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By The Chief Life on August 14, 2019

Heal Osteoporosis, Get Jacked in 10 Mins a Day & The Carnivore Diet with Dr. John Jaquish

Heal Osteoporosis, Get Jacked in 10 Mins a Day & The Carnivore Diet with Dr. John Jaquish

Can you heal osteoporosis with carnivore diet? Let’s find out how. Dr. John Jaquish began his experience in life sciences after being told by his mother that she had been diagnosed with osteoporosis. John, in an effort to help his mother, created a device to place axial loading through bone to safely cause osteogenic loading events. The device was to trigger the effects of high-impact loading, but without the risk of injury.

With his product OsteoStrong, he was able to take his mother’s bone density from a 77-year-old to the density of a 30-year-old. He has since implemented this product worldwide and has continued to reverse osteoporosis with his invention.

After he’d designed a machine for bones. He decided it was time to turn his focus to the muscles. Through certain studies john has published he was able. To see a pattern a, which led him to design an easy to carry, banded gym system and training program called X3 Bar.

Dr John himself uses this program daily and increase his own muscle mass by 35 lbs in a year (close on 15 kg).

Dr John has followed a ketogenic diet for the past 12 years and more recently has transitioned to the carnivore diet. He gives us some great insights into the science and his reasons as to why he follows a strictly meat diet.

Full Transcript

Mathias Turner: Guys, welcome back to the G5 podcast, I’m Mathias Turner, and I’m joined today by Dr. John Jaquish. John, welcome, mate.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks for having me.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, I’m pretty excited for this one. We kind of connected online, and I’ve seen or heard some of your podcasts, and realistically you’ve got a really interesting background of where it’s taken you. It seems to always come from a bit of a pain point. Your pain point is that your mom became unwell, and you wanted to figure out how to help her. How to best serve her. I think if you could give us a little bit of a background, just into you, and how you stepped into this line, and then what happened with your mom and how that all came about.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I think of myself as one of the luckiest people in sports performance. The reason I think that is because the path of research and discovery that I went down led me some conclusions that others probably would never have come to. Just because of the order in which I came across certain things. One discovery led to another discovery led to another discovery. What happened was my mother was diagnosed with osteopetrosis. It was 14 years ago, now. She was very distraught about it. What do you say? She reads about the statistics, and she didn’t want to take the drugs because there’s side effects associated. She felt like she was too young to have that issue.

Mathias Turner: How old was she at the time?

Dr. John Jaquish: Let’s see, she was in her 70s. She was in her early 70s. Yeah, I mean she just didn’t want to deal with that. Very disappointing. She’s like, “Well, I can’t go for hikes anymore, and I can’t play tennis anymore, and I can’t do any gardening anymore, because if I break my hip, I could die.” Now, hip fracture mortality rate is similar to the mortality rate of breast cancer.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, it’s like one in two, isn’t it? Or 50% chance once you’ve had it, pretty much?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah, something like that. Yeah, but there was a study that compares the risk of death from breast cancer to the risk of death from hip fracture. One in three women are affected by fragility fractures, or bone fragility in their life. It’s a big deal. Now the deaths that result, it’s usually hip fracture, hospitalization, can’t recover, can’t move around, get pneumonia, and then that ends up being the life-ending thing, but these are all complications based on the fracture.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: My mom was devastated, and I said, “Look, I’m going to see if there’s such a thing as a group of outliers, as a group of people who have super-human bone density, and we’ll figure out how they did it.” Once I do that, maybe I can come up with something. Because ultimately, as I looked at bone loss, I said this is a disuse dysfunction. When somebody doesn’t exercise and they have small muscles, we don’t call that a disease, right? It’s just like okay, you need to exercise. The problem with mom was there was really no good way to do it. Past a certain age, what do you do for your bone? Kids build bone. I found out why when I found who the outliers were. The outliers were gymnasts, and it was because of the magnitude of force that they load the body with when they hit the ground. Sometimes they get 10 times their body weight through the hip joint. Nobody lifts weights with 10 times body weight. Anyway. Then the other thing was, as I made this discovery, and I made the joke with my mother, “Oh, you could become a gymanist,” in her 70s. She didn’t find that very funny, but I said what if I could create a medical device that loads the body in a way where you could get the benefit of high-impact forces, but not the risks of high-impact. And she said, “Well, that sounds interesting.” That’s exactly what I did. I created four fixtures that emulated the positions that humans naturally absorb impact, and then had my mother use this so that she could load the body, put force through the axis of bone. So this is the axis of the humerus bone, this is the axis, yeah, of my clavicle. You compress that bone end to end. Now, weight lifting won’t do this. I don’t care how heavy you’re lifting, because we know the most about the hip joint, because those are the most fractures that are associated with mortality. You need 4.2 multiples of body weight to do anything.

Mathias Turner: Oh wow. Not many weight lifters are even doing three times body weight. That’s a big accomplishment, if you even get two times.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, not many weight lifters doing it, let alone post-menopausal populations.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. So, it was clear that the standard fitness recommendation of just resistance exercise was lacking. I thought, okay, now that we have quantification of what that is, I’m going to launch this impact emulation device. Now, my mother’s bone loss … I mean she recovered. She went back to the bones of a 30-year-old in 18 months.

Mathias Turner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: She was better-

Mathias Turner: Eighteen months, that’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, she was better than anyone her age, really quickly.

Mathias Turner: You said that it doesn’t … Nothing happens until it’s at 4.2. What does your machine do?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, it allows people to go to … Just in the trial that we did in London Hospital, there were women who were using seven, eight, nine times their body weight through the lower extremities, through the hip joint. It just isolates a position a human would naturally absorb high-impact force. The movement may be two millimeters. Very tiny movement, but that movement is … The machine doesn’t move, it’s the bone that compresses.

Mathias Turner: How exactly does it work? Does it pretty much put a shock through the body, or through the person? How do you get the absorption without them going through something?

Dr. John Jaquish: It is all self-created force. In that way, your central nervous system is keeping you from injuring yourself.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because you have a process called neural inhibition, right? Can you squeeze a fist hard enough to break your own finger?

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t.

Mathias Turner: It’s not going to happen.

Dr. John Jaquish: Your central nervous system will stop you.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’ll just start shutting muscles off. People load in a slow and controlled manner, and then they stop being able to load at a certain point. Because muscles just shut off. That’s just the maximum tolerance. That’s also the stimulation point. Then, the next time they do it, the force gets higher and higher. It’s all computer-monitored. They’re looking at a computer screen that’s showing them exactly how much force they are creating.

Mathias Turner: How did your test go to come to create this machine? I feel like that would be quite a rigorous process.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was. Yeah. The way I describe it, it sounds like I came up with this in an afternoon. It was months of testing, testing, capturing data, looking at differences, grabbing people who didn’t have a confirmation bias like I did. Okay, you pushed last week your absolute hardest, right? They would say yes. Okay, now I want you to try and compress this bone your absolute maximum, and they would do it. Of course, the number just get blown away, and they’re like, huh, how is that possible? Yeah, well, there were some changes made by the body. That’s how that’s possible. Then we did pre and post DEXA scans, and I got a couple of physicians onboard to help me write a book. My book is Osteogenic Loading on Amazon. Yeah, it ended up being fantastic, filed for patents, and now we have more than 100 Osteo Strong locations in seven different countries, including Australia.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, we talked about this before, Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney is where they are in Australia.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mathias Turner: I mean realistically, you’re talking about the bones healing themselves really quite quickly. However it is a slower process than what muscle will inaudible is that correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes. Primary mineralization happens between 5 and 10 days.

Mathias Turner: Okay, so realistically, people would often think about well, I go to the gym, and I go to the gym daily, because that’s how I need to get recovery. When it comes to something like this, this isn’t something that should be used every single day, is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh no, once a week. Never more often than once a week.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, due to-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because of that primary mineralization. Think about you can go for a run and, as far as from a cardiovascular standpoint, let’s say you do something that doesn’t really tax joints and muscles like an elliptical, which is, by the way, a terrible exercise. Just for argument’s sake. You’re on an elliptical. You’re not really beating up on any particular part of the body. You’re just trying to tax cardiovascular system. Four hours later, you can go on another run, and your performance would not be-

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, so the metabolic rate of the heart and the lungs is very short. Four or five hours. We know from muscle biopsy research with strength training, muscle protein synthesis concludes in 36 hours.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, if you have damage when you lift, which people should not have damage when they lift, that is a myth, micro tears have nothing to do with growth. Yeah, that’s a common thing. It’s like yeah, you tear the muscle and it grows back stronger. No, untrue. That’s not how it works. You can tear the muscle and then you have to recover from that damage, and then growth can begin, maybe. That 36 hours is … That’s the metabolic rate of musculature. Bone just has a longer rate than that.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, so realistically, you shouldn’t be training the same muscle group within 36 hours of each other, is that correct?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. With my other product, which is more strength-focused, X3 workout bar system, we have everybody on a 48-hour cycle of hitting every body part every 48 hours.

Mathias Turner: Okay, so it’s a one protocol. One training session that hits everything. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s two workouts you do. You do workout one on Monday, and then Tuesday workout two, and then Wednesday repeat.

Mathias Turner: Wow. I mean of all the people using Osteo Strong, obviously you guys have been able to collect a whole heap of data since starting that. What sort of numbers are you getting in regards to … You said your mum was 74, I think, and she had the bones of a 30-year-old. How often are you seeing these numbers happen?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s pretty common. With the people who stick with it. Now, it is a physical medicine intervention, which is like using physical sciences and activity, like physiotherapy, as you would call it, physiotherapy in the United States to engage the body for a curative type protocol. Like looking to get the body to reverse a dysfunction. I don’t remember what your question was.

Mathias Turner: What sort of numbers have you seen since-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, right. Like with the physiotherapy, your commitment to the physiotherapy has a lot to do with your results. Somebody who skips half their sessions and doesn’t really try hard when they’re there, yeah, you know? Like some people have a knee replacement and they say, “I feel as good as a teenager,” and other people have a knee replacement, and they barely have any mobility at all.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: It really has to do with that-

Mathias Turner: The recovery.

Dr. John Jaquish: You get out of it what you put into it.

Mathias Turner: With that, if you do put in the hard stints, and you get your bones back to the 30-year-old bone structure, how long does it take before that is undone. I mean obviously someone who has osteopetrosis, are they more likely to degenerate faster than someone who doesn’t have that symptom.

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. There’s a study that looks at individuals who, through very high forces, increase their bone density, like high-impact type athletics. It shows that you keep the gains of bone for 30 years.

Mathias Turner: Excellent. Unreal. That’s really incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, not like weight lifting. That goes away right away.

Mathias Turner: No, definitely. I mean there’s a lot of injury that comes within sports within the gym. Weight lifting and stuff like that. Something I didn’t really talk to you about beforehand, but I do teach. I do a bit of weight lifting, a fair bit of Cross Fit style stuff, and we do see injuries. It just happens in the sports.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course.

Mathias Turner: When it comes to something like this, is this a benefit to this population. Obviously having stronger and more dense bones is always going to be more favorable. Like being stronger is more favorable.

Dr. John Jaquish: Of course, I would say to anyone who’s serious about … Especially if they want to compete. Like one of the issues I see, one of the challenges with Cross Fit is a lot of the measurements of progress are physical outputs. At times, when people get tired, they start to break form. Because they want to get a greater physical output. They want to be able to see progress. That’s where they injure. I have a different philosophy on what I would want out of the human body, and how I would want to track that progress, which kind of goes more into X3 Bar resistance band training system, but at the same time, to answer your question specifically, like if a Cross Fit competitor is like I want to run the Cross Fit games, you ought to do Osteo Strong to prehab yourself. That one moment where you may break form, or a weight may slip out of your hand, and you have to compensate, and you’re going to awkwardly load something, you don’t cause a tear or a fracture or a tendinous or ligamentous injury. There are Cross Fit athletes who use Osteo Strong in this manner.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, and so what is your background? For those who aren’t watching, Dr. John is jacked. You’re a big boy. Is it body building? Is it power lifting?

Dr. John Jaquish: No. No. I have zero … I play rugby. Yeah, that was my athletic background. You saw me when I was playing rugby in undergrad. I think I weighed like 160 pounds or something like that. Skinny guy. I was an outside center. I was fast. Yeah.

Mathias Turner: Okay, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That, for Americans listening, that’s more like a wide receiver type position. Like speed. I was always very quick. I was small. Like I was one of the smaller guys on the field, but weight lifting really never did much for me. Even though, now, I’m much bigger, it had to do with what I discovered in the process. It was why I started. It was the order in which I came to my various discoveries. After coming up with Osteo Strong and launching that technology, I started looking at growth factors and different things that affected growth factors. I published a meta analysis on growth hormone up regulation and stabilization firing. This is part of the reason why a lot of Cross Fitters don’t do a whole lot of cardio, but they can get very lean. Because they’re stabilizing themselves with weight. You stand on one foot, and yeah, you need to stabilize yourself, but it’s not really aggressive activation of stabilization musculature. There’s not that much of an effect. If you add weight to that, especially heavy weight, then you get a massive up regulation in growth hormones. I started looking at this, and then at the same time, when we did that trial in London, I was looking at the loading that was going through this post-menopausal population. I compared it to what the American College of Sports Medicine keeps as the standard loading of what people do in a gym. It turns out I had the data that actually quantified the differences between impact-ready range of motion, and weakest range of motion. It was seven-fold different.

Mathias Turner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Once you realize you’re seven times more powerful in that impact-ready range, that really means weight lifting, in general, is not really very efficient.

Mathias Turner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because if you think about a sprinter, a sprinter uses seven degrees of fluxion behind the knee. Yeah, 180 degrees is available. Why doesn’t the sprinter use all 180? Because it’s inefficient. Sprinting is one of the most functional things we do. Functional training is heavily abused term. Ultimately, like a muscle shortens that dysfunction, so there we go. You can call anything functional training, but- We don’t need a lot of training to run quick. If you scare a little kid, you don’t need to do sprint training with them. He knows how to run fast, right?

Mathias Turner: He takes off, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, he run away. The weight, even with a little kid, the weight will become biased on the balls of the feet, the second he picks up speed. Whereas we flat-foot run, when we’re running at a jogging pace or slower pace, but you have a completely different stance when you’re going to speed. I did this research, and then when I looked at the differences with loading, I thought wow, we should not be training with weights, or if we are training with weights, we do it from a competition standpoint. Like with Cross Fit. But if we want to get stronger, that may not be the same approach. The strength contest in the strength training may be something completely different. That was what brought me to X3 resistance bands system. I created a world’s most powerful variable resistance device so we could load the body in accordance with biomechanical capabilities. You have a low-level of load where the joint is most likely injured. You have a normal level of load a few inches further than that, in a given movement, and then once you get to the more powerful ranges of motion, you have more load than you could ever even put on a bar in the gym. This is going to take the muscle to a greater level of fatigue, and then a greater level of fatigue will yield more growth. There’s people who get X3 Bar resistance band bar system, and 6 months later, they put on 20 pounds of muscle. There’s lots of … In fact, there’s users group on Facebook where 20 pounds of muscle is like that’s fairly common with the people who really engage and do it right.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Mathias Turner: That’s great. Just from doing the two workouts, you’re recommending, or from-

Dr. John Jaquish: No, no, not Osteo Strong, this is just X3 portable gym.

Mathias Turner: Okay, got you, yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s kind of a different market.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, no, because you said with the X3 Bar resistance band training system that you’ve got the two exercise … Sorry, two workouts you have just on rotation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, right. Yeah. That’s right.

Mathias Turner: Is that the same thing?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it hits all bodies, though. Four movements one day, four movements the next day. You can only …

Mathias Turner: These are the people that are seeing the gains?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it exhausts you so quickly, you can only do one set per exercise.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: The workout is only 10 minutes. You can’t make it last longer than that.

Mathias Turner: Let’s explain the X3 Bar a little bit more for the listeners. I’ll let you explain it, because I’ll butcher it for sure.

Dr. John Jaquish: I was looking forward to that. I was looking forward … I like hearing other people explain it, because then I can go, okay, maybe I’m doing a good job explaining something, and then I hear something else. I’m like I’m obviously doing a terrible job explaining something else.

Mathias Turner: I can go for it if you want, but I think you’ll do a better variation.

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay, since you asked, yes. Loading the body … First, when I looked at variable resistance capabilities, I thought okay, maybe band training is the way to go. Because we’ve had variable resistance training before where people added bands on the end of weights and things like that. When you do that, you have, let’s say, in a bench press, you have X amount of weight on your chest. Then, at extension, you have 1.2X, right? What I looked at was the actual real force curves, not an arbitrary force curve like the X versus 1.2, and then also, there’s a steep curve to it. Nearing the impact radial range, it spikes up like a hockey stick. What I needed to do was come up with something that’s not quiet linear, more of an S curve, but could fit underneath that, so we could do repetitions with it, and then be able to use more muscular tissue in the stronger range, and truly fatigue the stronger range. You can’t do that with a weight. I mean not really. There’s some people who do some sloppy dangerous stuff and think they’re doing it, but not really. You always get some argument of … I see a video, somebody will post a video, well, I can do it like this. It’s like did you get that off of gym That’s a terrible idea.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, so what we can do is fatigue in accordance to our biomechanical capability. In that way, it just so much more efficient. All I needed to do was create the world’s most powerful bands, with latex, not molded rubber. Most of the bands out there are petroleum, and every time you use them, they stretch out. You think you’re getting stronger, but really the bands are getting longer. They’re real cheap. Someone finds a $10.00 band, it’s like, yeah, right, it’s made of garbage and you’re going to use that 10 times and throw it away. The latex does not wear like that. They don’t last. I’m told by the factory and all the testing that they’ve done, their latex will last nine years, minimum. Then, I created this set of banding that was more powerful than anything anybody had every used before. Then, with this powerful banding, if you took an X3 Bar resistance band bar system band and put it around your hands, and tried to do a … And threw it around your back, and then tried to do a push up with it, you may injure or even break your wrists, because it’ll twist your wrists. As soon as we start playing with it, it’s like all right, now we need an Olympic bar that manages the load. Because our hands and our feet interface with flat surfaces very well. They do not interface with round surfaces well at all. Especially with a dead lifter. Somebody steps on a band and puts 300 pounds, laterally, through their ankle, you can break your ankle.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely. I mean realistically, it’s a board that has these hooks and bits and pieces that can attach your bands to. Then, you do-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s an Olympic bar, and then a second ground. There’s a channel in that plate that you stand out, the band can flex and move underneath. Underneath your feet, and then it’s suspended so it’s not rubbing against the ground. Then you can stretch the band and deliver force in the right places. There’s a whole protocol, and a whole series of training videos. Setting it up takes minutes, I don’t know seconds, maybe. Like I can, in 10 seconds, take it out of my bag and get in the chest press position. When I do a chest press, I sue 500 pounds at just short of the top. You never lock out. Nobody should ever actually lock out, I mean unless they’re in a competition where they have to lock out. The top, I’ll use … Actually, because of my height, there’s an app that comes along with it. You enter your height, and it’ll tell you, with each band, what the maximum forces are in each movement. For the chest press, it’s 540 pounds for me at the top. Which sounds like a hell of a chest press right? Of course, it’s only delivering that 540 pounds when I’m just at that 120 degree angle of inclusion. My arms are almost extended, but not fully extended. Then I go, let’s say, 30 repetitions, and then I can’t do it anymore. Then I only do half repetitions, and that may only be 300 pounds. Like 130 kilos. Then, I do a few of those, and I can’t do that anymore. Now I’ve fatigued the muscle almost fully, and my last few repetitions are just a few centimeters at the bottom. I’ve fatigued complete, every range of motion, in accordance with its capability in that range of motion, totally devastating the muscle, but there’s also no soreness, because there’s no joint damage. There’s no joint damage. People think soreness is from lactic acid. You can’t feel lactic acid. Soreness is from joint damage, or micro tears in the muscle, which have nothing to do with growth. Soreness and growth have zero relationship. It doesn’t mean you won’t ever be sore your first time riding a bike after a cold winter. Yeah, your legs are going to be sore, but that doesn’t mean you got a great workout. That’s irrelevant. You just have to get through that period where your body’s acclimating to that. Also, that was part of the whole muscle confusion theory thing, which has been disproven. There’s no such thing as muscle confusion.

Mathias Turner: That’s so interesting. I’ve come into … Like I’ve done a fair bit of power lifting stuff, and we do, do a lot of chain work and band work, because the resistance, and it’s great. I actually saw a big improvement in my lifts when I did transition to that. What I’d love to see is the difference from using the shitty bands that you’re talking about, because they do, they break all the time. They snap.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh yeah.

Mathias Turner: I’d love to see the difference between doing something like that, compared to doing something like the X3 Bar.

Dr. John Jaquish: The X3 portable gym, yeah.

Mathias Turner: For you, have you ever gone and jumped on a regular bench press, to see what your numbers are like, and test it and go on back and test it again, to see if there’s been much of an increase?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, in the first year, I think, I wasn’t in particularly good shape, when I started. If you saw me at the beach with my shirt off, you’d say, “Yeah, that guy probably works out,” but at the end of that year, I put on 30 pounds of muscle. The end of that year was like wow. People were stopping me on the street.

Mathias Turner: Big difference, right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and I lost a bunch of body fat. In two years, I ended up putting on another 15, so 45 pounds of muscle gain, 16 pounds of body fat lost. I looked like a completely different person now. Just in the first year, I went from being able to do 11 pull ups, now … Not tipping pull-ups, or jerky, jumping off the ground pull ups.

Mathias Turner: No, just regular, straight-

Dr. John Jaquish: Like, slow and controlled, one, two, like that. That kind of cadence. I could do 11. Then at the end of the year, I was doing 35.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I didn’t do any pull ups in between. That was just test to test. Now, I would never do a heavy bench press. It’s just not … The risk to reward ratio is not there. I wouldn’t do it.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m also trying to prove a point. I don’t want anyone to say the one time I bench pressed, that’s where all my muscles came from.

Mathias Turner: That’s where your bands came from.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, because I think the people who have trouble absorbing a new type message, it’s pretty industry disruptive, what I’m saying. You something new, and a lot of people don’t take the time to understand. Or, I’m kind of looking to Jordan Peterson here. He’s pointed out a lot of people actually lack the intelligence to be able to understand any new concept. I’m not … Like this is a significant portion of the population. Even the concepts that they do believe in, they believe in because they see it work. They know a wheel needs to be round to roll, but do they really understand that. Maybe not. It’s difficult when you’re trying to tell somebody that everything they’ve been told may actually have a better approach.

Mathias Turner: Now, I mean obviously form is still a thing, you still need to make sure you’re moving correctly. It’s still a bit part of it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, there’s a movement pattern to everything. Absolute efficiency, slow and controlled, no jerky, type movements.

Mathias Turner: Is there X3 Bar resistance band training system coaches available at all? Or is it all just online through the app, and can you film yourself and send it in, and say, “Hey, am I doing this right?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: You can film yourself and put it on the forum. There’s probably 150 helpful people that are always on there that will help critique. Then, there is videos to the app.

Mathias Turner: Excellent. Cool. Something with you personally, did your diet change much over that year, from putting on the extra 30 pounds?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. I’ve been ketogenic for 13 years. I read Body Opus 13 years ago, which is not a very good book. It’s really like 25 things you should probably never do. You’ve heard about inaudible?

Mathias Turner: I have, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s just like the guy … I was told it was about getting performance advantages. Really, it’s about cheating at sports. The one thing that was in there that I … Because I read everything, and I was fascinated. Just taking handfuls of ephedrine and sudafed before you sprint. I’m like that’s a cardiac disaster. Why would you do that?

Mathias Turner: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re working out to be healthy. Not to induce … Not to induce some cardiac issue. I read this while book, and the one thing that was in there was ketogenic nutrition. I thought okay, I’ll actually try this. I got leaner. I got stronger. My focus was better. I was a big fan of that. I was still eating a lot of vegetables. I stuck with my same nutrition for the first year of my X3 workout bar system training. Then, the second year, I switched to carnivore. Yeah, November 2017 was the last time I had anything other than meat.

Mathias Turner: Wow. There’ve been no little slip ups there with the meat side of things? All meat? No-

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, you know, if I get a piece of steak and it’s got some chimichurri sauce on it and I get like five grams of carbohydrates, eh. I’m not going to cry about it. Basically, nothing. You don’t even get knocked out of ketosis. The argument is like is it 70 grams? Is it 50 grams? Is it 40 grams? I don’t know. I’ve not had a day where I had more than 40 grams. Here’s another thing. In America, especially in the south, ribs are a big thing. Like pork spare ribs. When you go to Tennessee. One of the best things you’ve ever eaten. There’s sugar in that sauce they put on those ribs. Eh. I mean. I try and take a napkin and wipe most of that stuff off. You get a little bit, and it’s like … it’s not affecting anything.

Mathias Turner: For you, how much meat are you eating in a day?

Dr. John Jaquish: Great question. Because I weigh 100 kilos, 220 pounds, I’ll try and get a gram per pound of body weight, or 1.2 grams per kilogram. Almost like a pound and a quarter. Or, I’m sorry, two pounds and a quarter. Yeah, that much.

Mathias Turner: That’s all you consume in a day, there’s no extras. Like what are you having drink-wise and things like that? Is there anything else that could potentially gib to it. The reason i ask is that I know there’s listeners that would be like, “Oh great, I’ll just go and do that,” and they’ll go and consume other things that will take them out of that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, well, like what’s killing people? Is it sugar? Or is it sugar and fat together?

Mathias Turner: Yeah, generally sugar and fat.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s the sugar and fat together.

Mathias Turner: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Cholesterol is not what people thought it was. Cholesterol is a fat transporter. If you fast for 48 hours, your low-density lipoprotein goes up, the bad cholesterol goes up when you have nothing to eat for 48 hours. It’s because your body’s metabolizing your own body fat. Saying there’s such a thing as bad cholesterol is just incorrect. Because if it is bad for you, and you want to keep that down, that’s like saying weight loss is bad for you. Right?

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s just irresponsible and ignorant. It was ignorant when those studies came out, in the early 1960s. We know more now. It’s not something to be concerned with. But, you have high fats, and you throw a bunch of sugar on top of that, then that becomes a problem. But, I’m just not having an … Hardly any sugar anyway.

Mathias Turner: How about fats? Do you have much extra fats, like healthy fats at all?

Dr. John Jaquish: Nothing I add in, just in the meats.

Mathias Turner: Just in the meats, that’s it, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, my program is pretty much the same as Dr. Sean Baker. You follow him?

Mathias Turner: Yeah, okay. Cool. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just meat. That’s it. I don’t really … I don’t do organ meats unless somebody happens, in the ground beef, throw a liver in there. Not that I would even know.

Mathias Turner: Right, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I don’t … It doesn’t matter.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It also, proportionately, a steer weighs 500 pounds, and has a two-pound liver. If we’re to eat liver in proportion to … I should probably have some liver like once a year, because how long would it take me to get through a 500 pound cow?

Mathias Turner: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s just so-

Mathias Turner: That’s funny, I never thought of it like that. That’s an interesting way.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think I might be a … Baker and I, I think, are the only ones saying that. He said it first, though. I’ll give him credit. Yeah, if you just look … Because you hear people going off on this tangent about organ meats, and they’re certainly not bad for you, and yes there are a lot of vitamins and minerals. Here’s a statistic that will blow your mind. Your listeners will love this one.

Mathias Turner: Good, hit me.

Dr. John Jaquish: By the way, your opening notes, you’ve got to talk about everything that we talk about, not just bone density, because I don’t want anybody to stop listening because it’s just about bone density. I want you to take a guess. How many calories you would need, if all you were to eat is whole foods. Just vegetables, fruits, meats. Like no supplements, no powders, no dehydrated stuff. You just eat whole foods. How many calories, on average, would it take for you to get to your recommended daily intakes of vitamins, as ascribed by the American Medical Association. Just take a guess.

Mathias Turner: For a male or female? Or it doesn’t matter? Say 2,200.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re the same.

Mathias Turner: Twenty-two hundred calories.

Dr. John Jaquish: Twenty-two hundred? Twenty-seven thousand.

Mathias Turner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Per day. Clearly, the vitamin recommendations are irrelevant.

Mathias Turner: Ridiculous.

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re stupid. Yeah. When somebody says, “Well you’re only eating meat, what about this vitamin, that vitamin,” I’m like, “Well, I don’t care.” Because it sounds an awful lot like those recommendations were written to sell vitamins. Because no one ever ate 27,000 calories. I mean no human did. Maybe an elephant does. The American Medical Association is not tracking the health of elephants. I didn’t care about that, and then when you look at some of the anthropological studies, the species … Not species, the populations that would thrive are the ones that were meat-based.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s just the direction I went. Also, I think we need to stop, as a society, thinking that you need to source food from every continent on earth to be healthy. Because we’re all here for a reason. It’s because our ancestors were thriving. They didn’t get anything from anywhere other than like the field behind them. We need to chill out on the whole I need to have nut butters from India, and then I need to have my imitation milk from inland China, and I need to have something else from Australia, and I need to have my salt from the Himalayan. Yeah, okay, no you don’t. You don’t need any of that.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely. It’s very interesting. It’s very interesting. I’m really getting into the hunting and gathering side of things a bit more, and it’s crazy to see what you can actually get just in your backyard. Really, there’s so many weeds and herbs and stuff we can eat here in Australia that we’ve been told for so long is so bad. You just need to spray them with weed kill. But it’s like no, really, there’s actually so much you could get just from your backyard if you wanted to.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Yeah, I’m sure you’ve eaten kangaroo, right?

Mathias Turner: Definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: They eat all that stuff. They concentrate those vitamins, and then you go eat the kangaroo, and you got them all.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: I ate kangaroo the other day. I was in Sydney a couple months ago.

Mathias Turner: What did you think of it?

Dr. John Jaquish: I got to hang out with Pete Evans. It was great. I love Australia. Kangaroo meat is a little tough, but … It’s a little tough.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: However, it’s wild. I think one of the Americans that was there was like, “Is this grass-fed.” They looked at the guy like, “You know we don’t farm those things, right? They’re a menace.” They’re awful. They jump in front of cars and kill people all the time.

Mathias Turner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, trying to keep the population controlled, and that’s where the kangaroo meat comes from. Tons of vitamins in kangaroo meat. Yeah, and the ones you need. Just focus on that.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, it’s incredible. You actually sparked my mind a little bit around bone density, and something went off and told us we had to have a high amount of calcium, and then we’re commonly pushed towards the dairy factor, of if you need to get … You need to get dairy in, because that’s going to give you your daily calcium. It’s actually something that we don’t push a lot of, the fact that we find a lot that dairy is quite inflammatory to a lot of different people. Like lactose in particular. Once they’ve pasteurized and homogenized it, they take away from the lactaids from the milk, so a lot of people-

Dr. John Jaquish: How about casein?

Mathias Turner: Yeah, casein.

Dr. John Jaquish: I have a casein allergy. I can’t drink milk without just coughing and that kind of thing. Horrible.

Mathias Turner: Yeah. I mean something that we often steer people away from, or we try to, is just that so many people love dairy. They love milk. They love cheese. They love anything that comes from a cow. The first thing is, is the dairy, is to grow small mammals into big mammals. A lot of time we’ll get these people who are trying to lose weight, and they’ll say, “Hey, I just want to add my cheese back in,” and it’s like you could, but also it’s not going to be that favorable for your weight loss. On a bone density side of thing, and actually the calcium side of things, can we talk a little bit more about dairy and what you’ve found through studies?

Dr. John Jaquish: Calcium is the only mineral that your body will self-regulate. Magnesium or zinc, they’re in your system, if you eat magnesium or zinc, and if you don’t, they’re not there. The less calcium you take in, the more your body hangs onto it. When bone density starts going down, people start taking calcium, thinking oh, I’ll replace what my body’s losing. But because it’s in such abundance, you start losing your bone density faster. Because the body’s like, “Oh, we got calcium everywhere, so we don’t even need to hold this stuff in the bone.”

Mathias Turner: Crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: It finds a new homeostasis, and that homeostasis is being inundated with calcium. Is calcium supplementation important? I would say not really. It’s hard for me to say that because I’m really going against convention. There’s a lot of business in telling people they need to have calcium and vitamin D, because there’s a lot of very expensive supplements that revolve around this. Even pharmaceutical companies that have gone into supplement business. Calcium and vitamin D. Your body makes its own vitamin D. It’ll hang onto calcium if you give it a reason to. That reason would be osteogenic loading. Here, this is … Your listeners are going to totally understand this. You look at the weight lifter. The weight lifter lifts weights, and then has extra protein in the diet to build muscle. Everybody gets that. Even little old ladies get that. I say this to … sometimes I’ll speak in front of 1,000 older … The older population, when they’re just in an Osteo Strong event or something like that. I say okay, so we all understand the weight lifter, and everybody nods. Yeah, the weight lifter. Okay. Imagine if they just had the protein, and they stopped lifting weights. Would they build any muscle? You know, they all kind of go, “No. Not at all.” Right. So, why would you expect to absorb minerals in your bone if you’re not stimulating the bone? When protein would not get absorbed in muscle if you’re not stimulating the muscle? It’s the same thing. I would say it’s the force that’s going to make the biggest amount of difference. One thing in the clinical data that we have, which is just a few … They’re smaller studies when compared to pharmaceutical studies, but they’re of appropriate size when looking at physical medicine type research. When we look at what happened to these individuals, I made sure that the researchers put in the exclusionary criteria, if they were taking bone density supplements. Everybody that was studied was taking nothing. No supplements, no medications, nothing. They were eating a standard … It was done in London, so standard, western-ish diet. Right, and so that’s not particularly calcium-heavy. They all gained bone density.

Mathias Turner: That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Where’d the bone density come from? Well, the calcium they were taking in the body is like oh, we need this, and we’re going to hang onto it.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, it’s very interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that weight lifter analogy is like absolutely perfect. Because everybody gets that.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, I really get that. That’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mathias Turner: I mean we’ve touched on a lot, but something we haven’t really talked about is, obviously, with the Osteo Strong, they have to go to an Osteo Strong place to be able to use these machines. Whereas for you X3 variable resistance exercise system, that’s something they can have in the house, and they’ve got their app, they’ve got their X3 Bar resistance band bar system setup, they can take it anywhere. Where can they get an X3 Bar resistance band training system from?

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, do most of your listeners live in Australia? Or are they all over the world?

Mathias Turner: They’re all over, but Australia is probably 75 percent of it. Then we’ve got people in States and Europe. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: For Australians, I would say contact Osteo Strong in Australia. Call the Melbourne or … You guys pronounce that a little bit differently than an American would.

Mathias Turner: It’s just a little bit more slow.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like if I pronounce it the Australian way, everyone’s just like, “You’re such a … Don’t do that.”

Mathias Turner: We got most … Most Americans come over, and they’re like Mel-born? Is it Mel-born?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, right, right.

Mathias Turner: Whereas we … Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, most of everything in your country, and in my country came from the British. Customs, laws, things like that. We have, in the United Kingdom, in Northern England, there’s a city called Birmingham. Then, in United States, it’s Birmingham. It’s like, well, somebody … An American goes and says, “I want to go to Birmingham.” Of course, the Englishman is just like, “What an idiot.” It’s just that’s the way we say it. Sorry.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, it’s fine.

Dr. John Jaquish: You notice I didn’t say “Mel-born” it’s Melbourne

Mathias Turner: Yeah, you did a very good effort.

Dr. John Jaquish: I try to come right in the middle.

Mathias Turner: You did well, Melbourne is the best place to get in contact with Osteo Strong for the X3 resistance bands system?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, if you want X3 Bar portable home gym in Australia. For anyone else in the world, just buy it off It’s the cheapest home gym you’ll ever have. It has double or triple the capacity of most home fitness-type products, because based on the biomechanics, you need it. Because the way it delivers force, and it will trigger growth so quickly. Yesterday, a video of Tom Brady came out using it. I don’t know if you know … You know who Tom Brady is?

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, okay, good.

Mathias Turner: He’s well talked about here, as well.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Mathias Turner: That’s insane. That’s a good little part for you to have. Definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. For sure.

Mathias Turner: What movements are the people doing on the X3 Bar resistance band bar system? Squat, dead lift, press, pull?

Dr. John Jaquish: The standard program probably looks more like a body builder’s program. When I was on the Ben Greenfield podcast, he was like okay, I understand the dead lift, and I understand the squat, and the overhead press. All great. Activating the whole body. It all works together. Very in tune with Cross Fit. Very in tune with the trends in exercise. Then he’s like, “You also do calf raises and bicep curls. Single joint movements. Why would you do that?” I think he thought he was really going to throw me off by saying this, and I said, “Oh, vanity. Chicks dig guys with big arms.” There’s a long pause, and he says, “I got nothing. I thought you were going to come up with some scientific answer to why you would want to do bicep curls.” No, there’s no scientific answer to bicep curls. Just girls like guys with big arms. Some girls want big arms. I guess. Yeah.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: If they want to. Now, I would say, if they don’t, stick to the bent row, which is a multi-joint movement, and don’t do the bicep curl. You can definitely skip one of the movements. My calves look like somebody glued a rib eye on the back of each one of them. The single joint movements still work, but I wanted calves like that. I’m pretty happy with it.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, they’re awesome. Just hard and covered in veins. It’s bad ass.

Mathias Turner: Have you seen that people have used it and not been able to … Like it’s been too heavy for them with the bands that you’ve got? Or is it … For instance, a little old lady who’s come across and used the X3 Bar and said, “Hey, it’s actually too hard for me to use”?

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s a recommended lower band. The one that ships with it is … It comes with four standard, and then there’s a fifth optional that’s called the elite band, which is for really strong people. Most people won’t need the elite band, at least right away. People get strong very quickly, and then they do need it. I would say that if somebody needs a lighter one, like we recommend where to find that. That may be two percent of the people who get it.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely. It almost sounds too good to be true. There’s so many people who don’t like going to the gym. So many people who don’t like stepping outside the comfort of their own home. Realistically, this is something where you do still have to put in effort. We don’t want to pull the wool across anyone’s eyes, and I don’t think you ever have, but it’s like you guys still need to get in. You still need to do it. It’s only 10 minutes every other day. Still, you have to put in the effort. You have to do the work.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s 10 minutes every day, you just split the body two ways.

Mathias Turner: Okay, ah, got you. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Dr. Baker has some great comments about the difficulty of what I call diminishing range fatigue. First the mid-fatigue is strong, and then the mid, and that’s how all the sets go, and that’s how all the videos instruct you to do it. He said a lot of people who have been accustomed to lifting weights give up early. It’s a level of fatigue that nobody’s used to. He says, “I understand why you only do one set, because you cannot do another one.” It’s not an easy workout, but it’s quick. I find that the vast majority of people, the reason they don’t work out is not because they’re lazy. It’s because they just don’t have time. Or you have a little kid running around your house, and you have to make sure … Kids are like suicide machines. They’re trying to put a fork in a light socket or whatever. You got to watch them all the time. This is something where you can have the kid be occupied with a toy or something like that, and you can do a set, and be right, two meters away from your kid. Right in the living room. You’re not going to drop any weights, because there aren’t any. It ends up being very safe.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, that’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, it’s a big opportunity. Also, the time, somebody says you can’t get a workout in 10 minutes. Yeah, you can, if you fatigue in accordance to your biomechanics. Just nobody’s experienced that before, until you use this product. Then, of course, the growth is … Especially if you want to get bigger and leaner, this is just the ultimate, because it’s stimulating the body to a degree you’re just not getting. After turning 40 years old, I put on 45 pounds of muscle.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, which is unheard of in a lot of people, right? Oh, once you’re 40 you don’t have the testosterone to put on size anymore. It’s the typical thing that gets said. That’s incredible.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even people … Now, I do have a prescription for testosterone replacement therapy. But testosterone, it’s so funny, internet commenters don’t understand the word replacement. You’re replacing something that should be there. Ultimately, somebody with testosterone replacement, they’re not given anything that’s going to turn them into body builders, otherwise 18 year olds would all look like body builders, right? They look like twigs. Or they’re obese. Usually it’s one of the two. Right? I mean with rare exception. The testosterone is not the issue. In fact, I’ve had TRT since I was 28 years old. Yeah, up until the time I was 40, it didn’t do anything for me. Then, I had a great effect after the superior exercise stimulus with X3 Bar resistance band training system.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, that’s unreal. All right, well I think that’s a pretty good place to wrap. Dr. John, thank you very much. It’s been very cool.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

Mathias Turner: Yeah. I’m excited to see what listeners think, and what X3 Bar exercise band bar system can do in the near future. I think it’s going to be really quite, I don’t know, almost revolutionary to what we’ve previously had, and what we see in the room. Yeah, that’s awesome.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I think it’ll add to the Cross Fit population, too. Because pl who do this to grow, and then go compete, they’re going to have such an advantage.

Mathias Turner: Yeah, definitely. I think it’s good for the workplace, it’s good for the home. It’s good for any extra gym space. Really, if you’re doing accessories in the gym, it would be perfect for that as well, if not your actual main supplement. Like your main thing that you’re doing.

Dr. John Jaquish: This will blow your mind. One-third of our customers, right about one-third, a couple months later, they buy a second one. We email them, “Was this a mistake?” They go, “No, I want to keep one at the office and one at home.”

Mathias Turner: That’s unreal.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s no way I’m missing my workout.

Mathias Turner: Yeah. That’s incredible. I mean for 10 minutes a day, that is so simple.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep.

Mathias Turner: That’s unreal. Well, thank you very much. Where can people find you? Where can they follow along?

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s Dr. John Jaquish on … And my last name is spelled J A Q U I S H on Facebook. There’s also the X3 workout bar system Facebook page, and then on Instagram it’s@drjaquish .

Mathias Turner: Unreal. That’s really cool. Awesome. Thank you so much for the chat, mate. It’s been really cool. It’s been really insightful thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Awesome.

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