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By TOT Revolution on October 10, 2019

How the X3 Bar Can Help You Lift Efficiently & Reduce Joint Overload w/Dr. John Jaquish

How the X3 Bar Can Help You Lift Efficiently & Reduce Joint Overload w/Dr. John Jaquish

People are constantly encouraged to lift weights, but often the methods and equipment they use fail to change their physique and even cause injury. What is at the root of inefficient weight lifting that plagues so many workouts? How can you get your central nervous system to help you build muscle? What is the X3 workout bar system, and why it is the secret to growing muscle and reducing joint pain?

On this episode, I’m joined by author, entrepreneur and founder of the X3 Bar variable resistance system, Dr. John Jaquish, who shares how his invention is making a real impact in helping people grow stronger.

Being strong and lean are the two biggest determinants of long life. -Dr. John Jaquish

Three Takeaways

You don’t just go to the gym to lift weights. You go to contract muscle fibers to build up your muscles and bone density.

A lot of the soreness people experience after lifting isn’t caused by lactic acid. It’s just joint damage, which doesn’t do anything for your muscles.

Think of the central nervous system as an engineering team of deaf and blind entities in your body that can only communicate based on the environment you create in the body.

When you do fasted cardio, you reduce growth hormone and increase cortisol. When you lift, you increase growth hormone, which is important in improving your skeletal health. At the start of the show, John shared what led to the creation of The X3 Bar resistance band bar system, and why triggering adaptation in older people is so powerful. Next, we talked about the lessons John learned from gymnasts and why people are more powerful in the impact-ready range of motion. We discussed how to communicate with the central nervous system, and how the X3 Bar portable home gym triggers androgen receptor sensitivity.

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We also discussed:

The dangers of high pain tolerance The connection between The X3 Bar resistance band bar system, testosterone and androgen receptors The growth hormone effect of the X3 Bar variable resistance training system

Going to the gym shouldn’t just be about how much we lift, but about contracting our muscles so that they grow. If our weightlifting is overloading our joints and underloading our muscle, there’s so much potential we’re leaving on the table. How we lift weights needs to help our central nervous system increase growth hormone. To do that you need to train at the right intensity in impact-ready positions. The body is incredibly efficient if we know exactly how to train it.

Guest Bio-

John Jaquish, PhD, is an author and the inventor of the most effective bone density building medical device, which has reversed osteoporosis for thousands and created more powerful and fracture resistant athletes. His devices were put into production, and has since been placed in over 300 clinics worldwide. Osteogenic Loading has now helped over 20,000 individuals with their bone health.

Full Transcript

Jay Campbell: Hey, guys. What is going on? It’s Jay Campbell, of course, the author of a bunch of different books, and of course the founder of TOT Revolution and of TOT Revolution Podcast. Very excited today to be joined in my virtual studio with John Jaquish. Is that how you pronounce it, John?

Dr. John Jaquish: Jaquish. Jaquish. Yeah, everybody sees it written. Not many people say it.

Jay Campbell: I know. I know I was about to say it right, right? Anyway, John doesn’t really need an introduction, but I’m going to give you guys one, anyway. He is obviously a PhD and founder of Biomedical. He’s created an absolutely amazing device called the X3 Bar resistance band training system, which we’re going to talk about a lot today. John has a very, very illustrious background. He’s connected to Anthony Robbins. He’s done a lot of work for and with Anthony Robbins. Again, you guys can Google him and read about him. He presents at a lot of the top medical conferences. He’s a really, really brilliant guy and it’s an honor to have him here today. John, man, how are you, brother?

Dr. John Jaquish: Jay, thanks for having me. I’m doing great.

Jay Campbell: Awesome, man. Well again, it’s an honor. I’m humbled and privileged to have you here today. As I always do on the Revolution Podcast, before we jump into the topics, I want to just get your feedback on how did Dr. John get to where he is here today?

Dr. John Jaquish: The whole start of everything … I was talking to Chris Bell the other day and he says to me, “You came out of nowhere two years ago.” I said, “Well, it’s because I’m from the medical device industry.” I’ve not been part of the fitness industry. I’ve definitely paid attention to it. I like fitness, but I started this whole journey based on a medical device I created to treat my mother’s osteoporosis.

Jay Campbell: Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Older people are the best … See, this is I think a mistake that a lot of us sports performance experts make. If you can trigger an adaptation in an older person, you can trigger it in anyone.

Jay Campbell: Right. Agreed.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because they’re compromised. They have a poorer metabolism, poorer absorption of nutrition. They don’t have the biomechanics. They’re loaded with fears of losing independence and injury. Whey they take elite athletes and they run a test, I’m like, “Okay, great.” That might only work for those-

Jay Campbell: Elite athletes. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Those absolutely genetically gifted people. Well, what about the rest of us? I think part of the problem is a lot of the people, when they read research, they like to believe that … Everybody in fitness likes to believe that they are elite athletes. Not at all. Not even close. They’re incredibly not gifted.

Jay Campbell: That’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I liked that, but that’s not why I started with my mother. My mother was diagnosed with osteoporosis and she was miserable. I thought, “Okay. How do I fix this?” She didn’t want to take any of the medications. I read the side effects of the medications that are out there, and even currently out there. Nothing’s really changed.

Jay Campbell: Yeah. No.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I thought, “Okay. What if …” It was me talking to my mother. This is part of the reason I think Chris Bell says, he says, “Okay. We can hang out because if you’re from the fitness industry, I just really want nothing to do with you,” which I thought was really funny, but what I did was I looked at … I said, “I’m going to find the population. I’m going to find a group of people who have superhuman bone density. I’m sure they’re out there.” There’s always some group that they’re outliers. Figure out how they became outliers. I said this off the cuff, in the moment. Sure enough, there are. There is a group of people that has absolutely superhuman bone density. It’s gymnasts.

Jay Campbell: Yeah, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s because of the rate at which they hit the ground. When they hit the ground, sometimes … When they do a dismount from uneven bars, when they flip and then they stick their landing, sometimes they get 10 times their body weight through their hip joint.

Jay Campbell: I’m sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: It forces an impact far greater than forces in lifting because you’re isolating just the absolute perfect ranges of motion. In fact, gymnastics is almost the practice of impact absorption.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s also great to study scientifically because they are trained to repeat a movement with such accuracy, with such repeatability that we can study it because other things, like when you look at fighters or whatever, they’re doing something a little bit different every time. Every time they make contact with their fists or they shoot to grapple somebody and take them down. It’s like the ocean. It’s just like every wave is different. Every take down is different, so you can’t really study them like you can gymnasts. So I found this population. Of course, I wasn’t going to tell my mother, who was in her 70s, to go be a gymnast, but what I could do … I said, “I’ve got it. I’m going to create a device that gives you the benefit of high impact without the risks of high impact,” because you hear … Older people are always told to avoid impact. There’s a reason, because impact creates injuries. It’s also the most powerful stimulus that’s going to go into the body. What I did was I developed a series of medical devices that are robotic and they have computerized biofeedback on them to allow people to self-create force in the absolute optimized position. For example, in the upper body, right here, 120-degree angle from upper to lower arm, back of the hand in line with the clavicle. That is how I’m either going to absorb or create the greatest force. So incredibly powerful. Everybody, even little old ladies, are far more powerful. We’re talking hundreds of pounds the first time they use it.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Women in their 90s are sometimes pushing 150, 200 pounds.

Jay Campbell: Amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: But just in that position because we … Our own reflexes know where we are the most powerful.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Basically, and I determined this through some research I did at a hospital in London with my first prototype medical device, humans are seven times more powerful in the impact body range of motion than they are in the weaker range of motion, but when we lift, we choose the weight that we can handle in the weakest range of motion. Peter Attia says this best. When we lift, we’re overloading joints and under loading muscle.

Jay Campbell: Right, right, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: He says it over and over again. It’s like the guy has been reading my email.

Jay Campbell: By the way, that’s an awesome point. Let me just hold you to that real quick because it just triggered my brain, too. So the longer anatomically someone is … Right? I’m a long-armed neanderthal, height, percentage neanderthal DNA, heavy bones … I’m 6'1" and a half. Shrinking obviously at 48 now. Spinal degradation. I just have always had that long arm syndrome. I don’t have the … What do you call it? The mechanical leverage advantage that a shorter limbed person has. So that to me just-

Dr. John Jaquish: Fix that problem.

Jay Campbell: Yes. Exactly. That struck a chord with me, with the idea … Peter’s comment that your device is literally built … Again, it works for everybody, but it’s really built for people that do have those disadvantages anatomically.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it is like a-

Jay Campbell: All right, dude. Well, you’ve got to send it to me. This podcast-

Dr. John Jaquish: Absolutely. I’m going to send you one. Of course I’m going to send you one. If you had asked Chelsea, she would have already sent you one.

Jay Campbell: Dude, when I travel around the world, this is my gym now, huh?

Dr. John Jaquish: I bring it everywhere.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: I just got back from a trip. The reason we had to put this off was because I was in Italy and then Athens.

Jay Campbell: inaudible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I know. It was Italy, Athens and then inaudible Cypress.

Jay Campbell: Awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We had the Mediterranean Congress on Anti-aging.

Jay Campbell: So how bad are they over there right now as far as … Because obviously, I haven’t been to Europe since … When was it? I was actually two years since I’ve been to Europe. Last year, we went to Thailand and we went to China. There’s just no fitness, bro. There’s a couple of Muay Thai gyms in Thailand, but where there in Greece … I know there’s body builders in Greece, but what would you compare the level of want to, from a fitness desiring standpoint, to the States? Is it even comparable?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll tell you what.

Jay Campbell: It’s growing?

Dr. John Jaquish: People are very much the same in their desires worldwide.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I get stopped on the street and it’s the same thing. If I walk into a grocery store in the United States, some 15-year-old guy is going to run up to me and grab me by the shoulder and be like, “Dude, what do you do?”

Jay Campbell: Right. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: “You’re in incredible shape. How do I do what you did?”

Jay Campbell: We’re outliers though now, bro. Like when my wife and I travel, people stare at us like … You know what I mean.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. My point is this happens in every country. It’s exactly the same.

Jay Campbell: So people all desire to be fit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Part of the problem … Greece has I hear anywhere from 35 to 40% unemployment. I can’t get a straight answer.

Jay Campbell: Yeah, yeah. Socialism.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: I’m sorry. Back to point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. No, no, no. Let me just add to that. They ran out of other people’s money.

Jay Campbell: Hey, we’re following the plan, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, definitely. They’ve definitely set themselves on fire when it comes to their economics. They’ve actually ran out of other people’s money a number of times.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They don’t have the same venues that we do, so I think that’s part of it-

Jay Campbell: So infrastructure is an issue.

Dr. John Jaquish: Say it again.

Jay Campbell: I said infrastructure is an issue. They don’t have all the gyms. They don’t have the push-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk Yeah. A big box gym as we know it in the States is just not going to be financially viable in Greece. I mean even in some of the wealthiest areas of Athens. I went to the top gym there and met with the guys. They’re going to add inaudible to everything we’re doing, but I was like, “Well, what about people using this at home?” They went, “Yeah.” It’s hard. People don’t have a good read on what they really need to do. It’s sort of like you’re an athlete and that’s how you become in shape. At least that’s the vibe that I got.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: But then in Russia, fitness is huge.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Big box gyms, just like the States.

Jay Campbell: Yeah. I think a lot of the Slavic, like Bulgaria, it’s huge, but those nations have been into the fitness … Track and fields, Olympic weightlifting for a long time. That’s definitely gone into the overall population.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. United Kingdom, it’s big. I see a lot of in shape people in the United Kingdom.

Jay Campbell: Good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. France, different, but it’s still there. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: It’s mind-blowing to me that the French … Because we just came back to South Beach this past weekend at the inaudible Conferences, I was telling you. We went into the part of Miami that’s all Italian and French to have dinner. Really amazing, authentic. Those people eat like shit, bro. They’re so thin and skinny fat waist … Just thin-boned and little, but do you think that’s just because they ambulate everywhere? They walk everywhere. Their lifestyle is all about motion because you don’t see any of them fat.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Some of it’s portion control. Some of it is they’re getting their calories. I have mixed feelings about giving this piece of advice, but given who you have on your show and how smart your listener is, there is an advantage to excessive alcohol consumption from the perspective … Right? If you’re drinking a lot of alcohol, you’re getting a lot of calories from it, but you’re not influencing your insulin sensitivity.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re getting calories. They’re becoming somewhat satiated by that alcohol.

Jay Campbell: I’ve got you.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s given them liver damage.

Jay Campbell: Well, yeah. There’s also the dieresis effect, right? The alcohol is being pushed out, too. So yeah. It seems like all they eat is cheese, a little bit of bread. They love pizza. They love those thin-crust stuff. You’re right. They drink wine.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of it. A lot. They drink wine like water.

Jay Campbell: Honest to God, dude, I’ve been there a couple times, but just traveling the world, I don’t think I’ve ever … I know this is an outlier exaggeration, but I’ve never seen a fat French person. Never.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re there.

Jay Campbell: You’ve seen a couple, right? They’ve been westernized. How about that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. I think excessive portions, fried foods, chronic cellular inflammation. They don’t have a lot of inflammatories in their nutrition. Also, keep in mind, they don’t have the same gluten issues that we do here because their wheat is not-

Jay Campbell: Everything is pretty much fresh and natural over there compared to-

Dr. John Jaquish: No human should really ever eat any grain.

Jay Campbell: I know, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: I tell people, “You eat fruit and then you carry the seeds inside you. The idea is they pass through you and then it becomes another fruit tree.” When you’re eating seeds, you’re literally eating the children of the plant.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s things in those seeds, in all of them, that are anti-nutrients. They’re toxic. They’re meant to slow you down and keep you-

Jay Campbell: Phytic acid.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So when people say, “Oh, I do chia seeds,” or, “I do this,” or, “I do that,” or … Especially when they call it a super food.

Jay Campbell: Oh, god.

Dr. John Jaquish: I hate that term. I hate that term so much. Usually just to end the conversation, I say, “There’s only one super food. It’s steak.”

Jay Campbell: No shit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Oh, man. Don’t even get me going on the whole vegan stuff. Yeah. No, no, no. I totally agree with you. Let’s talk just a little bit more about the inaudible and then we’ll get into talking about some androgen receptor stuff. Sensitivity-

Dr. John Jaquish: Great. Great.

Jay Campbell: Communicating with your central nervous system to give you what you wat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Okay. Based on the work I did with older people with bone density and then when I invented X3 Bar variable resistance system, I wanted to create something where load was delivered to the body. Force was delivered to the body in accordance … I’ve got a visual aid here. In accordance with our normalized curve. You’re weak here, a little bit stronger here and you’re a lot stronger here.

Jay Campbell: Right. Block out. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, but that’s not the way we exercise. When I found this sevenfold difference in … I didn’t quite say it like this, but I thought, “Oh, man. Weightlifting doesn’t make any sense at all.” We’re overloading our joints, under loading our muscle, but under loading the muscle by a massive extreme degree. We have so much more potential we’re not tapping into. Then on top of this, we’re getting cumulative joint damage.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you’re 16 years old and your tendons and ligaments are more powerful than your muscle is, you can put on 10 pounds of muscle within a couple weeks of lifting. All right. This is where fitness-

Jay Campbell: I’m going to be Mighty Mouse in five years.

Dr. John Jaquish: Exactly. I’m going to look better than Arnold Schwarzenegger inaudible. Let’s see. I’ve been lifting for six weeks. I put on 10 pounds.

Jay Campbell: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you draw a graph that’s just going like this, they’re like, “I’m going to be unbelievable.” Sure enough, a couple weeks later, growth comes to a halt and they’re like, “My joints just are sore.” So what happens is the muscle becomes as powerful as the tendons and ligaments will allow and the weaker range of motion. They keep going through this weaker range of motion torture. What stops you when you lift when you are strong? This is only when you are strong. You’re not strong, then you’re probably actually triggering some muscle growth. But when you’re a strong person … Strong is relative.

Jay Campbell: Yeah, of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re actually limited by a process called neural inhibition.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you feel pain, there’s a lot of people who are like, “Oh, I’m tough. I can power through that.” No, you can’t. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: By the way, Anthony Jay talks about that when he codes your DNA, right? There are people through their DNA tests that can … Their codons say that they can handle extreme levels of pain, and like you just said, push through it, but they are a very small-

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re also creating damage.

Jay Campbell: Oh, absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: A high tolerance for pain is-

Jay Campbell: Not good.

Dr. John Jaquish: I would say often associated … There’s no research on this, but it’s most likely often associated with a lifetime of chronic joint dysfunction.

Jay Campbell: You mean all the big guys in Elite? The power lifters who are in their 60s, still doing single maxes with 800 pounds on the back?

Dr. John Jaquish: Does Tom Platz still squat with his ass to the floor?

Jay Campbell: I see these guys, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: I can’t even raise his arm over-

Jay Campbell: I see these guys in their 50s, still putting on three fucking plates, John, on the goddamn squat rack and I’m thinking … One of my closest friends is a really, super high-level back guy. He’s so smart. He’s got all the structural analysis. You’ve seen it, too. What you are doing to spinal compression in the discs. It’s like you are one just smidgen of paralysis.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, and then also, carrying a load on your back. Do we do that?

Jay Campbell: Dude, it’s just so stupid.

Dr. John Jaquish: Do we do that? Do we carry loads on our backs?

Jay Campbell: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not functional.

Jay Campbell: Navy SEALs do, bro. That’s it.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible the most functional thing.

Jay Campbell: A Navy SEAL carrying-

Dr. John Jaquish: crosstalk What planet? How about this one? How about this one? Somebody said this the other day in a comment. Normally I think internet commenters should all just be … I would love to disable all comments on everything.

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I put it up there. It’s like, “Watch it. If you don’t-”

Jay Campbell: You just move on. You read it and you move on. Never go down into the vortex.

Dr. John Jaquish: You go to push something away from you and you’re going to put your hands like I mentioned, 120-degree angle, the impact ready position. Our reflexes know it.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your hands are going to be in line with your shoulders.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Why is it that when people want to bench press, they take a really wide stance? You would never spread your arms out and put them like this to grab a hold of something and start pushing it. That would be ridiculous.

Jay Campbell: You’ve seen this. It goes back to the farm boys, right? You’ve seen farm boys who have been literally picking up bales of hay their whole life. They’re strong as absolute get out through the traps and center core, and obviously in the back, upper back, trapezius and all that stuff. Super inaudible. Literally, you can put these guys who have never lifted a day in their life and you can put them on a bench press and they can do 315 pounds, like four reps, just again because of that strength right there. You’re right, dude. There’s zero correlation to chest strength or development when you do that.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Well, and the reason they do that is because they’re bypassing the weaker range with the biomechanics. It’s like a sumo deadlift.

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Look. If you’re in a contest and the object is to-

Jay Campbell: To lift the most.

Dr. John Jaquish: inaudible bring it down to your chest, get it back up. Obviously, you’re going to be at a mechanical advantage by spreading your hands out, but in training … What are you trying to do in training? Are you trying to bench press so you can talk about it or are you trying to bench press so you get stronger? Because if you want to get stronger, then your hands should be in here.

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, you get a greater range of motion.

Jay Campbell: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Especially with X3 Bar variable resistance training system. So we vary the range of motion. When I bench, I’m holding 500 pounds here, 300 pounds here and 100 pounds here.

Jay Campbell: Right. So the 100 pounds there is almost no tension on the joints. Over time, you’re-

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, the joints can handle it fine. I go to fatigue and diminishing range. Let’s say I get here 15 times and then I have another five or six repetitions. In the middle of my last repetition, it may only be one inch off of my chest, but it’s with 100 pounds. So guess what? Nothing is happening adverse to the joints, but the muscle is devastated.

Jay Campbell: Just blown away.

Dr. John Jaquish: That triggers growth.

Jay Campbell: Okay. Another thing just came to my head, which is awesome, on your device, is … Because I always say this, right? Whenever I have experts like you on the show, we always agree. John, the average person doesn’t know how to stimulate muscle. Right? I always say the average person goes to the gym to lift weights. They don’t go to contract muscle fibers.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Until you learn the difference, you’re not going to ever build a quality physique. So that’s what you get. You hack through the understanding of actually … Everything you do with your device is contracting fiber, isn’t it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, absolutely. We have constant tension. You never lock out at the top. You never lock out at the bottom.

Jay Campbell: That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: In fact, it is designed so that it’s an unpleasant experience if you let slack happen because then the band jumps out of place.

Jay Campbell: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: You actually can’t. I made it idiot-proof.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: On a bench press and chess press, if you let it go slack, it slides down your back and you can’t continue.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you have to keep tension on it to do it right. It’s an Apple computer mentality, where they sit down at Apple and they say, “We’re not going to let you use our product incorrectly so that you have a negative experience.”

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s going to be right every time. That’s the approach I took. The device is simple, but there’s nothing more complex-

Jay Campbell: Too bad they didn’t clone Steve Jobs because dude, you know … I already know from you just saying that. We’re both Apple dorks. Dude, their hardware has gone like this now. It’s all Chinese quality components. I bought the highest end MacBook Pro in the end of 2016. The new release versions. You know, the slate gray one. Bro, it already heats while spinning on me. I’ve got it maxed out in every way.

Dr. John Jaquish: Really?

Jay Campbell: I didn’t even get three years. It died.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s still the best in the industry.

Jay Campbell: No doubt. No doubt.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: But still. Again, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: It happens. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: It’s where we’re at now.

Dr. John Jaquish: Let me get back to your question. In sports performance, and this is the approach I took with the bone density and in muscle building from an X3 Bar perspective. I’d like to change the thinking and talk track of everybody in the world because at some point, I’m not going to walk around and say, “Weightlifting is a Waste of Time.” I mean I won’t say it, but by comparison, when you look at it, there is a way better way to train.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you want your central nervous system to make a change in your body, which is … That’s the only decision making process. The central nervous system is going to up regulate a hormone, down regulate a hormone. Other growth actors. Growth limiting actors, like Myostatin, whatever. What is it? What do we need to do to talk to our central nervous system, “Yeah, I could really lose five pounds”? That’s what people think they’re doing by going through these just terrible routines or taking a supplement or something like that. You take something that’s a metabolic stimulant. I don’t know. Name one.

Jay Campbell: Anything.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bark extract or something like that. They think that that’s the signal to the central nervous system, but think about the central nervous system in a way where it’s an engineering team. A team of deaf and blind entities living in your body. They can only communicate with you based on one thing: environment.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you eat something, that’s not an environment. It’s not. Based on tissue … Maybe you’re going to eat something. You’re going to try and make a change from a digestive standpoint. Ultimately, what you want to do is put your body in a situation where the central nervous system says, “Oh, we’ve got to build some serious muscle,” or, “Oh, we’ve got to get rid of a bunch of body fat.” For example, people who wake up and do fasted cardio. They increase their cortisol by doing that.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They decrease growth hormone by doing that. Then they go and lift. Assuming they don’t use machines and they use free weights, now they’re doing the opposite. They’re increasing hormone and suppressing cortisol. So what happens to their physique? Nothing.

Jay Campbell: Well, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Yeah. Or they’re just getting older. They’re more compromised. They’re beating up on their joints while they’re lifting, so they end up … Just absolutely nothing happens because they’re giving conflicting information to that engineering team.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I tell people, “Look at sprinters. You think they ever go into caloric deficit?”

Jay Campbell: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re the leanest athletes. They’re not low energy. Now some of them are becoming ketogenic and they’re getting even better, which I’m fascinated by because I never thought that they …

Jay Campbell: Right. Understanding the energy-

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m a ketogenic nutrition fan, mostly for the dietary … The satiation aspects ketogenic nutrition. I think a lot of people build it up to be like you become a jedi if you go to ketogenic nutrition. No, not really.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You create a situation when you’re a sprinter where that central nervous system says, “Oh, we’ve got to become a inaudible.”

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’ve got to increase growth hormones, which is going to build the engine muscle. It’s also going to build the thickness of tendons and ligaments. We need a smaller gas tank. So we don’t need this fat we’re carrying around. Suppress cortisol. We’ve got to get rid of all that shit. We don’t want that. A sprinter becomes a Formula One car because it’s behaving like a Formula One car. Somebody who goes and does cardio, you’re trying to become a Prius.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So you’re going to shrink your engine. You’re going to lose your bone density by increasing cortisol. You lose bone mass, which is going to limit your ability to put on muscle. Then the cortisol is actually forcing you to store as much body fat as possible. There’s 40 years of research on this.

Jay Campbell: Yeah, I know. I’m with you. There’s not-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. The sports performance industry just … Well, I shouldn’t say sports performance. Elite athletes and coaches, they understand this, but you still talk to the average trainer at the average gym. They’re like, “Oh, yeah. Cardio is for fat loss and strength training is for muscularity.” You’re like, “Dude, no.” It’s not even oversimplified. It’s completely, 100% wrong.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Communicating with the central nervous system is all based on environment. So when you do an X3 portable gym session, it is the most devastating stimulus to muscle. Absolute exhaustion. By the way, you’re never sore from it because a lot of the soreness that we think is lactic acid is just damage to the joint.

Trusted by ProfessionalAthletes Worldwide

Jay Campbell: Yeah. I was going to say joint capsule damage. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Jay Campbell: I can’t wait to use it because I have an irradiated ulnar nerve in my right arm. Yeah, I’ve done everything. Red light. I haven’t done PRP or anything like that. I don’t need to. I do a lot of deep tissue, craniosacral, ART, all of that, but it’s just I’m 48 years old now. Like I told you, I’ve got long arms and tendons and attachments. This god damn thing is screwed now.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: I can’t wait to attempt to use this. I know Tim has been saying-

Dr. John Jaquish: You have damage from lifting. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: I didn’t know it is. It’s wear and tear, bro. It’s absolutely wear and tear.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. People think, “Oh, yeah. I’m hard on my shoulder. If I just lay off it for a week, I’ll be fine.” No. No, that stuff stacks up.

Jay Campbell: Absolutely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. If you look at people with osteoarthritis, they’re bone on bone. They go, “How did this happen?” It’s not like-

Jay Campbell: All those years of squatting, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: The one Tuesday when you slipped on your kids’ toy car on the hardwood floor.

Jay Campbell: Hilarious.

Dr. John Jaquish: This is years of inappropriate biomechanics, inappropriate lifting or appropriate lifting, but just going into the weak range with heavy loads. It is hurting you and it’s hurting you. It’s not a mystery. You’re screwing up the joint and it’s getting more and more screwed up as you progress or not progress over time.

Jay Campbell: Or not.

Dr. John Jaquish: These repetitive injuries. That’s all they are. You can avoid all of that. That’s why I created X3 Bar exercise band bar system.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome. All right. We’ve been on for about 35 minutes. It’s been an absolutely fascinating discussion. I’m not close to being done with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve answered one of your questions.

Jay Campbell: Yeah. I have three more bullet points. They’re very important, obviously, relevant to the audience. Right? So you also, being who you are, you design this device to turn on androgen receptors. Again, let me just preface that. The average person who watches … My site knows what an androgen receptor is, but for those of you who don’t, essentially androgen receptors are the cells, the satellite muscle cells in the body that are turned on or off. They’re usually there due to DNA, right? DNA is malleable, but they are there as a set amount. Your parents have given them to you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Obviously, we can use testosterone, other performance-enhancing agents, growth hormone, blah, blah, blah. Peptides. There is some up regulation. So just talk about what you did in designing the device to trigger androgen receptor sensitivity.

Dr. John Jaquish: When it comes to triggering the maximum amount of antigen receptors, the most important thing is heavy. You’ve got to get heavy loads on the body for testosterone. Well, androgen receptors, testosterone and other agents like that. If you’re putting heavy loads on the body … Every once in a while, you see different people making arguments about TRX or whatever, where you’re really high repetition. Okay. There’s probably very strong people out there who have some incredible muscularity who do go high reps. That’s not how they got there.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not at all. They will not get any better doing the high … Maybe they’re doing high repetition stuff because they have so much joint pain-

Jay Campbell: John, I was literally just going to say that. I’m now training my buddy, Jim Brown, who was just on Chris’s show, too. He created a form of training called Forged. It’s basically a hybrid of Dante, dog crap and him training under him for a long time, but it’s just high reps. It’s realistically the result of what you’ve already said. The cumulative 25 years of just destruction of the joint cavity and joint capsules on the body. Now it’s just high rep ranges. Listen. I enjoy training and high rep ranges. By the way, I do no free weights pretty much at this point now because like I already said, it’s pointless. I’ll just use different machines that are built for my body, but I can’t wait to start using your device because obviously I’m going to be able to stimulate fibers a lot better.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You will grow muscle for the first time in probably many years.

Jay Campbell: I can’t wait.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it’s awesome. In the first two years I’ve had it, I put on 45 pounds of mass. I’m over 40 years old.

Jay Campbell: Wow. How old are you?

Dr. John Jaquish: That never happens. Not with anybody.

Jay Campbell: How old are you?

Dr. John Jaquish: 42.

Jay Campbell: Awesome, man. I’m 48, so I’ve got six years on you, bro. Six more years of wear and tear, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: Check out the website. There’s guys in their late 40s, early 50s, who are putting on 20, 30 pounds-

Jay Campbell: I can’t wait, dude. I’m excited.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Go to the website. Take a look at before and afters. I intentionally … If somebody who’s 23 gives me a before and after, I’m like, “You know what? Cool, dude. Good for you.”

Jay Campbell: That means nothing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, because like I said, you take a person who somebody would say … Like a 50-year-old guy. “Oh, he’ll never be able to build muscle.”

Jay Campbell: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: For the first time in his life, he puts on an incredible amount of mass. Now that’s groundbreaking. That’s why this is an absolute revolutionary technology.

Jay Campbell: Can you text Chelsea right now?

Dr. John Jaquish: I will.

Jay Campbell: I’m just kidding.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll text her as soon as I’m off. Okay. Your third bullet point is testosterone. It goes right along with the androgen receptors. You’re going to be able to either up regulate or use more testosterone and more androgen receptors.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s all about heavy. X-ray uses a strategy. Get incredible forces at actually pretty high reps we go 15 to 40 reps.

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome. I’m sold.

Dr. John Jaquish: 15 to 40 reps. I use the X3 Elite Band. I’m actually right around 18 repetitions with the X3 Elite Band that’s 500 pounds when I’m in the stronger range of motion. I not only am loading the body with 500 pounds, but I’m hitting it for many repetitions what some would call high reps. It’s different because you’re fatiguing the stronger range of motion, which actually gives you more of a gymnast type of effect.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Building its myofiber growth.

Jay Campbell: Well, and two is there’s various energy systems. Right? We know of three. There’s probably more, but we know of three. So when you’re training in that range, you’re hitting all three. That’s what all those strength guys … Again, I don’t want to insult anybody.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

Jay Campbell: They missed it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They’re not getting it. Also, they’re competing for the-

Jay Campbell: I know.

Dr. John Jaquish: They have to keep that neuro pattern-

Jay Campbell: I get it, but when you’ve got young kids reading those books, thinking that that’s the way to build muscle, they’re so misled.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well also, a lot of people don’t know about X3 Bar portable home gym yet.

Jay Campbell: No, totally, but I’m just saying. You know what I mean. All these gifted, well-known … Without mentioning names of people who have written these amazing books on strength training and biomechanics. Dude, they’re missing the point of why most people lift, which is to look better naked, to have functional strength.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You’re doing it to get stronger. You’re not doing it so you can talk about what your bench press is.

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, by the way, if you lift to get stronger … You use X3 Bar resistance band bar system and you also stay in practice for doing your competitive lifts, you’re going to be smashing records.

Jay Campbell: Both. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Everybody who’s used the product says, “I’m the strongest I’ve ever been in my life. I don’t care what I do.”

Jay Campbell: That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

Jay Campbell: Awesome. I can’t wait to try it, dude. Shit. You’re going to change my life. You’re telling me I can cancel my freaking gym memberships? Membership.

Dr. John Jaquish: I haven’t been to the gym in three years.

Jay Campbell: Wow. Awesome. Well, I can’t wait for Tim to read this because he’s been telling me, “Dude, I’m telling you, I’m telling you, I’m telling you.” Whatever, bro. I will say this just to counter point. There are brothers out there that they’ve got to be in the gym, dude. It’s like genetic disposition. “I’ve got to be at the gym to look at myself in the mirror when I’m pumped up, bro.”

Dr. John Jaquish: It may be that that’s their social place or mentally-

Jay Campbell: It’s so pathetic.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, there’s a lot of people who bring their X3 Bar variable resistance training systems to the gym.

Jay Campbell: I was just going to say that to you, dude.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not the decision I would make, but I get it. They envision themselves … “This is where I exercise.”

Jay Campbell: People walk up to them like, “Hey, man. What’s that?”

Dr. John Jaquish: They bring their X3 variable resistance exercise system in their gym bag. They go to the gym. They take it out. All they use is the equipment they brought.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Jay Campbell: That’s hilarious. That’s awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re like, “I don’t have to wait in line for anything.”

Jay Campbell: That’s epic.

Dr. John Jaquish: I own the equipment I’m using. They’re really just using the mirrors. Then they just pack it up and they leave, but they still get to go to the gym and they’re using a superior …

Jay Campbell: That’s awesome. So this brings up two more bullet points and we’ll just hit them both at the same time. Then you can tell people how they can work with it and they can reach out to you, and obviously get this product. I like this. Testosterone and strategies to treating your body’s androgynous production to enhance, increase, whatever, and then also the same thing for GH. So talk about that.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a number of reasons why growth hormone gets up regulated. Like I said, it’s that central nervous system decision. Like, “Oh, we need growth hormone to build tendons, ligaments, musculature.” It’s more specifically the myofibril stimulus. That’s another heavy type thing, but was very interesting. Well, myself and Henry inaudible, we wrote a meta analysis together. This is my only meta analysis I’ve ever done. They’re a total pain in the ass.

Jay Campbell: I was going to say, it’s your first and your last, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll probably end up doing another one, to tell you the truth.

Jay Campbell: Just make sure somebody pays you to do it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Well, there may be another product I’m-

Jay Campbell: Maybe, but that’s another podcast, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. These meta analysis, they’re really, really difficult. So we found 23 different peer-reviewed published data sets showing the reaction to loss of stabilization. Up regulates inaudible firing. Reflexes all over the body. For example, I use sprinters. The skull of a sprinter, their stride is much longer than a distance runner, but their head looks like it’s lined up with a razor.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Their head doesn’t bob up and down whereas a distance runner, their head is bobbing up and down with every step they take because they’re trying to minimize the amount of contraction. They’re trying to be as efficient as possible. They’re leaned forward. They’re almost in a controlled fall with these … So a sprinter is not moving with efficiency. That individual is moving to create the greatest amount of speed possible.

Jay Campbell: Max force.

Dr. John Jaquish: A great amount of speed requires a lot of reflexes to fire in rapid succession. When that happens, central nervous system says, “Oh, we need to be more powerful.”

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We up regulate growth hormone and down regulate cortisol, but the axis is not about speed because your central nervous system doesn’t know how fast you’re going. It’s about the reflexes. When you’re unstable in a squat, when you’re like … I’m going to use a front squat as an example because it’s far superior to a back squat, but when you’re balancing a bar right here and your core has to be engaged to keep you from tipping over … There’s a great study that looks at squatting and leg pressing, where the leg press is … People are handling two to three times more weight.

Dr. John Jaquish: Leg presses. There is zero up regulation of growth hormone. There was 600% up regulation over baseline with the people who were free weight squatting. When people ask me, “Are you ever going to do X3 Bar machines, where you can sit in a seat and do a chest press or whatever?” No.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. That free motion of emulating weightlifting with barbells and dumbbells, that has stabilization. That up regulates growth hormones. Some of these guys who are using X3 Bar portable home gym, they don’t even change their nutrition. They drop 20 pounds of body fat. Well, it’s because they’ve got growth hormone going on, but also keep in mind, more weight equals more stabilization. It dovetails right in with the testosterone argument. So I may be holding 100 pounds here when I’m doing an overhead press, but it’s 200 pounds when I’m over my head.

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because the weight goes up as I go into that more powerful range of motion. My whole body and my core is all lit up to try and stabilize me.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: In that stabilization, firing growth hormone skyrockets. Then some of the more powerful studies, which are done by the more athletic people, saw over 2000% increase in growth hormone. This is in a couple minutes.

Jay Campbell: That’s amazing, man.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Some of the ones that were done with elderly people still saw 400%.

Jay Campbell: Yeah. I think a lot of the research out there today proves the osteopenic population … Again, untrained, sedentary, elderly. When they do any form of strength training again that’s productive, which clearly you’re going to amplify them times 100, it’s insane the amount of lean skeletal mass they can put on in a short amount of time, really.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Like you said, these older people that feel like, “Oh, I should have started when I was younger.” No. You’re actually going to have better results now if you’re untrained, especially using your device.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

Jay Campbell: Incredible. Incredible how efficient the body really is. That God, dude. He’s a pretty smart guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Agreed. Agreed. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Assuming he’s a guy.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think the first thing we talked about, and there’s a reason I wanted that to be the first thing, was communicating with the central nervous system. You can create an environment. That’s the premise behind both of my inventions and my future inventions also, will be getting an absolute crystal clear signal that you can’t screw up because that’s the other thing. I’m designing everything so that-

Jay Campbell: Study proof. You’ve got to do that today, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s really important. I look at how people watch the training videos. They’ll watch the first five minutes-

Jay Campbell: And be done.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or the first video, it’s got a bunch of watches on it, but week two, week three, week four, nobody is watching them. So you guys are basically screwing this up, but it’s okay because the product is designed in a way where it’s not going to let you do something that’s going to be non-productive.

Jay Campbell: In the same vein as what you just said … It’s hilarious. I feel like I default to this every time I have a conversation with a subject matter expert. Technology has dumbed down the population. Again, just to that mean number. John, if you write a book now, it’s the same thing. I tell everybody who’s an aspiring author, it’s like if you write a book and it’s authoritative and it’s full of science and reference and all of these things, like you and I have done, no one even reads … Your fans don’t read past the first chapter. Those are statistical facts.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: So you better design a book that can be read in individual increments. Every chapter should be its own book. It’s incredible, dude. Then also I tell people straight up, and you know this, don’t even write a book. Make a video series. The brain is being changed. The dopaminergic and serotonin pathways are being changed that people want this, dude. That’s why you and I are doing this right now. This is how a lot of the younger people learn.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Jay Campbell: It’s mind-blowing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Completely. There’s two products I’m working on right now that were going to have a book component, and I completely scrapped that. It’s going to be videos, bullet points flying.

Jay Campbell: Yes, yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: How do you get the most amount of information, the most amount of learning in a shorter period of time? There’s a reason the brain favors that. It’s faster learning.

Jay Campbell: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: But at the same time, it’s a travesty that-

Jay Campbell: It is a travesty.

Dr. John Jaquish: -books are being printed for absolutely no reason.

Jay Campbell: Well, but there is something … I know you know this because you and I are cut from the same cloth and really from the same generation, but there is something to be said about learning through reading, highlighting, taking notes and then listening to the lecture, right? Now we’ve changed everything because I’ll argue this until I’m blue in the face. If everyone is genetically different, we’re all biochemically unique. Some people are different than others. There’s emotional worry versus intellect. The bottom line is that I don’t feel, John, that a person who listens to your book or my book on audio or watches one of our videos … I personally believe that they regurgitate every god damn thing in 24 hours because, John, you and I see the comments that come in. Because I have a heart … I know you do, too. I have a big heart and I want to respond and I want to help, but hey, if it’s basics that you and I have already written or provided a thousand times before, delete, ignore because again, what is the purpose of going into that vortex when they’re not willing to listen or learn at all?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: It’s scary.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Internet commenters. I try not to read comments on anything, but I just chewed somebody out for asking for medical advice from internet commenters.

Jay Campbell: Right. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was like, “Go to your doctor and ask your doctor this question. Not any doctor. Your doctor because your doctor knows your medical history.”

Jay Campbell: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: I won’t even say what it was about, but yeah. It was just like, “Please do not get medical advice from internet commenters.”

Jay Campbell: If people are not willing to do basic … One chapter in, one video in, which we both know that they’re not, then why would you and I answer their questions when we’ve already given them the answers that they’re not willing to actually pursue?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right.

Jay Campbell: You know this, right? I deal with this with my 11 and 9-year-old daughters. They ask questions to ask questions. They’re not seeking the answer. They want validation that you heard them ask the question.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: We’re in a different day and age, brother.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We have adult children around.

Jay Campbell: It’s unbelievable, man. Dude, I’ve had people send me emails and I respond to them and they’ll literally write back and they’ll be like, “Oh my god. You’re a real person. You actually responded to my question.” They don’t even talk about the answer. Again, it’s that validation-seeking. John, it’s all because of this, brother. It’s all because of this.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: “John Jaquish wrote me back.” Did I help you? Did John help you? They don’t even care.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. Yeah, they might not even get the answer.

Jay Campbell: John, I am so fascinated by this, dude. I’m just sitting here right now under my breath saying, “I’ve got to get off this podcast because I’ve got to talk to you off-air about getting your product.” So right now if people want to get your stuff, they want to engage with you, what’s the best way?

Dr. John Jaquish:

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Jay Campbell: Awesome. Are you selling it to just … Obviously individuals, but do you sell it in bulk? If a big company calls you and says, “John, we want to get these for all of our employers,” how does that work?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We have packages for crossfit gyms and regular gyms that are 10 at a time, but yeah. If somebody wants to order-

Jay Campbell: Dude, if I was freaking Hewlett-Packard or Apple or IBM or any of these people, I’d be ordering these for every single one of my employees.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. There’s already been some corporate sales.

Jay Campbell: I mean it would be stupid not to because we both know, dude, that building muscle … I always say this and then we’ll end it. It’s the greatest deterrent to disease, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: It is. Being strong and being lean are the two biggest determinants of long life.

Jay Campbell: 100%. We are so cut from the same cloth. I tell fat guys who want to start testosterone, who have super low levels or are class two hypogonadal, whatever, I’m like, “Look, dude. If you’re a fat MFer, testosterone is not going to help you at all. In fact, it’s going to create a massive cytokine response. As soon as you inject it or rub it on or however the delivery system you take it is …” Because your body is holding on to disease through visceral fat, right? Because it’s the most inflammatory substance in our bodies.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: People don’t get that. They’re like, “Oh, I get all these side effects. High estrogen. Blah, blah, blah.” No, dude. You have an inflammatory response because you’re fat.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: You’re right, dude. Lose body fat first and foremost, all the time. Buy John’s device. Build muscle. I mean shit, dude. If it’s as effective as you say it is … Again, I’m not just going by you. I’ve heard from other people that I trust.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Fat guys are going to lose fat just by training at the intensity designed by your device.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. There are guys who didn’t change their nutrition, that kept eating garbage, but because of the growth hormone effect that it had, they said, “I gained …” They go and do a DEXA. Some of them even bought the product to prove me wrong because they were like … They thought it was stupid, and then they came at me and they’re like, “I seriously wanted to create a nasty video calling you out, but I lost 20 pounds of body fat and put on 10 pounds of muscle.”

Jay Campbell: That’s amazing, bro. Congratulations, John. I’m really happy for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. They’re like, “I can’t understand why this is so effective,” but here’s one thing that does become instantly clear. The first set you do, you’re going to go, “Oh my god. I’ve never devastated a muscle like that.” Then you feel absolutely no soreness. Wake up with zero pain.

Jay Campbell: How heavy does it weigh? No issues traveling internationally? Pack it right in your suitcase?

Dr. John Jaquish: Check it. You’ve got to check it.

Jay Campbell: Well, yeah. Of course, but how much does it actually weigh?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like a nine-pound … It’s steel on the inside. It’s unlike an Olympic bar. It’s solid all the way through.

Jay Campbell: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re handling more loads than even-

Jay Campbell: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So it’s aluminum exterior. Anodized aluminum. Melted millions. It’s like an iPhone. The way the iPhone used to be. It’s gorgeous on the outside and then it’s solid steel on the inside.

Jay Campbell: Pre-Chinese technology.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Yeah.

Jay Campbell: Is it Chinese steel, John?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. No, it’s not. Actually, not only do I make it in America. All the parts are made in America, too.

Jay Campbell: Awesome.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. I’m a huge fan of the country and I’m not-

Jay Campbell: Me too, but imagine that, bro. There’s some of us left.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know what? I really want American manufacturing to come back, and it is. Other people feel the same way I do.

Jay Campbell: No, it is, bro.

Dr. John Jaquish: Trying to build more stuff here. Every single part on this thing. Now the latex, the layered latex, that’s obviously grown in latex trees and that comes from China.

Jay Campbell: Of course.

Dr. John Jaquish: They don’t do that in America.

Jay Campbell: One last question. A couple that trains together, because as you know, family that trains together, stays together. My wife and I train together. Do I need two devices or one?

Dr. John Jaquish: Literally do it together?

Jay Campbell: Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. Does she just swap? “Here. This is my set. Here’s your set.” Is it that simple to switch it up and up or is it from a-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, yeah. It takes two seconds to set it up from a deadlift to an overhead press to a squat to a chest press to a-

Jay Campbell: So if I’m doing chest press, she could literally just … I slide it off me and hand it to her and she does her set. Boom, boom, boom.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Jay Campbell: Wow, dude. You’re a fucking-

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean you’d swap out the bands, but-

Jay Campbell: That’s what I mean. Yeah, but it’s like how long is that going to take?

Dr. John Jaquish: A second. Like one second, man.

Jay Campbell: So I don’t need to buy two. I just need one if we’re training together.

Dr. John Jaquish: One.

Jay Campbell: Wow, dude. You’re a fucking genius, brother. Man, this has been amazing. Honestly, bro. You’re one of the best podcasts I’ve done. I do a lot of them.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Jay Campbell: I’m so glad that you and I could talk. Let me just stop this real quick and we can talk off the air. Thank you. That’s all I can say. For all of you guys here at TOT Revolution Podcast, for more information about John’s device, please go to Obviously I recommend highly to purchase it. I have not used it yet, full disclosure, but I’m intrigued beyond measure. Again, thank you guys for watching.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

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