March 31, 2023

Tony Robbins’ Life Force Calls Attention to Dr. Jaquish’s Life-Changing Invention

Dr. Jaquish is the inventor of the most effective bone-density building medical device, as confirmed through research conducted by the NASA Human Performance Research Center at the University of Texas Medical School.

The invention also caught the attention of America’s top life and business strategist, Tony Robbins, a man who, through over 100 businesses, drives combined sales of $7 billion per year.

Tony Robbins knows a thing or two about success. Further, he knows a great idea when he sees one.

In Tony Robbins’ book Life Force, he discusses his friend and partner, Dr. Jaquish, and OsteoStrong–the machine Jaquish created to help his mother’s osteoporosis.

About OsteoStrong

OsteoStrong locations

OsteoStrong uses static contraction to place high forces on bones and muscles, which increases bone density and overall strength.

Jaquish’s innovative and science-backed equipment has helped thousands reverse their osteoporosis, including his mother.

There are now hundreds of OsteoStrong clinics worldwide. The device has also helped build fracture-resistant athletes, including NFL players and MMA fighters.

Tony’s Take On OsteoStrong Technology

In his best-selling book, Life Force, Tony Robbins talks about how important it is to take care of our bodies, especially as we get older, and encourages readers to think about how OsteoStrong devices could help their health and well-being.

Robbins further discusses how Dr. Jaquish’s approach to fitness and bone health is unique because it focuses on creating a controlled impact on the body.

Robbins goes further, saying that traditional ways of lifting weights and working out can be bad for you because they stress your joints and can cause injury.

OsteoStrong machines and X3 Bar , on the other hand, work on the bones and muscles in a safe and effective way that makes the bones dense and strong.

An Innovation That Shines New Light On Fitness and Health

Robbins also notes that Dr. Jaquish’s innovation has the potential to change the way we approach fitness and health as a society.

By providing a solution for osteoporosis, a condition that affects millions of people, OsteoStrong improves one’s quality of life and prevents injuries that can have severe consequences for the elderly.

Robbins praises Dr. Jaquish’s work and encourages readers to consider the benefits of incorporating his innovative machine into their own health and fitness routines.

A Life-Changing Book Discussing Life-Changing Breakthroughs In “Precision Medicine”

In the book, Robbins grants inside access to over 100 of the world’s leading medical experts. The book informs readers about new research, inspiring stories of recovery, and amazing medical advances that improve vitality and longevity.

Robbins stresses the importance of actively caring for our bodies, especially as we get older. OsteoStrong is a powerful modern advancement that can help ensure people live healthy, fracture-free lives through their golden years.

To learn more about Robbins’ book or to purchase a copy, visit

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