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By Evolve with Pete Evans on November 20, 2017

H.E.A.L. Podcast - John Jaquish, PhD

H.E.A.L. Podcast - John Jaquish, PhD

John Jaquish, PhD is an inventor, author and scientist. After successfully reversing his mother’s Osteoporosis as part of his Doctoral Dissertation in Biomedical Engineering research at Rushmore University, he conducted four years of testing with human subjects focused on user comfort, biomechanics and optimal musculoskeletal stimulation. Next, the device he designed was put into production and has since been placed in over 240 clinics worldwide.

Join me as I ask John:

  • Are there foods or other behaviours that negatively impact bone density?

  • Is dairy good or bad for bone calcium?

  • How long does someone need to spend at OsteoStrong before they feel the benefits?

  • How much time would people need to use the X3 Bar fitness band bar system?

  • His ingredients for a happy recipe for life!

You’ll also hear:

  • The genesis of his research into Osteoporosis, and his findings.

  • What causes cellulite.

  • What new research into exercise techniques is revealing.

  • The unique properties of Calcium in the body.

John is passionate about his work and the research behind it - it rings true with great stuff like this from him:

“Everybody’s looking for a shortcut. I believe in shortcuts, but I don’t believe in shortcuts with information. You’ve got to understand what you’re doing.”

Full Transcript

Pete Evans: The Recipes For Life podcast is a conversation about my favorite ingredients for a healthy human experience. We take an informed look at topics that include nutritional and emotional wellbeing as well as expanded consciousness. This podcast is presented by the Pete Evans, Healthy Everyday Range of Super Blends including Collagen Super Blends, Bone Broths Super Blends and check out our new All Grass-Fed Grass-Finished Beef Liver Capsules, and there’s more to come. You can find out [email protected]. That’s www.

Pete Evans: John Jaquish is an inventor, author and scientist after successfully reversing his mother’s osteoporosis, as part of his doctoral dissertation in biomedical engineering research at Rushmore University, he conducted four years of testing with human subjects focused on user comfort, biomechanics, and optimal musculoskeletal stimulation. Next, the device he designed was put into production and has since been placed in over 240 clinics worldwide. You can find out more about John Jaquish at That’s John is offering a special deal for our Recipes For Life podcast listeners. You get 10% off when you go to That’s the letter X, the number three, then and then type in paleoX3 Bar resistance band training system. That’s all you need to do to get 10% off the X3 Bar. Cheers, John.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Pete Evans: John, it is amazing to have you on the program and I’m really excited to hear what you have to say about bone density, osteoporosis, and about your amazing new device that you’ve created, which basically you can travel with it. It’s suitable for pretty much every person on the planet. John, welcome to the show, mate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Pete, thanks so much for having me.

Pete Evans: Let’s start off with your background. You’re an inventor, you’re also a scientist, you’re an author and all around good bloke from everything that I’ve heard about you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, thanks. Yeah, I think I’m a good guy. I got into medical research because my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis. She was in her early 70s and felt like she was going to have to live a very miserable life worrying about fractures, but she was worried about like a hip fracture. Most people don’t know hip fractures have a similar mortality rate as breast cancer. If you have a hip fracture and you’re 50 years old, you have a 50% chance of death within one year.

Pete Evans: Wow. I didn’t know that.

Dr. John Jaquish: The takeaway there is 50% chance. Yeah. Isn’t that amazing? 50% chance of death after 50. Now, the fracture itself is not what ends someone’s life. It’s the complications. Like they’re in the hospital and they catch pneumonia or they can’t recover from the fracture or it’s a spiral fracture or abnormal sort of shattering of the femur, which requires very invasive surgery. Recovering from that surgery can be a very challenging and also have a high mortality rate associated with it. My mother saw all these statistics and she was heartbroken and told me that she was probably going to die early. I started looking into it. I started researching what osteoporosis really was. My definition is a lot friendlier than that of the international educational bodies.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s a deconditioning of bone. Anything that’s deconditioned can also become reconditioned, right? When I looked at this and I explained to her, “There’s just a lack of force being put through the bone, I’m going to figure out how to replace that.” I ended up reading all the research on the subject having to do with physical activity and bone. I came across some research out of Finland University of Jyvaskyla. If I were Finnish, I would probably pronounce that slightly different, but I say it and they laugh and I think I say it the same way they say it. The Finnish, this particular university, all the researchers, they are very excited about high impact and the type of activity that gymnast’s go through. They’re not recommending everybody become a gymnast. I mentioned that to my mother. She didn’t find that funny at all. But absorbing high impact force alters the bone matrix.

Dr. John Jaquish: Basically simplified way of looking at it, but if you pinch the bone from end to end the long way, so long into the long end, the inside of the bone becomes slightly distorted for a brief period of time, the fraction of a second. When the bone balances back into position, it becomes stimulated to pull in more minerals and predominantly calcium and recalcify the bone to make the bone more powerful.

Pete Evans: That makes sense?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it makes perfect sense. Of course there’s nutritional components. We’re going to go a little deeper into that. What I realize when looking at this, I thought, “Oh, okay. I need to make a machine that compresses the bone at the proper levels that are similar to that of a gymnast hitting the ground at these high impact levels.” What I did was like, I created impact emulation device. These can be found at OsteoStrong locations and it’s great that we’re doing this show right now because OsteoStrong is just coming to Australia. In fact, I think it’s going to be launching in just like the next couple of months. I don’t know where the first locations are going to be, but master franchise is all being set up and there’s going to be OsteoStrong is all over Australia.

Pete Evans: Wonderful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s a clinic that people can come to and they can use this impact emulation device. What it does is it allows individuals to get in a position where they would naturally absorb high impact force and then they very slowly using comfort, so they have to be comfortable through this whole process. There’s nothing like high impact or scary. Sometimes people look at me and I’m really athletic looking guy, so they imagine it’s going to be scary and dangerous and difficult and its none of those things. Very pleasant, controlled and they can compress on its axis bone and trigger the adaptation. Mineral comes into the bone and can recalcify the bone and build bone density. Then there’s been clinical data that’s been published in multiple peer review journals that has shown that this adaptation is not only stronger than any of the pharmaceuticals out there, but there’s no side effects because it’s just triggering what the bone is supposed to do.

Pete Evans: How do you feel about inventing a machine that has shown the potential of increasing bone density? Obviously you must be very proud, but there must be far more reaching.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was thrilled. The beginning was the funniest part and I really wish I had more pictures and video of it. I have, I have a little bit, but my mother was so upset when I strapped her into a machine and we’re loading hundreds of pounds her hip joint and her spine. She didn’t know that she wouldn’t be injured, but she’s my mother. I knew she wouldn’t be injured because I did the biomechanics analysis, but it was not her field. She didn’t fully grasp what was really going on. She reluctantly trusted me and within 18 months she was back to a normal T-score. She had the bones of a 30-year-old in her 70s.

Pete Evans: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s what I was most proud of. Then there’s been multiple versions since then and now it’s available at OsteoStrong locations. Tony Robbins is a partner in the business and is driving it everywhere. Everybody’s very excited and we’re getting from menace results.

Pete Evans: How long does somebody have to spend at OsteoStrong and how frequently to feel the benefits and for the results to happen?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. Sessions are one time per week, never more than one time per week. You don’t get more results by coming more often. It’s because bone has a longer metabolism than muscle does. You go one time per week and in just a few years you can build the bone density to the appropriate level back to where it was when it was 30. Now, we see people with accelerated bone densities and this is confirmed in research that I didn’t do, having an elevated level of bone density beyond the normalized curve for 30 years. Basically, you can build 30 years of bone by doing this and getting back, to that high level of bone density.

Pete Evans: What does that mean for the regular human being?

Dr. John Jaquish: It means it needs that … So, normally the way we judge bone density is T-score and that’s a factor. It’s a standard deviation of where you are in your particular race because different races of people have little different bone structure and what you would be when you’re 30 and where you are now. Like my mother white female, what was she at when she’s 30 and then what was she at when she was 70. She was -2.5 standard deviations away from normal bone. That’s right at the diagnosis level of osteoporosis. She went back to a T-score of zero. In her 70s, she had the bones of the 30-year-old. Now, she still continued to maintain. She still uses OsteoStrong, but she’s not going to have to worry about that. It took her 40 years to get to -2.5.

Dr. John Jaquish: We would assume that she would degrade at the normalized rate, provided no industrial chemical exposure or other damage thing that would leach calcium out of her bone. There’s things like smoking and alcohol that damaged bone very quickly, but she’s not doing any of those things. She’ll keep that bone probably for as long as she’s around that.

Pete Evans: That is amazing. How long does a session usually last for if someone comes into OsteoStrong?

Dr. John Jaquish: 10 minutes, one time per week. It’s really not that much of a time commitment

Pete Evans: Are you kidding?

Dr. John Jaquish: Now because remember, we’re emulating impact, so each session there’s four movements, four movements that emulate high impact forces. Those movements, they’re just easy. You go through them and they take five seconds a piece. But normally when you go through high impact, it’s a hundredth of a second. By comparison, these are long and we make them longer, so they’re very highly controlled.

Pete Evans: It’s mind-blowing.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s real easy. This research brought me to the newest discovery, which is what heard about on the Dave Asprey podcast and what we were talking about before starting to show, which was X3 Bar variable resistance system. X3 workout bar system is now available. This is something else. This is more focused on muscle and the shaping of the body. For females, this is something that can change the way their butt looks, make it look like it was when it was 30. Calves, hamstrings, back of the leg were a lot of women notice cellulite. Cellulite really kind of shows up, not necessarily because of an excessive amount of body fat, but underdeveloped hamstrings. Women work out and they develop the front of their leg, but they don’t develop the back of their leg. As soon as that muscle grows a little bit, it just pushes the skin out and there’s no more cellulite and the leg looks much more shapely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because of what I learned through the bone density research, I saw that we had the ability to, because individuals were shown and especially in the research that was done in London, I didn’t actually perform the research, but I wrote the protocol for the study and the researchers showed was that people were capable of seven, eight, nine times their body weight loading through the hip joint. Well, I compared that to the American College of Sports Medicine data and the bone, sort of the loading of that particular joint and the majority of people are between 1.3 and 1.53 multiples of body weight, which really means that we are seven times stronger in our stronger range of motion than we are in our weaker range of motion. Which gave me an amazing light bulb over my head, which was why do we work out with static weights? Why do you pick up a weight that’s the same weight at the top and at the bottom when we have incredible variants and capability?

Dr. John Jaquish: In fact, when we run, when we sprint really use seven degrees of fluxion of our knee joint. But we have almost 180 available. Why is it that we use certain ranges for different things? Because we have different capability. What happens if we change the way we live so that we can have more force where we’re stronger and less force where our joints are at risk and when we’re weaker? We can go to a deeper level of exhaustion. We can do less exercise and stimulate far more growth. That’s what X3 Bar portable home gym is now.

Pete Evans: Say hat again. We could do less exercise, but have more gains.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. That’s right. Less exercise because the fatigue is deeper, it’s not harder, but you’re fatiguing multiple ranges of motion simultaneously. Your stronger range of motion. You go to fatigue with a higher weight. In the same exercise set, you’re going to fatigue in a weaker range of motion with a lower weight, which matches your capability. The level of exhaustion, like you’re tired or I don’t know, five seconds after you’re done, but the growth is incredible. There’s research that supports that. The reason I call it X3 Bar variable resistance system is because what the research showed was you can grow muscle three times faster by doing it.

Pete Evans: You’ve got the OsteoStrong, which strengthens the bone. You’ve got the X3 Bar resistance band training system machine that is portable, that is quite inexpensive that people can travel with that they can have in their home. How many minutes per day and how many times per week do you recommend using the X3 Bar fitness band bar system? What are the benefits? You just mentioned muscles, but does it also impact the bones as well like your OsteoStrong machine does?

Dr. John Jaquish: The loading with X3 portable gym is not high enough to affect bone. In fact, that’s a great question. The minimum dose response to trigger bone growth is 4.2 multiples of body weight. That research was done after I built my first prototypes and already had presented at the World Congress on osteoporosis to all the scientists. I actually kind of wonder if that research was done to either validate or disprove some of my early research. I think when they came out with it and I think all the researchers realized, “Wow, that John guy is really onto something because he’s working around nine multiples of body weight and we’re seeing outrageous results.” But we never knew what the minimum dose with a minimum amount of loading through the head strength was to grow bone in the hip. They did a brilliant study, they attached accelerometers to people who did regular blood tests to look for bone turnover markers. When you do like an OsteoStrong session, we can draw your blood and tell immediately if you’re growing bone or not.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Pete Evans: So, the proof is there in the blood?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s right. Bone turnover markers. It’s called a P1NP test. There are a few others, but that’s the really important one to show that more bone is being built and then broken down because bone has a metabolic rate and bone is always been broken down and always being built to some degree. You just want the building to be more so than the breakdown. That’s the ratio that they’re looking for in this test. These researchers, they’re out of Bristol United Kingdom, did this research using accelerometers and blood tests and they determined that people who did not exceed 4.2 multiples of body weight triggered no bone growth at all.

Pete Evans: Going back to the X3 Bar variable resistance system machine, this is for muscle development posture?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Now, I will say that the stronger a muscle becomes, the more likely somebody is to absorb those level of forces through impact activity. But that only applies to a certain group of people. Let’s say a 30-year-old individual who may not be conditioned, they may be able to use X3 Bar fitness band bar system and then absorb high impact force and address bone density. But they can do it very easily with OsteoStrong at almost any age. My mother in her 70s. There are people in their 90s who get benefit out of OsteoStrong from a bone perspective. The difference with X3 Bar resistance band bar system and OsteoStrong is X3 Bar exercise band bar system is really focused on muscle and body fat. OsteoStrong is really focused on bone. From a high performance perspective, a highly developed individual will want to build bone density even higher than normal.

Dr. John Jaquish: For example, I talked about zero T-score and -2.5, which is the diagnosis level of osteoporosis. For me, I’m +2. Zero is normal. I’m two standard deviations above normal. For a highly athletic person, you can actually hold more muscle, you can contract more muscle, engage more muscles if you have higher bone density and the tendons and ligaments that are associated with the higher level of bone density because basically you have less neural inhibition, which means your central nervous system doesn’t shut you down because it’s afraid you’re going to break something when you put serious forces through the musculoskeletal system. A lack of neural inhibition means you get to switch on more muscle, which means you get to engage and develop a muscle.

Pete Evans: Got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s great for the high performance athlete as well as the post-menopausal female who wants to keep hiking and playing tennis and going to the beach and being active and not worry about any injury resulting from frailty in the next 20 years of their life.

Pete Evans: Let’s go back to the X3 Bar variable resistance system and talk about frequency and duration of a normal week of working out.

Dr. John Jaquish: You would want to do X3 Bar resistance band bar system anywhere from three to six days a week, but it’s something that can fit in a gym bag. You can carry it with you, you can keep it in your drawer at work and do it in 10 minutes. It takes just a few minutes.

Pete Evans: Just a few minutes, three to six times a week. It’s a bar with resistant type bands that you have shown various different exercises that people can get off your website and train them.

Dr. John Jaquish: The whole 12-week program is available on the website, but the bar is the equivalent of an Olympic bar. The hooks swivel so that your grip is always optimized. The bands are made of layered latex, so they get very powerful very quickly. Whereas molded rubber is not like that. A lot of people have used rubber bands and they’re actually like molded petroleum rubber, that’s not the same. These are incredibly powerful and it’s tree rubber made in Sri Lanka. It’s the only place they can do it where they grow those rubber trees like that. The parts, there’s the bar and then that comes with three bands. Then there’s a plate, ground plate where you can hook the bands to the floor. You can do like an overhead press or a dead lift. Those that don’t know what a dead lift is, that doesn’t mean it’ll kill you.

Dr. John Jaquish: It means you’re just picking up a deck off the floor. Every once in a while some older person says, “Why is it called that?” When people go through those movements, especially the two I just mentioned, each workout has a level of stability, stability firing. What’s great about stability firing is if it’s done in rapid succession, especially when there’s some serious resistance against the body, the stabilizers have to fire to a more intense degree and that triggers growth hormone, which makes people leaner. This product makes people lose weight very quickly, develop muscle very quickly. I don’t want women to be afraid that they’re going to look manly if they develop their hamstrings or the calves. They’ll look very feminine still and they’ll lose body fat very rapidly by triggering this growth hormone upregulation, which is a study that a young researcher, Henry [Helkaya 00:22:05], who’s a brilliant guy I’ve been working with.

Dr. John Jaquish: He and I published this last summer. We see that we’re doing elements of this stabilization firing to upregulate growth hormones. They’re kind of leaner and because of the variance in the force that the product is applying, they’re going to be able to trigger more muscular adaptation much quicker. They’re going to be getting leaner, stronger, very quickly. It’s an absolute bio hack to get to a very highly conditioned body very quickly.

Pete Evans: Do you see this as, no, I won’t say the future because it is the present now, but I guess the future of home gyms or home exercise?

Dr. John Jaquish: I do. I did a podcast with Ben Pakulski last week and he’s a world top bodybuilder and has been for many years and I could tell he was excited, but there was also like a little bit of hesitation. He says, “Well, we can put this in our existing routines.” I thought, “Oh, come on man. After everything we just talked about, why would you do anything else?” There’s still is an effort. There’s the sport of doing Olympic lifting, right? If you use X3 Bar resistance band training system in doing Olympic lifting and you’re not going to go win an Olympic lifting competition because there are neural patterns that you need to fire to be able to do a movement proficiently. Even a more outrageous example, you’re not going to be good at throwing a ball if all you do is bench press. You may have all the muscles that are required to throw a ball, but if you don’t practice throwing a ball, you’re not going to be good at it.

Pete Evans: Sure. But for the everyday person like myself, that doesn’t really enjoy going to a gym as such, and I prefer my activities to be, I love to go surfing, I like to jump on the trampoline with my kids. Table tennis is a great one for me. But lifting weights has never really appealed to me. Is this sort of the answer for people like myself and others that are a little bit hesitant about going to a gym and lifting weights? And the hesitation for me has always been, am I doing it properly? When do I know that I could put up more and more weights. I’m quite fearful of actually hurting myself these days by actually lifting heavy weights.

Dr. John Jaquish: You are exactly who this is for, people like you. If you don’t want to be really good at a certain type of Olympic type exercise and you just want the results and most people out there, they want to be super healthy, they want to look great, they want to be, when they take their clothes off and look in the mirror. This is, you said, is this the future? It is because it’s not all over the world yet. This thing only launched three months ago, so brand new. In fact, I connected you with the Australian distributor. He’s brand new. I met him six weeks ago. This is the future. This is for people who want the results and don’t want headache. When was the last time you went to a gym and trained really heavy even though you know training heavy is what’s best for results?

Pete Evans: Yeah, basically never for me.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. For me, I remember being 18, 19 years old thinking, “Well, I’m going to lift heavy forever.” Well, that’s easy to say when you’re 18, 19, 20, when you think I’m never going to get injured because I’m awesome. Your mortality sets in after your first injury, you realize mortality, I should say. You think, “Ooh, I’m never going to do that again.” You start cutting back on the level of force you’re putting through your body, which is why the body starts to degrade. Between OsteoStrong and X3 Bar variable resistance system, these are two biohacks, two ways to trigger everything you get as a child or an adolescent in incredibly powerful stimulus without the risks and so you can have it all.

Pete Evans: I like without the risk. That appeals to me.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s it, you said it. You want to be able to do some type of workout, but not worry about being injured. This is how to do it.

Pete Evans: I’m very keen on actually doing your 12-week program. I think, I won’t say I think. I am actually going to do the 12-week program when I get my X3 variable resistance exercise system. I’m going to document it over the 12 weeks to show how a pretty skinny fellow can implement the X3 Bar portable home gym. Really I’m fascinated to see what the results are going to be because I’ve watched your videos and I’ve seen other podcasts that you’ve done. This is why I’ve got you on our podcast is because I’m fascinated by it because it seems too good to be true inaudible. I want it.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Pete Evans: I want it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, you’re lean, so you’re going to see it very clearly. The CEO of OsteoStrong, as soon as I develop the product and actually had a production model, because I was walking around with some prototypes that I bartered with my latch, just never let them out of my sight. The production models. I got one to the CEO of OsteoStrong told me his wife sees his body changing by the day.

Pete Evans: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. When you’ve worked on your nutrition and measured and looked in the mirror and taking pictures of yourself and then tried to try to create a training effect or nutrition effect, it takes a long time for most people. This is something where the results show up very quickly.

Pete Evans: Awesome. I want to circle back. Back to the start of our chat. When we talked about osteoporosis and you talked about things that can leach. Was that the calcium out of the bones or the bone density itself? You mentioned alcohol and cigarettes or tobacco, I think you mentioned. Can you expand on that a little bit more and are there other types of food or substances that people consume that also do this?

Dr. John Jaquish: There are a number. Things that damaged bone; tobacco is very damaging to bone. Now, interesting, not nicotine, but tobacco. The reason I say that is I think there’ve been some discoveries about nicotine and nicotine may actually be seen as something that’s positive in the future as opposed to something that’s poisonous and highly addictive. But tobacco products are very damaging to bone. Mostly this particular thing is not my background, but from what I understand, it’s the damage that happens on the lungs when something burning goes into the lungs. Calcium is taken out of bone whenever there’s damage and burning the inside of your lungs is definitely damaged. That is a nutrient that gets sucked out of bone and it gets pulled out faster than you can build it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Similar situation, it’s a little oversimplified, but similar situation of alcohol damaging the liver, damaging other organs in the body, chronic inflammation. It’s the type of thing where if you can limit or eliminate those two things, you’re going to be much healthier for it.

Pete Evans: Talking about diet in particular, tell us about dairy because there’s the notion that dairy strengthens the bones. I’ve also researched and heard other things that says that possible dairy can also because inflammation in the body. If it causes inflammation, wouldn’t that possibly leach out the calcium from the bones?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. When a study, a peer reviewed medical journal study is done, there’s protocol that’s written, what’s going to be tested, with what individuals and what are the descriptors of those individuals. Then there is a report showing, let’s say there’s a control group versus a test group. Two different groups of people. We’re going to do two different things and we’re going to see what the results were. Let’s say the results we’re looking for are fractures. How many people in group A fractured versus how many people in group B fractured? Group A didn’t have any dairy and group B did. What the conclusion of the study is is that the people who consume more dairy were less likely to fracture. The problem is there’s a lot of other variables to control for. There is potentially, some of them are psychological. We try and do in a blinded study, that control group doesn’t know that they’re control group, so they may get a placebo.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of different ways to design these studies and individuals who consume more calcium can potentially have, as we’ve seen in some research, less likelihood of fracture. However, there are some mechanisms that are working against individuals. For example, calcium is the only mineral in the body that is self-regulated. You have magnesium, if you consume magnesium. You have potassium, if you consume calcium. But calcium, if you intake less of it, your body will store more of it. If you intake more of it, your body will get rid of more of it. For example, the individual who is losing bone density because they’re doing less impact like activity and are not doing OsteoStrong, they are losing bone density. What do they do? They start taking a calcium supplement, but then don’t do anything to make their bone pull in that calcium.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you’re not going through the OsteoStrong type sessions exceeding 4.2 multiple body weight on a weekly basis, then what? Well, then the body is getting rid of more calcium. That individual may be losing bone density faster.

Pete Evans: By having a calcium tablet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, by having a calcium tablet and drinking milk when they weren’t drinking milk before. The body’s always trying to reach a homeostasis. It’s always trying to reach something where all systems are optimized and if load is not being put on bone, then the system is optimized by not maintaining extra bone. So, it’s going to start getting rid of. By providing the building block of bone, but no use for a high level of bone density, bone density starts to degrade and potentially degrading faster based on the principles of human physiology that I’m talking about. Without the loading, the calcium may not be doing what it should be doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then on top of that, there’s other pieces of research that are looking at different metrics like inflammation, cancer risks. I don’t have of the read that I’ve done and there’s so much research on this subject, there are specialists that dedicate their entire lives to the biochemistry of growth factors in bovine dairy. That’s not my background, but my read of it and I am a fan. This is like what I read for fun because I care a lot about it. I’m excited by this issue. I believe that there’s enough inflammatory markers and incompatible growth factors. Keep in mind milk is growth formula for a baby cow, not an adult human. Do all those growth factors, do they manifest and cause other things to grow? The evidence that I’ve seen, I have seen some evidence that leads me to believe that there is a higher likelihood of growth of cells we don’t want like cancer for example.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, we cannot say that with any confidence that it is negative that it’s causing cancer or it’s not causing cancer or it’s great for bone or not great for bone. There’s so many factors that are at play. It’s difficult to say anything with a significant level of confidence. However, what I tell people is dark green vegetables have calcium, so consumed dark green vegetables. That’s not going to limit anybody. Yeah. There’s no inflammatory markers in broccoli. I mean, nothing’s going to cause it. When I say that, and I said that at a medical conference, I just touched on the dairy a little bit and it was apparent that I was not recommending that, I could see some physicians they’ve been given a recommendation their whole lives. They’re not happy with what I’m going to say. Then as soon as I go down the vegetable path, they go, “Okay, well we’re buying this.”

Pete Evans: Yeah. I don’t think anyone’s against vegetable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately, we want to look at the things, at almost everything out there, there’s positives and there’s negatives. Almost anything we can consume. If you look at like pizza for example, there’s a lot of negatives and almost no positives, but there may be some protein in there somewhere. But if you look at something like broccoli, there’s a lot of positives. Could there be negatives? Well, broccoli can host a mold because there’s a lot of places where I’m just giving this as an example, where water can hide, mold can grow and therefore there’s a mycotoxin risk there. Ultimately, is the upside better than the downside? Absolutely. Yeah, I’m going to tell people to do that. In the protein sources, there’s a whole sort of spectrum of what’s got more positives versus negatives and you talk about that all the time.

Pete Evans: Yeah, for sure. We’ve covered bone density, we’ve talked a little bit about nutrition, OsteoStrong the X bar, which I am going to try. One thing that we haven’t talked about, even though we’ve talked about, I guess health and fitness, is you haven’t touched on cardiovascular health. Now, where does that come into play because obviously there’s many different thoughts out there? A lot of people do endurance sports and other people like to do high intensity, shorter workouts. I guess let’s bring it back to the norm, if there is such a thing as the norm. What would you recommend? If they’re doing the X3 Bar variable resistance system a few times a week, up to six times a week for 10 minutes, the max, where does say going for a sprint tour or going for a jog fit into this for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: For me personally, sprinting is something that I do, not regularly. I’m researching some other things having to do with the sprint type effect and ultimately sprinting triggers a lot of the stability firing that I was discussing and upregulates growth hormone. If you want to get lean, mostly run, do so to lose body fat. If you want to lose body fat, sprinting or doing X3 Bar resistance band bar system is a much smarter approach than doing cardiovascular exercise, as in sustained runs or swimming or something like that. Those things, the 40 years of research here that I’m going to site right now and for some reason the world completely has missed this, but cardiovascular exercise upregulates cortisol. As I mentioned earlier, the body’s always trying to optimize itself. It’s trying to optimize itself for the environment you put it in. When you put it in an extreme environment, it’s going to change, but you have to keep in mind what are the changes that would make it optimal for the environment you put it in.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you’re showing the body that you have to go incredible distances and manage your energy through those incredible distances, it’s going to upregulate cortisol, which is going to, and here’s the important part, protect body fat as in keep you from losing body fat. This is completely against convention, right? The people that look at me like I just told them, like some secret of the world that it’s just hard to swallow, but there’s 40 years of research. It’s just never been pushed out to the general public. 40 years of research that shows by doing cardiovascular exercise, you are literally fighting your hormonal system to be leaner. Now, if you want to be an individual who can go great distances and manage your energy like that, if you want to be a marathoner, there’s only one way to do it and that’s be a marathoner. You got to do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: If the goal is to be healthy and great looking, you can get an almost identical cardiovascular heart health benefit from doing high intensity intervals like using X3 Bar variable resistance system for example, as you can from going great distances. That’s well established also. I would tell somebody, “I’m not against cardiovascular exercise by any means, but why are you doing it? Are you doing it because you want to be a great distance runner or distance swimmer or you want to be able to ride a bicycle for 200 kilometers? Awesome.” Then that’s a thing and I’m excited for people who do that. They’re amazing feats of athleticism and there’s ways to optimize for that and there’s ways to, of course manage body fat through that whole experience and then all those things. Ultimately I think for the individual who wants to be as healthy as possible, who wants to optimize their time as much as possible because cardiovascular exercise absorbs a lot of time, I would steer them towards sprint interval type activities or X3 Bar variable resistance system.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Pete Evans: Got it. Perfect. Now, I always like to wrap up our podcast because it’s called Recipes For Life basically with three ingredients that John, yourself has in your life or uses in your life or is delicious in your life that you believe makes up a really beautiful recipe for life. It can be anything, it can be a philosophy, it can be how you breathe, it can be love, it can be whatever it is that you think you would like to share with the listeners that are your three most delicious ingredients for a happy and healthy life. Do you mind sharing them with us?

Dr. John Jaquish: I wish you had given me time to prepare for this. The listeners should know I had nothing in mind. I did not hear this question beforehand. Okay. So, three ingredients for life.

Pete Evans: Three that you’d tell yourself 20 years ago, 30 years ago to look out for and to embrace?

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, I’m a scientist, so like my reflex is to go towards like certain scientific understandings, but the listener will just go, “What is this guy talking about?” I’m going to change it up a little bit. Number one is a little bit of what I’m talking about is understanding your body better. I wish I was 16 years old and had the thirst for understanding of human physiology and nutrition like I did when I was 25. I got a nine-year headstart on that, I would be so much further ahead in my own exercise, nutrition, health. I just turned 41 and I’m in better shape than I was when I was 19. I’m more muscular, I’m leaner, I’m faster. I can out outdo myself in absolutely every way when I played rugby in university. I wish I knew what I know now and I think what’s really important, like for example somebody hands a nutrition book to somebody.

Dr. John Jaquish: What do they do? They go and they Google what are the bullet points? What’s the summary of this book? I tell people when I hand them, let’s say your book, I say, “Hey.” I make eye contact with them. I say, “You’re going to read this and I’m going to ask you about each chapter you’re going to tell me.” They look at me like, “Why are you being so hard on me?” I tell them, “I want you to actually understand what’s going on.” If you go and look up the bullet points, you will understand the rationale behind each one of these bullet points and therefore you’ll screw them up. You’ll make some kind of compromise to say, “Oh, I’m at the airport and they only have whatever, fried chicken here.” Then all of a sudden they’re back in sort of an inflammation cycle and then they’re not following the principles because they never understood them.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think right now in a social media world we live in and everyone’s looking for a shortcut. I believe in shortcuts. I don’t believe in shortcuts with information. You got to understand what you’re doing. In being a chef, there’s so many ingredients that you can read a recipe and say, “Oh yeah, you throw this in there and it turns out great.” But if you don’t understand the boiling point of that ingredient or the fat properties, how it breaks down, how it behaves, what its properties are, what it really is, then you can’t really apply it in another way other than just reading a recipe. There’s somebody who can read a recipe and then there’s someone who understands. That is absolute point number one.

Dr. John Jaquish: My ingredient number two is an actual ingredient. I really like grass-fed butter. I know that may not be your go-to, don’t think it is. I do the Bulletproof coffee every morning and there’s other ways to achieve that without dairy. One thing I got to point out when talking about butter, a lot of the inflammatory markers come from the consumption of the protein casein, which is in dairy. Butter has none of that. Butter is just the isolated fat. I feel differently about that as opposed to like actual milk or cream or anything like that. I actually have a casein allergy, so I get incredible inflammation. I believe everyone has inflammation as a result of consuming casein because that’s what the research is determined.

Dr. John Jaquish: Ultimately, that’s something it puts me in a ketogenic state. I mix that with the refined MCT oil. I use Bulletproof Brain Octane, but I believe there’s others that aren’t quite as refined. Those things puts me in a fast. .By the way, intermittent fasting is the third thing because a little bit as it relates to the second one, but ultimately when you can clear the body out, when your body is not 24/7 digesting something, there’s a lot of resources that can be redirected. Here’s what happens with your first day of fasting that you may not have some listeners that have never tried this. You’re going to skip breakfast, it’s going to be fine. You’re going to get to lunch and you’re going to be hungry because you’re used to getting food and you have very poor insulin sensitivity and you’re going to shake that off.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re going to be really well-hydrated and that’s it. Just drink water after a few hours. Let’s say three o’clock, it’ll pass, the afternoon and you can extend it all the way to sundown or even into the next day. People who do this on a regular semi-regular basis, I never fully understood how much body fat you can drop. What really shocked me the most because when you read books about high intensity athletics, you would think that there’s this sort of the dogma that you’re going to lose muscle very quickly. I don’t lose any muscle when I do this. I just get leaner and that was just shocking for me because it was completely against that dogma. Then of course the insulin sensitivity thing, you stop wanting sugar, you just don’t want it anymore. Something sweet just tastes awful.

Pete Evans: I love it. I love it, brother.

Dr. John Jaquish: Those are my three things.

Pete Evans: Oh, thank you so much for sharing. Sorry for putting you on the spot. Now, if people want to-

Dr. John Jaquish: No, put me on the spot, it’s probably funny or interesting to the listener because yeah, who knows what this guy is going to say. I could have said 10 things. I had to really prioritize and think quickly on my feet.

Pete Evans: We’ll get you back for those other seven.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, one more thing I wanted to mention before we get off is if people want X3 Bar fitness band bar system, they got to go to

Pete Evans: Fantastic. I’ll have a link up as well for that, for people that are interested in having a look at the X3 Bar and checking out your website to see how it actually works. Also OsteoStrong I’d love to be able to promote OsteoStrong when it does launch into Australia. Possibly if you’re keen next year come on and share with us the other seven things that make up your recipe for life.

Dr. John Jaquish: I can do that. I can do that. The website for OsteoStrong is, by the way. As soon as OsteoStrong is in Australia we should probably, maybe I’ll come there and we’ll do a podcast from there.

Pete Evans: That would be awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: We can talk to some of the users and some of the people who the clinics and get some of the first hand experience with people who are actually using that bone reconditioning technology.

Pete Evans: That’ll be terrific. I’ll be in line and I’ll bring my whole family along because it sounds amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Pete Evans: John, I really appreciate your time and thank you for being a guest on Recipes For Life. I’m sure the listeners will absorb so much of what you had to say and it’ll resonate with them quite deeply. So thank you once again, John. I look forward to sharing my transformation after using the X3 Bar portable home gym for 12 weeks. Thanks, brother.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome

Speaker 3: The information, views and opinions expressed in this podcast should not be treated as a substitute for nutritional, medical, or other advice by a qualified professional. Guests in this podcast express their own opinions, experiences, and conclusions. Nothing in this podcast should be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Neither Pete Evans nor any sponsor endorse any views, opinions, or conclusions expressed or shared in this podcast.

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