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By Doug Parks on October 31, 2017

A Revolution in the Fitness Industry

A Revolution in the Fitness Industry

If you are a fan of health but never have the time to get a work out in OR do not like working out or this conversation is for you.

Dr. John Jaquish, Biomedical engineer, medical researcher, and inventor, joins us to share his discovery revolutionizing the fitness industry. Dr Johns invention awakens HGH Human Growth Hormone naturally, and exponentially faster than conventional strength training.

Full Transcript

Doug Parks: I have as a guest today, a dear friend and somebody you’re going to love to hear from. This is Dr. John Jaquish. John is a biomedical engineer. He is a researcher. He’s an inventor. And he’s one of the truly creative thinkers in the world of health and vitality today. So John and I have been friends for several years because I became aware of his work early on. But first of all, John, welcome to Science for Life. I’m really thrilled to have you here.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Doug Parks: Well, in our discussion today, I have spread the word through the channels of the people around the world that watch this show that we have some startlingly new information that has come from your research on health and vitality. So I want to get into that shortly. But before I do, I want to go backwards just a little bit and tell the story of how your early work as a student getting your PhD in biomedical engineering, how that early work led to your discovery. So if you were to talk about your earliest work, how would you explain what you were doing when you were in school getting your degree?

Dr. John Jaquish: The best part about learning is you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s just learning. So a lot of my research started before I began the formal biomedical engineering education and my PhD advisor told me that if I had decided to do the research that I did after completing my degree, I would have talked myself out of it. Because there’s quite a bit of traditional education that teaches you how to think what the process is. It really tends to stifle creativity. So I had a different approach. I had a different idea when it came to starting with bone density. When looking at what bone needed, I came up with something that hadn’t been attempted before and I thought it was the more simple solution of all the solutions that had been tried. And it also happens to work better. So I didn’t have any sort of formal path of learning, it was just one thing after another and I would have an idea and see is there any evidence to support this idea. And if so, I can maybe run an experiment and go more to the point of what I’m thinking may work. So it was one thing after another where I kept on just finding the right evidence. It just kind of appeared in front of me.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Doug Parks: The right evidence. And I think this is something that I know about you John, you do think out of the box. And I know this whole show is going to take us through a journey of thinking outside the box where health and vitality are concerned. But your early research was about bone density. What led you to that and where did that come from? Why was that of interest to you?

Dr. John Jaquish: My mother. My mother. So she was diagnosed with osteoporosis and she was given the statistics about hip fractures. And hip fractures have a similar mortality rate to breast cancer. So she came home and was very upset and I thought, “Okay, well let me look into this.” And as I read about the dysfunction, losing bone mass, osteoporosis, I came to the conclusion that this shouldn’t even be called a disease at all. It’s a deconditioning of bone. Why don’t we just recondition it? So instead of chemicals not found in nature or something like that, bone grows with load on its axis. So this is the axis up my humorous bone, right? If I compress that bone like this, I can trigger growth. And we see that through high impact forces. So I wanted to create something that emulated high impact but was in a controlled environment so we got the benefit of high impact without any of the risks. And so then that opened some doors and gave me some evidence when I looked at the differences in capability. That’s really important. Differences in capability that people have in their impact of ready range of motion versus their weaker range of motion.

Doug Parks: Okay. I heard you tell this story not too long ago and it fascinated me. Who has the high bone density in the athletic world?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. One type of athlete stands far above the rest, and that’s gymnasts.

Doug Parks: Gymnasts. And why would that be? Why do they have higher bone density?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the rate at which they hit the ground. They contact the ground sometimes at 10 times their body weight. Now they injure frequently, it’s a dangerous sport. But when they don’t injure, because of the rate at which they hit the ground, the really explosive absorption of force, that triggers bone growth. So sometimes it’ll have two standard deviations above normal. Whereas most people who look at bone density, it’s like zero is normal. -1 is osteopenia and -2.5 is osteoporosis. Most people are only dealing in zero to negatives. With gymnasts there are + 1 or + 2.

Doug Parks: Okay. I say we got a problem here. We can’t teach your mother to be a gymnast at, she would probably be 60 years old. So you’re thinking outside the box. Once you saw what needed to happen, that there needed to be a safe and effective way of compressing the bone, where did that take you? Why not the drug avenue? Where did you go to find the solution that changed the world of osteoporosis?

Dr. John Jaquish: It just seemed obvious to me when I looked at the gymnasts and I looked at older people, and it’s typically older people but young people can get osteoporosis too, somebody with muscular dystrophy or something like that can’t place any load or go through any impact on the bone. So when I looked at the scenario, who is susceptible to this? And I understood that. Why don’t we just compress the bone and emulate high impact forces? And so, what I did instead of telling my mother to be a gymnast, is I created a device that would just isolate those positions of naturally absorbing high impact.

Doug Parks: And the technology is called OsteoStrong and it’s now revolutionizing the world of treating osteoporosis with literally tens of thousands of people who no longer have the problem because they found this technique.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s just physical medicine. It’s just making the body fix itself.

Doug Parks: We’re going to come back to this again because this is the key, I think, to the change that’s happening in the world as you prefer physical medicine as opposed to drug based medicine. Or what’s your way of expressing that?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that every physician takes an oath, the Hippocratic oath. The first words are do no harm. Very frequently when looking at treatment options, it’s do the least amount of harm, right? There’s impact or risk in anything. Even when telling somebody to go out and exercise, they can trip and fall. And so, there is risk in everything. So what I believe the physician is trying to do is looking at a strategy where they get the greatest potential outcome and the least risk of injury or a side effect or any anything negative. So when I look at what physical medicine has to offer, now there truly has to be a physical medicine solution. For Parkinson’s disease there’s physical medicine solutions. If you keep the body moving, there’s plenty of evidence that shows that you can put Parkinson’s in remission. Friend of mine runs a company that makes special fitness monitors for Parkinson’s patients. Basically makes them move around every 45 minutes or something like that. So they keep it going and then in the end they don’t have the inaudible. So when looking at what physical medicine has to offer, there’s almost no downside. So why not try physical medicine first? And I make this argument to every physician. And sometimes the physician says, “Well, we have a drug and it’s been tested with 10,000 people in one study and 5,000 people in another study. And that’s a lot of evidence. And then we have a physical medicine study, it’s only 55 people were in that study. So we’re going to go with the one with the larger amount of evidence.” Well, human physiology has a lot of evidence behind it, period. You did learn about it in school and so it’s a thing.

Doug Parks: Well it’s clear we’re moving towards physical medicine first and there’s… We’re in a-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. My only are argument to any physician is, let’s try the physical medicine option first. If that doesn’t work, then … Ultimately, if people are kyphotic, very, very hunched over, that is they have an exaggerated kyphosis, they may not be able to engage in the same way that that a healthy ambulatory person is with proper posture. So therefore they may be challenged in some of the physical medicine options. Therefore you may need to look at other options. But I am always encouraging physical medicine first.

Doug Parks: Well, and as we do that, I want to highlight something I think is just remarkable and the fact that, through your inventions of OsteoStrong and the machines that actually bring about that solution to osteoporosis, is osteoporosis a big deal around the world? How many people does it affect?

Dr. John Jaquish: One in three women, one in five males have a fragility fracture at some point in their life.

Doug Parks: So what you’re saying, that’s pretty important.

Dr. John Jaquish: So we have to be conscious of other musculoskeletal dysfunctions. So osteoporosis is metabolic disease of bone. Metabolic disease of the muscle is type 2 diabetes. They are very closely associated. So a lot of things that trigger one seem to trigger the other and there’s a lot of association between the two. So, physical medicine can massively address both of those things. Nutrition also, inaudible too much refined sugar or inaudible too much.

Doug Parks: Bookmark that thought because we’re coming back to that. You just did something inaudible there. But I want to complete one thing and then it-

Heidi: Can I share one logistical thing? For the attendees, this is interactive experience and if you have a question that you’re really burning to ask that on the bottom of your screen you’ll see a Q and A section. And so please post your questions there, and then we’ll answer the ones that we can get to.

Doug Parks: Awesome. Thank you, Heidi. So, John, after years of developing this technology and basically solving the puzzle of osteoporosis, I know it hasn’t been widely integrated into medical practice around the world yet, but we’ve got years and years of growth. How were you recognized by the establishment as it were? You were the president, as I understand, of the Osteoporosis Association. What’s the correct way of saying that?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I was on the board.

Doug Parks: You were on the board. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible American Bone Health. That’s the number one patient education institution worldwide. They cover more patients than anyone else. And I did that for about three years.

Doug Parks: I’ve got to congratulate you because what you’re doing is outside the norm of a traditional medicine and yet you’re being recognized because of the startling effectiveness of what you’re creating. So osteoporosis aside, as big a problem as that is, there’s something bigger that happened as a result of your work in research.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think crosstalk.

Doug Parks:This is just a fascinating… This is where you changed my life in introducing me to your newest invention a couple months ago. And what research did you do that led to your development of the product you call X3 Bar variable resistance system?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: So the X3 Bar resistance band bar system came out of, it really came out of a number of studies I had done and some observations I had done on just looking at the differences of human capability. When we were doing these osteoporosis analysis, when I look at the published available research that I had been working on and publishes and I’m reviewing it and I’m thinking people who we’re testing, is typically post-menopausal females, were putting, depending on the published study you look at, between seven and nine multiples of body weight through their hip joint. So seven, think about your body weight and multiply that by seven, multiply that by nine. Those are the kinds of loads that people were dealing with. Comfortably, safely, easily. And that’s what triggered the bone growth. Well, when I thought about that, I thought, “Wow, when I look at what athletes do, putting loads through their hip joints, let’s find out what the difference in capability is.” Because ultimately, I knew The American College of Sports Medicine, they keep large databases, they publish based on those large databases, what types of loads do people put through their hip joints? So I found some statistics that show that the average individual puts 1. inaudible avid exerciser puts 1.3 to 1.53 multiples of body weights through their hip joint. So, and this is not post-menopausal females, it’s everybody. Or, or I should say, the population that avidly exercises. So we’ve got post-menopausal females performing seven times greater with greater force. Now, albeit different range of motion, albeit different intention of what they’re trying to do. The take away here is humans, and I mean this is rough because I’m comparing to two different data sets and not necessarily like populations, but we have a compromised population that is outperforming, from just a force perspective, by seven-fold the average of the exercising population. So, said a different way, we have seven times the capability in our stronger range of motion and we do the weaker range of motion.

Doug Parks: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, I thought that was like a real simple breakdown which would get the light bulb going for people. What-

Doug Parks: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: It means a lot to the typical scientist but I think inaudible to regular people. But ultimately, but here’s what’s so exciting, what really means is when we exercise through traditional means, no wonder people are getting such poor results. Because they’re not able to use their capability. We’re limited by the weaker range of motion. So when I’m doing the pushup or something, or holding a weight close to here, I actually have seven times the force production capability in the stronger range of motion. But no one ever uses that amount of force. So I realized that we needed to create something because we have variance in capability depending on where the joint is. We need to come up with a system that has variance in force. So, in a way, it’s like tricking your body into lifting heavy where you would never really want to lift heavy. So it only gets heavy where your capability is much greater and then it gets really light where the joint’s compromised. Back here I’m pushing away from myself, I’m holding the bar, and then back here my shoulder joint is at risk, but I’m holding a very lightweight here, so it’s very safe. inaudible as I push away.

Doug Parks: Let’s turn this into information for somebody who doesn’t lift weights and somebody who isn’t particularly fit but wants to understand how powerful this information is. What you were just saying is that if I were lifting something here, this is my weakest point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Doug Parks: But as I move away from myself lifting it, I get stronger and stronger as I go. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: With the mechanical advantage and engagement, muscle is shorter, the muscle becomes, the more sarcomere engagement. So there’s like little proteins in the cell look like this. As the cell becomes shorter, they do this.

Doug Parks: Okay. So I’m going to try to put two pieces together here and tell me how wrong I am or how correct. You’ve talked a minute ago about building muscle having impact in the disease model or in the health model, and I haven’t spent my life in a gym and it shows. I’m not built like a weight lifter. And yet I find that as I found an easy system for building muscle, it’s affecting my health in profound ways I didn’t understand. How-?

Dr. John Jaquish: Every organ in your body exists to supply muscle with what it needs. So there’s a symbiotic relationship there. The healthier muscle is, the more it’s putting demand on those organs, the better they have to perform. Which is going to make you feel better, have more energy, make you happier.

Doug Parks: Okay. And the listeners in this show clearly are not those most likely to leave this show and go join a gym as a result of the information you’re sharing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Doug Parks:You’ve put up a picture. Is this something you wanted to show us?

Heidi: Yeah, yeah. I would love for everyone to see what it actually looks like. This is what they’re talking about and it will continue to be visible to everyone as I’m talking. So, you see where you are seven times stronger at that full extension.

Doug Parks: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay.

Heidi: This is what they’re talking about. And with how the resistance band looks and how the barbell is set up. And I think it’d be really awesome, John, for you next to talk about why it’s set up the way that it is and how the design of the Olympic bar functions.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? So you’ve got a lot of people who don’t lift weights don’t know what an Olympic bar is. But it’s a very important tool that weightlifters use. And what it is is you can grab a hold of the bar and rotate your hand and keep a grip on the bar and the weight can stay static. So there’s ball bearings inside. So what you see in this video is the user is moving his wrist, and there’s some torsion there, but he’s allowed to freely move it and never compromise his grip.

Doug Parks: And you’re also seeing that as the band stretches, it’s as if the weight is getting heavier. So, as he reaches out, he’s actually activating muscles that wouldn’t be activated if the weight weren’t variable or if the force weren’t variable.

Heidi: Exactly. So, and where he is lifting right now, he’s lifting more than what he’s capable with the standard barbell and plates in a gym. He is chest pressing way more like hundreds of pounds more force than he is normally capable of. But as you can see, it’s pretty tiring.

Dr. John Jaquish: Cool. Thanks for sharing that Heidi. I think we’re trying to make it a little more visible. So that was so similar to what we’re doing with the osteoporosis treatment devices. This is a way where individuals can get a far increased level of progress. So, a lot of people go to the gym and what happens, especially adults, they end up not lifting very heavy because they don’t want to get hurt. Unfortunately, and from a standard fitness perspective, not heavy means not anything really is going to happen. Your muscle change is based on an extreme environment and that’s true of all adaptive responses. Sort of like, you can go outside on a sunny day in December and you’re not going to get a tan, and on the 4th of July, few minutes outside you’re going to stimulate something in your skin. So, it’s just intensity of exposure. So heavy is great, but we don’t want to injure. So while maybe 17, 18-year-old kids will lift heavy weights and not really think about the consequences because they imagine they’ll never be hurt, they wend up getting eventually and then they learn and they start training lighter, but then that’s not effective. So this enables us to still get the benefit of the heavy loading without any of the risks.

Doug Parks: Okay. I noticed we have a question coming in. I want to get to that and I want to set it up a little bit before. Thank you, listeners, for asking your questions because this is really important information. I want to make sure we all get to the information. But John, you’ve talked again about the muscles, and I have walked. I used to be a runner at 70-something. I don’t run so much anymore, but I walk. So I’ve used that as my fitness. But I was stunned at the difference I started feeling in my body when I started building muscle using your X3 Bar resistance band bar system invention. I mean it was stunning. I don’t have words for it yet, but why was I feeling that difference? What’s going on physiologically that made me realize that something was changing inside?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well you put your musculoskeletal system in an extreme environment and it had to change. More extreme than you would ever be able to expose it to than going to the gym as the weights were heavier, you were going through fatigue and stronger ranges of motion. That created many changes. So it’s changes in the musculature. It’s because muscle changes. Muscle is an engine that’s running at all times, it’s always using calories. So, you’re getting leaner.

Doug Parks: Okay. I am getting leaner and that’s something that’s …, but why am I getting…? What’s the body’s response to building using that force?

Dr. John Jaquish: Two reasons. One is you’re building lean muscle. That doesn’t mean particularly giant muscle because I know women are concerned about that. But when you build an amount of muscle mass, your basal metabolic rate changes. Meaning you’re using more calories just by existing. Just by breathing, sleeping you’re using them. But the other one, which is why when designing the X3 Bar exercise band bar system I wanted to mimic a lot of what are called Olympic lifts or power lifting, just lifting a bar and then having the attachment pulley between the bar, and the attachment point being on your person or on the ground because you can attach the band to the ground. It’s thick layered latex, so it’s not that petroleum rubber stuff. This is this tree latex, really powerful latex. So when you move those things through space, you’re having to fire stabilizers, because you have to stabilize anything that’s not amounted. So if I pick up a heavy inaudible some stability firing to keep from tipping or inaudible. Now the heavier this becomes, the more stabilization firing is required to keep it level. So, as the weight climbs, when an individual gets into the stronger range of motion, more stabilization firing happens. And last summer, Henry Alkire and I published a… I said he’s a young researcher. Great guy, brilliant. We published a study where we aggregated 23 different datasets looking at stabilization firing and found that stabilization firing plus load yields a tremendous amount of growth hormone trigger. Now growth hormone, when you’re a child, grows you. When you’re an adult, it’s really more like human repair hormone. It fixes lots and lots of stuff. It makes your skin tighter and younger. It’s a primary driver and reduction of cellulite. Also hamstring development, we’ll talk about that later. But the incredible performance changes that are seen from this. And so there was data in this study that showed people increasing growth hormone after one of these stabilization inaudible sessions of over 2000%. So that’s going to be massive changes to physiology.

Doug Parks: So, what you’re telling me is that this is what’s happened in my body is the less than 10 minutes of work I do, honestly three or four days a week is all I do, but that has triggered a change in my physiology because of the dramatic increase in growth hormone.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Doug Parks:Okay. And I can just report, from my own disbelief, that over an inch in my waist, a growing of chest muscles for the first time in my life and having a little added musculature in my arms, those are are not minor changes. Those are actually life-changing. And we’re talking about six or seven weeks of very easy to perform exercises.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And you’re safe. You don’t need a spotter, you don’t need to worry about, “Am I going to hurt myself?” The repetitions are higher so you don’t necessarily have to worry about, “Well, I got to lift this really heavy thing like four of five, whatever 10 inaudible”. The object is to get to a point of exhaustion, but exhaustion in a second.

Heidi: Yeah, I’d be happy to share my transformation here. And this is eight weeks of following your 12 week protocol, John. And this is amazing. My posture is way better. My shoulder caps are starting to go up. My partners said “You’re getting a butt lift. Just by following your protocol.” And there’s new definition where… I’m not sucking in my tummy. This is just standard relaxed where you can see my abs now where you couldn’t eight weeks ago. That’s what growth hormone looks like.

Dr. John Jaquish: I like the way you’re tracking your progress. It’s important to notice things like that. And also I’m not necessarily the best to use myself as an example, especially when we’re talking to women because women think, “Well, I don’t want to look like that guy.” So I want to thank you for putting that together. Many women have told me they’re afraid to grow muscle. But then they want to look like Kim Kardashians and I tell them, “Well, that’s muscle. You can grow that muscle and, yeah, you can have an incredible feminine shape by developing the glutes…” The cellulite on the back of the legs, this one of the most interesting subjects because I see women who exercise, whether they exercise a lot or a little, but they get a little bit of quadricep development, that’s the front of the thigh. So they build the front of the thigh, but not the back of the thigh where the hamstring is and that’s where they see the cellulite. So they’re working hard on the muscle that’s on the front of the thigh, but they’re complaining about the back of the thigh, but they’re not working out. Because a lot of them don’t know how. With the extra protocol, we have them doing split squats split squats in what’s called a dead lift. It’s an Olympic movement. It’s not going to kill you. Some people are a little put off on the name deadlift, but it means you’re picking up a dead weight off the ground. So that engages the hamstrings in and so when the muscle in the back of the thigh starts to grow a little bit, well the cellulose begins to disappear. Because the cellulite’s here and the muscle’s here. As the muscle begins to push out, the skin stretches and it’s all in the right proportion.

Doug Parks: inaudible for you to show us the… There you go. You want to play that again?

Heidi: Yeah, I’ll play it. Yeah, it’s visible when I’m talking. So yeah, that’s a deadlift. Super simple. You’re just standing up. You do need to have good mechanics with your chest and in your head and neck so you don’t kink your neck, you don’t put anything out in your reck. And I teach that in the three week program. After someone purchases it, the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, I share with them proper mechanics and safety training so that the X3 Bar variable resistance system is really simple and easy to use.

Doug Parks: That’s awesome. And Heidi, would you do some looking and see if you can find the overhead press example because I want to use that as my aha moment.

Heidi: Yeah.

Doug Parks: Because, John, you just said something so powerful. I want to make sure everybody gets it. And that is that the huge growth hormone increase comes from firing stabilization muscles.

Dr. John Jaquish: Stabilization plus load.

Doug Parks:: Okay. So stabilization, if I did yoga I would trigger my stabilization muscles. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. A lot of exercise experts, exercise scientists have not been fans of yoga for anything other than flexibility. But then a lot of yoga fans, yoga instructors notice it. They don’t do as much cardiovascular exercise as others do or they don’t do the same types of things to stay lean, yet they still stay lean because there’s a lot of stabilization firing. So you have hormones working for you when you do yoga.

Doug Parks: And what you just said, I want everybody to hear. You said it’s firing stabilization muscles but you get this huge increase in growth hormone when stabilization muscles are fired under load. So what we have to do is to figure out how. And I did this particular exercise when we met up several weeks ago and I did this one exercise and all of a sudden light bulb went off in my head and I realized… Heidi, would you play the video so everybody can see what happened?

Heidi: Yeah, yeah. Happy to. Yeah, so this is an overhead press and this is my heavyweight for me. So yeah, getting the camera straight, and this is where it’s like, this is not exactly easy but this is what requires a lot of stabilization. And you will see in a second, there we go, my core muscles shaking as I’m going in an overhead press. You see that?

Doug Parks: Stop it right there, for just a second.

Heidi: Yeah, I’ll go back right there.

Doug Parks: Awesome. Now when I was in that position and I had the band, there was, I don’t know how much weight it felt like, but it felt like it was a lot of weight. My core muscles were on fire firing and that’s when I finally understood why this trims the body, why it has the effect it does, is because I was challenged. Although it looked like a rubber band and something simple, I was more challenged in that one motion than I had been in my 70-some years. I had never, not being a weightlifter, I had never been in that position before. I had never triggered those core muscles and… Thank you Heidi, I hope people can understand it. If you just imagine yourself with a hundred pound weight over your head and all the muscles that have to stabilize in order to hold you securely.

Heidi: I kind of question that because I did have hundred pound weights over my head. I did CrossFit for three and a half years, Doug. And that sucks. When I was with a heavy barbell and I’m doing snatches or overhead press, it was super heavy. But when I am pressing this, and this is over a hundred pounds of force with the equivalent of the band, it’s not that hard and it was shocking. To me it was like crosstalk

Dr. John Jaquish: Do you want me to tell you why this is more effective?

Doug Parks: Please do. Please do.

Heidi: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you can get to the fatigue points where you’re holding a higher weight many more times and you can sustain that position for longer. Therefore more stability firing. Let’s say you can lift a hundred pound barbell from the ground to over your head. What that really means is you probably have a 300 pound capability but you don’t know that and you can’t get there. So one thing you could do, this is not what I would recommend, but you could use the X3 portable gym and a heavier band and get to 300 pounds in peak range motion. You don’t need to do that. What you can do is get the hundred pound band and go to a far deeper level of exhaustion by hitting that top point bolt over and over and over again. So you’re going to fatigue there. And then you can diminish that range of motion and go to fatigue at the other, where you’re weaker. So you end up just doing this where you’re dealing with a light weight and fatiguing the muscle completely. And that’s something you just can’t do with weights.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Doug Parks: I get it. You can’t do it. What I do on a three or four day a week basis, I couldn’t do with weights. I wouldn’t want to do his weights. But it is transformative. And what you’re saying is it the best way in your research, or that you’ve found, for dramatically increasing growth hormone in the body. So, and I get that this is going to continue to build stronger muscles, but what are the other benefits of having the growth hormone influx in my body?

Dr. John Jaquish: Joint recovery. Skin recovery. Growth hormone tends to make people, it’s seen as the anti-aging, when it’s prescribed as a drug, the anti-aging drug. The good news is when prescribed as a drug there’s questions like is it really safe? No one’s ever proven that it’s not safe, but that’s not how studies work. They don’t do a study to see if they can hurt somebody. So. I mean, we’ll never have that research, but there’s a lot of concerns because there’s receptor sites for growth hormone in every cell of the body. However, when the body is placed in an extreme environment, the receptory sites upregulates while the hormone is being secreted. So the hormone level goes up and so there’s more hormones coming in and there’s more receptive so they can find each other. So in the tendons, the ligaments to improve biomechanics, the skin, all of those things that are going to make people have more energy, repair faster, things like that.

Doug Parks: All right, John, I realize you have done something that’s just like solving the puzzle of osteoporosis. Seems to me that you backed into something that’s truly revolutionary in our understanding of fitness or understanding of health because, and I don’t know what age it happens, probably in the thirties or forties, our growth hormone production is diminished because we typically diminish our physical…

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t place inaudible in the same environments. Now in that study, then that analysis, which was published last summer, those effects we’re seeing with elderly people too. Yeah.

Heidi: John, can you? We have a question here about if the person is 85 years old, is this recommended? Please share how old is the age of your mother.

Dr. John Jaquish: She may be me mad at me I do that.

Doug Parks: Is she in that range of age that-?

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible years old. Yeah. People can use it with proficiency no matter their age. It’s relatively pain-free, relatively ambulatory. The requirements are pretty low and the good news is your movement can improve as you use the device.

Doug Parks:Yeah. I have experienced there with a neighbor nearby who saw my enthusiasm for this new toy and has found a spark of regeneration in his life and is just beginning his journey with the X3 Bar resistance band bar system and is quite excited about it. And Heidi, have we missed any of the questions that are coming in? Are we doing good? Okay. So John, what you’ve told us so far is there’s a dramatic increase in growth hormone and that has profound effects beyond building muscles. That actually has vitalizing effects, and I won’t go into deeper, but that there’s a whole part of the anti-aging medicine that’s built on injections of growth hormone. What you’re talking about though is endogenous. This is a growth hormone from your own body created with your own glands. What are the advantages there?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, when your body creates it, your body’s not going to create a hormonal secretion that’s going to hurt you. There’s really no… The body’s self preserving. It’s not self destructive. And when growth hormone is up regulated, you can be assured that the receptor sites in the proper places are going to be upregulated as well. So the growth hormone goes where it’s supposed to go.

Doug Parks: Is there any indication in the literature that an injection of growth hormone suppresses our body’s own natural production of growth hormone? Am I pushing?

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s conflicting reasoning on this. I just can’t give you a really conclusive answer. Now like certain other hormones like estrogen and testosterone, you take exogenous testosterone or estrogen and you suppress your own inaudible. But I’m probably going to ruin somebody’s day here, but there’s a lot of things that you do, that people do that screw up the natural secretion of things. Let me give you an example. If you use chap stick a lot, you don’t have the natural oils in the skin and your lips anymore. You inaudible but your skin is self-lubricating. So if you put some type of lubricant there, well then that piece of skin doesn’t see a reason to trigger that anymore. That’s a perfect example of what you’re talking about. What we want to do is if you have dry skin, well I tell somebody who is, “I have dry skin all the time.” “Well, have you tried eating more fat? Have you looked at different things or maybe you’re having dry skin because you use a lousy shaving cream.” There’s a lot of different other approaches and we could be really funny. So we want to lubricate our skin after we put a solvent on our skin to destroy all the natural oils. Then we take a petroleum oil and put it on our skin. Does that make sense?

Doug Parks: Yeah. Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or does it make sense? It makes nonsense. That’s another rabbit hole we could go now. But ultimately, you want to trigger your body to do what it’s supposed to do. That’s the ultimate.

Doug Parks: Okay. And you’re telling me that my resistance through all of my years to doing physical exercise where muscle building was concerned, was restricting my own production of my health.

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. Everybody should be as strong as they can be. It should just be on everyone’s to do list. Like you want to get a good night’s sleep every night. That’s something you want to do. You want to be as strong as possible.

Doug Parks: And so your research is, I can’t help but say this is wildly profound, that less than 10 minutes a day can actually have this kind of impact on your overall health. And I’ll speak about this for as long as I have breath because we’re in a world that is time for us to take responsibility for our health and realize that it’s in our hands to take the wise steps. I changed my diet years back. I’ve changed, stopped smoking. I did all kinds of changes, but the idea has never presented itself that I need to build muscle in order to be strong. I also put on our website, our Facebook page a couple of days ago, an article that said, your brain shrinks if you’re not getting physical exercise. Wait a minute.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible Bruce Liptopn likes using the car analogy when we’re talking about the human body. Can you still hear me?

Doug Parks: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: You lose me? Or are we okay? So Bruce talks about how you can take a car apart and put it back together and drive it away. But if you take a human apart and put them back together, nothing happens. The individual is no longer alive. And why that’s important is that every system that we have in our body is dependent on other systems. They’re all related. So the musculature and the brain are related. The heart, the lungs, the blood flow to your fingertips and your toes, the furthest points away from your heart, it’s all related. And if we treat it as such, you only have one body. And it’s a thing that people say but don’t really pay attention to, “Well, I have my health.” Well, make sure you keep it. So these things are the most important things we can do right now. For happiness, moving forward. Taking care of your health, being as strong as possible.

Doug Parks: Well, we’re going to be carrying this message out to the world because taking care of your health used to be more complicated. And today it’s getting easier. And I think that’s true across the board of things that it’s important to understand right now. It’s easier to step into a vital, active, loving life. We just have to use the technology that’s coming and I appreciate you being the channel for this kind of information, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks.

Doug Parks: I also want to talk too about, you realize I’m not a fitness advocate and this is… I hope my discomfort in this area shows a little bit to everybody because it’s just not an area of my focus in life. I thought that my life between my ears was what… The body was just to carry my head around. The fact is that the body has a vital purpose. But you’re from a different world than I am. You’ve been a bodybuilder for most of your life. What do other bodybuilders say? They’re invested in their weights and all this kind of stuff. What did they have to say about your creation of the X3 workout bar system?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. I’m definitely getting a mixed response. A lot of, as with any sport, let’s call it recreational weightlifting because I think the term bodybuilding, there are people who treat their body as a sculpture and then they go stand on a stage. That’s what a bodybuilder is. There’s a lot more people that follow the sort of aspects of that to improve their physique and their health and aren’t necessarily going to go stand on a stage and are not necessarily treating their body as a sculpture. They just want to be strong. And there’s millions of people like that. The competitive bodybuilder, not so much. They’re definitely a much higher level of what they’re trying to do. So that community has, I’ve got some mixed responses on it. I don’t want to beat up on anybody, but the smarter people in the industry, Ben Pakulski has been working with OsteoStrong for example. A couple of others that I’m working with, I’m not quite ready to talk very much about yet. Phil Hernon is an amazing guy, former Mr USA. Has a nutrition company now and he really helps people get the most out of the human body without turning to any sort of performance enhancing drugs. Train the body to fix itself. Very, very much thinking along the same lines. What I noticed is that the most receptive audience is not the young guys who are lifting weights and who want to go win a bodybuilding championship and plan on having the best physique at the barbecue. That’s the thing, when you’re younger, people really start to pay attention after they have one injury. Because the 18, 19 year old guys who start lifting heavy and they think, “Oh, I’ll never get hurt. Because I’m awesome.” That’s youth, right? I don’t remember who said it but the problem with youth is it’s wasted on young. Somebody said that. Maybe it was Winston Churchill. So those guys are not paying attention. I think part of it is that they identify with doing something dangerous. They’re proud that lifting heavy weights is not something everybody can do. And they’re very proud. That’s their identity. So taking their identity away from them by saying, “Hey, there’s a way I can grow more muscle and go through less risk and accomplish the same objectives.” I’ve never seen strings of profanity attached together like by these guys, because it’s just like offending their lifestyle. But the guys who had an injury and they know, “Wow, if I get a serious injury, I won’t even be able to exercise.” Right? And so risking an injury is just not something they’re interested in doing. So when we talk about how with X3 Bar variable resistance system you can have even better success than you can with standard weights and you lower that chance of injury, they are listening.

Doug Parks: Well, I want everybody to hear me clearly. Please go to and look for yourself at what’s here as a, as a tool for your health. Because there’s something vital and when new science comes in that tells us there’s an easy way, a safe way, and an incredibly powerful way, quick way, to rebuild the vitality that age is taking away from us. It just makes sense to arm yourself with the facts. But I also want you to know that there is wisdom here that you can carry forward. Whether you join the X3 Bar resistance band training system revolution or not, there’s wisdom here and understanding that you’re building your physical body strength is vital to your longevity, your health, and your production of human repair hormone in your body. So John, I’m just blown away by what you’re doing. You just talked about Ben Pakulski and I had the privilege of listening to a podcast you did just a few a weeks ago. Or what was the gentleman that you did that call with?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that was Ben.

Doug Parks: Okay. That was Ben.

Dr. John Jaquish: He likes science. So he’s a competitive bodybuilder and he just retired, but I think he may have been competing for something like 16 or 20 years. And he was a contest weight right around 300 pounds. Muscular guy and you can see every muscle, very lean. So while he was in a sport, he realized that understanding the scientific research, the sports science research around athleticism triggering muscle growth hormones, was much better than just repetitively going to the gym and doing what all the other guys are doing. A better understanding. And one thing that’s important, and this is just general advice for anybody, don’t look at what a celebrity is doing or what an athlete is doing. Because they may be doing 20 things and only talking about one. When a study is done, variables are taken out of it. So they’ll take two groups of individuals like compare them and they’ll make sure that those individuals are not taking performance enhancing drugs, have a similar diet, are similar enough where when something is added over here to test, and something’s over here to test, that we’re just isolating that variable. And so I think Ben is one of the individuals who really understands what the objectives are with academic research. Isolating variables, finding out why something really happens. And the guys who are not interested in research and just are interested in what the pros are doing, they don’t even really know what the pros are doing. They know what the pros are saying.

Doug Parks: Right. What is the research that actually was done in upstate New York? Can you tell me the name of the university and the…?

Dr. John Jaquish: Male athletes. Yeah. So Cornell athletes were tested. They took two groups of Cornell athletes, so males and females. But the reason it’s important to point that out is they were already highly trained, so it’s harder to get a result, a pre to post result, with somebody who’s already athletic. Someone who doesn’t exercise, they’re going to have much greater adaptations. They’re going to gain lean muscle and lose body fat faster than someone who’s already an athlete. I point that out because I want people to understand that if it can work for an athlete, it can work for the regular person even better. Not the other way around. Because I think somebody goes, “Well, that study was on athletes and I’m not an athlete, so it doesn’t mean anything.” So they took two groups of people and they tested them, their strength, in the beginning of the study. And then they tested their strength at the end of study. One group lifted regular weights as they had been and they gained a tiny bit of strength through this, I think it was 24 weeks. The test group used variable resistance. A protocol very similar to X3 Bar resistance band bar system. They were holding much more force in the stronger range of motion than they were in the weaker range of motion. They grew muscle. They grew muscle. The test was strength, but a stronger muscle is a larger muscle so they developed three times the amount of gain that the regular group did. Which is why the product is called X3 Bar fitness band bar system.

Doug Parks: That’s great.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your gains are three times faster.

Doug Parks: John, I can’t believe the time is getting away from us so fast, but there’s a couple of things. Dave Asprey of Bulletproof Coffee fame recently called this one of the best bio-hacks ever and I know he is sharing this technology. I’ve seen his podcasts a couple of times now where he’s… Who are some of the others that are in your world who have seen and understood this technology and encouraged you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Tony Robbins has been working with OsteoStrong. He’s also a big fan of X3 Bar variable resistance system and the X3 Bar portable home gyms are going to be available at OsteoStrong locations to use and for people to understand how X3 works. With OsteoStrong addressing bone density and increasing bone density for athletic performance, for fracture prevention or just greater health, and then from an added health and aesthetics standpoint, X3 Bar resistance band training system is also …. Tony been very excited about getting that rolling ….

Doug Parks: Heidi, I know the chat box is kind of swelling. Is there something there that we need to address with John? Something that will be helpful to the group listening?

Heidi: I think most of those questions have been answered already. We just have one person who is an avid fan of X3 Bar resistance band bar system. I’ve been training him and his whole body shape and posture are changing in a matter of only six and a half weeks. It’s been beautiful.

No Weights, No Cardio

Doug Parks: Somebody besides me, right?

Heidi: Yep.

Doug Parks: Well, that’s great. Well, John, this is the beginning of a process. I am so thrilled that you take your time to come and share it with the world. But, more importantly, I hope you recognize that what you’re doing is profound beyond words. You are bringing forward a level of understanding of how easy it is to build healthy bodies that actually makes our lives more valuable. And I really congratulate you for the work that you started with and I’m sure this is not the end. This is a continuing the process, but X3 variable resistance exercise system is, I’m going to call it a revolution because it’s going to revolutionize the way we deal with fitness and the way we deal with our own personal health. Any point that we’ve missed in our conversation that is vital for our listeners to hear about today.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no. I look forward to helping to answer the questions over the coming days and weeks.

Doug Parks:: Well, I wish you incredible success and I’m thrilled to be a part of the revolution. And whether I look at it personally or look at it as what fuels my life is giving people information that will allow them to live the fullness of the beautiful lives that we have here. Heidi, did you have anything you’d like to add? Thank you for being the moderator and a guide through this process.

Heidi: I’m just so grateful for your John. Like really from the depth of my heart, you have changed my relationship with my body that I didn’t think was possible. Because I was a student athlete, I was super fit. But then after getting injured so many times I was like, “Well I guess I lost my dream body.” And it’s coming back. So thank you. Thank you. And the last part would be like, I would be honored to be there with you on the call as you change the shape of your body, sculpt your body and celebrate with you your progress. So, though my body isn’t perfect and I’m showing before and after version of myself and that’s really vulnerable, like wow, but I’m just celebrating the changes that have happened and it’s only a short few eight weeks.

Doug Parks: Awesome. That’s great.

Heidi: That’s how it works.

Doug Parks: It’s exciting to be back in the and the science for life world and the new format we’re using, I’m thrilled with. We are going to send to everybody who’s registered for this show a copy. I ask you to please send it out to your friends. And the revolution happens because you and I are the source of that information. We move it forward. And as we bring other guests into onto the show, I hope you’ll continue to do the same thing and be the community of change that we’ve always been. Know that you’re, John, you’re genuinely appreciated and loved. Heidi, thank you. And for all of you listening to the Science for Life, we have an exciting journey ahead of us and I’m thrilled to be with you. I hope you’ll join us again on the next show with Science for Life.

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