December 21, 2022

Will I bulk up and build muscle using X3?

We get questions from both men and women about bulking or getting big by using X3 .

What happens to men and women when they use X3?

Full Transcript

I’ll start with women.

They read about putting on 45 pounds of muscle in the first two years and losing 16 pounds of body fat. They like the fat loss part, they don’t want to put on 45 pounds of muscle.

For those women who are concerned about too much muscle mass, you don’t have the biochemistry to put on that kind of mass as a female.

So what ends up happening with women who use this, and you can see in some of the before and after pictures on the website, the women end up looking more feminine because the muscles do get a little bigger, but they also get harder, and then the body fat surrounding them is dropped.

They just look more defined, maybe a little more athletic or a lot more athletic, depending on their nutrition.

But ultimately, nobody’s putting on too much size so that they’re tipping the scale when it comes to muscularity.

So moving on to men.

Men respond in a very different way because they have the hormones and biochemistry to add a lot more muscle mass.

Some people put on 20 pounds of muscle in six months. Quite a few of them, you can see them on the website in the before and after section.

Men and women respond differently, but both end up looking very athletic with their respective genders.

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