September 9, 2021

X3 Fitness Transformations: Mabel

A before and after photo of X3 user Mabel Fornos

Mabel is a 38-year-old X3 user who regularly uses IN-Perium. Prior to using x3, Mabel lifted weights for about a year. During that time, she spent around 3 hours per week in the gym.

Her workouts were focused on traditional strength training and cardio.

Over the course of 11 months, Mabel worked with Maykell Lorenzo, an esteemed X3 user who was featured in Dr. Jaquish’s book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want.

Mabel’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Mabel dedicates less than 60 minutes per week to her X3 workouts. She first noticed significant results 2-3 months after first using X3.

Mabel follows a strict carnivore diet protocol and partakes in single- and multi-day fasts.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks?

Knee pain.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

I have been using X3 since October 2020, and I actually lost over 30 lbs and gained muscle. I can see that my body is so different now. It’s really amazing.

My journey started at 160 pounds, pants size 8. I’m now at 125 pounds, pants size 0. It’s amazing and I’m so proud of myself. I feel very good to belong to the X3 family. When I am with my daughters, sometimes people do not believe that they are my daughters because I now look so young. I will continue because I love using X3.

Have you tried Fortagen? If so, how does it compare to other muscle-building supplements you have taken in the past?

Yes, it’s much better.

What results have you experienced since incorporating Fortagen?

Muscle gain at the end of the first month.

Anything else you’d like to share?

X3 is amazing. In 11 months I have lost more than 30 pounds but I have gained much more confidence. As a mother and a doctor, I don’t have time to go to a gym or much less, do cardio.

The best thing in the world is that the X3 system not only changes your body, it also improves confidence.

It is amazing that only 10 minutes a day makes such a difference. X3 really changes your life. Of course, you must be persistent and consistent


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