March 16, 2022

Why Fermented Protein Is A Game Changer

Why Fermented Protein Is A Game Changer

Protein powder comes from many sources; commonly whey or casein, or from hemp or peas if you’re vegetarian or vegan. Lately, a new form of vegan-friendly protein powder has been getting a lot of attention. Fermented protein claims to be more easily digested, offering you higher levels of protein utilization per scoop. As it turns out, most claims regarding fermented proteins are true. Read more to find out why you should ditch your old protein powder and try the new.

Why You Need a Protein Supplement

Protein supplementation is beneficial for anyone looking to build muscle and lose weight at the same time. To do both requires a combination of heavy lifting and caloric restriction, which can work against each other if you’re not careful.

Muscle-building requires protein. Typically, a healthy male needs 2.2 to 2.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. But in whole foods, protein doesn’t come alone. It’s packed into delivery methods that include plenty of carbohydrates and fats. So how do you get enough protein if you’re trying not to overeat? You supplement.

But not all protein powders are created equal. Protein powders vary in both the source of protein, and the method of protein isolation. Common sources of protein powder include the following:

  • Whey
  • Casein
  • Egg
  • Hemp
  • Pea
  • Brown Rice

Traditionally, protein powders are manufactured in one of three ways:

  • Concentrates isolate protein from food using acid, enzymes or heat.
  • Isolates use similar methods, but extract more fat and carbs for a greater percentage of protein.
  • Hydrolysates break the bonds between amino acids to make proteins more digestible and more quickly absorbed by muscle.

Unfortunately, some protein sources (especially whey or casein) aren’t tolerated well by everyone. In addition, the above methods of protein processing result in powders that are utilized inefficiently by the human digestive system.

Whey protein concentrate results in the most inefficient protein powder, one that’s high in carbohydrates and fats. Thus, protein concentrate powders tend to be marketed as meal replacements versus muscle building formulas.

Isolates are lower in carbohydrates and fat than protein concentrate, but studies find this protein equally ineffective1 at improving strength. Meanwhile, hydrolysis2 of whey protein raises insulin levels, which can lead to weight gain.3

Fermentation is a newer means of isolating protein for consumption in a powder, and it may be the best one yet.

What’s Fermented Protein?

Fermentation is a thousands-year old process in which microbes break down the carbohydrates in a compound to create a bi-product. In the case of fermented protein, bacteria are used to break down a whole food such as peas, leaving behind protein as the bi-product.

The combination of this ancient biological process with modern technology has given us protein powders that outperform even nature’s most abundant protein sources. The benefits of fermented protein powder include the following:

Accelerate lean muscle growth with the world's most effective protein

Greater Bioavailability

Fermentation breaks down protein molecules so they’re much smaller in size, and thus more easily digested by the body. This process is often referred to as ‘pre-digestion.’

Bioavailability means your protein is available for your body when you need it. Fermented protein powders like Fortagen are digested by the body within 30 minutes while some whey or vegetable-based sources can take up to 6 hours.

It doesn’t matter how much protein your powder lists on the label if you’re not absorbing all of it.

Gut Friendly

It’s not only particle size which makes fermented proteins more gut friendly. It’s the elimination of dairy products as a source.

Most protein concentrates or isolates are derived from whey protein which contains the sugar lactose. Protein powders free from lactose lead to less bloating, fewer upset stomachs, and for those who avoid dairy for ethical reasons, greater peace of mind.

Fermentation means the most efficient protein powders no longer need to come from dairy sources.

Nothing You Don’t Need

Protein fermentation creates an end product that offers you more of what you need and less of what you don’t.

Because carbohydrates are separated out during the fermenting process, they’re more easily removed from the end product, resulting in higher concentrations of protein per scoop. And by breaking down proteins into the amino acids they’re built from, fermentation optimizes protein itself. Fermented amino acids can be optimized into the exact ratio your body looks for when building muscle.

Low In Calories

Non-fermented protein powders not only come stacked with fats and carbs you don’t need, but include amino acids your body already has an excess of. Anything unused becomes a wasted calorie and must get stored somehow.

Delivering protein in the purest form possible means it’s delivered in the smallest caloric package. While some whey powders have upwards of 120 calories, a fermented protein like Fortagen won’t break your fast.

The Best Fermented Protein

Fortagen is a fermented protein powder that delivers what your body needs to build muscle and lose fat, and nothing else. It provides each of the essential amino acids in a ratio that’s optimal for muscle synthesis.

In part it’s this ratio, and not just particle size, which makes Fortagen the most bio-usable protein supplement available. Even other fermented amino acid supplements or protein powders just don’t get the proportions correct. In addition, BCAA products contain amino acids your body doesn’t need.

The Perfect Amino Acid Profile:

Fortagen’s proprietary blend includes only the essential amino acids, those your body is unable to produce on its own. The ratios in Fortagen are optimized for anabolic utility, which means all 8 essential amino acids are present at the same time and in the correct ratio to one another.

Faster Muscle Growth:

Protein fermentation creates a product that works. Whey protein, despite its popularity, has been shown to achieve just 18% anabolic usage in human subjects. Protein from real meat fares only slightly better with almost 40% of what you ingest going toward muscle growth. Fortagen clocks in at a hefty 99% usability, making it far more efficient than other protein sources.

Just 4 Calories:

Among fermented protein supplements, Fortagen ranks lowest in terms of calories per serving. Just 4 calories means it won’t break your fast, won’t spike your insulin, and won’t trigger a hunger response.

Fermented protein powder, and Fortagen in particular, is the most efficient form of protein supplementation available. If building muscle and losing weight is your goal, only Fortagen offers the exact formula you need without compromise.

I developed Fortagen because people aren’t getting the proper amount of protein, protein sources out there are very inefficient in the human digestive system. So Fortagen is a bacterial fermentation culture byproduct, and it is the most bio-usable protein because it’s straight essential amino acids in the correct proportions, based on extensive research. Most essential amino acid producers are not anywhere near those reports, and there’s a pretty big cost to get those proportions correct. And so they just don’t do it and just hope the uninformed consumer will just buy their product.- Dr. J

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