July 7, 2023

X3 Fitness Transformations: Aaron

A before and after photo of X3 user Aaron Legassie

Aaron is a 45-year-old X3 bar, Elite band and, Fortagen user and recovering weightlifter. He lifted for Around 2-5 years and spent more than 9-12 hours per week in the gym.

In that span, he focused on bodybuilding and/or strength training.

Aaron’s X3 Experience and Nutrition Protocol

Aaron dedicates 2-3 hours per week to his X3 workouts. He first noticed significant results about 5 months after starting to use the X3 products.

Aaron follows a keto/paleo diet protocol, being strict with it by closely following the protocols and setting protein+calorie/macro goals.


Have you had any significant weightlifting injuries and setbacks? If so, please provide details. Have your injury issues improved since starting the X3 Program?

I stopped training for over 10 years. I just lost the desire to weight train because of the lengthy sessions with minimal results.

What results have you experienced since starting with X3?

I’ve been utilizing X3 for 8 months now.

I’ve lost 117 lbs. Gained incredible mass and can see definition in my abs for the 1st time in my life.

Have you tried Fortagen? If so, how does it compare to other muscle-building supplements you have taken in the past?

Yes! The best EAA supplement on the market.

What results have you experienced since incorporating Fortagen?

Extreme muscle gain and substantial fat loss in an 8-month period of time.

I highly recommend this to anyone!

Anything else you’d like to share?

No answer.

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