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By Book Bites on August 20, 2020

Rethink Everything You Know About Fitness

Rethink Everything You Know About Fitness

The following is adapted from Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time, by John Jaquish.

Do any of these describe your experience with exercise?

  • Problem #1: Lifting weights year after year, yet continuing to look about the same.
  • Problem #2: Sustaining injuries or having chronic sore joints as a result of lifting weights.
  • Problem #3: Doing hours of cardio without significant weight loss or muscle gain.
  • Problem #4: Quitting exercise entirely or never starting a routine because you don’t have enough time.

If you’re like most people, at least one of these statements applies. Why? You might be surprised to learn your busy schedule isn’t actually the problem, and neither is how long or hard you work at the gym — it’s a gap in knowledge.

The Knowledge Gap

Most exercise routines mistakenly rely on principles scientifically disproven as many as forty years ago. This creates a tremendous disconnect between how people are exercising and what science shows us is the most efficient, effective way to work out and achieve measurable results.

What if you learned a better, faster way to build muscles and lose fat?

What if this method was scientifically proven, so you knew it was effective?

And what if — instead of the hours it takes to drive to the gym, work out, and then drive back again — your new regimen took approximately ten minutes a day and could be done at home with only a few key pieces of equipment?

Your problems with exercise would be solved. With the knowledge gap eliminated, you’d know exactly how to get the body you want, in far less time than you ever imagined. We have good news for you: we’ve done the research and have the science-backed answers you need to start getting far better results with a workout even the busiest people can fit into their day. The Key Discovery: Variable Capabilities across Our Range of Motion As biomedical engineers, my business partner, Henry, and I didn’t set out to disrupt the fitness industry. In the beginning, I was simply trying to help my mother manage a medical problem — osteoporosis.

In order to build density, most bones require a force of at least two times body weight to trigger an adaptive response. The problem is that conventional weight training can only generate peak forces just approaching 1.5 times body weight.

In order to create the force needed to build bone density, I had to invent a special Osteogenic Loading device, OsteoStrong, which is now in use in over 300 clinics worldwide.

As a direct result of testing done with OsteoStrong, I became the first scientist to fully quantify the maximum capacities for muscular output. Cross-referencing OsteoStrong user data with exercise statistics compiled annually by the American College of Sports Medicine, I determined a sevenfold difference between the average muscle load created in a typical fitness environment — on weight machines and when weightlifting — and what we are actually capable of doing.

I then took this information a step further, plotting a detailed force curve identifying peak capabilities throughout the entire range of motion, from weak to strong.

Consider a bench press. The weakest range is when the arms are fully contracted at the beginning of the lift, when the bar is just above your chest. The medium range occurs midway through the lift, with the barbell in between its highest and lowest position for the repetition. The strongest range is at the top of the rep, where the arms are nearly fully extended but the joints are not locked. Each range is capable of handling a different amount of weight. A New Type of Exercise

This realization isn’t earth-shattering. You likely already knew this intuitively, having experienced it firsthand while lifting. But when we really thought about it, a lightbulb went on: weightlifting has everything backwards.

Weightlifting doesn’t give people the results they’re looking for because it can’t provide the amount of force necessary to trigger muscle growth throughout the entire range of motion. Our weight choice is limited to what our weak range can handle, so we’re not effectively working our medium and strong ranges.

To maximize muscular growth and optimize the inefficiencies of weightlifting, you need a weight that changes as you move, giving you a lighter load in the weaker/joint-injury ranges of motion, normal heaviness in the middle ranges or motion, and a tremendously high weight in the impact-ready ranges of motion.

This realization led us to the creation of X3 workout bar system, an exercise system that does just that. By incorporating variable resistance training into your fitness routine — through a system like X3 Bar resistance band bar system — you can complete your workout in just ten minutes a day while achieving superior results. For more advice on optimizing your fitness routine, you can find Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time on Amazon.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish has been called “the Tony Stark of the fitness industry” by multiple media outlets. He is the inventor of the world’s most effective bone density building medical device and has partnered with Tony Robbins. Scientific discoveries based on his first invention drove his second invention, X3 Bar portable home gym: the world’s most powerful muscle building device. Henry Alkire is a biomedical engineer who has worked with Dr. Jaquish since 2012 on engineering, drafting patents, and authoring some of the most complex scientific research in the fitness industry.

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