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By Accelerated Health TV on October 15, 2020

Accelerated Health TV Episode 56: John Jaquish PHD on Muscle and Bone Strength

Accelerated Health TV Episode 56: John Jaquish PHD on Muscle and Bone Strength

Inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful/fracture resistant athletes, John is now, partnered with Tony Robbins and OsteoStrong for rapid clinic deployment. In the process of his medical research, he also quantified the variance between power capacities from weak to strong ranges in weight lifting, which brought him to his second invention, X3 Bar resistance band bar system. The research indicates that this product builds muscle much faster than conventional lifting, and does so in less training time, all with the lowest risk of joint injury. Dr. Jaquish is a research professor at Rushmore University, speaks at scientific conferences all over the world, has been featured on many to the top health podcasts, is an editor of multiple medical journals, and is a nominee of the National Medal of Science.

We discuss: -The problem with most fitness equipment -How to build muscle quickly and effectively -How to Burn Fat and Make Gains without injury

Accelerated Health Radio is broadcast live Wednesday’s at 11AM ET.

The Accelerated Health TV Show is viewed on Talk 4 TV

Full Transcription

Sara Banta: Today my guest will be talking about nutrition building stronger bones and muscles. And I know more than anyone that you really need a strong physical foundation to work on your mental growth, whether it is overcoming anxiety and depression, losing weight or detoxing your body in the proper way, or even increasing your level of frequency in life… So now to the good stuff. John Jaquish is an internationally known author and inventor. He’s going to tell us how to build muscle and burn fat more effectively and in less time. His story includes the fascinating journey of working toward building a device that has helped thousands of women reverse osteoporosis. He’s also the inventor of the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, which is the world’s most powerful muscle building device. And he’s the bestselling author of Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time. John is formally on the Board of Directors of the American Bone Health and Editorial Board at the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science. He is a published research scientist and he’s a longtime partner of Tony Robbins who I love. And he wrote the forward to John’s other book, Unbreakable . Welcome, John. How are you today?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m fantastic, Sara. That was a great intro. Thanks for having me.

Sara Banta: I’m excited. I don’t think anyone’s going to argue with wanting to build muscle faster and in less time than the traditional methods. I was a long time athlete in high school. I was rowing. I was playing volleyball. I had periods in my life where I was running miles every day, and then I was going to the gym trying to get results. So I would first like to start with your journey on how you got here and how you first got into bone density, because that’s something else that hits home with me, is that osteoporosis runs in my family.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. It was all from my mother, actually. She was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I’m sure you’ve seen this video. You’re asking for the sake of your audience. Yeah. My mom, it sucks to be hurting. It sucks even worse when it’s your mom. You only got one. And yeah, I saw her really miserable and she felt like she wasn’t going to be able to do anything she loved doing. And it was like her quality of life was gone getting the news that she had osteoporosis. And so I wanted to learn more about osteoporosis and I wanted to see if there was some way I could help her with it. And what’s so interesting about it is that it’s a dysfunction of deconditioning. So when a muscle gets weaker, we don’t call that a disease.

Sara Banta: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right? It’s just deconditioned. So we can recondition it. So the same thing is true for bone. And so I said that to my mother, and that wasn’t really useful advice. Then the next thing I said was, “What if I build a medical device that can recondition the bone?” Because I knew that force through bone was how it is triggered to be grown in the first place, like when we’re children. And so what I did was a literature review first, and I wanted to see if there was a group of people who were super responders. They build bone density higher than normal on how they did it. And I knew it had to do with putting force through bone. This group of people was really easy to find, gymnasts. And it had to do with the level of impact they absorb. Now they also injure very easily and very quickly. And they typically retire at 19 years of age. So I wasn’t going to tell my mother to be a gymnast though there were some jokes. And I thought, “Okay. What I need is to create a set of devices that emulated impact.” That gave us the benefit of high impact without the risks. So no one’s going to break anything, there’s nothing abrupt. You use your own comfort to mediate the force that goes through bone. And then you trigger the bone to grow because you’re passing the relevant minimum dose response levels. So by dose response level, there’s other research that came out later after I developed my prototypes that determined that the minimum force to go through the hip joint to grow any bone at all is 4.2 multiples of body weight. So no one exercises with four times their body weight.

Sara Banta: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Think about your body weight and multiply that by four. Is that what you hold on your back when you exercise? No.

Sara Banta: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not even close. Even professional athletes don’t do that. But in impact, we can get that pretty easily. And so that’s what I set out to do and that’s what I did. And after 18 months after treating my mother, she had the bones of a 30 year old. She had a T-score of almost zero.

Sara Banta: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible osteoporosis be diagnosed all the way back to perfectly healthy bone which would not even be associated with her age. She was in her 70s at the time, and now she has a bones of a 30 year old and continues to have the bone density of a 30 year old.

Sara Banta: And did you incorporate any supplements or any specific diet? I know you follow more carnivore ketogenic type diet.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Sara Banta: Did you put her on any special diet or how are the typical Western medicine supplements for osteoporosis help or hurt the process?

Dr. John Jaquish: I didn’t have her doing anything differently than she normally did. So she probably typically gets 50% of her nutrition from animal protein and the rest is from plant-based sources. And by plant-based, I mean like pastries and all the other things I tell her not to eat, because that is plant-based. But she didn’t have any luck telling me what to do, so yeah. Probably inaudible her not taking my advice. But yeah. So there’s a lot of talk about the value of pastries. I’m arguing the lack of, but right, your mom. You don’t really argue with her. So there was that, and no particular diet. But I will say that there’ve been 20 studies that show plant-based nutrition, and especially veganism does destroy the bone very rapidly. Because born is made, mean, it’s protein, you need the building blocks. And you’re not converting sugar or diet, it’s the same thing, into a bone mass. So yeah, I would say the more animal protein heavy, the better off somebody is. I don’t really focus on calcium that much, mostly because it’s self-regulatory. It’s the only mineral that the body self regulate. The more calcium you take in, the more is pushed out of your bone.

Sara Banta: Yeah. That’s something that I’ve really tried to snuff out, because my mom having this issue has been told to take calcium supplements. And what people don’t realize is calcium deposits in the body are what causes a lot of issues like arthritis and tendonitis and all of the itis in the body. Right? And it’s from stress the body leeches out the calcium and it goes and finds its place in other areas of your body. So I’m assuming you did not put her on a calcium supplement.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nope.

Sara Banta: Right. Yeah. I don’t know, the studies behind that as far as if there’s any correlation as far as taking a calcium supplement and building bone or if it’s a complete myth.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s some research, but when you read the methods, the methods section, the studies, they’ll take people that are in such low bone density. You can hand them a jump rope or something and-

Sara Banta: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: … they’ll build a little bit of bone.

Sara Banta: So let’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: You get up and walk around. So yeah. I mean, you can take toxic nutrition, let me give you an example. How many NFL players were found out to be alcoholics through their whole career? There’s quite a few. Does that mean that alcohol built muscle?

Sara Banta: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Just like, okay. So I’m not. The mechanisms is what I’d rather look at. And the more calcium you take in, the more you lose.

Sara Banta: Can you describe what this method is and how it works?

John Jaquish: Yeah. The body is put in the position where you naturally absorb impact. So for example, somebody was to trip and fall. They protect their upper body by putting their hands up where the back of the hand is in line with the clavicle and there’s 120 degree angle from upper to lower arm. Everybody falls the same. Little kids, elderly people. If you have the time to react, embrace yourself for the fall, same reaction. And so what I determined was that humans have an incredible ability to absorb forces in those positions and not so much in other positions. So that’s what led me to my next advancement, which has more to do with muscle and bone.

Sara Banta: Awesome. Well, let’s get to it. Like I mentioned to you before, I was an athlete all my life and I’ve gone through periods of doing the wrong thing, doing the right thing and finding my balance. And as I age, it changes of course too. And I want to talk about how this relates to women in general as well at the end. But let’s talk first about your view on fitness in general and the current model of working out and why it’s failing. We’ve got CrossFit and we’ve got things like Orangetheory, and we’ve got people just going to the gym and lifting a ton of weights, and then we’ve got people going on an eight mile run. Let’s take each one and what’s wrong with it? What is it doing to our bodies? And is it doing anything good for us?

Dr. John Jaquish: I would say fitness is the most failed human endeavor. Well, it’s not really me, it’s saying that the data says that. I try not to say anything. I just point out what the research is showing us. And so let’s take males, for example. There’s more data on strength in males.

Sara Banta: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: So we look at 23% of US males do strength training in some way. Either they do at home or in gym or CrossFit or whatever. The leanest 1% of males over the age of 18 is just under 11% body fat. That’s the top one percentile, which for males is not impressive. Like 11% of body fat is like, you can maybe see a little bit at the top abdominals, but not really much. And you probably don’t have a gut. That’s the top 1%. And also keep in mind a lot of the internet commenters imagine that everybody who looks good is taking some sort of anabolic drug. That’s not true either. One in six males over the age of 18 in the United States are using or have used anabolic steroids. Well, one in six were taking these drugs and they’d all be fit, that’d be a lot of people.

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Except they all clearly look like nothing. And so it’s not that either. And also I think a lot of people think that those drugs make it all magically happen and they don’t at all. So who’s fit and why? Why not one in six people? Well, it’s probably who’s really like a great level of fitness and health. It’s probably more like one in 600 or one in 6,000. Which is why it’s so rare, which is why I’m in very good shape. When I take my shirt off at the beats, kids will run up to me and the little ones will be like, “Are you Batman?” And the other ones will be like, “How did you do this? That seems impossible.” So I get the Batman comment all the time, I really like that. That’s awesome. So there’s really two factors that matter. It’s your nutrition, you need to have the right building blocks. This is your wheel house.

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then is your training stimulating anything? And most people don’t have the building blocks, they’re eating garbage. And a lot of them are eating garbage that they’re told is good for them.

Sara Banta: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Let’s go and spend billions of dollars trying to get that message. Like you really need your cookies and crackers. And they’ll even stamp like healthy, there’s nothing natural about the Nature Valley granola. There’s all kinds of chemicals in there.

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just because it says nature on it doesn’t mean a squirrel would eat it. Because a squirrel is probably smart enough to go, “That’s not food.” So I get stuck in this position where I see it’s pretty simple, there’s two things, nutrition and the stimulus. And most people are getting neither. So what I did was, I looked at my bone density research, and you actually seen the research, right? The study that was at London. Yeah. Right. When you look at that study and you look at the huge forces, the post-menopausal population was using, 600, 700, 800 pounds, these women were putting through their hip joints. And these are women who have never exercised in their life. How are they doing that? Well, it has to do with optimizing the position. So now they didn’t start off doing that on day one, they adapted very quickly. But I saw the speed of the adaptation where they would add 50 pounds per week to these movements. They’re capable of generating 50 more pounds per week. And you think, what kind of change is that in the body? I knew bone was changing. I knew other things were changing too. Because that doesn’t come from nowhere. You can generate that kind of power in that difference. And they tried it as hard as they could every week. And a maximum effort yielded a very different result or a very rapidly growing result. So I compared, because the physicians at the hospital that we did this study at, they were like, “What do people normally lift? Because we see the results of how quickly people are gaining in their output ability. But what do people do in a gym?” Because they don’t know. Physicians typically aren’t necessarily focused, there are some who are focused on strength training. So when it came to those outputs and that question why, I looked at the NAS database, which is something that to database where 2000 people a year go through a battery of tests and were interviewed. And it’s the largest collection of health data that the world has ever seen. I think there’s like 40,000 people in there now.

Sara Banta: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: So it’s been going on a while. The body fed information, bone density information, nutrition information. And so we looked at DNA database, what people put on average through their hip joints. And it was anywhere from 1.3 to 1.5, three multiples of body weight. So we knew like, okay, no wonder nobody’s gaining any bones, because we need to exceed 4.2 and most of the stronger people are 1.53. So it just doesn’t make sense. No wonder so many people have osteoporosis. So that was the first thing. Second thing was, if we look at the difference between what most people use in the gym and what they’re actually capable of in the impact ready position, it really shows that weightlifting is terrible stimulus. Because when we pick up a weight, it’s the same weight in the most advantageous position as it is in the most disadvantageous position. So if you look at the differences between those two positions, it’s about a seven fold difference. So what we need is a weight that changes as we move.

Sara Banta: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, my natural thought was, all yeah, band training. Maybe people missed something when they started doing band training. But I realized very quickly that the problem with bands, rock rubber bands is what we’re talking about or I mean, crummy ones are made out of petroleum, those stretch out and break down. I’m talking about the layered latex ones, nice ones that will not stretch out and will not break. But as they get heavier, they twist your wrist. If you try and throw one around your back and do a pushup, your wrists are being twisted and the pain in your wrist will keep you from actually getting any muscle stimulus at all, because that’s your body’s way of saying, “No, we can’t do this.” So no one gets stronger from just bands by themselves. So I thought, “Okay, well.” Because at first I just thought, I was busy working with the medical devices for bone density. I was busy working with OsteoStrong, is what it’s called. And that had a franchise clinic model and we’re in eight different countries, 140 locations, that’s been growing very fast. And so I thought I’m busy with this, I don’t have time to do anything other than write a book. I thought I was going to write a book about variable resistance. And there’s also a lot of research about variable resistance. It shows it’s superior, but then no one was really applying it. It was like, here’s an interesting study, and there’s a huge problem in the fitness industry of scientific discovery and then having it translate into anything that is applied in fitness. And I see trainers all the time, they’ll do one thing and then they’ll do another thing. Those two things counteract each other or they hurt people. I see a lot of people doing sort of chronic injury inducing movements.

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. I usually don’t run over and interrupt somebody. inaudible rude. But I notice it. What can I say? So I’m trying to get people away from that. And I prescribe a very particular protocol with the next device. Because I decided to design another device for strength training, which would require banding that was 50 to 100 times more powerful than what was available. But you have an Olympic bar that manages the bands. So the bands can move but your grip is always optimized. And then there’s an equivalent plate that you stand on so that your ankles are also kept neutral. Because keeping pain out of the wrist and ankles is absolutely key for success in any strength training movement. And so once we got to that neutral position, we were able to load the human body to incredible degrees. We could fatigue muscle with diminishing range. Meaning, first you go to a position where you’re going through movements where you fatigue in a stronger range, then you do shorter repetitions in the medium range, and then your last few repetitions are in the weaker range. You completely fatigue the muscle. And it happens very quickly. So workouts 10 minutes. And most people look at me and I’m 8% or 7% body fat, and I’m on a 240 pounds.

Sara Banta: Yes. For anyone who’s just listening to the audio. You need to click over to YouTube or Facebook to watch the video. John is not slightly built. He’s in muscle mass and it’s amazing. So here we’re talking about the X3 Bar resistance band training system, and you showed the band’s hook up to the silver rod essentially, correct?

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Dr. John Jaquish: It’s an Olympic bar, yeah.

Sara Banta: It’s an Olympic bar. And-

Dr. John Jaquish: Also we didn’t make it out of silver, inaudible. But thank you, silver is right.

Sara Banta: So how many different exercises can you do with that device? And is it giving you a whole body central training workout?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’m glad you brought that up, because there’s a lot of controversy over how many exercises are really needed.

Sara Banta: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And there’s a lot of misinformation there. And all the time somebody is like, “How do I do a kettlebell movement? Or how do I do, because I got to do that.” Or, “How do I do a hip thrust?” Let me-

Sara Banta: So-

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me rant on hip thrusts, because I know you have a female audience or at least there’s a portion of your audience that’s female. You’ll talk to a personal training person or some guru on YouTube who talks about hip thrusts. These are the people who use the word functional three times in one sentence. Then they lie on the ground stack weighted plates on their crotch, they push that up towards the sky. How is that functional? Why does the body need to do that? I mean, there’s endless jokes we can make, but you’re trying to activate your glutes, your butt. The deadlift in the squat to a much better job of that, but they’re hard. So we’ve come up with kind of a joke exercise. It’s like the plank. Dr. Sean Baker, he’s one of my favorite people inaudible.

Sara Banta: Yeah. He’s been on the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. He’s great. And Sean Baker is like the plank it’s a great way to pretend you’re working out. I love it. He’s just that he says it how it is. You’re right, it’s like that’s not really an exercise. You’re just holding your abs like in like sort of.

Sara Banta: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. But yeah, the hip thrusts fall into that same category. And then you have to look at the fact that with all other exercise, looking at how the human body moves, there’s a reason our leg muscles and our glutes or butt muscles grow from doing squats versus a leg press. Because the leg press and a hip thrust, or like trying to get a tan with candles, it’s just the wrong stimulus. It’s leg, but it’s not the right kind of leg. So yeah. And when somebody says, “(beep) you can’t do hip thrusts with X3 Bar variable resistance training system. Right. And my automobile won’t make me dinner. That doesn’t mean it’s a terrible oven.

Sara Banta: Well, I mean, as I’m looking at you, you are not overdeveloped in certain areas and underdeveloped in others.

Dr. John Jaquish: No inaudible.

Sara Banta: You’re inaudible in every single, what people, especially men are looking for. But we need to take a quick short commercial break. And we’re going to come back and talk more about the X3 Bar resistance band bar system and more about your diet and your nutrition advice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Great.

Sara Banta: So, we’ll be right back. Welcome back to Accelerate Health Radio and TV. I’m your host Sarah Banta, the owner of Accelerated Health Products. And today we have John Jaquish talking about strength and diet and bone density. John, what is the true definition of fitness? Because some people will say, “With the X3 Bar resistance band bar system, great, we’re building muscle, we’re stimulating those muscle fibers, but what about my heart health? And what about endurance?” Where does that fit in? And does it?

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Dr. John Jaquish: You ask great questions. Let’s start with the heart. So there’s more than 100 studies that show that your cardiovascular health is better improved or equally improved with strength training over cardiovascular type training. So that defeats the conversation like, Oh, you need to do both or you need to be well rounded or whatever. Now there’s a huge myth that comes into play when somebody says, like I was recently in Munich with a friend of mine, we were going to Moscow. So we had switched plans in Munich and Munich area or the Munich airport, but it’s like the airport or stairs. You have to run up and down the stairs like four times when you’re going from one country to another, because you got to go through immigration and United States as a message you one more time. And it’s just a hassle as you’re running up and down the stairs. And this guy I was with, he’s skinny guy, weighs about 100 pounds less than me. And he’s a triathlete. And we finally get through it and get to get through our plane to Moscow on time. And I’m like covered in sweat and I’m breathing pretty hard. And he goes, “Your cardiovascular health is terrible.” And I said, “No. No, one’s not, not even yours.” I said, “But my legs are maybe, my quadricep muscles forget about the bone and the blood vessels and tendons and ligaments. I might have five times the amount of muscle mass in my quads, glutes and calves, than you do. Which means that bigger engine is using a lot more blood, which means my heart has to pump harder, which means I get out of breath.” So the idea that the strength athlete has poor cardiovascular fitness is false. Now, I mean, if you want to be able to run 23 miles in a relatively short period of time, if you want to be a marathon runner, is what I’m saying. You got to run marathons. Because you actually want to lose your muscle mass, which coincidentally cardiovascular training does force you to lose muscle mass, it up regulates cortisol. Cortisol does two things, it protects your body fat. So it keeps you fatter longer and make sure that you lose as much muscle mass as possible. So you almost become like an economy car. Small engine, a lot of storage.

Sara Banta: It’s so interesting is when we were not in COVID and I was going to strength training classes or yoga classes. There was a group of women in those classes that had just done an Orangetheory class, come over. They’re doing this chronic cardio. And I needed to say it, but there was no muscle definition, and there was alot of belly fat. And what that is, is exactly what you’re talking about. Is the cortisol that is creating that visceral fat around the midsection. And like I mentioned before, I’ve gone through periods where I was running a lot and then I went through periods where I was just lifting weights or not doing it. I do use a vibration machine and I’d love to hear your opinion on that. I use that with my weights as well. But-

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible. That’s great. I’m a big fan of that.

Sara Banta: So there has not been a connection between the change in how much I’m working out versus how little and my body composition. It’s more to do with food that I’m putting in my mouth, and the hormones that I’m stimulating. If I’m totally stressed out and my cortisol is up, I can’t get any results regardless of what I’m doing, what I’m eating or what I’m doing for exercise. So a lot has to do with hormones. So that is something I wanted to talk about is, do you see a big increase in human growth hormone and testosterone with just the X3 Bar resistance band training system? I know you mentioned men and steroids, and that’s something that people use to get results. But where naturally just through diet and your method of working out are you seeing a big boost in human growth hormone and testosterone?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Both.

Sara Banta: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. X3 Bar variable resistance training system stimulates a huge amount of both and the stabilization firing. In fact myself and my co-author, his name is Henry Alkire. You can just search both our names. We wrote a meta analysis, which is something I’ll never do again. That was such a inaudible. It’s just so much work to do a meta analysis. But that’s where you take all the research on one subject and you normalize with statistics. You weight the different studies to get a more definitive answer on a subject. Very difficult. Very time consuming. So we did that on a different instability interventions and instability interventions would load. And what we found was that if you can put a heavy load on the body while you’re unstable and you can self stabilize, you massively up regulate growth hormone. Over 2000% up regulate growth hormone. And so when you have X3 Bar resistance band bar system, I’m doing an overhead press and I’m holding the bar on my chin, then I push it up over my head, I go from holding 40 pounds to 100 pounds. And when that happens, I have to balance that load over my head. So my core is activated, my legs are activated, my calves are activated, even the smaller stabilization muscles like the hip flexors and the quadratus muscles, and the oblique muscles, and the tibialis muscles. They have to be firing to keep me stabilized. And that stabilization rapid firing keeps me balanced. That up regulates growth hormone.

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Sara Banta: That’s amazing. And if you think about it, when you’re just running for miles at a time, you’re not doing any of that. There’s nothing being-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk yes, you are. Because look at the scroll of a sprinter, it’s absolutely still by comparison to the rest of the body.

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you look at a distance runner, the heads bobbing up and down. So there’s no stabilization fire.

Sara Banta: Right. Well-

Dr. John Jaquish: Go ahead.

Sara Banta: Because I don’t want to run out of time, I want to talk about fasting, because I know that you eat only every 48 hours, which when people look at you and they look at the myth behind needing to eat all day long to build muscle and stimulate muscle growth, which you just absolutely throw that myth out of the water. Let’s talk about the benefits of fasting, what does your eating pattern look like? What are you putting on your plate? And just discussing the myths behind fasting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s hard to get fasting research done, because corporate interests have no reason to fund it. There’s no product to sell you when you’re not eating anything. Right?

Sara Banta: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So nobody is throwing money at this. But when you look at fasting, a lot of people say, “Well, it’s just the same as caloric restriction.” No, it’s not. There’s been a couple of experiments done where they’ll feed an animal or human, a couple of different studies. So here’s some animal model, and some of the most powerful studies are animal models, because you can do stuff to animals that people won’t adhere to, because you can’t put people in a cage and you don’t make them do what you want to do for the experiment. No one is going to sign up for that nor will the human ethics board sign off.

Sara Banta: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you take a group of mice and you give them access to food and they can eat as much as they want for 24 hours a day. And they’ll basically eat a little bit and then run around a little bit and do whatever they do. And then you look at their body composition over a period of time, a month or something like that. And then you measure what they ate on average. Then you take another group of mice and you give them the same exact amount of food, but only expose it to them for half an hour. And of course they eat it all, because they’re hungry. So same amount of calories, just the time absorb changes. The time restricted eating mice are leaner and stronger, and they built more muscle, they’ve lost body fat. And the ones who were eating all day, they got fatter and lost muscle.

Sara Banta: So what is the mechanism that is causing the fasting group to actually stimulate more muscle gain? I understand that when you’re fasting your body snacking on fat stores throughout the day, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. inaudible.

Sara Banta: So what-

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, your body becomes, a little bit of this is the theories that have been touched on in the discussion section. And I touched on this in the book, because it very important that I point out the difference. A lot of people don’t realize, studies aren’t supposed to come to conclusions that are like, “Here’s what people need to do.” That’s not how a study is written. A study is written so that it’s like, “Here’s the experiment we did, and here’s the results we got.” And that could mean one of many things or none of them. We need to do more research that. So it’s not as definitive. It’s not like a movie. Nobody blows up the death star.

It’s like you got an experiment, you got results and we can interpret the results or we may be wrong. So that’s one of the issues with the way health reporting goes when looking at studies. Because often they want to come, they look at a study and they say, “Well, what this means is you’re supposed to eat kale every day, or you’re never supposed to eat kale. Or tomatoes are poisonous or whatever. And it’s just not that simple. So when looking at the bigger picture… Let me go back to the first thing you asked, which is like, what are the markers of health that we need to look at? And what I determined is, there’s so much stuff in nutrition research and body composition research is conflicting.

What do you listen to? Well, there are two things that are identified as drivers of a long life that have no conflicting evidence. Those are a high level of strength, a low level of body fat. Be strong and be lean you’re going to live a long time. No argument there. So then when looking at all the confusing research, okay. Well, what’s going to make us strongest and leanest? Well, there are answers there and fascinating as part of it. That’s going to make you very lean and when you get off your faster period, you grow more muscle post fast than you would have if you had stayed in an anabolic state the entire time.

I think I may be like Henry and I are like the first ones to document this in a book. A study discovered it and didn’t really know what they were looking at. And they admitted. They were like, “We have no idea why these people put on muscle because they won’t even exercise.” And it was the fat, the group that was doing intermittent fasting. And I knew exactly why, because I saw it myself. I’d come off a fast and I have this tight feeling in every muscle after I’d exercise. And I go, “Okay, I got some blood in there.” But then the tight feeling didn’t go away. And it stayed, and stayed, and stayed. And a couple of days later like (beep), it’s like I grew, and watched it happen, and it’s like post time-restricted eating anabolic acceleration period.

And yeah, now that’s why I do that. Now, then your second question was, what do you put on your plate? That’s probably the most controversial thing in the book. And it shouldn’t be, because when looking, and you went through this exercise too. When you went and looked at how much protein does it take to go through protein synthesis to build new cells in the body, it’s staggering. And this is why we know, like when I look at that, that’s all the information I need to know. That veganism is going to go the way of bulemia. It’s a disorder. And I think people are just being so misled. And they’re being misled by Nabisco. Because Nabisco knows that vegans don’t eat vegetables, they eat cookies and crackers.

Sara Banta: All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because if they try and invest was, “I can’t get enough food.” If it got dense enough. So crosstalk.

Sara Banta: It’s funny crosstalk that, because there was a couple of days where I had, because I was doing a liver flush, I had to just eat vegetables. And I kept eating, and eating, and eating, and there was no satisfaction. crosstalk. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re hungry, you have nothing satiating.

Sara Banta: Right. Well, we only have a minute left. So I’d love for you to tell people real quick, what is on your plate?

Dr. John Jaquish: Steak.

Sara Banta: Steak.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s it. That’s really all I eat. I’ll eat some fish sometimes. I don’t always stick with it. It was an amazing moment the other day we were eating Sushi, I probably gave her the impression, I ain’t like that all the time. That’s kind of (beep) little rice there. But that’s not normally on the menu.

Sara Banta: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s inaudible.

Sara Banta: And it’s interesting you’re talking about this because I’m going through a process where I’m actually getting food sensitivities done for my own body. And there’s so many toxins in some vegetables that some people are okay with and some aren’t, and they could be causing major inflammation in the body. And the true elimination diet is the carnivore diet. So I always tell people, if you are really not being able to pinpoint what’s going on with you, then that would be a way to go. Before we end, because we were just out of time, can you please tell people where they can find X3 Bar resistance band bar system. Christmas times is coming up, guys. I mean, what an awesome present for the man and woman in your life. I’m going to be using it. And-

No Weights, No Cardio

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible two. Men and women get the same one. So-

Sara Banta: Awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: … inaudible can get one and enjoy.

Sara Banta: So tell people where they can find you.

John Jaquish: I built a landing page the other day, so I don’t have to give all my different identifiers. It’s, D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter

Sara Banta: Amazing. That’s easy.crosstalk.

John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, inaudible was done with it. I think he’s been fishing for the last 15 years, so crosstalk.

Sara Banta: Thank you so much for being here, John. We’ll have to have you back on because we ran out of time. But thank you- John Jaquish: Yeah. crosstalk.

Sara Banta: And John’s audience as well for joining us.Thanks, John. John

Jaquish: Thanks Sara.

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