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By Awaken Your Alpha on July 8, 2021

#472 Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time

#472 Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time

Dr. John Jaquish, PhD. has spent years making physical medicine advancements. He is the inventor of X3 and OsteoStrong, the most effective bone density building medical technology. This episode explores why Dr. John believes weight lifting is a waste of time.

Full Transcript

Adam Lewis Walker: Episode 472: Is Weightlifting a Waste of Time? With Dr. John Jaquish.

Adam Lewis Walker: I’m Adam Lewis Walker, host of the number one men’s development podcast that is now a best-selling book, Awaken your Alpha: Tales and Tactics to Thrive. And it is my mission to share with you the real stories, the useful stuff, the juicy stuff, and the reality of what it takes to thrive.

Adam Lewis Walker: This episode is Sponsored by Lifting weights is actually not efficient for creating muscle growth. Now, 16 studies have found that variable resistance in the proper proportion can develop muscle to a far greater degree and faster. X3 delivers this in an elegant way and is one of the least expensive but most effective home gyms available today, just go and check out and see how many professional athletes have switched to this program and are ditching standard weightlifting. That’s .

Adam Lewis Walker: This week, we’re going to be talking about Weightlifting is a Waste of Time and carnival nutritions and lots of interesting stuff. We’ve got Dr. John Jaquish on the line and he is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. John, are you ready to awaken your alpha today?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m ready.

Adam Lewis Walker: That was quite a brief introduction. Is there anything that you’d like to add or highlight?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, a lot of the stuff that’s right around the corner, I can’t talk about because patents are being drafted and we’re going back and forth with the patent attorney. I’m always working on something.

Adam Lewis Walker: In the briefest, kind of like someone who’s interested, but why is weightlifting a waste of time?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a little bit of a hyperbolic title, but you’ve got to grab people’s attention-

Adam Lewis Walker: Oh, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I do think weightlifting is a waste of time. I’ll never lift weights again. It’s pretty stupid. Once I discovered it… I developed a medical device to treat osteoporosis. It’s the most effective treatment of osteoporosis the world has ever seen, works better than any drug, has no side effects and it works faster. But it’s a medical device, and it has to do with compression on bone.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so it’s really simple and elegant. And when I looked at what people were capable of putting through their bone mass, I saw a little old ladies who had never exercised putting 6, 7, 8 times their body weight through their hip joint, now, in a very specific position, the position you’d normally absorb impact. But it was mind-blowing because this is the weight that professional athletes don’t expose themselves to. Gymnasts do because they drop to the ground and they get the velocity effect. They get many times their body weight, a dismount from the uneven bars can be 10 times their body weight.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, they fracture all the time. Right? The average gymnast retires at the age of 19 for a reason. You get beat up and full of injuries. But yeah, that’s part of the sport. So my quest was to create a medical device that gave the benefit of high-impact forces without the risks of injury. And I did this to treat my mother’s osteoporosis first. Once that worked, then I launched it to the world.

Dr. John Jaquish: In this research that I did, and it was all done in east London, actually] east London. I was there for that. And some of the test subjects were the physicians that worked in the hospital with post-menopausal females. And they said to me, “I can’t believe how much force”, as they looked at the number of kilograms that we’re going through their lower extremities to their hip joints, which is the biggest issue with osteoporotic fractures. Those are the fractures that end up ending your life. They’re saying, “How does this compare to regular weightlifting? Because nobody lifts these sorts of weights”. And I’m like, “You’re right. Nobody does”. And so I go, “You know, it’s an interesting question, and I’m going to find the answer”.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I went and looked at the normative data that is stored via the database, which is the largest health and fitness database. And it’s an NIH National Institute of Health, American government-funded program, where they get a staggering amount of house statistics from 2000 people per year. And they’ve been doing it for over 10 years, so 20,000 people. And it turns out that when people lift weights, the weight is really low because they’re going through a full range of motion. So it dawned on me instantly. I thought, wow, we have such different capacities from the weaker range to the stronger range and every movement that it doesn’t make sense to lift a static weight. So if you pick up a hundred-pound barbell and you do an exercise with it, at the bottom it might be difficult for you. At the top, you’re barely firing any muscle at all.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re not stimulating much outside of the weak or whatever few fibers fire at the bottom of the movement. And I’m going to quote Peter Attia here. He’s never really been a fan of weightlifting, or he calls it standard fitness. The problem of standard fitness is we tend to overload joints and underload muscles. And so I’m like, “Okay, this guy is thinking the same way I am”. I was thinking from a bone density perspective, he’s just in general exercise because he’s an exercise fanatic. Dr. Attia is amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: When looking at the situation like, “Okay, I need to wait for the changes”. So I thought, “Okay, band training. I’ll just tell everybody to use bands. I’ll write a book about it”. And so when I started looking at some of the band training I could recommend … Because I was going to make this a deep scientific dive into variable resistance. You want the resistance to change. So when your joints are most likely to injure, you want to use a lower weight. When you’re in your more powerful position, you need like magnitudes greater, like 5x greater of force that you would use, a huge variability.

Dr. John Jaquish: And because I had the data, I knew what the variability ratios were. No one else has this information in the whole world ever. Because I had exclusive access to this information, I thought … Well, I wasn’t the only one. The other researchers did, but they weren’t thinking about the problems with exercise. I happened to be a guy who had gone to gyms for 20 years and I didn’t get anything out of it. Nobody ever said, “Hey, do you work out?” I just looked like a regular guy. I was chubby. It was 19% body fat, six feet tall. And I weighed like 190 pounds. So those aren’t good stats.

Adam Lewis Walker: I was going to say and that is not the case now from your book cover. Is that you?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s me, yeah.

Adam Lewis Walker: Pretty look-alike-y for those who listen on the podcast.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I’m in incredible shape now. I’m 240 pounds. And I’ve gained a lot of muscle, and I’ve lost a lot of body fat. I think I’ve lost about 20 pounds of body fat. So that’s even more muscle I gained because I’m heavier. And I’m about 7% body fat last time I checked. I think I’m a little bit leaner. I’m starting to see veins in my abdominals. So, lean.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now that I understand what we were doing wrong, weightlifting is a waste of time, that was me being nice. I could have said weightlifting is for idiots. Now that’s unfair to say because people didn’t know what I knew. So I don’t want to be calling people idiots, but I do like the hyperbolic title. So weightlifting is a waste of time. That doesn’t mean resistance training is a waste of time because when you apply variable resistance, you grow so much faster.

Dr. John Jaquish: And let’s face it. I don’t know why people defend the fitness industry. It’s the most failed human endeavor ever. How many people do you know that have worked out on a regular basis for years and they’re still fat?

Adam Lewis Walker: Oh, yeah. Loads of them.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or they’re still skinny, or they still haven’t developed any muscle and they’re the same body fat. And people say, “Well, they don’t train hard”. Yeah, okay. They do. You don’t drive to a gym and get out of your car, have a change clothes, go there and just nominally move a little bit. They’re training to fatigue. They’re doing it right. But the problem is these guys, the tool is wrong.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you were pounding nails all day long if you were working in construction, but instead of a hammer, you just have a small stone, you’d probably have busted fingernails and all your hands would be bloody and you wouldn’t be able to drive many nails. You’re just using the wrong tool.

Adam Lewis Walker: So talk to us about specifically your device and then the sort of the tools you recommend and what you’ve been using to get in this kind of shape.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So I wrote the book to explain the rationale because a lot of people see my product and they’re like, “It’s a bar”, but I can roll this, and you see how the hook stays parallel with the ground. There are bearings in, it’s a solid steel core, anodized aluminum on the exterior. This will hold over 1,000 pounds. And because of how strong you don’t know you are, you’re going to need that capacity. And people have no idea.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve put guys in the NFL on this … National Football League, American football. I put it on and I load them where the top of their chest press is 550 pounds. And the bottom is about 100 pounds. And there’s a steep curve towards the end, which is, coincidentally, our biomechanics

Adam Lewis Walker: The hooks on the end, is that used to attach-

Dr. John Jaquish: A Very heavy latex manning, heavier than has ever been seen before. Yeah, so it’s a simple device. It enables you to train heavier with more repetitions than you ever could with weights. It’s just like a hack to get more force through a muscle than you could ever, ever dream of handling in a gym. And when you go to fatigue with those tremendous forces, you trigger massive growth.

Dr. John Jaquish: And this is everybody. Other than just like, “I got sick” or “I moved and I can’t”. “I don’t have time to work out anymore”. The only people that fail are the people who have to give up their X3 Bar because of like I said, a medical problem.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Adam Lewis Walker: And this is the device as well that you’re using for the women with their hips as well?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. Oh no, no, no. It’s not. That’s a $165,000 medical device.

Adam Lewis Walker: That’s cool, that sounded very different. Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s found at franchise clinics in eight different countries around the world. It’s hugely successful, but it’s primarily targeted at bone health. I mean, it’s great for athletes to do, but kind of a luxury.

Adam Lewis Walker: Okay. So that’s a big piece of machinery. Is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. No one has this at their home. Well, Tony Robbins has it at his home. He’s Tony Robbins.

Adam Lewis Walker: Okay. Well, talk just briefly about your origins. Where are you originally from? Where are you speaking to me from today? And how did you, obviously you’re a doctor, how did you get into this line of work? I know you said you were sort of helping your mom, kind of inspired you to create some of this.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I invented it before getting my Ph.D. because I knew … And one of the things, I went unorthodox when it came to getting my Ph.D. A bunch of English and American professors started a university called Rushmore University. And they started in the ’90s, so it doesn’t have a long academic reputation. And I chose it because they would let me study my invention for my Ph.D. dissertation. Because the problem is you go to a Ph.D. program and they give you some, “Here’s what you need to study”, and they pick it. And it can be some stupid.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. You’re putting a lot of time and effort into that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Writing about something that you don’t care about. That seems like an awful long six years. Now people do it so they can become professors. Rushmore University is not the kind of university. You go there to get the experience, to learn how to communicate in an academic manner, which I did. And I’m pretty decent … I’m a decent enough academic writer on the … I do editing and peer review for several different medical journals.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I got the skill that I needed. And that’s all I went there for. My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis towards the end of my undergrad university experience where I was playing rugby. And so I was always very athletic and focused on adaptations of the body. And I was failing miserably at being the strong athlete I wanted to be. And I knew there was something grossly wrong because I just saw so many people working out and getting nothing out of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then there’d be a guy who would show up and then six months later he gained like 20 pounds of muscle. And you’re like, “How did that guy do it?” “He did the same thing I did”. And I have the answer. The answer is that people have different tendon layouts. I’m going to stick my arm out here. And most people can’t see it. Well, most people have the pectoral insertion right at the top of their bicep, which gives them a moment arm right here. Those that can’t see me or are listening to this, it’s just from the bicep to about the middle of the pectoral acts as a lever. But some people have the attachment at the other end of their bicep. So they have a much longer lever, or lee-ver, as you would say.

Dr. John Jaquish: And by doing so, you can access the weaker range of motion to a higher degree than other people. So people that have this genetic anomaly are the ones who become incredibly strong very easily. When sometimes an incredibly muscular guy says, “I’m natural, I don’t take any performance-enhancing drugs”, and people won’t believe him, it’s because his training has such an advantage. Or she, there are women with this anomaly also.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s pretty rare, maybe a few percentage points of the population. They have a stronger weaker range. When it comes to what I created, now everybody has that advantage because we offload the weaker range. And coincidentally, you don’t stimulate much growth in the weaker range. You stimulate it in the stronger range. So now everybody can have the same gift of genetics or the effect of the same gifted genetics, everybody. And that’s by strategically loading the body heavier where you are more capable, less heavy where you’re less capable, so being protective on joints. You end up having no pain from, and you grow much faster.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a study that shows you go three times faster. And I used to say, you get kind of three times the results, but it’s more like infinite times the results because most people who lift weights don’t accomplish anything. And I always tell people, there’s data on this. And it’s in the book. It shows just how rare it is to be lean. The rarest one percentile in the United States is 10.6%. That’s pathetic.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. That’s not good at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: 10.6% is like, you can barely see your abs.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. That’s what I. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe the top two, just a little bit of outline.

Adam Lewis Walker: Just sticking out the chop. Okay. So when it came to, obviously you finishing your Ph.D., and as you said, some people would go down the professor route, when did you launch your own company?

Dr. John Jaquish: The same time I started my Ph.D.

Adam Lewis Walker: Okay. Always had entrepreneurial roots. You always wanted to go down that route, or were you ever going down a route and working for someone else? Talk to us about that and launching this sort of-

Dr. John Jaquish: I never followed instructions well. My father was entrepreneurial, but he did it in big companies. He was always inventing stuff. He has over, maybe over a thousand patents by now.

Adam Lewis Walker: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. So he was working for defense research laboratories, which was a weapons contractor for General Motors. And he designed and built the lunar Rover for NASA while there. And then he worked at Jet Propulsion Laboratories and-

Adam Lewis Walker: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: A bunch of great engineering of different products. And then he, of all things, ended up going into the postal service because he developed a couple of systems for them, and they appreciated it. And they were like, “Gosh, would you ever work for a government agency?” At first, he’s like, “No”. But then he did.

Dr. John Jaquish: But then after that, he was in his fifties when he started his first company. And he was like, “Wow. I made so much money for the shareholders of General Motors, Jet Propulsion Laboratories”. He said, “I made money for the shareholders of these companies. I didn’t reink about myself because I just liked the work”. “I liked the engineering, it was a challenge, it was fun”. “I liked showing up and explaining to everyone how they need to stop trying to solve a problem the way we’ve been trying to solve the same problem”. Yeah, good at figuring out alternative solutions in different approaches

Adam Lewis Walker: Talking about you you’ve figured out some solutions for stuff in front of you. And when it comes to your own business, when did you feel like it started to click or you had some kind of success and you’re like, “This is the path”, because there’s obviously at some point when you think, “Well, what will I do, what shall I do?”, and you feel like you started cracking on.

Dr. John Jaquish: When my mother took a DEXA scan, and she had been growing incredible amounts of bone density. It was a theory that I pretty much knew would work because I researched things to the point where I can speak with absolute conviction because I know. I know it works. I’d say urge every entrepreneur when you have an idea, you have to know that what you have is better than anything else out there.

Dr. John Jaquish: And if you don’t, if you’re hoping, if you’re just saying it, at some point some investor will go, “Well, let’s put it to a test”. And then you’re going to, no matter what happens in the test, it’s going to be obvious. You didn’t run that test. You got to test everything.

Adam Lewis Walker: Talking about that testing, from that idea, kind of that inception to the product’s done, finished being tested and it’s out there. How long was that period? And what was the most challenging point or points?

Dr. John Jaquish: It was about eight years for the bone density device. It was about eight weeks for X3, for the muscular stimulus device because I learned a lot. Also, muscle develops a lot faster than bone does. So that’s a reality in there, but you’ve got to … And I was better at testing because I had already finished my Ph.D. at that point. The research-

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Adam Lewis Walker: What was the most challenging point in that eight years of getting the bone density one out there and peep successful?

Dr. John Jaquish: The most challenging point was just the days when I didn’t have enough physicians referring. It was frustrating because I knew I had a better solution, but I was worried about just running out of capital. So I did take on some investors for the first one, the first company I started, and I regretted that. It was just babysitting after that.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. What are your thoughts around nutrition to kind of compliment and go with sort of your device and getting in decent shape?

Dr. John Jaquish: I am dry fasting for 20 hours a day. I do not eat anything and I do not drink any liquid at all for 20 hours. That includes sleep time. But I burn body fat at a very rapid pace. As a result, dry fasting, your body doesn’t want to be dehydrated. So first you feel a little bit dehydrated, and then your body starts going after metabolic water, which means cannibalizing nonvascular cells so that it can get at the water that’s stored in those cells.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, we only have one nonvascular type of cell, that’s body fat, right? Body fat is the only thing that’s in you that’s not an organ. It just exists as storage. It’s just there. So you cannibalize that body fat, and there’s an autophagic process, which recycles the other stuff that’s in those cells that can appropriate it differently.

Adam Lewis Walker: How did you get to that point? Did you break yourself in gently to that? And what were some of that … How did you feel going to that level? Because the most I’ve ever done consistently was sort of 16-hour fasting, and that wasn’t dry fasting either. And there may be a 24 hour, 36 hours fast now and then, but never to the level that you’re doing there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, many say there’s no clinical trial with this statement, but there are many experts in the field that say you end up stimulating three times the autophagy and thereby three times the amount of fat loss with dry fasting as opposed to regular fasting. And I immediately believed that when I heard that statistic because I used to dry fast when I wrestled in high school. And that was the other time I had veins in my abs. I was so lean.

Adam Lewis Walker: And what were the challenges going into this 20 hours dry fast now? Obviously, you noticed the body fat coming off, but we there any challenges in concentration and doing your daily activities, or was it just a question of willpower and getting used to it? Did you have any headaches or anything like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. Getting used to it. You have to realize that you’re making a huge change in your daily biochemistry by changing hydration. And your body can handle it just fine. But there is a transitional period where when you change your hydration, you either get … You have too high blood pressure because you’re over hydrated and you get a headache, or you’re dehydrated and you get a headache. Because basically, you haven’t made enough cerebral spinal fluid, which part of hydration to hydrate the casing that your brain is in … So your brain is sitting at the bottom of your skull, like, “Hey, we need some water here. " That’s kind of how it works. That’s an oversimplification, but you get it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, but now keep in mind when people are smokers and they stopped smoking, they have the same hydration issues because smoking’s a vasoconstrictor. It dehydrates people. And then all of a sudden they’re over hydrated and they’re like, “Oh, it feels like my head’s going to explode”. Yeah, because there’s a lot of pressure in there and you have high blood pressure today. But after two or three weeks it’s gone.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. So would you recommend if someone’s going to give it a go, they just go straight to the 20 hours or they do it in baby steps?

Dr. John Jaquish: Start with just that doing water fasting first. Intermittent fasting one meal a day. So you’re eating for half an hour, so it’s more like a 23 and a half hour fasting period. The reason I have four hours is because I need four hours to rehydrate. It’s basically, I’m emulating Ramadan fasting. And there’s a ton of research on that, so I know it’s safe. It’s because this way if I recommended to other people or … I mean, I haven’t done that yet. I’m going, “This is what to do.” I’d say, “This is what I do”.

Adam Lewis Walker: Yeah. And in those four hours, apart from hydrating, what sort of things do you mix up in terms of your diet do you eat? Is it quite variable or what sort of stuff?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s one meal a day. And in that four-hour window, I consume the majority of my protein from bacterial fermentation. There’s a product called, which is the most efficient, essential amino acid. It was a derivative of a cancer treatment that was using essential amino acids. And so this is a very efficient protein. I take one like 32-ounce drink with four scoops in it. And that gives me 200 grams of protein. And I mean, it dissolves so easily the drink is clear.

Dr. John Jaquish: I consume that and then I use that to rehydrate. I takes me about an hour to get through that because I don’t want to gulp it. You’re dehydrated, you don’t want to chug anything. It’s a little bit, a little bit, a little bit. And then, so then I’ll have a meal, which is only steak. That’s all I eat. No Vegetables. Vegetables have oxalates that cause inflammation. This information has been around for 50 years. We just chose to ignore it. You don’t need antioxidants if you’re not oxidizing. Oxidizing is inflammation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Working out gives you a temporary amount of inflammation. That helps you grow. But chronic inflammation from poor nutrition, you’re just adding to it by eating vegetables. So I eat no vegetables at all. I’m leaner and stronger than ever. Everything’s better. My blood work is better. Cholesterol is a little higher, but now we know that low density, lipoprotein, LDL, what was previously called bad cholesterol, the higher it is the longer you live. The truth is the opposite of what we were told when the statin drugs still had a patent. So they lowered your LDL, and then people died younger.

Adam Lewis Walker: Blimey. Wow, man. This is a fountain of knowledge here. That’s why I’m keeping pretty quiet because I know you could just keep going all day on this. We’re going to move into the alpha round to wrap things up. And I like to start it off with, is there a particular favorite quote that kind of sums up your approach to life, or maybe the sort of thing you might have up in your office somewhere?

Dr. John Jaquish: Winston Churchill said, “You’ll never get to where you’re going if you stop and throw rocks at every barking dog.” And when you’re the first one to do something, if you’re a “me too” product, if you have another protein powder that’s no different than anyone else’s, you’ll still get trolls and haters and losers who … I mean haters are just jealous losers. They just wish they had when you have. If you truly had a stupid product, they would ignore you because they’d know it’s going to go out of business.

Dr. John Jaquish: So why are they haters? It’s because they see something that they know is going to do great, they know works, and they know it was going to score big time. And they’re just furious they didn’t think of it. They’re losers so it’s not like they were going to go out and start a business anyway. After all, they’re sitting at home in front of their computer, telling their mom to make them another hot pocket because they’re too busy being badass on the internet. Yeah, these people are just losers.

Dr. John Jaquish: But I have learned to farm the losers so that they make money. The more outraged they are and the more you can keep them outraged and coming at you, they drag along their non loser friends who then read what I have to say, because they can actually read. Because the trolls, I don’t even think they can read, they have to sound out the words. And if you show them some scientific study, no way they’re getting through that, probably can’t even read the title. And, of course, the fitness industry, there’s more gross unintelligence there than it is for most industries.

Adam Lewis Walker: So, and apart from your book there, so I’m sure is impactful, are there any other impactful books in your life, or just an all-time favorite? Maybe you read it at the right time, it was what you needed to hear. And it sounds like you read a lot of research journals, but is there a book that springs to mind?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Zero to One by Peter Thiel. Basically, that is like my business plan. And I wrote my business plan and then read Peter Thiel’s book a couple of years later. And I was like, does this dude to have access to my email? You know what I mean? It’s a how to on what the best entrepreneurial things to do are, like you need something, intellectual property that’s protected. You need a patent.

Adam Lewis Walker: I like the sound of this book. I haven’t read it. I want to read this.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, it says some things that were obvious to me, but aren’t obvious to other people. Like if you want to enforce your patents in China, you file Chinese patents and retain a Chinese law firm, both of which I did way long ago. And I’ve actually shut down knock-off companies of the X3 product, drink muscle product.

Adam Lewis Walker: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: I shut down entire companies over there because they violated a patent. And so the mistake a lot of people make is they file a patent in the United States. And then they’re upset that somebody copied them in China.

Adam Lewis Walker: Well, John, we’re pretty much out of time now, but if people want to continue the conversation, what is the best way they can follow up with you? What’s the best way they can find out more information?

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a landing page, which has links to Instagram, YouTube, Facebook. I do most of my stuff on Instagram. I just prefer the platform. So it’s D-O-C-T- O-R, the letter j,.com.

Adam Lewis Walker: Perfect. And we’ll put them links in the show notes. Well, John, thank you so much for your time today. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Adam Lewis Walker: This episode is sponsored by . Lifting weights is actually not efficient for creating muscle growth. Now, 16 studies have found that variable resistance in the proper proportion can develop muscle to a far greater degree and faster. X3 delivers this in an elegant way and is one of the least expensive but most effective home gyms available today. Just go and check out and see how many professional athletes have switched to this program and are ditching standard weightlifting. That’s All right. Have a great week.

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