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By The Carnivore Cast on September 23, 2020

Dr. John Jaquish - X3 Bar Founder, Myths & Dogma in the Fitness Industry

Dr. John Jaquish - X3 Bar Founder, Myths & Dogma in the Fitness Industry

Dr. John Jaquish @drjaquish is a biomedical engineer and the inventor of both a world-changing exercise system that focuses on variable resistance, the X3 variable resistance exercise system - used by Dr. Shawn Baker, Luis Villasenor, Dr. Kevin Stock, and many other keto and carnivore athletes - and the world’s most effective bone density building medical device - Osteostrong. He is also the author of a new book, Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, questioning the traditional suggestions of weight lifting and laying out a more effective and efficient method to build lean muscle and health.

Full Transcript

Scott Myslinski: Dr. John Jaquish is a biomedical engineer and the inventor of both a world changing exercise system that focuses on variable resistance. The X3 Bar portable home gym used by Dr. Sean Baker, Louise Phyllis Senora, Dr. Kevin Stock, and many other keto and carnivore athletes. And also the inaudible of the world’s most effective bone density building medical device, OsteoStrong. He’s also the author of a new book Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time questioning the traditional suggestions of weightlifting and laying out more effective and efficient methods to build lean muscle and health. Welcome to the show John.

Dr. John Jaquish: Scott, thanks so much for having me.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. I’m very excited to talk to you today and I’d love to understand, you made a fairly big splash in the field of biomechanics and exercise in relatively short amount of time. At least it feels like it to the outside viewer but I’m sure it was a long journey. So I’m curious what first-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. [Incorrect].

Scott Myslinski: What first got you interested in biomechanics and exercise and led to you to kind of the path of invention?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, I actually did my degree in biomedical engineering after I developed the OsteoStrong or at least I had prototyped the OsteoStrong devices. So it was a different order than just about everybody else. And my PhD advisor had told me, had done your degree first, you would have talked yourself out of this. Because it’s so unconventional, it’s so different than the way people think about just how to treat [you’re] dysfunction. So what ended up happening was my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and I wanted to help her and she looked at the pharmaceutical options and it’s one of those dysfunctions that the pharmaceutical options are pretty much all bad. And it will leave you with side effects, it’ll leave you sort of as decrepit as you were or on your way to be.

And with a new set of problems. And I like telling people drugs don’t have side effects, they have effects. Some of the affects you want, some of the affects you don’t. And so when you limit something, it’s like that thing that you’re limiting is there for a reason. So the general philosophy of pharmacology is we want to do, no there’s a benefit to risk ratio and we want more benefit than risk. So when I looked at what she could have done and there’s just the options were terrible I said, “Let me look into this.” And my thought was, I want to find if there’s a population of super responders, people have incredibly high bone density and how did they do it.

And then if I can figure out how they did it, well then maybe I can recreate that with some sort of device or tool or something like that. So what I ended up doing was I found this population. They were very easy to find it was gymnasts. So they’re a population that absorbs very high impact forces when they lands from the uneven bars sometimes they get up to 10 times their body weight. Now, weightlifter, I mean, Scott you lift weights, you know anybody that squats 10 times their body weight?

Scott Myslinski: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You probably you don’t even know anybody that squats three times their body weight. So it’s an amount of loading that’s impractical and impossible to get on the body with conventional means. So I built something unconventional. I built a impact emulation device, and that’s now called OsteoStrong, it’s in seven different countries and 140 locations and has treated hundreds of thousands of people reversing their osteoporosis. So it was really my mother that got me into it 13 years ago. And yeah, it’s funny like I’m so hated, well, for I’m sure a lot of things. But one of the things is like this guy came out of nowhere we’ve never heard of him. These are people in the fitness industry. Well, that’s fine because I’ve never been in the fitness industry.

I’ve been in the medical device industry. That’s why you haven’t heard of me. And I don’t consider myself part of the fitness industry now. I think the fitness industry is the clown rodeo. Just people who are passing on incorrect little sub facts that are wrong, just myths that are passed around, really even some of the sports [science] PhDs. Well, I shouldn’t say that they know what they’re doing. But they don’t guide the industry at all. You rarely see somebody go from strength coaching for like an NFL team to leading like a gym chain in their programming. Because if they did, they’d take all the stuff in the gym and throw in the trash. Right, right. Like you go into, and I work with more than 40 professional athletes, and you’re in the Miami heat training room, you don’t see any of this stuff you see it Equinox, nothing.

And it’s much more simplistic the way they approach things. But see a gym doesn’t really care because all they’re there to do is sell memberships. And if they have the equipment you’re expecting to see, that’s fine. If they have something you aren’t expecting to see, then you’ve got to explain yourself. So it’s a harder job. And they’re not there to make people fit, they’re mainly there to charge membership fees. So that’s why we are where we are with the gym industry. And why almost everyone, and this was basically the premise of the book. Almost everyone who works out, looks like shit. They don’t look like anything. They don’t look like they work out. I mean, we all know the majority of our friends who were engaged in exercise, they see a little bit of change when they first start and then nothing. The leanest 1% of males in the United States is 10.9%. But top 1%, let’s round that to 11. That’s like you can sort of see your top [abs]. That’s not impressive.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah it’s not great.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s certainly, it’s not obese. I mean, I commend everybody who’s 10.9% body fat. But we all know you can get a lot better, but people, they don’t. They go to the gym year after year. And with the fitness industry, this is my kind of big statement. It’s like, fitness industry is a 99% failure rate. Why are you defending it? You know when I say Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time there’s always some sideways hat clown with a gut, who claims he knows better. And it’s like 99% failure rate. Prove me wrong. Talk me out of it, change my mind. That’s it.

Scott Myslinski: Is that would motivate the book John? And talk a little bit more about the book. What can folks hope to learn from it, and what really inspired you to write it?

Dr. John Jaquish: So first being in the medical device industry, getting doctors to prescribe it was not difficult at all by comparison. And reason for that is that I would show the scientific evidence around the product to a group of physicians sometimes I talked to a hundred physicians at a time. And they would say, “Wow, that’s great.” And now we have a physical medicine alternatives. So we can try this. And if this doesn’t work because you do have to exert your own effort and some people are unwilling to do that. And I’m talking about OsteoStrong now. Then we can go into pharmaceuticals.

If there’s an option that has no side effects connected to it, why wouldn’t you try that first? And it has all this evidence behind it. So you feel the evidence to the physician and the physician is impressed and will prescribe the use of the device. But when I entered into fitness, I didn’t plan on entering into it. I wanted to license the device and have nothing to do with it. I wasn’t planning on being the spokesperson or the model, or anything like that. I wanted a licensed it to a fitness company, just like I did with OsteoStrong. So OsteoStrong is not my company, I created the technology and I licensed it to two guys, Tony Robbins and Kyle Zadgodzky. I’m sure you know who Tony Robbins is.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You should pay attention to Kyle Zagdodzky he’s doing some amazing stuff for that brand too. You should have him on show actually. So he’s the CEO of OsteoStrong and so those two guys they’re running the franchise business. I didn’t want to run a franchise business. I want to focus on the science. That’s what I’m good at. And so then when I went to develop X3 Bar resistance band training system, I took it to a bunch of fitness companies and they’re like, “Whoa, you want to make a scientific argument to the fitness industry?” And I was, “Yes, I do.” And they’re like, “Yeah, that’s never going to work.” The customers in the fitness industry are really unintelligent. They’re dumb. They’re not going to get it at all.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. They just want to transformation photos and celebrity endorsements.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah basically. You know what I mean like looking, you go to any fitness company website, it’s just like, here are celebrities we paid. You know like, who never give a quote about the product because they don’t even understand it. They just stood there for the picture. So I looked at the landscape and I said, people aren’t that dumb, but I mean, like I looked at it like some of the forums on and I’m like, well, okay, well, I know where the dumb ones hanging out. There are smart finesses, where do they go? And they were more like into the bio-hacking kind of books. They were more like the Dave Asper scenes, Sean Baker fans. And so what I ended up doing was targeting busy professionals and executives.

And that was the smartest move that we made because that was like the first 50,000 costumers. And we really target people who are inaudible like the Wall Street journal or Forbes or Entrepreneur. And they started adopting it. And of course there’s decent percentage of them that looked like physique models. And they’re in their late forties or early fifties. And they start posting pictures and it started getting attention of the sort of mainstream fitness person. And so that’s how that happened. But every touch point I have with the fitness industry, I couldn’t believe the lack of understanding, of basic physiology, just terrible and no one really cared.

And so I decided I wanted to write a book that was really addressing these issues, and it’s not necessarily for that population. I don’t expect most people who identify themselves as amateur bodybuilders or powerlifters to read the book and understand it or care, until they bumped into somebody who had great results, then they’re going to read it. And that’s really been happening. In fact, the book was a best seller three days after it came out. In like big categories in like weightlifting. It’s the number one, currently it still is the number one book in weightlifting.

Scott Myslinski: That’s excellent. And for listeners who aren’t familiar the X3 bar, tell us what it is, how X3 Bar works and what people can do with it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. So yeah, when I looked at what we need, with my medical device, I was able to prove, I collected data in a trial that we did in London, at university of East London. And as I was looking at the data and all the physicians were asking me, “Well, how does this compare with normal weightlifting data?” Because we were loading bone with post-menopausal women who had never exercised ever. And we were loading their bone mass with six or seven or eight times their body weight. And they were not only able to tolerate it, it was pain free and they felt great after doing it. And so I compared it to the lifting data in the NHS database, which is the largest collection of fitness metrics in the world.

I mean, this comes from data in inaudible interviews of 2000 people per year and that’s been going on since then, I want to say early nineties. So it is all then collected and available for researchers to analyze. So I compared the data of what we had which is really the maximum capacity in an impact ready range of motion for human being. And then just compare it with the average fitness force that somebody puts through that same joint. And I use the hip joint as the example because the hip joint is the one that has the most fractures is also the joint that accepts the most power. So the bigger the number the better understanding we’re going to have and then the less joint variability, like you’d never want to do it on overhead press because you’re going to have subjects that have joint dysfunction and shoulder. Because there’s always somebody who has a shoulder thing.

It’s the most injured joint in the body. So when I did that I realized that humans are seven times stronger than they think they are by comparison to the weights they lift. Because when you lift a weight it’s only really stressful to you in the weaker range of motion. It’s not really stressful to you very much or at all in the stronger range of motion. So you’re really training the weaker range of motion and you have the least amount of muscle firing and the greatest chance of joint injury. So I said, [this] is when I made the comment to myself, weightlifting sucks. There’s got to be a better way.

What we need is a weight that changes so that it is lighter in the weaker range of motion and magnitude stronger and the stronger range of motion. So that once we go to fatigue and the stronger range of motion with a very heavy weight, then we fatigued the weaker range of motion. So you fatigue every range of motion with something you cannot do with a weight. And then you have a level of exhaustion that is unachievable by regular weight training because you’ve fatigued in accordance with capacity. And so there’s a lot of math involved in getting that right, and getting a sleek, elegant, simple system that could do that and that can all fit in a backpack. So that was an engineering challenge. But then once I was done, that’s what X3 Bar variable resistance training system became.

Scott Myslinski: Lot of people ask me about how to make liver more tasteful and how to cook it or incorporate other organ meats on carnivores. Optimal carnivores can help you do just that with their grass fed organ complex. It’s created by carnivores for carnivores, and they start by sourcing a hundred percent grass fed organ needs from New Zealand, gently freeze drying the organs and encapsulating them into convenient bovine gelatin capsules, just six of these capsules a day is the same as eating an ounce of raw organ meat.

I personally take these every single day as does my wife, even though we both eat liver and other organ meats, our ancestors would have eaten the whole animal. And this unique blend has nine different organs, including beef liver, brain, thymus, kidney, spleen, et cetera. And I think it’s great to get a daily dose of these organs when you can. So it covers all your bases, whether you’re at home or traveling. What’s also cool is they plant a tree for every product sold, which helps the environment.

Yeah, the variable resistance is really interesting to me and you can feel it just the first time you do an exercise with it, the difference in the loading of doing like a squat or the chest press where all of a sudden it gets so much harder at the top end of that range of motion because the bands are fully stretched. And what are some of the results you’ve seen personally and from clients using the X3 Bar resistance band bar system?

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve seen people put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months or less, which is, and I mean these are people who have been lifting for years already. And I get people telling me, I see better results in six months of X3 workout bar system than I did in 10 or 20 years on weight training. So I mean, I knew I just had to write the book at that point. Weightlifting is done. No, I mean there’s still a sport of weightlifting. If somebody wants to do that, they have to train for it. There’s a neurological firing pattern, like throwing a baseball or swinging a golf club that you need to stay in practice if you want to have a good bench press.

But when people work out, they want to change the body. They want an effect. And the effect is not how much you bench, it’s did I grow muscle or not? How much muscle did I grow? Am I losing body fat at the same time? Those are the questions that people really ask. And every once in a while there’s somebody who’s got an ego that’s very tied to their bench pressing you see their video and it’s like lousy form, and they bounce the bar off their chest and somebody dies doing that every couple of months. But I want to point out to them, do you work out so you can talk about your bench press, or do you work out because you want to change your [physique]?

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. People either want to get healthier. They want to look better. And one thing I’m curious about is, I’m sure you’ve heard this before and at the end of the day, there isn’t necessarily a better alternative. It’s not like barbells are any better at this, but it seems like for some exercises, for some movements, the bands are loading the opposite of the strength curves. So to explain this for the audience, like a squat for instance, is hardest at the bottom, and then it gets progressively easier once you get up, your legs are stronger when you’re close to fully extending them.

That’s why people do like quarter squats and try to look strong. So when you load that with the band, the band is most extended and strongest when you’re at the top of the spot. So it’s the opposite. It’s making the movement harder where it would normally be the easiest, that’s what you want. But for certain movements, bands don’t do that effectively, like rows your strongest when your arms are fully extended. And then you’re weaker when you’re you’ve pulled the bar all the way into your chest. Are similar with deadlifts. So isn’t the loading of bands kind of opposite the strengths curves for certain movements?

Dr. John Jaquish: For only one movement. And you mentioned the row. So did you read that chapter in the book? Because I addressed this in the book.

Scott Myslinski: No, no. I’d love to hear your explanation.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s page 70 in the book for those of you who want to follow along. I show the different strength curve for like a row versus one of the other movements where the power position of the row is actually in the middle because of the crossing curves of the lats and the biceps. And actually the posterior deltoid to a degree. I mean, it’s small muscle, but it’s working. I mean, when you’re shoulders being pulled back. And specifically this entire argument is laid out, in how many pages did I spend on it? Yeah [about] nine. So I can’t give you all that information, but it’s different and so what happens is we use diminishing range and all of the sets.

And diminishing range is first to exhaust the strongest range. Then you exhaust the middle range and then you exhaust the weaker range. So when this happens, with a row, you get a few full range reps. You might get to five or six of them. And then what you’re really counting is the rest of the full range reps is the ones where you can hang in the middle because you’ll see your repetitions. You’ll be able to do much more in the middle than at the top. So like when I do a chest press, because my point is the variable resistance solves this problem.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. It’s a really good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk chest press, I hit 540 pounds at the top. The top of my chest press is 540 pounds. I might do that for 20 reps, but then in the mid-range where I can only do 300, I only get like two reps. And in the weaker range, I only get two reps. So I like devastated and I can no longer get to that stronger range, whereas all the way up where I’m sort of tapping my belt buckle with the bar in the bent over row, I might get three or four repetitions and then I’ll get like 24 repetitions in the middle. So I’m still absolutely exhausting the strongest range. And then in the weaker range, I might get four or five partials.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah that examination makes a ton of sense. And you’re right. The variable resistance does inevitably kind of solve it. And as long as you’re doing all the partial reps to failure, you get there eventually.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And I wrote that chapter mostly so people understood why the sort of stronger to weaker range ratio was so different in a row.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They were really confused. Why is the middle of my row so powerful? And I’m like, “Because it is.” But I needed to plot that, and I needed to plot it accurately. And also I was touching on a lot of proprietary data that I’ve collected with bone density testing equipment. So I had to be kind of strategic there. There’s a lot of my IP. So I mean the does not have this figured out. So I had to be thorough, satisfactory, but strategic.

Scott Myslinski: Certainly. Yeah. It makes complete sense. And what are some of the biggest push backs or criticisms you see of the X3 Bar resistance band training system? One I’ve seen online is some people initially balk at the price tag, but maybe you can talk about the value.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. And how would you position that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, absolutely. So I’m glad you asked about that. The criticisms, the number one is the price, but if you look at any product, it can be a $5 product. The number one criticism is price. So for some reason, online people feel very justified to be adult babies and throw a tantrum. Whereas they’d never do that. No one gets to the front of a line at Walmart and screams at the person at the checkout counter and says, “How could you sons of bitches charge $3 for my box of wine? It should only be two.” No one would do that. And I’m sure there’s some hillbilly out there that would do that. But for the most part nobody’s going to do that, but online inaudible.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. People are animals.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, yeah, just so, so angry. And it shows you how many people have just terrible lives out there and they come home and they’re furious and they want to take it out on somebody. Generally some entity that they’re jealous of. There’s a lot of psychological research on this. The other thing I have is, and there’s home gyms. The X3 Bar exercise band bar system will blow away the results of any home gym. You could spend $10,000 on your home gym. You’ll get better results from X3 Bar resistance band bar system and it’s 500 bucks. So what do you want? A lot of metal or a lot of results? Is your goal to buy a lot of heavy equipment? Or is it to have a champion physique? So if the latter is what you’re looking for, you’re going to get it with X3 Bar variable resistance training system. You’re not going to lose a garage or a room in your house because the thing will fit in a drawer when you’re done. Can you hear me?

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, good. Yeah. So it’s the situation where results are what matters. And the X3 Bar resistance band training system is built for, like I said, you’re seven times stronger than you think are. The product has to be built for that kind of power. When Dr. Baker does a deadlift with X3 Bar, it’s over 700 pounds. And he says, it’s not one of the hardest workouts he’s ever done. Keep in mind, this is a world record strength holder. And he says, this is harder than a deadlift workout. And I’m like, yeah, because you’re going to a deep level of exhaustion. And he’s says, “I understand why people grow from this. This is awesome.” So he’s been posting a lot of videos of him using, and I think he posted two days ago of his deadlift. But, yeah, it’s 700 pounds at the top, about 500 in the middle and maybe two or 300 at the bottom. And that’s in accordance with the strength curve. So when people-

No Weights, No Cardio

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. And it fits in your suit case.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Your suitcase or a drawer at your house you don’t have to have an ugly room. Or make your wife park outside. I get a lot of emails inaudible. And they are like, “Hey, yeah, you really improved my marriage inaudible park outside, because I had my gym in her side of the garage.” And all I can think of is, you were making your wife park outside?

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. crosstalk on his side of the garage.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh man. Yeah. Okay. You should probably get some marriage counseling too. When I see people that say this thing should only be $50, they don’t understand the power that it has and the power that it will hold and deliver into your musculature. And it has to be built that way. The bar costs us $200 to make. Just the bar. Forget the ground plate or the bands. Bands are the thickest dense in the world and the ground plate has got a significant cost too, it’s a piece of steel. It’s substantial. It’s not just some little thing, some people think it’s like, oh, I can just stand on a cutting board. Like people cut bread on? And it’s like a cutting board would shatter and then your ankle would be broken.

Scott Myslinski: I can see in a [whole] Americas funniest home videos reel of people trying to create this own their own.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s been some people who have made a homemade one injured themselves very badly. But they haven’t put the videos online yet, but it’ll come. But here’s the real weird thing with the people that say, I’m only going to spend $50. And you intuitively know that a $50 product is never going to deliver any kind of force to the human body if it is going to be relevant for strengthening. Anything is $50 is small and made out of plastic. Or like straps, like TRX straps, no one got stronger from TRX. Maybe there’s some dude out there, but that’s certainly the one of the least efficient ways to go. When your budget is $50, you’re not even serious about fitness anyway, because anything that’s in that category, some cheap plastic thing.

So I say to these people, maybe the shake weight is right for you, because if you think you’re going to get a significant strength workout that’s going to give you the physique of a professional athlete by spending $50, you’re just fooling yourself. And I always have thought that things like the shake weight, and perfect push up, and TRX, they’re great for people who want to say they work out at home. And I feel like those people purchase those products so they say, “I work out at home.” But they don’t.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. They just collect [plastic] in the basement.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s just so you can say it. And that that person is probably obese and they’re really good at making excuses for all kinds of stuff. So yeah, it’s just kind of a nonsense comment.

Scott Myslinski: And shifting topics a little bit, Dr. Jaquish, I’m curious how did you discover carnivore? How long have you done it? What’s your daily diet look like? And what results have you seen from it? Where did that enter the picture for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: So when I developed X3 Bar portable home gym I had already been ketogenic for 13 years. But I was still eating a significant amount of vegetables. Mostly my meals were like inaudible, broccoli or asparagus. And then, that was 20% body fat which is terrible. It’s not obese, but it’s certainly not okay. And I was like 190. So like a lean 172 or something like that. And then I thought, okay, I went ketogenic before really anybody was talking about it. Because I read some science and it made sense to me. And I suppose it kept me from being in worse shape, but it didn’t really get me where I wanted to go. So I said okay, I’m going to look at what’s required especially protein.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

What do we really need to grow muscle? And I also want to take benefit of sometime restricted eating. So my goal was to get to, was it good to like one meal a day? Basically immediately. And because that made sense, I saw the benefits, especially in those last couple of hours of the fantasy period. So when I looked at how many grams of protein I needed, it was like 190 pounds, like wow, 190 grams of protein. There’s hardly enough room in my intestines for anything else. And so I’m like, I wonder what would happen if I ate just meat. And then I started looking at some of the, not the mainstream articles, because those are very often wrong, but the actual science and like antioxidants.

We make some antioxidants in our body when they’re needed, but for the most part you need antioxidants when you are oxidizing. If you’re not oxidizing, meaning inflamed with inflammation, if you’re not oxidizing, you don’t need antioxidants at all. And so I was like, well, there goes fruits and vegetables, they’re worthless. And so I just came to the conclusion from a much more simple place and just doing literature review after literature review of people ate more meat versus people who ate more proteins. I usually try, when I want to do research, I try and ask the question that will get me to a more definitive answer quicker.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. Like inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that’s very different about how I approach a lot of problems and how others approach a lot of problems. Well, yeah, but inaudible kind of didn’t know what he was doing. I do. Yeah, so I’m a little like what is the argument for plant-based nutrition? I kept running into antioxidants. Okay. It’ll be easier to prove antioxidants are of a high level of value, medium level of value, or of no value, definitively then to determine ratios of people eating plants, and some meat, and people were eating 50% meat and 50% vegetables. Because you run into that all the time. And it’s just like, if you look at a study there with different ratios it doesn’t really give you anything conclusive.

Or it could suggest some things, but it’s not as definitive. And here’s another study I found in the antioxidant argument, take a guess if you were to eat whole foods, no powders or pills, just whole foods, just like the natives did, how many calories would you need imagining you could get fruits and nuts and vegetables from every corner of the globe, which was obviously never possible. So let’s just pretend you could get that. How many calories a day, Scott, would you need to take in to get to your recommended daily allotments as described by the American medical association? Just take a guess. How many calories?

Scott Myslinski: Interesting. I don’t know, like 1800.

Dr. John Jaquish: 27,000.

Scott Myslinski: What?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So obviously the vitamin recommendations are total bullshit.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. That’s crazy. No one’s reaching it, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There are completely yes. It doesn’t make any sense. No one ever ate like that. A rhino doesn’t eat like that. So [that] never mind like [day]. These recommendations were all made by expert opinion. They’re all developed in the sixties and seventies and physicians just took a guess and were they were working for vitamin producers and pharmaceutical companies? Yes. They were. So it’s a great way to convince somebody that they need to take pills to be healthy because there’s no way you can get this in nature. And it’s like, okay, well, mankind’s been around for 10,000 years at least. How did we get here if we didn’t have these pills?

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. And do you think you can build, I guess, what is a day of carnivore eating look like for you John?

Dr. John Jaquish: Two and a half pounds of [throwing] in one meal. Scott Myslinski: Pretty simple. Very straightforward.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes I’ll have some scrambled eggs with it. If I’m at like a diner or something, I’ll have like a platter of sirloin steaks because they’re like eight ounces or whatever. I might get for those and like 10 scrambled eggs.

Scott Myslinski: And do you eat at a certain time every day or does it vary?

Dr. John Jaquish: I try to make it later in the day. That’s just when I’m hungriest. I have no hunger in the morning. I have no interest in eating in the morning. Never did. Midday, I don’t know. I mean, I’m in such a deep level of ketosis all the time that I’m really not hungry at noon either, but towards the end of the day, especially if I smell, I’ve grown really to be appetized by the smell of raw meat. I

Scott Myslinski: Interesting. A lot of carnivores claim that.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like I cook very rare. Yeah. I didn’t know that. And then I thought I was just like, wow, I’m going to be like living in a cave since, that makes me feel better about myself. So yeah, at the end of the day, I think I’m doing ground beef tonight with a little bit of liverwurst and some cheese. And yeah, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Mostly because I can smell it in my head. Tonight I’ll be at the end of a 72 hour fast. So probably a little hungrier than normal.

Scott Myslinski: Wow. And do you think you can optimally build muscle eating this way? You said you were looking for a way where you could get protein without other interfering things and you think you need antioxidants. What do you think?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Yes. Yes. You need one gram per pound of body weight.

Scott Myslinski: But do you think that you can build the most amount of muscle eating this way? Or do you think, I mean, it seems like the answer is kind of obvious, but do you think carbs are insulinogenic or anabolic and would help you build more muscle in some way?

Dr. John Jaquish: So one part of my book, I do talk about, carbs they bloom and exist in nature at the end of the summer. And that’s when they’re most available in most regions. And so it’s like a bear will give itself type two diabetes every year to accelerate its fat gain for hibernation.

Scott Myslinski: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: So yeah, I frequently mentioned that type two diabetes at least the way the bear sees it is it’s not a dysfunction, it’s a function. It’s just not a state we’re supposed to be in in perpetuity. So if you want to get fat for the winter to protect yourself from the cold and to live off the stored calories, let’s say we were all like living in huts, like yeah, we can do that. That works. And sometimes they’ve done analysis where they look at like Viking boats that like had very little storage on them. A Viking boat that was rowed didn’t have like two decks and cannons. It was like, bet it was like a 40 foot rowboat.

They didn’t bring two months’ worth of food. They just got fat before they left. And they rowed, and they just lived off the most concentrated calories they could have their own body fat. So it’s like that is what carbs do in nature. However, in small amounts, after you deplete muscle glycogen, you can have some carbohydrates and it will replenish muscle glycogen better hydrate muscle. And there’s a whole protocol in the book that shows how you use that with vasodilation and we’re stretching to really aggressively enhance your growth rate. But that’s like a 20 page section of the book.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah. Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Scott Myslinski: Well, this has been super interesting for me John and I think listeners will get a ton out of it. A lot of my listeners are probably less familiar with the fitness industry looking to get started looking for an easy convenience solution, especially in the time of lockdown and COVID and all this nonsense. So I think you can provide a ton of value to them. Where can people learn more about you and find you online and I’ll of course provide links to everything in the show notes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I made a landing page that has, are you there?

Scott Myslinski: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Okay. I made a landing page that has all of my stuff on it so I don’t have to say it five different places. It’s D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter

Scott Myslinski: Got it.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can find my social media links to X3 Bar resistance band training system. You can get the book there, everything.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Scott Myslinski: Awesome. Well, I’ll provide that for the listeners and thanks again for your time today John really appreciate it. And-

Dr. John Jaquish: Scott this is fun.

Scott Myslinski: Yeah, yeah. Really appreciate it. And I think folks will get a lot of value out of this. So thanks again.

Dr. John Jaquish: Tell you what if your listeners have a lot of questions because it’s a 260-page book. So there’s a lot to be asked if they have more questions about it, I’m more than willing to come back and do a second round specifically for whatever they’re concerned with.

Scott Myslinski: Awesome. Yeah, I think that’d be really valuable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Great. All right. Super.

Scott Myslinski: Great. Thank you John. Have a great rest of your day.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks Scott. Bye-bye.

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