May 18, 2017

Phil Hernon (Mr USA 1995) and Dr. John Jaquish – Talk GH triggering and smarter ways to lift heavy

Full Transcript

Dr. John Jaquish: So Phil and I are here talking about safety, and the different exercise programming that we’re doing. We’re looking at some of the comments that you guys are leaving. The comments really have a lot to do with concerns that we’re not encouraging heavy lifting anymore, and that’s not the case.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what we’re doing is looking at better strategies to get heavy loads through the body. Then at the same time, adding the stability component so you’re opening receptors for growth hormone and you’re secreting growth hormones, and you’re not only just putting it in the bloodstream, but you’re giving it a place to go, which doesn’t happen when you take growth hormones through a needle.

Phil Hernon: I had an old school pro say, “If I saw you on that Bosu ball, I’ll kick the Bosu ball out from under you, and tell you to go squat.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Phil Hernon: Well, it inaudible feelings because, first of all, he’s not open to the new science. That can evolve. This is harder than squatting. I would rather squat. But like we said, heavy is a relative term. When I do these one-legged squats, John, it’s frigging heavy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Phil Hernon: I do one-legged stuff I get inaudible. It’s heavy. It hurts. When I do four or five of the squat rack, I remember days being light. So it’s a relative term. When we say heavy, we really mean stimulus. You know what I mean?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. You need to show-

Phil Hernon: I’m not discouraging heavy training. I’m encouraging heavy training.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Phil Hernon: Even heavier, heavier training.

Dr. John Jaquish: We got to show the central nervous system that there’s a deficit in the amount of power. Like it’s got to see crystal clear like, “Oh, we need more muscle here.” Think about why do most advanced power-lifters and bodybuilders use constant tension. They don’t ever lock the joint. They don’t ever stand all the way up when they’re in the squat rack because you’re shutting the muscle off. So if the stimulus is turning the muscle on, turning it off, turning it on, turning off. The central nervous system’s going-

Phil Hernon: That fucking rep pause stuff is so much BS.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Like you… Getting the central nervous system in a position where it’s going, “I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to do,” that means you’re not going to grow.

Phil Hernon: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Phil Hernon: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the constant tension, the single leg squats are awesome. I’m actually like in the XO … We’re talking about heavy loads on the body are still good. You know, obviously they build the most muscular size, but we’re also talking about the stability that’s going to keep people lean.

Phil Hernon: So a combination of both.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Right. The combination of both in like-

Phil Hernon: But a lot less of the heavy lifting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well heavies relative. We want to get people in a place where like we were talking about the shoulder joint earlier today. Like in a bench press back here is where a shoulder joint is exposed. But you know, as I’m going through the range of motion, when my chest is right here, when my humerus is close to my sternum that’s where this muscle is powerful.

Phil Hernon: Yes. It’s the strongest. That’s your strongest.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And I did a video with some measurement devices with the chest press for the X3. So when I’m pushing away from myself, when I’m at full extension, I’m dealing with 350 pounds. But I would never have 350 pounds back here.

Phil Hernon: But guys do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. They do. And there’s a lot of exposure to the joint for damage. So what we’re really doing is we’re varying the resistance so I can train super heavy. I mean I’m 40 years old, I’m not going to get under heavy bench press bars anymore. But I can expose myself to incredible amounts of force where the muscle is more powerful, and then diminished force where the joint is at risk.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I’m still stimulating incredible growth. And that’s what the research shows. And I just redid the science section. Actually Henry Alkire, he did an amazing job on the X3 website to talk about the amount of muscle that is involved when you vary the resistance and why taking the muscle with fatigue there is so powerful. And then you add in the stability component, then you’re opening up the receptors for growth hormone and triggering a growth hormone release. So that the growth hormone knows where to go and that’s where you’re getting these incredible results.

Phil Hernon: Okay. So this X3 is just a compilation of all your research over the years plus the instant stability.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. I mean like the stability, we can do stability training and you can just do air squats on one leg and you’re doing heavy loading and you’re getting a little bit of that. But we want to give the benefits of very heavy lifting, but without the risks. And like I said, the product seems to be really popular with guys like-

Phil Hernon: 45.

Dr. John Jaquish: …40 plus because, well, there’s some psychological research that says people don’t realize their own mortality until they’re over… Sorry. Until they’re over 40 years old. So it makes perfect sense, right? Like, yeah, young guys don’t ever think they’re going to get hurt, but you’re over 40 and it’s like, “Hey, do you worry about hurting your back when you dead lift?” And they’re like, “Yeah, I do.”

Phil Hernon: Well, you don’t see very many guys, 45 year olds speeding around.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Phil Hernon: Texting like young guys or girls do.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Phil Hernon: It’s a good point.

Dr. John Jaquish: So there’s just a mentality and it’s keeping in mind the fact that you can get hurt. So you decide, okay, instead I’m going to use as much safer method of training. So like still training heavy, but training heavy is relative.

Phil Hernon: But one thing that shocks people is, shocked me is, it’s not easier John. It’s actually harder. This training with this X3 is actually… I’d rather lift weights because I’m a lazy kind of trainer.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

Phil Hernon: I’d rather lift weights because this doesn’t give me a… makes me feel sick. Why am I feeling sick? Why am I feeling sick?

Dr. John Jaquish: You use the term seasick. That’s basically what it is. Yeah. Motion sickness. You’ll get used to it.

Phil Hernon: I’d rather just lift weights and be stable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Phil Hernon: It’s easier.

Dr. John Jaquish: But keep in mind, you are an animal that lives in an environment that is not really correct for what you are. Like I talk about the human foot has the same complexity as a human hand, right? Right. But we walk on pavement so our feet are not able to do the job that they’re supposed to do. So the stability firing is supposed to be happening all the time. Like we are as human beings, we are… Sorry. We are growth hormone deficient because we live in an environment crosstalk.

Phil Hernon: Because of the cities we’ve built.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right, right. So we can bring that back with stability training, but ultimately like-

Phil Hernon: What about the shoes with the toes in. Would that help?

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Phil Hernon: The shoes with the toes in them. Does that do anything?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Yeah, it’s a great idea. It’s like they were referencing a lot of the podiatrist’s research to build those shoes. The Vibrams is the company that has the patent on that. So the separated toes, it’s great if you’re at the beach, but if you’re walking around a pavement, it’s basically the same thing as wearing shoes.

Phil Hernon: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t fire the muscle to dig your toes into the ground. Now sprinters get a little bit of it.

Phil Hernon: If I take my shoes off at the gym would I get better results?

Dr. John Jaquish: If there’s a rubberized floor that you can sink your toes into a little bit, then yes.

Phil Hernon: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I always… I use the X3 barefoot.

Phil Hernon: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I try to. Yeah. The floor in my lab is concrete and it’s not always clean, and sometimes there’s little metal shavings there.

Phil Hernon: inaudible My wife is getting a sand floor at my house.

Dr. John Jaquish: That would be a varsity move.

Phil Hernon: Oh, you know how it goes.

Dr. John Jaquish: That would be a commitment. Just buckets of sand. You’d have sand in your bed I’m sure.

Phil Hernon: Just for me. My own sandbox.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I think going to bed would be lousy. Yeah. You’d have sand… you’d get it everywhere.

Phil Hernon: I could sleep in my sandbox.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. If you live a mile from the beach you’ve got sand everywhere.

Phil Hernon: I know. I know. I know.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that would suck.

Phil Hernon: I don’t go to the beach. I haven’t been to the beach yet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Really?

Phil Hernon: No. Got to get over there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Phil Hernon: I’ve seen a lot of beaches around though.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You live in a good place for it. All right, well let me format this video so we can get it up.

Phil Hernon: Okay. Sounds great, John. Thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so people can start learning. Awesome.

Phil Hernon: All right. Bye bye.

Dr. John Jaquish: All right. Bye bye.

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