April 20, 2021

How to Increase HGH Naturally

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) might as well be called “The Fountain of Youth.” HGH benefits are so highly sought after that billions of dollars are spent every year in an attempt to replicate them.

We’re willing to bet that you’ve heard about HGH or have even purchased supplements before. But here’s a huge secret that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t share: your body makes HGH and is fully capable of producing more under the right circumstances.

Now the million-dollar question becomes, why spend money on something that the body makes for free?

So if you’re tired of wasting money and time, get ready to learn how to increase HGH naturally and why X3 does it so effectively.

What is Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?

We’re not going to lie; HGH is pretty incredible.

It’s aptly named a “growth” hormone because it does just that, especially during childhood.

One of the most well-known benefits of HGH is the preservation of muscle mass even while body fat is lost 1.

The controversy surrounding HGH comes from the side effects of injecting exogenous growth hormone and the illegal sale and use of this compound. But anyone at any age can get more HGH naturally and avoid these issues altogether.

Background of HGH

HGH is made by the pituitary gland and travels through the bloodstream to the targeted areas. Certain events, like exercise, injury/trauma, and sleep, have been known to trigger HGH production.

Over an average lifespan, HGH production is at its highest during childhood and peaks during puberty.

It begins to decline during middle age, which is one of the reasons why people consider supplementation. HGH is responsible for regenerating healthy cells in adulthood, protecting your muscles and skin, and promoting fat loss.

After an injury or trauma, HGH is released in higher amounts to help the area heal and recover, earning the claim as a regenerative hormone.

Sounds impressive, right?

The Dangers of Synthetic HGH

Up until a few years ago, it was easy to get a prescription for HGH. In fact, professional athletes have long used HGH to build lean muscle.

Sounds ideal, so what’s the catch? Well, there are side effects 2 to supplementing with exogenous HGH, and some of them are pretty scary. Injecting large amounts of synthetic HGH can cause your internal organs to grow, making your stomach look like a sea turtle shell. Not only is this unsightly, but it’s also dangerous for your health.

Injecting synthetic HGH also alters your body’s natural production of HGH and other hormonal-induced activities, including sleep and exercise.

The body appears to respond differently to exogenous HGH, causing side effects not seen with internally produced HGH. Individuals often experience the growth of body parts 2 that shouldn’t be growing, namely internal organs. That’s coupled with a lack of growth response to the areas that should be growing (e.g., muscles).

And don’t think that taking synthetic HGH in the form of a pill is any better. There is no evidence to suggest that HGH in pill form is even effective.

How to Trigger HGH

John Jaquish performs a banded front squat

Although your body can produce HGH on its own, it has to be triggered to do so. Working out is a trigger for the release of HGH, but some forms of exercise do this better than others, which we’ll discuss next.

The Importance of Stabilization

Stabilization is your body’s way of keeping you upright against gravity through tiny reflexive muscle contractions. This process requires varying amounts of work, depending on the activity. While standing requires minimal stabilization from the muscles, carrying a heavy load requires much more.

Surprisingly, the stabilization process triggers HGH release. Dr. Jaquish’s research anywhere from 200% to 2600% 3. Incredible, right?

But that is only part of the equation.

The difference between 200% or 2600% has to do with the amount of muscle loading, aka the amount of force your muscles produce. Rather, loading + stability = HGH production.

We can all agree that standing on a balance board is more challenging than standing on solid ground. The former will increase HGH production by 200–300%. And, believe it or not, this is a small effect compared to other interventions.

Now think about the amount of stability needed for a heavy overhead lift. In this scenario, you’re recruiting neck, shoulder, back, core, and lower body muscles to maintain your stability. This tends to result in a 400–600% 3.

Exercises that combine higher forces with an enhanced requirement for stabilization, provided by an unstable oscillating platform, have been shown to yield over 2000% increases in GH 3.

And consider this: the two factors that together seem to drive increases in growth hormone are higher forces applied to the muscles in conjunction with greater requirements for stabilization.

If you were to use variable resistance to apply the force, as opposed to weights, you could produce even greater amounts of muscle loading than have been tested before, leading to even greater GH production for any given level of stability requirement.

The Sprint Effect

Did you know that sprinters can generate power outputs that are over 4x their body weight?.

Sprinters have high amounts of muscle mass, which allows them to produce the power needed to sprint. Powerful sprinters also have insanely low amounts of body fat. In many cases, sprinters are able to achieve this physique as a result of intense but low-duration training.

Interestingly, much of this outcome is attributed to sprinters’ need for stabilization. That’s because sprinters require high amounts of reflexive stabilizing muscle activation to remain stable and sprint quickly.

And remember, HGH is naturally increased with high forces placed on muscles along with challenging stability requirements. The positive hormonal benefits of this kind of exercise are known as the Sprint Effect.

X3 Can Naturally Increase HGH—Here’s How

True or false: Little or no HGH is released when performing a leg press. TRUE, and it all relates to stabilization.

Your body is balanced against the seat pad in the leg press and does not need to exert a significant effort for stabilization. Regardless of the work that your legs are doing, this exercise lacks the stability required to stimulate HGH growth.

On the other hand, squats involving the same weight can trigger a 634% increase in HGH because they require your body to stabilize itself and the load as you move through the lift.

Other exercises, like the chest press and deadlift, can stimulate high amounts of HGH production for similar reasons.

How X3 Naturally Increases HGH Through Stabilization

There is a tremendous release of growth hormone and testosterone with the use of X3.

In his book, Weightlifting Is A Waste of Time, Dr. Jaquish showed us how the X3 Bar variable resistance system4 allows you to lift to accommodate your strongest range of motion. Because you’re no longer limited to your weakest range of motion, the X3 presumably stimulates even greater amounts of growth hormone than would be possible with weightlifting alone.

Add in stabilization through the GHAccelerator, and you’re able to quickly lose body fat and build muscle all at the same time.

The GHAccelerator is a vibration platform that compliments the X3 Elite system. When you stand on it, it activates reflexive stabilization firing in muscles throughout your body.

When this stimulus is combined with the high forces provided by an X3 workout, ideal conditions are created to maximize your body’s production of HGH and serotonin while potentially lowering cortisol, the hormone responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety.

Vibrations are set at 30 Hz, which have been proven to support natural HGH production 5.

Final Thoughts On How to Increase HGH Naturally

We’ve just discussed how the body can naturally make more HGH under the right circumstances. And our methods won’t place you at risk for dangerous side effects and hormone dysregulation.

The key to increasing HGH naturally is to use a combination of high stability requirement exercises and greater loads, like those seen with variable resistance. We recommend using the X3 with the GHAccelerator to replicate conditions shown in research to maximize exercise-induced HGH production.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

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