May 31, 2022

An X3 Golf Workout Program to Improve Your Game

Golf is a game of skill, but strength and mobility are vital for supporting talent, improving endurance and preventing injury. To improve your golf score by getting stronger you can spend hundreds on a golf workout program and hours in the weight room, or you can train for your golf game with X3.

Why Strength Helps Golfers

Professional golfers like Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, Jordan Speith, Bryson DeChambeau and Brooke Koepka have all made headlines for their muscular physiques, landing on several fittest athlete lists. But even the weekend golfer benefits from strength training.

Golf requires a balance of skill, endurance, power and strength. The last one, strength, is arguably the foundation which supports the others. Improve your strength, and it benefits your golf game in the following ways.

Strength Improves Endurance

Cardiovascular endurance is essential to the golf game. The more efficiently your body delivers oxygen to your muscles, the better your performance. This is true even if you’re driving a golf cart between holes. But muscular endurance, the ability to repeatedly contract your muscles over time, is important too.

Over the course of 18 holes, golfers repeat the same movements for a period of 3-5 hours. The stronger you are, the more lasting power you have when it comes to the back nine.

Strength Improves Power

If you’re not getting the distance you’d like from the tee box, it may not be only your driver that’s to blame. For a powerful drive, you need to be strong. Strength is the foundation of power, which is a measure of strength applied over time. Improve your strength, and you’ll improve the explosive movements needed for distance, but also for greater control.

Strength Training Addresses Imbalances

Can’t shake that slice or hook? Golf is a game of precision, and muscular imbalances or physical asymmetries interfere with the balance needed to land the ball exactly where you’d like to.

Often, players will address imbalances by making inefficient changes to their swing or their stance. This only exacerbates bad habits and can quickly lead to injury. The better way to shoot straight? Strengthen the muscles that are pulling you off center.

Strength Prevents Injury

Common golf injuries include those that stem from poor technique or timing, such as golfer’s elbow or tendonitis. But other injuries, such as damage to rotator cuffs, knees and the low back can be prevented by strengthening the muscles that provide stability around these sensitive areas.

Movements that involve twisting especially benefit from strong legs and a more stable foundation, a strong core to protect the low back, and a strong upper body to hold optimal form on impact.

Strength Training is the Best Way to Lose Weight

Carrying extra weight not only interferes with the dynamics of your golf swing, but increases your risk for joint injury. Excess weight also reduces your efficiency by requiring your heart, lungs and muscles to work harder as you move through the course.

Contrary to what some might think, building muscle outpaces cardio as the quickest way to lose weight. A stronger body burns more calories, even when at rest.1 Prioritize strength and you’ll be well on your way to improving your entire golf game, not just the power of your drive.

The Muscles Golfers Need

Understanding which muscles are used during the golf swing can help improve your game by increasing mindfulness of your technique. It also gives you solid information regarding what to focus on when it comes to your golf workout routine.

Strength and mobility in the legs, around the hips and buttocks, throughout the core and across the chest contribute to a safe, solid, well-rounded golf swing. The following are the best muscles to work out for golf.


The pectoralis major is the most prominent of the chest muscles. These muscles play a primary role in generating power and stability as you initiate the downswing and carry your arms through past impact.


What happens during the golf swing on the front of the body is connected to what’s going on in the back, and it’s the latissimus dorsi and upper serratus that primarily connect front to back. As your pecs initiate movement in the shoulder girdle, the upper serratus activates your scapulae for upper body tilt and the twist.


The forearms are an oft ignored component of the golf swing, but a common site of injury. Strong forearms not only prevent wrist and elbow injuries, but can help maintain proper wrist (and club) angle at the point of impact. Just prior to impact a phenomenon called the ‘flexor burst’ refers to the extreme increase in wrist flexor muscle activation.

Depending on whether you’re right or left handed, each of these upper body muscles work in a slightly different way, making overall strength in this area a must for greater balance and injury prevention.


The muscles of the core assist with twisting and stabilizing and are instrumental in coordinating and connecting the action of the upper and lower body. In the golf swing, the external abdominal obliques help rotate the trunk while the lumbopelvic region provides a stable base around which the trunk rotates.


It’s activation of the hamstrings, which occurs as weight shifts mid-twist from the back to front foot, that cues the pelvic muscles to stabilize. The hamstrings are just one part of a posterior chain which includes the low back and glutes.


The gluteus maximus, or buttocks, support maintenance of a stable foundation. These muscles are most active at the very top of your swing, as they hold the lower body still until the club travels parallel to the ground. At this point, during the acceleration phase, the obliques and right glute become dominant until early follow through.

Why X3 Is The Best Golf Workout Routine

resistance bands workout one push day

Search for golf exercises and you’ll find all kinds of high intensity interval training, weighted golf clubs, weight training protocols and cardio programs. But the best golf workout program is far more simple than that. The X3 Elite Bar trains all the muscles you need for golf in less than 20 minutes per day. It’s simply the best strength builder available.

The Best Way to Build Strength

To build stronger muscles, resistance is key. But the type of resistance you use makes a huge difference. Traditional free weights limit your capacity for strength building because they work on the principle of static resistance. No matter what point you’re at in your lift, the resistance your weight provides remains the same.

So, at the base of your squat for example, when your knees and lower back are most compromised and you’re in your weakest position, you’re pushing against the same resistance that’s offered when you’re gathering momentum and reaching your strongest, impact-ready posture mid-way through the lift. Each lift is limited by the amount of weight you can safely move when in your weakest position.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Variable Resistance

The X3 bar uses powerful, closed-loop latex bands to provide variable resistance. With X3, the resistance delivered at the weakest point of your lift is lighter, reducing your risk of injury. As you progress through the motion and enter a stronger posture, the bands begin to stretch, offering you greater resistance.

In addition to variable resistance, X3 provides the exact conditions your workout needs to cue muscle growth and optimal strength building. Training with bands provides constant tension. There’s no resting at the top or bottom of your lift. As you perform each exercise to exhaustion, continuing to move with a diminishing range of motion triggers the exact hormones your body needs for optimal growth.

Not all resistance band strength systems are equal. X3 surpasses the others by offering the strongest, safest latex bands available in addition to a stabilizing ground plate and an Olympic-like steel bar for a familiar, comfortable grip.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

Core Stabilization

Unlike the weight lifting machines at your golf club, the X3 bar engages your core similarly to your favorite Olympic lifts. Each banded exercise requires core stabilization, recruiting far more muscle fibers for a more effective workout.

Save Time

You can spend hours at the gym with traditional free-weights, or you can commit just 20 minutes per day to exercises to improve your golf game. After all, you still need time on the course to perfect your putting, chipping and technical skills.

Take it on the Road

The X3 bar is perfect for traveling golf professionals, who can easily take it on the road. The entire set-up packs easily into a suitcase to travel with you anywhere. Even if you’re not on the PGA tour, it’s nice to know you don’t have to compromise convenience when it comes to strength training to elevate your golf game.

Prevent Overuse Injuries

Repetitive movements are intrinsic to golf, putting anyone who regularly plays at risk. It’s important that your strength training program does not add to that risk. X3 bar protects your shoulders and other joints from many of the common injuries sustained in the weight room, without compromising on the benefits of resistance training.

The Best Golf Workout Program

The X3 bar comes complete with its own free 12-week workout program. The program is intended to repeat. As you get stronger, you can add resistance by choosing stronger bands or swap in more advanced movements.

The X3 program as it is will benefit your golf game by strengthening the major push and pull muscles you need for a more powerful, stable swing. For a more focused approach, consider the following golf strength exercises.

Push Day Golf Strength Exercises

Chest Press

The X3 chest press will build the pectoralis muscles that help transfer power and stability to your swing. As you press the bar away from you, keep your wrists flat to encourage the forearm strength that protects your wrists on impact.

Front Squat

The front squat engages the entire posterior chain, needed to transfer power from the ground to the face of your club. Working on squat depth will improve mobility in the lumbopelvic and hip area. Working the quads in tandem with the hamstrings also prevents injury and muscular imbalances.

Split Squat

The split squat offers many of the same benefits as the front squat, but requires even greater core recruitment for stability. In addition, the split squat stretches the hip flexors, providing more mobility in the hips. This contributes to safer upper body rotation.

Pull Day Golf Strength Exercises


The deadlift emphasizes the posterior chain more so than the squat and is an excellent compound movement for building the lower body and core strength needed to maintain efficient posture throughout the golf swing.

Bent Row

The bent row strengthens the lats, back and shoulder muscles needed for a golfer’s downswing and follow through. As you perform this exercise, keep the feet planted and slightly bend your knees, just as you would when lining up for a T shot.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

An X3 Golf Workout Routine

An X3 Golf Workout Routine

To sequence the above exercises, split your week into alternating push days and pull days. For example, on day 1, 3 and 5, do the push exercises, and on day 2, 4 and 6, do the pull exercises. Day 7 is your rest day.

On push days, perform the chest press and either the front squat or split squat for one set each, until fatigue.

On pull days, perform both the deadlift and bent row for one set each, until fatigue.

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Chest Press & Front Squat OR Split SquatDeadlift & Bent RowChest Press & Front Squat OR Split SquatDeadlift & Bent RowChest Press & Front Squat OR Split SquatDeadlift & Bent Row

Why just one set? If you’re doing the set properly, one set is all you need with X3. The following are the three main components of correct performance:

Slow Repetition: Each rep should be performed slowly, with control. Count out at least 2 seconds as the bar moves away from you, and at least 2 full seconds on the return.

Constant Tension: Allow for no slack or locking of limbs at the top or bottom of any lift. Maintain tension as you keep moving, slowly.

Diminishing Range: As fatigue sets in, keep going. You’ll find you can no longer complete the full range of motion, and that’s ok. Keep performing the lift with a diminishing range of movement until absolute failure.

If you’re honest about continuing until you can no longer move the bar, one set is all you need. You’ll have successfully triggered the exact hormonal conditions required for the most efficient muscle growth.

With X3, you train with greater force to trigger Greater Gains

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