By Unleash your Greatness Within Podcast on November 15, 2023

Weightlifting and Cardio is a WASTE OF TIME with Dr. John Jaquish

​​​​​​Weightlifting and Cardio is a WASTE OF TIME with Dr. John Jaquish

Full Transcript

TJ: Hey there, and welcome to the “Unleash Your Greatness Within” podcast. Today, I have a new success interview for you. It was my privilege to interview Dr. John Jaquish. 

TJ: Okay. This interview was amazing. When you think about health, you think about fitness. You think about nutrition. I tell you what, he shot holes in some of the beliefs that I had, and he shot holes into some of the beliefs that 99% of the, if not more, 99% of the people out there have related to health and fitness and so forth. And he argues that we have it all wrong. And you know what? I ask him some pointed questions in some areas. And you know what? He has research to back it up.

You see, he is the author of this book, and it caught the title, caught my attention, which is “Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: And So Is Cardio”. What? What do you mean? Yeah. You see, he’s the founder and chairman of Jaquish Biomedical. He works with NASA. In fact, they just came out with a new study two weeks ago from NASA where they teamed up and did some research together around some of his concepts and research and so forth.

And you know what else? Tom Brady uses his X3 program and his X3 products. You know what, he’s actually done, Tom Brady’s done some videos on it and so forth. Now, Tom is not endorsing his product or anything. He’s not promoting it or sponsoring it, but you know what? He’s put some videos out where he’s talked about using it. So, maybe Dr. John can’t say it, but I’m gonna say it.

What an amazing interview as I asked him pointed questions and shared a little bit about my story and stories of other people and what we could do differently. And we were real and raw. And you know what? I felt like John didn’t hold anything back. He speaks his mind and he has research to back it up. So, give it a listen and listen all the way through to the end, because, wow, we get into some rich stuff in this interview. Now, if you’re watching this on my YouTube channel, hey, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’d love to have you a part of my family here. And make sure you click that notification bell, so that you’ll be the first to hear when I have a new motivational message or a success interview like this.

And if you’re listening to me, because you went on to iTunes or Apple Podcasts or Spotify or iHeartRadio, hey, listen, I’d love for you to subscribe to those channels as well. I’d love to have you a part of my family. Okay, without any further ado, let’s jump right into this explosive interview. John, welcome to the “Unleash Your Greatness Within” podcast.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, TJ, thanks for having me.

TJ: You bet. I gotta tell you, I got a copy of your book here, and the title obviously caught my attention, wait for it-

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s what it was meant to do.

TJ: Well, and it did. I love the red, by the way. And the physique is amazing, which I want you to get into your personal story, because your physique didn’t start out that way. And I think that’ll be useful to the listeners. “Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio”. And I just, wow, when my staff brought that to my attention, I thought, you know what? This will be a good interview. I think it’ll be useful for people. I think what you’ve done as I’ve gone through your book, is insightful. There’s a lot of information in here that really gives evidence to the points that you make.

​​​​​​TJ: It’s amazing. So,

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

TJ: let’s just get into it, John. Give us a little-

Dr. John Jaquish:  All right, well, that’s my favorite subject. You’re not gonna need to twist my arm.

TJ: Okay, okay. Well, let’s do it. Tell us a little bit of your backstory and let’s go from there. How about that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I got into life sciences, because my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and she didn’t wanna take the medications. And I read the side effects. And so, I developed a medical device to treat her bone loss and made her bones as powerful as that of a 30-year-old woman. And she was in her 70s at the time.

TJ: Oh, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And it’s now out there in franchise clinics called OsteoStrong. There’s 150 clinics in 8 different countries. So, it’s a big company now.

TJ: Oh, well, that’s great. I didn’t realize that. All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it was my first invention, and then it was the data from that, which made me realize that I’m a little hyperbolic in that title, “Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time”. And my two inventions don’t solve all human problems, because I think a lot of people just assume I have that attitude, ‘cause I’m an inventor. No, if you have diverticulitis, no matter what way you exercise, it’s ‘cause you’re eating wrong, you know?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, right. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, yeah. So, that enabled me to get to my next invention, which is X3. And the reason I call it X3 is there is a study that shows that people gained strength and of course then muscular size, a threefold greater than the control group, which was lifting regular weights just by varying the resistance in accordance to biomechanical capacity or so they thought.

Now, my data actually got to maximum biomechanical capacities where I had that only… I was the only one that had that data, because it was out of one of my studies. So, it was in a clinical trial in London at the University of East London. And the hospital was down to the Stratford Village Surgery in London. So, yeah, like when I was doing it, it just became obvious to me like, wow, people are so much more powerful in impact-ready positions. And then-

TJ:  Oh, I get that. And you make that point in the book.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I make it 100 times in the book,

TJ: ‘cause I really wanna nail that in somebody’s head. You can’t… It is so incorrect to be lifting the same weight in all positions.

TJ: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you had carry another person, let’s say out of a burning building, I’m creating a necessity, ‘cause why would you just pick up a random person?

TJ: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You wouldn’t touch your knees to the ground with every step, so you could get a full range to be asinine.

TJ: Ah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It doesn’t make any sense. We’re using the same weight the entire range of motion. We would never do that.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, what if, now, fatigue is great, blood flow is great. Blood flow in one direction is optimal. And not allowing a return to the heart. I could get into that. That might take another hour. That’s a process called hypoxia. But ultimately, what we want is a weight that changes in accordance with our output capacity. And then, by exercising in that manner, we can go to a far deeper level of exhaustion, thereby triggering much more growth.

In that one study, it was three times the growth, but that’s not the truth. The whole X3 thing, is it really three times the growth? People ask me that every day, and I said, no, it’s not. It’s more like 10 times the growth or 20 times.

TJ: Yeah. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, is it really three times greater than what people get on average? Well, what people get on average is zero. And I also make the point in the book. People were very furious when they saw the title of my book. And they really defended the fitness industry. The fitness as a human endeavor is probably the most failed human endeavor.

TJ: You did make that point. I read that. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Like one in six males in the United States have taken or are currently taking anabolic steroids.

TJ: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Do one in six look fit? Absolutely not.

​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: Is it one in 60? How about 1 in 60,000.

Dr. John Jaquish: How many people walking down the street would you be able to identify immediately as just made a muscle, chiseled, lean? You’ve probably seen five people like that in your entire life.

TJ: Yeah, I can think of one right now. I could think of… Right. An NFL football player.

Dr. John Jaquish: Usually not the lineman, the receivers and… The linemen have to be as heavy as possible, so they’ve kind of cut themselves outta that contest. But yeah.

TJ: But I see what you’re saying, because in the times that I used- independent industry that has just failed, would you invest with an investment company that lost 99.9%

​​​​​​TJ: No, no. You wouldn’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: Initial capital. Right.

TJ: So, let’s get into that in just a second. But I will say that I’ve noticed when I’ve gone to the gym, when I used to go to the gym, ‘cause I do a lot at home and I run a lot and so forth. But when I would go, I would go and I would notice over the years, the same people showing up, but not seeing any major changes with… It’s the same people and they would not be-

​​​​​​TJ: It’s totally true. So, with that said, let’s go back to the beginning and tell me, ‘cause you write in the book your personal story. And like I said in the opening, the physique you have here is not what you started off with in life. And so, you wrote

TJ: in the book, “I was scrawny as a kid and I hated it.” And then, you gave some stories in there. Go back to when you were a kid, ‘cause you were not, the physique that you have today is not what you naturally grew up with, if you will. Is that accurate?

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I figured if I got into like a strong guy sport, I would somehow magically become strong. Stupid teenager logic. No, I didn’t belong there. I was skinny. Unfortunately, I had more like a wide receiver type position.

TJ: You said I was six feet tall and extremely lean

TJ: at 140 pounds at the time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. That was my entrance into university.

TJ: And so, you started to go, as soon as you got your driver’s license, you started to go to the gym. You used that driver’s license to get to the gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s the only kid thing. Yeah. So, we’re talking now younger, but I was 140 in high school, and then I was 140 starting college too.

TJ: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And then, I got up to 160, but it was just fat I put on it. I was maybe a little tiny bit stronger. So, a tiny bit of muscle,

​​​​​TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you’re 140 pounds and you hit somebody, you don’t knock ’em over.

TJ: That’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You are 160, maybe.

TJ: Yeah. That’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, my mom really launched me in this direction, because before that, even though I liked science, I was doing relationship management, software sales.

​​​​​​TJ: Okay. Got it. Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Dropbox like 15 years before Dropbox.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: ‘Cause Dropbox’s pretty new. So, what I was working on, what I was doing, it was cool. I liked, it helped a lot of people, but it wasn’t like the first thing I thought when I woke up in the morning.

TJ: I got you. No, that speaks true. ‘Cause a lot of the guests that are on the show or listeners to the show, we talk about unleashing that greatness within, and we talk about finding that inner passion.

​​​​​​TJ: Okay. Help me understand that. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. I’m a medical device inventor, and so I’ve been in that industry, which is why everything I write is not my opinion.

It’s backed… Right, right. And it’s like, if you try and look up all the references in this book, you’ll be disappointed, because there’s 250 plus references in the studies that I referenced, and this is why this is, and here’s the evidence of that. So, it was written by professors at universities that I don’t know.

​​​​​TJ: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: And nobody’s been able to find something that I misquoted,

TJ: So, are you getting a lot of feedback in a negative way? Is that what you’re saying?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, of course. Fitness industry’s full of idiots. It’s full of every guy who has all kinds of personality disorders,

​​​​​​TJ: Mm-hmm.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah, I think it’s the most, there’s the most hate and jealousy, very jealousy-driven. In fact, that’s really all it is.

TJ: A lot of envy and jealousy you would say?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, like when you’re in good shape, they hate you, because they’re not.

TJ: Mm-hmm. Oh.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, they imagine that you cheated and, oh, you use steroids. Like, no, I don’t. Like in fact, if you ever look at a guy who has used steroids and admits it, and then look me, there’s a big difference. Yeah, this is not a steroid user’s body. This is like an maybe an NFL body, but NFL guys are drug-tested like crazy.

TJ:  So, right. So, nor would they, because there’s an argument that you screw up your blood pressure, and then you’re not such a great athlete when you use that. The only sport where performance-enhancing drugs, that’s a broad term, but like most of the testosterone-based stuff, if you have anything beyond a natural level, you’re getting some other disadvantages in your sport.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

TJ: You say here in the book, before you get into the X3 prototype, you talk about how you were 190 pounds, 20% body fat, the first-

​​​​​TJ: By the end of the first year of your prototype of your X3 prototype, you were 205 pounds, but 11% body fat. So, the body fat went down.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

TJ: By the end of year two, you were 220 pounds and only 9% body fat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

TJ: Unbelievable. And so, did that include, help the audience understand, because they’re probably driving in their car or what have you. And so, what was the shift? Help us understand X3 and what was the shift that changed, helped change your body?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, just first, it was just the understanding, the weight lifting, putting the same weight on all positions is just non-intelligent, shouldn’t be done.

TJ: Okay. Question for you, real quick. Question for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

TJ: Dumbbells or barbells? You say don’t be using dumbbells. I’m maybe misquoting you. Don’t be using dumbbells, you use barbells. Is that accurate?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, when it comes to extremities, the human body is good at recruiting more muscle when you use both arms. Because in reality, if you were gonna lift something heavy, would you just use one hand?

TJ: No, no, you wouldn’t naturally. No.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. You would never do that.

TJ: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you had two heavy things, you’d probably grab one, and then grab the other one.

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: You wouldn’t try like, carry ’em both.

TJ: Ah.

Dr. John Jaquish: at a time. So, when I train legs, I do split squats. So, all my weight on one leg. The other is I’m on my back toe just for balance, and then driving with one leg. And also keep in mind, how well can you do driving all of your body’s resources to one quadricep and one glute over two quadriceps and two glutes? Do you think your body can do more with twice the resources in the same given period of time? Of course it can.

TJ: Hmm.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. You turn on one leg, but you use both arms.

TJ: Got it. That’s a good distinction. I would’ve never thought about that, because in my garage, I have a little fitness area and I have the dumbbells. I have the Life Fitness or whatever it is, dumbbells. And I’m thinking, I need to rethink of some of this. So, just something to think about that by reading your book, I became aware of, let me say here, what I love about when I got into some of the X3 in action was this, you said, “As fellow frequent business travelers know all too well, it can be hard to stay on track nutritionally while on the road.

And then, that led me to get into elastic bands.” And then, you had some research in there. You said, “The effects of variable resistance on the maximum strength and power were tested using Division 1 football players. Here, volunteers from Robert Morris University were divided into three groups. One training with elastic bands, another with weighted chains. And the last, using traditional bench press. Each participant did a speed bench press and one repetition maximum test pre and post experiment. After seven weeks, the groups training with elastic bands and weighted chains, the athletes exercising with variable resistance showed greater improvements than the ones working out on conventional weightlifting equipment.”

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Yeah. There’s 16 studies like that. You read from just one.

TJ: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s even one that says, the greater the ratio of variance, like some of those studies that you have X at the bottom and then you have 1.2X at the top.

TJ: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, when we do it, it’s more like X at the bottom and 5X at the top.

TJ: Oh, okay. With your bands, your elastic bands and so forth. They’re not a really elastic bands. Elastic bands are junk. Ours are layered latex, very powerful. So, like when I do a chest press, I’m holding 550 pounds at the top.

TJ: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, like the band thing you get at Walmart-

TJ: It’s totally different than what you have. Okay. Right, right. Those things, they’re meant to look like exercise, but you’re not really doing anything. You might be holding at maximum when the band is stretched, you might be holding 15 pounds.

TJ: Okay. So, if I’m-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not gonna do anything.

TJ: So, I travel a lot for my business. So, if I’m traveling, it makes sense to me, because I do get out of a rhythm when I’m traveling. I always have the choice to go out and run, but if I wanna do some weightlifting, if you will, type stuff, it makes sense that I could carry two or three of the X3, what do you call them? Elastic… What did you call it?

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re bands, but…

TJ: What it’s made up of.

Dr. John Jaquish: We made more powerful band than have ever been seen. And there’ve been a lot of copycats since. So, there are other powerful bands and all, but they’re very expensive.

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, we made these bands, if you try and use this type of banding to just throw around your back and do a pushup, you’ll probably break one or both wrists.

TJ: Oh.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I don’t like the product being referred to as bands. It’s like,

​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: is a tire a car? Are they the same?

TJ: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. They’re not the same.

​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. A tire goes on a car, whereas bands are part of X3, but without the rest of X3, you have jack shit.

TJ: Okay. So, tell me, so-

​​​​​​TJ: So, tell me, give us the overview of X3 then. What does it entail?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s a way to put extremely heavy loads on the body, but safely. So, people can lift with four or five times what they normally lift with, with high repetitions.

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: So, when I say you’re training heavier than you’ve ever trained before, but it’s super safe, well, people are worried about the safe parts. They’re not afraid of training heavy. Heavy is relative. If it’s heavy where you can handle it, well then it’s not so heavy. It just sounds heavy. I say 550 pound bench press, they’re like, well, show me a 500 pound bench press in the gym. Well, but that’s not what I’m doing. It’s 550 here. When I get to here, it’s 300. That’s the middle. So, I’m showing the extended positioning, almost extended 120 degree angle here. And then, when I’m in the middle of the movement, it’s 300 pounds. And when I’m at the bottom of the movement, it’s a 100 pounds.

TJ: Yeah. It makes sense to me. Right, right. You exhaust the muscle in accordance with this output capacity. Anyone that’s done a pushup knows that when your arms are almost extended, pushup is easy. When your nose is right against the ground, the pushup is hard.

TJ: Correct.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. That’s the difference. We have a very different capacity in those positions, and when you train accordingly, muscle will grow quickly.

TJ: Okay, what’s your concept or your response to the old phrase, no pain, no gain?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s so stupid. I haven’t had exercise soreness since I turned 40 and I’ve put on now 60 pounds of muscle.

TJ: Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa. So, you’re saying, really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. I’m close to 240 pounds right now.

TJ: And you’re lean and you look-

TJ: And you haven’t had to kill yourself to get there is what you’re saying?

Dr. John Jaquish: The workouts are hard as hell.

TJ: Okay. Gotcha.

Dr. John Jaquish: I won’t exaggerate. I won’t ever tell anybody this is easy. It’s like anything. But anybody who’s built any sort of physique, I promise you their is not easy. Like incredible efforts. You have to truly go to absolute fatigue to get the results.

TJ: And I think that’s a life skill. I think about the early days of my business and I think about what people don’t see was the sweat and the tears and the worry and the, I’m failing after fail after fail until my first boat came out and everything took off, and everybody sees what they see day.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s more like the grind.If your exercise that you’re being has to do is about a minute long and you only do one set, by the way, never more than one. I really feel that people going into this, I thought people were of a certain intelligence level and of a certain laziness level. It turns out people are far more unintelligent than I thought,

TJ: Mm.

Dr. John Jaquish: or just unwilling to read. Just absolute unwillingness to learn anything. We live in a time where a virus is making decisions for us, or politicians are making decisions based on a virus. So, for good or bad, I’m not gonna debate that, but it is just, I am in awe of how many people let this run their lives, yet they don’t bother to learn anything about it. Completely uninterested in learning about metabolic health, maybe why this disease looks so dangerous. Yet 99.8% of people survive it..

TJ: Yeah. No, those are valid points. And so, we go along with some of the talking points and we don’t dig deeper than it to find out, hey, what are the real facts? And then, make a decision on our own, right?

That’s what I loved about your book, ‘cause I read it, I go, wow, there’s some things I’ve learned and lemme just put it this way, I’ve learned in the past where I thought were truths.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

TJ: And you basically turned it around.

Dr. John Jaquish: Especially in fitness. And as an industry, where do you find the most fitness information? YouTube and Instagram. Videos and pictures. Why? ‘Cause the audience probably is not so good at reading. That’s the level of intelligence we’re dealing with.

TJ: Well, let me just say on that point-

​​​​​TJ: I agree with reading. I gotta tell you, you don’t know this stuff.
TJ: You don’t know this about me, but I didn’t read my first book ’til I was a junior in high school, because I didn’t believe I could read. But when I listened to that tape by Jim Rohn who said, “All leaders are readers,” and I wanted to be a leader one day, I thought, I better work at this. And I did the grind and I figured out, and now I read all the time. But then I remember in the year 2000, I saw a little blurb come up on the news that said in 1950, the average teenager’s vocabulary, in 1950, was 25,000 words. In the year 2000, it had gone down to 15,000 words. And you gotta wonder, what’s the depth of knowledge that is really out there? And I think that there is something said to read. I challenge everybody to become readers.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the younger generation has a willful ignorance. They know they don’t want to learn anything.

TJ: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: And sometimes you can break that barrier by making the information a little more cool.

TJ: Yeah, I can see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Presenting it in video. I think I’ve probably got as much attention with people buying the book as I have with people listening to a video and all of a sudden going, that actually makes incredible sense.

If you’re a logical person and you listen to me present the logic of X3, half the haters will still be like, think guy’s a scam artists. He’s lying about everything. Okay, well, I guess I faked 50 accounts also on Facebook who are talking about how they gained 20 pounds of muscle in six months or less. And by the way, I would’ve had to go back in time, ‘cause some of these accounts are like 20 years old. Like, okay. If you wanna be that ignorant, you can go do it somewhere else, I guess. You’re not gonna do it on my Facebook page.

TJ: Yeah, you have some pretty powerful research in here. Let me say here, I write down, okay, we talked about the strongest people in the world use barbells, but not dumbbells. We talked about that. Okay. I want listeners of your show to know there is 0% in my opinion in that book.

TJ: Mm.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a study right there that you’re probably looking right at the page where it says, you use single extremity upper body work, you deactivate 20% of the potential musculature. So, you just chart yourself a foot. You’re not gonna get any stimulus, because your body doesn’t wanna fire the muscle if you’ve only got one extremity committed. For safety reasons, it doesn’t want you to drop something heavy on your face. The self-preservation. It’s called neural inhibition. Your central nervous system will shut muscles down when you’re doing something that could put you in injury risk. When you’re sprinting and all of a sudden you step in a pothole or something and you become a little unstable, let’s assume you don’t roll your ankle,

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: you slow down big time. Because the nervous system is like, we’re unstable, we’re shutting muscles off, ‘cause we don’t wanna hit the ground at high speed.

​​​Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

TJ: Okay. You say it’s a common misconception that cardio is an effective way to lose body fat. Okay. Talk to me, brother. ‘Cause I think I lean on that a little bit.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, for this research has been out there for 40 years.

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yet nobody in the fitness industry was ever smart enough to explain it well or even probably even attempt to explain it. I find very little evidence of an attempt. The problem with cardiovascular exercise is it’s trying to make you lighter to go long distances. Well, let’s imagine that the central nervous system is like an engineering team and it’s rebuilding you all the time to be optimized for your environment. That’s the only way to communicate with the central nervous system. You put it in a harsh environment and it will adjust things to make you able to deal with that harsh environment.

But if you’re a loser and you sit on the couch all day long, it’s going to start taking structures apart, musculature, bone, tendons and ligaments, because it doesn’t need it.

It’s trying to make you more efficient at being a lazy do-nothing person. So, you gotta look at the environment you’re putting yourself in. And so, when you go great distances with a limited amount of fuel and we all have a limited amount of fuel, right?

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: We don’t have unlimited fuel. So, your body is going to do what the engineering team would do when building an economy car. It’s gonna give you a small engine. So, you’re gonna lose muscle quickly. So, cardio destroys musculature. Now, we also have the research that shows that cardiovascular exercise and strength training provide the same cardiac health, ‘cause that’s what we’re concerned with, health. Running marathons and health are two very different subjects.

TJ: True. I remember Bernie Siegel who wrote the book, “Love, Medicine and Miracles”, pointed that out. He says, “I sit across from my hospital desk, again, maybe across from me as a 300 pound person overweight, who is dying roughly at the same,” this is what he said and I’m generally speaking, “at the same rate as the person that runs five marathons a year.”

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

TJ: And I always thought, wow, really?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve actually met him. I’ve never read his book, but I’ve met him.

TJ: Have you? Really eccentric guy, but I thought, wow. When I listened to him speak one time, I was like, wow, this guy’s deep and he’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, he’s thinking about… The problem with healthcare is healthcare is not really healthcare, it’s disease care.

TJ: Ah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Medicine and science comes in way too late when someone’s already dug themselves into a hole.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We need to get out in front of these things. We need to be the healthiest people we can be.

TJ: True.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re taxing income at record rates now, but we used to tax cigarettes to keep people from smoking. Now, we’re taxing income to keep people from working?

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. That’s actually what we’re doing. And coincidentally, there are people who won’t drive for Uber anymore, because they get more money just staying at home and not having an income. Was that helpful for the country? It’s a super no. But anyway. What was the question?

TJ: I don’t know. This is just rich. Hey, John, this is good. You’re feeding me, you’re making… Okay. So, let me…

TJ: Okay, so let me just share with you and you tell me what worked and what I did wrong..

TJ: So, let me share this with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hmm.

TJ: So, about… And I’ll probably show some pictures when we do the postproduction, so that people can see the difference. Because in my earlier years, I was heavier weight and I went to church one day and four of my friends said, “Hey, we’re all a little bit overweight.” We’re all, at that time, we’re about, I don’t know, 39 years old, somewhere in that ballpark. And they said, “Why don’t we start a little group where every month,” well, first of all, we all need to get our weight down. So, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna weigh in together as a group at the first of every month. And if you weighed over the one that weighed the heaviest, ‘cause the goal was to get under 200 pounds for each of us.

Now, we realized years later that trying to get under a specific weight doesn’t work for everyone’s body, because some people in the group were taller than other people and bigger and so forth. So, irregardless of that, our goal initially was to get under 200 pounds. If you did not get under 200 pounds and you were the heaviest person, you had to take everyone else out to dinner plus their spouses. So, there was some pain associated with it. Well, listen, within three months, every one of us got below 200 pounds. And we kept that off for five years.

And then, we thought, you know what, hey, we’re doing good. We don’t need to keep weighing in all the time. We probably developed some good habits, and then we stopped weighing in and checking in with each other. And guess what happened? We started to gain the weight back and so forth. But here was my strategy where I went from 235 pounds and that’s not lean muscle, by the way. So, at the beginning, 235 pounds. I got all the way down to about 195 pounds. My wife said at that weight, I looked a little bit like that was maybe too much weight loss for me in a sense. This is what she said. But my strategy was this. So, tell me if my strategy worked. And so, think about nutrition and think about exercise. This is what I would do. I would eat about 1,100 calories a day

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm.

TJ: and I would run and I run at a 10-minute mile pace. So, we’re talking snail pace just… And by the way, part of that is just meditation for me. So, I just get on this little thing for, and I usually go for about an hour, and then I eat. Now, to eat 1,100 calories a day means you’re eating a lot of natural foods. But what I found was, I made sure at night, when I had, about five o’clock, my strongest meal was some salmon and some broccoli. I made sure I was heavy on the protein and the carbs I would eat were never, because I couldn’t stay within the 1,100 calories. They were never processed food. It was broccoli, it was spinach, it was… And so, all throughout the day, I was eating apples and then vegetables. And then, at night, I would have that strong. And I tell you what, I lost 35 pounds and I kept it off for five years. So, what would you say I messed-

Dr. John Jaquish: A very inefficient approach that got you to your success.

TJ: Okay. Yeah, help me understand.

Dr. John Jaquish: In a lot of what you lost was muscle.

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Because cortisol goes up chronically when you’re in a cardio training program. Each time you do, that goes up for days and days and if you’re running every other day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, you’re eating at a caloric deficit. So, that is associated with some fat loss. But your central nervous system, just from the perspective of exercise, is trying to turn you into a Prius, tiny engine, which means loss of muscle, extra storage. So, cortisol does two things. It gets rid of muscle and it preserves existing body fat.

TJ: Okay. Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: The fat you lost, assuming you lost some, it wasn’t all muscle, was the hardest fat you ever had to lose, because your biochemistry was fighting you the entire time.

TJ: Okay, I get that. What should I have done?

Dr. John Jaquish: It wants you to have a bunch of body fat, because if you’re gonna go distances-

TJ: It needs that fuel. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, burn a couple hundred calories. You need to have that fuel there.

TJ: So, what would you have coached me to do differently? I’m eating natural foods. I’m only eating 1,100 calories, but I felt alive. I was eating a lot of protein, lean protein.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would’ve had you into a strength program, so you would’ve lost weight, but you would’ve looked athletic as opposed to emaciated. And you would feel better, you’d be happier, you’d be much more attractive. Even women with good muscle mass look very feminine.

TJ: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was dealing with somebody this morning on the X3 forum. It’s like, well, I don’t want to do deadlifts, because I don’t wanna build my trapezius muscles up, ‘cause then I’ll look like a man. It’s like the only people that look like men are men.

TJ: Hmm.

Dr. John Jaquish: You just don’t have the genetics for that. Now, some women do take performance-enhancing drugs and do they look like men? Yeah, yeah.

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: They have some masculine qualities, but that’s not natural. So, just forget about it.

TJ: So, you would advise me, stop running, eat healthy, but stop running, and do more resistance training. Is that fair?

Dr. John Jaquish: I would have you use X3, ‘cause then you grow some serious muscle and you’d be at no risk of or very little risk of injury.

TJ: You’ve got my curiosity up. Listen, because here’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: If you stop doing cardio and you do X3 and you eat right, and you gotta get one gram per pound of body weight and protein and there is a much easier way to do that with bacterial fermentation,

TJ: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: you can be lean. I’m at a caloric deficit pretty much every day.

​​​​​​TJ: You do. What time do you eat that meal?

Dr. John Jaquish: Usually five, six o’clock. If it’s up to me, it’d be five o’clock.

TJ: And you don’t take… Do you take any type of protein shake, drink, anything like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so that’s how I do it. And I do that right before, not right before, like yeah, an hour before my meal, so I can make sure it’s through my system. So, I’ll get 200 grams of value in protein through my system. And then, I only have to worry about eating 50 grams, which is, that’s like an eight ounce steak. That’s nothing.

TJ: Do you eat a lot of vegetables or no?

Dr. John Jaquish: None.

TJ: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

TJ: How about fruits?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you think they are.

TJ: How about fruits?

TJ: Wait, say that again?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I put that in the book too, but no fruit, no fruit, no vegetables. No fiber. Fiber is a joke. We never needed it.

TJ: Wait, wait, wait. So, you’re telling me you will not get malnutrition by only eating protein? I was raised to think that if all you did was eat protein, you’re gonna have malnutrition.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, your father’s generation was raised to think that leeches were the best thing to reduce a fever, but that was wrong. So, vegetables, not so great. Yeah. So, I haven’t eaten-

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: I haven’t eaten vegetables or really carbohydrates beyond 80 grams in a sitting when I wanna replenish muscle glycogen. There’s a specific protocol and reason you do that right coinciding with a workout. But I haven’t done that. I’ve just eaten a steak, and then vegetables next to it.

TJ: In years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Like five years. Four years.

TJ: Oh. So, you’ll have a shake, protein shake, plus, and then you’ll have a little eight ounce steak or something, and that’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: It doesn’t even look like a shake, it’s clear. It looks like pink lemonade.

TJ: What is it? What is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Bacterial fermentation. Yeah.

TJ: Is that something you offer, your business offers?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, it’s called Fortagen. Yeah, it’s an adaptation of a cancer treatment to keep… They have initially developed it to keep people from having muscle wasting problems during chemotherapy and radiation. And so, how I worked with some of the original creators to make it anabolic for muscle size growth as opposed to being anticatabolic, had to be a little stronger, quite a bit stronger for my needs.

TJ: Wow. You’re shifting the belief systems here. Wow. That’s amazing. That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish:.Yeah. I would like it, like it would be, everybody would be better off if they got half of their nutrition from this product, ‘cause really what you need is protein. You are made of protein. You’re protein and water. And your body needs to consume other proteins, dismantle them all, and put them back together to be assimilated with a human organism as opposed to an animal organism.

TJ: Wow, wow. Okay. Let’s see, I wrote down here, let me move over here. Okay. Talk about eliminating sugar. I would say historically, that’s my weakness. So, give us

​​​​​​TJ: the sugar low down.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let’s see. I think this morning, the European Medical Congress said that, now they’re not considering exercise here, ‘cause there’s a glycogen absorption

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: element to the human organism that was not acknowledged in this study.

TJ: Mm.

Dr. John Jaquish: But they were saying like, you wanna keep carbohydrates under 25 grams a day to reduce your chances of various types of cancer. Yeah, sugar is gonna be an unbelievable villain in the coming years is really our biggest problem and the cause of what we think the other problems are. But like heart disease, arterial inflammation. So, now, high cholesterol is good for you now. Low-density lipoprotein was the devil. And now, the higher your low-density lipoprotein, the longer you live. So, it’s exactly the opposite that we were taught. So, you can eat all the eggs you want, all the steak you wanna have, all the butter you want, it doesn’t matter.

​​​​​​TJ: So, you write about later in the book, you write about the Atkins diet, if you will, and ketosis, and so forth. Are you suggesting that’s closer to the way you live as more of an Atkins type diet regimen?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, because Atkins at the last minute, he added in all this fruits and vegetables crap.

And he had no evidence showing it was good. He just wanted to fit in. So, he just didn’t have the balls to write it out correctly. He had all the evidence that animal protein is the ultimate food. Now, keep in mind, somebody could follow my program and still be a vegan. They could just do the bacterial fermentation. So, I know vegans are, and I was like, all meat. Well, okay, yeah. All meat of what solid food I ingest, but that’s still way less than anybody else who’s a meat eater. I might only eat eight ounces of Turkey or chicken or fish or steak in a day, which is a hell of a lot less than even somebody who goes to McDonald’s. And I could replace even that protein with Fortagen as well.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I mean, not… You don’t have to to follow the program. I do for documentation reasons, because a lot of people are looking to me for like… And I’m worried. This is a new program I’m describing, because for a while, before Fortagen existed, I would eat one meal a day, three pounds of red meat. That’s it.


Dr. John Jaquish: That was hard for a lot of people to choke down.

TJ: Yeah, I could see that. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: That last half pound of steak, they were not loving it.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even if you’re like the best steakhouse in the world-

Dr. John Jaquish: You feel right, you make yourself ill with something. I have trouble with a lot of sausages even if they’re high quality and there’s no nitrates in them, because I don’t know, I was shopping with my father when I was five or six, and that was ‘cause my mom was back home in Belgium. She’s from Belgium.


Dr. John Jaquish: This is all important to the story, by the way.

TJ: No, this is good. I like this, personal.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, all of a sudden, I was like, I’m hungry, I’m like five..

Dr. John Jaquish: He was like, eh, have some hot dogs. He bought me these two New York style hot dogs and I’ve never had a hot dog with all the stuff on it.

TJ: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, they loaded it.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, my mom was in charge of me. My dad, not really.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, he makes me these hot dogs, puts stuff on. I’m like, okay, this is different. So, I eat them both, ‘cause I’m so hungry. Then, we go to the next store and it was a nice store. I think even wanted to buy something for my mom.

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: more volume came out of me than I could even contain in my body. It just didn’t agree with me until this day.

TJ: I’m with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like have a Bratwurst, I’m like, no, I’m good.

TJ: Yeah, I hear that. Right. You were conditioned in a second

Dr. John Jaquish: How many people have had a bad experience with tequila? A lot.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they’re like, oh, no, I’ll never drink that again.

TJ: Right. Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And it’s just ‘cause of one bad experience. I never had a bad experience with tequila. I can put tequila on the rocks and sip it.

TJ: Hey, one thing you and I have in common, I believe, so correct me if I’m wrong, but we both, I used to work with Tony Robbins, you partnered with Tony Robbins. And so, 20 years ago, I was traveling all over the country giving presentations for him and so forth. And I remember one of the things that he would talk about in our early studies when I was with him is one way, early on when he was 25 years old, to help people overcome smoking, for example, he’d have them smoke a whole pack at once, sometimes two packs, and it would just flood their system. And from then forward, these people wouldn’t want anything to do with a cigarette within an hour. Yeah, it’s amazing. You can do that to your system. You can purposely do it if you want, but.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can almost break your body’s tolerance and you just feel so sick and you’re like, all right.

TJ: And then, you’re anchored, and then it’s over, done. Yeah.

​​​​​​TJ: Okay. I was gonna ask you about low-calorie diets. You mentioned that you’re on a…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so I believe in benefits from fasting.

TJ: Yep, so do I. Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s well-documented. And fasting, if you’re gonna compare calorie deficit versus fasting, fasting’s superior.

No doubt. Like every study, like even some of the animals, the animal studies are great in this case, because you can really force an animal to eat only one thing and only so many calories. You can’t really force a human to do that. It’s against human ethics boards. So, if they wanna go out in the middle of the night when they’re not at the lab and eat two large pizzas and then they just lie and say, I haven’t eaten anything. People do that all the time.

TJ: They do. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s why animal studies are superior in essence-

TJ: Because it’s controlled. It’s controlled.

TJ: Yeah. I see.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So, mice are given the exact same amount of calories, one set of mice throughout the day. The other set of mice only in one sitting.

TJ: Mm.

Dr. John Jaquish: And of course they devoured, they go right through it. So, same calories, both sides. The mice who fasted got more muscular and lost body fat. The mice are the same amount of calories, but ate it throughout the day got fatter and weaker.

TJ: Hmm. We published a book, we have a publishing company, Aylesbury Publishing, and we published a book from Nu Skin, a company, a billion dollar company. And they have some research in there with two monkeys that lived together for 25 years. One monkey I remember from the research that we did, this is going back 2011, but my memory serves me right. Of these two monkeys, one was overweight and bloated, and the other one was lean and thin and the skin looked young and everything. And the one that was bloated and overweight was given as much food as that monkey wanted whenever they wanted it, so forth.

The one that looked great, looked lean and looked younger, and the skin, and when they tested the organs, the organs were functioning just right on target. Because they make the point in the book, it’s called “The Aging Myth”, that’s the title of the book. And they pointed out in the research that being on a calorie-restricted diet, putting your cells on the verge of starvation does more good than damage.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, not chronically. Obviously, you die if you do it forever.

TJ: Fair. Yeah, no, totally. But just limiting the amount of food that we take in and so forth. And then, taking in, like you said, more of the proteins, ‘cause your body’s built on proteins is what I’m hearing from you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm.

TJ: Okay. Well, I think, hey, listen, the fitness industry has a 90, you said a 99% failure rate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. There’s some studies that back that up too. The leanest one percentile of people. 10.9%, 11%, 11%’s sad. That’s not good at all. That’s like barely… Maybe you can see a top abdominal. You can’t see any of the bottom ones, ‘cause you got quite a bit of fat there. And that’s for a male. So, the top 1% is still out of shape. Why are we listening to this industry? They have failed. I would almost say something, maybe the smarter people are the ones who don’t work out at all. I have a really intelligent friend. He is a financial analyst. He writes the algorithms for hedge funds.

Like brilliant dude. And so, he doesn’t work out at all. He’s slim, like not overweight, and he doesn’t have a six pack or anything. And I’ve asked him like, why don’t you work out? Now, this was before I started X3. So, I was working out in a futile manner. And he said, “Because it’s futile.” He says, “All my friends work out, they look the same. They don’t look any different. They don’t look any different than me. They’re slim, no big fat gut or anything, but also no six pack.” He said, “I just don’t see it working.” He says, “I write algorithms, I play the odds. That’s what I do. I play the odds. That’s my whole life.” He was a statistician in naval encryption before he got his master’s at Berkeley, and then went to work writing algorithms for hedge funds.

He just understands statistics. He says, “There’s just no point. Almost everybody who goes into a gym and stays for years and years does jack shit. They look the same, they get no results. And they somehow think that just by beating their head against the wall year after year, all of a sudden, one day, they’re gonna look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not gonna happen.” He says, “I don’t know how it works, but I know they don’t know.”

TJ: So, what advice do you have for those people that are constantly, for years and years, going to the gym and looking the same? What would be your advice to them?

Dr. John Jaquish: Take everything you’ve learned and just emotionally throw it in the trash. Learn something new. Read this book. This will change your life. Yeah. You’ll understand why you’ve never succeeded. It’s crystal clear when you read that book.

TJ: Yeah, and every point that you bring up, and you said it earlier, every point you bring up, you have examples and you have research. You actually have studies, not your own studies, other studies from around the world that point to the efficacy of what you wrote about. And I was thinking, you used in the book, maybe it’s on the back. You used the word efficacy and it made me think about the reason it has a big failure rate is because… I don’t recall where I wrote it down. There’s not enough efficacy. You’re not seeing the results from putting all that energy into something. And if you will change what you’re doing, do it a little bit differently. Get the book. Figure out what you need to shift, and then start applying it. I’m just thinking about as much as I travel, taking some of the X3 bands or whatever that are appropriate for me. And-

Dr. John Jaquish:  Well, you gotta take the whole product, not just the bands, ‘cause they’re worthless by themselves.

TJ: What does that mean? Help the audience who’s listening to this understand.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re so heavy that if you’re try and do an exercise… Well, the reason band training has almost taken off like 20 times for years and years is ‘cause people realize there’s a logic to putting a heavier load on a stronger range and a lighter load on a weaker range. The problem is, if you don’t have a good way to grab a hold of the bar or a way to protect your ankles from being twisted, it only takes seven pounds of force, a lateral force to break an ankle.

TJ: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: But when I do a deadlift, guess how much force is running through my feet? 600 pounds. And if I’m stepping on that band, instead of having a plate to, have the band wrap underneath, I’ll break my ankles.

TJ: Okay, yeah. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t like, yeah. The bands by themselves are worth nothing.

TJ: So, how do people get the full package? Where do they need to go? What website do you have? Lead our audience into where do they need to go to find out more, besides the book. By the way, I’m assuming they can go to anywhere, any bookstores, the books are available.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Go to Amazon.

TJ: Amazon. Go to Amazon. Get the book.

​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: It’s cheapest on Amazon. And there’s also an audio version, which I really feel like people are liking now.

TJ: Yeah, I can imagine.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, people who commute especially.

TJ: Yeah, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: If they got in their car, it’s like, I’ll listen to the book.

TJ: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: And there’s a Kindle version. Well, I’m also finding that people don’t love reading books on their phone.

TJ: Mm. I think I could see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s annoying.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I buy textbooks from Kindle that have a lot of things that I may need to reference. I have a lot of physiology and neurology textbooks in my Kindle, my Kindle app.

TJ: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: But that’s the only… Because it’s like, I just look stuff up. I’m looking to talk about something and I’m like, there’s an aspect of it I really wanna get right. So, I’d rather quote it directly from a medical textbook.

TJ: Yes, right. Falsehood number nine, the anabolic window, the concept behind the anabolic window you say is that there’s a period.

​​​​​TJ: of time right after the workout where the body is more apt to absorb protein and turn it into muscle. Falsehood. You say falsehood.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You grow when you sleep. It doesn’t matter when you get calories. You grow outside of sleep, yes. But the majority of it is when you just shut down for the night, your body has time to go to work and build more cells and replace bad ones, metabolize or-

TJ: Is that why is that why you eat later? You do a dinner meal kind of a thing? Is that why?

Dr. John Jaquish: Doesn’t matter. My one meal would be breakfast. It doesn’t make a difference at all. Because those things, while your body has no ability to store protein, it does have an ability to keep it circulating until it’s gonna use it.

TJ: Okay. Interesting. All right.

TJ: So, what would be your thought beyond… I was thinking this as I was getting things done earlier today. And you basically answered it. I was gonna ask you one meal a day or graze throughout the day? Because those animals that graze throughout the day, quote, unquote, “are the leanest animals on the planet.”

Dr. John Jaquish: That is not true. But they say that. I understand why you’re-

Dr. John Jaquish: Not true. Yeah. First of all, lean animals, like a cheetah’s lean, it eats one meal a week.

TJ: Mm.

Dr. John Jaquish: Definitely not grazing.

​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: Also, let’s look at the brain capacity of predators versus prey. The animals that graze are as stupid as cockroaches. These are the deer that jump in front of my car.

TJ: Yeah. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like literally will leap in front of my car. We have 30, what is it? I think there was like in the early 1900s, there was less than a 100,000 mule deer or whitetail deer in the United States. And I think we have something like 100 million now. ‘Cause we killed all the predators.

TJ: Oh, right. The wolves and so forth.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s why people are being killed by deer all the time, because deer will just jump right in front of your car.

TJ: Yeah. And up here in Washington state, well, they come through our property all the time. And you have to be careful. They’ll run across the street. We just saw two last night run right in front of our car. Yeah, they’re out there.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what’s in animals that have very little fat in their nutrition, they have very little cognitive ability also. So, they’re naturally gravitating towards plants. And I just put something out on Instagram. It maybe my most recent post,

TJ: okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: where I talked about the mental decline of vegans. They lose a lot of cognitive capacities and they become very depressed. And now, of course they all wanna argue with it. And of course they’re super angry while they argue with it. And they’re like, I’m not depressed. Okay. They just prove me right with their protests of, yeah, okay. But if they seem unhinged at times, they are, and it’s because of their nutrition choices. The brain needs fat. The brain matter is most similar to fat tissue. Functions very differently, but it’s biochemical breakdowns are more like fatty tissue than anything else.

TJ: Wow. You got me thinking. You are busting myths all throughout this interview.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, for medical doctors, a lot of times, exercise and nutrition, they don’t see it as what they do. And they may have personal opinions, but they didn’t really study that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, they can apply their ability to read science, which is sometimes limited. Sometimes doctors are better at it. But if they sought to understand exercise and nutrition like I do, they would come to the same conclusions. Any MD that I meet that is well-read in nutrition, they’re not gonna be vegan,

Dr. John Jaquish: they’re gonna be mostly carnivorous. They’re not gonna do cardio. They’re gonna do strength training. So, in fact, we have a huge connection with MDs for the whole company. The whole Jaquish Biomedical company, all the products, physicians are big fans.

TJ: Wow, that’s good. So, I just look at your story and I think here’s a guy who was really lean and really wanted to gain some muscle when you were a kid, because you knew the girls liked the guys with the muscle it seemed like is what you said in the book. And so-

Dr. John Jaquish:  Yeah. That’s even proven as an adult. There’s so many women that are like, oh, I’m really muscular guy. That’s just gross. He’s a narcissist. And then, the same girl that’ll say that, I’ll get up to the, go to the restroom and she’ll be meeting me when I’m coming out and she’s going in and she’s like, give me your number.

TJ: Okay, right. It’s noticeable. But-

​​​​​​TJ: That’s hilarious.

Dr. John Jaquish: The same kind of thing. It’s like they say what they… They say what they want people to hear, so they can be perceived in some sort of better way.

TJ: Seems like there’s a lot of that these days in a myriad

​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: Well, but I realize virtue signaling has always existed.

Dr. John Jaquish: It wasn’t as egregious as it is now.

TJ: Really egregious, for sure.

​​​​​​TJ: No, I’m with you. We don’t need to divide. We don’t need to divide based on skin color and so forth.

Dr. John Jaquish: We should run for office. Like really. Everyone is focused on the differences between them and other people.

​​​​​​Dr. John Jaquish: We have a lot more similarities.

TJ: Yeah, 99% similarities than-

Dr. John Jaquish: The ethnic group of people, I’m pretty sure everybody wants clean water, clean air, good schools, fair police, love your neighbor.

TJ: Yeah. Love your neighbor’s a huge one.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s really weird. It’s really weird. Like you listen to CNN and it’s like all races hate each other and are ready to murder each other at every moment. And you’re like, wow, God, the world’s a terrible place. And then, you go walk down the street and everybody who looks like they’re from National Geographic, the whole world is like, howdy. I don’t think they wanna murder me.

TJ: I agree with you. In fact, if anyone’s a follower of my podcast, you know I’ve mentioned multiple, multiple times how I’ve traveled the world and it seems like everywhere I’ve ever gone on all four corners of the world, I’ve only found nice people. I know there’s not so nice people, ‘cause I had it happen.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve been everywhere in the world and I’ve never met a group of people that was just like hard to deal with.

TJ: Never. I never have. Yeah.


TJ: and if you’ll just have a positive countenance and you have a smile on your face and you’ll be curious to find out more about their lives and you’re respectful to them, the natural thing is for them to want to be respectful to you. I can only think of one time in my life where I was holding the door for a woman, I’m gonna put out a video soon about this. Where I opened the door for a woman going into a store. And she was about six paces behind me. I’m holding the door open, because I thought I’ll be respectful. I was raised to be a gentleman. I don’t know if that exists anymore, but I was raised to be a gentleman.

So, I open the door, my family’s in the car, they watch the whole thing, ‘cause I just went in for a second. I hold the door, she’s walking in, and all I said was, hey, how are you doing today? And she said, “Don’t talk to me.” I was a little bit dumbfounded. I was like, is she being sarcastic or what? So, anyway, she went through. So, I thought, I’m not just gonna let this go. I don’t wanna be treated like that. Here I did something kind to you, I thought I was doing. So, I said, were you being sarcastic when you said don’t talk to you? And she goes, “Yeah, it’s my prerogative, isn’t it?” And I went, wow. I knew at that point there was probably nothing I could say to bridge a relationship. And so, I let it go. But you know what, that’s the 1/10 of 1% versus the majority. And I wish the world  could see that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The 1/10 of 1% has got to run on social media though, ‘cause it’s because nobody wants ’em around, ‘cause they suck as people.

​​​Dr. John Jaquish: They can spend all their time on the internet judging people and being, what do they call ’em now? Karens?

TJ: Yeah. Yeah, I’ve heard that. So, let’s delay it. So, as a message to everyone listening, let’s delay our judgment. Let’s look for the good. Let’s be quick to forgive. Let’s go to work to be productive.

​​​​​TJ: 100%.

Dr. John Jaquish: You just bother not to find out what it is, ‘cause you’re busy. Well, that doesn’t mean you should assume that they’re bad people.

​​​TJ: Trust first. Right. Look for the good first. Okay. Listen, John, Dr. John, it was great to have you on the “Unleash Your Greatness Within” podcast. I tell you what, this is really enlightening to me to see maybe some beliefs that I had around fitness, around cardio, around how I’m eating, and so forth. I’m gonna take it into serious consideration going forward. So, how can people get the X3 product? Is there a website that they can go to to find out more about you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. It’s That’s the product website. If they wanna connect with me or find out more about me or links to everything, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, just go to the website,, D-O-C-T-O-R and the letter J, .com.

TJ: Awesome. Okay. We’ll put that link up here, so everyone can see it. And I hope they go search you out and find out other information that you have shared, ‘cause I’m sure there’s a lot out there. So, anyway.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. The bone health stuff, the information is there. The superior… There’s like two big sections, three big sections. There’s bone health, then there’s superior exercise, and superior nutrition. And my solution’s really simple. I probably have the cheapest home gym product that’s ever been out. And it’s coincidentally more effective than having access to the Olympic Training Center, and then the superior nutrition. It’s just bacteria fermentation. It’s one supplement. If you’re gonna deal with anybody in the fitness industry to get results, I’m the cheapest guy and will give you so much more effect than doing anything else.

TJ: I’m going there, I’m going there, I’m gonna get some of it. You’re gonna coach me through it and we’re gonna rock and roll. And the next time you come on the show, I’m gonna look better, I’m gonna look leaner. I feel like I’m sharp, but how do I know I can’t be sharper? I just-

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course. I tell you what, don’t say anything. Don’t say anything at home. Let your wife grab onto your arm and be like, whoa, this is different. This feels strong.

TJ: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you’re your own harshest critic. You could be making gains and if you have a bad haircut or something, you’re like, eh, I look terrible. I don’t know this thing’s working. 

TJ: Mm. It’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

TJ: Okay. Man, it was great to have you on the show. I think you’ve opened my eyes to some things and I hope the listeners take it with an open mind to consider the ideas that you’ve put forward, and then get your book, so that they can read the evidence and the research that backs up the things that you’ve said today.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

TJ: You bet.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right, see you, TJ.

TJ: Hey there. Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed this podcast episode. If you did, could you do me a favor? It would mean the world to me if you could write a simple review or give me a star rating. I would really, and I mean really appreciate it. Thank you in advance. Now, go out there and unleash your greatness within.​​​​​

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