May 30, 2022

X3 Fitness Transformations: Alex

Alex Naymark

Since I started X3 about 17 months ago, I’ve completely transformed my body by losing 35 lbs of fat and putting on 12 lbs of lean muscle.

Alex is a 30-year-old X3, X3 Elite Band, and Fortagen user. He lifted weights for years and spent around 6 hours per week in the gym, where he focused on powerlifting movements.

Alex’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Alex dedicates just 1-2 hours per week to his X3 workouts. He first noticed significant results two to three months after first using the X3 bar.

Alex follows an average diet, eating what tastes/feels good but limiting foods when necessary.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks?

Yes, I had back injuries and constant lack of CNS recovery/fatigue.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

Muscle gain, body recomposition. Since I started X3 about 17 months ago, I’ve completely transformed my body by losing 35 lbs of fat and putting on 12 lbs of lean muscle. I’m still getting leaner while increasing muscle mass. This has been a life-saving workout regimen coming from an injury ridden powerlifting world. X3 is the best workout ever designed for putting on muscle. Thank you, X3 team!

Have you tried Fortagen? If so, how does it compare to other muscle-building supplements you have taken in the past?

Yes, I love the taste and really appreciate no bloating compared to past supplements.

What results have you experienced since incorporating Fortagen?

Muscle gain and increased recovery times. More energy and less recovery time if I take it before or during a workout.

Anything else you’d like to share?

My diet has not been up to par. I still received significant results with x3, even on a subpar diet. Most people ask me what my workout program is and what supplements I take on a regular basis. This has been a life-saving workout regiment coming from an injury-ridden powerlifting world. Thank you, X3 team!

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