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By Man of War Podcast on July 23, 2021

Myths of Traditional Weight Training | Dr. John Jaquish and Rafa Conde

Myths of Traditional Weight Training | Dr. John Jaquish and Rafa Conde

On episode 147, we uncover an unconventional approach to fitness with our guest Dr. John Jaquish. Debunking several myths and challenging the norm of the fitness industry, Dr. John Jaquish focuses on skeletal strength and short intense workouts.

Full Transcript

Dr. John Jaquish: When you get damaged during a workout, which most people do during a regular weight workout, the protein synthesis that happens just has to do with repairing the muscle. It doesn’t get stronger at all.

Rafa Conde: Welcome to the Man of War Podcast. My name is Rafa Conde, and, of course, I am a man on a mission here to transform you into a modern-day warrior, a stronger husband, father, leader, visionary, a man of action.

Rafa Conde: Listen, my brothers, thank you so much. And I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I am honored and I am humbled to say that we’ve crossed 10 million downloads in just under four years. So, I’m looking back when I first started this podcast, and damn! Can’t believe it’s only been a few years and we are here. It feels like we’ve been around for a decade, but because of your support, because of men like you who want to step up and start living lives that truly embody a warrior spirit, we are where we are and we’re going to continue growing. We’re going to continue pushing this movement forward without a doubt.

Rafa Conde: All right. Listen. If you have not followed us on any other media, any social media out there, go to a man-of-war, right? M-A-N of war with two Rs on Instagram. Also, we are building this YouTube page here, we want to make sure that you click the notifications, that you subscribe. We just started this YouTube page and YouTube channel recently, so we’re thrilled, man. It’s going very well. We’re growing. We know that you got to have tremendous tenacity and perseverance for a channel to build. So, we’re excited about that. We’re going to have this podcast live on Thursdays so you can watch it on YouTube or, of course, you can listen to it on Spotify, Apple, and every other podcast app that you’d listen to, your favorite one.

Rafa Conde: All right. So, in The Men of War Crucible, a lot of you have asked what it is. You’ve seen the buzz. You’ve just been on it and I appreciate that. There’s a lot of powerful videos that have come out, that we’ve seen lives transformed. We’ve seen men operating at different levels. Well, what I want you to do is go to men of war crucible. That’s M-E-N with a forward slash crucible2. All right. This is our newest web page where you can dive in to find out what we are all about.

Rafa Conde: But, remember, this is a by selection program. It is not for everyone. We are booked into January 2022. So, we usually book out six months ahead of time. And we are growing very, very quickly. This Men of War Society, which is the brotherhood where you go into after graduating from The Men of War Crucible. Well, all I can tell you is that you’ll see coming in December what we’re talking about in the gathering.

Rafa Conde: With that said, I encourage you to apply. You may not get selected, but I can tell you this. For those who get selected and you go through the process and you graduate, it’ll be the most transformational experience of your life without a doubt.

Rafa Conde: All right, here we go. Getting into today’s show. We have a very special guest, Dr. John Jaquish. Now, I want you to think about this for a second. This guy is going to go against a lot of things that you believe in, and I’m going to read this out to you exactly, so you get a good feel. He spent years researching and developing improved approaches to health. He is the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical technology, which is now partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. He’s also the inventor of X3, a technology that is proven to develop muscle much faster than conventional weight lifting, all with the lowest risk of injury.

Rafa Conde: Now, listen. This is the deal. When I say this and I mean it. Okay. When I go through this podcast, when I speak to Dr. Jaquish, we’re going to dig deep and we’re going to find out why it is that he believes that weight training sucks. And because this guy’s a strong dude. He’s buff. You’ll see exactly what I mean in a little bit. But man, I mean, the conversation that we’re going to have here is going to be very deep. It’s going to test your limits as far as knowledge, but more importantly, what it’s going to do is going to give you something new to chew on because I’m a believer that you don’t necessarily need two hours every day at the gym.

Rafa Conde: So, I think from a small perspective, as far as time-wise, that’ll be great for guys that are running and CEOs that are doing things th**Dr. John Jaquish:**at don’t have two, three hours to do the gym? All right, guys? I hope you enjoy this conversation. And we’ll see you on the flip side.

Rafa Conde: Dr. John Jaquish, welcome to the Man of War Podcast, my brother. It’s an honor to have you on.

Dr. John Jaquish: Rafa, thanks for having me.

Rafa Conde: So, listen, I have been researching the hell out of you. You are unique and you are a master at your craft. And today, what we’re going to do is we’re going to break it down. We’re going to go deep. We’re a little bit unique in our way and our philosophy because we ask questions that a lot of other podcasts may not want to ask. We want to know what you’re about. We want to know where you come from, where your belief system is, and why we should be implementing what you’re preaching, your beliefs. We’re a group of open-minded podcast listeners that just want to be developing all the time. Constant growth, that’s what we’re about. Learning new things and implementing new things into our lives.

Rafa Conde: All right. So, let’s start from the bottom here. Give us a little bit of an input, a highlight who John Jaquish is.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Well, I got my start in life sciences. I was doing enterprise software sales for a software company after graduating from undergrad and finishing my MBA. And my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. And so, when I looked into what that is and how I could help her, she refused to take the drugs and drugs had a lot of negative side effects associated with them. So, I understood her position and I’ve never been a pro forma person or an anti forma person. I think the FDA has hold clearance for a lot of drugs over the years. So, they all say it’s good. And then all of a sudden, they say it’s bad and they withhold clearance.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, they don’t have a great track record of only recommending healthy things, but there are still some pharmaceuticals that are fantastic and lifesaving. And so, when she said, “I don’t want to take the drugs,” I looked at the side effects and said, “Yeah. Well, all right. I understand that.”

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, what I decided to do was to look at how I could stimulate her body to grow the bone density again. Now, we all grow bone density when we’re kids. And we stopped growing it later. So, really when someone who’s under 30, they have more bone-building than bone loss going on. And then that ratio changes after they turn 30. And then when they hit menopause, there’s an accelerated bone loss. But men have a problem with low bone density. One in three women will have an osteoporotic fracture in their life and one in five men will have them.

Rafa Conde: Hmm. That’s interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah, and you got a 50% chance of death if you have a hip fracture after the age of 50 within one year.

Rafa Conde: Damn! All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. Osteoporosis and the complications with osteoporosis end as many lives as breast cancer. So, this is a huge problem. And the approach I took was just very unorthodox. I decided to look at emulating high impact, which is how children build bone density. Ever run a house with little kids and they’re running around and they sound like elephants just pounding their feet on the floor.

Rafa Conde: Sure, sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: When we become adults, we toe strike when we’re moving fast, when we’re running. We don’t pound our whole foot against the ground. So, they don’t know that they’re doing this, but that builds them bone density. They accept higher levels of an impact than we do as adults. Now, our biomechanics change for a reason, but we want the benefit of impact without the risks of impact.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I developed a series of medical devices that are found at OsteoStrong clinics exclusively, and there are 160 clinics around the world in nine different countries where you can go through this therapy. And the objective is emulating high impact to trigger bone density growth.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, what we do is we get a person in a position where they would naturally absorb high-impact force. In the upper body, this is just easy to show. So, back in the hand in line with the clavicle, 120-degree angle from the upper to lower arm. I can either absorb or produce the greatest amount of force in that position.

Rafa Conde: Gotcha.

Dr. John Jaquish: When the clinical trials were going on for these devices, I was in London. It was a hospital in London that did it, and the research was done through the University of East London.

Dr. John Jaquish: And when I was there, some of the physicians at the hospital were test subjects in the study. And they’re asking me. I can’t do anything like advises them or anything like that, because it would taint the study. So, it was more just like a social thing, like, “Oh, hi. How are you?”

Dr. John Jaquish: And they said, “Just out of curiosity, what do people do when they lift weights? What kind of weights do they handle, because we’re handling so much force. Some of these women had never exercised in their life and they’re holding six, seven, eight, nine times their body weight on their hip joint.” So, they’re compressing the hip joint and pushing with their feet in a sort of a leg press type movement, but the actual movement is only about an inch or two and the movement does not come from the machine. The movement comes from the compression of bone.

**Dr. John Jaquish:**So your bone compresses. Most people don’t know that.

Rafa Conde: Wow! Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it is pliable. And so, they compress the bone, and then that triggers the bone to grow because all the distortions within the bone matrix are seen as an irritant. Then the body responds by pulling in more minerals and building more little walls within the bone that increases the density, as opposed to the porosity of the bone.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, in this process, I saw these high levels of force being used. And somebody asked about the comparison. And I said, “I don’t know, but I can compare it,” because the National Institute of Health maintains a database called the NA Database. It’s an acronym for something I’m not recalling right now. I’ll butcher it. But the NA Database is 20,000 people that they have all kinds of health metrics on, percentage of body fat, what they lift, what they eat, what they do, medications they take.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, this is supposed to be the biggest database so that other studies can use that as reference points, not necessarily as to this is what healthy people do, this is what people do. We got a problem where often we compare things to normative data to what the average is, but if the average person is overweight, then do we care what the average is? So, that’s one of those problems with the database.

Rafa Conde: Makes sense. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, when I looked at that database when it comes to strength production, which has nothing to do with body fat, which I like because that factor is completely screwed up, especially for our country.

Dr. John Jaquish: What it showed was that humans are seven times stronger in the impact-ready range of motion than they are in the weaker range of motion. And so, I thought, “Wow! If we’re seven times stronger,” in that position I just showed you, “And then sort of the impact ready 120-degree angle of joints, we shouldn’t lift weights. Weight lifting is a terrible idea because it’s the same force through the entire movement.”

Dr. John Jaquish: So what we need is a weight that changes as we move, which takes everybody, as soon as I say that, they’re like, “Oh, like band training.” Yes, but a lot heavier than band training. Band training’s been around for a long time and it never took off. And the reason is you’re either using such a weak force with the band that it’s not going to stimulate any growth or the force gets high enough that you’re going to twist your joints. So, somebody throws a band behind their back and they go to do a push-up and the hands are twisting like this. And so, that creates either joint discomfort or you could break your wrist or your ankle, which will slow down in your training.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I thought, “Okay. Band training is not it. And so it needs to be something else. So what?” Bands can create variable resistance, and we want to vary the resistance, but it needed to be bands that nobody’s ever seen before, like really powerful banding.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then, I needed to come up with an Olympic bar that could manage the banded force and another ground to stand on so that the banding can move freely underneath the plate while somebody standing on it wouldn’t twist their ankles. It takes seven pounds of lateral force to break the ankle. And we have people deadlifting with 700 pounds.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, that plate is extraordinarily needed. So, that was what I designed and it’s what I was granted patents on. I have 16 different patents in 37 different countries. So, yeah, it was exciting when putting this together and I attacked the problem hard and launched. And then I had some science on the website. And before I launched the company, I had taken it to a couple of other fitness manufacturers to see if they wanted to license it and maybe make it their product because I was already busy with bone density technology. And a lot of them said, “Wow! You want to make a scientific presentation to a fitness audience. The problem is fitness people are really stupid.

Dr. John Jaquish: We have this problem with politics, too. Everything needs to be summarized to like half a sentence. And it just so happens that just about everything is more complicated than that. So these meme people are just, the advice is stupid by definition. Over-simplification is another word for wrong and a lot of people don’t understand that.

Dr. John Jaquish: And also, when you go to apply science in your life, whether it’s nutritional or exercise science, you need to understand the underlying principles. Otherwise, if there’s an adjustment made for convenience or scheduling or whatever, if you don’t understand the underlying principles, you’re just going to screw something up. So, then I realize I needed to give everybody the maximum amount of information.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I wrote the book Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want and that’s now a Wall Street Journal bestseller and we sold a hundred thousand copies. It’s awesome. And that’s kind of the everything. This is everything you want to know. And we cover nutrition in there and I have a very different approach to nutrition.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, basically my life is like this. I workout for 10 minutes a day. I eat one meal a day. I drink no fluids during the day, nothing, so I’m dry fasting. And I only take one supplement. So, I spent hardly any money on my fitness because I see people buying all kinds of supplements that don’t do anything. And I just shake my head like, “Man! The answer is within the human body.” It’s not like if you find some mystical chemical from the Himalayas. “That’s where growth is coming from.” No. People have been growing muscle all over the world. They didn’t have access to anything special, basically meat and organ meat. That’s it. It’s what people had.

Rafa Conde: All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And everywhere you go where people were strong, that’s what you’ll find, A.

Rafa Conde: I got you. So, let me back up here so we don’t just kind of gaze through this. So, your day, when it comes to fitness and diet, just to break this down, you workout for about 10 minutes, and you have some type of fasting routine. Is that how you’re working it?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Rafa Conde: How many hours do you go fasting?

Dr. John Jaquish: 20 hours dry fasting.

Rafa Conde: Okay. So, you’re no liquids, nothing basically for 20 hours every day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Correct.

Rafa Conde: So, what’s your timeframe to eat? What time, during the evening I’m assuming or …

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, about 4:00, I’ll start to rehydrate. I’ll train. I’ll do my 10-minute workout and … Wow! Train! You don’t want to call it that. I mean, it’s a very hard workout, by the way. I don’t say that what I do is easy. It’s not easy. And that’s why it’s effective. So, hydrate. I do my workout. I do some stretching after my workout, never before, after. You stretch before a workout, you shut muscles off. So, never do that.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then, I have my one meal and then my hydration includes that supplement. It’s called Fortagen. And it’s a really, really potent anabolic protein. It’s the most potent anabolic protein that’s ever been created. And then, I have a meal, which is maybe 50 to a hundred grams of protein, which is maybe just a giant rib-eye steak, like a pound of rib eye or something like that.

Rafa Conde: Damn! So, you’re pounding that down in one sitting?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Rafa Conde: All right. So, as far as hydration, let’s go back on that. I mean, after you go 20 hours without any hydration, I mean, what are you drinking, outside of that protein drink Fortagen or … I don’t … What

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I mix four doses of Fortagen in one liter of water, right when I break the dry fast, and that’s so I can get some hydration for the workout, too. And then consume another liter of water through the course of the next four hours. And then, after dinner was over, maybe a little bit later, but nothing else.

Rafa Conde: And you don’t feel dehydrated at all during the day or …

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a great question, great question. In the beginning, I felt dehydrated, with a dry mouth, whatever. And then as soon as I feel that, I just have a sip of water and see how I felt. And usually, it just kind of went away, but because I’ve been doing this for six months now, my body has become very good at tapping metabolic water, which is the intention of dry fast, health, intention, and many people who do it, do it for religious reasons. But then it’s kind of lame looking at those studies done on Ramadan fasting people because they’re not doing it for weight management or really low body fat.

Rafa Conde: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re doing it for religious reasons. And then when they’re were allowed to eat, it’s like a feast. So, it’s everything. They eat everything. And there’s no laws against or rules against or shame put upon those who eat incredible amounts of sugar in most Muslim countries, which is why they are the most diabetic countries.

Dr. John Jaquish: So they do it for one reason, but it’s a religious reason. It’s not a health reason, but it has a benefit. So, then we now, so I do this dry fasting. I get my protein, but while I’m dry fasted, my body starts tapping into the metabolic water. You only have one kind. That’s fat cells. Everything else has a purpose. Fat just sits there. So you started dehydrating the fat cells, which ultimately destroys them.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, when you lose body fat through caloric restriction or fasting, you don’t destroy the cell. It just shrinks. It just gets smaller, but then that’s why people who are obese, once they start eating a little out of control again, they blow right back up to their previous size.

Rafa Conde: That’s interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s a method of destroying fat cells permanently.

Rafa Conde: I mean, what kind of sustainability can you achieve here? I mean, you’ve been doing this for six months. Is it realistic to do this all year round?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think if you have enough body fat, yeah. And I did. I mean, still, I’m eating a decent meal at the end of the day. So, I’m down to … Last I checked my body fat, it was just over 7%. So what I like to see is either I’m going to maintain 7% and I’ll be very happy because my abs show all the time and that’s nice. That feels good but, so I either get better or see if I can just use it just to maintain the body fat level that I have developed. And I’m still growing muscle, by the way. This whole six months, I’ve been getting bigger, while at a caloric deficit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, people have trouble whenever I say that just because they don’t know the science. Science dictates that you don’t need a caloric surplus to gain muscle. You can be at a caloric deficit and gain muscle. You have to be at a protein surplus. So, these are the things that I came across when deciding what the best diet was and it just made it kind of obvious. It’s all about protein.

Rafa Conde: So, let’s talk a little bit about protein. Two grams of protein per pound of body weight, is that the formula that’s still just one?

Dr. John Jaquish:

Rafa Conde: One. Okay. So, if you’re 200 pounds, 200 grams of protein and even if you stick … A lot of people talk about that when you are taking protein, your body, if it’s more than a certain amount, will not assimilate it. I mean, let’s talk about that. That’s something for me that I’ve always heard, where if you’re taking 50 grams at a time, your body can only assimilate 20 or 30.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not true.

Rafa Conde: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They took a group of football players and had them eat one meal a day or two meals a day. And they had the other group have the same amount of calories, same food but split it into six instead of two. They gained muscle at the same rate.

Rafa Conde: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: The two good meal was just as good as six smaller meals with the same nutrients. So, concluded that you need only 50 grams per meal is that people who take whey protein shakes, which are how many grams of protein? 50.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s like, “Well, I can’t remember the protein gram my meal, but I go to work and I have three of these shakes during the day, then I’m getting all my protein. Now, whey protein is only 18% usable by the body anyway. So, I don’t bother with it.

Rafa Conde: Wow! Okay. That’s strong. All you read out there is whey protein and whey isolates and all this s***. And then it’s like you don’t know.

Rafa Conde: I mean, so let me ask you something. Let’s get down and dirty here. For the person that is going into fitness and says, “You know what?” Let’s just talk a 40-year-old man says, “I want to change my life. I’ve been chubby. I’ve been out of shape. And right now, I just want to take the step in the right direction. Start eating well, start doing a solid exercise plan. What do I need to do here?” What would your first recommendation be right off the bat?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you picked a great age because I started this. So when I was doing the bone density thing only, I was not in shape at all. I was chubby.

Rafa Conde: You’re a beast right now.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, that’s me. Yeah. So, when I was 40, I was not in shape at all. I had been flying 200,000 miles a year. So mostly airport food and just restaurants where I was mostly eating ketogenic, but not counting anything. I was at caloric surplus all the time. I was lifting, but I never really got much out of it. I put on a few pounds when I started lifting and put on a few more when you go through puberty, which has nothing to do with lifting.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I think that’s why people get so brainwashed. It’s like they lifted in high school and that’s the last time they grew. And then they repeat the same workout for the next 30 years and nothing ever happened And they’re like, “Well, it worked when I was in high school.” Right, because you were a child and you went through puberty. It had nothing to do with your workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, and a standard workout, and I can prove this. I do prove it in the book. Standard workouts are just such garbage. And so, when … I lost my place. What was I saying?

Rafa Conde: Well, we talked a little bit about the football players, which blew me away with the fact that you were talking about that the protein, and I love that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Rafa Conde: Yeah. That was amazing because we have such bad information out there that people just don’t get it, man, that you can’t go there and just believe everything. And then we’re talking about-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I got it. Yeah. There’s usually a budget behind a lot of these things that people learn because there’s a product being sold. I mean, I suppose I’m no different. I’m selling a product, too, but the difference with me is I’m giving good information. It’s just factual. So, the whole, “You need a protein shake every couple hours.” Yeah, said the protein company.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, hey. We got researchers getting paid by Kellogg’s and Nabisco trying to convince everybody to go vegan. Well, why would Kellogg’s and Nabisco care about that? Because Kellogg’s and Nabisco know that vegans don’t eat kale. They eat cookies and cake and vegan snacks and processed food because if they don’t eat processed foods, raw vegetables don’t have enough caloric density to keep them alive. It’s just a fact. Like, “All you eat is kale? You’ll die of malnutrition.” There are not enough calories in it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, you’ve got to have processed foods. 39.5% of what vegans eat is highly processed packaged foods sugars. So, that’s where they’re getting the calories from, which of course contributes to diabetes, heart disease. And contrary to popular belief, their all-cause mortality is lower. So, they die younger than meat-eaters.

Dr. John Jaquish: The converse was found by Seventh-day Adventist researchers who have a religious mandate to convert everybody to be vegetarian. So, a lot of biases, and then there are other nutritional organizations, like the Institute of Nutrition and Food or something like that. But it’s just another name for Nabisco. It’s some subsidiary of Nabisco.

Rafa Conde: So, let me ask you something because we’re going to do some real talk here. You got to have balls to be able to come out like this and say it because the reality is that there are probably a gazillion people that are going to disagree with you and you know it. I’m sure you get attacked left and right by people that believe one way or whatever, but you are so steadfast.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are lunatics everywhere.

Rafa Conde: Yeah. So, you’re so steadfast in the way you’re saying a thing and so confident, and not only that but look. With your representation of what you believe in and the fact that you have research and scientific proof to go with that, people got to shake their heads. And for those that are listening to this podcast, man, you know what? Sometimes you got to think outside the box and not everything you think you’ve learned and that you’ve read is necessarily right. Sometimes we’ve got to open our minds a little bit and think outside that box without a doubt.

Rafa Conde: So, for you, I want to know, doc, I mean, in this day and age, where … Look, you have so many different, I guess, for lack of a better word, subject matter experts, you got guys that are telling you that weight lifting, you got to lift it a certain way. You got guys that are going to tell you diet is everything. You got other guys that are going to tell you the way to get ripped is by running and doing excessive cardio for two hours.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, some people are way more stupid than that. There are people on our X3 bar user’s forum that are convinced that the more carbs you eat, the leaner you’ll be. Never has there been a more untrue statement. I can … Here’s a statement for you. Carbs are not a macronutrient. They don’t fit the description. Your body doesn’t need them in any way whatsoever. Doesn’t need them. You can never have carbohydrates for the rest of your life. And you’d be leaner, stronger. Everything would be better. So, why do we consume them? And, of course, they’re upset because everybody wants to hear that they can eat cake and still look great, but it’s just not the case.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Rafa Conde: Right. No, I hear you. How was this affecting you the last six months outside of the physicality, you may be … Let’s talk a little bit about your mentality and how you feel overall. The last six months, a lot of people that go in these fasting hard fasts, say that their mind’s a little bit clearer, they just feel a little bit lighter on their feet. Talk to me about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. One of the things I’ve found most annoying as I was trying to gain muscular size, I put on, depending on hydrated or dehydrated, 60 pounds of muscle since turning 40, which is crazy. Most people don’t put on any muscle past 40 years old. So, I’m in incredible shape right now. 7% body fat, 240 pounds. I lost 16 pounds of body fat. Just the condition I never thought I could get to, especially drug-free.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I look at the whole story here. It’s like, “Okay. I just came up with a bunch of answers to questions that everybody’s had,” but then I kind of back up. You’re asking a mindset perspective. Well, first of all, during the fasting, yes, I have incredible focus. Also, incredible patience and I don’t lose my temper. I used to. Not all … I wasn’t a hothead. I don’t go and shoot up a grocery store. But yeah. I would’ve considered myself kind of a hair-trigger kind of guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: But now, somebody comes into my office and they’re like, “Oh, something got f***-ed up.” I’m like, “Okay. Well, let’s figure that out.” I just never lose it. And so, I think the research is there for mental clarity. And then, when you fast, you’re also burning in fat because it’s your fat. It’s the Krispy Kreme donut you had when you were six years old that you’re burning.

Dr. John Jaquish: LDL cholesterol gets highest when you fast because your body is metabolizing animal fat, your fat. So, this is how part of the reason before the research came out, I knew LDL cholesterol was a false flag for health because it’s like, “Wait a minute. When you eat nothing, that goes through the roof.” So that’s like saying, “Weight loss is causing heart attacks. So we should all get fatter.” I mean, when you say LDL, that’s the bad cholesterol. Yeah. Bull***. It’s the great cholesterol. It sticks to the inside of arteries where there is inflammation and the reason you have inflammation is that you eat candy. So, just quitting the candy or other carbohydrates. Corn’s not a lot better than fruit, whatever.

Rafa Conde: So outside of the meat, okay. Say you’re trying to stay with a low-carb diet. What other things do you eat? Do you eat fish? Do you eat chicken, eggs?

Dr. John Jaquish: All meat, fish, chicken. If I’m in Asia, I’ll eat bugs because they serve them. Yeah. They’re water bugs and worms. I didn’t love them.

Rafa Conde: You don’t feel hungry the rest of the day? I mean, you go, you eat. Your body’s already to the point where, “Hey, this is my time to eat,” and you’re good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, I would say if I’m out with people and we’re at a burger joint. 50/50 whether I peel the bun off and eat it with a fork and knife. Sometimes I just like, “All right, I’ll eat the bun,” but we’re talking like 30 grams of carbohydrates. So, that’s not going to throw me out at ketosis.

Rafa Conde: Well, that’s another question that now you brought up. That’s a good point. So look, the reality here is this. Every man or every one of us has a life. And sometimes you are social with people where you go out to a restaurant and eat and you don’t want to be that dude that sits at the table and says, “Hey, I’m not eating *** because there’s …”

Rafa Conde: How do you work around that? I mean, you said you might eat a bun or whatever. Is it going to f*** you up that much if maybe you do have a bun with your burger or maybe you have some rice with your chicken?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. When you get a little more finely tuned and understand. I can tell what the hydration impact will be, which is a great way to understand carbohydrates. One of the most interesting adventures I have had through my physical growth is I tried to carb load like a bodybuilder. I put on 15 pounds of mass. It’s just water in your muscles. You store more glycogen by carb loading. I mean, I felt like s***, awful feeling. You’d think that there are carbohydrates or some magical super fuel. No, they’re not. They’re a low-grade fuel that you shouldn’t want. Ketones are the better fuel.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. I did this carb-loading experiment so I could show I could put on 15 pounds of hydration inside of muscle in four days. So I did. And I took before and after pictures, and guess what. The before picture looked better because I looked just slim, like cut. It looked kind of lumpy in the other picture, but not everybody cares about aesthetics. But I have enough muscle glycogen to produce incredible forces when I workout. So clearly that’s not my problem. Gluconeogenesis has taken care of everything.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, there are some other carbohydrates. If you want to go through muscle hyperplasia, which is a highly scientific conversation. But I’ll just mention it because, when you want to stretch the casing of the muscle to make room for growth, you only need to do this when you’re extremely advanced because that’s not a limitation for a beginner. So you use carbohydrates as a way to super hydrate the muscle. Then you train, fill it with blood in association with a vasodilator like Viagra and your muscles are filled up and feel like they’re going to explode. And then, you do stretching to the point where it brings tears to your eyes. So, you have that stretch and that stretches the casing of the muscle. And they refer to this as bag theory, like your muscle’s in a bag.

Rafa Conde: Does that give you a harder pump in the muscle? Do you feel like the types of blood gush? Is that why, in my younger years, when I would eat a whole pizza the night before and hit the gym the next day, I was like, “Holy s***!” The best workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s it. Yeah. Right, but it’s kind of fool’s gold because, while it’s a great pump, you didn’t build any muscle. It’s just more water was there.

Rafa Conde: Damn! I got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, is it a good thing? So, before my workout, so I do the hydration. Then, I’ll do 40 grams of glucose. These are the glucose tablets I use. So, it’s just straight glucose because I want no f*** up.

Rafa Conde: Straight glucose before your workout.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. And the pumps are amazing. It goes right into the muscle, continuing to lose body fat. I’m getting leaner all the time.

Rafa Conde: How much do you take of glucose?

Dr. John Jaquish: 40 grams.

Rafa Conde: 40 grams? Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not much. There are four grams a tablet, so 10 tablets.

Rafa Conde: Okay. Interesting. Now, let’s talk about the actual workouts themselves. In such a short period, I imagine you just bust yourself. I mean, I imagine they must be very, very difficult workouts. So let’s talk about them. How do you get to that level where you’re having growth happen?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s a tremendous effort of the body, but it’s not hard to achieve the effect because I think most people don’t, they never really get a workout because they’ve never really had a good spotter. You want to force reps all the time. If you want to trigger growth and you’re just using regular weights, having a good spotter, it’s more of an art than it is a science. But what they’re trying to do is use their judgment and all humans are flawed in their judgment, offload the harder parts of the movement and then load and sometimes hyper load.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, somebody gets to the top of the bench press and instead of helping you lift the bar, I see you guys leaning on the bar and pushing it down, so they have more force going through the musculature and a stronger range of motion.

Dr. John Jaquish: That makes perfect sense because that’s going in line with how our biomechanics are, but somebody pushing or pulling on a bar in assistance while you’re exercising, that’s not scientific. There’s no good way to measure that.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, variable resistance is the superior solution because it’s consistent and can be measured. And it’s the same every time. So, one measurement to the next, one workout to the next, if you’re documenting the workout, it means something. When you have a spotter, really nothing means anything because you don’t know what you did and neither does he or her.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, we just get a lot more efficiency with those workouts. But, when you know it’s going to be a 10-minute workout, you can call upon much more intensity. If you know you’re going to have to do five sets of exercise, you’re not going to go all out the first one, because you know you’re going to have to do more.

Dr. John Jaquish: But if you know you don’t have to do more and that’s it, that’s your one chance to simulate. You can have a mental focus that is far beyond what it could ever be in weight training.

Rafa Conde: Makes sense. Makes sense.

Dr. John Jaquish: And also, when you weight train, you pick the weight that you can handle in the weakest range of motion. So, it’s a low weight. No matter what people are doing in weight training, the weight is lower than what they’re capable of. One-seventh, it’s a seven-to-one ratio difference for a one-rep. After all,300-pound maximum is what you can handle on your strong range versus weak range. So, we know that. It’s just like you wouldn’t train with a static weight.

Rafa Conde: Wow! So, let’s talk about the exercises that you do. I mean, how do you work your chest out, for example? I mean, what angle? Typically, you think of lying on a bench or doing curls or, excuse me, dumbbell presses, or doing a regular bench presses. How do you achieve that?

Dr. John Jaquish: So what we do is, so here’s the bar. I’m going to hold it in front of me. And the band is going to go around the hook and then around my back, and I’m pressing out this way. And when I do this, typically I’m holding 550 pounds here, 300 pounds, not in the middle, but sort of top middle, and then it’s about a hundred pounds at the bottom. And so, I go through repetitions until I cannot any longer get to the top. Then I do a diminishing range. So, I do 300-pound repetitions until I can’t get there anymore. And then the last couple of repetitions are just off my chest.

Rafa Conde: Interesting. Interesting. Okay. So, it’s an entire structure and method.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Rafa Conde: Cool. I like that. Just what is the name of that? What are the name of that bar and the kit that you sell on the entire …

Dr. John Jaquish: is where you find it.

Rafa Conde:, I’m going to be ordering that right after this. This is good. I mean, and I’m going to bring it to you guys because I’m going to talk about it and I’m going to review it in person. I want to be able to … Do we have videos that we can follow, say, on YouTube or anything? Do you have any thoughts on that?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. We have a whole video program, tells you everything you need to do over the first 12 weeks.

Rafa Conde: Very cool. Very cool. I’m going to do that. All right. So let’s talk a little bit about your college career as a coach. Let’s get into that. Talk to me a little bit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. I never coached anybody, but …

Rafa Conde: Let’s talk about your college days.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Sure. Yeah. In undergrad, I played rugby. So, I looked at human movement differently, I think. Well, I did because of the osteopetrosis device, which was still a thing when … I mean, I was still playing rugby when I was coming up with it. But the strength training that I was doing. I was getting nothing out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then in high school, I did wrestling, swimming, and track. In wrestling, I saw how the human body can be conditioned, what it can be ready for. You can make your body a complete weapon. You can be so physically dominant of another person, your height, weight, and gender. And wrestling conditioning was 10 times harder than division one rugby training.

Rafa Conde: Really? Damn! That’s tough.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Oh, yeah. High school wrestling was so … And we weren’t even in a competitive league or anything like that. It was just the conditioning, just getting to be able to sustain, managing the bodyweight of a person to keep them from pinning you until you can find your opportunity to pin them, going for 10 minutes. 10 minutes, all-out contractions, two people trying to force the other one to yield. It’s the most exhausting thing you could ever imagine. And then, you feel like there’s just acid in every muscle in your body because you’re so sore and you’ve got to keep going. For mental fortitude, I mean, I don’t have any kids yet, but if I ever have a son I’m going to want him to do wrestling because you are just indestructible when you wrestle.

Rafa Conde: Awesome!

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I learned a lot from that and I learned a lot about dry fasting in that time, they just call it cutting weight, but we would dehydrate ourselves.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that was the only time in high school wrestling. And then I followed collegiate wrestling, but I went to Sacramento State and they didn’t have a wrestling team there, which is why I went out for rugby. But what was interesting is that most performance athletes aren’t lean. You see very lean bodybuilders that are very lean, but that’s more like a beauty contest. They show up with a look. They don’t have to fight each other or anything.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, and they don’t have to perform. Some of them cramp and tip over because of dehydration. They can’t even stand up to get out of the stage to show people what they’ve created over these years. So, yeah. I mean, that’s just kind of drag of that sport, but I’m always looking up to athletics as sort of the benchmark.

Dr. John Jaquish: So sprinters by the list of all types of performance athletes, but then there are wrestlers and that’s just a completely different level of conditioning. The gymnast is a little bit, too, but the nutrition and the strength, and the explosiveness all go together. And so, I learned a lot just experience-wise. I wasn’t reading clinical research back then, but you learn about dry fasting. I would dry fast before every match. And I would come into the event 10 pounds heavier than my opponent because I dehydrated by 10 pounds, but the hydration back in. I was a bigger athlete. And so, I had a major advantage.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, that was a thing. And it made me fascinated with what you can do with the human body. Whoever said, “There’s no such thing as super health.” I think it was Arthur Jones that said that. I don’t agree. You can get a low level of body fat and a high level of strength. And then, I think the rest of it’s mental, of being able to push yourself beyond.

Rafa Conde: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: This is why the other people would quit, which is why I’m not going to sort of thing.

Rafa Conde: When you do these exercises and you’re putting in your time and you’re doing the movements and you’re doing your repetitions, are you getting a pump similar to what you would if you went to the gym in that short time?

Dr. John Jaquish: Go way beyond. Way beyond.

Rafa Conde: More? More so?

Dr. John Jaquish: Huge amount. Yeah. Yeah.

Rafa Conde: Okay. All right. So, you’re feeling like that there’s something there. What about soreness and what would you recommend? I mean, when you say … You’re doing this every single day, these workouts, or you’re alternating?

Dr. John Jaquish: I take one day a week off. So, the workouts are six days a a week and then one day.

Rafa Conde: All right. So, what is this whole process where it used to be an old school where you worked out your arms on Monday, you needed to let them rest for four days before working them out again? And the muscle needs time to grow. Talk to me about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: It turns out it’s 36 hours that a muscle needs to grow. Now, the only way that would be longer is if you create muscle damage. Now, the previous myth was that you damage the muscle and it grows back stronger. Not true. Damage and growth are inversely related. So, when you get damage during a workout, which most people do during a regular weight workout, the protein synthesis that happens just has to do with repairing the muscle. It doesn’t get stronger at all.

Rafa Conde: Wow! Damn!

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, if you have a small amount of damage, your body can attenuate the damage and give you a small amount of growth, but it is only when your body is accustomed to what you’re doing that you can only stimulate growth and not have any damage. So soreness is a bad thing.

Rafa Conde: Are you kidding me? Wow!

Dr. John Jaquish: Muscle confusion theory has also been disproven for this reason.

Rafa Conde: S***!

Dr. John Jaquish: Now that we understand muscle damage and growth are inversely related, well, people are always trying to get more sore with their workout by changing things up or whatever.

Rafa Conde: Sure. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I got to mix up my workout to shock the muscles into growth. Just absolute bulls***. That came out of no science. Somebody just made that up. I mean, I guess it sounds good, but it’s just made up and that’s not the way things work.

Rafa Conde: So, Let’s talk about that. This fascinates me. How the f*** does a muscle grow? Imagine we were doing the X3 and we were going out there and working out every day and following a certain protocol and eating right. How does a muscle grow? I mean, obviously by looking in the mirror, I guess you can see, “Hey, the muscles growing,” but what is it truly? I mean, do we need the 36 hours and the rest and the … Let’s talk about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: We need the 36 hours. We need to not give ourselves damage. We need to just stimulate. So what you need to do is show the muscle that it doesn’t have enough muscle. I know that sounds a little strange, but literally, the central nervous system has to see from two different perspectives. One has to do with the fuel load in the cell, which is the sarcoplasm. How much HDP, glycogen, or creatine phosphate is in … Those are the fuels. That’s energy in the cell.

Rafa Conde: Sure. Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: How much energy is stored there? The more energy, the bigger the muscle is, and the more endurance that muscle has. Now, there are two ways to increase momentary strength or explosiveness. One of them has to do with just neurology. So, that’s not growth at all. But powerlifters are always looking to switch on more muscle faster. A pitcher in baseball. Pitchers don’t have to build gigantic pectoral muscles to throw a ball fast. They just need to fire all of the fibers, all of the cells within the pectoral muscle faster than other people, which is why you take somebody with a high bench press and tell them to throw a baseball and they can’t throw it as a pitcher can throw it.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, it’s very skill-specific. So, that has to do with strength, but then the most important type of growth is myofibrillar growth, which is where the cell, the actual mechanical structure gets larger. So, there’s a structural reinforcement and you have to show the body a deficit. You have to fatigue the muscle. I don’t like the word failure. If you take a muscle to failure, because people who don’t exercise, don’t like hearing, “I’m going to fail. I need to fail today.”

Rafa Conde: Sure, sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Most entrepreneurs are like, “I’m going to take that word out of my vocabulary. I’m not failing. I just need to try a different approach or something.” So, the more accurate word is complete fatigue. You need the muscle like I was talking about how the diminishing range, where I do however many repetitions I can do with 500, 550 pounds in the chest press, then 300 pounds. This is all in the same set. And then the range gets so short, I’m only dealing with a hundred pounds, but if I can’t lift a hundred pounds off my chest, and normally I can do 550 for 20 repetitions. How exhausted am I? Spectacularly exhausted, which is why it stimulates spectacular growth.

Rafa Conde: Right. So, are you working out different muscles every day? For example, since we’re giving our muscles 36 hours of rest, are you then kind of using a different program or sequence every other day?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah, exactly. So everything gets 48 hours because that fits well on the calendar. Not like 36.

Rafa Conde: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and throw in a couple of extra hours in there is not a problem. Detraining begins after 11 days. So, people were like, “Oh, I don’t want to lose muscle, so I got to train again.” That’s 11 days so chill out. We’re fine now.

Dr. John Jaquish: You hear this from strangers on the internet. So, we split the body two different ways, pushing muscles one day, pulling the muscles the next day.

Rafa Conde: Gotcha. Gotcha.

Dr. John Jaquish: And that’s a standard exploit. That’s one of the smart things that has been in fitness, it’s one of the only smart things that’s been in fitness for a long time.

Rafa Conde: That’s great. All right. So, let’s finish this up. We’ve got a couple of minutes, but I want to dive deep right now before we go into your mindset. And when I say that is, “Look, for you to get to where you are right now,” as reputable and as knowledgeable and you’re a guy out there that are people that have been in the fitness industry, they listen. They’re starting to listen. And what you’re bringing to the table is something very unique, very different. So, I mean, your mindset right now, where do you want to go, say, here over the next three to five years? What’s your mission? What’s your vision? What is it that you want to have the most impact with?

Dr. John Jaquish: I want to see this variable resistance technology, the bar in the banding, and the ground plate. I want to see that be the standard of exercise around the world.

Rafa Conde: Wow! That’s …

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to stop when I walk by a park and two teenagers are sitting there saying, “God, my dad told me that, in his generation, people were stupid enough to just lift iron weights.”

Rafa Conde: Damn!

Dr. John Jaquish: “And not acknowledging that we have a seven-fold difference in our capacity through the range of motion.” I mean, you say this logically to people and they’re like, “Yeah. That makes perfect sense.” And then you want to throw away their weight training program and they’re like, “Oh, but my weight training program is awesome.” It’s like, “Really? You’ve been doing the same s*** for like five years and you don’t look any different.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I like to point out and I put this right on the back of the book. There’s a paragraph about it right under the endorsement from the-

Rafa Conde: Put that book back up there so our YouTube fans could … There you go. Weight Lifting Is … I love it. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Endorsement by the Miami Heat, they gave up on weights. They only use X3 as well as about 40 other professional athletes around the world. And right underneath that, though, I have this paragraph that’s pointing out fitness is the most failed human endeavor. People are fatter and sicker than ever. We have more gyms. And nobody’s putting these two things together? How many people are truly fit? Well, it turns out the leanest in muscularity plays into body fat very well, because the more muscular you are, the lower your body fat percentage is just offset.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, the leanest 1%, top 1% of men in the United States, 10.6% body fat. That is pathetic, that a 10.6 is maybe you can see your top two abdominals. And also keep in mind, these guys, this counting starts at 18 years of age. So, I’m guessing everybody in the 1% is probably 18, 19 to 20.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, we’re overweight. We’re not getting the body fat levels we should. An impressive level of body fat is 7%. That’s what people should want. That’s what people should be and the fact that the top 1% is that unimpressive. I wonder how many people have an impressive physique and impressive performance. There’s a reason why just about everybody with visible abdominals has a supplement endorsement deal on Instagram because it is rare. Hardly anybody has it. Everybody should have that.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I know people who’ve been working out for five or 10 years. Everybody knows people like this. They work out for five or 10 years and they look no different. They’re still fat.

Rafa Conde: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They still have baby arms and a double chin. And it’s just-

Rafa Conde: Sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: … that’s the fitness industry. It’s just people go. They spend their time. They get no results out of it, but boy are they convinced that they got the right program. And maybe this has to do with people believing they have all the answers or maybe it’s more like a Dunning-Kruger thing. I don’t know if you’re familiar with that.

Rafa Conde: Yeah, of course. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You are?

Rafa Conde: Yeah. That’s a … Look. The way I see this is very simple. I mean, you’re stepping up. You’re bringing something new. I think people should start opening their minds a little bit and start looking at this research. I mean, there’s enough science behind this right now that we need to start trending in the right direction,in and reality I believe that this program will give me and then every other guy out there, especially guys that are working CEOs, guys that are out there in the battlefield.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s really, our market’s not buying it. They’ve discovered it on their own, but we don’t market.

Rafa Conde: Yeah. That’s badass, man. That’s badass.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We’re looking at people who are just like, time is a consideration. And also, people that are smart enough to understand that most people who are lifting weights don’t get s*** out of it. They’re just, they go and they do everything right and they eat the right food and nothing happens.

Rafa Conde: So, let me go back to what I was asking earlier. From a 40-year-old perspective that’s coming into this now. Okay. This guy is a CEO, a business owner, gets up at 5:00 in the morning. He’s the first one in the door but usually goes out, drives 20 minutes to the gym, works out for an hour, comes back. That’s two hours of his morning.

Rafa Conde: Using your program, ordering the X3 program, following your protocols, staying on a good, healthy diet, a low carb diet. I mean, when do you think, for example, a man like this could start seeing changes in the right direction? 60 days, 90 days, 120 days if he’s solid with this?

Dr. John Jaquish: Five days. You’d see a difference in five days.

Rafa Conde: Really?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, for sure. Muscle definition, I mean, unless the person’s obese and they can’t see what’s going on underneath their adipose tissue. If they’re even a little bit lean, they’ll see changes. And that’s what gets people. We have a 30-day return policy. We almost have no returns. Most consumer products have a 30% return rate, especially fitness. Fitness is on the worst end because people are lazy and they realize, “Oh, I didn’t work out. I ordered this and it’s just been sitting in a box. I’ll just ship it back.” That doesn’t happen to us because people will try one time and they’re like, “Oh, yeah. I can do this. This feels great.”

Rafa Conde: Very good. All right. Where can they order this and where can they go, because you have a-

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. So-

Rafa Conde: Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: People who have listened to this and they’re like, “That’s the way I’m going to do it. I’m just going to sprint into this, go to, and order the product, the Elite Band, which is the band that about half of the NFL players we work with cannot use. That’s how powerful it is. You might not need that right away. You probably will need it later. People get very strong. I don’t care what age you are. You’re going to be able to get there, but you might not need it on day one.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, if you’re not top 5% in strength everywhere you go, then you can probably skip that one for now. And so, guys, $550 is the cheapest home gym solution and works better than anything else in the market. It’ll grow more muscle faster, make you leaner faster.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then when you’re done using it, you can put it in a drawer. You don’t have to lose your garage or your guest bedroom because people put a gym in their house, a power rack in their garage, and then they have to park outside. You don’t have to do that with this.

Rafa Conde: Awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: So. Its is where you find it.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Rafa Conde: All right. Where would they follow you, say, on Instagram and Facebook and those social media sites?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. I created a landing page just because people had so much trouble spelling my last name. So it’s, D-O-C-T-O-R, and the letter j dot com.

Rafa Conde: Okay. Got it. All right. So, it’s doctorj dot … We’ll have all that on the finishing notes here, on the show notes with links to the X3 bar and the bands and his book. And, of course, if you want to follow him on all social media sites, we’ll send you to … Do you have links from the landing page or social?

Dr. John Jaquish: The landing page, YouTube, Facebook.

Rafa Conde: Perfect. Perfect.

Dr. John Jaquish: I use Instagram the most. I give a lot of advice. Every day, there’s some little piece of science that I like showing people. And these are little excerpts from the book or some of them are just sort of general scientifics or interesting findings, like the Dunning-Kruger study. I think everybody should know about that. Yeah. Basically, for listeners, it means that the dumbest people think they’re the smartest people.

Rafa Conde: That’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s very funny.

Rafa Conde: Very true. All right, doc. Listen, it’s been a pleasure having you on. You blew my mind for sure. We’re going to get this episode up and running here over the next week to 10 days because I think a lot of people need to listen to this. They got to watch this. And like I said, I’m going to personally order one. So, he has not sponsored me in any way. There’s nothing here except me going to his site, going to get this. I’m ordering it. I will post a couple of videos of me doing it because I want to do this. I believe now for me in my life, doc, is I need more time than anything else. I just need to have time and an hour and a half, two hours every morning. F***, man. It’s getting tougher and tougher.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m guessing you have kids.

Rafa Conde: Oh, yeah. Kid’s, wife, and I run this organization.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, when you have a family, spending two hours at a gym is like, it’s not even feasible. You can’t do that.

Rafa Conde: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, if you do, I question how self-centered you are. It’s like, you’re failing, man.

Rafa Conde: Without a doubt. Without a doubt.

Dr. John Jaquish: So, yeah. I can do X3 with my fiancé at home. I don’t need to go anywhere. I don’t even worry about her schedule. I know we’re both getting up at home at some point in the evening.

Rafa Conde: Yeah. That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Perfect.

Rafa Conde: All right, doc. Thank you very much for being on, man. I appreciate you. And we’ll have you back on soon.

**Dr. John Jaquish:** Rafa, thanks so much.

Rafa Conde: Thanks, man. All right. Listen. That was a great conversation. I mean, powerful as hell. Okay. I mean, it tested me because I’m like, “Wow!” Weight lifting and the things that I’ve always been trained on, traditional approach to using weights, but he kind of broke it down. He’s a rogue in the industry, but he had some great information.

Rafa Conde: Remember, it’s great to listen to a podcast like this, but if you’re not applying, if you’re not integrating what you learned here into your own life, it’s a waste of time. So I encourage you to go out there, write things down and integrate what we learned here into your life.

Rafa Conde: Remember, give us a follow here on YouTube. Important. We’re building it. We’re doing it for you. We’re bringing you tremendous content right now. We’re doing Tuesdays and Thursdays. And I’m hoping at this point that you guys understand that when we do when we put out content like this, it’s very powerful. We do it from the heart and we’re doing it specifically to help you grow as an individual, as a man, and turn into a man of war, into a warrior-minded individual.

Rafa Conde: Until next time, your life may be challenging and full of dangers but never retreat. Your last battle maybe your greatest victory.


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