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By Clinic Gym Hybrid Radio on March 22, 2024

Dr. John Jaquish Hacks Muscle Growth (and Ditches Weightlifting!) | Clinic Gym Radio

Full Transcript

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Hey everybody. Welcome to another exciting episode of Clinic Gym Radio. I’m your host, Dr. Josh Satterlee, and it is my pleasure today to be joined by Dr. John Jaquish. Dr. John, how are you?

Dr. Jaquish: I’m super, thanks for having me. I’m excited.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Absolutely. I’m super excited to have you. I see you on Facebook all the time, and I’m sure that a lot of our listeners have as well, but you are the developer of the X3, what do you call it? I don’t want to say weightlifting. You

Dr. Jaquish: Can say fitness system. It’s certainly not weightlifting because the name of my book is Weightlifting is a Waste of Time.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I know, which is, I can only imagine how the rating spike will be during this episode because you, my friend, are a magnet for comments on Facebook. I have never seen anybody get such wonderful comments from people who, it’s always great because you are a researcher like in your DNA, and so you’ll present a great argument about like, Hey, this study said this and this study said this, and this study said this. And essentially you get the response of, yeah, but still.

Dr. Jaquish: Exactly. Yeah, all the time. My favorite study in the world is the Dunning Kruger in 1999. I’m sure you’re very aware of this, pretty much says the dumber the person is, the more they believe they have all the answers, the more confident they are in their own abilities. So this is why people of low intelligence are not allowed in the military because they’ll shoot themselves in the foot or they’ll drive right off a cliff or whatever. They’re just too dumb.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: But they won’t realize as they’re going off the cliff, they won’t realize or they won’t deviate from the fact of maybe that was not the right turn. No, no, this is where I was supposed to

Dr. Jaquish: Go. No, that’s it. That’s it. Right. So that’s what Dunning Kruger says. And when you look at the internet also some of the, you can look at politics and it’s also, and we don’t have to even get political, the least informed people are pushing the strongest opinions, Whereas let’s talk about vaccines just for a second, not speaking on the merits of demerits, but if you look to a medical professional, they’ll usually give you some upsides and some downsides for each one of these things. And it’s not a crystal clear or easy decision for anyone. And some of these things are just a necessary evil. At times, we’ve gotten rid of a lot of things like polio and measles and mumps. Why? Well, because of vaccines. So let’s not forget some of the deadliest things have been stopped, but that doesn’t mean that all protocols and all procedures are the right thing to do or mandates or whatever. These are bigger conversations, but the people with the black and white opinions, chances are you shouldn’t listen to them because they have the least amount of information and they are 100% committed to one side or the other.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I love it. I agree. One of my favorite quotes is the most scientific answer to any question is it depends, and the interpretation of data is so important, not just the actual data anyways, but that’s what I have appreciated about you when I see you on Facebook, although there are people who all the time are giving their baseless, but yet strong opinion to you, you typically counteract with, here’s a study and you cite every single piece of essentially your opinion, which I would say is an expert opinion versus a street level thug opinion of,

Dr. Jaquish: I try never to show my opinion. I’m like, this is what the research says. They’re like, well, what are your feelings on? I’m like, I don’t have any feelings on any, the book weightlifting is a waste of time, summarizes 250 different studies. No one’s ever caught a mistake, not one. I put all those studies together and created a story looking at human physiology and how we go about triggering changes in the body. And it just so happens that the reason fitness is the most failed human endeavor of all time, and I backed that statement up in the book, the leanest 1%, top 1% aisle of males is just under 11% body fat. That’s pathetic. Like 11% body fat I’d call. You’re just sort of fit. That’s not fit. Getting there. You’re close. Yeah. You’re not obese. That,

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. I was looking recently, when people say the top 1% income earn, I think it’s like 4 28, 420 8,000 a year. But what you’re saying is when you compare that to say a billionaire 428,000 is nothing. Right? That’s right. But it’s still considered the top 1%. So that’s interesting. So going back to your story, so you essentially are a researcher and your entire product line and your book and everything came out of research itself. That’s right. Can we go back and go through your story a little bit? So when you started out researching, what the heck were you looking for?

Dr. Jaquish: Well, I was looking for an answer to osteoporosis. So my mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis a little over 10 years ago, and she was, that just means low bone density for those who don’t follow that. So her bone density was low and she could have a fragility fracture. So she’ll look at some of the statistics. You have a 50% chance of death after the age of 50 within one year of a hip fracture, 50% chance of death. So it’s a complication that’s going to take you out and out the fracture itself. But she was terrified.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Step out of the bathtub and caboose, right. Fall on your bathroom floor and it’s over.

Dr. Jaquish: That’s right. That’s right. And so she was terrified and I said, mom, let me look into this. I asked her about the pharmaceutical options and she said, well, I’ll have side effects and I don’t like those side effects. And I read the same data and I said, yeah, I don’t really want this for you either. But at the time, this was before I had even started my PhD, so I was doing software sales at the time, B2B software sales, so relationship management industry sort of stuff, and I was very much enjoying doing that. And so then as I researched it, I told my mother, I think the answer to this thing is obvious, high impact activity builds bone density in children. Now I’m not going to have you go out for the gymnastics team. She was in her seventies at the time, so none of that, but I’m going to develop a series of medical devices that are going to emulate high impact forces. So you’ll be able to engage the body in very specific position so that you can get the benefit of high impact without the risks. And so she said, Hey, sounds great. She didn’t know what I was going to do or how I was going to do it. Built a couple of prototypes, started testing with myself first to make sure it was safe for my mom. Then started testing with my mom Within 18 months, she had the bones of a 30-year-old.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Wow.

Dr. Jaquish: Total. That’s peak bone mass. That’s the best it gets in your life. So she went to a TCO of almost zero, which is totally normal bone, and she was in her seventies. Now, the bone that is built via this process lasts 30 years in the body, so she did it in her eighties. So she figures she’ll have healthy bone density until she gets about 110, and I hopefully

Dr. Josh Satterlee: You’ll have your next invention.

Dr. Jaquish: Say it again?

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I said, when she hits 110, you’ll luckily have your next invention, so she’ll be fine.

Dr. Jaquish: Something like that. Yeah. So she’s just not worried about her bone density anymore. It’s strong, and now she’s working on her muscular strength with my next product. And the next product came out of the first one because as I saw how much force humans were capable of creating in these impact ready positions. So our first clinical trial type study was done in London, university of East London was where the researchers from and an area called Stratford. If anybody’s been to East London, Stratford Village surgery is where the therapy took place. And so it was a great study and immediately the people that were involved were asking me. I participated in the study from the methods section only basically teaching the principal investigator and other technicians how to use the device correctly with the subjects. So you got to make sure you’re using it right.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Sure.

Dr. Jaquish: So that was what I was there for. So I couldn’t participate in any other part of the study because of conflicts of interest. So then as we were doing the study, everyone was amazed at how much force these women, so we focused on women because they’re much more likely to have osteoporosis. They were all postmenopausal. Some of them were osteopenic or full-blown osteoporosis, but refusal to take the medication. But these women had never worked out before, and some of ’em were pushing six, seven, even eight times their body weight with their low extremities. Well, the strongest people in the world don’t look at, and these women had never exercised, and this was six months into therapy. So now it doesn’t mean that they’re the strongest people in the world all of a sudden, but it does mean that they were capable of creating so much force forces that we never encounter outside of high impact. And as I’m looking at the data, these women were so capable, and it was allowed by this device, by the Osteostrong devices. Now Osteostrong is in nine different countries, 160 locations. And so this was my first invention. And then so I immediately started working on my second invention, which was some way to deliver this kind of force in a more muscular type training experience because I realized, wow, I’m looking at the data. Weightlifting is a waste of time if this is true. And I knew it was because I was watching it happen right in front of me. I’m like, I have unique data here. I have data that would indicate that we’re doing the wrong thing.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. Let me go back real quick. I just want to touch on a couple points here because I mean, so number one, so you started out looking for osteoporosis, and basically you come up with what is now known as the osteostrong product, which I’m sure early on was a bunch of duct tape and zip ties, but you refined it.

Dr. Jaquish: Yes, it sure was. It was ugly.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. When I’m just picturing you have these postmenopausal women in their sixth, seventh, eighth decade of life using this product. When you were seeing the forced numbers come back, I mean, whoever is doing your stats had to look at it and go, this is obviously incorrect. I mean, on its face, it would seem incorrect.

Dr. Jaquish: Fortunately, while we were running the study, the hospital administrators were all just using it as a therapy intervention. And so all of them did double DEXA scans and they saw their bone density going up, so they knew it was working before I got there. They were playing for a couple months, and they’re like, yeah, this thing is a complete miracle. There’s no side effects to it.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So going to the bone density, I mean, as you said in youth bone density increases a lot of times due to high impact. I mean, jumping over fences, climbing trees, falling, all the impact things which are inherently not the best way to train your 60-year-old or 70-year-old mother, right? Correct. And so what was the big kick over on the Osteostrong product? Was it that you’re like, we just have to do this long enough, or nobody’s even getting close to the top end of force production was the, I don’t know what you want to call it, the clarifying factor, that fundamental principle that you realized everybody had been off base with.

Dr. Jaquish: So they do a study with gymnasts, and gymnasts would apply sometimes 10 times their body weight to the lower extremities. And so then they’d look at this and then come out with a recommendation that says physical activity is good for bone health. Now, I don’t think there is a medical recommendation that is more lacking. And I have this expression, I say this all the time as far as I know I made it up, but maybe somebody else said it. For me, oversimplification is another word for wrong.

We live in a time where everybody wants their nutrition advice, workout advice, all summarized into a sentence fragment meme. And only a really unintelligent person should be satisfied by that because obviously the human body is a little more complicated than a meme. Like a physician didn’t memorize four or five memes and say, okay, I’m ready for board certification. In fact, they look at some of the fitness and health memes and they’re like just disgusted. That is not how it works at all. And so it was a little challenging when realizing that everything we’re doing is wrong, and I had a better answer. Now, bone density was a little different because who’s in charge of your bone density? Usually your orthopedist, your general practitioner or your chiropractor. In fact, chiropractors deal more with bone than any other type of medical profession. So chiropractors, they understand the work of Dr.

Julius Wolfe a hundred years ago, and that’s in every chiropractic textbook, apply axial force to bone force along the axis, and you can trigger a change. So at first, there was a lot of frustration and confusion as to were these loads safe? Well, yeah, they are. People get ’em on high impact, but we’re delivering based on comfort. So somebody self applies the force sort of like you can’t squeeze a fist hard enough to break your own finger, your own nervous system will stop you. And that’s how the OSTEOSTRONG devices worked. It was based on voluntary recruitment of muscular tissue to create the compressive forces into the bone mass. So somebody can’t do it wrong if they’re following the instructions and moving in a slow and controlled manner. Now, of course, there always is somebody who uses it wrong. I mean, this might be one out of a hundred people who try and hammer into the movements or something like that, and they’re not, the therapy is called impact emulation. That’s not emulating impact. That’s just impact.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Okay. Well, let’s dive into that impact thing. I’ve heard you use the term these subjects could sustain a lot of force in impact ready positions. Yeah. Can you help define that so people understand where you’re coming from? Because I don’t want to overlook that fact because then they hear like, oh, yeah, you can put 10 times body weight through this. It’s positioned, dependent, I would guess.

Dr. Jaquish: So if you trip and fall and you have the time to react because you will, nobody just falls flat on their face and goes, oh, I forgot to put my hands in front of me. So if you have the time to react, you’ll put your hands in front of me. You’ll have 120 degree angle between the upper and lower arm. The back of the hand will be in line with the clavicle. This is everyone. This is children, this is elderly people. This is NFL players, high school students. Absolutely. Everybody does exactly the same thing to absorb high impact forces. And this is in all movements of the body, same position.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: That’s not by chance. That is deep within the coils of our DNA, the helix of our DNA.

Dr. Jaquish: That’s right. That’s right. We know as soon as you start moving, we know where our most powerful position is. Same thing when you jump off of it, you see a little kid jump off a chair, they land and they look an awful lot like gymnasts. When gymnasts land. Now, we lose landing biomechanics as we get a little bit older, especially if you’re not training to do that. So that’s part of the reason why we lose bone density because we can’t generally, after 30, you’re unable to apply any force through your body with high impact. In fact, there’s an iPhone app that can test you. It’s called fracture proof. You’re getting me a confused. Yeah,

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I’ve never heard of this app. I mean, they’re only a hundred thousand apps, but what does it do? Just use the accelerometers to kind of,

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. It only works for Apple because the accelerometers are really low quality in Samsung products. So yeah, if you have an iPhone, you can download the app and it’ll tell you if you’re able to jump and land and you’re at a high enough velocity when you hit the ground that you’re able to trigger bone density growth or not.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: That’s awesome.

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah, you could have it on your phone and just have somebody hold the phone on their thigh and see where they are.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Interesting. All right. So I want to dive into the product development here. I think that’s an interesting part, and I think that’s where a lot of the focus is for people. They see the product, the X3 fitness system on Facebook or Instagram. But the reason I want to talk about the research is it’s always funny when the research guides the development especially. So for example, I’m a chiropractor, and the current research says that many, in fact, most people asymptomatic people never having low back pain after their 30th birthday likely have a disc bulge, herniation or protrusion, and it might be normal course of business. It might be just normal course of having a spine that is not accepted by large swaths of the population, and they freak out and think, oh, no, there’s a finding, therefore there’s a problem. And it’s really good research. It’s been done well, it’s been verified, and yet it’s such a hard idea for people to grab onto your product. It seems on the internet, it’s a difficult idea to grasp and say, okay, this is the most effective way to build a bone density. But along with building bone density, you can’t help but build muscle as well, right?

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. You have a muscular effect. The muscular effect with osteostrong is more neurological. It’s more training by fire, more so for explosiveness, it’s great for speed. Every sprinter I’ve ever met has said, I use this for three months and fastest of my life.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Wow. Yeah.

Dr. Jaquish: Okay. Anybody Speed related fighters, same thing. Now they get a little bit of that same effect with X3, also the more strength focused product, but X3, the weight doesn’t go high enough to trigger bone density growth.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So

Dr. Jaquish: I caution people don’t think they’re the same thing. They’re the same principle, but apply differently.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Okay. Well, let’s dive in a little bit to X3. So when you looked at this research, what guided you to develop X3 for the more muscular rather than the neurological simulation? More of the muscular development side.

Dr. Jaquish: So I had always been into fitness. I played rugby in undergrad, played a little bit of semi-pro after that, and just as athletic as I could be. I liked being in shape though when I look back, I really wasn’t. I was a little bit better than average, and it was a shame because I was completely into it and completely committed to it. So 20 years of weightlifting, I told you before the voice show started when I took my shirt off at the beach, people would be like, oh, you work out. But if I put a shirt on, I was 190 pounds, 16% body fat. Nobody had ever told me, oh, you’re in pretty good shape. Never. Like I said, only at the beach, maybe one or two people were like, oh, yeah, yeah, you’ve been working out. Good job. But now, after turning 40, in two years, I went on 45 pounds of muscle and much leaner lost. What was I? No, I’m sorry. I was 20% body fat. The 16 number is how many pounds of body fat I lost. So I lost 16 pounds of body fat, gained 45 pounds of muscle now. And I’ve done even more than that since then. But that was just the first two years. So now I walk into a grocery store and people stop me and ask me if I play in the NFL or who I am, or am I an MMA fighter or can they watch my fights? There are strange questions because at first it’s like, Hey, where can I see your fights? And I’m like, what? Yeah, you’re muted still.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: It’s not a bad problem to have that you’re getting mistaken for a professional athlete. There are worse things that

Dr. Jaquish: Could go

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Life, right? Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Jaquish: I mean, hey, at least they’re not confusing me for some serial killer or something.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: That’s right. Yeah.

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. But was fantastic.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Sorry, were you the first test subject when you found this research and compiled it into, I think you said they’re about over 200 or 250 articles that you incorporated in the book, but as you put these into application, did you do it first with yourself? Did you, how’d that kind of happen?

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah, yeah. So I was working with a young, incredibly brilliant, talented guy, Henry Alki. He’s the co-author on the book, but this was years before that. So I kind of described what I wanted, and here’s just something I want to try out. And this isn’t exactly where we are in physical medicine. This is not another bone dance device. This is something for muscularity. And yeah, I think some of the guys I was working with at the time in my company, Jake, was biomedical. They were like, fitness, really? We don’t want to go there. And yeah, I mean, it’s a really lousy industry full of complete idiots. The lack of intelligence in fitness is just mind startling. Yeah. I mean, it is some of the more recent White House briefings where I feel like some people can’t find Afghanistan on a map. I’m just like, wow, you guys really don’t know what’s going on. And some of the people, I’ve been on some podcasts, so they got me on the podcast because they wanted to insult me. And so I’m talking about some of the research

Dr. Josh Satterlee: That’s got to feel good. Hey, come on down so we can insult you to your face.

Dr. Jaquish: You know what? I’m a controversial character. That’s the life I chose. So they want to rattle my cage. I’m going to rattle theirs back. The funny thing, I asked some of these people some questions, they don’t even understand the words they’re using. They cannot define if I say hypoxia or something like that. And they’ll kind of run with the word, and I can tell that by the way they’re using it, they have no clue. It’s, or they’re trying to Google it while they’re on the podcast with me and like, whoa, you really didn’t do shit to prepare for this, did you? I think they thought just by saying, okay, so I think your product is bullshit. And I’m like, oh, okay. Well, it’s not, and here’s why. And they don’t have any retort.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I want to get to the product and the method, because I think that’s something that’s often misunderstood in fitness too. People often say, oh, he’s a kettlebell guy, or he’s a whatever. And I always retracted that thought. You’re talking about an implement talking about gravitational pull. Sure, the handle is shaped different, but I don’t understand being a quote kettled by old guy or a cable guy or whatever. It’s like I just don’t understand their organizational structure, I guess. But going back to your thing about fitness, I mean, I would imagine in say if you want to become a fighter pilot, there’s no genetic, you’re not born with a genetic ability to be a fighter pilot. It’s purely through training, learning, and organizational information. One of the problems in fitness is the genetics can play a large role as to how good you look with your shirt off. And in doing so, you can get a lot of, what would you call that confirmation bias that you’re on the right path whenever you see these jokers that are like, oh, I do this and that. It’s like, yeah, you could eat a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts a day and be fine. Yeah. It doesn’t filter out for that.

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. The biggest genetic determining factor, a lot of people think it’s just hormonal. It’s not. In fact, most people have relatively similar hormones unless they’re dysfunctional for that. There’s replacement therapies, but the biggest genetic difference tendon layout, so some people have an insertion point where their pectorals insert on the humerus, which is a floating attachment point, whereas the other end is on the sternum. Well, that never changes for everybody. It’s attached to the sternum, but the other end, it could be at the top of the humerus or the bottom of the humerus or anywhere in between. And the lower the attachment point, the closer to the elbow it is, the more leverage somebody has.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: This is why chimpanzees have incredible force production. They

Dr. Jaquish: Have. That’s right. That’s right. They have very different tendon lays, and there are some humans who have what you call ’em, mutation, a different tendon pattern. And typically these are the guys in the NFL. These are the guys who are just born to be strong, and it doesn’t seem to matter what they do. And then other people can lift weight. Like me can lift weights for 20 years and get basically nothing out of it. I maybe put five pounds on in 20 years, and then the rest, I thought I was gaining more, but it turns out I was just fat. I just kept getting fatter, fatter. And you think, oh, yeah, I put on some muscle, maybe a little bit of body fat. No, it was all body fat. And that’s the cycle that most lifters go through because they don’t want to come to grips of the fact they’re just wasting their time. They’re not getting anything out of it. And so you justify the usage of your time if you feel you don’t know what else to do.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: And it’s hard to filter the effects of weightlifting because a lot of people, there’s maybe the social aspect of it. If you’re hanging with your best buddies and you guys are swapping who’s lifting at what time, there’s a therapeutic social effect of just being around people. And then just being physically active makes you feel, I don’t want to say feel emotionally better. And I think the way we’re built, it responds positively to moving weight and struggling against an object and whatever. And in daily life as Americans, we typically would get that. So if you peel those layers off to just say, are you gaining muscle? That’s hard for people to strip away that information.

Dr. Jaquish: Correct.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: But your specifically intent on are you gaining muscle? Forget all these other factors about how good it feels or how many people you’re around, or how many girls looked at you or stared at you and how long you’re in the

Dr. Jaquish: Gym. You scream when you lift or how much noise you make when you drop the weight on the ground, like a fucking loser.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Right? Just did you gain muscle? And so what you’re saying is for 20 years, you spent a lot of time doing a lot of things that in the end did not gain muscle. A lot of girls might’ve talked to you. You might’ve enjoyed yourself quite a bit. You might’ve spent a lot of happy hours in the

Dr. Jaquish: Gym, gym looked good with a pump and thought like, oh, look at me grow. Yeah. Not happening. And it is because of this tendon layout issue, 23% of people, no matter what they do with weights, will never have any protein synthesis at all.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So a quarter of the population, one out of every four quarter of

Dr. Jaquish: The population, no matter what they do, will never build anything. And the rest of the people build very little or they build it just when they are beginners, because obviously the more stronger you get, the heavier the weights you’re lifting, the more cumulative tendon and the ligament damage you’re doing. So at some point, the sort of injuries are rising and the strength gains start to slow down. And then when those two lines cross each other, you’re never making progress because your own neural inhibition, your own nervous system is shutting your muscles down so you can’t contract them hard enough to create more damage. So now you’re in chronic pain and you’re whatever sort of level of performance you’re at, and you’re never moving forward from there.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Wow. Unless

Dr. Jaquish: Completely change what you’re doing.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. I mean, we’re a little short on time today, but I would love to dive into that because so many of the listeners here have patients that are in chronic pain. And I think we all see, I think that the core love of this group is adding in exercise because we see the long-term effects of that. You have people that are, in an example, I got treated every which way from Sunday by dry needling, chiropractic, physical therapy, manipulation, mobilization, stretching, all these things. I can never get my back to be under a two out of 10 pain. And then I did a series of exercises. Oh yeah,

Dr. Jaquish: I’m guessing you’re a zero now.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: And when my back hurts, I now have trained myself to, there’s a thought, oh, I want to ice, I want to stretch, I want to relax. And it’s like, no, grab some weight and move it in. The, for me rear foot elevated split squats and Turkish GI ups are better than Advil at getting rid of back pain. Those two I’ve just found over trial and error, those things really work for me. And I think that this group is definitely interested in that. So if you have time, I’m just saying right now, I’d like to put a pin in it and have another conversation specific about chronic pain. Absolutely.

Dr. Jaquish: Absolutely.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: But for those who are already interested, and they’re hearing obviously that you know what the hell you’re doing, you’re informed by the research, where can people find more information about you and your products if they’re interested?

Dr. Jaquish: I created a separate landing page just so I’m easy to find. My last name is a little tricky to spell. So just go to dr, D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter, and you can find my Instagram. I do the most on Instagram, but Facebook and YouTube also. I just prefer the platform on Instagram. Awesome. It’s easy. It’s not, it’s conducive to sharing great information. It’s not conducive to trolling and other

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Jealous idiot type of behavior. Twitter is a little troll heavy, but

Dr. Jaquish: I don’t even have a Twitter account.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Good. In the final few minutes here, I want to be respect of your time. Thank you. I know you developed the X3 fitness system, which is a, to simplify this, a shortened barbell and proprietary bands essentially that they’re producing the resistance. And forgive me, I’m going to use my own fitness language applied to your system, and I don’t want to offend you, I’m just trying to just simplify

Dr. Jaquish: This, go for it.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: But it’s a stiff bar and bands attach, and then it looks like there’s also a platform that’s included when you develop that. There’s the system itself, and then I’m guessing there’s the method of which you teach people or coach people to use the system. And I think one mistake people might do, oh, I have bands and barbells at my gym. It’s like, right, I have pots and pans in my kitchen and I’m not a chef.

Dr. Jaquish: And also it’s not a restaurant.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. So bands by themselves are worthless because once there’s no getting away from heavy, the people who train light, their days of gaining ended a long time ago, and they’re just in a repeat pattern where they may be able to maintain, but you’re not getting anything out of just bands. And it is just because if you want to gain muscle, there’s no getting away from heavy. And the heavier you go, the more stable your smaller joints need to be, the wrists and the ankles. So the interface points are hands and our feet. We do everything with our hands on our feet. We don’t, I mean, I suppose stacking weight on the back of your neck when you do a back squat is something that people do. I mean, I think that’s not very smart. When’s the last time you got a heavy suitcase and you decided to carry it around on the back of your neck?

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. Well, listen, we’re chiropractors. We need people to sling weight on their back. So let’s move past that point.

Dr. Jaquish: Okay. Yeah. Chiropractors say that. So yeah, so I wanted to, basically, it’s like we got to find a way to use variable resistance, and it’s got to be compact and easy to use, but also there’s no justification for weight itself. Because a lot of the studies that I referenced, there was a portion that’s heavy weight, and then there’s some bands attached to the barbell with the weight, except your central nervous system doesn’t know the difference between iron and latex. It knows what force you’re producing. And also, two of the studies that I referenced talk about the greater proportionate variants. So the higher the change from weak range to strong range, the better you’re going to do and the more muscle you’re going to build. So we use a five to one ratio of weak range to strong range, whereas most band training type programs, they might use X versus 1.2 x where we’re using X versus five x. So it is just much more in line with the clinical findings and the results are there. We have 40 professional athletes using it. The Miami Heat even endorsed the book, the endorsements right on the back. Yeah. We had a NASA scientist endorse it, Dr. Sean Baker, who’s a world record deadlift holder. There’s this, yeah, bill

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Fran wrote, gave his support to it. And Bill Fran’s book, high Performance Sports Conditioning, I think it’s called, is the first book. I remember reading that. I was like, this is what I want to pursue. And that his book led to my career. So when he supported this, I was like, all right, this is different. Bill Fran at a point in his career, he doesn’t need to screw around with low level crap.

Dr. Jaquish: No, no. He’s all about it. They basically don’t weight train. They do basketball drills, of course, but they just use X3.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. Well, it’s funny when you say your neurological system doesn’t know the difference. The strongest human I’ve ever seen in my life in college was a kid from Montana who never had seen or lifted a weight until he played football for Montana State University. He just was from a small town, but he lifted hay bales, he lifted cattle, he lifted pipes, he lifted tractor tires, he lifted everything that weighs a lot and moved it. And that kid went into the weight room and I think hit a 500 pound back squat in within his first four months. And this is somebody who never, ever, he admitted, never, ever went into a weight room before that point in his life. And so it’s like, how can his neurological system not know what these weights are and at the same time, move a lot of them? Well, because just stimuli, right? Yeah. Just

Dr. Jaquish: Stimuli weights. There’s no magic to weights at all. Yeah,

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. Anyways,

Dr. Jaquish: So with variable resistance, we’re going to do better. And that’s the premise of the book. Now, I do get a lot of criticism that the book is just sort of a marketing vehicle for the product. I think the book is more like a rationale as to why the product was created or why I viewed weight training as a waste of time, and then went in a direction to create something better. So I mean, does it talk about the products I developed? Yeah. So I’m not apologizing for that. That’s the way it is.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: All right. Last question, just because again, I want to respect your time. I see on a lot of the things you post on Instagram and in the book that you talk about, basically your own personal workout is about 10 minutes long.

Dr. Jaquish: That’s right.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Now, again, when we talk about to a lot of people defining gravity, right? You’re taking electricity to the center of the jungle. What’s going on here? Is that the same for a gaining method, or is that a maintenance dose?

Dr. Jaquish: That’s the gaining method. That’s it. Wow,

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Okay.

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I don’t like focusing necessarily on the fact that it’s a short workout because a lot of things, I mean, we have four minute abs or something, but yeah, I mean, just abbreviating a workout is often just a shitty hurried workout, which is just as shitty as the not hurried workout. And will somebody, will you take

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Abs a crappy, a crappy 45 minute workout and shove it into a crappier 10 minutes? Yeah. Right,

Dr. Jaquish: Right, right. So the objective was not to make it quick, the objective was to fatigue the body with the absolute greatest amount of force. So when I do a chest press, I’m using 550 pounds at the top of the movement, and I might hit that 20 times, but then the middle of the movement’s only 300 pounds. So I might hit that another four or five times after. I cannot achieve the full range repetition. So we do what’s called diminishing range, so we diminish the range until you can’t move anymore.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So it’s much like

Dr. Jaquish: To your body, the lower the weight.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: It’s like watching one minute of TV goes by quick, but one minute of Al-Qaeda torturing you probably goes by a whole lot slower. You’re more in the second camp.

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. It definitely feels longer than it is a long 10 minutes. But

Dr. Josh Satterlee: So that 10 minutes is you’re not it going, yeah, you’re not ending it going Well, I wish it would’ve been 20 if you ended at eight, that might’ve been all you had for the day. Tap it out.

Dr. Jaquish: Something like that. Yeah.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah. I mean, at this point there

**Dr. Jaquish: **:Probably, if you can do a second, it’s one separate exercise. If you feel like you can do a second set, you didn’t do it right. Yeah. You cut it short before you were really, because it’s absolute fatigue in all ranges of motion. Something you cannot do with a weight ever. So yeah, I remember,

Dr. Josh Satterlee: I’m not to say this is the same, but I remember when I was young reading, I don’t know if you’ve read Milo and Iron Mind and all those weightlifting products. I competed in Olympic weightlifting in college, and one summer I did the six week 20 rep squat challenge. You just do one set of 20 back squats every day and drank a gallon of milk, which if you’re lactose sensitive, it’s a horrible combination. But for my 2019 or 20-year-old body, that 20 reps of squats was crushing. I mean, the first seven don’t, you could do ’em all, but the last three, each one feels like an event. And I saw such huge change in that I can only, and that’s with, at the top of a squat, you get a little bit of a break because you can just stack yourself up and there’s not any muscle pull, right? There’s no load on your muscle tendons, but as soon as you break your knees and you start going back down again, it’s just an event. And I have a feeling like yours is pretty close to that because just from watching the videos I’ve seen online, there ain’t no break positions in your 10 minutes.

Dr. Jaquish: Nope.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Yeah, there’s no free lunch. So. Well, this is incredibly interesting, John, and I really appreciate you coming on today. Absolutely. I do need to wrap this up. So once again, if people want to find out more information about your products and your research and you in general, where can they go to find more info?

Dr. Jaquish: Yeah, just dr D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Awesome. All right. And so Dr. John Jaquis, the developer of the X3 Fitness system, along with some other pretty cool stuff, and we would even touch on your supplements and some other things that, oh, by the way, that you just happen to develop along the way. So

Dr. Jaquish: There’s a couple other things. Yeah. When you get to dr, you can pick click on Superior Exercise or Superior Nutrition and you can read about everything.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Awesome. Fantastic. Cool. Alright, well, I really appreciate the time today, Dr. Jish, and I’m very interested in diving into your product here and your book and beautiful people can reach out to, it’s spelled out, dr D-O-C-T-O-R Find out all information. And on behalf of Dr. John Jaquish, this is Dr. Josh Satter saying Go out there, maximize your license and live the life you dream of. Thanks so much, John. Thanks.

Dr. Josh Satterlee: Thanks so much for checking out these videos. I hope they’re useful. We’ll cover things like rehab, exercise, business model, progressions, layout, everything else that helps you build a clinic. So if you’re interested, you can click here, there, here, here or anywhere to get more videos just like this. Thanks a lot for watching and we’ll see you soon.

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