May 20, 2022

X3 Fitness Transformations: Kevin

A before and after photo of X3 user Kevin Chang

Kevin is a 32-year-old X3 user, competitive bodybuilder, and recovering weightlifter.

He lifted weights for over 10 years and spent up to twelve hours per week in the gym. In that span, he focused primarily on strength training and cardio.

After hitting plateaus and experiencing numerous weightlifting injuries, Kevin switched to using X3 exclusively.

Kevin’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Kevin Chang poses after winning a bodybuilding competition
Bodybuilder and X3 User Kevin Chang

Kevin dedicates a couple of hours per week to his X3 workouts. He first noticed significant results in the first month.

Kevin follows a flexible diet protocol incorporating carnivore, keto, and paleo. He fasts regularly and uses Fortagen daily. Kevin tracks calories, macros, and protein.

X3 took Kevin from bodybuilding competitor to bodybuilding champion.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks?

Years of bodybuilding damaged my shoulder, causing the ball of my shoulder joint to move out of the socket, which led to scapular instability.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

A male bodybuilder poses outside a home
Kevin Chang Posing After an X3 Workout

I have not hit free weights at all and my biceps and triceps have grown a lot … noticeably thicker and more defined from what I can see in the mirror.

My legs have grown a good bit, noticeably in the hamstrings. Glutes got slightly bigger and my quads too. I feel like my back is wider and thicker.

Being a weightlifter for 14-15 years, I ended up loving X3 and I’ve been using it for a year straight with no days off. No weights. The results kept me coming back for more! Still haven’t trained abs in over a year now.

I’m 16.5 lbs heavier since I started using the X3. I most definitely gained over 10 lbs of muscle!

Bodybuilders flexing on stage at the INBF championships
Kevin Chang Competing in the WNBF Championships

After winning 1st place (at the INBF/WNBF Pro-AM ), I earned 3rd in the world for the natural men’s physique division in the WNBF, the largest natural bodybuilding federation in the world. That’s after 168 days of consecutive training, X3 Bar ONLY.

I’m looking even better by training 20 minutes per day with the X3 Bar versus 275 days ago when I was training 2-3 hours a day with weights.

X3 Bar is the s***!

Have you tried Fortagen? If so, how does it compare to other muscle-building supplements you have taken in the past?

Fortagen is by far the best supplement I’ve ever taken. It’s very effective for muscle gain, due to its high protein-to-calorie ratio. I use 3 servings per day. Fortagen makes me look fuller and more dense.

What results have you experienced since incorporating Fortagen?

A before and after X3 fitness transformation
Kevin Chang’s Fitness Transformation

Muscle gain. It just makes the muscles bigger, plain and simple. Brings the physique up to where I want it and seems like I’ll continue growing.

We can most definitely build muscle and stay lean simultaneously. Again, I was able to gain 16.5lbs and stay fairly lean.

It really comes down to training until complete failure with the X3, and consistency in using the best supplementation like Fortagen.

Anything else you’d like to share?

I have seen muscle development in all muscle groups. The results are impressive. X3 Bar has saved me so much time; the time saved in the gym is priceless.

15 years of weightlifting prior to the X3 Bar and I have been improving ever since I implemented it after years of struggling to improve further with weightlifting.

A fitness coach posing
Online Fitness Coach Kevin Chang

Kevin now offers online fitness coaching for X3 users. His programs focus on effortless fat loss and optimal muscle development. For more information, visit his website.

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