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By In8Life on February 14, 2022

99 X3 Bar Variable Resistance Training Q&A: Dr. John Jaquish

99 X3 Bar Variable Resistance Training Q&A: Dr. John Jaquish

After using the X3 Bar Variable Resistance Training System, Dr. Tressler follows up with Dr. Jaquish to discuss his experience, results and questions.

Full Transcript

Dr. Tressler: All right. Hey, welcome to another episode of Restoring Innate Health. And this is going to be a fun episode. I have Dr. John Jaquish on the line a couple of months ago, and it was in his book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want. Now, just pause there and think, wait for a second, come on. You’re crazy. Now you’ve heard me talk about my rugby days and I’m still training for rugby today and a new season and I’ve lifted weights since I was 16 years old and I’m 56.

So a long time of lifting weights. So that caught my attention. I thought, wait for a second, weightlifting is waste of time? If you haven’t listened to that episode because that’s going to explain the background of what John is teaching in his science. And if you haven’t read the book, get the book.

Dr. Tressler: If you’re a skeptic, good, be a skeptic. So was I, I thought, wait for a second, this sounds crazy, but I love that kind of stuff. I love people going down a different path and challenging the system quo, it’s just like, hey, the way it’s done before, does it have to stay that way? So he has a weightlifting system called the X3, and it’s a band system.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

And I’ll tell you what, I’ll share my results. I have about six questions to ask him. And some of the challenges I went through and what I experienced and how I felt with this system compared to all the work that I’ve done in my life.

Dr. Tressler: And as a chiropractor and a professional in this realm of health, I was very curious, what is this going to yield? Is this is even real? Can I get a good workout with bands? Is it going to be comfortable? Is it going to yield results? Am I going to maintain my strength?

Because one, like all of you, if you’re lifting weights, you don’t want to lose strength as you try a new system. Two, you want it to be easier and quicker. Don’t we all. And you want to gain and you want to continue as age gets stronger and healthier.

So when I get John on here in just a second, he’s going to share the answers to my questions. And he’s going to explain this in detail, that one, I’m quite curious what and how he’s going to answer some of my things because I was challenged by this and perplexed in a few ways of how is this going to get the job done?

Dr. Tressler: But I was quite surprised by many results. So just sit back, enjoy this. John is an amazing researcher scientist, and he has a well-developed system that can save you a lot of time in the gym, and I’ll tell you what, in these times, I have a very busy life and like many of you very busy, you have to carve out time to get exercise in.

And this is something that I will always do. I will not neglect my health. When I’m sick, when I’m hurting, when I’m on vacation, I still train, well, this just makes it easier. And two, it’s very affordable. When you look at the system overall, buying gym memberships and buying expensive gym equipment that may be only one piece, like a good bench system that’s hooked up to machines.

Dr. Tressler: It could be three to 500, $700 easily. And that’s just one component of an exercise program. Or if you buy your dumbbells, dumbbells are a dollar a pound, 100-pound dumbbell, that’s $200 right there. You only have, and how often you going to use those. So this is quite an amazing overall system that can work in just about anyone’s life. So sit back, enjoy, and I challenge you to do what I did.

Take things on that you think may or may not work, challenge yourself, buy it, do it, and let’s see the results because the ultimate answer is when we talk about restoring innate health, restoring our health to its original design, we need tools to help us get there. Well, this is one of them.

All right, Dr. John, welcome to the show again. And we’re going to talk about the questions I have for you, and just welcome back. If you have any intro, anything exciting that’s been going on in your life before we jump into this.

Dr. John Jaquish: Everything’s exciting. Company’s growth, working on a few new products. The results from the existing products that keep pouring in are amazing. Keep working with more professional athletes. A lot of people, like in the beginning it was tough to get people to give up weights and switch to a variable resistance. They were all convinced as they were told if you do not think heavyweight, like actual blocks of iron, that they would lose everything, they’d be weaker.

And the central nervous system does not know the difference between what resistance, you could be pulling against a spring, you could be pulling against latex, you could be pulling against static weight. The difference is with the variable resistance solutions, you go to a deeper level of fatigue, which triggers more growth, which is why every study on variable resistance out there, that was done well, shows it’s far superior.

Dr. John Jaquish: So in the beginning it was tough getting athletes like they kind of wanted to do both. Like they do a weightlifting routine and then they do a little bit of X3. And then they’d be like, well, let’s see if this works. It’s like, you’re never going to know if it works if you don’t test it in isolation. It’s like if you take two medications and then your problem is solved. It’s like, well, which one did it? You don’t know, you got to isolate the variables.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

So now that there are so many success stories out there and especially guys like Terrell Owens who’s the best wide receiver, I don’t know, the world has ever seen. He’s 100% X3. And when people see that, it’s like, oh, okay, like he’s 100% X3, he’s in his late forties and he’s in better shape than when he was in the NFL. So there we go.

Dr. Tressler: And you know, I’ve seen some of the posts on your Facebook page, I follow this. And that is one of the questions. I mean, we’ve been brainwashed into this and that’s probably one of my biggest questions, like kind of ties into this is, I don’t feel like I get the complete exhaustion and I want to say yet, because when I do my weights, and I’m sure a lot of listeners can reason with this, is you do a set of 10 to 15 and you’re tired.

So then you wait and you do your second, your third, your fourth set. Well, when I do the sets on your machine, I get to, I think I’m exhausted, and I’m not a sissy, I still play rugby. I push myself, but I get to a point where I think I’m exhausted and I try to go a couple more. And then I do the shorter sets, the shorter sets, and I stop.

Dr. John Jaquish: Shorter reps. Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: The reps, I mean, and when I get done, I think, I don’t think I’m pushing myself hard enough. And I think I’m still maybe 10% more I can put into, will this, the question that I want to know, is this normal as you go into this type of workout, that it’s harder to achieve exhaustion and then over time, my body will adapt to that and I’ll be able to push further into exhaustion.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would be asking with regular weight training, you don’t go to exhaustion at all

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like the idea of, oh, I trained to failure, but that makes sense until you see a set with X3 and then I’m like, getting none of you guys trained to failure. None of you. If you’re using weights, you are not. And that’s because they don’t have a variable weight. Like if we’re seven times stronger full extension than we are when the bar’s laying on our chest if it’s a seven-fold difference, why would you ever lift a static weight? Because it’s only going to be an exercise where it’s hard to lift, which is in the weakest range of motion, where you have the least amount of muscle firing and the most opportunity for joint damage.

Dr. Tressler: Right. And I’ll tell you, your-

Dr. John Jaquish: We turn it around. Now we have, where the highest force is like, so when I do a chest press, I hold 550 pounds at the top, 300 pounds in the middle, and 100 pounds at the bottom. So that is by my biomechanics. Then I go to complete exhaustion with the diminishing range repetitions, but it’s a much deeper level of exhaustion than you’d ever get with weights and not everybody’s used to that.

Dr. Tressler: See, that’s what I felt. I felt like I didn’t tap into that before. The only way I tapped into that was on the rugby field when I’m out there running for 80 minutes and I’m exhausted and I have to push myself physically with sprints or tackling. I felt like I was pushing, but on this, I feel like I haven’t gone through that yet because I’m not used to it.

And I think as I go deeper into this and I stay steady with this six days a week, it’s comfortable and I’ll talk about some of the aspects I felt. I feel, and tell me if I’m right here, that as I start to, my body physiology adapts to that stress, that I’ll start to be able to push myself into that realm of exhaustion, which will have the highest benefit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

Dr. Tressler: I’m excited. Now here’s another one, is one set enough? And I know you’re going to say yes, but it’s like going back to my old ways of the second and third set, just to make sure, kind of make sure I’m exhausted. I find myself going and doing that. And I’m like, it’s not what he says.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, the stimulus will give you a response. The proper stimulus gives you the maximum response, but it’s just achieving that level and then you don’t need anything more. I mean, I could come up with a kind of entertaining analogy, like no matter how many guys you put on it, pregnancy is still nine months, right?

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. No matter how many men are working on a job, it’s still nine months.

Dr. Tressler: Well, let me ask you this, is it harmful or is it okay to do a second set?

Dr. John Jaquish: *No, it’s harmful. You don’t want to do that.

Dr. Tressler: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: All stimuli that we see in nature, like ask somebody that lives in Southern California, how many sets do you need to do in the sunlight to get a tan? They’re going to look at you, like what the hell are you talking about? Just go outside. Skin gets old pink, go inside. So all adaptation that we observe, calluses, suntans, whatever. It’s a matter of very short, intense stimulus and then you let the body respond. Now, if you stay out all day long in intense sun, you get a burn, right?

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Same thing happens in the musculature. You just start creating damage. And so your muscle protein synthesis, you still have the same amount of muscle protein synthesis, but it has to fix what you damaged. The damage used to be associated with growth until we researched it and realize, and four studies show the same thing, that kind of quit studying it because it’s like, okay, we know the answer to this. The more damage there is the less development of new muscle there will be. So the damage is inversely related to muscle growth. So you don’t want to do any damage.

Dr. John Jaquish: You take one set with diminishing range to absolute fatigue. I mean, you’re doing repetitions, like full-range repetitions. You might do 20 of those. You might do five half repetitions. And then your last repetitions, you just can’t go further than an inch from your chest. I’m mimicking, for those listening, I’m mimicking a chest press with my arms. The last repetition may only be like an inch, but it’s the inch counts because you’re able to take the weaker range of motion to fatigue. And you can’t do that with weight.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. And I mean-

Dr. John Jaquish: Once you’ve taken the other ranges of motion to fatigue, you can’t take the strong and medium-range to fatigue with weights because you can never get a weight heavy enough to get it into that position.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. And I’ve always noticed that about weights, it never felt like I hit that exhaustion. When I started using yours and once I got comfortable with it, probably took about a week to get the band situated and feel the smoothness of it, is when I would do my last rep, I would literally just put the bar down on the ground and start breathing and like, ugh, it’s just hurt. But it wasn’t a painful hurt, like in the joint, it was just an exhaustion hurt, but I still felt like I’m not tapping in yet. I think I can go further. But I’ll tell you what, it was a new burn that I’ve never felt lifting weights and it was deeper.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you should never be sore either.

Dr. Tressler: No, no.

Dr. John Jaquish: This one is, by the way, the lactic acid thinking people always say, oh, I can feel lactic acid. No, you actually cannot feel lactic acid. Although it technically has the pH of an acid, it doesn’t stop you, it just releases growth factors. So lactic acid is good, not bad. And you don’t want to flush it out. Like people who do like hot-cold showers after their workouts, they’re causing vasoconstriction dilation, which removes the lactic acid, which is what attracts the growth factors. So you’re like guaranteeing that you are not going to grow.

Dr. Tressler: Isn’t that interesting? I never heard that. And that’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. And people were all about cryotherapy like they do their heavy workout and then they run and go to try cryotherapy. And I’m like, you’re paying money to guarantee you won’t gain anything.

Dr. Tressler: That’s crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a proper place sort of cryotherapy if you’re chronically inflamed. I would, I don’t like the cryotubes, I think they’re kind of like, they’re bulls***. The idea, you’ll see CrossFit people who believe in all sorts of crazy falsehoods about fitness. I was just doing cryo, negative 220 and it’s just like, oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. So the gas coming into the chamber is negative 220, but by the time it’s an inch away from your skin. It’s 40 degrees Fahrenheit, which is still gold, but your body is radiating heat.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Just stand outside on a cold day and then put your hand like an inch from your skull. You’ll feel a heat just blasting right off it.

Dr. Tressler: What’s cool about this, is like in our shows called restoring innate health, our natural health, is when we do these type of these things, like go and jump in an ice bath after a workout. So the workout did its purpose. The body responded innately, exactly what it was supposed to do, and then you-

Dr. John Jaquish: And then you blast all the growth factors out of your muscle.

Dr. Tressler: With our educated mind, we say, well, we can do something better and we change it. And I love that. I love your challenge.

Dr. John Jaquish: You brought up something, you just gave me an entry to something I’ve been wanting to say on every podcast ever. And I’ve just never had the chance to say it. People are, they’re not lazy when it comes to working out, but they are lazy when it comes to collecting the right information.

Most people want their health and nutrition information. I mean, including their pharmacological health, to all fit in a meme, like a sentence fragment for shit heads. Like that’s what memes are. I mean, some of them are funny, but it’s not medical advice okay. And so, like cryo is good or cryo is bad. I’ll even get questions that are worded like a two-year-old wrote them, like that, like to our customer service. Is cryo good or bad?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it all depends. What are you trying to trigger? If you’re trying to trigger hair growth, it’s not going to do shit. What are you looking for? So cryotherapy here’s a perfect example. I think cryo tubes are stupid. I mean, yeah, they’re a lot more comfortable than jumping in cold water. They’re also way less effective. And they’re kind of designed for the CrossFit type who, how do you know somebody does CrossFit? Because they told you three times already when you met them. You never know by looking at them that they work out.

And then so, I like a cold plunge, but I like it first thing in the morning because I mean, the amount of alertness you have for the rest of the day is awesome and you don’t screw up any of the growth factors because your body’s already run its course of muscle protein synthesis while you were sleeping. That’s when most of it happens by the way. So you end up way better off. Does that make sense?

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. And I love, and especially in your book, how you…

Dr. John Jaquish: You got me?

Dr. Tressler: Okay, I got you now.

Dr. John Jaquish: Where’d you lose me?

Dr. Tressler: Right at when you stopped. I said I love how in your book, you challenged certain, these certain, and then it just went away. So I’ll edit this, I’m working it down where the, I’ll see it on a time, but I’ll just take a pause and I’ll just jump right back in. So, I love how you challenged the typical-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I’ll just pick it up right there.

Dr. Tressler: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: Can you hear me now?

Dr. John Jaquish: So…

Dr. Tressler: Wait, it’s still-

Dr. John Jaquish: Still breaking up.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. It’s still bouncing around. It shows I’m good here. I have all my bars. Can you hear me now? It looks like you’re good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I have all my bars too.

Dr. Tressler: Oh, I don’t know why, I hate these things when they do this. All right. I’ll respond then I’ll ask another question and then we’ll jump back in. So I love how you challenge in your book so many typical beliefs and I’m always like that. I love challenging things and doing things differently.

One question on the chest press. I don’t feel, and maybe because I’m a small guy. I’m about 1.75 foot eight. So my arms aren’t that long. My chest isn’t that big. I don’t feel like I have much tension in that early phase, second and third phases I do. Is that okay and is that just because I’m small?

Dr. John Jaquish: But you can roll the bands where you can put a band in the slot and it’s hanging here and then you wrap it around the hook one more time.

Dr. Tressler: Ah, okay. Good.

Dr. John Jaquish: like two inches off each side, which will shorten it.

Dr. Tressler: Okay. I think that you answered my question. The squat and the deadlift, this is something I was really curious about is how I was going to respond. I have a anterior pelvic tilt, so I’ve always had an L-5 sacrum type compression were chiropractic, my exercise does well, but every time I’ve done regular squats with a bar and regular deadlifts, my back at L-5, at the L-5 disc area would always hurt. I knew it was an explosive, powerful exercise.

You hear we should all be doing this to get testosterone,a growth hormone. I hated it. With yours, with the squat, I feel absolutely no stress on my L-5 disc area, it’s amazing. And my legs are on fire and it’s the same with the deadlift. I don’t have that sensation of instability in my low back that I couldn’t do with a bar. And have you seen this? I mean, what you’ve done here is just amazing. I can now do squats and deadlifts that I kind of pushed off for years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. I get that every day. And in fact, the people who understand X3 the most, it’s funny, life changes, we get older, we have different priorities. The people who understand it the best are the people who can take benefit from everything it offers. So like 20-year-olds don’t care about injury avoidance because it’s never going to happen to them, right?

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. Right. That’s what we always think.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, so they like doing things that are a spectacle. They like dropping the weights in the gym so everybody can hear the loud. Even saw a video of a guy dislocating his shoulder throwing weights on the ground. He was done with a barbell and he goes to push it down. You can see his shoulder just pop right forward. Just complete subluxation.

Dr. John Jaquish: What an idiot. But yeah. I mean, that’s the younger people. And then the older people, once you’ve had a joint injury, you’re like, okay, I’m going to be careful because I don’t want that again. And that’s when people start to look at X3 and go, okay, I’m not training for the sake of training, I’m training to be as strong as possible. If I want to be as strong as possible, I need the smartest approach and that’s X3. So that’s when people get it. Also, like the athletes, I work with, like the Miami Heat, no one who plays with the Miami Heat has a choice. They got to use X3 because that’s what the team does. That’s why they endorsed the book.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: But the younger players kind of, as we talk about injury avoidance, they just looking at like, yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, no, they don’t care. But the guys who, they’ve been in the NBA for three or four years already. Oh yeah, they see it as like a way where they’re probably going to be able to stay in the league another couple of seasons, which could mean millions of dollars.

So yeah, it’s just a different level of paying attention. I learned the same lesson, though it was sort of a different crowd when launching my bone density medical device. I noticed that postmenopausal physician, so sort of like female physicians over the age of 50, wwe’reway more receptive because the medical device would enable them to rebuild their bone density without taking the medications and the medications have some pretty severe side effects or the potential of severe side effects. So they want to avoid that, whereas the men who typically don’t get osteoporosis, don’t know. It’s just like, no, I prescribe everybody bisphosphonates, we don’t need anything for bone density. I’m like, you sure about that? Ask your wife.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Of course, the ones who I get through to, they do ask their wife and they’re like, oh, okay. There’s a huge market for something that’s not a bisphosphonate drug because those are terrible.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. Yeah. I found too-

Dr. John Jaquish: They don’t know. They don’t know because it’s not going to be their concern.

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: And until one day they realize it and it’s too late. I see this in my practice all the time, where people just think they’re okay, and until a crisis hits, and then now they’re scrambling. I think, why didn’t you do this all your life? I mean, why didn’t you start back? Because, like you just said, they don’t see the need, the crisis. I found the smoothness of the workouts too, the pressure on the muscle, the tension on the muscle is complete the whole way through.

And it’s not wobbly, it’s not like how dumbbells do. And my example is, I’ve hurt both my shoulders playing rugby over the years, both rotator cuffs and I broke my right scapula six and a half years ago. So there’s a lot of trauma up in this area and I’ve struggled with overhead shoulder presses, even bench press at times, I would go in and out of it.

Dr. Tressler: Where, when I do your bench on this, the chest press, it feels incredible tension, but no pain. And the same with even the shoulder press, I’m getting the resistance but the pain isn’t there. And I’m building through that. So I see what you mean. Especially once you’re at this point, you’re over 40, over 50, you’ve had injuries, now you’re trying to avoid the injuries and try to work through them so then it doesn’t aggravate you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right or strengthening joints to the point where you can still grow tendons and ligaments around your joints, even if they’re compromised. A lot of people don’t know that. Weights won’t do it, but it has to do with how much loading you have just short of extension, is a great study from 1999, Benjamin and Ralphs, that shows that by compressing a joint when it’s just short of axial, meaning like just short of straight, so slight bend in the joint.

That’s when, if you have the proper level of loading, now this is before the osteogenic loading minimum was discovered, which is 4.2 multiples of body weight in the hip. That’s just specific for the hip. I mean, that’s a huge amount of weight, right? So it shows you that the body responds much better to huge weight, but only in specific positions. So with variable resistance, we get that. But then the weight dissipates as we get into the weaker ranges of motions. So we can fatigue the fibers that are firing there also.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. I love it. Let me ask you this. With the heavy bands going to the one band and moving up in a band, a stronger band, I found them, one of the exercises, I forget which one it was, I was getting about 40 to 50 reps total, maybe around 40. I thought, well, I’ll go to a heavier band, but I could only do about 10. So was it quite a difference? When do you move up in the band like that? Or would it be okay to do a burnout set and then try to resist with a heavier band to get that stimulus? Or when do you look at how many reps is enough to move on to the next?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the people who describe your situation are typically people who do the repetitions a little too fast.

Dr. Tressler: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: So two seconds up, two seconds down. Each rep should take four seconds. So I see guys who can do the sort of faster repetitions and then they can’t when it comes to higher resistance, but usually if you try and go two seconds up, two seconds back, it won’t be 40 repetitions. It’ll be more like, I don’t know, 23 or something like that. And yeah, I mean, slow recruits stabilizing musculature. That upregulates growth hormone, also gives you a greater engagement of the target muscle. Because once stabilizers are firing, then more of the target muscle can be activated.

Dr. John Jaquish: So while speed athletes need to do speed drills also, the best way to build speed from a weight lifting perspective is to move the weight as slowly as possible or just slowly. I mean, I shouldn’t say as slow as possible because people go 10 seconds up 10 seconds down and then they’re using such a lightweight it’s like they’re not even doing anything. So slow and control teaches your body to recruit more musculature, which is going to ultimately make you faster. So the slower you lift, the faster you’re going to be able to go. Not a big body of literature that talks about it because there are speed drills that everybody’s doing, that’s another variable that’s kind of getting in the way of testing what’s working. So that’s a hard argument for me to convince a lot of people of, but that’s the way, it’s kind of the way it goes.

Dr. Tressler: Well and with how I trained in rugby, is I’ll do this, like your workout, and then if it’s a running day, I’ll still do my running drills, my sprints, because I want to be able to get on the field and do them. But yeah, I don’t look, I looked at what your system does, is it builds that foundation that is going to be rock solid. That when I’m out on the rugby field when I’m sprinting, I’m not going to pull muscles. And I have found too that the stronger, more controlled I am, the more I can run, the faster I can run. Even at 56, I still have some speed. I’m not too slow out there.

Dr. Tressler: One last question. With the time in between sets, I find I try to do it in 15 to 30 seconds. I usually leave, excuse me, 30 seconds to a minute just because of the fatigue, but I don’t want to let it go too far. Am I right on that? I remember you saying it, I think in your book, keep it under a minute, get that set in shortly after. Am I correct there or what’s best?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I don’t say necessarily keep it under a minute. It might land right there. You only do want constant tension. So you don’t want to lock out at the top. You don’t want to rest at the bottom. A lot of guys will make that mistake and it denies the body the opportunity for hypoxia, which is stopping blood flow in the musculature by keeping a constant contraction. That shows the heart that there’s a deficit in muscle and that will cause the heart to downregulate myostatin. And when myostatin becomes down regulated, your body is now allowed to grow more muscle. Like that’s a huge, important growth factor.

Dr. Tressler: So, and I think I missaid that, is after I’m done with one set, when I go to do my second next exercise, should I rest for a minute or under, should I keep that set?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah, you should be able to catch your breath.

Dr. Tressler: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Breathing back to normal. So, the bigger the muscle, the more exhausting it is, right? Like you watch like a 14 year old training biceps, they put the weights down, even if they went to complete fatigue, five seconds later, their breathing is normal. Whereas you find a guy with like a bicep that’s that big around, it’s going to demand a lot more blood and you’re going to be out of breath for maybe a minute.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. I did find that on my heavier muscles, it would take me up to a minute to feel like, okay, I’m ready to attempt this next set.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s why when you train legs, look at how much blood your quadriceps and your glutes are drawing when you’re doing squats. That’s why when people do squats, they collapse to the floor gasping for air. Yeah. Well, most people when they do squats, this is not backed by research, and this is just kind of an observation. I think most people are going to cardiovascular fatigue more than they are to muscular fatigue, which is why I encourage everybody to train one leg at a time. So the split squat is the superior exercise, because now you’re putting all of your resources from your lungs and your heart into one quadricep and one glute. So you have double the amount of resources to take those muscles of failure. *

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, we are people, people run and walk on one leg at a time. So I tell people, I ruin a lot of trainers days when I say, who thinks a squat, a double leg squat is a functional exercise? Half the room puts their hand up and the other half is like, this is a trap. And so then I say, it’s actually not that functional. It’s not really what we do. We only use two legs when we stop, when we propel ourselves forward, which is what the central nervous system is mostly going to respond to, you use one leg at a time, your resources are divided because you’re only contracting one glute and one quad at once. So when you go to the gym, you train both legs at the same time. I mean, will we get a response? Yeah, you will. But it’s much more efficient if you train one leg at a time. You grow much faster because you can get basically double the stimulus because you double the energy going into each limb.

Dr. Tressler: And your X3 allows you to do these exercises without ever getting hurt. I can’t ever see myself ever hurting myself on this fatigue, exhaustion. Maybe my ego will be hurt because I can’t go to full exhaustion but I can’t see it being hurt. And to kind of wrap this up, I appreciate you spending some time, and I’ll tell you what, I’m a high promoter of this. This is something, this X3 is a machine, a tool, it’s an all in one that can give you exactly what you need in a short amount of time. And that’s what everyone’s looking for. Just looking at the cost of one leg press, it could be, a used machine could be 700 to $1,000, and that’s one machine, that’s it. So you have a machine-

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish: If you get a leg press for your house, a good one. If you really want like a, I mean I would argue a leg press is not worth owning, but those commercial one, that’s more like five to $10,000.

Dr. Tressler: Well, I’m talking about Facebook cheap, something that you can throw some weights on, that’s minimum, you’re talking, let’s say 700 to 1,000, I used to-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you’re talking about a piece of junk though. You put more than 200 pounds on that and it’s just going to come apart.

Dr. Tressler: But my point is, it’s only one machine, so only one muscle. Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right, right, right.

Dr. Tressler: And it takes up a heck of a lot of space in your house or garage or whatever.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re like parking outside. I know a guy who lives in Chicago, he parks outside because he’s got his gym-

Dr. Tressler: In his garage.

Dr. John Jaquish:… in his garage. And it’s like, as soon as he moved his car inside and like, oh, like my life is so much better sort of thing.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. So any last piece of advice? I will have your link to buy the X3 on our show. I would challenge everyone, and I said this in the intro, challenge John and say, you know what, I’m going to do this. I’m going to try this. I’m going to do it for, go for 60 to 90 days, don’t do it for a week or two and see the results. And I’m sold on it. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And you do it right for a couple weeks. You’ll never go back.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. It is-

Dr. John Jaquish: People don’t realize I should’ve been training this way my whole life and there’s no other way to train.

Dr. Tressler: I know. And it’s getting the old thought process out of our mind that we have to do these multiple sets and yada, yada, yada. So any last notes here that you can get these listeners fired up to do this?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. It’s that one thing that you got me to say that I’ve never been able to say, like everybody wants things to be so simple. They want their exercise advice to come from a meme. I get questions like, are vegetables good or bad? Well, I mean, they’re not nearly as good as you’ve been told, but also what do you mean by bad? I mean, a Twinkie is a lot worse than an apple but that doesn’t seem like something that would escape most people, but I think it does.

And so people are in a real hurry to be told what they should and shouldn’t need, but they’re in no hurry to understand why. Therefore, when they have to make an adjustment, like let’s say they’re at an airport and the five things they normally eat aren’t there because they don’t understand the principles they’ll screw a lot of things up. And also, you got to realize, especially with X3 programming, don’t edit it. Don’t think you know better because you probably don’t, otherwise you would’ve written the book.

Dr. Tressler: That’s great

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And it’s like, here’s a perfect example. I met a guy, this is recently, this guy was dead serious. He told me he wasn’t gaining a lot of muscle and he was using X3. Now that’s usually a nutrition problem. If you don’t have the building blocks in your body, id doesn’t matter what the stimulus is. You got to have the building blocks. So this guy, tell me about your diet. He goes, oh yeah, my diet’s very advanced. It’s great. It’s great. You’re not gaining any muscles so it can’t be that great. That’s usually the problem. And he goes, well, yeah, I do a hybrid.

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: This guy was dead serious by the way. And he was a smart guy. Like I forgot what he did for, I think it was like a lawyer or something like that, because they do a hybrid between the south beach diet. No, no, no. It was the hybrid between the ketogenic diet and the Mediterranean, yeah. And so Mediterranean says you should have a lot of oils and cheeses and bread. And then ketogenic says, like kind of fat is fine. You can have as much that as you want, and then you want meat. So this guy would just, all he would eat was like meat lovers pizza.

Dr. John Jaquish: What an idiot. This guy thought that was a good idea because he was taking the best from two different diets, which come from conflicting philosophies. By the way the Mediterranean diet is idiotic. So, I just couldn’t believe it. And this guy was like so sure, and I said, you’re not going to grow any muscle, but you will get really fat from that. Now it turns out he wasn’t eating a huge amount of calories, which was okay. I mean, there’s that and yay, good for you. But pizza’s not health food and it never will be. It’s complete garbage. If our president said I’m going to put a 700% tax on pizza, I would be in favor of that. That’d be awesome. Also, it would be the smartest thing he’d ever done. I’m a little hard on him.

Dr. Tressler: would agree with you there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. I’ve seen those and that’s great advice. You have an expert like you yourself, if people, if you haven’t read the book, read the book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want.

Dr. John Jaquish: Read the book and understand it. Don’t just like glance through it. Other people who messaged me all the time and they’re like, hey, I just read the book and I have this one question. And it’s like, the question they have is like the title of a chapter. Like, you did not read the book, you bought the book, there’s a difference.

Dr. Tressler: I highlighted, took notes, I was like eating it, studying it. And I love to do that. And you take somebody like yourself that’s done all the research, put this all together, which I’m sure it took a long time. And then we challenge you or we say, no, no, that’s not it. It’s like, wait a second, they do it with me. When they do it with me with certain things, with chiropractic or health, I look at I’m like, do you know better? I’ve done this for 30 years. Are you kidding me? And I say it’s working for me.

Dr. John Jaquish: I can show you books and studies, and I do have to be a little patient because you get to see the people you work with. I have now sold 150,000 X3’s, so I don’t know all these people. So yeah. I mean, they got to be able to get their education online or through the book somehow. But I wrote the book because I really wanted people to understand why we’re doing what we’re doing.

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Because if you understand the why, then you’re far less likely to make a mistake. And yeah, like here’s another one. This guy says, I went carnivore, which I promote, most of your nutrition’s going to come from animal protein. In fact, whatever is not animal protein is kind of the lack of nutrition. And I carefully make that case, back it up with studies in the book. And they’ll say things like, oh yeah, I found like the perfect solution to just eat canned chili every day but the problem is I feel awful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s full of preservatives. I wouldn’t call that carnivore at all. Also, there’s all kinds of other stuff in chili that’s made to taste like meat, but it is not meat. Like it’s of onions and powdered potatoes to make it thicker, all kinds of vegetables for spices that are full of oxalates that cause inflammation.

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You don’t want any of that. D

Dr. Tressler: I’m not surprised by anything anymore. When I hear things, I see things online. I see some things on your site, people saying, I laugh and think, are people really this stupid? Dr. John Jaquish: They are.

Dr. Tressler: And I think-

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, I’m working on this. There’s a term I came up with. It is achieved ignorance. So people, when it comes to, let’s use an example of politics, because it’s really obvious in politics. I’m not taking any of the side here, but people want to hear the things that support their existing beliefs. Because basically, that’s like hearing somebody say you’re smart because here’s the information that supports the way you voted.

Dr. Tressler: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: So people can be wrong. And if they were at all logical thinkers, know they’re wrong, but they still don’t feel they’re wrong because there’s information supporting that they’re right. I mean, the ship can already have sailed right off the edge of the waterfall and they will just, to their dying breath, that’s the answer. And like when people talk about socialism, it’s failed in 23 different countries. Every time it’s experimented with it has ended in mass poverty and mass death, starvation, or sort of government-sanctioned murder, internment camps, letting people start dying. But it’s failed 23 times, but by all means, let’s run the same experiment again, anybody who’s in favor of that has just decided that’s their position and they don’t care what the information is.

Dr. Tressler: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s not a matter of discussing anything with them. It’s more like, we need to figure out a way to not let these people be in charge because they are dangerous. If they’re willing to go down a path that killed millions and millions of people multiple times, we’re going to be in trouble if we let them have their way because they’ll ruin it all. And so, and I’m using that as an example because most people who are logical, especially those who are pretty dispassionate about politics are like, yeah, it’s a stupid movement.

And yeah, John’s probably right. We probably need to make sure that anyone who feels that way is, basically the best job they’re allowed to get is they can be the dog catcher, that’s about it. Yeah. It’s just beyond, it’s not even stupid. It’s achieved ignorance. It’s like they’ve worked hard to be that misinformed. And you see the same thing with coronavirus information, people are working hard to pass around what is misinformation only because it’s the information they want to be true.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, and here’s where it gets insane. When you tell people, like I thought I had a, I mean, I do a very controversial approach to exercise. It’s very different than anything that’s been seen before, and it’s better. Anyone who’s gone down this path and experimented with it is far better. However, being better is not enough because there are just people who don’t want to believe it. So a lot of the review videos are reviews from people who never have seen it, tried it, don’t know anything about it, haven’t read the book, haven’t even been to the website. They’re just saying it doesn’t work, but they don’t know the first thing about it.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then even on top of that, and this is the most blatant, where people will, I’ll get death threats from people when I make a post about how you need to drastically eliminate or limit the number of carbohydrates you take in, in a day. And guess who’s mad at me? It’s the overweight people. Because they’re desperately looking for a way to justify their behavior, and then they’ll go to any extent like I’m healthy at any size.

Okay, that’s false. Yeah, you’re dying if you’re overweight, you’re just marching as fast as you can towards heart disease, diabetes, and you know it, and you see people all day, every day who are on the self-assigned death march and they just don’t want to hear it. Like you tell them you need to stop eating donuts or whatever. Like sometimes they’ll lie to you. They’ll be like, I only eat 1,500 calories a day and it’s all healthy food. Neither of those things is true, but they’ll say it.

Dr. Tressler: And you’re making them uncomfortable. And I’ll tell you, I’ve had threats against me with certain things just because I’m a voice in my community against the medical field against all these drugs they’re pushing on, vaccines they’re pushing on everyone, including kids and it’s just maddening. And I speak out and I’ve had people call and leave messages on my answering machine. They wish they’d see me dead. And I thought, all I’m trying to do is help but that’s when-

Dr. John Jaquish: And the people who are threatening you don’t understand any of this

Dr. Tressler: Don’t understand anything. And they’re uncomfortable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Why are they upset?

Dr. Tressler: Because you’re making them uncomfortable.

Dr. John Jaquish: They want to live in some kind of totalitarian world, I guess, where you’re forced to get vaccines, not allowed to ask if the vaccines might be harmful, not allowed to look at studies. I mean, I’ve had multiple posts deleted on Facebook, not so much on Instagram, which is weird because it’s the same company. But Facebook will delete posts where I post a research study that has been peer-reviewed and published by a medical journal and they call it medical misinformation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, if it was misinformation, it wouldn’t be in the journal. Yeah, and like one was about masks like masks don’t do anything. Like the coronavirus goes right through them. It always has, and the masks were never designed to stop pathogens, they were designed to keep somebody during surgery, sneezing into an open wound and putting mucus there, creating a mess. That’s what surgical masks are for, have nothing to do with pathogen protection. And so I posted this, and yeah, it was deleting. I got a warning like you’re not allowed to do that. This is medical misinformation. I’m glad Zuckerberg finally admitted that the fact-checkers are just people with opinions. Did you see that?

Dr. Tressler: No, I haven’t.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. He’s 100%, it’s all opinion-based. Fact check.

Dr. Tressler: Yeah. Well, I could tell that way back when, because I had the same thing happen to me and I think a lot of people, just like the title of your book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want , read a title and then they summarize your life and everything you’ve done on a title. And it’s like, well, it’s just same with Facebook and everything else and unless we dive in-

Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t jump to conclusion thing. Yeah.

Dr. Tressler: Right, and unless we dive in and chew on it, research. When somebody does their research and they say, you know what, I’ve done my research. It’s just, it’s not for me. I at least give them credit for doing some research. I probably won’t agree, but at least they want a step further, and your book does that, your book does that, your X3 is doing this. It is putting somebody in a position where it’s controversial, but it’s healthy. So I’ll kind of wrap things up there. I can talk to you all day because I have the same belief. And I told another doctor the other day, I said, we were talking about the vaccines and everything. I said, well, I get passionate. She goes, passionate? I said that’s pissed off and passionate all in one.

Dr. Tressler: Because I get mad, but it’s based on my passion because I have resources to back me. So you’re passionate about what you’re doing and I’ll tell you what, you’re doing a great job. And I would highly recommend if you haven’t seen John’s work, get his book, get the X3, put him to the challenge, and see if it works. And if you do it like me, you’ll see that it works. So John, thank you for not just being on my show, but doing what you’re doing and pushing this world in another state of the direction of health. We’re on the same side here and I appreciate and honor you for doing that. So thank you.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you. This is great being on the show again.

Dr. Tressler: Thanks.

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