysis that came out this year. So this is new information. The maximum amount of carbohydrates that your body can use for muscle glycogen, which is the primary use of glycogen, is it’s your body weight in kilos times 0.3. So I weigh a hundred kilos, it’s really easy for me. I weigh a hundred kilos. So 30 grams of carbohydrates is all my body can use to replenish all my muscle glycogen. I try and come in under that number because my body will make up the difference with gluconeogenesis, which is the creation of glucose. But that creation of glucose always has an address. It’s demand driven.
So for example, if my brain needs some glucose, my body will make it out of protein, create glucose and send it to my brain. So it cannot be stored as body fat. Also, it cannot feed a cancer cell. And the people who, look at you, the people who have beaten cancer, somewhere in the mix was a limitation on carbohydrates. And also there’s a lot of great research on glycation. You guys should all write that word down. Daniel: You eat mostly all protein?
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, basically steak. That’s it.
Joe Polish: You know what’s very interesting- Daniel: You spoke about that briefly.
Joe Polish: Use the mic. Daniel: I’m sorry. Vegetables.
Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s a great book, I’m going to forget the author’s name, but it’s called Toxic Superfoods.
Audience Member: Sally Norton.
Dr. John Jaquish: Sally Norton, yeah. It’s an amazing, amazing book. She talks about the toxins that are in vegetables now. There’s a lot of things that look like they’re healthy in vegetables, a lot of micronutrients that we might need or not need now. According to the American Medical Association, if you were just to eat whole foods, this is a great question, I want some answers here, if you’re just eating whole foods, no supplements, no powders, no pills or anything, how many calories would you need to take in to get to your recommended daily allowances ascribed by the American Medical Association? Take a guess.
Audience Member: 6,000.
Dr. John Jaquish: 6,000.
Audience Member: 2000.
Dr. John Jaquish: 2000. Anybody else? 27,000 calories you’d need to take in every day to get the vitamins that they tell you you need. Also, this was based on expert opinion, no research, in the 1940s. There is not a recommendation anywhere in medicine compared to what we’re told about vegetables and fruits. So I eat no vegetables at all. So my oxalate levels are really low. I’m predicting within the next 10 years we’re going to pretty much figure out cancer is being caused by lack of sleep and vegetables.
Joe Polish: Yeah. You know the interesting thing, Whitney Jones connected me with a guy who’s … Shh, all you rowdy vegetable loving people. All right, so
Dr. John Jaquish: Howard’s not being disruptive.
Joe Polish: Yeah, exactly. Right. That’s great. You talk just to keep … So I asked him, he is in really great physical shape and he basically said, he goes, “Yeah, with vegetables, there’s a lot of things that they have to do to fight off predators. And so they produce a lot of toxins within them.” Which is so counterintuitive, right?
Dr. John Jaquish: It’s counter what we’ve been told.
Joe Polish: Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Dr. John Jaquish: It is intuitive because you ever try and give a kid some brussels sprouts and they want to fight you to the death? You never find a kid that’s like, “Ew, I don’t want to eat that chicken.” Or, “I don’t want to eat that steak.” They’re like, “Give me more of that.”
Joe Polish: Is Sheila in the room? Okay, so they got her and her partner, we went to the Tim Allen concert. So Tim Allen the comedian. So we go backstage and talk to Tim Allen after the show, and I didn’t realize how vulgar he was. He’s almost as bad as you. I’m totally kidding. So no, he is extraordinarily funny as hell, though.
And he’s just talking about kids endlessly, and he’s like, “And I’m Santa Claus and freaking Buzz Lightyear and I hate kids.” It is a funny thing. Because he does a voiceover. But then he’s like, “Kale.” He goes, “Why the hell?” And this was probably a decade ago. He’s like, why the hell is everyone eating kale? And Dave Asprey’s like, “Kale is toxic.” But again, I don’t know. I don’t know enough about it. But the thing is-
Dr. John Jaquish: I do. It’s toxic.
Joe Polish: So a couple things
Dr. John Jaquish: Garbage.
Joe Polish: I met a couple that were in killer physical shape at Chris Voss’s, this event that Chris Voss was doing. And they were telling me that they were sick for years and they were drinking green smoothies every day, all this sort of stuff. And I was like, so what happened? We literally quit eating vegetables and we just eat predominantly protein. And that was a few years ago, and it was seeing them, though, that struck me. But then I met Jordan Peterson, and so I’m talking to his wife and saying, they’re here in Phoenix, so, “Do you guys need any dinner recommendations?”
She’s like, “Only if you know a place that has good steak.” And I actually told them to go to Tarbell’s. Mark Tarbell is downstairs. And so I gave them Tarbell’s restaurant and I go, “What else do you eat?” Just steak. Like you and Jordan, just steak. And I go, “No fruits?” “Steak.” And I go, “How long have you been eating just steak?” Five years. I’m like, “You’ve eaten no other food items for five years, but steak?” And they’re like, “Yep.” I’m like, “How do you feel?” “Oh great, we have more energy.” I go, “Do you take a lot of supplements?” “No, we just eat steak.” And I’m like, around diet, I’m like, it was the hardest thing for me to comprehend.
Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s only what we’ve been told. It’s not like you feel great when you eat a vegetable or something like that. It’s just we’ve been told for so long. There’s economic reasons for this. So the meat industry, a piece of steak, depending on how vertically integrated the company that’s selling that steak is, they get about three to 12% profit on steak. And that’s from farm to table. However, a box of Triscuits is a 600% margin. So the snack food companies pay for a lot of research that says eating snack foods is really good for you. And so the American Medical Association, especially the American Heart Association, they tell people to eat Cheerios to lower their cholesterol. . That is not true. That’s never been true. But they paid enough to buy off this organization. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the world we live in. And ultimately, does the US government want people to be eating steak? Well, 76% of people’s incomes are controlled by the US government. So if you take Social Security, welfare, I realize they’re completely different, but for the sake of this argument, the budget’s being controlled by the federal government.
So would the federal government rather give somebody who’s on Social Security $20 a day so that they can eat steak and ground beef and pork chops? Or would they rather them eat Oreo cookies and noodles? They’re going to go for the cheaper option, obviously. They can’t afford the other option. So this is what I interviewed Robert F. Kennedy Jr last week, and that’ll be probably put out on my social media next week. The decisions are being made so that people can be fed in a cheap way. And you think 76% of Americans have their income controlled by the government. Government does not want you to know this, and they do anything to keep you from knowing this. I get a lot of censorship on social media, by the way.
Joe Polish: All right, let’s do this one last question, Michael, because for time. Michael: Here’s my quick question. So working at hours, doing the thing a long time, what is your sales pitch to … I get how I’m going to do it to myself, but how do you convince someone that their whole life they’ve been doing, working out hours at a time, and we’re going to do it now in 10 minutes a year, whatever it is. Does that make sense? What is the plan to take somebody, the athlete, D1 guy playing in the NFL right now, how do you get that through their head? I would just love to see with the psychology of this, because they don’t mess with you.
Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. So athletes want to do what’s best. So they’re the easiest people to convince. It’s the sideways hat gym guy. Michael: Got it.
Dr. John Jaquish: That’s the one that has a lot of trouble listening. And if they ask a polite question, I’m like, “Just keep reading the stuff that I post on social media. It’s free.” Michael: So my question, I totally get that. The psychology of the mental thing where someone’s like, it has to be an hour, it has to be an hour, it has to be an hour, it has to be an hour, it has to be an hour. All that conditioning. Have you found a shortcut to get somebody? I’m already sold when you first started talking. So my question is how have you over the years found to recondition the non-athlete, the I don’t want to say average person, but just the room here, thinking they all worked out an hour this morning.
Dr. John Jaquish: So I tell you- Michael: You get my question, correct?
Dr. John Jaquish: I understand your question perfectly. I don’t target gym people. My market is busy professionals. Michael: Effective people.
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Michael: Okay, done.
Dr. John Jaquish: That’s like the sideways hat guy, he may never get it. Also, the thing it’s something like only 10% of the population can understand a new concept. The other 90% just follows along, and they may think it’s like, oh, it’s like it was their idea the whole time. But very few people can understand a new concept. So basically I knew if I was going to change the world, and my plan is to change the world, I want people to ridicule the practice of weight lifting. I want kids to sit there, I’m going to be walking by a park bench in 10 years and see some kids go, “You know people used to lift just like iron weights for fitness? What a bunch of idiots.” That’s my goal. Because if everybody knew what I know, they would never do that and they would feel exactly that way. So ultimately, who do I have to target?
Who’s going to change the world? The smarter people. Also, people with no other options. I think about half of the long haul truckers in this country have an X3 in their cab. I’ve sold tens of thousands of units to long haul truckers, because you ever see a truck stop at a gym? I mean, there’s a few, like five or six, but if you’re driving a truck and that’s your job, you’re going to use X3. So they’re sort of in a space where it doesn’t really matter what they want to do. What can they do? And busy people. I don’t have time to go to a gym or I don’t have time to …
Then you see this and it’s more efficient, then they read the science, and they’re like, I’ll get better results out of that than I will out of going to the Olympic training center. So I’ll just do this. So it is really just a matter of really trying to target people like the people in this room. Also, if you want to join the discussion forum, there’s 35,000 people talking about X3 every day on Facebook. It’s just called the X3 Users Group. It’s like all physicians, lawyers. It’s not gym people.
Joe Polish: So let me say this. So yesterday John said to me, because I asked him to come out as a guest to do an interview and share this, and he’s like, “Are you going to invite me to join this group?” And I’m like, “Well, yeah, sure. You’re invited to join the group.” So he’s literally joining Genius Network. So what I hope is that you all get an X3, you start utilizing it. When you see John at the future meetings, you’ll be able to ask him about stuff and then share this message with people.
If you’re getting results, share the message, read his book. There’s a lot of knowledge there. When you get an X3, there’s also a video program. They’ll walk you through using it. You can see the workouts, so you’re not like, well, what do we do with all this?
Dr. John Jaquish: There’s video programming also on the website.
Audience Member: And I’m going to get his copy of his book.
Joe Polish: Oh yeah, and I’m going to get a copy of his book for everyone. What’s that?
Audience Member: I mean an X3.
Joe Polish: You want me to get in X3 for everyone?
Audience Member: That would be really nice.
Joe Polish: That could be done with enough referrals. So last question I’ll ask you, aside from your own inventions and stuff, what emerging trends, things in health and fitness are you most excited about, if any?
Dr. John Jaquish: I really want to get the message of for the people that need testosterone replacement, low dosage. More is not better. The right amount is best. And so I had a meeting last night with a pharmaceutical company that’s going to help me with this. They’re here. And so the guy almost didn’t understand, what do you mean? Why would you want a low dosage? Because everyone thinks more is better, but it’s not. Also, if you overeat protein, has anybody ever had just a big porterhouse, like a 40 ounce, just stuff themselves, and then you go home and you’re like, why am I covered in sweat? And so you turn the temperature down. I’m looking at you. I can tell you’ve done this many times.
Audience Member: You just looking at me, like, oh yeah, I’ve been there.
Dr. John Jaquish: So this is your body going into what’s called thermogenesis because your body has no mechanism to store protein as body fat. This is why the whole carnivore thing, people get lean and they’re super strong. Your body can’t store protein as fat. So when you have more than you need, you just up your temperature. And that’s how your body gets rid of that excess energy. So that’s another thing. When you get rid of carbohydrates, you’re eating a lot of protein, you really can’t get fat.
Audience Member: I asked you the last question. So my doctor, he’s a buddy, and he’s like, “Dude, I want you eating red meat as much as you can all day.”
Dr. John Jaquish: Smart guy.
Audience Member: And I’m like, well, okay, done. And he’s like, “Don’t worry, you could have shrimp. You could have other stuff. Stay away from potatoes.” But he’s like, “There’s only one protein I like. Every protein snack, every protein bar I’ve ever found is garbage.” And so I get this, I don’t know what it’s called, but he’s like, “I only one type of protein and I don’t want you getting maybe 10% from your shakes.” He’s like, “I want you eating steak and then again, and then steak again at night. Eat steak. But try not to eat right before bed. "
But what are your thoughts on that? And then also the secondary question, this is my last question too, is he said, “Don’t effing worry about counting your calories. Don’t worry about macros. Don’t worry about any of that. Do not count calories.” So literally, I’ve been on the scale for the last three months. I haven’t gained a pound or lost a pound, but I got 12% body fat loss. And he’s like, “Wait till you see.” He’s like, “I wouldn’t be surprised if you weighed 240 and you get down to 10%.” He’s like, we’ll see what your body does, but you’re getting strong and don’t worry about calorie deficiencies because that’s wrong.” He goes, “Don’t worry. Don’t listen to that..” He goes, “It’s the wrong science.” So I want to know supplementation wise, because everyone in here counting their macros and calories and someone’s like, “Are you counting your macros?” I’m like, “No, I don’t really do that.” And I don’t know. There’s a lot of different viewpoints. I just want to hear yours.
Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. So I don’t count anything other than grams of protein. So one gram per pound of body weight, and then that’s it. And I can do that in my head. Basically, a pound of meat is a hundred grams of protein. So I’ve got to eat 240 grams. So 2.4 pounds of steak a day.
Audience Member: It’s all steak. It’s not, excuse me, it’s all steak. It’s not the, no shakes at all? Nothing?
Dr. John Jaquish: I do have a supplement called Fortagen, which helps, now it’s essential amino acids. So it’s sort of the really targeted type of protein that, essential amino acids are basically something you need to survive. They’re protein you need to survive, but you can’t make them yourself, like your body. The other 21 amino acids your body can make, or the balance, but there’s eight that your body cannot make. So that’s the only supplement that I take.
There’s another one that I came out with that lowers the glycemic index of carbohydrates for those people who don’t want to go super low carbohydrate. It’ll take a Snickers bar and it’ll make it digest at the speed of a carrot. So if you just don’t want to give up carbohydrates, which is probably like most people, but you want to make them less likely to be stored as body fat, that supplement’s called Cytronium. And there’s athletes that are taking a bottle a week of that stuff that just lowers the glycemic index of carbohydrates. I don’t need to take that because I just kind of don’t.
Joe Polish: Let me also mention too, because I’m tracking my macros, as are all of us that are part of this physique transformation thing, and with guidance from Whitney Jones and stuff, and here’s why I think it’s valuable. Do I plan on tracking macros from … No, I don’t. What it’s done is it gave me a gauge of what I was putting into my body, and I didn’t realize how much fat I was actually consuming. Because there’s a huge trend lately. Fat is good, fat is good, but that all depends. All of this is contextual. What else are you eating with the fat? That sort of thing.
And Dave Asprey was over at my house last week and I literally made me and him food and he wanted some rice, and I happened to have some rice. Dave loves rice, right? And Dave is kind of the inventor of the butter and coffee sort of thing, Bulletproof coffee, and hanging around Dave and people over the years, too much almond butter, too much peanut butter, too much fat, too many nuts. There’s just a lot of fat, like oils and stuff. And so the macros gave me a really great perspective of what I was putting in my body.
And since I’ve been tracking my macros without doing anything else, digestion, without sounding really gross, dramatically improved. So you don’t know what the hell you put in your body if you’re not, you know, even tracking things. You don’t know. So you don’t have to do this forever. And again, all I care about here, none of this is a religion. I mean, you learn what you learn. I mean, how many of you learned something from this conversation that you had no idea about? It’s just part. In this first introduction, there’s a lot.
When you read his book, you’re going to learn a hell of a lot more. There’s always things to discover. Anything else I didn’t ask you or anything we didn’t talk about that we should have shared?
Dr. John Jaquish: No, I’m actually really impressed with the ground we covered. You got a question, or are we done?
Audience Member: Why steak? Why not chicken or fish or turkey? Why is steak the magic protein?
Dr. John Jaquish: So you need to have a significant amount of fat. So all of your hormones are made of fats, for your nails to grow, for your hair to grow. And that doesn’t really pertain to us, but you need fats. And so chicken is just too lean and it just leaves you very unsatisfied. So fat’s also what satiates you. Protein does a lousy job. Carbohydrates just make you hungrier. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more carbohydrates you want to eat. Where it’s like, how many times have you said, “Well, I’ll just have one slice of pizza,” and then all of a sudden you’ve had them all? Everybody’s had a night like that. Yeah, everyone. So you’ve got to have fat. Now if I do have chicken, I’ll put an excessive amount of butter on it. I might have some cheese with it because that’s got some fat, but it’s just easier to eat steak. And I like steak better anyway.
Audience Member: Is it rib eyes?
Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, rib eye. So a higher fat content.
Joe Polish: We’re going to have a special section just on steak. The next 10 minute. No, I’m kidding. So give her a mic if we could. Here, let me throw this.
Audience Member: I only eat chicken really. And I eat a stick of butter just a day.
Joe Polish: So she prefers chicken, but she washes it down with a stick of butter.
Dr. John Jaquish: I know. In a way, I can see the mixed faces. You guys are very, nobody should play poker for money here.
Audience Member: I was at 12% body fat too.
Dr. John Jaquish: I can just read your emotions right on your faces. So yeah, she got down to 12% body fat, which for a woman, this was for the Miss California contest. And it’s like she did it basically by eating a stick of butter and chicken every day. And she was phenomenal. Her conditioning was, and maintained all her muscle mass because a lot of times, you know, and when anybody’s getting ready for a fitness competition, they usually lose a ton of muscle while they’re dieting down. She didn’t lose any, not an ounce. Yeah, it’s a much different process. And yeah, I mean you kind of have to get down to that level of body fat, you do have to starve yourself a bit. But it wasn’t insurmountable. It wasn’t torture.
Joe Polish: Yep. Awesome, man. This is great.
Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.
Joe Polish: John Jaquish, thank you. I hope you found that video awesome and useful. So if you want to get a free copy of my book, I want you to click here, and if you want to watch some more videos, that’ll be useful and awesome. Click here. Go ahead. You’re over here. Do it now. Come on. Thank you. Watch them.
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