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By Eben Flow on June 10, 2021

Life Science w/ Dr. John Jaquish

The mad scientist of fitness, Dr. John Jaquish, drops into the flow for an epic unravelling of cultural conditioning. His new book _Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want _breaks down the scientific evidence supporting that there is no need for heavy weights to build muscle and strength.

Full Transcript

Eben Britton: What’s up peeps. This is the Eben Flow podcast. It’s me, your guy, the ex NFL football player turned Yogi, Eben Britton. It’s good to be with you guys. So today, going to do the intro a little bit differently. Got a great episode lined up for you. I will introduce the guest in a moment, but before I do that, I’m going to change it up a little bit here. "

Eben Britton: So onto this stuff you’ve been waiting for. This episode is with a complete mad scientist of the fitness world, of the life science world. His name is Dr. John Jaquish. He’s a mastermind. He created OsteoStrong, which is a practice, he’ll tell you the story, but it’s fantastic. Incredible how this guy applies science to exercise and maximizes your benefits in your workout. So very cool.

He has a product that after OsteoStrong, he developed another product called the X3 Bar , which I’m a huge fan of. I am. If I can, I’m working out a deal to get you guys a little bit of a deal on it. It is one of the best pieces of equipment I’ve ever used when it comes to resistance training. It’s fantastic. You might have seen me post about it. We talk about it, why it is so effective, how this type of training works, and we have a good time.

Eben Britton: He’s a very high functioning individual. And we had a lot of laughs and dove deep. It’s not just about fitness and wellbeing, we go into the cultural swamp and we take a look around. It was a lot of fun and I appreciate him. I think you guys will enjoy it. That’s about it folks, till next time. I hope you guys have a fantastic day, have an epic week. Lots of love to you all standing in your truth and your power, the world needs you. I’ll see you all, on the flip side. Enjoy.

Eben Britton: What’s up peeps. Welcome to the Eben Flow podcast. I’m stoked about this guest we have today, Dr. John Jaquish, the mad scientist of the fitness world. And I mean, even bigger than that, maybe the health and well-being strata. Well, hey man, it’s great to have you here.

I’m excited about this conversation and let’s jump right into it, man. Your latest book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want, before I let you talk, though, I have to say, as a former pro football player, I’m always highly skeptical of anyone or anything that comes in and says, you could get a great workout in, in under 30 minutes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: The results, I’m the leanest I’ve ever been, I’m the strongest I’ve ever been. And I back that up because when I’ve traveled and all I have access to are weights, I go into the gym with the weights and it’s like throwing around baby rattles. It’s crazy. I’m the strongest I’ve ever been, I’m the leanest I’ve ever been. I’m probably in the best shape of my life after 15 years in football at 260. And it’s a testament to you, man, and the work you do. And I appreciate everything you do and the wisdom you share and let’s get into it, brother. Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I could start at a couple of different places, but ultimately the first thing I did, the reason I got into life sciences in the first place was my mother. She was diagnosed with osteoporosis and she didn’t want to take any of the medications. And I read the side effects of the medications and they were pretty bad.

So I thought, “Well, osteoporosis is adysfunction of deconditioning of the bone, so why don’t we recondition it?” And independent thinking is now becoming illegal I don’t know. I mean, just that alone when I say that, then everyone’s like, “No, that makes sense.” “Right, yeah. Except when I did it.” It was hairy.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so I developed a prototype that emulated high-impact forces. So think of what a gymnast gets when they hit the ground. So sometimes beyond 10 times bodyweight, but I developed a medical device and they’re now found in OsteoStrong clinics, there are 150 clinics in eight different countries right now. And what we do is just emulate high impact, but we take the risk out of it. So it’s very controlled. So basically your comfort is the throttle to how much force goes through the bone mass. And so compresses bone from end to end.

So from right here on the humorous bone, from like the elbow joint to the shoulder joint and then compression on its axis. So it worked out outrageously well, it worked for my mother, within 18 months she had the bones of a 30-year-old and she was in her seventies at the time. So no more osteoporosis, nothing worry about. And the effect of this device lasts 30 years in the body.

Eben Britton: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It was awesome and it made sense. And I still got a lot of pushback. The fortunate thing about medical doctors is you show them the evidence and they’re on board. So you just got to get the opportunity to show them the evidence because they get with so much stupid crap, that they don’t want to listen. So once I get them to like, “Okay, just give me five minutes.” And then they’re like, “Oh, wow. That sounds great.” So during the clinical trial, which I did in London, it was done through the British government, when I did it-

Eben Britton: Sorry, John, did you do it through the British government just because it’s such hell to do it in America, or was that just the most convenient pathway or what?

Dr. John Jaquish: I hate saying yes, but yes. I mean just, an American university, a single university had more red tape than the NHS and National Health Services. Now, I had somebody interested in being a principal investigator at, University of East London. He’s a clinical psychologist. But he noticed as I was testing the device that it had major psychological implications because when you take the-

Eben Britton: This is the OsteoStrong device?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Eben Britton: Has psychological implications.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Because when people are at the age where they’re more likely to be osteoporotic, or just looking at the people we were working with at the time, 50 plus, postmenopausal, al, and some older men too. But for the most part, those people felt like their health was out of control. They felt that it was a very frustrating subject. And this device because they could see the changes in their functional bone performance from one week to the next, it gave them this feeling. They had complete control over the bodies because major changes are happening. And I was like, “Wow, that’s spectacular.” So this study was very inspiring to me, because, I looked at a couple of things I wasn’t looking at, I learned a lot.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then I was looking at some of the forces and this was an all-female study because osteoporosis is predominantly a female bone dysfunction. So when going through this, one of the test subjects was a physician at the hospital, so we had physicians, patients, both hospitals. She says to me, “What do normally with people who exercise lift? Because we’re lifting like hundreds or even over a thousand pounds.” And so I’m like, “Yeah, it’s a great question. I know the answer’s out there.” So I looked at the NAS database, which is a database that’s maintained by the National Institute of Health. They had 2000 people per year, and there’s a whole battery of questions and tests, blood tests, blood pressure, VO2 max, all kinds of stuff, bone density. And then what people do with exercise.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it turns out that beginners in weight lifting lift 1.3 times their body weight and advance the weightlifters, now probably you and I are not included in the average here, it would be outliers, but it was 1.53 times their body weight. Now, when you load up a leg sled, most of the weight is going into the ground and most people don’t know that. So you meet somebody who’s like, “Oh yeah, I leg press a thousand pounds.” Like, “No, you don’t.” Right?

Eben Britton: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: But if you could squat a thousand pounds, that’s the thing.

Eben Britton: That’s something. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You’re going to be on TV.

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: But leg press, no. I mean, there’s there are for winning a race on training wheels either. So I looked at these things and so I was looking at actual loading, going into the body. So I thought, “Not only does that sound weak, it’s nothing even close to what these people were doing with the OsteoStrong devices, going 5, 6, 7 times their body weight, even nine times their body weight. And these are women, who have never exercised a day in their life. And after six months they’re using nine times their body weight.

Eben Britton: That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, granted, they’re only using the impact-ready range of motion. So the range of motion might have been an inch and the range came from compression of bone, but it was just at that, sort of end of the movement, the 120-degree angle behind the knee where you’re optimized. And then it diminishes greatly from there to the weaker range. And I thought, “Wow, we are so powerful in the impact-ready range of motion. And we are so weak in our weaker range of motion.” Where our joints are at risk of damage, because more load goes into the joint, the muscles, more like a bundle of shoe strings at that point, don’t do anything.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I just I said kind of casually, we’re sitting in a conference room in the hospital and I said, “Weight lifting is a waste of time.” Everybody kind of slowly looked over at me like… It kind of is, isn’t it? Because I’m explaining what I’m finding in the data. And so I knew I had to develop something and I thought about writing a book about just band training.

But the problem with band training is you wrap a band around your hand and you throw it around your back and go to do a pushup, your hands are outwardly rotating and it’s twisting your wrists. The same thing with standing on a band, you twist your ankles, the wrists, and the ankles are our interface points to everything we do. So we got to protect them. So I needed a second ground to stand on where the bands could move freely underneath.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I needed an Olympic bar, which would rotate without changing where the load’s coming from. I mean, I got it right here. So I mean, I can rotate my hands and move this thing around, but you see, this always stays parallel to the ground. So that’s what I needed to do. And I prototyped it. Well, no first, I kind of wrote it up and I showed it to a bunch of people, a bunch of really smart people. And they were like, “Don’t do this. This is a terrible idea. This is not going to work. It’s not going to work. I mean, they were athletes and strength coaches and they were very much tied into what they’ve been taught and-

Eben Britton: Olympic lifts and you get strong throwing weight around.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, and it makes you wonder, how much do we believe about everything and anything? How, about our government? And then we find out like, “Oh wow. For 200 years, we believe that it was the people running this place.” No, I don’t want to get conspiracy theory, but there have been a lot of disappointments when it comes to some discoveries about how things happen and when it comes to the human body, if we’re told the same thing a thousand times, we may believe it’s true but that doesn’t mean it is. I didn’t want to do this, I already had a successful business in bone density and OsteoStrong. So I’m sitting there. I think I had a headache behind my right eye for like a month just thinking because I knew, I knew it was going to be… You see the last Mad Max with-

Eben Britton: Dude. I love-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I knew it was going to be like Mad Max. I was going to be Max, the only guy who knows how any thing works. And it was just going to be absolute brain dead, biker psychos, who are naked with axes chasing me. Because I knew what was in the fitness industry. Just like, “God damn it. I didn’t want to do that.” Because I knew they were dumb hell and I mean, nobody… I’m going to tell you about your favorite study that you don’t yet know about. And you will quote this at the next party you go to.

Eben Britton: I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s called Dunning Kruger, 1999. It tested people’s intelligence, their ability to perform tasks. And then it had them do a self-assessment. And there had never been a study like this before. And this is broad population size, so thousands of people. So it turns out that the smartest people slightly underrated themselves, not by much, but they were like, “Oh yeah. I mean, I might not have gotten everything, but I think I did pretty good.” So they would get a hundred percent and they would rate themselves at 90%. But the dumbest people-

Eben Britton: Oh God.

Dr. John Jaquish: They rated themselves at a hundred percent. They believed they were the most competent people. Oh yeah. This is why the bottom 20th percentile and below, the bottom 20th percentile of intelligence are not allowed in the US military. Because they’ll shoot themselves in the foot, they’ll shoot their fellow soldier in the back. I mean, these people are wildly dangerously unintelligent. And I remember reading all this stuff and I read Dunning Kruger’s study when it came out in 1999, and I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I was like, “Where are all these idiots?” And then I found them, they’re on

Eben Britton: Oh God.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was very interesting developing the x3 and then launching it. And I don’t target the fitness audience, I target busy professionals. People who read the science. Or I mean, like what you did, you read enough. Because I remember your first message to me, you’re like, “This thing is intriguing.” Well, you found it intriguing, you saw more than just a picture. You understood it. You’re like, “Oh it delivers force where I’m stronger, so it exhausts the muscle more.” I mean, this is high level, what is it? It lets you train heavier with more repetitions, so you get greater exhaustion and far greater growth. That’s all it does. Yeah.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Eben Britton: Oh my God, dude. It’s hilarious, man. Did we need that study though to know that-

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, we didn’t know. I mean, we didn’t. But I’m also a scientist, so I don’t like giving my opinion, because when somebody gets mad at me for something I say, it’s like, “Why don’t you call Dunning Kruger and tell them they were wrong? Why don’t you call the journal?” Somebody got in an argument with me the other day. I get in this argument like, usually it’s-

Eben Britton: Every day?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s one thing, like testosterone replacement therapy. People don’t know what the word replacement means. Because someone will be like, “It looks like you take a lot of TRT.” It’s like, “Okay, you know what replacement means, then there is no application for the word a lot, Replacement is a replacement. It’s replacing what’s supposed to be there, which is a known quantity.”

Eben Britton: Right. And it’s not there.

Dr. John Jaquish: These people, man.

Eben Britton: Yeah. Dude. God bless you, man. Hey dude, we need the pioneers, man. How about this, John? We live in a world where people are talking about pumping their fists in the air saying science is real. Yet every time you give them some science, they go, “No, not that. That’s not real.” That’s not real.”

Dr. John Jaquish: But when it comes to the virus, it’s like, “We want to listen to doctors. Oh, but not those doctors.”

Eben Britton: Yeah. Not that guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Not that guy. Not any of the people who disagree with the doctor we like.

Eben Britton: Right. Right. Oh, that guy. Yeah. Okay. Oh, I see. We get it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Its an amazing time where people are thrilled with contrived information that’s falsified, and they’re just banging the war drum celebrating, it’s unbelievable.

Eben Britton: Oh my God. Not to get too derailed. No, no. I mean not to get too detailed in that man, but what’s your take on that? Because I’ve heard some people I respect say we’re in this temper tantrum phase of human evolution of conscious evolution. And I see it. Everyone’s just holding on by their fingernails to their little identity of who they are and what I believe in, and it’s all crumbling and they’re just screaming at the top of their lungs to be heard, seen, and acknowledged.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like religion or veganism kind of thing. Right.

Eben Britton: Yeah. And it’s just like, “Dude, when are we just going to let go?”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. How about let’s get back to work?

Eben Britton: Yeah man. This thing is just so… you’re the man, bro. You’re the man.

Dr. John Jaquish: When my friends call me, they’re like, “How’s clown world?”

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s still clown world.

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And, some of these bodybuilders who can’t read a word, jump to every conclusion that’s just wrong, don’t know a thing about physiology but don’t mind pretending to be the absolute foremost expert in the world, I think those guys are even smarter than some of the people who… And I have a theory here. I think you’re going to like this one.

I think we have areceptor site in our brain and that’s a metaphor, not an actual receptor site, but we have something where humans where we need some sort of religious devotion, we need blind faith in something. And the reason I think that is because every society that’s been discovered by the society that documented said society, had a religion. They had a God, they had a system of rules that was given to them by the supernatural, and they’re all very similar. And they didn’t do anything else similar.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like some societies use forks and knives, some use chopsticks, some went to war with clubs. Some had symbolic war with one representative from one village and another representative from another village. And they fought to the death seems better than everybody dying. But ultimately the thing you all had in common was a sort of real religious devotion. But because we have stepped so far away from that, I think that people still need to satisfy that need therefore they assign blind faith to crazy ideas. I mean, veganism is a-

Eben Britton: Huge one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Veganism is going to go down in history when clearer minds are writing history and allowed to write science again, it’s going to go down in history with anorexia and bulimia. It’s just malnutrition, based on false promises. By the way, farming vegetables kill seven billion animals a year, like poison birds, and gophers, and shot deer to get into vineyards. I lived across from a vineyard when I was in high school and I had a nice mountainside view, this vineyard, and every time I saw deer running around, it was only about 15 or 20 minutes. Boom. Okay. Yeah. I guess let’s go ask for some venison.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, that’s just the way it was. That’s the cycle of life. Any species that is expanding, is going to take resources from another species and kill it. There’s nothing we can do to avoid that. If we’re going to have an expanding species, which is, I mean, Henry Kissinger had that, he wrote that nice paper about how we need to limit the population. People found it very disturbing, but what he was saying is, eventually we’re going to run out of resources. Smart guy. He can do the math on a big scale. He was like, “Maybe we should look at birth rates.” Anyway, something to think about.

Eben Britton: A lot to think about, man. I’m reading this book. Have you read the book, The Secret History of the World by Mark Booth?

**Dr. John Jaquish:**Yes.

Eben Britton: Dude. And so something you just said, which I just read last night, in ancient Egypt, there was Amenhotep the third, the Pharaoh and he was getting ready to die. And his wife, Queen Tiye or Tiye, T-I-Y, I’m not sure she had given birth to three daughters. Amenhotep was about to die. Finally, somehow by some miracle, she gave birth to their son, Akhenaten. And Akhenaten had this, actually had a genetic defect where he had very, hermaphroditic qualities, womanly thighs, long feminine face. And Akhenaten took control, became the Pharaoh, and changed the culture. Took it from a worshiping of many gods where spirituality was an individual experience with God and made it a monotheistic culture, moved the capital of Egypt to this other place. He cut himself off from the priesthood and said, “I’m the only one that can communicate with Aton, the sun disk god, and I’m the only channel of wisdom here”. And the priest ended up killing him, and put into place-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah. He took away their power. They didn’t like that.

Eben Britton: Yeah. They didn’t like that. And they put into place king Tut and moved the capital back to where it was, which was somewhere Giza or somewhere in there. But it was really interesting reading this book, man because I realized how throughout history we’ve had this intense, humanity has had this intense thing of worshiping false idols, diving wholeheartedly into this materialistic way of being, only to find it completely sustainable and having to completely go back as Terence McKenna would say to the archaic revival, go back to nature, go back to worshiping spirits, being all-around in the truth, the absolute truth of God.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are many cycles of this.

Eben Britton: Yeah, dude. And that’s like-

Dr. John Jaquish: Europe has had multiple identifiable cycles.

Eben Britton: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like religion, not religion, decadence versus poverty. And for some reason the richer you get the smarter you think you are.

Eben Britton: Yeah. So I mean just, it’s still relatable today, because people are just completely bought in on these false paradigms. It’s like for what, to keep you comfortable and to keep your life convenient.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s an article, well, I think this was in Style Magazine, and ladies, if you’re listening, I’m not picking on you. You can look it up. But it says 56% of left-leaning women have a mental illness, a diagnosable mental illness. And then the article said it had to do with the commitment to some of these ideas that just don’t make sense. This article referred to the commitment to equality. The problem is you’ll never have equality, it’s impossible. Somebody will always be better looking than another person. Somebody will always be taller, somebody will always work harder. You can take two identical twins, one guy works harder, he’s going to make more money in one way or another.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, even in Communist Soviet Union, the guys who worked hard were pulled into the government. Yeah. The government likes “Oh, that guy busts his ass, a little bit more money. Give him a nice uniform. And anybody has a problem with me, he just beat the out of him.” Okay. Because that’s not a hierarchy. Right. It’s like, we’re never going to have hierarchies again, and we’re going to do that by applying a brutal hierarchy. Yeah, it’s awesome.

Eben Britton: Nobody is allowed to speak their truth, only listen to the government.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. Well, I mean this nightmare has been going on and off forever.

Eben Britton: I know dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And fascism has its cycles too.

Eben Britton: Absolutely. All of it, right? I mean, it all comes in cycles and here we are, all the social media tyrants. I mean, how far away are we from burning books? I mean that’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: When a video gets deleted by YouTube, that’s a book burning, dude.

Eben Britton: That’s a book burn.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the same thing.

Eben Britton: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: But you see, they kind of play themselves because every time they do that, somebody’s like, “Well, what are they trying to hide?” And then there’s always another guy who put it on BitChute or somewhere else. And I don’t know the most controversial videos, I’ve seen them all. And I understand why they wanted to get rid of that. Right, this doesn’t fit the narrative.

Eben Britton: Yeah. I mean, I feel like nothing can escape the internet, no matter how hard they try, I mean the internet is this-

Dr. John Jaquish: I hope that had been true.

Eben Britton: Yeah. But dude-

Dr. John Jaquish: If Jack Dorsey is listening, he’s planning on it not being true.

Eben Britton: He’s trying to figure it out.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: But to me, you’ve created the internet. I forget the guy’s name who created it, but-

Eben Britton: Yes. Yes. We manifested a digital collective consciousness.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Sounds great, until-

Eben Britton: Until Pandora’s box gets open.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. Well, I think also like in the beginning, the idea was, “Everyone will have a voice.” And now we’ve heard everyone’s voice, it’s like, “Take it away, take it away.”

Eben Britton: Not everybody needs to have a voice.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. No.

Eben Britton: But I mean, how do you feel about that, John? Because at one point, I mean to some extent, it’s like, " there’s a lot of people who we don’t need to hear their opinion.” But on the slippery slope, it’s like we got to hear everybodys. If we’re going to limit voices, I’d much rather just hear everyone’s voice than they start silencing voices.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah. It’s either open, or it’s kind of like it was before, and the only people we heard from… Now, it was really weird, because when we were kids, we only heard from the people who were on the news and they were somehow qualified, I suppose. I mean, I don’t know, I was a kid, I didn’t check their credentials or what they did, or what political groups they belonged to, or if they subscribe to a communist newspaper, whatever. I didn’t know any of that, but they seemed to present both sides of the story and be kind of impartial.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, I don’t remember the author’s name of this particular study, but it was a survey study of journalism students, and it asked them why they got into journalism, the overwhelming majority. And this was maybe six years ago or seven years ago. The overwhelming majority of journalism students said that the reason they got into journalism was to change the world. That’s not the job, that’s profoundly not the job. I mean, imagine a referee in sports, he’s like, “I want to become a referee, so I can end games that I bet on.” It’s like, “You’re out of here, dude. How did you get this far?”

Eben Britton: Exactly. Well, John, wasn’t the initial responsibility or purpose of journalism, the media, the news was to keep the government and corporations honest.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Keep the government honest.

Eben Britton: I mean, where are we now, dude?

Dr. John Jaquish: Dude, I don’t even know who’s the dog and who’s the tail because-

Eben Britton: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m wondering, it seems an awful lot, like journalists, are actually running this country and whoever is in power is just like, “Oh, okay, we’ll do that.” Because they’ve just got people whipped up so hard. I don’t know.

Eben Britton: But then my next question is, I was talking to my brother about this the other day. Because to me, you walk out your front door and the world is not what it is on the internet. At least where I go, where I go. If the world

Dr. John Jaquish: People get along, people are friends with everybody of every different race, and have been for a long time. Yeah.

Eben Britton: Don’t care about your political affiliation at all.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. Most people I meet, like something, something political, and they’re like, “Who’s president? It’s not the orange guy anymore, is it? Somebody else, I don’t know, an old man. I don’t know.” Nobody cares. Also, you play in the NFL, is there any racism? I don’t know, no.

Eben Britton: My God.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, it’s like you-

Eben Britton: That’s exile, dude. That’s not tolerated.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it wasn’t tolerated before we were born either.

Eben Britton: Yeah. I mean, it’s just like the assholes get ejected, no matter where they are.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hell yeah. They do.

Eben Britton: The hateful assholes get ejected.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They don’t even make it in NFL. They usually open their mouth in college or something and you’re like, “Okay.”

Eben Britton: Yeah, we’re going to beat it out of you in the shower. And then you’ll never come back again.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, street justice is still justice.

Eben Britton: No doubt, dude. No doubt.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean that’s how the animal kingdom does it. They don’t have the police force, but when one animal does something that wrongs another or animal, the rest of the herd, they kind of give them a horn, “You can’t do that.” That’s how it works.

Eben Britton: Yeah, man. Man, we went deep here, dude. I wanted to talk about the x3 .

Dr. John Jaquish: No, we can jump right back in X3.

Eben Britton: No. Yeah, I know. I know. So the X3 dude, just shifting back into it and I’m sure we’ll trip back into the cultural insanity in a moment, but-

Dr. John Jaquish: Naturally.

Eben Britton: First of all, I love how your experience creating the X3 was a firsthand look into an insane culture or an insane world or a programmed and conditioned way of being. Man, as I said, I grew up lifting weights, I grew up training hard, hour, two hours in the gym busting my ass, pumping iron. Loved it. Feel like I got a lot out of it as far as an athlete, but I get my hands on this x3 , and first of all, I love the whole thing. I love the steel platform. I love that you got the mini Olympic bar because to me that’s really what band training was missing as you said earlier. You’re standing on a band-

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately, if you’re going to get stronger, there’s no escaping heavy. And if you’re going to go heavy, you got to protect the small bones in your body. You got to protect your wrists and your ankles.

Eben Britton: Yeah man. And so with the X3, I’m getting insane resistance, insane. Insane amounts of resistance. Oh yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: More repetitions. Yeah.

Eben Britton: Oh yeah. And I’m not in pain. I’ve had shoulder surgery, back surgery. I’ve got messed up hips. But dude, it keeps me getting stronger and stronger without any hiccups, with a tweaked shoulder, a bad elbow, you know what I mean?

Dr. John Jaquish: And all setbacks are gone. There are no setbacks anymore.

Eben Britton: Yeah. Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right.

Eben Britton: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: I just did a workout with Terry Owens, who’s been a long-time user of x3 3. He’s still phenomenally fast, I don’t know what his 40 time is now, he doesn’t know.

Eben Britton: Yeah. Of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: But still in absolutely great shape. And he says, “I’m stronger and I have no pain.” And he says, “That tells me I can do this forever.” And he goes, “I plan on being…” And he’s impressed and stuff. He’s like, “I’m in incredible shape.” And he’s like, “I plan on staying in incredible shape. I love it.” Nothing has changed.

Eben Britton: I love that dude. No, it’s amazing. It’s amazing. It’s transformative, dude. I mean COVID, whatever you want to say about it, it’s transformed my relationship to training. Because before COVID, I was going to the gym, I’d be at the gym for two hours. It’d take up a big chunk of my day. I’d come home, do the thing. Now, dude, I get10 to 20 minutes and I’m smoked, I’ve got a great pump. I feel incredible, I feel energized. I feel like I just got my blood flowing and every body part is exhausted. It’s amazing dude, and I do that in 10 to 20 minutes and now I have so much more time for my day, do a podcast, get my writing done, whatever it is I got to do.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you don’t drive anywhere, you do-

Eben Britton: I don’t have to go anywhere. I got this one piece of equipment. It’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I mean, I got to get to this graduation party later today for a friend of mine’s kids graduating from high school. And so it’s like, well, where do I fit my workout in? I like to have it, and I talk about this in the book, the hyperplasia protocol, where I like to take a vasodilator, do my workout, and then a few carbohydrates and then I stretch. So you can split the muscle cells by doing… I have like 30 clinical references in this piece of the book, towards the end of the book. But because I can take X3 anywhere, people are like, “Oh, did you bring your X3 on this trip?” It’s like, “Hey, does Thor travel without a hammer? I got it right in the trunk of my car.”

Eben Britton: I love it, man. That is awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I always bring it with me.

Eben Britton: It’s awesome, dude. So basically what it comes down to, is giving you the most resistance in your strong places.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And lowering the resistance where you’d more likely injure.

Eben Britton: Right. Right. You call it the variable resistance.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Eben Britton: And that it moves.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are 16 studies on variable resistance. And one of them, and it’s the last one I refer to in the book, shows that the higher degree of variance, I mean, this should have been obvious, but nothing’s obvious in science, you got to test it and you got to prove it. So it showed the higher degree of variance is the most powerful stimulus. So you can almost offload completely the weaker range of motion. In a squat, it’s my body weight at the bottom and it’s my body weight plus 600 pounds on the top.

Eben Britton: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So I can deliver a load on a curve. The force comes on a curve that is extremely similar to my force production curve. So that’s why you can end up training with more weight, do more repetitions, go to a greater level of fatigue, and trigger more growth.

Eben Britton: Yeah. So I thought it was fascinating too on that, because when I first got it, I was like, “I’m just going to mess around with this thing, and sort of my bearings with it.” And I would do a few sets, but I was like, “This isn’t right.” And then I watched your video and you talk about doing one set to failure, and I was like, “Yes, that makes sense.” And then I started doing that and the whole thing-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s too intense to do more than one set. You do one set-

Eben Britton: Yeah, dude. I was blown out. I was blown out.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Terry Owens said that was the hardest part. The hardest part wasn’t using it, the hardest part was like, after he was done, he was like, “Well, I want to do it again.” And then soi tried it a couple of times, and then I realized after I went to complete fatigue in one set, I really couldn’t do another set.

Eben Britton: Yeah. Yeah. Talk about why that’s important and the difference there. I mean, when you go in and you’re in a typical weight training regimen, you’re doing three to five sets of something of each exercise. And with the X3, you can come in, you hit one set to failure of each exercise, and you’re getting, I don’t know, twice, three times the results, the benefits.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Probably like-

Eben Britton: Three times. The X3.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I mean, I called it X3 because there was a study that showed that people using variable resistance got three times stronger compared to the other group who would just use regular weights. I don’t think people got that. And we’re kind of going away from that triple the gains thing because does make you three times stronger, does it give you triple the gains? No. It’s way more than that. Because most people who lift, also the stronger you are, the less likely you are to proceed at all with weights. Because you’re loading the joint more and the joints don’t adapt very well. Not like the muscle does. So it’s like you got a strong curve of muscle growth, but it stops at a certain level. So the stronger you are, the more joint risk you have.

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Dr. John Jaquish: And so that ends up usually being where people are like, “Well, I mean, maybe this is just as strong as I’m ever going to get or whatever.” No, that’s not true. It’s where you are limited based on the way you’re loading the body. There’s a better way. And it’s with variable resistance. Now, it has to be the appropriate ratio of resistance. So in one-repeat maximum, you are seven times more powerful in a stronger range of motion than you’re on the weaker. But we want a repetition scheme, so it’s got to be less than a seven to one ratio. So we kind of average out of like a five to one ratio, but also you say that to the average lifter and they’re like, “Ratio? How do I set that up on a bar?” And I’m like, “I don’t know, dude. Sounds like a pain in the ass. Sounds like a calculator and a lot of head-scratching and a bunch of weights just sitting on the floor around you and bands, or you could just get x3 because I did all that math already, put it into a product.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, I mean obviously for people who are like, I’m six feet tall. But when I did a workout with, when I do workouts with Andre Drummond, who’s seven feet tall. I think he might be like 7'1 or something. He’s with the Detroit Pistons. He’s awesome. And he’s so much tall, he was bummed out he couldn’t use the same band. He’s like, “I’m a really strong guy. Why can’t he use the same brand as you?” liked then he kind of stopped himself, he’s like, “Oh because I’m stretching it further.” Right. So you get way more force the longer you stretch it, but that’s not a limitation or a problem that just is, you’re taller. Right, and everybody gets the loading they get and they progress from there. Yeah.

Eben Britton: It’s awesome, dude. So the one set to failure, in my mind, it makes sense because you’re triggering this massive hormetic response, is that correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: So it is correct. And what I would say to people is, “Okay, when you go to get a suntan, how many sets do you do in the sun to get a suntan?”

Eben Britton: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: “What? What are you talking about? You just go outside.” You have one stimulus, and one stimulus, especially when the light is the brightest, which might be like the 4th of July if you live in the United States. So you go outside on the 4th of July with no sunblock on for like 10 minutes, and then you put sunblock on, you’ll get a tan, right? So 10-minute single stimulus. Now, you don’t have to go in and then rest your skin and then go out again and then rest your skin and then… the fact that we do multiple sets is a perfect explanation of how poor the stimulus is. Weight lifting is just not a great stimulus. There’s a better way to trigger your muscles to grow and for you to be stronger, and a much lower risk way.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I tell even powerlifters who really, it’s like heresy to them, we’re getting back to the societal, I’ve got to believe in something with a religious devotion sort of thing. The power lifter’s like, “Well, I mean, I lift weights.” It’s like, “Okay, well what you do in competition, is that exactly what you do in training?” And they’re like, “No.” Right, there you go. So you do your training with x3 , you also have to keep in practice the movement of the barbell because that’s a skill. Know the difference between skills and strength. When somebody’s holding a barbell over their head that they had to use momentum to get there, that is a skill, just like a golf swing or something highly technical. And it’s like, you got to keep the skill, but if you want to grow muscle, just use X3.

Eben Britton: Yeah. That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: You keep upping your weight because you’re stronger. You’re not getting stronger, you are stronger. So you can up your weight and just maintain the skill.

Eben Britton: I love that, man. I’ve got to get the book, I got to get a copy of the book because I want to read it.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll send you one.

Eben Britton: That’d be awesome. Do you have a time that you like to use yours? Is there a time in the day that’s most beneficial?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. I kind of just made this public yesterday and there are a lot of people with a lot of questions. And you know what I mean by that. I’m doing some experimenting with dry fasting, I’ve come to some great conclusions. So I eat one meal a day, and petty much have for the last four years. Now,

Eben Britton: Is that pretty carnivore?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s no room in my intestines for anything else. I need the nutrients. Yeah, I eat one meal a day and then I dry fast for 20 hours a day. So no food, no liquids, 20 hours a day, then when that four-hour window shows up where I can eat and drink, I typically rehydrate myself with about a liter of water. And then I mix my Fortagen in that, that’s the bacterial permutation product. It’s like the best protein that’s ever existed. And so I take my Fortagen and about a liter of water, and then I do my workout. And then after another half an hour, I might eat my one meal. I usually try and time it around dinner. So like 4:00 to 8:00, that’s my hydration and food window.

The Ultimate Fasting Protein

Eben Britton: And you’re getting your lift in, or you’re getting your X3 in, in the late afternoon then?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: Wow dude. That’s Spartan, right there dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It works. It doesn’t interrupt my life. I know I’m going to eat dinner every day.

Eben Britton: Right. What are the benefits of dating in juxtaposition to water fast or a liquid fast?

Dr. John Jaquish: So I figured this out in high school, when I was wrestling, I was not big enough to play football. I was a really small kid, and so I wrestled, and it was like a 130-pound weight class. And so I noticed that we would drive fast all the time to make weight because I’d try and put on muscle and then I’d have to drop down, and I think you had to be like 129 or something on the dot or lower to make that weight class. And so I would be a little heavier because of muscle, but then I dehydrate myself over Thursdayry fast, no food, no water.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I remember it was really weird, all through high school I looked like a skin cadaver. Every vein was visible all over my body. It looked like somebody drew the shadows underneath my muscles like a Sharpie. I’d take my shirt off and people would be like, “What’s on your back?” And I’m like, “Definition.” I was pretty impressed with myself.

Eben Britton: I love that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. But it was from dry fasting. Once I learned about dry fasting later on, which most of the research comes from Ramadan.

Eben Britton: Right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So Ramadan fasting, a human ethics board in any Western country will not approve of a study where you’re not letting people drink water. However, when they do it for religious reasons, you can study them, which is why there are hundreds of studies on Ramadan fasting, and it showa s massive fat loss. And here’s the reason. When you start to dry fast, the first time you do it, sort of like the first time you do a water fast, you kind of feel s****y. A little dry mouth and a little just kind of low energy cramps, muscles cramp. But then your body finds in metabolic water.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, we only have one tissue that’s not vascular in our body, body fat. Every other tissue in your body has a purpose for being there. Body fat is just storage. It also stores water. So your body starts pulling water from those cells. For example, I haven’t had anything to drink since last night, and now I don’t ever get a dry mouth or anything anymore. But I know right now, my mouth isn’t dry, my eyes aren’t dry. That’s another thing when you first start doing this, your eyes dry out. Because your body needs to become accustomed to going after metabolic water. Well, when it starts, dehydrating, these fat cells become destroyed.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you lose weight from caloric restriction or fasting, the fat cells shrink. But that also means, and you know people who, they go on some starvation diet and then they start eating a normal diet and then they just put all the fat back on or a lot of the fat back on. And people are like, “Oh, it’s metabolic damage.” Now, there’s no such thing as metabolic damages, it’s bulls**t. But when you have a lot of fat cells because you were obese, you’re going to have them unless you destroy them. And the way you destroy them is dry fasting.

Eben Britton: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the cell ends up exploding, once it’s so dehydrated, it can’t function. So it just dissolves and gets in the bloodstream. And in fact, in the dry fast, your low-density lipoprotein skyrockets, your bad cholesterol, which is not bad anymore as of the last 10 years. I mean, I do not know why any physicians are writing statin prescriptions anymore because the research tells them not to, yet they still-

Eben Britton: Kill people.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’m afraid of that. So yeah. So your cholesterol goes up, and it’s because you’re metabolizing fat, only fat and it’s yours. And so I’ve been progressively getting a lot leaner than I’ve ever been, which led me also to understand. I used to be a lot fatter than I thought I was. Do you know what I mean? People were like, “Oh, I got five pounds to lose.” And now I hear people say that and I’m like, “Yeah, I used to think that.” Turns out I had like 45 pounds to lose. Didn’t understand that at all.

Eben Britton: That’s a mindblower, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s mind-blowing. Yeah. People have a lot of body fat, they don’t understand. This is why we’re accustomed, when we talk about body fat, we’re accustomed to caliber measures. But then somebody does a DEXA scan and there’s research that compares the two, showing a 4% error in favor of the calibers. And by in favor, I mean, in favor of the person using the calibers, because they don’t want to know that they’re actually 4% higher than they think they are. So somebody used it like 9%, probably thinks they’re pretty badass. Turns out you’re 13, which is spectacularly not badass. Yeah. I’m also the guy who tells people, “Yeah, that’s not badass.”

Eben Britton: That’s not that good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: Oh man. Well, hey dude, we need that. We need to reality.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, they don’t appreciate it, but I get a laugh.

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, I just want to get better. So what do I need to do?" And I tell them to read the book or I just give them the advice they need, yeah.

Eben Britton: Oh, it’s awesome, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s one thing, your listeners will like this. When you talk to somebody who’s morbidly obese and they’re like, “I need help.” And I’m like, “Do you need help, so you’ll do anything I tell you to do?” Because if your answer is, “Well, I’m not going to give up my pizza,” or, “Well, what about when I’m watching the game?” It’s like, “Okay, you just lost.”

Eben Britton: You don’t want it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You don’t want it bad enough. And so they’re like, “I’ll do anything. I want a complete lifestyle change.” Those people, as long as you talk to them with compassion, you can say like, “You need to cut this out, or this is the result. You need to start looking at certain things as not food.” I look at a pizza, that’s not food. It’s entertainment, it’s not food. Its sort of like you can get married to a wonderful woman or you can go see a stripper, it’s not the same thing.

Eben Britton: Right. Yeah. Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you grow up and you’re not an asshole anymore, you look at a stripper and you’re like, “Nah, it’s not a girl. Not interested.” Now, wife, yeah. That sounds great. We all end up there.

Eben Britton: No doubt, man. No doubt, dude. That’s another trippy one, man. Seeing the people who are like fighting against obesity is not an illness or it’s not a bad thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Healthy at any size. No, you’re dying. You got to tell them. I’ll tell people, once I establish some rapport, I told a guy about a year ago, I’m like, “You’re not going to see your son graduate high school. You’ll be dead before that.” And the guy, he’s 300 plus pounds, it’s not what he wanted to hear, but he’s like, “Yeah, you’re probably right.” It’s like, “Tell me what to do. I’ll do anything.”

Eben Britton: Yeah. Yeah. I guess that’s another attachment thing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, identities are excuses.

Eben Britton: Oh, for sure. Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: As soon I find this, it means you’ve foregone thinking. And we’ll make fun of both sides here. You meet somebody and they tell you that they’re conservative and they’re wearing camo, and they’ve got three NRA stickers on their car and they’ve got a carnivore hat. And you’re like, “Dude, you didn’t need to get the starter pack.”

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You can just be you. It’s fine. Everybody likes you already, I’m pretty sure. And then on the other side of politics, it’s like, you meet somebody and it’s like, “Oh, you have 11 cats, and purple hair and you’re overweight, and you’re vegan. Guessing, I know who you voted for. I bet you wear your mask in your car.”

Eben Britton: Yes. Definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Why is it? Society’s worshiping false gods because all these people, they can’t just say like, “Well, I like this, but I like that.” People ask me what my politics are all the time, they want to know. And I’m like, “I think transgender couples should be allowed to defend their marijuana farms with fully automatic weapons.” And so people are like, “Well, what does that even mean? Which side are you on?” And I’m like, “I’m on my side. I’m the side-

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think about these things individually, I don’t just buy into the whole list and go, “Yep, that’s me. Let me go get my colored purple. Become a vegan.” Why? Why do that? Independent thought is cool.

Eben Britton: Yeah. Yeah. That’s the best thing I’ve ever heard, dude. “I believe transgender couples should be able to defend their marijuana farms with their fully automatic weapons.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Eben Britton: No doubt. No doubt.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Do you know what’s me want to rob a marijuana farm?

Eben Britton: Oh my God, dude. Have you seen the slight detour, have you seen the documentary called Sasquatch on Hulu?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

Eben Britton: Dude. It’s about this, he’s a journalist who is working as a trimmer on a cannabis farm in the Emerald Triangle. And the Emerald Triangle is nuts, man. There’s a lot of territories that are run by the Hells Angels, a lot of people get murdered. Never seen again up there. It’s crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m shocked.

Eben Britton: Yeah, exactly. So he gets this one night, he’s telling this story that these two tripped out guys who had probably been smoking crack working on their cannabis farm that was like a few miles away. Came storming into the cannabis farm that he was at saying that they found a dude or like two guys had been ripped to pieces by a Sasquatch in a cannabis farm.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Eben Britton: It’s just all about the mayhem of the cannabis growers up there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I’m sure all these dope heads are like, “Oh my God.” I can see them believing it too.

Eben Britton: Oh yeah. Why not dude? But man, so awesome to hang with you, brother. And I appreciate you. Everything you do, your wisdom, your insights. I kind of want to go, there’s an OsteoStrong down the street from where I live in Studio City and I kind of want to go check it out, just for fun.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s one in Studio City. Let’s talk offline, let’s get together on OsteoStrong.

Eben Britton: I would love that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Do an X3 workout, I can show you the OsteoStrong-

Eben Britton: I love that.

**Dr. John Jaquish:**Yeah. Let’s do it.

Eben Britton: I would love that, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right.

Eben Britton: Definitely man. You’re the man. Dr. John Jaquish. Hey brother, where can everybody find you?

Dr. John Jaquish: So everyone has trouble spelling my last name. So I made it easy. My website is, D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter It’s just a landing page, and there are links to x3,Fortagen . My Instagram, I’m most active on Instagram. I just like the platform better. I can do more on Instagram than I end up doing on Facebook or whatever. Yeah. So I suggest following me there. Also, I put some YouTube videos out every once in a while. I try not to be episodic with what I have to say, because it’s more like when I put the whole argument together, also because I’m saying things that people have never heard before. I got to be careful that I didn’t miss a key detail, or leave something out.

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Dr. John Jaquish: Or if I present it in a way when I talk about carnivore nutrition, I say, “Look, there are arguments on both sides, with vegetables being the panacea and meat.” But I do know there is a body of research that shows two things will drive the longest life. And these factors are uncontested, completely. And that is, high levels of strength, and low levels of body fat, are the two factors, the two greatest indicators of long life. So is it veganism, that’s going to make you lean and strong? As strong as possible and as lean as possible, or is it carnivore? And the answer’s obvious. So that’s how I got to my conclusion. I don’t like hurting animals or anything and I understand why people don’t want to do that, but that’s just life. Animals consume other animals. When you die worms eat, you. You’re going to cry about that too?

Eben Britton: We’re trying not to let worms eat us, aren’t we?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m sure.

Eben Britton: By putting ourselves in coffins and cremating ourselves. Yeah, exactly. Just put my body in the forest somewhere, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Eben Britton: Put it back in the earth man, where it came from. Why not? Feed the trees.

Dr. John Jaquish: In Lake Tahoe. I have always liked that place.

Eben Britton: Yeah. I love that dude. Well, man, I appreciate you and your time.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

Eben Britton: Everybody, check him out. If you haven’t already, thex3 Bar, is awesome. I’ve turned a handful of buddies onto it, they’re like, “Does it work?” I’m like, “Dude, it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought.” And then they go and get it, and they’re like, “Dude, this thing is the real deal.”

Dr. John Jaquish: I appreciate that. That’s great.

Eben Britton: Yeah, man. I don’t mess around. I don’t have time to pump products that don’t align with my beliefs or my lifestyle. So when I say something works, it’s just because I’ve experienced it firsthand.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Eben Britton: So you’re the man, brother. I appreciate you. Hey everybody, I hope you guys got a lot out of that. I sure did. Lots of love to you all. Check out Dr. Jaquish, that’s about it. I’ll see you guys on the flip side. Lots of love, you all. Peace.

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