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By Super Entrepreneurs Podcast on July 13, 2021

Rediscovering Weightlifting and Staying Fit with Dr. John Jaquish

Rediscovering Weightlifting and Staying Fit with Dr. John Jaquish

In this episode, Dr. John Jaquish, the inventor of the world’s most effective bone-density building medical device, will share his thoughts on keto diets, intermittent fasting, NASA publication, and more. He also explains why weightlifting is a waste of time and provides a powerful solution for staying fit.

Full Transcript

Interviewer: Welcome to Super Entrepreneurs Podcast. Today we have Dr. John Jaquish. How are you?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m great. How are you?

Interviewer: I’m doing amazing. Thank you so much for coming to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, thanks for having me.

Interviewer: Yeah, no problem.

Dr. John Jaquish: Little bit different audience than I normally talk to so it’s-

Interviewer: Yeah, that’s true. That’s true. I’m glad to see everything’s okay, because last time we spoke, you were in the snow in your Lamborghini. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the Lamborghini might be all-wheel drive, but that doesn’t mean it’s for the snow.

Interviewer: It doesn’t mean it’s for the snow. That’s for sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, the tires are more than a foot wide in the back. And for snow, you want a narrow tire that cuts in, so never mind the fact that it’s only about two inches off the ground.

Interviewer: I know, that’s why when I heard that-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m following the road-

Interviewer: Yeah, basically, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, hope you don’t break the front bumper.

Interviewer: Yeah. When we were on the phone, I was like, okay, we got to get off this phone because if it’s slippery and the Lamborghini… Do you know what I mean? I don’t know if it’s going to be safe.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I had to be careful.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I pulled it off once again. I’ve driven in the snow in that thing 20 times. My offices are kind of… They’re right above the snow line, so we get snow here. And so it’s kind of near Lake Tahoe, but…

Interviewer: But did you know it was going to snow that day? No, right? Probably not.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I usually don’t take the Lamborghini out, so…

Interviewer: Yeah, it was a surprise hit.

Interviewer: Well, the first thing I’m excited to talk about is that I’ve seen Tom Brady using your product. So what is that? Can you talk more about that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I can say a lot of professional athletes use the product. 30 of them permitted me to put their picture using the product on the website, That’s my fitness device. I have another medical device-

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Interviewer: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: … which is how I got started. That’s OsteoStrong. But a lot of guys, their brand is just too valuable. For example, NFL players who were the greatest of all time sort of thing, don’t do anything just to be cool. And I get it, their brand is worth millions of dollars, and so they’re going to capitalize on everything. And so certain athletes, and it’s a shame because it’s the ones I want probably the most… But then, of course, a paid endorsement, it’s just not worth much because I want to do it for free. And of course, I would, right?

Interviewer: Yeah, yeah, of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: Who doesn’t want something incredibly valuable for them for free? So I know it’s like anyone who’s going to see that knows that whatever athlete I would be working with would be paid a significant amount of money. So I don’t think that says much. The fact that everybody who uses the product, including, and you see the back of my book, the Miami Heat, the strength coach just gave an endorsement and they never allow their name to be used. NBA teams protect their brand, and they just did that for me for free because they were free.

Interviewer: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I liked the whole endorsement by appreciation sort of thing. Works.

Interviewer: So tell me more about the OsteoStrong. How does it reverse osteoporosis? I don’t want to get into medical stuff, but it’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Are you sure?

Interviewer: It’s a question I want to know about, but not that versed, right, with it. But I’m interested. An audience would be, too.

Dr. John Jaquish: It emulates high impact, so it gives you the benefit of high impact type activity without the risks of high impact. So it compresses a bone. So if this is my humerus right here, this humerus bone, if it gets compressed from end to end, it will grow. The bone density will become more powerful.

Interviewer: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That was my first invention.

Interviewer: That’s amazing. That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

Interviewer: How does it come about? This is stuff that you’ve been researching your entire life or how do you come up with these things?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, this pertains to your audience. This is the kind of question I wanted and I haven’t done a lot of entrepreneurial podcasts. And I think a lot of it is just because I’m a scientist and a lot of entrepreneurs might not be scientists. So they might go, well, you know what? I want to stay away from something that’s a real hard science, but-

Interviewer: Yeah. I’m not afraid. Let’s go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. It doesn’t matter what background you have. And I think sometimes, the biggest thing somebody has going against them is that they believe that they can’t pull something off. And that’s just a lie you’ve told yourself. I know incredibly unsuccessful people that went to the top schools in the country-

Interviewer: Yep, agreed.

Dr. John Jaquish: … incredibly successful people who didn’t go to school at all.

Interviewer: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: So in fact, there’s a fortune 500 CEO that I know who told me recently that he doesn’t hire Ivy League graduates because they come with a huge attitude. They want a huge amount of pay and really, the only thing they have to say for themselves… They kind of don’t do their work, and they’re like, hey, I went to Stanford. =

Interviewer: It’s like, get me a pedestal, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: To say that you went to a good school and your job is to do something.

Interviewer: Yeah, do the work.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you’re not doing the work. Right, right, right. So I’ve seen that before.

Interviewer: Yeah, I agree.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because of where they went, they sort of are above it all. Well, nobody’s above work, so sorry. So I had no science background when I invented my medical device, and I think it’s really important for entrepreneurs to understand. I-

Interviewer: You believed within, though.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I liked science. I was always a really good student in my science course, and I had a lot of great examples. My father was an engineer and scientist for defense research laboratories, which was a contractor for NASA, and he put the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the moon, so… a couple of them. I think there are three or four of them up there. I can’t remember which, but he was a scientist and I saw how he solved problems. He was just fearless when it came to solving problems, because if it’s a problem already, well, there is no solution. Otherwise, nobody would call it a problem. You try and fix it and don’t come up with a solution, you’re just as good as everybody else. So f*** it. Do it.

Interviewer: Yeah. We always try to put so much attention to what the degrees are, back to that point about degrees. What’s your educational background, what you’ve achieved, but not enough about the doing. The magic is in the doing, what you have accomplished, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. Right. People spend so much time focused on the education. I really don’t believe in formal education. This book just came out. It’s a Wall Street Journal best seller, so… Yeah, so I just wrote this book. It’s a Wall Street Journal best seller who sold over… Last time I looked, it was 75,000 copies.

Interviewer: The title is amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you. Yeah.

Interviewer: Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. And I think marketing with controversy is okay if you can back up what you’re trying to say.

Interviewer: Yeah, I know what you mean.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, they can’t back it up. You have to be able to back it up 100%. And there are 250 scientific references there. And the real reason I held this up was that the work I did for that book defines my life’s work, both in exercise science and physical medicine interventions, which was my first invention. What I learned from that book, I learned by doing it kind of myself. Now, I did get a Ph.D., so I could learn how to write academically. But after finishing it, I could have just taken some courses on how to write academically. It was like-

Interviewer: … your work?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, it’s very interesting like author Henry Alkire, he’s straight out of undergrad and he writes in an academic manner better than I can, so it was not necessarily a need. He just picked it up right away. It’s probably like-

Interviewer: Natural.

Dr. John Jaquish: He started as an aerospace engineering major and he switched to biomedical engineering, and I think he had just written his undergrad papers like that. I bet his professors are jealous of them. I looked at his papers-

Interviewer: Imagine.

Dr. John Jaquish: … and said, he can write better than me. So I don’t think education matters much unless you need a credential, but who cares? What work have you done ultimately?

Interviewer: Yeah. One of the results-

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s another thing. A lot of medical doctors that I worked with OsteoStrong, oh, they would be just saying negative things about chiropractors, for example. They’re doctors, they don’t know anything. It’s just like another-

Interviewer: It’s typical.

Dr. John Jaquish: … almost homeless person for your medical advice. And I would argue with them every time like, you don’t know what you’re talking about. If that’s what you think, you haven’t looked at what they’ve been doing lately. And they treat pain and they manipulate bone than you ever do and they take people out of pain. You can’t ignore that. There are some other things like the magic crystals all over you. Yeah, so that’s the chiropractor you don’t see, or unless you just like wasting your money and you feel good.

Interviewer: It’s entertaining.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I tell these chiropractors, why don’t you just stop being a chiropractor? Just hire a couple of physical therapists and just have a wellness center. You don’t have a license to manipulate people, but you can tell people how to manipulate themselves. There’s a lot of tools out there now, whether it’s hardened balls or different to raise things or they can go on the sides of your spine and you can actually-

Interviewer: A whole bunch of stuff.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You just teach people how to do it themselves and charge a fortune. When somebody is in pain-

Interviewer: Provide a solution.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, whatever it takes, and then you empower them to do it themselves, so I’m just like, just stop calling yourself a chiropractor. It has such a bad reputation of a medical doctor and it does, but I mean, that’s another sort of entrepreneurial thing, just… You can reinvent yourself if you want to and just do something that’s slightly different and maybe doesn’t adhere to the rules, but people like that. People like a rule breaker.

Interviewer: Yeah, of course. This entrepreneurship and spirit, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Interviewer: Yeah. So this Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, what are your point of view on people that spend hours in the gym? I was one of them. I remember two hours back in the day, I was working out, and then I stopped. I got really busy, but I remember back then as people would be two hours, two and a half hours in the gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And they still look like they didn’t work out, right?

Interviewer: It looks not that great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So fitness is a… Nobody’s contested me on this point, but I have some data to back it up. I think this is a failed human endeavor. I think one in six males in the United States currently use or have used anabolic steroids, one in six.

Interviewer: Mmm. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Who looks fit? Who has an impressive physique? Maybe one in 60,000.

Interviewer: You’re talking about perfection.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolute-

Interviewer: All areas.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Everything is just perfectly proportionate, perfectly lean, incredibly strong. Who is that? You could probably count, depending on how you judge it, 40 or 50 people alive today that fit that description on earth, and that’s about it.

Interviewer: That’s it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And you know what it’s like when you follow a fitness person and you follow other fitness people? You all have the same people you follow. It’s the same 10.

Interviewer: Circle.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s just this tight circle. Everybody’s following Larry Wheels or Jeremy Buendia or… I don’t even follow it, but I follow a couple of them just so I know what’s going on. When someone’s like, hey, do you know that guy on Mr. Olympia, I don’t want to be like, no, I don’t know who Mr. Olympia is right now. Right now, to tell you the truth, I couldn’t tell you. Oh, I think it’s Chris Cebaum, but he’s in one of the lower weight classes, so yeah.

Interviewer: Did you ever compete?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no way. No, so a lot of the competitors, there’s genetics… When a lot of people who lift weights say genetics, they’re usually trying to make an excuse for how average they look and the fact that they have a muscle mass of a 10-year-old girl. I’m talking about a different kind of genetics. I’m talking about proportional genetics. So if you have hip bones that are 24 inches in diameter, as opposed to mine, which is 36, and you have a wide upper body, you’re going to do great because the bone structure is a huge thing-

Interviewer: Yeah. I know what you mean, bigger.

Dr. John Jaquish: … now that it’s getting down to lean guys. And let’s face it, it’s kind of like a beauty contest for men and we’re beautiful enough. Yeah. I got the mirror that tells me that every morning. So I’ve never felt compelled now because I am in good shape. By the way, I started to get in good shape. I was in lousy shape. I was chubby until I was 40 years old.

Interviewer: That’s the next question I want to ask you about that. So what if-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I didn’t believe in regular fitness. I just thought everyone in this industry is a clown. They’re pushing tough. It works for nobody. And I mean, yeah, there’s drugs, but people won’t do that. Well, one in six people will, but even the ones who take the drugs, still look like s***. So obviously, the one in six, you’re walking on the street, one in six men. Really? Really? Because everybody looks either baby arms and a double chin. That’s the description of just about every male in America, just skinny little arms and fat face, fat gut, pathetic. But that’s what the instructions they have been given delivered.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, there are some really big genetic differences, and I had to discover this in kind of some esoteric way. It wasn’t described the way I thought it would be described. And so finding the literature was difficult, but the biggest difference between a guy who becomes an athlete and a guy who just can’t is where their tendons connect to their bones. So your tendon for your pectoral… I don’t know how many people watch versus listen to this, but I’ll describe it for the listeners. So your pectorals attach at your sternum and then right at about the top of your bicep, so it brings the arm across the body. So as you move your elbow towards your sternum, your pectoral gets a lot shorter and thicker because it’s starting to contract.

Dr. John Jaquish: Some people have the mutation where their insertion point, instead of being at the top of the bicep near the shoulder joint, is down at the bottom of the humerus bone towards the elbow. And some of us have been on a teeter-totter, so we know how leverage works. That’s more leverage. And so it gives you more engagement when you have that long lever arm. I say lever arm in terms of geometry, not in terms of the actual arm because we’re talking about two different types of arms here. But when those people handle the load, they have much more activation of musculature in the weaker range of motion than the rest of us. And these are the people who turned out to be NFL players because that’s where the strongest people, really in the world, go. Powerlifters will say they go into powerlifting. No, they’re not going to give up a multimillion-dollar contract so they can go and get paid 500 bucks to go to powerlifting.

Interviewer: So it doesn’t matter with your height though. My son, he’s 13, and he’s my height. He’s six-four. So he probably has that, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, it’s random.

Interviewer: Random, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, height’s got nothing to do with it. Now, so part of the reason I developed my product is it takes that geometry out completely. Everybody has genetics. With x-ray, everybody has the genetics to be an NFL player-

Interviewer: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: … with variable resistance. And we see people put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months, even so in their forties and fifties.

Interviewer: So this X3, this is the home gym, right, that we’re talking about, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, what’s the most effective and cheapest home gym that there has ever been and ever will be.

Interviewer: And you guys ship to Canada as well?

Dr. John Jaquish: We do.

Interviewer: Okay. I want to check this out. I need something. I don’t want to go to the gym.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hang on. Let me say something to the Canadian audience. Please do not email us about how awful the taxes are in your country. It’s your fault. You voted for the idiots who raised those taxes, so elect better people.

Interviewer: So another thing I saw is that you’ve been called Tony Stark of the fitness industry. That’s pretty awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s pretty awesome.

Interviewer: Yeah, it is pretty awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Tony Stark’s a clever guy. I don’t know if I can live up to that, but I’m trying.

Interviewer: Oh, it’s pretty cool. Yeah. What are your thoughts on the keto diet and that kind of stuff, intermittent fasting?

Dr. John Jaquish: So there are sections in my book which talk about both of those things. I don’t like when somebody comes up to me and they’re like, oh, I’m on a keto diet. And already, I’m waiting for the real dumbass comment, because that one is not that bad. But here’s my problem with it. Ketogenesis is a process of the human body, so a diet that encourages ketogenic-

Interviewer: Ketogenic. Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: … what it should be called then just saying I’m on keto. That’s s***.

Interviewer: Well, that’s a term that’s been thrown around, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s a term by clueless people, teaching other people who are also clueless too, what I’ve seen, making mistakes. It’s like the fasting-mimicking where they eat a granola bar and they’re like, well, I’m fasting. I just had my fast and granola bar. Dude, you should lose words in the dictionary before you start throwing them around.

Interviewer: Yeah. It’s everywhere. Everywhere you go, that’s what they call, the keto diet, keto diet. There’s websites for-

Dr. John Jaquish: But I mean, I kind of get it.

Interviewer: It’s a shorter version. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. But it’s nutrition that supports going into ketosis. Now, what do you need to eat to go into ketosis?

Interviewer: Low carbs, high protein, right? Whatever…

Dr. John Jaquish: No, actually, no. Well, you can say you kind of put ketosis on hold when you eat anything. So it’s the absence of anything because it’s when you go to the hardest level of ketosis. So a fasting program… Now, some people will just do what’s called the 16/8 fast, which is skipping breakfast. Sorry, you don’t get a trophy for that. That’s nothing. Maybe in the last two hours of your fasting period, you’re getting a little bit of fat burning because you’re in a little bit of ketosis.

Interviewer: So what kind of diet do you have then? What kind of-

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I’m always running some experiments, so what I do, I don’t necessarily recommend. I do dry fasting.

Interviewer: Oh, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So no food, no water.

Interviewer: No water, no food.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And then I’ll start to rehydrate, do my workout, and then eat dinner in a block of about four hours. So it’s like a 20 to 4 ratio of dry fasted to fed and hydrated. And I continue to grow muscle during that and I continue to-

Interviewer: That’s amazing. And you use X3. And how many times a week do you work out?

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Dr. John Jaquish: Six days a week, and it’s about a 10 minute workout.

Interviewer: That’s awesome that you could just do it in the morning. For me, I just do push ups in the morning.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, no, I don’t do it in the morning because I want to put it right next to my one meal in the day, which is dinner. Now, if I want to do it in the morning, my one meal of the day would be breakfast and I would just eat nothing else. But it’s tough because just being in business, a lot of people want to eat dinner with me, and-

Interviewer: Of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m sitting there with my arms folded.

Interviewer: Yeah, you got to eat something.

Dr. John Jaquish: I won’t eat anything. I won’t even sip water. I mean, it’s like, that’s not productive.

Interviewer: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I try and have those dinner meetings now.

Interviewer: This is something cool I heard that they saw some stuff… I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but they saw some stuff on Facebook or some published on NASA or something. You had something published on NASA?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. Yeah.

Interviewer: So tell us more about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m going to read you something from that page.

Interviewer: Oh, I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Might just paraphrase it. I don’t know if it’ll do it the same justice.

Interviewer: That’s huge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me see here. So yeah, so some people from NASA, really liked what I had been doing with bone density and they wanted to see how it would work with an individual who’s similar to an astronaut. She’s not one, she’s a aerospace physician, and she worked at the University of Texas medical school and that’s where NASA does quite a bit of thing. And so then she recruited a couple of other people. And then I participated in the authoring of the paper from the method’s perspective, so I laid out the instructions like this is what you need to do because you want to make sure somebody doesn’t use the medical advice wrong. And what the paper said was… They call it an exercise apparatus… but it’s the bone compression device.

Dr. John Jaquish: If the exercise apparatus could be condensed the size of a shoebox to meet the weight and volume restrictions imposed by NASA, it could potentially serve as a countermeasure for bone and strength loss in space exploration. Now, they’re talking about deep space exploration like Mars. So there are two limitations to getting humans to Mars, and one of them is radiation. Now, physical medicine guys like me are not going to fix out one, but it’s okay because I think the only way around this is to build the vehicle to get to Mars in space so you can bring it up piece by piece and assemble it up there so you don’t have the same weight restrictions. I think that’s how they’re going to have to do it. And they have the robotics to pull that off right now. Someone’s got to pay for it.

Interviewer: Can you share that link so when you do the show notes, we can add it in there?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s a super long link to a medical journal. I’ll give it to you.

Interviewer: We’ll use that tool that makes the links shorter. I think it’s… Forgot the… Bitly or something like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I’ll do that. But it was in the journal of Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. Yeah, that’s the top journal in the field. So I’m really happy about that. accomplishment for the method, the technology. Well, nobody can use the method without my technology because I patent the hell out of that.

Interviewer: Patent the hell out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s another thing to say. I tell entrepreneurs if there’s no patent, forget it. Don’t kill yourself opening up a market for some clown to just jump in and copy it. And I’m getting that X3. People are making copies, and what I do is I wait for them to make some money, and then the legal action comes. And then I get to take all their money away from them because they shouldn’t have violated a patent. They’re stupid.

Interviewer: They didn’t check. They didn’t do the research.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, they checked. They just-

Interviewer: Oh, really? They’re just trying to pull one?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I’m just guessing. I don’t know. I’m sure some of them are dumb enough where they don’t know. Some of them are out of China that just… This is a very American mistake to imagine that your American patent is enforceable on China. It’s not. You patent it in China.

Interviewer: You patent it everywhere.

Dr. John Jaquish: Which I did, and I have.

Interviewer: The government.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. Then the Chinese government, they’re certainly going to enforce Chinese patents. Otherwise, what’s their patent office worth if they don’t enforce their own-

Interviewer: Of course. Yes, they must.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So yeah, we’re patented. We’re have 16 patents on X3, and that’s all 16 in 42 different countries.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Interviewer: So can you share the story of how you became partners with Tony Robbins?

Dr. John Jaquish: He just called me out of the blue.

Interviewer: No way. That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. He just called me and he was like, I want to buy one of your devices. And they were not for sale. I’m like, I have two prototypes. He’s like, I’ll pay to have a prototype made, and it went on from there.

Interviewer: Wow. Amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. He’s a great guy.

Interviewer: Yeah, yeah, he is. That’s awesome. That’s great that you guys formed that relationship. What are the three things that you’re grateful for? I’d love to know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’ve been doing these gratitude exercises.

Interviewer: Yeah, the top three.

Dr. John Jaquish: I get a C minus in this area.

Interviewer: That’s okay. Take your time.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that the people that are really focused on gratitude and posting inspirational quotes about gratitude always seem to be unemployed. And I don’t mean that they’re entrepreneurs. I mean, they’re just unemployed. So I’m grateful for just waking up and being me. I like that.

Interviewer: So that’s one. Okay. That’s fine. One is good enough. Yeah. It’s just, we like to ask just to see having that sense of accomplishment, usually you have that kind of gratefulness about something, right, so that’s great that you have gratefulness about you. It’s wonderful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I have a great team. Oh, okay. No, no, no. I have a great team in my company.

Interviewer: That’s good. That’s excellent.

Dr. John Jaquish: And a lot of people would like to pat themselves on the back for hiring the right people. And there’s a skill there, but sometimes you’re just really rolling the dice. You don’t know how somebody’s going to work when you hang out with them for half a day, because they can put on a good front and they can say, oh yeah, I did this in my previous job. And then-

Interviewer: You can’t tell.

Dr. John Jaquish: Wait, what? What do I need to do? I don’t understand. What’s a balance sheet? S*** like that.

Interviewer: Yeah, yeah. You could pick it up. That’s excellent. That’s a good one. That’s amazing. We always like to ask our guests what their inner superpower is that got them to this point. You must have many, but what do you think? Not to over-complicate it, but something that you have within that you feel that got you to this point.

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a habit which is if I’m going to speak about a subject and recommend it… The whole dry fasting thing I do, I don’t recommend that. That’s just what I do. I recommend people do exactly what I explained except without the dry part. And I’m researching it. But usually, when I speak on a subject, I’m probably one of the better people on earth to speak about that subject.

Interviewer: You researched the hell out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I research it to the point where I can speak with absolute conviction. I will have an answer to every question, and a great one. And a lot of people have tried to embarrass me by getting me to a scientific conference or even on a podcast. There was this guy on a podcast who asked me a bunch of hard questions. I answered everything, memorized the research, just throw out the studies, and right there when he was asking me… And then he releases the podcast and then an addendum video where he says, this guy’s lying about everything. How’s that? Anyway, his fans told me he was a moron for doing that. And he also thought he was very prepared for the interview, and he was not. He didn’t understand anything about what we were going to talk about, not to the level that I do, so… And this has happened with the bone density medical devices. Some of the smartest professors in-

Interviewer: You have to prove a point, test you, right, to see what you know.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’m also one of the younger guys that’s spoken at some of those things. Most of the people who speak to those things are sixty-year-old professors. So here I show up and bone density was… I was working on that 10 years ago, so I was like 30.

Interviewer: Oh wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey dudes.

Interviewer: Listen to me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I’m going to tell you a little bit about my… It took me like-

Interviewer: A school project.

Dr. John Jaquish: Is this a student? They’re all looking at each other like…

Interviewer: Are you kidding me? Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And then so I won some people over that, quite a few.

Interviewer: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: When I got to speak at the International Osteoporosis Foundation… By the way, everyone will be pleased to know, you always hear terrible things about the pharmaceutical industry, how they just buy their way in everything and throw so much money at something, marketing, that nothing else will get listened to. And people said to me early on, you’re never going to succeed because big pharma has more money than you do. And I said, yeah, but my approach makes more sense than theirs does. Triggering the body to fix itself is always going to make more sense than ingesting or taking an injection of a chemical that’s not found in nature, a hundred percent of the time. And physicians will agree with this. They’re also thinking about their own liability. They would much rather show you how to do something physically to your body that will reverse the dysfunction as opposed to giving you medication, always.

Interviewer: Always.

Dr. John Jaquish: That is, if they understand what the intervention is. Some of them don’t. So frequently, there’s people who will say, physicians will say, I’d never recommend OsteoStrong. And I hear enough from one physician who’s just sort of banging the war drum saying OsteoStrong’s bad. Well, I’ll just go right to that guy’s office and I’ll say, let me tell you something, Let me explain it to you. Give me one minute. And I go through it in a minute, and then they’re like, well, nobody had explained it that way. Okay. I will send my patients. Then they become an advocate, but you really need to absorb the information. But also I learned that in medicine, there is a certain way of selling and explaining, and in the fitness industry, there’s a certain way of selling and explaining, and they’re different. And so you got to know your market and how to present that material.

Interviewer: You need to be good at research.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Interviewer: Well, you know what, Dr. Jaquish? It’s been an honor to have you on the show. It’s amazing to talk to you about all this stuff. It’s phenomenal. Your achievements, it’s just incredible to see this kind of success. And I absolutely love it and I know the audience is going to really appreciate this episode. And again, thank you so much for coming to the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

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