January 4, 2018

Best Easy Diet Advice

Full Transcript

Lose weight by doing nothing

Okay, I’m gonna talk about one of the easiest things I’m ever going to advise anyone to do. It’s so easy you actually have to do nothing, which pretty much people are down for. Doing nothing is really easy. You can just keep sitting where you’re sitting right now.

So what it is, and I mention this in the nutrition aspects of the nutrition videos and the X3 Bar 12-week heavy resistance band workout program for X3 bar users, but I touch on it. And there’s been more research and more reporting on it recently. But it’s intermittent fasting—skipping meals.

Intermittent fasting

So why does it work? How does it work? Why do you want to do it? Is it going to destroy some tissues? Are you going to lose muscle? Are you going to go into starvation mode?

I hear that a lot from people in the fitness community through comments I see online. Almost all of those questions have a lot to do with myth as opposed to real science.

Why intermittent fasting works

When you fast, your growth hormone actually goes up. So arguably, fasting may be good for gaining muscle, which is counterintuitive. Because when I was young in high school and I was playing sports, the idea was that if you wanted to gain muscle you needed to be eating all the time.

Now that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense from an intestinal perspective. If you think about what your intestines do and how they process food, there are very few organs that you use all the time and never give a rest to.

Like, if I train my bicep all day, everyday—would it grow? No, it’s gonna grow when I rest. So if you never let your intestines rest, are they ever gonna recover? Are they gonna be functioning as great as they can? Are you gonna be absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients? Absolutely not.

So by fasting, you’re shutting down the intestines, giving the intestines time to recover. But also there’s a whole host of other things that happen: increasing your insulin sensitivity and less inflammation in the waist.

This means your waist goes down, and I don’t mean just body fat. I mean the actual volume of your intestines and stomach contracts so that you have less material in your midsection. And proportionately, it makes you look a whole lot better and feel a whole lot better because your intestines are truly recovering.

So this is fantastic if you’re gonna do one thing for your nutrition. If you listen to the sugar recommendations or if you’re a heavy meat eater or if you’re a vegan—it doesn’t matter. Intermittent fasting can work for you.

A simple plan with great results

It’s like skipping meals. Just go into an 18-hour fasting period where all you drink is like water and black coffee or maybe tea, zero calorie kinda things. Then you go into a period where you have two meals, something like that. That’s all I do.

I have one or two meals a day and I’m growing muscle. You guys who watched the videos, you could see I’m getting bigger and leaner over that X3 12-week muscle building program. I got a lot of messages. People are noticing.

I’m eating not necessarily less, but it’s all within a shorter period of time. So when I do have a meal, it’s definitely not a light calorie meal. But it’s in this tight window which gives me all the benefits I talked about: the growth hormone and the increased insulin sensitivity. And I’ve been getting exactly the results I want.

You CAN grow muscle and lose body fat simultaneously

Another myth that is common in fitness is that you can’t grow muscle and lose body fat at the same time. That’s false. That’s absolutely false from an endocrine standpoint.

Dr. Jason Fung is one of the leading fasting researchers and he’s been on multiple podcasts (he’s been on Dave Asprey’s podcast, three shows after me). He has shown that with the growth hormone and up regulation, combined with exercise, people can definitely lose body fat and grow muscle at the same time. Super exciting. And like I said, so easy.

Even the laziest person can do nothing, just skip a meal, and get better results accordingly.

So if you have any questions, leave them on our Facebook page. We look forward to answering more questions in the future. Thanks.

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